Nowhere Boys (2013) s03e03 Episode Script

We Are Not Alone

1 What is going on? It's like everyone has just disappeared.
It can't only be us.
There has to be others.
We are gonna find them, starting with Rochford.
My bag, it's gone! You know what this means, right? Yeah, we're not alone.
Someone sabotaged us.
That is not a garden-variety storm.
- It's too strong! - Luke, come on! - Grab my hand! - Grab my hand! Grab my hand! Run, run! You guys all saw that, right? Okay.
You ready? [MUSIC PLAYS.]
You Can't bring me down You Won't beat us, take our ground - No, you - Oh, sorry! - Oh, no! - Sorry! You were supposed to go behind me! No, you were supposed to go behind me! [LAUGHS.]
No! Maybe we could make, like, a bloopers reel.
No need.
It's nothing but bloopers.
Hey, Nicco! It's five o'clock! - Oh, I totally forgot.
- What? Um, sorry, Jessie.
I'm trying out for that football club today.
- We're supposed to be there at 5:30.
- One more take.
We've nearly got it.
- Come on! - I can't.
I'm late.
Well, what about tomorrow? I have maths tutoring, and then the day after I have piano.
- Nicco! - Um, you should totally do a solo.
Show me at school tomorrow.
All right, wish me luck! Bye! Wish me luck.
Well, you see, the whole point of this is we're sharing everything.
Pooling our resources.
(HEATH) You know, you could go down to the shop and get your own marshmallows and chocolate.
Unless you're [CLUCKS.]
It's fine.
You know, who even eats chilli and lime corn chips anyway? Jesse! Want some breakfast? I'll pass.
I'm going to break out just looking at that stuff.
Hang on.
Where are you going? I'm going to the toilet.
Do I need a note or something? No.
It's just that the Luke thinks it's dangerous, you know? Aliens! Are you serious? That spooky stuff we saw yesterday! If you knew anything about alien abductions, you'd see there's a pattern here.
So, is that why Nicco's in the corridor playing football? [COUGHS.]
Scared! You could tell Heath's not scared by the way he wasn't freaked at all yesterday.
- That's 'cause I wasn't.
- Right.
Aliens or not, when nature calls, Jesse answers, even if there's no running water.
I thought you'd be feeling pretty seedy after all that rubbish - you ate yesterday.
- Excuse me? Boys' toilets.
Yeah, I've noticed.
How many insulin pens have you got left? - Plenty.
- Jesse, if you get sick I just told you I'm fine.
Anyway, my diabetes is my problem and I want it to stay that way, okay? Fine.
I won't tell anyone.
We should be careful out here.
It all looks pretty normal.
Yeah, for a town where everyone's disappeared into thin air.
Well, given the lack of marauding aliens, I say we go check out the wood-fired pizza joint.
- You're kidding.
- What? No electricity required, and I've got a hunger for a large Mexicana.
So, we could be in the middle of a major disaster, I don't know, a toxic gas leak or something, and you're thinking pizza?! Uh, not just pizza.
Wood-fired gourmet pizza.
Heath, she is right.
We can't just stay around here.
What, so Nicco's in charge, is she? No, she isn't.
All right, well, what's the next move, oh, fearless leader? Well, we had a plan.
I say we stick to it.
We should head to Rochford and look for the authorities.
Maybe we don't need to go to Rochford to find out what's really going on.
If there's been an emergency, somebody will be broadcasting instructions.
Where to go, who to contact.
- Like when there's a bushfire.
- Exactly like that.
But why the rangers' station? Ranger Wyatt was a Scoutmaster.
His speciality was DXing.
It's like, um Using high-powered radio tuners to pick up signals from far away.
So, Wyatt's DX radio is here? Should be.
State-of-the-art, and portable.
Exactly how do you know all this? Beam me up, Scotty.
Little Heathie was a Scout, right? Aw, cute.
Can you tie knots, too? - Argh! - [CLATTERING.]
I quit when I was 11, okay? Sure you did.
- Ow! - Heath? - You you good? It's dark in here! Here, grab this.
You know what? I will give it to you.
You're the man.
Was it ever in doubt? Uh, one small problem, team.
Batteries not included.
You sure that's where he kept them? Totally sure.
My cordless mic chews through batteries.
That just means the shop is out of batteries, right? Or someone's taken them all.
Have you guys noticed anything wrong with the newspapers? Well, it's old.
12 months old.
- 12 months old? - It's the same with the magazines.
That doesn't make any sense.
Two days ago when we were here, this shop was normal.
It was totally legit.
If our stalker is raiding shops, taking batteries and stuff, then maybe we should do the same.
Stock up on food and bottled water.
Too late.
The water's all gone.
And with the supermarket locked tight this is all we've got.
Jesse, you can't.
What? I'm thirsty.
We need to find fresh water right away.
- Why? There's litres of soft drink.
- Soft drink is no good.
- Jesse needs - Shut up, Niccolina.
Jesse's concerned about his figure.
His figure? Look, if we find batteries, contact the authorities, all this other stuff won't matter, right? - Right.
- So let's find batteries.
Um poor Teddy.
Guys, check it.
Takes D-sized batteries.
That that's a signal, right? - I don't believe it.
- What? It's a special NASA call sign.
We learnt it in Scouts.
They use it to signal for mass alien abductions.
You're joking.
It's just static, Nimrod.
There's nothing.
The entire band is empty.
So, there's no one broadcasting for a 1,000 Ks? What if it's the same everywhere? What if we really are the only people left on Earth? How do we know that thing's even working? It's working, Nicco.
Well, it still doesn't prove that there's no one out there.
I say we get out of here, check for ourselves.
We still don't have proper food.
We don't even have water.
Well, let's get some.
Are you sure this stuff is okay to drink? The Bremin River is one of the cleanest and most scenic waterways in the state.
Bates used to bang on about it.
I can't breathe! Idiot.
I'll be around that bend washing my hair.
If anyone comes near, they die.
Heath, soap.
Finish filling up the water bottles, and then you might want to take a dip yourself.
Is she saying I smell? Could be there's a dead animal nearby.
Hey! Hey, hey, guys! Come quickly! Someone's camping here.
It's totally set up.
What is this? The fire's still warm.
This looks recent.
So, the world ends and this guy goes yabby catching? That's a pretty chilled stalker.
Fudgito! I saw these same wrappers at school.
Hey! There's a trail.
Look at you, all boy scouting.
- Hang on.
Is this smart? - What? What if Mr Fudgie is the same guy who sabotaged our car? This could be a trap.
You can stay here.
Keep watch.
Wait for me! Hey! Whoa! This looks like something out of the Zombies Walk.
I know this place.
Let me guess, it's a make-out spot.
You guess good.
Although the last time I was here it was totally abandoned.
- Well, looks like someone moved in.
- Shh.
If our stalker is in there, we need to take him by surprise.
You two cover the back, make sure there's no way out there.
Yes, commandant.
What is that? I do kendo.
Oh, okay.
I thought it was cheerleading.
Hah! Do not offend ninja.
- You ready? - Are you? On three.
One, two three.
All clear! Why would anyone live out here when there's a town full of empty buildings? Same thing that brought us here, fresh water.
Check it out.
He's made a charger.
- This guy's good.
- Hey.
This looks like a diary.
"Finding spell"? - Or not a diary? - My bag! [SIGHS.]
It was in the car.
So this is stalker HQ.
Maybe Luke was right.
I don't like this place.
Oh, check it.
"Freak storm batters Bremin.
"Insane rainstorm devastates forest.
Two moons in the sky.
"Scientists puzzled.
" As you would be.
This doesn't make any sense.
It says here that the freak storm happened on the 12th of June last year, but that was the day of the big win against Rochford.
The weather was beautiful.
Nicco's right, guys.
We'd remember if this stuff had happened.
If it had happened in our world.
I saw an episode of Doctor Who where they were transported to a parallel universe.
Maybe something like that happened to us.
Does someone want to wake me when the Time Lord returns to planet Earth? It looks like everyone's disappeared, but what if we are the ones who disappeared? We got shifted out of our reality into an alternate reality, an alternate Bremin, where all this stuff happened.
Okay, but where are all the alternate Breminites? I have no idea, but whatever happened to them happened, like, a year ago, according to this.
Which is why all the newspapers in the shops are old and everything's so dusty.
Luke, even if what you're saying did make sense, how does it help us? Well, I used to play this video game where you use portals to teleport from planet to planet, and sometimes there was invisible portals and if you weren't careful, you'd walk right into them.
Which could be what happened to us.
- Yes.
- Okay.
There's this other video game called Super Mario.
Maybe we should call him in for help.
- Why are you on my back? - Because you're living in fantasy land.
Real life isn't like video games, Luke.
We have to be realistic, okay? Stick to the plan.
- Your plan? - Our plan.
Look, Nicco, if Luke's right, our world could still be there, and if there's a chance of getting back, I'm taking it.
Come on.
Let's go find that portal.
So, we were in the store.
Everything was normal.
And bang, the lights go out and suddenly Empty world.
All right.
So, I spray gunk all over the area.
I'll look for a spot where it disappears.
And that's our portal.
- You ready? - Spray away.
This stuff smells like cat vomit.
Luke, stop! Stop! What, did some of it disappear? No, I saw someone! 'Someone' as in a person? Hey, you! Stop! He's going into the church.
We've got him.
Man, my mum was right.
Too much screen time is not good for my physical fitness.
He's trapped.
Jesse, you don't look too good.
I'll keep watch.
You get the others.
Are you sure? Go! G Go.
Jesse, are you all right? - Jesse! - Jesse? Jesse? I'm okay.
He's in there.
Hey! Oh.
Who's there? Who are you? Gotcha.
Ben? Hi, guys.
You're the one who's been stalking us? I never stalked you, I swear.
I didn't even know you were here until just now.
Okay, well, then why did you run away from us? I I was scared.
I mean one minute I was at school, normal afternoon, and then suddenly the place was empty.
- I ran out, but when I got outside - The whole town was empty.
I'm so glad to see you.
We need to talk.
In private.
So, someone's been stalking us, messing with our heads.
I can't prove it was him, but there's no one else around.
I think he's in the same boat as us.
Well, maybe, but his story doesn't make any sense.
What is this, Survivor? Are you going to vote him out of Bremin? He gives me the creeps.
We all know he's a bit of a weirdo.
I should've known it.
Reject the weirdo, right? - That's your style.
- What? I'm talking about you, Niccolina.
It's always about you.
Everything's always got to be just the way you want it.
- I need a drink.
- Jesse! What's wrong with him? Here.
His blood sugar's too high.
So, what do we do? We need to give him insulin.
He hasn't got any pens left.
Okay, so so, where can we find some? Can't you just pick the lock? Do I look like a criminal to you? Yes.
Uh, thank you! Try these.
- It's really hard.
- Give me a try.
Ah! - Oh.
- What? Well, I must've weakened it.
Ooh, there must be another latch on the inside.
- You okay? - Yeah.
Maybe one of us should just bike it to Rochford.
What, and back? It'll take hours.
Quick, get back.
There was a latch on the inside.
I got some insulin pens.
Are these what Jesse needs? Going around back was a good idea.
Oh I figured it was worth trying.
Noticing that the skylight was open, well, that was just lucky.
That smells terrible.
Yeah, it's my mum's recipe.
She's truly a woeful cook.
But, you know, a healthy, home-cooked meal.
Low sugar for Jesse.
Hey, I'm totally fine now, so there's no need for the sugar police.
We have to pick up some bedding for Ben from sick bay.
I'm assuming you can look after my pasta sauce till I get back? Will do, Mr MasterChef.
Ben, come with us.
Hey um listen, what you said before about me rejecting weirdos I was overreacting.
Yeah, but you know I never saw you that way, right? I came down to barrack for you first time you played with the football club.
You won and it was amazing, but then afterwards you had all these new friends.
Jesse, I introduced you to them.
- I introduced you to everyone.
- I know, and I tried, but I I couldn't join in.
They were just chatting about the game.
Headers, offsides, slam-dunks.
Slam-dunks is basketball, you nuff-nuff.
Well, I did also make some suggestions on improving that team uniform.
It's so dowdy.
Nicco, before, it had always been just us two.
Like it it didn't matter about anyone else because well, because I always knew you were there.
I felt the same.
It's no biggie.
Things change, right? Mm.
Oh, crap! I'm burning the sauce! Heath's going to kill me.
It's time.
Ben, this way.
Come on.
Hurry up.
What is this place? What are you up to, Ben? Felix Ferne, one of the Bremin Four.
It's them, the kids that went missing! Sam Conte, Jake Riles, Andy Lau.
Ben, we need the book!
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