Power Book II: Ghost (2020) s03e03 Episode Script

Human Capital


[SAXE] Previously on Ghost
- Excuse me.
- Sorry.
- Harper?
- Rashad.
[DAVIS] Have we, uh,
moved forward on Rollins?
- Not yet.
- So
- get on it.
- [DAVIS] Who is this bitch?
[TARIQ] All I got is a name Noma.
From now on, I'ma be working for her
Me, Cane, and Brayden
Or else she gonna kill all three of us.
He's in every picture
outside the penthouse.
You guys are you're
focused on the St. Patrick kid?
He is not the kingpin.
The fact that Tariq, Effie, Brayden,
the Tejadas all believe that their
attempt succeeded is the only thing
keeping you and your
family alive right now.
There are only two people on this planet
who really know what we
did, and we're taking that
- to the motherfucking grave.
- Uh
[LORENZO] Our family's being
targeted for killing the Guaps,
and I bet you whoever
did that shit to Dru
got Zeke, too.
- Zeke's championship ring.
- [MAN] I didn't do anything.
Yeah, he must have pulled that shit
off of Zeke when he fucking killed him.
- [MAN] Wait, wait, wait, wait.
- [MONET] You motherfucker!
- I ain't have nothing to do with it!
Zeke never wore that ring.
You stole Zeke's ring,
you set up this nigga
to jump my brother,
then you planted that
shit when you paid him off.
Zeke was in Mecca's car
getting into Mecca's jet,
so I thought he was Mecca.
This is not a good time, Davis.
- Holy shit.
- [TARIQ] You wanna move Noma's product,
that's exactly how we do it
Fucking Wall Street.
You know, Nick's not
just gonna hand it over.
[JOE] They say this
is a big, rich town ♪
I just come from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life ♪
I gotta make it ♪
This is where it goes down ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal, baby ♪
I gotta make it ♪
[50 CENT] I never took
a straight path nowhere ♪
Life's full of twists
and turns, bumps and bruises ♪
I live, I learn ♪
I'm from that city full of
yellow cabs and skyscrapers ♪
It's hard to get a start in
these parts without paper ♪
Homey, I grew up in hell ♪
A block away from heaven ♪
That corner every 15 minutes ♪
They moving seven ♪
Pure snow, bag it ♪
Then watch it go ♪
Occupational options ♪
Get some blow or some hos ♪
Shoot the ball or the strap ♪
Learn to rap or to jack ♪
Fuck it, man ♪
In the meantime ♪
Go head and pump a pack ♪
This my regal, royal flow ♪
My James Bond bounce ♪
That 007 ♪
That's 62 on my count ♪
I'm an undercover liar ♪
I lie under the covers ♪
Look a bitch in the eyes ♪
And tell her ♪
Baby, I love ya ♪
You're my inspiration ♪
You're my motivation ♪
You're the reason that I'm
moving with no hesitation ♪
[JOE] They say this
is a big, rich town ♪
Yeah ♪
Yeah, I just come
from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life ♪
I gotta make it,
this is where it goes down ♪
Oh, yeah, yeah ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal, baby ♪
I gotta make it ♪

[DRAKE] I'm the fuckin' man ♪
Y'all don't get it, do ya? ♪
Type of money everybody ♪
Acting like they knew ya ♪
[TARIQ] Damn, that shit fly as fuck.
[BRAYDEN] Yeah, we're like Kingsman
with our own personal Harry over there.
Do I look like Colin Firth to you?

[DRAKE] Clubbin' hard ♪
Fucking women ♪
There ain't much to do ♪
Wrist bling ♪
Got a condo up on Biscayne ♪
Still getting' brain from a thang ♪
Ain't shit changed ♪
How you feel? How you
feel? How you feel? ♪
25, sitting on 25 mil, uh ♪
I'm in the building
and I'm feeling myself ♪
[DAVIS] A suit does a lot
for an image, Tariq.
But it won't fool the people
still watching your every move.
I mean, I made it this far, right?
And the suit ain't
complete without a watch,
so, uh, I'm wondering,
you got a guy for that?
You got money?
Business is booming.
[YOLI] How is it at Stansfield?
[EFFIE] It's nice, yeah.
[YOLI] And how's
moving product up there?
You haven't started it yet?
Is this some Tariq bullshit?
Effie, come on, that's not like you.
These are ready to go.
I'll see you later, okay?



This is you getting off
real easy for Zeke and Dru.
Wow. It's like that?

[DRAKE] I'm twisted, doorknob ♪
Talk stupid ♪
Off with your head ♪
- Nigga, money talks ♪
Yeah, I'm so Young Money ♪
Got a drum on the gun ♪
- Energizer Bunny ♪
Funny how honey
ain't sweet like sugar ♪
Ain't shit sweet, niggas
on the street like hookers ♪
I ♪
[CANE] Shit. Another one?
[DRAKE] Every day, every day ♪
Fuck what anybody say ♪
Can't see 'em 'cause
the money in the way ♪
Real nigga, what's up, what's up? ♪
What the fuck is this?
[OBI] I should be asking
you the same thing.
You fucking kids took out Mecca
and promised to fill his shoes.
And what's left over?
Half of last week's product.
I would say more like a third.
- What?
- Listen, everything will be gone
by the next time we see you, okay?
We just had some delays
that we figured out.
We also been thinking about expanding.

What's this supposed to be?
A performance incentive
to get this product moving.
A million dollars in
hand next time I see you,
or she dies.
Next million, Richie Rich's folks.
And we respect our elders,
so we'll do Granny last.
You're not off the hook,
Little Orphan Annie.
You fuck up,
these fools here die.
Are we clear?

So, yeah, uh, about those plans, 'Riq?
Nice digs.
Your boss must really
believe in this case, huh?
It's not a big vote of confidence.
DEA has us on a very short leash.
And the assholes at the precinct
won't give me access to
Ramirez's phone, so
So glad you could come, Sullivan.
Okay, I was working a
CI, and you work for me.
Now, this blue-wall bullshit
definitely means they think he's guilty.
That's what I said.
I mean, they're not gonna risk
his reputation or their own.
And, look, without
records, we cannot prove
a conspiratorial link with Monet,
unless I go in and turn some screws.
Absolutely not. Monet's smart.
You could blow the entire investigation.
And Monet's not our only way in.
- Tariq is critical to this RICO.
- Okay, you know what?
What is with you two and
this fucking kid, okay?
Monet killed Carrie.
She was one of us. Remember?
Okay, um, just take it easy
'cause you're getting
real emotional right now.
[BLANCA] Carrie's death
is officially a suicide.
We need to focus on the murders
that show an effort to protect
the drug-dealing enterprise.
Like Dante Spears, Lauren Baldwin
Uh, that-that was a car accident.
Maybe we need to look
into that a little deeper.
- Yeah, I fuckin' agree.
- Okay, before we go digging up closed cases,
let's use our limited
resources on our open murders
and finding out where the fuck
they're getting their drugs now, so
Man up, Whitman. Do the job.
I'm the emotional one?
'Cause it sure seems
like you two have a boner
for this St. Patrick kid.
[TARIQ] I really thought we
was gonna be on top of this shit,
but Mecca's operation must've
been pretty fucking huge.
How we gonna move all this product?
Yeah, seeing Diana's picture
was fucking next level.
It means they know
where to find us, too.
Yep. And my grandmother.
[SIGHS] I can't let
anything happen to her, man.
She's the only family I
got other than you and B.
'Riq, I need to tell you something,
but I don't want you to freak out.
Talk to me.
I wanna start moving
weight at Stansfield.
Wait, what? Are you crazy, Effie?
It's too hot, after
Brayden's confession, my shit.
- You're buggin'.
- Well, but not for me, though.
And it'd just be a side hustle.
You know, I step on the product here,
these stupid-ass kids
won't know the difference,
and it won't cut into what we owe Noma.
First of all, what do you
need a side hustle for?
Well, since I started selling,
I've always had a
safety number in mind
enough for college, grad school.
Okay, so you're saving your money.
That's why you're
driving that beat-up car.
Hey, at least I got one.
And 12 don't even look
twice when I roll past.
You know, I never really
thought about it
You just bein' out here
on your own like that.
So I get it.
Maybe you should start
moving that shit out here,
make a few extra bucks.
You mean it?
If anyone's smart enough to
not get caught, it's definitely you.
- Thank you, Salim.
- [SALIM] Mm-hmm.
All right. So let's get started, huh?
Human capital.
Can anybody tell me what that means?
To me, it means keeping people
around so you can use them.
Okay. Give me an example.
Uh, let's take my family, for instance.
The minute I wasn't useful to them,
they didn't wanna have
anything to do with me.
Sorry to hear that.
[BENNET] Any other perspectives?
Perhaps from the assigned reading.
- Thomas.
- Human capital is the economic value
of a worker's skills and experience
to their employer.
So you're saying that
those with less access
to those requisites are less valued.
And those with access
get to abuse everyone else
due to their lack of options.
[THOMAS] I guess you'd
know all about that, right?
How many people has your family used
to get your name on the auditorium
or you in that seat?
I don't think my family was a
topic in the assigned reading.
Shouldn't we be asking if
anyone can actually be used?
You know, in capitalism,
all work is contractual.
People get paid based
on what they contribute.
You know, even if it's a small amount,
it's still more than what
they could do for themselves.
But what if it's a lie?
Like when someone tells
you something isn't valuable
just so they can take it for themselves?
Ooh, now, that shit
sounds hella personal.
Well, I agree it's in a
corporation's best interest
to never let a worker know
how much they're worth.
Damn, that's messed up
because workers will just
undercut each other for a job.
Like you undercut me
for that Tate internship.
[SCOFFS] Excuse me?
Look, Tate said no. Then he said yes.
You want answers, you
need to look inside first.
Okay, okay.
It may get personal in here,
but it will always
be respectful. Understood?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Yes.
Okay. Let's get back on topic.
Human capital.
I see where you're
comin' from now in class
about being used by your family.
- I Googled your dad
- Wait, you did what?
I like you, Diana.
And I wanna know you more.
But your father's charges
The the drugs and manslaughter
overturned on a technicality?
That's a lot.
Okay, Salim, but you could've asked me,
and I would've told
you that's not who I am.
I'm here at Stansfield
because I wanna be.
You didn't have to
Google me to find out.
Why is that brother starin' at you?
That's my actual brother.
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- Okay.
- Cane, what are you doing here?
What? Can't check up on my baby sis?
Huh? See who you been
kicking it with lately?
Who's the holy hotep?
The name's Salim.
Salim Ashe Freeman.
That shit sounds made
the fuck up, my brother.
- Okay, um
Salim, just give me a second,
and I'll be in there, all right?
Family stuff.
- Remember?
- Sure. [SCOFFS]
- Here, take this.
- Uh
Seriously? What the fuck, Cane?
I don't need that.
And why are you even here?
If it's for a re-up,
go handle your business
- and stay the fuck out of mine.
- Whoa, relax, Stella, okay?
I'm not here to fuck up your groove.
And this ain't about a re-up.
Campus is hot as fuck
right now, thanks to Tariq.
I'm here for you, D.
You good?
Yeah. I'm good.
What you know about brother Salim?
He's just my TA and
my boss, nothing else.
Your your boss?
Like a nine to five?
- Like a
Nah. I can't let you
go out like that, D.
Here, take this.
- Listen
I know how hard this shit can get, okay?
Come on by the penthouse, have dinner.
I'll text you.
- Okay.
- All right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Careful.
- Yep.
- Love you.

- Cop bar's up the block.
I'm on duty.
Water's fine, though.
Although i-it does look like
you could use the business.
Light crowd.
I guess a gang drive-by does that, huh?
Hey, how's, uh how's Dru, by the way?
- Like you give a fuck.
- Hmm.
Maybe I'll just ask him myself.
While I'm here
I wanna give you a
chance to end all this.
You'll come in. We'll have a nice talk.
No need to bring your lawyer,
unless you want him to see
you confess to Carrie's murder.
The door's where you left it.
You know, I am really
starting to love these chats.
And the bar looks great.
It's like it was never a crime scene.
I'll be sure to look up
the name of your contractor.
Call me.

No need to worry about
that "who killed Zeke" shit.
And all that callin' and
hangin' up you was doing
Don't do that again.
- It's been handled.
- Uh
Mrs. Tejada, I'm happy to hear
that you found a sense of peace,
but I never called you.
Look, if you ain't got shit, it's cool.
Just don't lie to me.
That's not all I'm here about.
He came by the bar.
Said if I come in for
a talk, he goes away.
No. That's not how this works.
You got a mouth on you,
and you are not going
anywhere near his ass.
Does it look like I'm
asking you for permission?
Look, I need to know
how exposed my family is.
Me, Cane

But if we do this
you need to do exactly as I say.
[SIGHS] All right.
Ditch that old burner.
Call me with a time.

How'd you get Diana into this?
Hey, I didn't get
anyone into shit, okay?
Ma put that bullet into Mecca
Or Dante, whatever the fuck
his name was, he's dead.
So now we're all in this together.
Now, I got a plan that's
gonna get us in the clear.
Obviously, it's a lot of eyes on us.
So, when I show up, you
need to do what I say
and take what I give you.
- Do you hear me?
- Do I hear you?
Who the fuck died and made you king?
You want me to handle
this, or you got it?
Listen to your brother, D.
We haven't been careful with the
company we keep at the school.
You must be talking about Everett.
Really, Di?
What I'm saying is, whatever we do,
we gotta look out for each other.
As I was saying, we got a little time
to move a lot of weight,
or Noma's coming after all of us.
And it seems Uncle Frank's boys
got something good going in Brooklyn.
Yeah, moving product for the Russians.
They don't need us.
Not to mention what
we did to their pops.
Which is why we take them out.
Make what's theirs ours,
then go after the rest of the borough.
[DRU] Kill Frank's sons
Guillermo, Gordo, Gilberto?
Nigga, I know they fuckin' name.
So just because we
aren't as close to them
as we were when we were
kids, you would do that shit?
They're still like family.
What, that don't mean shit right now?

How about how dumb it would
be to bring all that heat on us
from the Castillos
and their people?
The connect's? 12?
we don't have the bodies
for a war right now.
Did you just put your
phone down to bitch,
or do you have a solution?

We take out their connect.
Then we become the connect.
They take a short-term hit
till they're up and moving our product.
Then, with all of us,
taking over Brooklyn should be easy.
Force their hand.
That way, everybody's eating
off a bigger plate smart.
But if the Russians think the Castillos
- made a move on them
- Or went behind their back
- and fucked with their business
- All right, y'all relax.
I got it. I'm calling the plays.
Excuse you?
I think papi should handle that call.
I said I got it.

It's Cane's call.
His plan.
We're gonna do what he says.

[RSJ] Power to the people.
Back in the day,
before John Lennon appropriated it,
it meant something different.
Commerce is in a state of revolution,
and I like to think of
it as power of the people.
So he's one of the richest
Black men in the country.
In the world.
[BRAYDEN] This is Elpis.
It's a gathering of the
world's most influential people,
and he's got them eating
out of his fucking hand.
I mean, he's making sense.
[RSJ] To adapt
Yeah, my uncle's here to meet him.
Maybe we will, too.
It's a bad idea, Lucas.
He'll see right through it, deny you,
and it'll turn off all
the other investors.
Don't make this about my bottom line.
This is a personal issue, so say it.
- I'm not comfortable with this.
- That's fine.
Enjoy the spa package
and find your way home.
I guess one Black face
is as good as another.
Looking sharp, boys.
Come sit with me.
RSJ's looking for someone
to assist with managing his investments.
He has flirted with the
country's top five firms,
but, so far, ghosted all of them.
Why does he need help?
Money's only freedom when
you set yourself free.
And hand the burden to
someone else to handle.
To me.
And his trust in Weston Holdings
would attract a whole
new class of clients.
Clients like who?
The fuck-the-world rich.
He'll come to us.
[BRAYDEN] Here we go.
Lucas, it's good to see you.
This is my associate, Tariq, Brayden.
You got two minutes.
I've noticed that you, uh,
have been rather selective
with who you allow to invest with you.
Not a lot of oxygen on
the mountaintop, RSJ.
I only take investors
with resilience and balls.
That right? Because a number
of the people you turned away
are close friends.
I'm curious
is there a racial motivation?
The list of people
I've turned away is long
and includes people of all
stripes and persuasions,
I promise you.
You're getting my attention
by denying my friends.
- Do I have it?
- It's a risky move.
No risk, no reward.
I'll be in New York soon.
Let's set up a more formal meeting.
- I look forward to it.
- [RSJ] Mm-hmm.

Hey, can I ask you a question?
You just did.
About your speech.
I was actually pretty
interested in what you said
about economy of scale, and I
was wondering if you could elaborate.
In its most simple way,
if a company's big enough
to sacrifice some profit
and provide a more affordable product,
they undercut the market.
A thousand cheap customers
would bring in way more scale profit
than 100 high-end customers.
We're just ants on a hill.
Mm, makes sense. Thank you.
You do know why Lucas brought
you in here today, right?
Oh, yeah.
- So I could appeal to you.
- Ah.
Straightforward I like that.
Just make sure you're using them
as much as they're using you.
I got to meet RSJ, right?
[CHUCKLES] That's right.
- What's your name?
- I'm Tariq St. Patrick.
Good to meet you, Tariq.

[LUCAS] Ho. Hey, don't duck me.
What the fuck do you
think you're doing here?
We're promoting our currency
to next-level consumers.
You mean looking for
a new influx of cash
'cause nobody wants
your bunk crypto coin.
I promise you, once virality hits,
it'll take off overnight.
You've already burned
through my ICO capital.
You have one month
before I call in your debt
and find a Third World
country that needs a donation.
Now get out of here.

Jesus, the shadiest people I've
ever dealt with are in crypto,
and I've had oil stakes in Libya.
Weston Holdings owns those guys?
Mm, CrashCoin.
It's work about a trillionth of a cent.
Those crooks conned me into
paying for their white paper,
but they're not about shit.
Someone out there is making something
out of nothing. It's just not me.
All right, boys,
the chopper's on the pad. Let's go.

So we've talked.
We're done with this
harassment of Mrs. Tejeda?
[CHUCKLES] Well, talking
involves a back-and-forth,
She hasn't said a word.
Doing as told, I'm sure.
[DAVIS] Well, my client has
nothing to add to your witch hunt.
So, if that's all,
we appreciate you coming, Detective.

You know, I did reach out to LeShaun,
or his old, uh, foreman, that is,
'cause he hasn't seen him
since repairing your bar.
Just vanished.
Well, I mean two thirds
of contractors are crooks.
He skipped town.
So, unless you have
proof of correlation
[SCOFFS] And a number of people
who visit the Tejadas' bar
They disappear shortly after.
Got some pictures for you.
This vehicle, taken on a
cam right outside your bar,
is registered to Rico Barnes
Known dealer.
Missing, but presumed dead.
Same street this truck
is headed to your bar.
Less than an hour later, it's leaving.
That one was found with Joseph Parks,
street name D.C. Joe
Also known dealer.
Dead in the driver's seat.
That sounds like fucking
correlation to me.
Aren't there better uses of police hours
than scouring traffic cams?
Like finding the Guap that killed Zeke.

[WHITMAN] I'm sorry.
I was not aware that a GTG member
was involved in Zeke's death.
You care to elaborate?
No? I'll just do my job, look into it.
You know, I always assumed
that your nephew, or son [LAUGHS]
Zeke, he caught a bullet
meant for Dante Spears.
Case of mistaken identity. But now
I'm really starting to think that
he was gonna rat your ass out
and run away with Dante
Spears, and-and you killed him.
I did everything for Zeke!
Like stringing up Carrie
so he could find her?
Cane help you out with that?
Is that why you gave him the penthouse?
- That was Zeke's inheritance.
- Fuck you.
Quit trying to lay your
jealous-ass guilt trip on me
because you couldn't protect yo' bitch.
You the type that'd kill her
and try to blame the shit on me.
All right, that's enough.
We're done.

What the hell was that?
We agreed you'd let me handle it.
We didn't agree to shit.
You said what you said.
I said what I said.
Yes, and now his pussy-whipped ass
is about to go look into
GTG about Zeke's death.
Should we be worried?
I mean, about that or all of his talk
about Dante Spears?
You tell me.
You think he knows about
the money for Zeke's defense?

Look, clearly this
motherfucker is on one.
We need to take his ass down.
I can file a harassment
claim with the NYPD,
but they cover their own.
And you're no angel, so it won't stick.
But it creates a record
for a pattern of, uh, obsessive behavior
that we can use to discredit him.
Look, this shit better work.
[DAVIS] It will. It will.
But you need to keep it spotless.
If he's working with the Feds,
you'd be just the first domino to fall.
We need to talk to Tariq.
Oh, God.
- Hey.
- Hey.

[SCOFFS] What the fuck is this?
Is that your first paycheck?
Seems like a reason
- to celebrate.
- Mm-mm.
I'll split it with you
if you get the next order.
Nah, girl, this little-ass check
ain't nothing to celebrate. But
where'd you get it?
I heard things dried up around here
after your brother and all.
Yeah, that's what both
he and Effie told me,
but no way this isn't them.
Facts. I don't know who
they think they fooling.
[BECCA] Yeah.
[BRAYDEN] Yeah, this place
is part of the Weston portfolio.
I-I went into the database and
just listed it as leased. We're good.
Can we please talk about how
we're gonna move all this product?
What's that legal drug
these motherfuckers
bring into every building on Wall Street
every single day?
I don't know. Ritalin? Adderall?
No, nigga. Caffeine.
Okay, so they're running coffee.
Who the fuck cares?
Yeah, we're gonna do the same thing.
We run our product
through coffee orders.
We send our delivery boys
with cups with false bottoms
with the product right in there.
They can walk right in.
Okay, but we can't just kill
every drug dealer on Wall Street.
They'll know there's competition.
Obviously we can't do that,
but we can sell better
product at a better price
Undercut the competition,
maneuver their customers.
The rate that we'll be
moving all of this shit,
we won't even notice
a dip in the profit.
Okay, I like it, but how do we collect?
I mean, all those individual orders,
exposed bullpens
You know hand-to-hands are a bitch.
Yeah, you right. I don't know.
Shit can't get too sticky.
Maybe we make them pay online, but
What, with credit cards?
You know what? I think I
actually might have an idea, but
[SIGHS] dare I say it,
we're gonna have
to talk to our partners about this one.
[TARIQ] Yeah, it's just like
a Wall Street CourseCorrect,
but instead of tutoring,
we sell the motherfuckers coffee.
People make their orders online,
and we deliver straight to their desks
with our product hidden in the cups.
Nice work, Tariq.
Making them real Starbucks now.
- [TARIQ] Mm-hmm.
But if any of these Wall Street niggas
decide to use their credit card,
that can lead right back to Flat White
and Macchiato here.
Well, that's why we keep
those transactions separate.
First they buy our crypto coins online.
One dollar equals one coin.
I mean, no one's gonna blink
at investors speculating, right?
Once the coin's bought,
it remains completely anonymous.
Then they use that coin to
buy coffee through the app.
If anything's traced,
it'll just lead back
to our investors at CrashCoin.
The best part is,
the money's already fuckin' laundered.
And if any of them decides to talk,
you gonna handle that, right, Belfort?
And not ask one of us to do it.
I mean, these guys
are low-key criminals.
All they really care
about is the percentage.
They're not gonna talk.
Listen, we got our shit handled.
How y'all handing y'all shit over there?
Oh, we handling this shit
the old-fashioned way
Niggas with guns.
We're meeting up with
some of our old folks,
Uncle Frank's boys, to get shit handled.
Uncle Frank?
The same rat-ass nigga I
met at your mom's house?
Hey, if they're anything
like their old man,
it's gonna be a Castillo family reunion.
But for now, take out their connect,
force them to use us,
then we use them to take Brooklyn.
All right, so that's it, then.
Y'all go ahead and
day-trade and barista,
and we'll take the streets.
- [BRAYDEN] Yeah.
Ah, shit, I gotta take this.
[DRU] Yeah, I'm out, too.
All right, I'ma just chop it
up with Brayden real quick.
I'm good.
I'll link up with you later, 'Riq.
[TARIQ] All right.
What up, my guy? What are we doin'?
We hitting a jewelry store?
Goin' to a trap house? What's good?
You're killing the connect.
He's Russian. You're white.
Ah, using the race
card. I get it. I get it.
[CANE] No, it's called
an alibi, stupid, okay?
Castillos can't think it was us,
and the Russians can't
think it was them.
Okay, well, this all
seems pretty high-stakes.
- Why are you always coming to me for this
- Just shut the fuck up and listen.
Yeah, I-I got you. Mm-hmm.
You're gonna wait
around back of his church
and pop him once he leaves Mass.
- It's simple.
- Church?
Dude, I went to a
Catholic middle school.
Ah, fuck. I am really
going to fuckin' hell, huh?
Oh, your seat's already reserved,
especially after you killing
your bestie's girlfriend.
This right here should be easy, right?
Yeah, fuck it. Say less.
- My guy.
- All right.
I'll catch up with you later.
[TARIQ] Monet?
What's going on?
The cop that pulled
Zeke in is trying to pin
that professor bitch's death on me.
- Detective Whitman, right?
Seems you were right about
those eyes on the penthouse.
Whitman's grudge has him digging all up
in Dante Spears' shit.
And with what he knows,
he could have help.
if he's on Monet about Dante,
then he's definitely onto me.
Motherfucker been
sniffing around Stansfield
for all them bodies, too.
- Yeah, I'll take care of him.
- [DAVIS] No.
I have a plan to take him out of play.
keep your distance from Monet
and the penthouse until then.
Keep your head on a swivel.


What's up with him?
How'd it go with Cane?
Tell him.
He wants me to off that connect.
It's payback for Dru helping
us with the personal trainer.
But why the fuck didn't he ask me?
You ain't never killed nobody before.
Tejadas need an alibi, so
it needs to be a white guy.
I don't know, B. This
is a big fuckin' move.
- I think we should figure out a different way.
- Fuck, no.
Cane's right.
It's gotta be him.
Brayden, you were gonna
have to man up at some point.
Yeah, yeah, you're right. Bet.
We'll be there to back you up.
Yeah, 100%.
All right, look, I'ma
go grab us some guns,
come back, meet up with y'all.
We'll figure this shit out, okay?
[EFFIE] Mm-hmm.

Are you gonna be able
to do it this time?

Do I have a choice?

What was I supposed
to do? They invited me.
This harassment filing says
you badgered her at her own bar.
- It's a fucking drug front.
- What did you ask her about?
You didn't mention
Dante Spears, did you?
Oh, puta madre.
Look, this this harassment charge,
this isn't gonna stick.
Yeah, but you lied to us.
You used us to get to Monet,
and you didn't give a shit
about our investigation.
And now that you mentioned Dante Spears,
she knows exactly what we're after.
And if she knows, Tariq knows.
[JENNY] I know your boss personally.
You'll be suspended by the morning.
Ask me how many fucks I give.
Good luck with your RICO.
You're gonna need it.

[BLANCA] Fuckin' A.
It's my fault for bringing him in.
I'm sorry.
No, he's a loose cannon.
And Monet's Teflon.
We need to prove that she and Tariq
are in a criminal conspiracy together.
- Fuck.
- I have an idea.
You're not gonna like it.

So, transferring to Stansfield, huh?
Was that just another one of your scams?
- [EFFIE] My scams?
- Yeah.
What are you talking
about? Who am I scamming?
This can't be about product,
so it's gotta be about Tariq.
Were you hoping to find him up here?
This is about all y'all
lying to me about everything.
Acting like nobody's
moving weight on Stansfield
because it's too hot?
From the looks of things,
obviously it's not.
- When did I say that?
- [DIANA] Oh, you didn't.
- Cane did.
- Well, there you go.
That's your problem.
I'm not the one lying to you,
so are we cool here or what?
But you are the one who told me
fucking with Tariq was a bad look.
- Looks are deceiving, I guess.
- Yeah.
I did, and I meant that shit for you.
He didn't see you how you saw him.
Tariq and I, we're just
[SCOFFS] we're just different.
Seriously, Di
I was just trying to
help you not get hurt.
You could have told me.
[EFFIE] Yeah. And that's my bad.
But I'm not fightin'
over no nigga, so
he doesn't have to come between us.
You should work with us.
We could use you.
Effie, I ain't trying to
fight over a nigga either,
especially Tariq.
But I'm definitely not
about to work with y'all.
I'm good.
- You good?
- [DIANA] Yeah.
- [EFFIE] On your candy-store salary?
- Yep. On my candy-store salary.
I never wanted my family's life anyway.
Y'all two can have it.
So you the white boy
Davis has on my case.
Yeah, yeah, I am white.
Uh, but Cooper's fine, Theo.
Cooper Saxe.
I'm really, really sorry
to hear about your medical situation.
- My uncle was diag
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Do I look like your therapist?
Don't you have some
lawyering you came here for?
Just establishing rapport, but, yes.
You know, I really, uh,
just had two questions.
Uh, one how tall
are you, Mr. Rollins?
What the fuck kinda question is that?
Well, it's just your
Your medical records
list you at, uh, five feet, 11 inches,
but the public defender's report
states that the assailant
Six-three, six-four.
W-were you aware of this?
Uh, maybe you were wearing
lifts that night? I don't judge.
Of course I didn't know.
Why would I take that deal if I did?
See? Th-th-th-that
That was my next question.
Right there
proof you knew of the
height discrepancy.
But why go along with it?
Were you coerced?
maybe you were protecting someone.
Who were you with that night?
I don't care what that says.
Bitch ain't say shit about height.
But I'll let my brother
know you stopped by.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
it's time for my Jell-O, motherfucker.

who was that lovely lady I met you with?
Oh, Angela? Oh, no, no, no.
That was just, uh, you know, a date.
- You know? Nothing serious.
- A d
You brought a date to a memorial?
- Rashad.
Come on.
Did somebody advise you to do that?
[SIGHS] Honestly
you're the only real
relationship I've ever had.
- Oh, stop it.
- I'm serious.
- Stop.
- No, no, no.
I mean, after that, uh,
might I remind you, when
you broke up with me
You remember how you
left me high and dry?
- Shut up.
- Just broke a brother
- Okay. All right.
- completely down?
- So true, true. That's true.
- I, um
I just put all my energy into my work,
my career.
Maybe too much.
I'm really, uh
I'm really happy to see you.
Me too. [GIGGLES]
I missed you.
You missed me? [CHUCKLES]
- Hey, pendejo.
- What's going on?
- Uh, it's just
the way us cops greet each other.
Uh, sorry, Harper,
but I'm gonna have to catch
up with you a little bit later.
- You okay?
- Yeah. Always.
I'll call you right after.
- Okay.
- All right.
See you.
Wow. She's so far out of your league,
you two dating should be illegal.
I like a nice challenge.
Ah, I see that you have
made new friends, Jenny.
Yeah. And we're concerned.
You know, for a candidate
running on an anti-drug platform,
you seem to know a lot of drug dealers.
Ladies, I don't know
who you're disparaging,
but if they're drug dealers,
isn't your job to convict them?
You perjured yourself on
both our cases, Rashad.
And we can't find
anything that'll stick.
I mean, that takes
talent, dirtbag talent.
You might make a great congressman.
- "Might"?
- It's really hard to quantify
what gives someone that winning edge.
Or what fucks them up the ass.
You know, the eye of the
law and the public eye,
they play by such different rules.
Oh, you know me.
I'm always on the side of justice.
Tariq St. Patrick.
St. Patrick
yeah, well, he came to
me for an internship.
I turned him away.
Uh, he took an internship elsewhere
Weston Holdings.
Yeah, but it shouldn't be
anything illegal, of course,
because he's just working
with an old friend of his
Brayden Weston,
the kid who actually confessed
to being the drug dealer.
Right. Yeah.
Well, we'll be in touch, Rashad.



Hey, um, did you order these pierogies?
- Fuck off.
- It's just a question.
Come on, B, do that shit.
Could you help me out?
It's a gig economy.
- He can't do this shit.
- You have to give him a chance.
This your car?
Uh, yeah, see, uh,
they don't tip if the
pierogies aren't hot, so
- Move your fucking car.
- Wai

Let's get the fuck out of here.

We need a table, please.
[MAÎTRE D'] We don't do walk-ins.
[EFFIE] Thank you.
shit, that was intense.
Yeah. Y'all good?
Yeah, fine. Totally. Sure.
I just really thought I
could pull the trigger,
but I fucking froze, like Elsa.
Yeah, Elsa would have pulled
the fucking trigger, Brayden.
- You're not helping, Effie.
- [TARIQ] Listen, don't trip.
We all got our skills, all right?
And as a family, we
watch each other's back,
and we play our parts.
That's how it goes.
You literally saved my life, 'Riq.
That's what I'm here
for, B. You're my brother.
I'ma do what has to be done, always.
Look, that's not the last we heard
of the Russians, though, all right?
We gotta keep our
fucking heads on a swivel.
- Mm.
- Facts.
I'll be right back.

Look, you know, with the
Russians out of Cane and Dru's way
and, you know, our
Our Wall Street plan coming together,
I really think we can hit Noma's quota.
Man, Tariq, this is
a shit ton of product.
Yes, which means a shit ton of money.
And now that I don't gotta pay for Davis
or cop my mom any little petty favors
Look, with all this money coming in,
we're gonna hit your number
faster than you think.
I don't like to count on shit.
Mm. I feel you.
I mean, but when you do hit
your number, what you think? You
you outta this or what?
Tariq, you just killed a man.
Do you really wanna be
looking over your shoulder
for the rest of your life?
But what if we don't gotta
look over our shoulders, Effie?
We could watch each other's back,
just like my mom and my dad.
- But smarter.
- Tariq, I
if you met my mom,
which you will, you
know, if everything goes
the way it's supposed to go,
you'll see that she was
the fuckin' mastermind
behind all of this shit.
She had everything figured out.
It was my dad that fucked everything up.
All right? But I'm not like my dad.
I'm smarter than him. I'm
better than him, Effie.
So what? We gonna be like
the Stansfield Bonnie and Clyde?
- Fuck, no.
We gonna be like Thomasine and Bushrod.
Who the fuck are they?
Listen, it's an old-ass
classic, and it's fire.
It was actually my mom's favorite.
Mm. You're crazy.
You know that, right?
A little bit.


Remember the G's right, Dru?
Looks like you grew up.
You too.
Used to be, uh
Yeah, I got a trainer.
Cane, all of that still
doesn't explain how our connect
catches a bullet right
when you're coming to us
with this chance of a lifetime.
What's there to explain?
We heard about your predicament,
and we come to you with a solve.
Everybody wins here.
Nah, ain't nobody agreed
to a damn thing yet.
- One of you did that shit.
- [CANE] How?
It's a whole lot of melanin in here.
From what I heard, it was
a white boy who did it.
Could've been one of his own people.
No, his people say the
shooter was Black
like you, Cane.

Come on, man, you really
think I set you up like that?
That ain't even my style.
It's too messy.
I would've just popped
each of you and moved in.
That what you did here?
You just shot the last
tenant and you moved in?
Cane was with me bagging
product all night
for our crews downtown.
Yeah, and I did most
of it while Dru here
was chasing ass on his damn phone.
Where you hear about a white dude?
I'm telling y'all,
something ain't right.
I heard it
from some stupid kid.
But you know what? It doesn't matter
because this is the way it should be.
Our families working on
bigger things together.

Your father would've loved it that way.
Family first.
All right.
Come on.

I put my son Cane in
charge of the business.
Fuck this.
And if majority rules,
who wasn't in favor?
It doesn't matter.
Everyone was heard, right, Gordo?
It was a group decision, and we
all stand by it. You good with that?
I love it.
So, fellas, how do we celebrate
getting money together?
Nah, maybe another time.
I'll be in touch.

So Cane is in charge
now all of a sudden?
There's some bullshit
going on between you two.

Beautifully done, Pops.
Hey, you a damn good actor, man.
I'm going home, Cane.
[CANE] Hold up.
You really held it down back there.
But that, uh
"stupid kid"
and family-first shit with Dru
felt extra,
so I'ma need you to move extra weight.

Give Mom a hug for me.

You visited Theo Rollins.
Oh, you mean your brother.
I did.
Why do you ask, Davis?
Yes, Cooper, Theo is my brother.
Why do you think this
was so important to me?
- Now, I would've told you sooner
- [SAXE] Cut the bullshit, Davis.
[SCOFFS] You know, before visiting Theo,
I stopped by the, uh,
public defender's office.
Stand up straight, you're what,
uh, six-two, six-three?
You know, I have a brother, too,
but I wouldn't let him sit in prison
for a crime I did.
You don't think I
wanted to confess, hmm?
Hell, I tried.
But our family made a
choice, or rather Theo did.
Come on. Seriously?
You could've got this whole case tossed.
I was 21, Cooper.
Just got accepted to Columbia Law.
I didn't know the system like I do now.
All right? Then they
they pushed that deal on us.
Look, no way in hell I'd
have let Theo sign that
if I knew what would happen.
[SIGHS] Well
it makes sense that they
would escalate charges
- and apply plea pressure.
- Yes.
[SAXE] The victim was a cop's brother.
But I'd bet that if they
redacted the files like that
evidence was also tampered with.
See, this is why I need you.
You know how your old office works,
how they use innocent people of color
to cover their own bullshit.
You can expose it all, Cooper
and save my brother's life.
I can't believe I agree with you.
- I'm gonna help you get Theo out.
- [DAVIS] Yes.
[SIGHS] Fuck.

Um, come in.
Papi, I wasn't expecting you.
You busy?
Uh, yeah, uh
More family stuff.
I'll talk to you later, I guess.

What's going on, papi? Is it Cane?
- The way he's been acting
- Noma's got your brother
thinking he's fucking Mecca,
and he's in way over his head.
I'm doing all I can to protect us,
to protect you, all of this.
But you were right.
I need your help.
I hate askin',
especially knowing how much
trouble Tariq brought to this place.
Cane said Stansfield
was too hot right now.
He ain't wrong, but
we don't have a choice.
if you keep your circle
tight and you're careful,
this new job that you
got is the perfect cover.

I'll do it.
I'm sorry, mamita,
but I wouldn't be asking
if I didn't have to.
I can handle it.
You and Ma taught me everything.
I'm proud of you.
[DIANA] I know.

[LORENZO] Be safe.


Yo, why the fuck am I
still looking at this cop?
- You said you was gonna handle this.
- And I am.
Like I said, our harassment claim
wouldn't solve the problem,
but we stirred the pot.
It seems our boy was put on desk duty.
Well, unless his desk is my
curb, you ain't handled shit.
Okay, don't don't do
that, Mrs. Tejada, all right?
I will handle this
if you stick to the plan.
Get a record of every time he shows up,
and we'll get him off the streets.
Yeah, a'ight.


Let's see what we got.
Oh, this shit is pretty slick.
Yeah. You could fit
a few grams in there
Pills, vials, weed, all that shit.
[BRAYDEN] Yeah, online site's up.
Links to No Cap, All
Frap have been sent out
to our Weston Holding customers.
Then they'll be able to buy CrashCoin
in exchange for coffee,
and once the word gets out
- [TARIQ] It's fuckin' over.
- [BRAYDEN] Yes, sir.
Wait, am I reading this right?
There's orders coming in already.
Coming in hot.
- Damn. And Noma might not kill us.
Man, where the fuck are these
Jamaica Ave boys with the beans?
[SIGHS] This is pretty smart, Brayden,
I mean, for you.
Okay, well, we needed all of us,
including Tariq.
Did you have something to do with Tariq
losing his Tate internship?
I did what I needed to do.
You know he's gonna completely
flip his shit when he finds out.
You can't just lie to him like that.
You had no problem lying when I
wanted to tell Tariq about Lauren.
Now all of a sudden, it's a problem?
Besides, this is just a
little white-collar lie.
- Mm.
- See what I did there?
For, like, two seconds, you were cool.
Just help me unload this shit.
- Mm-hmm.
Are you good?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Tell Tariq I'll be back. I'll be back.

- Cane, what the fuck?
- Unless you got a thing for blackface,
I know you didn't pull
that fucking trigger.
Now, I told you needed
to do this, not Tariq.
Okay, it wasn't
Tariq wasn't even there.
Okay, let's say I believe that.
Then who's the dumb motherfucker
you hired to kill the connect?
And you better not fucking lie.
Cane, I didn't hire anyone,
but he's dead, so it's all good, right?
Nah, it's not all good.
Nah, this is twice I
told you to end someone.
Now, if this random
motherfucker did this one
and you called Dru to do the trainer,
who the fuck killed snitch bitch, huh?
- Or is she still breathing?
- Okay, okay, Cane.
Cane, are you fucking kidding me?
You saw the news. Lauren's dead.
Yeah, I saw the news, and we both know
you didn't do the shit, so who did it?
- I need a name now, Brayden.
- Your hands are clean.
If I give you a name, you might
as well have done it yourself.

I want you to know you
almost got us all fucked up.
Now, your ass still owes me
a body that I intend to collect.
- Do you hear me?
- Yes, Cane.
Now get the fuck outta here
while I'm still feeling generous.

Yo, Effie. Where you at?
We need to talk.

[RAPPER] Yeah ♪
I get the job done ♪
I am the one behind the gun ♪
It's up, play with
the boy and get stuck ♪
Make sure to button up, tuck ♪
With Norm McCaskey ♪
I be gettin' nasty ♪
Do the job if you ask me ♪
Boy, I'ma get nasty ♪
I play with that eye like a golfer ♪
I leave you swimmin'
with the dolphins ♪
All that talkin' I'm off it ♪
Leave it leakin' like faucet ♪
Uh-huh, seven digits ♪
Can't stand for the pin-up ♪
I pull up and get up ♪
Make it look like you doin' a sit-up ♪
It'll work for a couple of minutes ♪
I am done with the talkin' ♪
It's a dead man walkin' ♪
It's the bread man stalkin' ♪
I see it too damn often ♪
I really don't do well with feelings ♪
I don't move unless
it by the millions ♪
We ain't out here
as regular civilians ♪
We comin' inside
through the ceilings ♪
Yeah ♪
I get the job done ♪
I am the one behind the gun ♪
It's up, play with
the boy and get stuck ♪
Make sure to button up, tuck ♪
With Norm McCaskey ♪
I be gettin' nasty ♪
Do the job if you ask me ♪
Boy, I'ma get nasty ♪

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