Shtisel (2013) s03e03 Episode Script

Public Telephone

I look through the window.
And I pity the nebbish
sitting across from me.
Suddenly I realize it's not a window.
It's a dirty mirror.
Everyone has a life.
An apartment, a wife, a good living.
-I'm the only broken man.
-The only one?
-You wanna bet on that?
-Right, Kornblit, I forgot you.
-You're broken too.
-I'm the number one bum.
Not only that,
number one in all the generations.
What about me?
Shut up, you're not a broken man.
-I was at your wedding
You're a father, Shtisel.
And a famous painter.
-With all due respect, you're not broken.
-Let's go for cracked.
-I agree.
-Loopy and how.
One of the greatest cracked men.
-Rabbi Lippe!
Another round of Stock 84.
On me.
Coming up.
What happened this week?
Did you get the insurance?
Zero, zilch, that's what I got.
At least someone's having fun.
That's my man.
-Sit with us, Rabbi Lippe.
-L'Chaim, but no thanks, I'm driving.
-Some of us work, you know.
-Just a sip.
Alright, just a sip.
I have to run as it is.
Run? I don't run, no matter what.
To a good life and peace.
Oy vey, I don't believe it.
It's four o'clock.
The internal affairs bureau
closes in 15 minutes.
He doesn't run, huh?
What do you need the bureau for?
I met a lady that works there.
-Did the lady meet you?
-She will.
I apply for a new ID every week.
Something will come of it.
Hold on, Farschlufen.
Dvoraleh has to be picked up
from the nursery at 4:30.
Could you pick her up on the way back?
It's on your way, next to the park.
Of course I will.
It's a great, wonderful privilege.
Her stroller is in the yard.
It's bluish-gray, with this white mobile
with orange stripes.
-And a pink bag.
-A pink bag.
Got it.
-All the best.
-Thank you, Farschlufen.
"Suffice it that the doors
be fit to be locked,
even if they are not actually locked."
Weiss, you have a phone call.
Forgive me, let's continue.
-Is everything alright?
-Everything's fine, thank God.
Let's study.
Getting a phone call every 15 minutes
doesn't bother you?
Can I tell you something, Feivel?
But just between us.
There's this girl who
keeps calling and asking for me.
And by the time I get to the phone,
she hangs up.
What does it mean? Do you know her?
I'm not sure.
I have no way of calling back.
I dialed Call Return
but the number is blocked.
What a conundrum.
I must tell you, this isn't like you.
What do you mean? What's not like me?
I don't know, you're a straight arrow.
This sounds like something
messed up guys would do.
Never mind.
It's driving me nuts.
Keep studying without me.
I'll wait for her to call again
and show her what's what.
She's keeping me from my studies.
-I'll come with you.
-No need, I'll just get this over with.
Come on, take the stand.
Together or nothing.
In any case, oy.
You say it doesn't have the Internet.
There's nothing on it, only games.
Games aren't nothing.
Games are a very nice thing.
Put it at the bottom of your school bag.
Take it home
and don't bring it again, alright?
I finally got you on the phone.
What happened?
Your brother has been lying here
for a few days.
What? Who's lying where?
Is Nuchem Shtisel your brother?
-The man needs help.
He's been here for a week.
He's not eating, not drinking,
he's sleeping on the benches.
The guys are making fun of him.
Rabbi Shtisel, do not ignore your flesh.
What are you talking about?
I didn't know he's in the country.
I think he's depressed.
They say he lost his wife, his daughter.
Poor man.
Yes, but that was eight months ago.
Now he's depressed?
I didn't want it to come to this.
Your brother is in dire straits.
I'm worried about him.
I'm afraid he'll harm himself, God forbid.
You know what I mean?
Come, Nuchem, come. There you go.
And here we are at home.
Come, Nuchem.
Sit down.
What can I get you to drink?
I'll pour you a glass of cold soda.
Get ready.
Get good and ready.
What I'm pouring here
is a glass of cold soda
with some Sabbath grape juice.
Just a drop of grape juice
in the soda.
It's unbelievable, it's
I didn't get it, was he a Gentile or not?
A Sabbath Gentile, a weekday Jew.
-An innovation.
-Of the grandest kind!
I always said one can rely on Farschlufen
when the going gets tough.
Is this the stroller?
There were so many there.
This is the one.
Who is this?
-Where's Dvoraleh?
Farschlufen, what have you done?
I tried to get the stroller right.
There were so many strollers,
you wouldn't believe how many.
Where is Mindy?
I'm telling you, he took Mindy
instead of Dvoraleh by mistake.
-Here he is, thank God.
-I'm so sorry.
He got mixed up
and I'm going through a tough time
Sweetheart, come to me.
Are you alright?
Again, I'm so sorry. Take care.
Forgive me,
this has never happened before.
The small black flag, yes.
And get me the 4x4 frame.
-No, the big one.
-Two minutes to prep before the last take.
Where's Yerushalmi when I need him?
Nice to meet you, I'm Odelia.
You're the caterer?
-Yes, I'm Lippe Weiss.
-Please set it up here, alright?
Sure. Thank you very much.
Two minutes for makeup.
Don't glue his mustache on again.
It's almost lunch break.
Isn't that a catering service too?
I need glatt kosher for the extras.
-Odelia, over there?
-Yes. Five minutes.
But why two, Odelia?
You could have ordered
all the food from us.
Extras are one thing,
no way I'll serve it to my actors.
-No offense.
-Why? Did you taste it?
Not many chefs in the world
are as good as my wife.
-Taste it, then we'll talk.
-What a sweet husband.
-I must say it does smell good.
-Thank you.
I'm so excited, it's been so long.
-Giti, years.
-Since Haya Greenberg's wedding.
-Haya Greenberg married last?
I think so.
How we prayed for a match for her.
How many kids does she have? Five?
Yes, people worry for nothing.
It all works out in the end.
Are you alright?
Are you sure?
Let's go to the kitchen,
it's more private.
Last week I woke up and he wasn't there.
I thought he went to sunrise prayer
and I was so excited,
because he's been depressed
for such a long time.
He gets up after I drop off the kids,
goes to the synagogue at 9 or 10.
I was so excited that after the sandwiches
and the morning chaos
I made a little breakfast
for the two of us.
Salad and omelets.
I'm so naive.
No, don't say that.
After waiting for a few minutes,
I saw a note he left on the fridge.
In Yiddish,
so the kids wouldn't understand.
The morning was so hectic
I didn't notice it.
-What did he write?
"Don't look for me.
Forgive me, Haimke."
I called the bank.
Two withdrawals of 2,000 shekels
from two ATMs at the airport.
His passport was gone, so I assumed
-I'm so sorry to hear this.
-I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to do.
I haven't told anyone but you.
I thought you might have some advice.
Because I heard that
you went through the same thing.
I'm sure he has a woman overseas.
Maybe even a Gentile.
-What are you talking about?
I don't know what you heard
and from whom, and I don't want to know.
Nothing of what you're saying
has ever happened to us.
I'm so sorry to hear
about all that happened to you.
I have to get back to work now.
Do you want more water?
-Where are you?
You're not picking up.
Yes, I left my phone in the van.
Sorry, Giti
But where are you?
On the movie set.
Why are you so stressed out?
Did something happen?
No, nothing happened.
We have to urge Yosa'le
to meet Shira Levinson ASAP.
But Giti, you know him.
We mustn't pressure him.
First he has to forget that Shira
he met the first time.
No, we have to marry him off fast,
before people start talking.
Talking about what?
Lippe, all I'm asking
is that you stop by his Yeshiva
and tell him we're setting up a meeting
with Shira Levinson.
-But it's not that simple.
-It's busy here and I'm on my own.
I'm hanging up. Let me know how it went.
-Where should I put these?
When he gets here,
I want a moment of silence.
And straight to action.
Let's do this.
Crew, rehearsal. Quiet on the set.
Odelia, would it be okay
if I stood here and watched?
-Sure thing.
-Places everyone!
Say the word
and I'll get you a guest role.
No, nothing doing. Thanks.
I just want to watch.
Listen, a bit more sensitivity, okay?
The last take was good.
A bit more sensitivity and sassiness.
Three, two, one.
Action rehearsal!
Come, sweetheart.
-Who is that?
-Take a good look.
Get closer, don't be shy.
Take a real good look.
Uncle Nuchem. Welcome!
I didn't know you're here.
He's not himself.
A totally different person.
I couldn't get a word out of him.
When did he show up?
Forget about it.
I don't want to tell you how he was.
What do you mean?
Leave it alone.
Let's just say
that the benches at Zichron Moshe
haven't seen such a broken Jew
in a long time.
Maybe he wants to say hello to Dvoraleh.
Dvoraleh, cupcake.
Look who came to visit you.
Mommy's father, bless her memory.
Grandpa Nuchem.
That's right.
Very nice, Dvoraleh.
Very nice.
That's right.
-You must come with me next time.
-Come where?
The movie set. You wouldn't believe it.
There are dozens of guys.
They look ultra-Orthodox,
but they're Yeshiva dropouts
and they're shooting a TV show.
There are famous actors, too.
There's the one who
What's his name?
From that film we saw on vacation.
Lippe, keep it down.
Not everyone has to know.
In any case, they glued
a beard on him and you can tell.
And his Yiddish sounds like Czech.
In any case, I'm telling you.
You have to come with me once.
So, what did Yosa'le say?
Didn't you talk to him?
I'm sorry, I forgot all about it.
Forgive me, I'm sorry.
Maybe there's a reason
I forgot all about it.
I think it's too soon for Yosa'le
to meet someone new.
Give him time to get over it,
at least a few weeks.
Think about it and we'll talk tonight?
Giti, another thing.
Nothing major, but nice.
The producer suggested
I play a small role.
Two or three words for the fun of it,
200-300 shekels to boot.
-Did you do it?
-Of course not! I told her, no way.
That's all we need with the matchmaking.
That they hear you're in a TV show.
Who's they?
Who's they?
-Who are these containers for?
-I have to go. Will you watch the place?
Bye, Giti.
I didn't get it.
There's nothing to get.
The division is very simple.
We don't look at the object,
we look at the man.
And all that for one word
in the commentaries?
-Can I speak to Yosa'le Weiss?
Shira, is that you?
The number is not in service.
I can't do this. It's driving me crazy.
As your friend, I think
this is unhealthy.
I don't know what's going on,
but it's not for you, Yosa'le.
I mean it.
-So what do I do?
-What you do with evil desires.
"If the wretched one encounters you,
pull it into the study hall."
Let's go to the study hall.
Decide that if they call you again,
you're not going to answer.
You're right.
-That's what I'll do.
-Good. Let's go.
Don't answer, Yosa'le.
-Can I speak to Yosa'le Weiss?
Don't hang up. It's me, Yosa'le.
Please, don't hang up.
Yosa'le, it's Mom, is everything alright?
Son, I'm setting up
a meeting with Shira Levinson.
Trust me.
That's it.
Thank God,
she fell asleep quickly this time.
By the grace of God.
I don't think I'll get any sleep.
Did you talk?
I can't get a word out of him.
His smile to Dvoraleh was his only
contribution to humanity today.
-Are you Mr. Shtisel?
I'm Yisca, I'm here for a home visit.
I'm from social services. Juvenile unit.
There must be some mistake,
there are no juveniles here.
Even he's no juvenile.
I'm in charge of inspecting cases
of the helpless in general.
May I come in?
Please do.
-Are you Akiva Shtisel?
May I see Dvora, your daughter?
I don't get it. What is this about?
-What's Dvoraleh got to do with this?
-It is my duty to inform you
that your parental performance
is being assessed.
We received a troubling report
about the incident at the nursery.
-What incident at the nursery?
-That was a minor mistake.
-I won't ask him to pick her up again.
-Ask who?
Your son sent someone
to pick up his daughter
and he took the wrong child.
Who did you send?
But I went right back
with the child he took by mistake.
What's the big deal?
You sent Farschlufen to get Dvoraleh?
Are you out of your mind?
Akiva, I hear you're going through
a hard time due to the tragedy.
I'm here to offer you our help.
We received a report
that you suffer from alcoholism.
Who told you this nonsense?
The nursery school teacher
and the mother whose child was taken
say that you were drunk
when you got there.
This is not the first report to welfare
regarding your parenting.
-Some neighbors contacted us.
Please let me see the baby.
Wait, what's going on here?
Kive, calm down.
Calm down, Kive, don't worry.
Come, Ms. Yisca.
Come, Kive, come.
We have nothing to hide.
We treat Dvoraleh like a princess.
Do you know
who our Dvoraleh is named after?
As you can see, she is bathed,
wearing nice pajamas.
She eats well too.
Akiva mashed an apple and banana
and he gave her porridge.
I want to tell you, Ms. Yisca,
that we lost Dvoraleh's mother.
We miss her.
We miss her very much.
But I want you to know
that the child lacks for nothing.
I'm sure that what happened
at the nursery was a one-time slipup.
-It won't happen again.
-It won't, I promise.
I'm glad I came tonight.
I'll submit my report to the committee
and I'll stress, as you said,
that this was a one-time slipup
that won't happen again.
It won't.
Thank you, Yisca. Thank you very much.
Would you like a cup of tea
or soda with grape juice?
It's wonderful.
Thank you, there's no need.
This is my last call.
-I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
-Take care.
You egotist!
You want to jump?
What are you, a child?
A selfish child!
It's what you were and still are!
A selfish child.
A child throwing chocolate
and candy wrappers on the floor.
Who throws tangerine peels in the street,
leaving Mother and Father
to clean up after you!
Now you want to throw yourself off
and have somebody clean up?
Shulem, I'm sorry
What is this?
It's nothing.
That's my uncle.
He's Dvoraleh's grandfather too.
He's not doing well,
so we're taking care of him.
With God's help, he will recover.
Okay. I think you should seek
professional help.
This isn't a game,
but I have to go. Good night.
Yisca, please
Way to go, Nuchem, way to go.
That's all I have to say to you.
Excuse me.
Are you Shira? Shira Levinson?
-Yes. Yosa'le Weiss?
No mix-ups this time.
Last time we didn't meet.
Weren't you sick?
They told you that?
I don't get why people
don't tell the truth.
Why is it so hard?
What's the truth?
That I came here,
but I met someone else by mistake.
Were you sitting inside last time too?
Yes, at this very table.
I waited and you didn't show up.
I showed up.
I just met another Shira by mistake,
she was at the door.
And I sat here and waited.
You know what I thought?
That you saw me, freaked out and ran.
Why would I freak out?
You're a special girl.
Thank you.
I'm just being honest. That's all.
Mom's tucking in the kids.
She'll be right out.
This is hilarious. Take a look.
You see this actor?
-I met him today in real life.
-Is that a smartphone?
With what's out there today,
it's pretty stupid, but
At my age it's okay.
I'm not up for a minister of Torah
How did it go?
Thank God.
I think the meeting went well.
I'm so happy to hear that.
What meeting? Who did you meet?
Shira Levinson.
So tell me, how did it go?
There's not much to tell.
We didn't talk that much,
but the atmosphere was pleasant.
She's a fine girl with a good heart.
Come, you must be hungry.
Why didn't I know about it?
I thought you didn't want
to meet anyone yet.
I didn't.
Thank God the meeting went well
and we can set up another one.
No one's getting married yet. Don't worry.
Good evening, Menucha.
How are you?
Yes, the meeting went well.
Thank God.
We're happy to hear that.
Yes, we'd like to proceed too.
Thank you. Good night.
Levinson wants to proceed. Well done.
Come, I made goulash, just for you.
You know who taught me to make goulash?
Grandma, bless her memory.
Grandpa loved goulash,
he loved it very red,
spicy, with tons of oil.
I hope it's okay I brought you here.
It's a bit odd, but interesting.
I didn't know
there's such a place in Jerusalem.
I love animals, nature, biology.
It intrigues me.
Look at this fella.
Sitting and waiting for the Messiah.
It is nice and disturbing.
As if they were still alive.
Okay, this is a bit weird
my father asked me
to give you his regards.
So, regards.
I told him it's weird to give regards
to a boy I only met twice
and who he doesn't know, but he insisted.
He's a little confused lately.
It's the meds he's on
and the fact that it spreads to his head.
I didn't know he's sick.
I'm sorry to hear that.
He's very sick.
The doctors don't give him much longer.
Last night I prayed that God
would give him more time at my expense.
At your expense?
At the expense of my time to live,
that he gives some to him.
A few years or at least one year.
You have a kind heart.
That's probably what matters most.
Not probably, for sure.
Thank you.
How beautiful.
-Do you know what their lifespan is?
-One day.
-One day?
On the one hand,
they got eternal life here.
They would have turned to dust long ago.
On the other hand,
I'm not sure it's pleasant,
being stuck with a pin
to some wooden board.
Exactly, you understand.
You get me.
Malki, wait, please.
I didn't ask for your pity.
I know, I'm sorry.
You were right, I apologize.
I did go through the same thing
and I gave it a lot of thought.
I have something to say. Will you listen?
Okay, in terms of making ends meet,
I need help in the restaurant.
It's not a huge salary,
but it's something.
It'll help you manage in the short term.
Thank you, that will be helpful.
-I apologize for the
-I understand, I do.
I'm the one who has to apologize.
The most important thing
is for you to hang in there.
Don't talk about this to anyone.
I am the first and last person
you're sharing this with.
Don't talk about it with your children,
or your parents. No one.
A few weeks will go by,
at worse a few months, and he'll be back.
I promise that he will come back.
They always do.
Why are we like this?
Like what?
And you know what's amazing?
It's not just us.
Since he left, I can't fall asleep.
I lie in bed with my earphones,
sometimes until the morning.
I'm listening to the radio and
Sometimes there are late-night talk shows.
And it's amazing, they're just like us.
-What are you talking about?
-The non-religious women.
These pathetic women
who forgive everything,
who accept everything the men dish out.
One dish and another dish, and another.
And then give thanks to God.
And feel guilty
that they don't find it tasty.
Laughing is important. It helps to cope.
You'll see that I'm right.
In the end he'll come back.
That's just it, I'm not sure.
-Not sure about what?
-I don't want him to come back.
-I've decided.
-What have you decided?
You don't want him to come back?
What will you do?
I have no idea.
I don't know what I want to happen,
but for the first time in a long time
I know what I don't want.
That's something, isn't it?
Sorry, I have to take this. It's my son.
He was at a meeting, a match.
Of course.
Yosa'le? How are you?
Thank God.
Listen, you pace back and forth
on the sidewalk.
Keep your phone up to your ear.
As if you were talking.
Just move your lips.
-Got it?
-Got it.
Stand by on the set! Roll sound!
-Do I talk now?
-After you hear "action."
-Three, two, one!
-Hello there.
-Hello, my good man.
How are you?
I visited Sara in the hospital.
She's doing very poorly.
She's totally depressed.
We saw Rabbi Feurer
Lippe, I can't hear you.
Can you hear me?
Yosa'le wants a vort!
Yosa'le is getting engaged
to Shira Levinson!
Come on!
-Mazal Tov.
-Where are you?
I'm sorry, the reception is bad.
-Hey, what is this?
-Mazal Tov, this is insane!
-I said, "as if you were talking."
-Fine, okay.
-I'm on my way home.
-What are you doing?
-We're filming here!
-Alright, I
-Where are you going?
-Hang up and come back!
Go to Shaare Zedek Hospital,
her father is there.
-They want to have the vort there.
-I'm coming, I'm on my way.
Dude, where do you think you're going?
Grapes of a vine intertwined
Are beautiful and acceptable
Grapes of a vine intertwined
Are beautiful and acceptable
Mazal Tov, Yosa'le.
-Hello. Mazal Tov.
-Mazal Tov.
-The mom?
-Mazal Tov.
-This is the bride.
-Yes, she's something else.
Mazal Tov, this is some surprise.
As long as you're sure
this is what you really want.
-You're sure, yes?
-Dad, please. Mazal Tov.
-Mazal Tov.
Your bride is something else.
A real beauty.
Hello, Racheli.
This is it.
Look at that, I'm ten minutes early.
I want to apologize again for the
It won't happen again, I promise.
I'm sorry, Reb Shtisel,
we tried to get a hold of you all day.
It's alright. Just talk to us next time.
-Before you talk to welfare.
-Of course, you're right.
I think you should open the letter.
Of course. I'll just get Dvoraleh first.
They said it was
after the visit at your house.
I couldn't do anything.
You didn't pick up.
-What is this? Where is she?
-I'm so sorry.
It's in the letter.
Welfare came earlier with a policewoman.
They took Dvoraleh to a shelter.
It's in the letter.
Talk to them, I'm so sorry.
Yet again there shall be heard
In the cities of Judah and Jerusalem
The voice of joy and gladness
The voice of the bride and groom
Yet again there shall be heard
In the cities of Judah and Jerusalem
The voice of joy and gladness
The voice of the bride and groom
Groom, you have a phone call.
-You disappeared.
-I was here the whole time.
I looked for you often,
I was afraid to talk.
But we're talking now.
Yosa'le, are you there?
I can't really talk to you.
I'm engaged.
I got engaged today.
Okay, I'm sorry I called.
It's alright.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
Mazal Tov, Yosa'le.
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