Sweet Home (2020) s03e03 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 3

[theme music playing]
- [panting]
- [suspenseful music playing]
- Is this all you've got?
- [chokes]
Then it's time to die.
[music swells]
[Eun-yu grunting]
I'm sorry.
[Hyun-su groaning]
Sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm not gonna give up on you.
[Eun-yu sobbing]
[music fades]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing deeply]
[loud huff]
[heavy breathing]
[eerie music playing]
[Eun-hyeok in hoarse voice] Kill me.
[weak breathing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[music swells]
[music fades]
[Chief Ji]
What was that announcement about?
Does it have anything to do
with locking me up?
We've detected four intruders.
They all seem to be
resisting monsterization.
You said that
you and your family hid here a year ago
after your son started showing
signs of monsterization.
When you let all those survivors
inside here,
I'm sure you knew you might wind up
in a situation like this,
and here you are.
What made you decide
to let all those people in here?
Isn't it pretty obvious?
It was dangerous out there,
and I knew if I didn't let them in here
every single one of them was gonna die.
Okay. I need you to do one last thing.
The exit out of the unverified area,
show me where it is.
Are you trying to run away?
No, I'm not.
I'm only trying to save the survivors.
[eerie music playing]
[flashlight clicks]
So freaking annoying.
[door closes]
[tuts, sighs]
[foreboding music playing]
[groans, chokes]
[Dr. Lim groans]
[coughing, panting]
[tense music playing]
Seo Yi-kyung?
[exhales sharply]
[loud bang]
[Dr. Lim groaning]
- [coughing, groaning]
- [panting]
[Dr. Lim breathing heavily]
So you're still alive, huh?
Just shut up and answer my questions.
Hang on.
This isn't because of Sang-won, is it?
Do you really have to ask?
Sang-won isn't really dead.
[Dr. Lim breathing heavily]
You don't believe me?
Your husband came here
looking for your child.
[inhales sharply]
[Dr. Lim groans]
[Yi-kyung] Don't bullshit me.
I know that he's dead.
I get it now. Were you really pregnant?
I wonder if the kid turned out okay.
The father was a monster.
I'm sure that's left some kind of mark.
That kid can't be normal.
[exhales deeply]
That's why he's looking for it.
[Dr. Lim sighs deeply]
You don't have time for this.
You gotta find your child before he does.
Who knows what Sang-won will do?
[shaky breathing]
[pensive music playing]
[Yi-kyung grunts]
[Yi-kyung] You!
I know you killed him
with your own two hands!
How can you say this shit
when you killed him yourself?
I've always been honest with you.
I told you the truth back then.
He wasn't able to talk, remember?
He died.
I know because I saw it with my own eyes.
You can't bring yourself to believe it.
[Dr. Lim] I couldn't if I were you.
But I'm telling you, he really was alive.
And he had a whole new look too.
[menacing music playing]
[Dr. Lim] What brings you here?
[Sang-wook] So this is where you live?
All right, enough with the small talk.
I think it's time that you paid your dues.
[Dr. Lim] Ah
That's no way to talk
to one of your oldest friends.
You met me and I've kept you alive.
Our friendship's afforded you
some leniency.
I doubt there's anything else
I can do for you at this point.
Actually, there's something
that's been bothering me.
Tell me what it is,
and I'll do whatever I can.
[Dr. Lim] But I gotta ask, Sang-won.
Aren't you curious about Seo Yi-kyung?
She's the mother of your child.
I told you, we met up.
[pensive music playing]
Not just once either.
We met several times.
I realized after my memories returned.
Green Home
Maybe I went there because of her.
I didn't recognize her at the time.
But maybe I wanted to see her.
[dramatic music playing]
[Dr. Lim] What about now?
I'm just glad that I didn't kill her then
because now I can meet my child.
[Dr. Lim] If what you're saying is true,
that she survived and gave birth,
then the child
wouldn't even be a year old yet.
There aren't any children that young here.
So what makes you think you'll find them?
[Sang-wook] When I last saw her
Yi-kyung was already at full term.
[exhales heavily]
[Dr. Lim] So you're telling me
that she got pregnant and gave birth
within a matter of hours?
How is that possible?
This child's the special being
that I created.
[menacing music playing]
It will soon reach
the state of absolute perfection.
And I'll use it as my next vessel.
I need you to find a way
for me to leave this body.
[breathing heavily]
[Jin-ok] Excuse me. I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
[child crying]
Hey, what's your name?
I'm Kim Yeong-su.
I don't know.
You don't know it?
What's a name?
What does your mom call you then?
She's never called me anything.
I'm sure you have a name.
They say that every living thing has one.
Tell me what it is if you find out later.
I'll say it a lot
to make up for lost time.
And if you don't have one,
we'll make it up.
Making it up isn't a big deal.
See? I told you I wasn't lying.
Aren't you happy to see him?
What does he mean by leaving his body?
Sang-won is capable
of taking control of others.
I think his goal is to find
a perfect being and inhabit their body.
And unfortunately, the body he's targeting
is your child's.
How do you go about
killing special infectees?
Sang-won isn't operating alone.
Even if it's possible,
it wouldn't be easy.
- Tell me how.
- You'll never be able to kill him.
You know very well
that a human wouldn't have a chance.
- [doorknob rattles]
- Yi-kyung, open the door.
What the hell are you doing?
Open the door.
You won't answer my questions
unless I do this.
[Dr. Lim sighs]
[Dr. Lim] Cha Hyun-su.
A fellow MH might be able to do it.
Is that the only way?
Yes. Now open the door.
He's your own husband.
Even if you find a way,
I know you can't bring yourself
to kill him.
- It's not gonna happen. Open up, come on.
- [doorknob rattles]
Nam Sang-won is dead.
[banging on door]
[Dr. Lim] Come on!
[tense music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
Hey, Mister.
Is that the kid?
[survivor] He's found his child,
so he's gonna leave now, right?
[Cheol-jong] Those eyes
It can't be.
That's the monster?
[flesh squeaking, trickling]
[music swells]
[flesh squelching]
[suspenseful music continues]
Do you
need me?
I've been waiting a long time for this.
You've turned up prettier
than I expected you to.
[music swells, fades]
[metal clanking]
[breathing heavily]
[Jin-ho] We haven't heard anything
from Sergeant Tak.
We have to be careful.
We gotta figure out
what these assholes are up to.
Are you just gonna sit on your ass?
They're not gonna leave.
[door closes]
[radio static]
[footsteps approaching]
[eerie music playing]
[monster growling]
[heavy breathing]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[heavy breathing]
Get up.
A monster followed you in here.
[in hoarse voice] There's no need.
I can just get back in the heart.
The heart?
Is this a joke?
Why don't you just leave me alone?
I wouldn't have brought you here
if I was just gonna let you die.
There's still so much that you don't know.
[uneasy music playing]
Did those special infectee freaks
do this to you?
[Eun-hyeok breathing heavily]
Why did they lock you up
instead of killing you?
I guess it's because
they wanted answers from me.
About what?
The thing they're most afraid of.
Wait here if you're curious.
You'll be safe from harm
as long as you stay here.
[music swells, fades]
What the hell are you saying?
[both grunt]
[monster screeching]
[breathing shakily]
[flesh squelching]
[tense music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[Eun-hyeok] Wait here if you're curious.
You'll be safe from harm
as long as you stay here.
[music fades]
What is that?
How long do you think
this stuff will last us?
I haven't thought about it.
[Chan-yeong] Lee Eun-yu.
We shouldn't have woken him up
in the first place.
- I don't have the energy to argue.
- So just listen instead.
[Chan-yeong sighs]
As soon as he opened his eyes,
he killed a monster
and then tried to kill me.
He's not the person
who saved that woman anymore!
I know that Cha Hyun-su's
still somewhere in there, but
he's also the only one
who can make himself human again.
There's nothing we can do
to bring him back.
The monster's consumed him!
If he really had been taken over entirely,
then I could accept
what you're saying right now.
But I know that I saw him come back.
After seeing that, how could I
[Chan-yeong] Eun-yu.
He could really
end up hurting you.
These creatures are known
to kill their loved ones.
That's what monsterization does to people.
If you seriously end up dying on me
I can't do it.
I have to repay him.
The fact that we're still breathing,
it's all thanks to Hyun-su.
Let me think for a second.
[somber piano music playing]
I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise.
I know we agreed
[sobs softly]
to kill each other
if one of us was infected,
and I'm sorry that I ran away.
[shaky breath]
I was stubborn.
And I let you down.
I'm sorry.
And most of all
[shaky breath]
I'm sorry for abandoning you.
[shaky breath]
[shaky breath]
I'm sorry I wanted to keep on living.
You heard me, right?
[car horn honking]
[Ho-sang retching]
Wang Ho-sang!
When I called your name
[Ha-ni breathes shakily]
you fought as hard as you could
right until the very end
and ultimately, you won.
I promise to do the same.
[shaky breathing]
Take care.
I will.
[soft somber music playing]
[music fades]
[inhales deeply]
So what's the plan now?
I'll go to the stadium.
Don't worry.
I don't think I'll have to go inside.
I'm pretty sure
Yi-kyung will be there by now.
If we leave right now,
we'll be able to meet her outside.
And you?
The stadium only brings back
bad memories for me.
Hyun-su and Yi-kyung
have lived together this whole time.
I want to join them now.
This feels right.
We should both return
to our rightful places.
[Chan-yeong] And Cha Hyun-su?
He can't go anywhere like this.
[Hyun-su chuckles]
[tense music playing]
Who says we're going anywhere?
You don't need to know where we're going.
Wherever I go, you're coming too.
[tense music continues]
You can't kill me, can you?
You aren't trying to spare me,
but you just can't kill me.
I'm sure you're just as confused as I am.
You thought you could do
whatever you wanted,
but turns out you can't.
Am I wrong?
Stop it.
[Eun-yu] Cha Hyun-su.
Come with me now.
You've got nothing better to do.
Hyun-su, please come with me.
It's funny.
I've woken up exactly three times,
and each time,
you were right there in front of me.
Cha Hyun-su.
Why didn't you ever run away?
Because I was waiting for you.
You would? For me?
Or was it Cha Hyun-su?
All right, how about this?
I'll try to keep Cha Hyun-su
from taking over
while you try to bring him back.
I'll give you three days.
And if you win,
I'll let him come back.
Do you mean that?
I guess we'll find out.
So wherever it is
that you're planning on going
let's go, I'll tag along.
[Hyun-su] What the hell is this?
- Carry it.
- Why should I?
You agreed to come.
We're gonna help each other.
You guys are coming with us?
That's great.
It's no fun being a lone ranger.
I know from experience.
[upbeat electronic music playing]
[Eun-yu] Aren't you coming?
[music stops]
We finally meet.
I should introduce myself.
I am
your father.
[tense music playing]
What does that mean?
It means I'm the one who created you.
[Sang-wook] Didn't your mom tell you that?
Sounds like I have a lot to teach you.
We'll be living here for a while.
This place will be
your playground.
If there's anything you want to do,
you're free to do it.
Of course, anything.
By the way,
why are you all alone?
Where's your mom?
Is she dead?
She's a monster now.
You've been through a lot.
But from now on,
I'm gonna take good care of you
[ominous music playing]
[footsteps approaching]
[radio static]
[Chi-seong] It appears that
someone's escaped from Bamseom.
Well, she said she'd do it.
But she really made a mess of it.
I I should've kept tabs on her.
Station her at the main gate.
If those soldiers return
kill them yourself.
This time, you'll do in front of everyone.
[engine starts]
Keep tailing him and don't get caught.
I know I shouldn't be, but I'm concerned.
Why are you concerned?
He found his child, so now
he just needs to take over her body.
We can't afford any hiccups
while we move forward.
We're still not sure
if that child's potential.
Just tail them from far away.
[Ja-yeong] Turn around.
[soft gasp]
What a pretty child.
Don't make me kill you.
Go back inside now.
Honey, don't do anything you'll regret.
There isn't even time to do
the things we truly want.
That's why I'm getting out of here.
The doors are open now,
so I'm gonna go home.
- [grabs hand]
- [Seon-hwa groans]
Oh, oh! Why are you
Why are you doing this?
Why are you Hey!
Honey, please let me go.
Sweetheart, let me go.
That hurts! Ah!
Why are you so pouty?
Is it because of that girl?
It was Mr. Sang-wook, wasn't it?
Is he really her dad?
Does this mean she's leaving now?
I guess it does.
I don't like it.
[Peter] You said you were like sisters.
Take good care of her.
She just tried to escape.
Are you crazy? What were you thinking?
I thought we could go home
if the gate up there was opened.
That's what Jin-ok said, isn't it?
Seriously? Come on.
[tense music playing]
Are you scared?
Is that why you won't come in?
[Ye-seul] No.
I'm just trying to make up my mind
about whether I kill you or not.
[tense music swells]
Go ahead.
Whatever you're gonna do,
do it.
But do you really want
to get my blood all over your hands?
Besides, like you said,
this would be too easy.
Stop trying to get in my head!
- [thumps]
- [breathing heavily]
[Chief Ji] Just think it over.
You'll figure it out.
What the most
painful death will be for me.
[tense music continues]
I'm only asking for a few words.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that.
I was mistaken."
I'm not asking that much!
[Ye-seul breathing heavily]
I don't intend on begging for forgiveness.
Because I can't.
I can't forgive myself either.
[breathing shakily]
[tense music playing]
[breathes heavily]
Where's Sergeant Tak?
[Ye-seul sniffles]
She said this was her response
to your proposal.
[Jin-ho] What is all this?
[Dong-jun] It's a map of the stadium.
It shows everything,
including the unverified area.
[tense music continues]
That woman was no coward.
She wanted to take responsibility
until the very end.
[music swells]
[door screeching]
[somber music playing]
[door closes]
[electricity crackling]
[sobbing continues]
Where's Hyun-su?
I thought he went after you.
You didn't see him?
He'll be back.
He has no reason to run off on his own.
Why don't you sit down and eat something?
We've got a long way to go.
His haircut's just as lame
as his personality.
You guys are eating without me?
Did you want to eat?
Obviously. You aren't gonna share?
[retching, coughing]
[breathing heavily]
So you're off the drugs?
If you're not gonna commit to it,
then just
[breathes deeply]
Just take a hint
and stop torturing yourself.
You crazy bitch.
Hey, where are you going?
Sober or not,
I'm gonna find some herbs to help you.
Do you even know what you're looking for?
[Eun-yu] I'll pick some random leaves.
Something will work.
Wait here. I'll be right back.
[Ha-ni sighs]
Uh can I ask you a question?
Were you the one who
killed Mr. Kim?
I don't know who that is.
That day you saved Eun-yu.
You think this idiot only saved her
once or twice?
He doesn't kill people.
Haven't you figured that out?
- [heavy breathing]
- [Hyun-su] That perverted asshole?
Cha Hyun-su was furious back then.
It's a good thing he's already a monster.
Otherwise, he would've killed them,
and then cried about it for days.
He was symptomatic then.
do you like her?
Cha Hyun-su likes her.
That's why he's always
hovering around her.
That wuss doesn't have the balls
to do anything about it.
What about you?
[Ha-ni breathes heavily, grunts]
Where is Eun-yu?
[shaky breathing]
[ominous music playing]
Is this it?
[Sang-wook] What are you thinking about?
Aren't you afraid of
what I might say?
Not at all.
Oh, okay.
Mom was always afraid
because we were different.
What about you, Dad?
Will you accept me?
Of course.
That's what makes you so pretty though.
[Sang-wook] You said
monsters don't hurt you, right?
Let me see how you do.
And if you do well
I'll make sure
you'll never get hurt again.
And I'll give you a present.
A present?
I'll give you anything you want.
Just tell me what it is.
I'll always be here to protect you.
[monster in deep voice] Let me rest.
Come on, wake up. I wanna play. Wake up.
I wanna play.
Come on, wake up.
[ground rumbling]
Damn it.
Where the hell did she go?
[distant rumbling]
[leaves rustling]
[birds cawing]
[ground rumbling]
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues]
[snarling continues]
[music stops]
[closing theme music playing]
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