The Baxters (2024) s03e03 Episode Script

A Sisters Trip

[Elizabeth] Previously on
The Baxters
We need a name.
For the birth certificate.
-Thomas Luke.
-[Landon] Does he know
about this?
[Reagan] Please, Landon,
you can't tell Ashley.
-Oh, I can't lie to Ash.
-Landon, this is my information
to share.
[Luke] Who you spending
all this time with?
[Lori] People that are happy
to be with me.
Why don't we just
meet up after school,
and we'll really talk.
How many times
do I have to tell you?
I don't wanna talk.
Lori, wait. Hey
I didn't realize
planning a wedding
would bring back
so many memories of Tim.
But of course it does.
I've done this all before.
artists here at the gallery,
and I think
you'd be a great fit.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
-Mornin' delivery.
-[chuckles softly]
-You're the best.
Oh, man.
I wanted to get here
before she went down for a nap.
[chuckling] Oh.
She'll be up soon enough,
and happy to see you.
Babe [chuckles]
How are there
any wedding magazines
left in the world
-that you haven't read already?
-I know, it's just
I feel like it'll all
come together if I could just
envision myself on that day.
Be honest with me for a second.
Are you having doubts?
No. No!
Ryan, I wanna marry you.
I just have a lot on my mind
with Jessie's first birthday
and Tim's
Why don't I help out more?
You know, I could
take over the venue search.
Come on,
I'll make a full list
and have it ready
for us to debate.
I don't want you to feel like
this is all on you.
[chuckling] Mmm. Thank you.
I do need the help.
Yesterday, at work,
I spent two hours
just like aimlessly
searching the internet.
Isn't Ashley going to L.A.
for a few days?
Why don't you tag along?
Come on, get out of town.
Clear your head.
I know she could use
the support.
What about Jessie?
I'll stay here
and take care of her.
Come on,
I'd love the bonding time,
and your parents will help me
if I need it.
I have always
wanted to go to L.A.
-I know.
Here we go.
Let me handle the packing.
We're gonna get you
out of your comfort zone.
Plus, don't you wanna look
extra cute when you see Landon?
And I've hit a nerve.
Aren't you excited to see him?
I don't know.
I kind of feel like
he's been avoiding me.
How so?
Well, I called and texted him
a few times the past few days,
and he didn't answer.
So he doesn't even know
I'm coming.
What? Text him.
[Ashley] I got frustrated.
-I don't wanna chase him.
-I get it.
When I was dating Ricky,
he would send my calls
to voicemail all the time.
Like, hello?
I know if it rings once
and then goes to voicemail,
you just declined my call.
Please don't let Landon
turn out to be like Ricky.
Hey, he could be romantic
Maybe I'm overreacting
about the whole Landon thing.
My imagination just goes wild.
[chuckling] Oh, sorry.
-I was just
thinking about Ricky.
-[groaning] Oh.
Wow. It smells so good in here.
Extra crispy bacon,
just the way you like it.
Don't tell
any of my vegan friends.
Your secret's safe with me.
-Mmm. Yum!
This is so nice, Luke.
Why can't it always
be like this?
It can be. We just
We have to make time
for each other.
And like you've been
saying communicate.
Hey, I have an idea.
Why don't we ditch class?
Spend the whole day together.
We could do whatever you want.
-I can't today.
-Why not?
I have that
female leadership conference.
Okay. Well, tonight, then?
Actually, a few of us
were gonna stay over
at Gaby's house.
I would cancel, but she just
broke up with her boyfriend.
And I feel like she could
really use the company.
I'm sorry.
Spending the day together
sounds really nice,
but another time, okay?
I promise.
Yeah. All good.
Okay. So, we just need to
organize this good stuff
that's been donated
and then we're done.
Oh, I used to love these.
I remember you used them
to color the kitchen wall.
[laughing] I'm sorry.
Hey, do you and Sam
wanna come over
for dinner tonight?
I'll make something yummy.
Oh, we're actually babysitting
for my friends
Karen and Steve tonight.
-Oh, Eva's parents?
-Yeah. She's so sweet.
And we got a bunch
of ice cream and toppings,
so we can make
sundaes with her.
Erin, you are gonna make
a wonderful mom.
Is it something I said?
I'm really ready
to start a family, Mom.
And I don't think Sam is.
Well, have you two talked?
No, I mean,
he keeps changing
the subject,
and you know
I hate confrontation.
Maybe spending time
with Eva tonight
will help shed some light
on his feelings.
Yeah, maybe.
-[Erika] Dancing
and creating
-[Ashley] Oh, okay.
-[Erika] Okay, let's set that
on this.
-[car horn honking]
Good morning, ladies.
Hey. Ryan.
-[Ryan] Hey.
-Where's the truck?
Uh, turning it in for something
a little more family-friendly.
-You all ready for L.A.?
Did you come to say goodbye
with a suitcase?
Oh, Ryan thought
it might be a good idea
for me to get out of town.
So I'm gonna
come with you to L.A.
I'm sorry.
You invited Kari
to my trip to L.A.?
I mean when you
put it like that
All right, I gotta run.
Have fun.
[Kari] Bye, babe.
Goodbye, baby girl.
Mommy loves you
so much, okay?
-[chuckling] Bye.
[Erika] Kari,
you'll have to play me,
talk her off the ledge
about Landon
several dozen times.
And make sure
she doesn't dress
like an angry 12 year old.
-[Kari laughs]
-I do not.
Yeah, it's like emo chic.
Take it back
or I won't let you come.
-Oh, so I can come?
-You're already here.
Yay. Sisters' trip!
[upbeat music playing]
[Kari] This hotel is gorgeous.
Cynthia Wellington must run
a very nice gallery.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah, just a little
nauseous from the taxi ride.
[clears throat]
Are you sure
it's not just nerves
about the gallery meeting?
Not helping.
You're gonna be just fine.
What if I'm not?
What if they realize
this was all a big mistake?
Look, Ash,
I don't know
what's gonna happen,
but I do know
that if you don't keep trying,
you'll never know.
I have faith that your talent
will speak for itself.
-I'm just nervous.
-I know,
and that's
completely understandable.
Whatever happens,
I'm right here with you.
[exhales deeply] Okay.
[baby crying]
What's wrong, honey? It's okay.
[crying continues]
It's okay. [shushes]
[whispering indistinctly]
-[baby crying]
[baby crying]
[shushes] It's okay.
There we go.
Yeah, Mommy wants to cry, too.
[crying continues]
[ambient music playing]
It's incredible in here.
Exactly what you deserve.
[Cynthia] All right, gentlemen,
make sure it's straight.
You know how I like it.
[gasps] One of you must be
Ashley Baxter,
my star on the rise.
-Ms. Wellington, it's an honor.
-Oh, please call me Cynthia,
and the pleasure's all mine.
I cannot wait to get a look
at your pieces up close.
Oh, this is my sister, Kari.
-She's here for moral support.
-Lovely to meet you, Kari.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Well, come! Follow me.
[exhales heavily]
Can I ask about
the inspiration?
It's about my time in Paris.
Oh, well, about moving on
from it.
Well, they are perfect
for the show. All of them.
Thank you.
Really, you are literally
making my dreams come true.
It is my absolute pleasure.
Okay, I'm going to
keep this work for now.
There are a few buyers
I would love to show this to,
because I know
they'll go crazy for it.
-Oh, yes.
We are going to sell this work.
All of it, I predict.
I'll give you two
a moment to process
and celebrate.
-Oh, thank you, God.
[both laugh]
It's all happening.
I'm still in shock.
Uh, this is huge!
We have to celebrate.
My sister is gonna be
a famous artist.
Oh, we should stop by
Landon's station
and surprise him.
He'll wanna hear the good news.
And now you'll be spending
so much more time in L.A.,
uh, this is so good
on so many levels.
What's wrong?
How could you possibly be
anything but ecstatic?
Just things with Landon
have been a little weird.
You know what's weird?
You being in L.A.,
and not letting him know
you're here.
Stop overthinking it.
What happened to you
being gently supportive?
This is too important
for patience.
[exhales] Okay.
-All right, all right.
-[cheers, giggles]
Is anybody here?
What are you doing here?
I just thought we'd stop by.
Hey, buddy.
-[Reagan chuckles]
How does it feel
to be out of the hospital?
It's okay.
Yeah, just going a little
stir-crazy at the apartment
and so is this little dude.
But he stopped crying
the second
that I got him outside.
-So, I just kept walking.
-[baby cooing]
It's our first walk. [chuckles]
Wow, a big milestone.
You're doing great.
Do you have any time
to join us?
I was just gonna go
to the little park
that's a few blocks down.
Uh, yeah,
I can escape for a little bit.
Hey, Doug.
You ain't got to yell.
I'm right here.
I'm gonna go for a walk
in Clifford Park
with these two.
Call me if you need me.
-I got you.
-[Reagan] Great.
Let's go little man.
Hey, Luke.
Oh. Hey, Gaby.
What's up?
Aren't you, uh,
supposed to be
at the women's event,
with Lori?
Um, I'm not sure.
Oh, okay. Well, I hope
you have fun at
the sleepover tonight.
Lori said you were having
some of the girls over tonight.
-Right, yes.
-'Cause of your break-up.
-Uh-huh, exactly.
-I'm sorry about that.
Yeah, thank you.
It's been, um, rough.
Yeah, I'll bet.
So, what are you guys
gonna do tonight?
-At the sleepover.
Right. Um, not sure.
Listen, um,
I've gotta run, Luke.
It was really good
to see you, though.
Actually, Gaby, wait.
Good afternoon, ladies.
How can I help you?
Hey, is Landon here?
We're just stopping by
to say hi.
You just missed him.
He left about a minute ago
to go take a walk in the park.
And, uh, what park
would that be?
Clifford Park.
It's right around the corner.
Right by all the shops.
-There. That's it.
Ash, we can walk right over.
Oh, and it's right by
a wedding dress shop,
maybe we'll kill two birds
with one stone.
-Hopefully, we'll find him.
-Oh, you should.
-They just left.
Yeah. He was with, um,
I think, his girlfriend
and I guess their baby?
-I'm sorry, what?
No, you must be thinking
of the wrong Landon.
Yeah, I don't know
all the details, um,
but there's only
one Landon here.
I, I'm sorry.
Who are you guys?
-Do you know
anything about this girl?
-We're leaving.
-I, uh
-Ash, wait, he might have
more information.
I don't want
any more information.
I'm sorry.
It has to be
a misunderstanding.
There's no way Landon would do
something like this to you.
I told you
he's been weird lately.
Avoiding my calls,
rushing off the phone,
I mean
Yeah, it would be
so unlike him,
but, who knows?
Ashley, this is Landon
we're talking about.
He's been in love with you
since forever.
What, now he has some
random secret baby?
[both chuckle]
-[sighing] Okay, yeah,
it would be shocking.
-It would be absurd.
That's him.
[both speaking indistinctly]
Yeah. With a woman.
Let's go talk to him.
There has to be an explanation.
No, I can't.
[Sam] Your mom's cooking
beats babysitting
any day of the week.
[Erin] I was really
looking forward
to watching Eva.
-[Sam] Yeah?
-You weren't?
She's sweet, but you know,
I'm not great with kids.
That's not true.
You're so great
with your nieces and nephew.
I don't know.
I've never really felt
comfortable with them.
-Hey, what?
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm fine.
[door opens]
Hope you two are hungry.
I hope you like sprinkles
on your ice cream.
'Cause Erin bought
several different kinds.
Uh, that poor little Eva,
she's sick,
and she's missing
an ice cream feast.
-Come on, it's melting.
Let's go.
-[both chuckle]
And I do love sprinkles,
and hot fudge, and marsh
I love marshmallows.
And you know what I like?
Roasted peanuts.
[dramatic music playing]
[keypad beeps]
[intercom dial tone]
-[woman] Who's there?
-Mom, it's Lori.
It's me, Mom. Lori.
-Can I come up and talk to you?
-About what?
Can you just please let me up?
What do you need?
-Honestly, your help.
-Oh, now you need my help.
Where have you been
for the past year?
I know things got tough
between us,
but, Mom, I just,
I really need you right now.
You should've thought
about that before.
Please, Mom, it's important.
[intercom beeping]
[intercom dial tone]
[dial tone continues]
[cell phone vibrating]
[intense music playing]
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
-What's wrong?
-I just think I might be
coming down with something.
Lori? Lori!
[Ashley] It just doesn't
make sense.
I mean, a girlfriend
and a baby.
[Kari] You and Landon
technically are not
in a relationship.
I am so disappointed
in Luke.
This young girl
lying in that hospital bed
in that condition alone.
We raised him to be there.
This is Tommy.
Thomas Luke.
So, you're telling me
that Luke doesn't know
he has a child!
[theme music playing]
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