The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e03 Episode Script

Fembots in Las Vegas

You can make them as beautiful
or as deadly as you want to.
OSCAR: Jaime, they'll never
operate again.
Tami Cross is a fembot.
Please let me in there.
ROD: I“ do, it'll kill me.
If anybody gets in here,
it'll kill me.
As long as he stays in the
Isolation Chamber, you can see him.
I'll see him.
There's a girl following you.
CARL: She's very dangerous,
If you break the glass,
you'll kill him!
Forget it, Oscar,
they're only bluffing.
Oscar, it's Jaime.
They told me you were here.
OSCAR: Come on in,
it's unlocked.
What are you doing?
I have been selected to appear
before a Congressional
Appropriations Committee next week.
Since we are
a semi-secret organization,
they'd like to know how
we spent the taxpayer's money.
So, I'm gathering
exhibits from old cases.
Good Lord, Oscar. I didn't
know you kept all this stuff.
Yes. It's all sealed evidence.
It's like walking
through a haunted house.
Be with you in a minute.
Oh, no.
You kept this too, huh?
Yeah. We very nearly bought
the farm that time, remember?
What did Dr. Franklin
call those female robots?
Programmable, obedient
and as beautiful or as deadly
as I choose to make them.
Okay. That's it.
I'm going upstairs.
Hey, hey, hey.
Why the stampede?
Oh, Oscar. I'm sorry,
I can't help it.
This place got me so spooked,
I'm hearing that transistor hum again.
Jaime, they'll never
operate again.
Dr. Franklin died in prison
two months ago.
She's only alive in
your memory, babe.
Oh, I'm sorry.
That thing is like
seeing myself dead.
I can't stand to look at it.
Andrews Air Force Base called and the
plane's ready to fly you to Vandenberg.
Good, let's go.
I was ready for that
almost immediately.
Callahan? Can you hear me?
CARL: Very good.
Adjust your face mask,
How've you been, Jaime?
Okay. Staying out of
trouble, more or less.
Oscar works me
pretty hard, you know.
Maybe Oscar's just trying to
keep you out of trouble.
CARL“. It's time, Callahan.
Vandenberg Missile Launch Control.
RSO, how's it stand on your end?
RSO: According to plan,
Estimate marriage of the missile to
the Tower will complete at 2300 hours,
Anticipating the orbital
window at T minus 30 hours,
Final countdown will begin
at 0800 hours tomorrow.
Dr. Wells confirms loading
of the space telescope
into the nose cone
will complete at 1600 hours.
At that time, we will begin mating
the nose cone to the space booster.
Dr. Wells, please keep
your status reports current.
Careful. Careful.
Very slowly.
Now take it easy. Easy.
Easy, ladies and gentlemen.
It fits like a glove. Don't force it.
We never do, Doctor.
We just use a bigger hammer.
As long as it's a rubber hammer.
Now, that's it.
That's it.
Now, let's get the protective
housing mounted around it.
Good work, Rudy.
Thanks, Oscar.
Well, we got about 24 hours.
What do you say we go to
Las Vegas and have some fun?
Come on.
You never take a vacation,
much less in the middle
of a launch.
Well, I thought we'd see some
shows while I do what I have to do.
Will he see you?
He's got to see me.
I'm going to apologize to him.
To whom and for what?
Last year, Kyler Industries
proposed that we fund the development
of a Solar Energy Ray Weapon.
What is that?
That's a high-Intensity
fluoride beam
that focuses and directs atomic
particles at the speed of light.
In theory, the beam
is stronger than lasers,
has much more
destructive potential.
It's so accurate it could
destroy the Empire State Building
from 23,000 miles out in space.
I told Rod Kyler that it was
too futuristic and we'd pass.
It infuriated him.
Unfortunately, the Russians
have been investing millions
in directed energy research
on the theory it will work,
and our reports on their
progress are alarming.
So, I'm going to eat crow and
hope that we can close the gap.
Isn't this Kyler the fellow
that owns
BOTH: Everything.
and helicopter factories,
mines, electronics research
BOTH: One of the biggest
hotels in Las Vegas.
By the way I've got to
call Callahan.
Get the Kyler proposal
so I'll have it in hand
when I talk to him.
Oscar Goldman's office.
OSCAR“. Hello, Callahan.
Would you pull the Kyler
proposal on the Energy Weapon?
Yeah, of course I will.
Good. And bring it to
Las Vegas in the morning.
You can stay with us
and later on we'll go out
to Vandenberg Air Base and watch
the launch of the space telescope.
Oh, really?
Oscar, that's super.
Thank you.
Thank you, Callahan.
See you in the morning.
Okay. You will. Bye.
CARL: All right, bring her
back here to the base,
We'll style your hair like
hers so you can take her place.
Then you'll go to Las Vegas
where the other fembots
are already in position
at Kyler's hotel,
Welcome to Las Vegas.
Here we are, babe.
Oscar, you know, I never knew
that you were the convertible type.
This is a surprise.
Well, this is because you always
saw me in limousines, my dear.
I love convertibles.
JAIME: Hey, it's a quarter to 8:00. Now,
if we hurry, we can make the 8:00 show.
Sure. But first, I've got to try
to set up a meeting with Kyler.
Well, that shouldn't
take long, huh?
I don't know. He's a very private man.
Keeps a lot of security people around.
Hey, Oscar.
We could make
the 10:00 show.
I'm sorry, babe. Let me try to
get to him just one more time, huh?
What's the matter?
I There's something wrong
with my hearing unit, I think.
Does something seem wrong?
I don't know.
I'm hallucinating.
DAN: Hello?
Hello, Dan?
Dan, this is Oscar Goldman.
Have you heard
anything from Kyler?
I haven't been able to get
through to the boss yet, Oscar.
Dan, you've been saying that
for the last two hours.
Now, you tell Kyler I want to see
him about that Energy Ray Weapon.
You understand?
I'll give him the message, but
I don't think it'll do any good.
I don't think he's
going to see me.
Oh, well. Hey, listen, we
don't have to go to the show.
Jaime, I promised you
a holiday, didn't I?
And I always keep my promises.
Oscar, we don't have to
stay if you don't want to.
No. I'm fine.
I'm enjoying myself.
That girl.
What girl?
There's 40 girls.
The fourth one on the left.
You see her? The tall one.
She's pretty.
Is she your type?
Well, I won't talk about that
right now, but she is Kyler's type.
Her name is Tami Cross.
They've been going together
a couple of years.
Listen, I've got a great idea.
Why don't you go backstage
and talk to her.
Tell her how important it
is that Kyler telephone me.
Oscar, I can't just go wandering
around in the girls' dressing rooms.
But, you'll have a better chance
of talking to her than I would.
Do what you can, will you?
I'll go over to Kyler Aircraft
and talk to Dan Mayers
and see about setting up a
business meeting at that end.
I can't tell you how important
this Energy Ray Weapon is.
Okay girls,
come on, let's move it.
Come on. You've got
three and a half minutes.
Very nice.
Really nice.
Too many balls.
Hey, hey, you. Sweetheart,
what are you doing back here?
Oh, I came to see
one of the girls.
Listen, it's in the middle
of the show, all right?
And besides, the customers
are not allowed backstage.
Okay. It's only gonna
take me a minute.
Please, lady. We're
working. Do you mind?
Okay. Sorry.
It is the fembot hum.
I'm not imagining this, now
Hi. You must be
a new girl here.
Oh, I wish I was, but I'm just
auditioning in case of a vacancy.
Hey, if I said break-a-leg,
would you do it?
(LAUGHS) For sure.
Call for you.
It's the red phone.
Uh, this is Neal, Ms. Cross.
Mr. Kyler asked me
to call you.
Neal, this is driving me crazy.
Six months ago, he left me in
Acapulco without ever telling me why.
Now I'm just going to stay here and
keep calling him until I hear from him.
That's why I called you.
He's decided to see you.
Well, it's about time. When?
Come up to the penthouse.
Be here in an hour.
Have somebody fill in for me
at the midnight show.
Okay, anything the boss wants.
Uh, you. You.
Yeah, you. Are you
working the last show?
Uh, no.
That's great.
Now, you take Tami's place.
I can't do that.
I have something else to do.
Don't argue with me
otherwise you're fired.
I'm fired? I'm
(LAUGHS) I quit.
Who was that?
DAN: Mr. Goldman, if it'll
make you feel any better,
Mr. Kyler hasn't
talked to anybody recently.
All right, if that's the case,
level with me.
He's been known to pursue projects
that other people have called impractical.
It's been his style to perfect
and spring them on the world.
Now, as a representative
of his government and yours,
has he gone ahead and developed
a Directed Energy Weapon?
I can't answer that.
You just did.
I passed on your messages.
The boss will call you
if he wants to.
This is National Security
matter, Dan.
It's not a matter
of anybody's convenience.
It's for you.
This is Oscar Goldman speaking.
Oscar, hi, listen.
Tami Cross is a fembot.
She's a fembot.
Jaime, I told you.
Dr. Franklin is dead.
I know that hum.
Now, believe me.
Look, I'll have Rudy check your hearing
unit when we get back to Vandenberg,
all right?
Oscar, will you please listen to me
Uh Never mind.
Through at 3:00. Why don't I
pick you up at the parking lot?
Oh, I'd like to, honest,
but I can't.
Not tonight.
Hi, Ms. Cross. You haven't been
up to the Penthouse in a long time.
Mr. Kyler's expecting me.
Yes, ma'am.
Neal sent down word.
Tami's in the elevator now,
Dr. Franklin.
Thank you.
Tami, you must keep Kyler
talking for at least five minutes.
Oh, there's gotta be
an easier way to do this.
Hello, Ms. Cross.
Where is he?
Follow me, please.
Rod, are you in here?
It's good to see you, Tami.
CARL: He must be
behind the glass.
Oh, Rod, where are you?
What's wrong?
TAMI: Will you please
talk to me?
What's happened to this place?
What's that glass wall for?
Why are you hiding?
ROD: When we were in Acapulco,
my doctors called.
I'd had a routine check-up
and they'd got the results.
They insisted that
I fly back immediately.
Tami, I honestly thought I'd be
back in Acapulco the next day.
But it turned out that I'd
caught something so rare,
there's hardly a name for it,
much less a cure.
Please, let me in there.
If I do, It'll kill me. If anybody
gets in here, it'll kill me.
Well, turn up the lights.
Maybe that'll make it
clearer than words.
What is this place?
Why are you hiding?
My check-up showed that
I was losing my natural
immunization processes.
And it got worse.
Three months ago,
I had to enter this
thing. For as long
as I live, I've got to
stay in this sterilized
goldfish bowl.
Isolated from contact
with anything or anyone.
Oh, why didn't you
tell me before?
You're doing very well, Tami.
Because I love you
and I knew you'd want to share
it with me and that's impossible.
And I wanted to
see you one more time.
To say goodbye.
But if you loved me, you'd
want to have me near you.
I don't want anybody to see
me like this. Not even you.
But I wanna be near you
even if it is no closer than this.
You'd better go now.
Oh, Rod, let me stay.
All this is happening so fast.
I need time to sort things out.
All right, I'll go.
Only if I can come
back tomorrow.
If you want to make
the goodbye final then,
I'll accept it.
All right?
If that's what you want.
Oh, darling, I do love you.
CARL: That was good, Tami,
Thank you. Thank you very much,
CARL: Give the cassette
of Kyler's voice to Gina,
Gina, you know what
to do with the cassette.
NANCY: Carl, someone's
following Tami.
It's Jaime Sommers.
NANCY: Does she know
Tami's one of us?
My father told me about
her bionic hearing.
He said she detected
the transistor hum before.
Quick, change the transmission
frequency on all fembots.
Tami, there's a girl
following you.
She's very dangerous.
Lead her into that theater.
Be sure she sees where you go.
All right, let her come closer.
CARL: Fix your face mask, Hurry,
Don't let her get away.
Tami, watch out!
JAIME: Oh, my God.
RUDY: I got here
as soon as I could.
Jaime, it's Dr. Franklin's
basic design,
but the strange thing
is that the wiring
has a new type transistor
which has only been on the
market for the last six months.
It gives me the creeps to think
somebody's been watching me all this time.
Hello, Oscar.
Consider a profound
apology made.
Consider it accepted.
Thank you, ma'am.
Well, we've got a break.
It seems that
Franklin had a son.
He's be in his late 205 now.
NANCY: Dr, Franklin,
Dr, Franklin,
We need you in the
control room, Dr, Franklin,
Callahan's arrived
at the Las Vegas Airport.
Callahan, I'm glad
you're in position.
Goldman has Tami. Go and
find out how much he knows.
you're going to have
to take over Tami's job.
I'm going to program Kyler's vocal
patterns into your memory bank.
Sit down.
The prison visitor's records show that
he came to see his father every month.
They spent as much time
together as regulations allowed,
then six months ago, Carl's
visits suddenly stopped.
Well, we certainly know
what stopped
Carl's visits. Come in.
Hi, Jaime, Rudy, Oscar.
Be careful,
react as the real Callahan
would. Hi, Callahan.
OSCAR: Glad to see you.
Oh, I'm happy to be here.
Here's all your things.
It's okay.
It's all right.
Now, what about Kyler?
What's his condition?
I finally contacted
his personal physician.
Just as Jaime said
it was. It's an acute
immunization disorder.
The three people who destroyed
my father are all in that room.
They have much to answer for,
and will,
but first things first.
Well, I'll see him, even
if it takes a Court Order.
Oh, come on, Oscar.
Jaime, we know now that Kyler has
indeed developed an Energy Ray Weapon.
We also know that Franklin is
using these fembots to try to get at it,
just like his father did to try to
get the Weather Control Machine.
Let's go.
Ugh! Bye.
Very good, Callahan.
Now, go and join your sisters at the
hotel and carry out your assignment.
Ah, very nice, Nancy, perfect.
Now, you must get out to Kyler's
lab quickly and carry out the next step.
Where's Kyler's
private elevator?
It's over this way. Did
you get the court order?
Get our other sister.
Relief dealer, please.
Hi, sugar.
Glad to see me?
Not now, baby.
I've got problems.
Oh, what's wrong? You
were never too busy before.
I'm sorry, Mr. Kyler. They
have a Federal Court Order.
ROD: What's the idea, Goldman?
We had no choice, Rod.
There's no time.
We have reason to believe that a formidable
force is after your Energy Ray Weapon.
My what?
Come on!
We know you've perfected it.
I“ did, it's none of your
business. You didn't pay for it.
I have nothing else to add.
Are you familiar with the work
of Dr. Franklin and the
robots that he's created?
I've read Rudy Wells'
confidential report.
You've done more than
that. You've met one.
The girl that was here last
night was not Tami Cross.
She was a brilliant,
completely life-like copy.
She was a fembot.
Where's the real Tami?
Carl Franklin must still
have her, if she's still alive.
He'd certainly would need the
real girl to make such a perfect copy.
I'm sorry, ladies.
This is a private car.
You're not allowed up here.
OSCAR: Jaime. Jaime?
Stay out of the way, Oscar.
We've come for the Energy Ray
Weapon and we're going to get it.
Please tell your lab to turn it
over to the person who's waiting.
ROD: There's no
way I'll do that.
We don't want to hurt you.
We know the phone call has to be
made with your voice from that phone.
Pick it up.
Pick it up and do as I say.
You're wasting your time.
We are prepared to go in there
and make the phone call ourselves.
And we will do it if we have to.
I'll give you a count till five.
You'll never get by
the voice identifier.
You've made a mistake.
The weapon won't
do you any good.
I designed it, and it'll
only operate in orbit.
Don't concern yourself
with our problems.
Don't do it.
If you break the glass,
you'll kill him.
Forget it, Oscar.
They're only bluffing.
Get outside with the others.
Are you all right?
I'm sorry I couldn't
help you anymore.
Don't be.
I'd rather die out here than
live in there anyway. Now, easy.
PEGGY: Make the call.
They're too much for us.
Yes, boss.
This is Dan.
a woman Air Force Captain
will be there in a few minutes.
I want you to turn over
the Energy Ray Weapon to her.
Mr. Kyler, please repeat the
order for voice identification.
Go ahead, sir.
(ROD'S VOICE) Turn over the Energy
Ray Weapon to the Air Force Personnel.
They require no
further identification.
DAN: Hang on, Mr. Kyler,
I'm waiting for confirmation,
No, we can't let this happen.
Now, does that
chopper upstairs work?
Yeah. It should.
It's been three months since I
left it there and came down here.
Okay, boss. If that's
the way you want it.
Okay, well, maybe I
can buy us a little time.
What if you take off and then
radio for help and I'm gonna
CARL: Bring the three
and return to base,
JAIME: Rod, will
you get upstairs?
PEGGY: She's blocked it
with something.
CARL: Get through there.
Hurry up. Come on.
It takes time to get
these rotors moving.
How did you do that?
Now get this thing
off the ground.
I'll try and hold them till
you're ready. Hurry, though.
Get it up.!
(GRUNTING) Get it up!
What about you?
Get it up, and take
it out of here. Go on.
CARL: All right,
we lost them for now.
Bring Goldman and
return to base immediately.
ROD: Jaime,
can you make it?
JAIME: I think so.
Keep going.
You all right?
Anyone, this is K-493.
Anyone answer.
What's wrong?
My maintenance crew must
have taken it out for repairs.
And they weren't in any hurry.
They never expected me
to fly this thing again.
Okay, just take us over
to your research lab, huh?
Fasten the belt.
DAN: The Energy Ray Weapon is
being loaded aboard your plane now.
I sure was surprised
when Mr. Kyler told me
to turn it over
to the Air Force.
But at least they sent their
prettiest officer. (BEEPING)
Thank you.
DAN: I hope we get
to see you again.
We'll see.
Okay, you feeling all right?
I won't just keel over.
It might take weeks before I
meet the germ with my name on it.
0-130, you are cleared for take-off,
NANCY: Air Force 0-130,
roger. Thanks for everything,
How much further is It, huh?
Just over that hill.
JAIME: What's that?
ROD: I don't
think we made it.
Oh, no.
Good work, Nancy. Now that we
have it, we're ready for phase two.
Now they'll pay for what
they did to my father.
I'm sorry, Mr. Kyler.
The voice identifier checked,
everything checked.
It's okay.
Did anything that
she said at all
give you an idea
as to where she was going?
She just wanted all
the technical manuals
for fitting the weapon unit
into the nose cone of a rocket.
All right, you said
it would only work in orbit.
Right, now what kind of a launch
vehicle would it take to get it up there?
Well, it's designed for
compatibility with a space booster.
A space booster?
Come on, you never
take a vacation,
much less in the
middle of a launch.
Oh, Lord!
Well, they've really got a way.
It's Oscar Goldman on five.
Oh, can I get it?
Oscar, are you all right?
A little headache,
but I got away.
They have the Directed
Energy Weapon.
Now I'm sure that
they're gonna try
and put it into orbit
on the space booster
that Rudy's using to launch
the telescope at Vanderberg.
We're not beat yet, Jaime.
I'll call the base and have the
Air Police waiting to meet them.
Yeah, with tanks, I hope.
This is Goldman,
OSI, top priority.
I want you to connect me with
the Communications Center
at the Vandenberg
Missile Facility.
This is LD.
Switch to channel four
for status check.
Roger, LD. There is a delay in
mating the payload to the Second Stage.
Suggest a hold at T minus 30
if the situation is not corrected.
Affirmative, ALD.
Unless I receive a go
from you on payload,
I'll initiate a hold
at T minus 30 minutes.
Divisions report?
Range safety?
MAN 1:
R80 is go.
Telemetry? MAN 2: Telemetry is go.
OSCAR: Patch me through
to Air Force Communications,
OPERATOR: I can patch you
through to Air Force Communications
at Vandenberg now, sir,
This is Oscar Goldman speaking.
Suspend the launch
and declare a Red Alert.
Use heavy weapons if anybody
tries to come on the base.
Do you understand?
(IN MAN'S VOICE) But, sir, the
space telescope is a civilian operation.
We've lent our
facilities to them.
I'm going to order the Air Force
to take it over. Is that clear?
Yes, sir, Mr. Goldman. Red
Alert and scrub the launch.
Don't worry, I'll take
care of it, sir.
(IN MAN'S VOICE) LD, this is
Air Force Communications link,
I read you.
Air Force, go ahead.
Proceed with countdown
for launch as scheduled.
All stations, this is Flight.
We are green
to proceed with launch.
CARL: Very good, Ellen,
In four hours, the Energy Ray Weapon will
be launched into space and I'll control it.
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