The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s03e03 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 3

Are you willing to cooperate?
That depends.
Are you willing to believe me?
I drove a long way to come here.
Help me get my children
out of Las Cumbres boarding school.
Your children are safe.
Especially now Darío Mendoza has vanished.
Do you have any idea where he might be?
No, I don't. And my children are not safe.
Do you think Darío acted alone,
without accomplices?
I don't know. You tell me.
Who helped him?
There's too much money at stake.
With Darío not around,
it's possible my brother-in-law
Marcel Uribe and his wife Nicole
have taken the reins of the business.
They're the ones
in charge of Corax Laboratories.
They're just as bad as Mendoza, or worse.
Why does Corax invest
in a boarding school?
The school provides fresh meat,
which an unethical neuroscientist
can experiment with as he pleases.
It's all gone to shit.
- We're not going to find Amaia.
- What?
- The blood in the bucket
- Shut up!
I'm sorry, but it's the truth.
- You just won't see it
- I said shut up!
Which part don't you understand?
It's not good if you stop
in the middle of an exercise.
You know what?
I'm getting out of this fucking school.
None of this makes sense.
What? You're leaving? Seriously?
- Fine! Then go!
- Paul!
- Selfish prick! I'll find Amaia myself!
- Enough!
Go on hit me. Isn't that what you want?
That's enough! You want some adrenaline?
50 push-ups. Now!
Didn't you hear me? Now.
Cruz, you want to join them? Carry on.
What is the purpose of these experiments?
Darío and I partnered up
to study human ageing.
We found out that
where the school is located,
there was a medieval lodge
that had very advanced
knowledge in this field.
Right The Lodge?
Yes, the Lodge.
The Lodge recorded
their incredible wisdom in three books
which they called the Draco Musca.
A veritable scientific treasure.
Where does the school come into it?
Darío had one of the books,
and he needed the other two.
Those people could arrest
the human ageing process.
I know it sounds like science fiction,
but imagine how rich the chemist
who had that formula could become.
The problem was finding
someone from the Lodge
to help Darío find
the other volumes and the formula.
I'm sure Darío tried everything
to summon the Lodge.
He sent lanterns into the sky,
he dressed like them.
He tried everything.
But all that did was alert
the enemies of the Crow's Nest,
those who kill girls,
hang them from trees,
and rip out their eyes.
Ring any bells?
You mean Pelayo killed those girls because
someone summoned a medieval lodge?
For a religious fanatic,
defying death is like defying God.
History has been full of them.
It's absurd that a stupid fantasy
has caused so much harm.
It isn't a stupid fantasy, Inspector.
Darío found a 120-year-old woman
who didn't look older than 16.
Believe it or not, that woman is alive.
I met her myself years ago.
There is also a man of the same age.
I need the book
Friar Jeremías was hiding, Paul.
Students on duty today,
report to the kitchens.
Breakfast will be served in five minutes.
Excuse me.
Have any books arrived from the monastery?
- Old books?
- No.
What are you looking for?
The problem is that the formula
that stops ageing has a side effect.
Over time, it causes severe amnesia.
That is how Darío was able
to pass that woman off as his daughter,
put her in the school,
and experiment on students
to bring back her memory.
Do you know how difficult it is
to believe what you're telling me?
I know.
But it's all true.
Please, I need you to take my children
out of the school.
Inspector, close it down.
I don't have anything to convince a judge
to close that school down.
I deserve the punishment that I received,
and I promise
not to break the rules again.
We're grateful to this institution
for correcting us and showing us the way.
I need you to help me
get my phone back.
I was hoping you'd come
and see me in the cooler.
I had the night from hell.
I couldn't get out, OK?
I need that phone tonight
without fail, Martina.
You know what, Adèle?
I'm not helping you anymore.
You're just toxic.
Martina, I
When did you get back?
Why haven't you come to see me?
I just arrived.
Where is your father?
How are you?
I have no idea where Darío is.
And I'm
better than ever.
I snuck out to smoke
in the cloisters, and
I saw Amaia.
- Literally, just now.
- Where was she?
I saw her through a window.
- Which window was it?
- That one.
The same one she fell from.
Amaia went that way. Come on.
- Did she look OK?
- Yes, I think so.
Did you see if she was alone?
Was she running away?
A monk was leading her,
leading her by the arm.
A monk? Which one?
- What was he like?
- I didn't recognise him.
And the broken leg? Was she limping?
I don't know. It all happened so quickly.
Listen, are you fucking with me or what?
No, I think it was her.
- You "think" it was her?
- Fuck!
Mate, are you an arsehole?
- So you didn't see Amaia?
- Maybe it seemed that I did
I don't believe it!
- Why would you make it up?
- This isn't a fucking joke!
I'm sorry.
I knew it.
- Don't say it, Manu.
- You're blind.
Don't you realise?
We've been looking for her for days.
- She's not here.
- And what?
Amaia and I looked for you for days.
And we never gave up, alright?
- While making out behind my back?
- Weren't you going?
Didn't you want to leave?
Then go. I never want to see
your fucking face again.
You make me sick.
Does anyone know
what a mathematical conjecture is?
I'll give you an example.
You are a bunch of blockheads.
Until yesterday,
that was just a conjecture.
But then there was actual proof of it
in the exams,
so now it has become an undeniable truth.
So were you thinking of me last night?
While I was in the cooler?
Yes, a lot.
Where did you learn to do this?
That is how mathematics works,
transforming hypotheses into truths
I'm sorry about before.
I hope that's clear.
Forget it.
Get studying
Paul, Tripi and Ansias took my phone.
They took your phone?
- I want the phone! Now!
- What are you doing?
You deaf? Give me the fucking phone!
Get off him!
Come on, let's go.
You looked like a psycho.
What's wrong, Paul?
I don't care what Manu says.
That blood isn't hers.
It can't be.
What are you talking about?
I have to find her, Adèle.
I have to find Amaia.
You won't believe me,
but you have to listen.
They've killed another monk, Manuel.
He's hanging
- And
- You know what?
Even if you'd seen a hundred monks
hanging from a tree, I don't care!
Let them kill each other.
Are you really going?
The only thing I cared about
in this fucking school
was Amaia.
And now she's dead.
So I'm getting out of here.
Fine, I'll grab a couple of things
and we'll go together, OK?
I can't stay here either.
No way.
I just want to get out of here.
I have friends
who can come and collect me.
Look, I'm not even
going down the road with you.
Get it?
What's happened?
Does it sting?
I'm going back down there.
I'll go through that underworld
until I find her.
That place is dangerous.
It's easy to get in,
but very difficult to leave.
- I'll go with you.
- No.
You and Léon have little time left.
Shall we go?
- Léon?
- You're back.
How are you? Are you OK?
- Ready for a marathon. Look.
- And everything else?
I'm fine, it's stopped,
I'm not forgetting anymore.
I'm so pleased.
She hasn't stopped talking about you.
The book you gave me is wonderful.
- I have so many things to show you
- Yes?
I'm sorry, but I have to go.
We'll talk later.
OK, I'm leaving right now.
Hello. How was your journey? Are you well?
Very well.
Darío had invited us
to stay for a few days.
- Where is he?
- I don't know any more than you do.
I've left him several messages
and I'm trying to get him to come back.
I'm going to stay here.
I won't wait any longer.
The plan continues.
We're not going to back out.
Everything is now fine
with respect to Inés Mendoza, OK?
Have you heard the legend of the minotaur?
I'm behind you, Ariadne.
They're Jeremías' books.
The ones he had in his cell.
We have to look for Amaia.
This could be your last chance.
So it was true what your sister said?
You didn't want to scare Martina?
It doesn't hurt.
They can do what they want to me.
And this
This doesn't hurt either.
And even if they hit me really hard
They can't hurt me.
Nobody can hurt me.
I managed to get a phone.
But some arseholes took it off me.
It was so I could talk to my mum
who's in prison.
You see?
That does hurt.
I was going to talk to her tonight.
She always calls me at 8 PM,
just in case she's lucky.
Well, tonight she won't be.
Hey! Hey!
Who are you? Are you looking for someone?
Look who we have here.
I see you've recovered.
Resuming your classes?
Yes. Let's talk later.
It's curious.
Only today I saw Inés Mendoza.
Quite a coincidence.
You think so?
"Borderline personality disorder,
brought about by an unstable childhood.
She was born in a brothel.
Social services took care of her
after her mother,
who had severe psychological problems,
committed suicide.
She was seven years old.
Since then she has grown up in shelters
run by the Dominican Order"
- Why aren't you in class?
- I'm going to the toilet.
I've got to get changed.
Hey, have you seen Manuel Villar?
"She has trouble accepting her reality,
which leads to a tendency to fantasise.
The constant lying and self-deception
causes serious social problems
and an inability
to maintain friendships."
Poor Basiano.
He was hanging like a dead animal, humiliated
God rest his soul.
Who is tormenting us?
They even drained his blood
with a hideous machine
from the Inquisition.
They found his blood in a bucket.
Lord have mercy.
Hello, brothers. Is this everything?
- Fuck, we're too late.
- Get back.
Here it is. The second volume.
It didn't burn.
They haven't burnt for centuries, Paul.
We learned to protect ourselves from fire.
No wonder my mother wanted
to be a witch in the Crow's Nest.
And now we'll find Amaia.
Give it to me.
Paul, the string
It's gone.
Let's get out of here.
Let's go.
The brothers are very frightened.
Prepare some comforting words
for the homily.
What are you doing there, girl?
I came to find somewhere quiet to pray.
I love praying, you know?
Well, well
Your mother was also very devout,
in her own way.
You look so much like her.
María Cruz.
It's like I'm looking at her.
How did you know her?
She came to Las Cumbres.
She asked us for help.
We did what we could.
But we were too late.
I'm sorry.
Haven't we been this way like 15 times?
- How do you know?
- Because we would've seen this.
It pulls tight.
That means this part is still attached.
We will find Amaia.
What are you going to do with the book?
I need these, OK?
What's this? What are you doing?
We were told to clean out empty lockers.
- And is this one empty?
- No, but
I'll take care of it.
What are you doing here?
Didn't you leave?
But where are we going?
You were right.
Amaia isn't dead.
What? Why?
The blood that we saw was a monk's.
Zoe saw him, hanging,
and bled dry like an animal.
That blood wasn't Amaia's.
- So you believe me?
- Are you sure?
I know it's true.
The monk that you saw was Basiano?
Yes, the hunchback, from the cemetery.
- What is it?
- It was in Amaia's locker.
It's her writing.
Jeremías, Basiano, Cecilio, Vicente
It's a list.
Jeremías was first, and now Basiano
- Who's next?
- Cecilio.
Wait, wait
Does this mean
the maths teacher will be next?
But how did Amaia know?
That there'd be multiple crimes?
Serial killings?
We have to warn Cecilio, right?
Students are reminded that they have
15 minutes to change their bedsheets.
Why are you smiling?
Come here.
How did you get it back?
My brother.
Someday you'll tell me
why that phone is so important.
My mother calls me
from prison every night.
I thought maybe you had
a girlfriend on the outside.
I wouldn't answer my mother's calls,
not even if she was on death row.
I thought something had happened to you.
Yes, something incredible has happened.
When you get an idea in your head,
Alicia Bernal
This is the solution to our problems.
We don't have many days left
but we'll do it.
We're going to live, León.
Cecilio isn't in the school.
What do we do now?
What if they already killed him?
- Mario?
- Mara.
I had a headache
and I'm looking for painkillers,
but I can't find any.
I consider you a good team member, Mario.
But I'll give you one warning.
Trustworthiness is vital in this job
And in life.
And you're testing my trust.
Anything for me?
No, I haven't seen anything.
Look, I'm putting my job on the line.
So it's best we leave it here, OK?
Corax Laboratories is experimenting
on students at the school.
How can that be happening
without you knowing anything?
What are you suggesting?
If you find the proof I've asked for,
then I'll know that
you have nothing to do with this.
On the other hand
Right then
Can you tell me what you're doing here?
- We were looking for you, Friar Cecilio.
- Yes.
We know that two friars have been killed.
I thought you wanted
to compliment me on today's class.
Well, yes, that too. It was great.
Do you remember Amaia?
We think her disappearance
is linked to these deaths.
This'll seem strange,
but Amaia had a list.
Jeremías, Basiano
And the next one is you.
We have to talk to Prior Arturo
and the police immediately.
Come with me.
Wait in here.
I'll be right back with Don Arturo.
"This" opens doors.
It was a trap.
Very cosy.
It's Cecilio.
- Cecilio's the one who attacked Amaia!
- What?
It was him that threw Amaia
out the window!
- He has the screwdriver mark on his neck.
- Zoe
- Stop lying. You don't need to
- I'm not lying!
The screwdriver was star-shaped,
like the wound
Look around you.
Everyone's life is shit here.
You don't have to make things up.
You don't have a gardener,
you don't have a mansion.
And you don't have parents,
but it doesn't matter, Zoe.
- It doesn't matter.
- Guys
We're locked in.
Students are reminded that study period
is necessary for revision and learning.
Adèle Uribe?
Are you now such a genius
that you skip study period?
Your grades suggest otherwise.
I need the toilet. Urgently.
Not so fast.
Tomorrow your uncle Marcel
is coming to visit.
I'll be sure to tell him all about
your failures.
Can I?
I thought you weren't going to call.
I need to know that you're all right.
Pass me to Paul.
Paul is being punished.
But he loves you very much
and sends lots of kisses.
He's being punished?
Why? What happened?
Mum, Marcel is around.
Yes, he was with Darío. He's like him.
Do you think he could have
the proof you need to get out of prison?
Does he have it?
Of course he has it.
Adèle, darling Don't try anything, OK?
- Marcel is ruthless.
- Yeah, but
No, listen to me. He's dangerous.
This is not the way.
Promise me.
I promise.
Out of the way.
Fuck, it won't open.
Why did he lock us in?
I don't know, but we have to get out now.
Cecilio seems so nice.
I don't understand at all.
- What are you doing?
- What do you think?
Help me.
Watch it! It's gas!
- Help us!
- Open the door!
Students are reminded that
they have 15 minutes to wash
before going to bed.
Lights will be turned out in 15 minutes.
Adaptation: Daniel Murray
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