The Circle (2020) s03e03 Episode Script

Identity Theft

[Buteau] The Battle of Michelles
has been a hard-fought contest
with neither landing a knockout punch yet,
but it's all about to come to an end
as the gears of Circle democracy
are getting ready to turn.
"It is time for players to decide
which Michelle to block from The Circle."
This could go any way.
This could be anything.
[Michelle] "Choose carefully."
Please choose carefully.
Oh my goodness,
goodness, goodness gracious!
"All players must go to Circle Chat."
Oh my God.
We get to be in the Circle Chat.
Oh no!
Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
Let's get down to the get down.
"Only one Michelle can remain
in the game."
[Daniel] It's in all caps.
Like, I hear you.
I'm just gonna go with my gut,
my gut instinct and the vibe I get.
"Which Michelle goes home is down to you."
Finally, I have some power in this thing.
-[whispering] I really don't wanna look.
-Okay, don't look.
It's gonna be a tough decision.
Hundred percent.
"Players, please lock in"
"which Michelle
you would like to block." Oh.
This is it.
No! We're not able to talk about it.
I don't even know
if I have a decision yet.
Oh my God. Gut, speak to me.
Am I 100% correct in my suspicions?
You can never be too sure.
I just want
people to believe I am who I am.
For both Michelles, the stakes are high.
[whimpers] Oh my God.
I hope I'm right.
I'm praying that I'm right,
but I will feel pretty bad
if I made the wrong decision.
I'm gonna go with the Michelle
that I believe to be true
when I honestly just think in my heart
who I think is the most authentic.
You can't get too emotional
about people leaving.
You just gotta be coldhearted.
Just think, "What's good for my game?"
Do I trust my initial gut?
Do I go against it and take a chance?
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
I think Daniel will vote for me.
I think that Ruksana will vote for me.
I think Kai will vote for me.
So, Circle,
I would like to block
-The person I would like to block
-The player that I have decided to block
Block the Blue.
Block the Blue. Block the Blue.
The person I wish to block
I think I'm Oh my gosh!
I think I'm gonna block
-Let's lock in
-Circle, please lock in
-"Orange Michelle!"
-"Orange Michelle!" [gasps]
We didn't have that connection.
I thought he may surprise me, but nope.
"Orange Michelle."
Oh my God! That's two people.
Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Okay.
This is not looking good at all.
That's rough.
-"Orange Michelle."
-"Orange Michelle."
-I love you, girl! Yes!
-Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.
That's three.
It's looking like
Orange Michelle is getting her ass home.
[Buteau] That's real nice, Calvin.
And with three votes to go,
she is just one vote away
from being blocked.
Okay, this is this
this could be the one that breaks it.
Come on, Daniel. Come on, Daniel.
If I could jump on this table, I would.
-[squeals] I love you!
-Okay, Ava.
You said you believe me.
I feel bad for Orange Michelle
because she believes me,
and she trusts me.
It's just a very bittersweet feeling.
I I don't know how to process it really.
Poor, poor Orange Michelle.
Did I make the right decision?
[Michelle sighs]
Everybody said orange.
That's crazy.
I can't imagine how she felt
when she saw everyone picked her,
and I'm sure Blue Michelle's happy.
I would be.
Orange Michelle, goodbye.
We are now Michelle,
and we're in it to win it, okay?
-Come on. It's just a game.
-You heartless bitch.
[Buteau] Not one player thought
Orange Michelle was real Michelle,
and she leaves
with an impostor in her place.
Circle, just like real-life social media,
you can be savage.
"Orange Michelle has been blocked
from The Circle." Toodles.
They're gonna feel like real shit
when they see who the real person is.
She's gone.
Just like that.
[sighs] Could we all be wrong?
Could we all be wrong
and just have made a stupid-ass decision?
It's okay.
[smacks lips] It's all right.
[Buteau] Orange Michelle is reeling
from not being
the most popular version of herself.
But dry those tears, my southern queen,
'cause it's not quite over yet.
-[alarm blares]
Oh, Señor savage Circle. [laughs]
What more do you want from me? [chuckles]
[chuckles] Oh shit.
"Before Orange Michelle leaves"
"she can meet one player." Shit!
Oh my God.
-I'm gonna throw up.
-I really hope she doesn't come to see me.
I do not want to see the other side
of that southern belle.
I want answers.
I wanna see who this person is.
I want to know
why they're wanting to use my identity.
Honey, this is the one time I hope
someone wouldn't want to talk to us.
This person caused me to be blocked,
and I want answers.
Um, wait. I want to clean.
It should look nice.
"Orange Michelle is on her way
to meet one of you now."
I'm gonna hide in my comforter.
[Buteau] The Circle is a game
of social media,
but unlike the virtual world,
when you done somebody dirty,
you can't run.
Oh my God. The wigs.
-[Ava] What?
-We've got wigs.
[Buteau] And you can't hide.
[Michelle laughs]
How are you? [laughs]
Oh my God.
-Please, sit down.
-Thank you. Thank you.
Can I hug you?
You can hug me. [laughs]
-Look at you with your bling necklace.
-I was hoping you wouldn't recognize me.
So you got my picture up and everything?
So y'all were the sisters.
How did that happen?
So, I want you to know
we had a second chance
to come into the game,
and this was the only way.
I'm sorry
that it happened to you. I'm so sorry.
Only God knows, Jesus knows
how sorry I am about that.
-It's a game. It's a game.
-And it is just a game.
I know you're gonna take it personal,
and I'm gonna take a personal.
If people would have gave me a chance,
they would have loved me.
-Let me tell you who I'm more pissed at.
-I'm more pissed at Daniel.
Because he stone-cold lied to my face,
and he's like, "I completely believe
you are who you say you are."
And I was like,
"Okay, so I'm good with Daniel."
-Don't trust him.
I'm just really curious
as who she went to go see.
-I loved Kai.
Because Kai has a personality
like my husband,
very straight to the point.
-She doesn't beat around the bush.
-[Ava] Mm-hmm.
[Michelle] She is who
you need to get in with.
[Chanel] Okay.
But there is no way y'all will be able
to act southern. Good luck.
-Well, I have plenty of southern friends.
-Kai is gonna test you.
Michelle, this wig is hurting me.
Let me tell you something.
I'll be honest with you.
I don't understand it,
but you are who you are,
so I just gotta ask you.
Why don't you let your dogs kiss you
on the mouth?
Because they lick their ass
and their peter.
-My dog doesn't lick her ass!
-And they it's
-It's disgusting.
-[Chanel] My dog doesn't lick her ass!
But that was the only loophole.
I wanna let you know
that was the only loophole.
I have so much guilt
just because, like,
you seem like a really lovely lady.
-I am.
-And I liked you from the beginning.
-Just kidding.
-I know! You seemed really awesome.
And, um, I'm sorry.
And we just miss our mom so much.
And I I guess, you know, in a sense,
you remind us of her in a sense.
-That that was my game plan coming in.
-[Ava] Yeah.
Because I know
that everyone was gonna miss their mom.
Well, good luck.
We're crying too. We're crying too.
We're gonna need it.
So, how do you feel
that we're gonna just go into the game now
officially catfishing you?
-I mean, is it okay or
-Oh, uh, thanks for wanting to be me.
[laughs] I mean, of all people.
-You know, I completely understand.
You know, make me look good.
-We will do you proud.
All right, ladies, hugs, come on.
-I'm sorry I can't teach you to crochet.
-Yeah, it's okay.
You're a short little thing.
-Yes, five feet.
-Yeah, she's tiny.
-Five feet!
-I like to say 5'1" on a good day.
God bless you. Thank you so much.
-Which way is the door?
-[Chanel] Take care.
-[Michelle] Take care.
-[Ava] God bless you.
-[Chanel] God bless.
-[Michelle] See you later.
-[Ava] Okay.
-[door closes]
-[Ava] I feel so bad.
-You're not jumping up and down now.
[Buteau] Orange Michelle
is now on her way back to the deep south,
leaving her catfish clone Blue Michelle
with a lot to chew on.
What a day! I'm definitely glad it's over.
I'm definitely glad
Orange Michelle did not come to see me.
I'm pretty pissed. [laughs]
It would've been nice
for Orange Michelle to come and see me.
I thought we connected for a minute.
Goodnight, Circle.
["Heart of Glass" by Blondie playing]
Once I had a love and it was a gas ♪
Soon turned out had a heart of glass ♪
[Buteau] Good morning.
-Good morning, Circle.
-Good morning, señor savage Circle.
[Buteau] The Circle is waking up
to just two remaining Michelles,
me and the fake one,
who is actually two animal-print-loving
sisters from the Bronx.
-Good morning.
-Good morning, Michelle.
I've never been happier
to wake up like a different person.
I know. Me too.
And then there were seven.
Oh, look at that. We no longer have Blue
and Orange Michelle.
-The blue is gone.
-The blue is gone!
We are officially part of The Circle.
Do I think the Michelle
that is here right now
is the real, 100% genuine Michelle?
Not 100%.
I hope we all blocked the fake Michelle,
which was the Orange Michelle.
Thank goodness.
Happy Blue Michelle stayed.
I still think
you're the real one, Blue Michelle.
I guess she feels
like she's back part of The Circle family.
-We have to make her number one.
-We have to make it happen.
We have to make Michelle
the highest-rated person.
[Buteau] Another day in The Circle.
Get those metaphorical
and actual masks on,
don't spill the tea, and most importantly,
put some understated clothes on.
-Come on. Get over here.
-Gotta keep us focused.
It's all about the money, baby.
-It's all about the money, baby.
-The money, honey.
Circle, message,
"Wow, last night was insane,
but it was comforting to see
that we were all on the same page."
Oh, I love that.
I wanted to make a blueberry reference.
-I like Ashley. I just like her.
Message, "Hey, y'all, thank you so much
for keeping me here."
"I'm so grateful and happy
that y'all got to see the true me."
We love you, and we did not want
to see you go yesterday,
especially not to an identity thief.
Message, "I wonder
who Orange Michelle went to go see
last night."
"Does anyone know?
Side eyes, inspector emoji."
And send.
It's gotta be Blue Michelle.
Like, why would you wanna see anyone else?
We don't wanna give too much detail.
I mean, they are probably going to confer
with each other and be like,
"No, she didn't come to see me."
"No, she didn't come to see me."
But somebody
could just be being dishonest.
Message, "I legit made my bed
in case she was an actual mother."
"I didn't wanna get grounded
all for this catfish not to even show up."
"Blessed though,
because I wasn't ready to deal with it."
[both chuckle]
Circle, message,
"Daniel, you're not the only one."
"I was literally cleaning too.
#MotherDear. Smiley face emoji."
See, that's good.
Ruksana, this is the first time
she's kind of giving me something.
"I'm not gonna lie.
I thought she would visit Michelle,
because even though
it would have been hella awkward,
I think an apology is due!
Exclamation point. Laughing emoji."
Send message.
Okay, wait. We can't
Like, she didn't come to see us.
Yeah. What should we Um, she's asking
We'll straight-up lie right now
when we say,
Circle, message, "Believe me, y'all,
I was waiting at the door"
[in southern accent]
"but clearly she didn't have the courage
to face me." What?
Why wouldn't
Michelle go see other Michelle?
This way they can't ask us
if she was real or not,
or, like, what she was. Was she a catfish?
Okay, so they're thinking,
"Oh, they didn't confront
each other last night."
-No, they didn't.
Wow. So basically she didn't see anyone?
I mean, own up to your shit.
If she came to your door,
she came to your door.
Then who in the world could she have seen?
Someone isn't telling the truth.
[Buteau] No way!
Ah, unless they're a catfish,
and they don't wanna be outed.
At the end of the day, I didn't care
if Orange Michelle was the fake Michelle
or the real Michelle,
but we deserve the tea,
and I feel
like we got rid of the wrong Michelle
because this bitch is a liar.
[Buteau] No, nobody
who literally dresses in money
would lie to win a game, Daniel.
"The Circle Chat is now closed."
I don't know. You think it was good?
[Buteau] Turns out being Michelle
is harder than it looks.
Come on, girls. Act like a bra strap
and pull yourself together.
Now, if you ask me, these players
are a little too laid back this morning.
Even their workouts are relaxed.
But The Circle is about to go faster
than a plate of nachos.
Hold tight. We got company.
[rock music playing]
[gasps] What?
Oh! [squeals]
The color scheme!
[gasps] Wow.
I'm just gonna do what I do ♪
My name is Sophia. I am 22.
I am a student,
and I'm from Fort Walton Beach, Florida.
The town that I grew up in in Alabama
was in the Guinness World Record books
for most churches per square capita.
So it was pretty much impossible
for me to realize that I am gay.
The first time I kissed a girl,
angels were singing,
and there was fireworks and confetti,
and just a big sign in my head
that was like, "You're gay!"
And it just, like, all made sense.
I'm gonna do, do what I do ♪
I was sort of the ugly duckling
of the family.
The first thing people say was,
"Oh my God. Your sisters are so hot."
Thank you? [laughs]
I feel marvelous ♪
Pretty people do better on social media,
and it's the truth.
So I'm going to be entering The Circle
catfishing as my older sister, Isabella.
She is super hot,
and with my brains and my sister's beauty,
I am a real threat to this competition.
Yeah! ♪
I plan on flirting enough
to keep the men interested,
and if I have to cross that line,
I'm gonna do it.
It's $100,000, and college is expensive.
I'm gonna do ♪
Everybody's gonna underestimate me,
but they need to watch out
'cause I got this.
I'mma do what I do ♪
Oh my gosh! That's my name.
Well, not my name, my sister's.
I love you. Thank you, Isabella.
Circle, take me to my private albums.
[gasps] Oh, look at her!
Open the Pacific Northwest album.
Okay, Circle, open up the bottom
in the middle with the carousel.
Okay. She's so beautiful.
She has a great smile.
She looks really happy. I want people
to feel like they can talk to me.
I think this is the one.
Circle, set this as my profile picture.
Yes, I nailed this. I nailed this.
$100,000, I can smell it. I can taste it.
[Buteau] She's confident,
but The Circle has
a little more competition for her.
Y'all didn't think we'd stop
at one new player, now did you?
What's up, guys?
My name is Jackson. I'm 24,
and I'm a marketing director
with a difference.
The difference being it's actually me.
-You ain't seen nothin' like ♪
I'm Rachel. I'm 24,
and I'm a marketing manager
at an advertising agency.
nothin' like this before ♪
Guys get a much easier ride
on social media.
They are judged way less on their looks.
So I'm entering The Circle as Jackson,
my best friend's boyfriend.
He's attractive.
He's really good with the girls.
He's not over the top, like, douchebag.
And you can see yourself sitting down
and having a cup of coffee with him.
flirting will be part of the game plan.
And being a girl,
I know exactly what they wanna hear.
Like, "Your hair is so on point."
It's so easy to flirt with girls.
I don't think I'm playing my type of guy
in The Circle,
I'm really into, like, the face tattoos,
and I'm into the dad bod,
you know, dad-looking guys.
Me catfishing as Jackson can't lose.
I've been a bro my whole life.
All my friends are guys,
so I know that
this is going to be a winning combination.
You ain't seen nothin' like this ♪
Circle, please put, for my occupation,
um, marketing manager.
Using my own occupation is just gonna
make catfishing a lot easier for me.
Um, my worst fear is that I begin
to make more and more things up,
and I get caught in a ball of lies.
Wrapping it up.
"Bringing the party
all the way from California."
"I love all things health, travel,
a good glass of wine,
and running on the beach
listening to Queen."
We have the music emoji,
the rock on emoji.
"Really excited to make new friends
and maybe even something more."
"Winky face." Yes.
I am you. You are me. We are one.
I love it.
I love it so much. It looks so good.
Now that you catfish are acclimated,
it's time for your first one of these.
-[alarm blares]
"Alert! Alert! Alert!"
Hit me.
"Jackson, you are one of two new players."
Oh my God.
"You may now chat
to the other new player."
[Sophia] Ah! We're doing it. [laughs]
Okay, is it just me,
or do we already look like a couple?
[Buteau] The cutest pair
of catfish though.
She looks so cute. She looks so nice.
Oh, I have to say something.
Oh, I have to say something.
I think that Isabella has a look
that Jackson would like, for sure.
Okay. Circle, message,
"Hi. Wow. It is so nice
to get to chat with another human, LOL."
"Are you freaking out
as much as I am right now?"
"This feels like a dream.
Heart emoji." Send.
Oh no! I'm doing it.
Ah! Ah!
Oh my gosh.
Okay, the girl inside me wants to be like,
"Sis, I can't believe this is happening."
I just have to be careful
and remember in my head
that I can't say everything I wanna say.
Have to make sure it sounds
like something Jackson would say.
Message, "Isabella, freaking out
would be an understatement, LOL."
"It feels so much better knowing
that I'm not coming into this alone,
and that we can be newbies together."
He is so cute.
People may have already been,
obviously, chatting and making bonds,
but having someone here with me
that is also new feels so good.
I just feel
like I have, like, a little buddy with me.
Circle, message,
"Amen, capital letters. Praise emoji."
I was so nervous to be the newbie,
but now I feel so much more comfortable.
"Let's do this."
Oh, okay.
Message, please put the smiling avatar.
Look at his little thing.
That avatar looks so good.
That literally looks exactly like Jackson.
I love it.
Okay, Circle, message,
"I look forward to chatting again soon."
"Let's do this. #DoubleTroubleForTheWin."
"Rock on, rock and roll." Send.
We did it. We faked it.
I nailed that,
I nailed that, I, I, I nailed that ♪
[Buteau] Well done, guys.
You didn't blow your cover
in literally the first conversation
in here. Keep it up.
[Buteau] Our players are passing
the morning blissfully unaware
[Ava] Oh my God.
[squealing] I did it.
[Buteau] that The Circle pond
has just been stocked
with a pair of brand-new catfish.
Oh God.
[Buteau] But before
they meet them properly
Take it home.
[Buteau] The Circle wants
to treat the others
to a snappy little game.
-"Flashback Photo!"
Oh my gosh.
Which, in my world, sounds like throwback.
Circle, take me to my photo albums.
[Buteau] In this game, players take
a photographic trip down memory lane,
and reveal
their most impressive flashback pics.
I want to give people
a little bit more insight into my life.
[Buteau] Their offerings are then uploaded
for all to see and judge.
Oh, and these photos will stay
on the player's profile permanently.
Don't really wanna go back there,
but we have to go back there,
let's go the hell back.
I always felt like my second picture
would be a full-body picture
to kind of let people know
that I'm a little person.
I don't want it to be something
that I hold off on,
because that's my truth,
and I'm proud of it.
[Buteau] Okay,
let's get the DeLorean in gear
'cause we bout to go back in time.
Yup. That's me, the queen.
This was during prom
my senior year of high school.
Aw, she looks beautiful.
This makes me love her ten times more.
It's just so natural. It's so effortless.
Lovely, lovely woman
back in the day and now, so
she's aged like a fine wine.
This was actually for a piano recital.
Had a little rebellion.
The twin and I thought it would be epic
to do a piano recital with Mohawks.
Oh my goodness! This is so cute.
I wonder which one Nick is.
I'm assuming he's the one on my right.
This picture's super consistent
with your story about being a drummer.
I'm not even gonna qu question
that you're a catfish.
This screams me.
It's candid. It's fedora. It's long hair.
I think they're gonna like it.
I think they're gonna look at this
and be like, "He's so cute.
I wanna squeeze his cheeks."
Look at this cool cat.
There goes me, baby girl.
Me and my mermaid dress.
Ashley's prom photo.
-Oh my God. I love this.
-Hi, Ashley.
Nice. It's classy.
It's fly.
This photo when I was 18. This was prom.
I mean, the pose is just
What the hell am I doin'?
But I had a great time that night.
This is so great.
He was even cute at prom.
[Nick] I'm just not surprised at all.
He's killin' it.
-[Chanel] Here we are.
-[Ava] Fun times.
-I'm glad that we picked a vacation photo.
-Yes, having a good time.
She's got
that signature scrunchie going on.
This just looks like
an average day in the life of somebody.
Not much personality shining through,
I guess.
Obviously, she likes to have a good time,
but who doesn't?
It's nothing I haven't seen before.
I want to know more
about you and your life.
It makes me think is she real.
Like, is she actually, uh, Michelle?
Whoa, this is me all the way, full body,
to kind of share
that I am actually a little person.
-Wow! Wait.
Either this angle is different,
or Ruksana is smaller
than I thought she was.
First impressions,
I didn't know Ruksana was,
in fact, a little person.
She looks very, very confident,
which I like, you know?
It's just beautiful,
and it excites me
that you're showing all of you.
I mean, she's sexy. She is bold.
This is a strong photo though.
This is like, "I'm a badass bitch."
I'm I'm all-in now.
Everything's on the table.
Nothing to hide.
Never was nothing to hide.
I think I went about this the best way.
[Buteau] Now the players have all learned
a thing or two about each other,
it's time for some new entries
to our Circle yearbook.
Oh, who is Isabella?
-Who is Isabella?
-Who's Isabella?
Who is Isabella?
What a beautiful name.
Someone new has joined.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.
Oh, is there a new player?
They can see me!
Like, I wonder
what they're thinking right now.
She likes pink.
Ah, she's pretty.
She's wearing pink. I like pink.
What the fuck?
Who's Jackson?
Damn it.
Okay, Jackson and Isabella?
This is too much.
Oh, we look so good. Look at us.
[Matthew] Fucking yum.
Spread that on a cracker
and give it to me for brunch.
I was making headway with the men, too,
and now they're gonna connect with him
because he's a, like a, he's a bro.
If he's on par
with Daniel, myself, and Nick,
then, you know,
I'll definitely invite him to the Pack.
So, we've got two new people added
to The Circle, Isabella and Jackson.
Who are they? I need all the deets.
Circle, take me
to Isabella's profile, please.
[Calvin] Isabella's 25.
She's from Washington.
[Nick] Look at her having a good time.
She's got style. She's got class.
She's got a nose ring.
She's a badass.
What does "PNW recycled" mean, though?
I think that means she, um
-She's a recycler.
-This is hard, though, Ava.
I think that means, like
No, she doesn't mean she's a recycler.
It does not mean that.
I think
this is a really cute profile of her,
and she looks absolutely beautiful,
almost too beautiful to be true.
Circle, what are you doing to me?
Circle, please take me
to Jackson's profile.
A lot of dog lovers on here.
Jackson has the beer. He has the dog.
He has the Apple Watch.
He has the job. He has the looks.
I really
Every girl that is attracted to guys
is gonna be like, "Oh my God! Jackson."
Oh my!
His smile is to die for.
"Really excited to make new friends
and maybe even something more."
Oh my God. He so would've went for you.
He's more than welcome in The Circle.
So maybe I need to show him some
of that southern hospitality real soon.
[Buteau] All right, miss lady,
The Circle has
just what the doctor ordered.
How's about a nice little group chat?
"Circle Chat is now open."
Oh, here we go.
God, I'm so excited.
I finally get to talk to other people.
Oh my God. Ah!
Things are about to get wild.
I'm so nervous!
Circle, message,
"Welcome to The Circle family,
Isabella and Jackson."
"By the way,
gorgeous flashback photos, everyone."
Thanks, Ruksana.
Circle, message,
"Firstly, Jackson and Isabella,
welcome to The Circle"
"as I know it can be hella overwhelming."
[Rachel] Oh my God! I love that.
Circle, can you please take me
to Calvin's profile?
He's kind of cute.
Shut up. This is Jackson.
I need to stop looking at,
being obsessed with boys.
"Retired professional soccer player,
trainee firefighter,"
but he's also a private chef.
That's awesome. That's so cool,
but it feels like a lot for some reason.
Circle, message, "Ruksana,
I really loved that photo of you."
"It really made a big statement.
Heart emoji. #BeYou. #BeProud."
Send message.
[Ruksana] Ooh!
"Be you. Be proud."
Oh, wow! Thank you, Calvin.
That's exactly
what I was going for, my friend.
I think
Ruksana would appreciate that message,
because she that was a big statement.
I like how, you know, she said,
"This is who I am.
Accept me for who I am."
And she's a Jersey girl, so I love that.
Circle, message, "Be you, be proud
is my life motto, Calvin."
"Ruksana, you absolutely blew me away.
#EastCoastFierceCoast." Send.
I'm gonna I'm gonna reel it in.
Circle, message,
"Aw, Calvin, thank you so much."
"Can you tell I'm 6"1'?"
"LOL just kidding. I'm 4'4",
and that picture was
"Though she be but little, she is fierce."
[gasps] That's a Shakespeare quote.
Aw. We love you, Ruksana!
This is great!
I feel so good!
Circle, message,
"Jackson's profile picture looks
like my profile picture on steroids."
"Laughing face."
"And I'm gonna have
to go grab my sunglasses,
because I am blinded
by Isabella's pearly whites."
"#WelcomeYall." Send.
You know, Isabella does have a nice smile.
She does have a nice, nice smile.
Circle, open Nick's profile.
Nick, you're definitely someone
I think I'm gonna be flirting with,
but I'm gonna have to keep my guard up,
because we say we're from the same place,
and I'm not. Hopefully, you're not either.
Message, "Right when
I thought things couldn't get any better,
The Circle throws us
a wonderful surprise."
[Sophia] "Welcome to The Circle family,
Isabella and Jackson."
That is so sweet.
Why is everybody so welcoming?
Circle, can you please take me
to Kai's profile?
I think she's great. She looks super nice.
Like, I think this is, like, someone
who will be super, super good
for Jackson to have, like,
in his back pocket as an ally.
Okay, Circle, message,
"OMG. Hi! Heart eye emoji."
"I cannot believe I'm here.
You all look like so much fun."
"Please can someone tell me
does this ever stop feeling like a dream?"
[Rachel] "I can't stop jumping. LOL."
Oh my gosh! Everyone's so cute.
Okay, I have to send something now.
And I'm like, "How is everyone
already sending all these messages?"
Circle, message, "What's up, you guys?"
"I'm so stoked to be here,
and all of you are so welcoming."
"I'm so happy to be part
of the #CircleFam." Send.
"The Circle Chat is now closed."
We did it.
My first whole-ass Circle Chat.
That's crazy.
[Buteau] The newbies have had
their first group chat
and are now official Circle players.
Behold the profile wall.
And Ruksana, still happy
from the outpouring of love
from the others,
wants to touch base
with flashback party dude, Calvin.
"Ruksana has invited you
to a private chat."
Circle, open private chat, please.
Circle, message, "Hey, Calvin."
"Thank you so much for the positive vibes
when I did the bomb drop
with the picture."
"I know sometimes
when something is different,
people may be uncomfortable
or not know what to say."
"Thank you for keeping it real."
Of course, man.
Circle, message,
"Hey, sunshine. Sunshine emoji."
"I'm all about positive vibes.
You know the script."
[Ruksana] "I just felt like you need
to be appreciated for being you."
I think he's just showing, like,
that's how he was brought up,
and he's all about positivity
and not bringing anybody down,
and that's exactly what I'm about.
If she wants to tell me her life,
I'll listen, because I got sisters
and when you have sisters,
you have to listen.
Circle, message,
"Yes, I'm about the positive vibes,
especially when facing so much ignorance
and negativity just for being small."
"I was born
with a condition called achondroplasia,
which is a form of dwarfism."
Message send.
I could only imagine,
like, what she been through, man.
It's great to have a open
and honest conversation with Calvin,
especially because I haven't connected
with any of the guys yet.
It's good to just talk about it.
Circle, message,
"I was tired of people telling me
what I can and cannot do,
so I just show them."
I understand exactly
where she's coming from.
So, you know, that's why I had to commend
I had to give her props
when props are due.
That was great.
I feel very good
about that conversation with Calvin.
I think we're in a great place.
I definitely do.
[Buteau] With Ruksana
and Calvin keeping it very real,
newbie Jackson, played by Rachel,
is taking a slightly different approach
to Circle tactics with Kai.
Jackson's game plan
is definitely to find a girl best friend
or, even better, a love interest.
Kai has definitely caught my eye.
[Kai] Oh. [chuckles]
Circle, take me
to private chat with Jackson.
I'm not turning away anybody
who wants to have a private chat with me,
especially when you're looking like that.
I want to flirt but don't wanna be creepy,
and I'm a girl, so I should know
what sounds creepy
and what doesn't sound creepy.
Action Jackson wants a little action.
I like that.
I'm the guy, so I feel like
I should be writing a message first.
Message, "Hey, Kai, I'm really excited
that I get to chat with you."
"Your great smile
for sure got my attention."
"What toothpaste do you use?"
With the smirk face. Send.
I mean, it is a great smile, so
Message, "Thank you, Jackson,
but it takes a good smile
to know a good smile."
With the
I don't wanna go
straight purple devil yet.
[roars softly]
Let's do the, um, rosy cheeks
with the hand over the mouth.
"How are you adjusting to your new home?"
[Rachel] "Thank you,
but it takes a good smile
to know a good smile."
Circle, message, "Adjusting really well,
but I'm doing a lot better"
"now that I'm talking to you."
Okay. Okay. All right. Okay.
Now Jackson
is starting to lay it on a little thick.
[smacks lips]
I'm likin' it. I'm eatin' it.
Message, "Well, I'm glad
that I could make your day."
"It's so funny. I feel like
we have so much in common already
because from what I can see,
you look very fit."
You go, girl!
I know that I'm supposed to be doing yoga,
but he makes me wanna dance.
[whispering] Ow-ow-ow. Ow-ow-ow.
Ow, ow, ow.
I feel out of my element,
because, if I were a girl,
I'd have such an easy time,
like, talking about all the girly stuff,
but now that I'm Jackson,
I'm having such a hard time
balancing, you know,
what the perfect thing to say is, um
Message, "Definitely have that in common."
"I think we should do
hot yoga together soon."
He's definitely got some tricks
up his sleeve, and I wanna see 'em.
Message, "How did you know
hot is how I like it?"
"Wink tongue out emoji, fire emoji."
"It's been a pleasure speaking to you,
Jackson." I look forward to next time.
"Purple devil emoji,"
which girls don't use
if they don't want it.
Message, "The avatar kissing emoji." Send.
[Kai] Oh my God! [laughs]
I cannot believe
we just took it there so fast.
That was a complete success.
I think she's on my side,
and it's only day one.
I mean, I know Calvin likes me,
and I like Calvin,
but if Jackson also likes me,
then that's just double the alliance
for me.
Well, that got pretty hot pretty quick.
I need to lower my temperature,
and only the coolest thing
The Circle has to offer will do.
[egg maracas rattling]
Wow, cooler than a Brooklyn barista.
Oh, we got action.
"Flashback Quiz"?
Oh, snap!
Flashback quiz?
Wait. What Wait. What game is this?
[Buteau] In Flashback Quiz,
players will compete
to win some VIP party invites.
Oh, yeah.
We got a party.
And all eyes will be on newbies Isabella
Oh, yeah.
[Buteau] and Jackson.
'Cause it's up to them
to compete for those invites.
I've never felt
more like a '90s cartoon character.
Let's go.
[Buteau] They will both
be asked questions.
"Question One."
"Hold me, Jack."
Yes, hold her and chuck her over the edge.
[Buteau] and then lock in their answers
at the same time.
Message, "Titanic."
Yes, Jackson, yes. Go, Jackson.
[Buteau] And if they both get it right,
they win two invites
for the other players to The Circle party.
Jackson, we're incredible.
I hope he's jumping too.
He's probably like, "Titanic."
[Buteau] But if either gets it wrong,
they can kiss those invites goodbye.
Jackson would've known that.
That's pretty in character for him.
So I'm happy with the results for sure.
"Question Two."
They better get it right.
That's all I care about.
Make sure you get it right.
What is the last name
of Monica and Ross from Friends?
Oh gosh! I never watched that series.
Ross and Monica Jones.
I actually don't have any brain juice
for this question.
Geller. Monica and Ross Geller.
I love Friends!
Circle, I think the answer is Geller.
Yes, Jackson! [squeals]
I don't think
it would be too out of character
for Jackson to know this answer.
I hope it's correct. I'm sure it's correct
because they both said the same thing.
How can you eat at a time like this?
[Buteau] Leave her alone.
She's on a break.
And the answer is
[Sophia squealing] Yes!
We're doing it! We are so good!
Yes. Yes.
All right. Well, that's two more invites.
We got four.
"Question three." Okay. Bring it.
Confidence is key, Sophia.
[Rachel] "Which comedian and actor
was Katy Perry married to?"
Oh my gosh. What is his name? [gasps]
-Russell! Russell what?
Russell, knock-knock, who's there?
Not me, because I suck at this.
[in British accent]
I can see his face. He talks like this.
Why is the name, like, Bran
coming to my mind? Bran?
Hundred percent Kevin Hart.
Definitely Kevin Hart.
Circle, message, "Russell Brand."
Russell Bran? [sighs]
I th Is that a name? I don't even know.
[Daniel] Isabella, "Russell Brand."
Jackson, "Russell Bran"?
Does that mean I got that right,
even though I misspelled it?
I hope that's a yes.
Is The Circle gonna give him that?
He's missing a D.
"And the answer is"
-[Buteau] Sorry, Jackson.
You both have to get it right
for those invites.
Russell Brand is a comedian. What the f?
Oh! "Question four."
That's okay.
There's still a chance for us.
"What type of dragon did Harry Potter face
in his first Triwizard Tournament task?"
I have no idea.
I literally love Harry Potter.
Why don't I know what it was called?
I love Harry Potter.
I should have brought that book with me.
All I know about Harry Potter
is there's a guy named Harry,
and he has, like, a lightning bolt
on his forehead.
[chuckles] Oh gosh! I don't even know
what to make up for this.
Then he has, like, a couple sidekicks.
He has, like, two two sidekicks.
Obviously, he has a wand. I mean, come on.
It was, like, a fire dragon,
but I don't remember what it was called.
Butter dragon?
Is that how they get butterbeer?
This is gonna be the answer they want.
I know it. It totally is.
Circle, message, "Fire Dragon."
Circle, my answer is,
"A fire-breathing dragon."
Submit. [laughs]
Oh, okay. "A fire dragon."
"A fire-breathing dragon."
I'm not sure what that means.
Maybe we're both wrong.
Or maybe we're both right.
"And the answer is"
A three-headed dragon?
A magic dragon? A magic dragon.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on. Come on. Shit!
-"A Hungarian Horntail."
-"A Hungarian Horntail."
-I'm Hungarian.
-We all were wrong.
Who would've known that?
Goodbye, two invites.
I mean, I needed to get that,
but there was no way.
I just didn't know that.
Okay. "Congratulations,
Isabella and Jackson! You have won"
"four invites
to tonight's Flashback Party."
"Four invites"? Oh my God! Four?
That stinks. It's only two people each.
[Buteau] With only two invites each,
Isabella and Jackson now get to know
how it feels to be P. Diddy
by picking who gets to come to the party.
Isabella, invite Michelle.
Don't do me wrong, baby.
Number one draft pick right here. Come on.
Yes, bow!
Right out the gate,
I was like, "I vibe with her,"
and I think that she would have
a really good time at the party.
One down, three to go.
please give the name of the player
who you would like to invite
to the party."
Come on, Jackson.
I'm debating between Daniel and Nick.
My guy! Let's go.
I really need to make sure
that I cover all my bases
in terms of my strategy.
I really wanna go to this party bad,
but I only got two more shots now.
I would appreciate the invite.
This is like a slow death. [groans]
[mimicking heartbeat]
Oh my God.
At the get-go, she was just very sweet
and just seemed very, very genuine.
[Buteau] So with one invite left,
who's getting the last party spot,
So now I have to start thinking
about who I want to invite next.
[Buteau] Yeah, and who y'all snubbing?
This is traumatic.
This is very important, J.
I wanna party.
I think I wanna invite
-[Chanel] Oh my God!
She was one of my top people
ever since I got here, AKA this morning.
We have to party like a 52-year old,
you understand?
"Isabella, Jackson, Kai,
Nick, Ashley, and Michelle"
"you can now collect your party supplies
from the door."
-Let's see what it is! Come on.
-You go Okay. All right.
"Calvin, Daniel, and Ruksana,
as you have not been invited to the party,
you are now buffered for the evening."
Kiss my fucking ass to all y'all.
[gasps] Whoa!
[screams, laughs]
What is this? [laughs]
Denim overalls.
Let's do this.
That party is gonna be boring.
Sorry. Have fun.
Ain't gonna lie. Wanted to go.
Okay, let's get this party started.
-["Baby One More Time" playing]
-[all scream]
Oh baby, baby ♪
-How was I supposed to know ♪
-[Nick] Oh!
Probably boring.
No one's having any fun.
Oh baby, baby ♪
I shouldn't have let you go ♪
Take it slow here.
And now you're out of sight, yeah ♪
Show me how you want ♪
Everyone's partying right now
while I'm playing solo bowling.
My loneliness is killing me ♪
And I ♪
I must confess I still believe
Still believe ♪
you should've let me in the party, man,
because now all y'all are gonna miss out
on the Carlton move.
now ♪
Don't you know I still belie ♪
[muffled screaming]
and give me a sign ♪
Hit me baby one more time ♪
[panting] I fucking love Britney Spears.
[Buteau] I can't remember
how many times I've shouted that out
while dancing alone in my kitchen.
And with the party winding down for some,
moonwalk master, Nick, is getting ready
to slide backwards into Isabella's DM's.
[Nick] Isabella,
I still don't understand you.
You're either a catfish,
or you're too good to be true,
but you're somehow true.
I need to find out.
I'm gonna just do what I've been doing.
I'm gonna be goofy.
I'm gonna make her laugh.
I'm gonna flirt.
Look at her.
[laughing] Of course, I'm gonna flirt.
[gasps] Oh God.
Nick has invited me to a private chat.
Nick's hitting me with that,
"Hey, you up?" [laughs]
Right before bed,
he's gonna slide into my DM's.
That is so forward, Nick.
Whoo! You got this, Nick.
You got this, Nick. You got this, Nick.
I'm gonna have to put my straight game on.
You know, I did this for so long.
[exhales] I am straight.
I am straight.
Circle, message,
you would not believe how excited I was
to see your face in The Circle today."
What's it gonna be, Isabella?
What's it gonna be?
Circle, message,
"Nick, you're such a sweetheart."
"My heart might have just skipped a beat
when I saw that you, uh, wanted to chat."
I got this. I got this.
All right, Circle, message,
"When I looked at your profile,
I felt like
I was reading an autobiography."
"I grew up in Kentucky,
and now I live in the great PNW."
"I've lived there for four years,
been to many bars,
and have never been graced
with your presence."
"Heart eye emoji."
"Tongue out emoji."
I mean,
my last sentence is undeniably flirty.
I hit her with the double heart eyes.
This is where we gotta get strategic here.
If Isabella wants to go to a good bar,
like, she has to go to Seattle,
and that's where he lives.
Okay. Circle, message,
"I only moved out here about a year ago."
"I need a good tour guide
for downtown Seattle."
"Smiley face."
Send the message.
Circle, message, "Allow me."
[Sophia] This is going well.
I don't wanna toot my own horn,
but I'm killing it. Honk, honk.
I would definitely take her
on a tour of Seattle. [laughs]
Circle, message, "I gotta admit."
"I was a bit salty
that I wasn't
your number-one pick to the party."
"Make it up to me? Cheeky wink."
[Sophia] "Make it up to me"? [laughs]
Oh, Nick.
What does that mean? "Make it up to me"?
[clicks tongue] Circle, message,
"I'm so sorry
that I hurt your feelings, love."
"Winky-face emoji.
Give me a night to sleep on it,
and I'll figure out
how to make it up to you."
"I've got a couple of ideas."
Oh no!
It's like, the wronger it feels,
the more I know it's right.
All right,
so she's keeping the flirt thing goin'.
I already have somebody that likes me
and wants to keep me around.
This is my first day. That is so major.
Circle, message, "You have a deal."
"Great getting to know you. Sweet dreams."
Send. And we'll end it on that note.
[Sophia] Okay, we have a deal.
I'm sure if I liked boys,
I would love some Nick.
He he is a cutie. He really is.
I think we have
a little kindling to a potential fire.
I like it.
[theme music playing]
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