The Convict (2021) s03e03 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 3

For we are dust
and unto dust we shall return,
but the Lord will raise you
on the last day.
Piotr Serafin committed suicide.
Are you stupid, or do you think I am?
I want the results of Serafin's autopsy
on my desk tomorrow morning.
- Do you want to steal my child?
- You hurt him.
- Do you believe the cop?
- I don't.
But I do believe girls
from the children's ward.
- She stumbled.
- Miki is sick, that's why he has bruises.
Fuck, then why didn't you tell me?
Girls, this has to stop.
We can write a complaint
to the Helsinki Foundation
for Human Rights.
Did they start
some kind of correspondence club?
Okay, this all has to go into the oven
before Hepner realizes.
What the fuck are you doing?
You gave up your assignment
to work to Mazur?
You are to guard her.
Serafin gave me a key
but did not say what it was for.
You've been fucked up pretty good,
my friend.
Not necessarily.
You're in this too.
But you definitely have more to lose.
I have a hold on you, man.
You are involved in something with Hepner.
He's blackmailing you.
I can end it.
Inmate Alicja Mazur.
What, you came here
to polish Hepner's orders?
Or, miraculously,
you caught Serafin's killer?
No, I haven't. Yet.
But all indications are
that he did not kill himself.
Serafin's hyoid bone was broken in a way
that may indicate
strangulation from behind.
It was obvious.
But this is not solid proof yet.
He must have discovered something
if they killed him.
And you know what's the worst part?
That he was alone in this.
We abandoned him. You and me.
I spoke with Serafin just before he died,
if he had listened, he'd still be alive.
No! He would still be alive
if you had acted more effectively.
Okay, that's enough. Guards!
General Rabczuk is dead.
Jesus Christ, a heart attack?
Yeah. He fell asleep in his car
on the way home.
The driver called an ambulance,
but it was too late.
Early retirement, son of a bitch.
He always played the tough guy.
- But he visited you yesterday, right?
- Yes, he did.
He came to tell me that there will be
special penitentiary conference
at my facility
to announce my appointment.
What mood was he in? What shape?
Great, he was in great shape.
Listen, with that in mind
maybe we should expedite my appointment?
Hold your horses, not so fast.
- Do you have any objections?
- I don't, you know, but they
they are checking you.
You know I have nothing to hide.
Thank you.
You have to do something about it.
I did not beat my child.
I love him.
I don't know
where he got these bruises from.
I would never hurt my son.
Your Honor, I will do everything
to make him a healthy and strong boy.
He is
He is all that I have now.
When you were pregnant,
you were not so eager to make sacrifices.
You refused to be transferred
to the pregnant ward,
you got into fights.
- The officers from your facility
- They don't know shit!
- Ms. Strzelecka
- I'm sorry.
I know I am not a saint.
I committed a crime,
and now I am serving a sentence,
but I am a good mother.
And my son's place is with me.
Thank you very much.
And now Mr. Bartłomiej Dworak.
Your Honor,
I did not rape Agata Strzelecka,
she blackmailed me to get money.
Not true! He and his wife
want to steal my child.
Please calm yourself, or I will be forced
to remove you from the courtroom.
Please continue.
We didn't want to steal her son,
- she tried to sell him.
- That's not true! They have no evidence!
- You don't have a voice now.
- But I have the right to defend myself!
- Please be quiet!
- I want to finish, you won't silence me!
- Guards!
- I have the right to defend myself.
- Please remove Ms. Strzelecka.
- Give me a chance to defend myself.
It is difficult for me,
give me a chance to defend myself!
The judge is on our side,
she knows who she is dealing with.
Hey, don't smoke.
Miki is sick, and we lied in court.
Take it easy.
- Take it easy, we will cure him.
- Yes?
- Do you have three hundred thousand?
- This much?
Bartek, there are various possibilities,
but not in Poland.
The best hospitals are in the States.
I sent his test results to some of them
and I'm waiting for a response,
but, you know, treatment, flights
and support, cost money.
Maybe we should join
some kind of charity
or organize a fundraiser.
Sure, we can.
Only then everything will come out.
- Hi Alutka, what's up?
- Listen, Pati.
- Piotrowski, the cop, he visited me.
- And what did he want?
Serafin's suicide was indeed staged.
What's more, the head of the prison,
Rabczuk, is dead.
- I spoke with him yesterday.
- Fuck me!
He won't back down from anything,
you have to be very careful.
Don't trust anyone.
- I know, Alutka, I know.
- Alicja?
- Who is there with you?
- Alicja, don't hang up.
- You motherfucker, now Pati?
- I won't do anything to her, I swear.
- I don't believe you.
- What if I tell you,
that Hanka is safe?
Hepner will never find her.
- Because you're protecting her?
- That's why I came back, to stop him.
You need to trust me.
Let's go, we need to clean up this garage.
It didn't go well in court?
Go fuck yourself, Mazur.
- Go because Smentoch'll soon be here.
- Fuck Smentoch, fuck everything.
Some random cunt will say
I'm not his mother
and they will take him away from me.
- You will always be his mother.
- Cut this bullshit.
Yes, even if he gets the custody,
- you always have the right
- Fuck the law!
I didn't torture Miki, I don't know
where he got those bruises from.
Shiv's here?
She got enough in court.
Get out of here.
I said get out!
- Fuck off, Campina.
- Let it go, Shiv.
No, Shiv never lets go,
her kid knows best.
Hands on the wall, legs wide.
All of you, hurry up!
- New one, search the ladies.
- Yes, sir.
Mazur, the wall!
I need someone on the P2.
A brawl in the bathhouse.
Strzelecka's injured.
Thank you.
Good morning. I was beginning to worry
that you wouldn't come.
I'm sorry.
Additional duties due to my appointment.
Is that what this is about?
You're vetting me, right?
I interviewed Pola Nawrot again.
Excuse me, who?
I think I managed
to persuade her to cooperate.
She will betray her principals.
Still suspecting someone?
If I could help
The night that Piotr Serafin hung himself,
where were you?
At home, at work?
No, I wasn't at work.
I was at home, sleeping.
Is this an interrogation?
No, of course not.
There is someone who can confirm it?
Yes, my dog.
Maybe he'll bark something out.
Would you mind coming over for a moment?
There's a problem on the ward.
Excuse me, are we done here? Duty calls.
Thank you.
Escort Mr Piotrowski to the exit.
To the office, please.
Thank you.
- From the Helsinki Foundation?
- Yeah.
Their guy is here and wants to talk
about human rights violations.
- Apparently, they received some letters
- What letters?
From the inmates.
- Okay, bring me Mazur.
- But what should I do with the guy?
I don't know, Swieta, talk to him.
Do I have to take care of everything?
Alright. Yes
Thank you.
Leave us for a minute.
Wojciech Bełza,
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.
Do you work in the P2 unit?
Senior Sergeant Swieta Palamarczuk.
Yes, I have been here for 10 years now
and I have to say that it is tough to find
a warden such as ours. Really.
We have received many letters
from inmates of this facility.
The conditions here are very good.
There was even a renovation recently.
There was also a mutiny.
Well, yes, yes.
But our warden
handled the mutiny wonderfully.
- He even got an order.
- How is it now?
Now it is very peaceful.
Work helps them a lot.
- Calm down!
- Mutual respect.
Fuck off. Let me go.
- Don't fucking touch me.
- Shut up!
They took her kid away,
and she's losing it!
Go to your cell, you understood?
- Go to your cells, now!
- Fuck!
Shut your mouth.
And you, Mazur, go to the warden.
- Peaceful?
- Shut up, or I'm gonna kick your ass.
Helsinki Foundation,
what the fuck did you come up with?
There is more than one way to skin a cat.
I thought you would learn something,
but you don't want to learn.
You will answer for violating the rules
of rehabilitation, for repression,
for limiting visitation,
and for mental abuse.
Do you know that I can move you
to the other end of Poland at any time?
Go ahead, do it.
It will be easier to write from there.
Human Rights Ombudsman, press, Strasbourg.
Do you think some asshole from
some foundation can threaten me?
Oh, yeah. Accusation of human rights
violations right before nomination?
Fucking hell!
- You will clear this up.
- I can do it.
But I don't have to.
It all depends on you.
Okay, what do you want?
Restore visitation and privileges
for all inmates.
Paid prison labor.
Cigarettes in the canteen.
- Access to the telephone as before.
- You've got to be kidding.
And also my furlough.
I won't give up on that either.
Maybe we should start from it, shall we?
I was saddened to hear
about the numerous complaints
that have gone to the institution
that protects human rights,
instead of coming to me first
It is sad
that you seek support
outside the institution
that is supposed to protect you.
I think that, above all,
communication has failed.
And for that, I would like to apologize
on behalf of myself and my staff.
I did not realize the magnitude
of the problem,
especially when I was absent
and the duties were performed
by Officer Palamarczuk.
I wanted to add that I will do my best
to clarify the situation
and fix what I can.
Thank you.
This way.
He better get his brain fixed. Psychopath.
Go to your cells.
I said, to your cells!
You fucking prick!
Good morning, Senior Sergeant Swieta
Palamarczuk, from the Zabrze facility.
I wanted to know if Janina Kukuć
is still working at your place?
Maybe she's at work right now?
Yes, I would like to talk to her, please.
Hi Janka, it's Swieta.
Oh yeah, ages. I'm in Zabrze still,
but I'm looking for a new job.
It's not even the inmates, but
Wait, what psychopath, in here?
No one told us anything.
You are concerned about some crap.
Mazur has no one here,
so she's doing what she can.
Cut that bullshit, will you?
If you didn't know about it,
it means she doesn't trust you.
I'm working on gaining her trust.
Nothing happens just like that.
Well, maybe an exploding mine.
You see, everyone has some soft spot.
I just need more time.
Okay, screw Mazur.
You need to take care of someone else.
Pola Nawrot.
She knows too much
and she's talking to the police.
Everyone knows everything in here.
I guess not everything, right?
Cause if they knew everything,
you would get a life sentence.
So don't tell me what to do.
Just do what I ask you to do.
- Anna Rabczuk. Who is it?
- Good morning.
It's Judge Alicja Mazur Former judge.
We had the opportunity to meet a few times
on the occasion of your husband's
professional duties.
Of course, I remember.
He was not fond of you,
but he respected you.
Sorry, but this is not
the best time to talk.
I understand.
I talked to him before he died.
His death was not an accident.
It was a heart attack.
Maybe someone wanted it to look like this?
My husband was a very good man.
He had no enemies.
But maybe he knew too much.
He promised me
that he would help me solve a case.
I'm sorry, but I don't know
what you are talking about.
I will help you find the culprit,
but you need to trust me.
What should I do?
Someone will reach out to you.
What is it?
I don't put out. Certainly not for free.
- Wanna make some money?
- What is it?
My lucky day?
It can be.
Hepner just loosened the leash,
so you can benefit from it.
- What are we talking about?
- You know what.
You know what. I take seventy percent,
it's a fair deal.
And no one will fuck anyone.
I don't know what's the case.
After what you have done,
Smentoch is shitting his pants.
He won't bring anything in, but I can.
If you arrange distribution,
I'll take care of the rest.
And remember, either you are with me
or you are not here at all.
Does it hurt?
- We must part ways.
- Why is that?
For a moment.
Did I do something wrong?
I have to be a saint now.
- But I can be a saint for you.
- I know.
I know.
You are a saint.
We'll wait it out.
I followed Patrycja Cichy in Katowice.
She was there with Witkowski.
There's this place with garages.
They were looking for something there.
- Why the fuck didn't you tell me?
- I wanted to tell you.
Give me Serafin's gun.
If they find it, they'll can you again.
I'm not worried about you,
you don't worry about me.
And let's keep it that way, huh?
Give it to me.
You don't worry, but you care a little.
You fucking wish.
I will pick up the car later.
Hey, baby girl.
Are you kidding me? Krystian!
- What do you have here?
- It's nothing.
Nothing. Fucking hell,
what are you doing here?
Wiesia told me where you live,
so I came straight from jail.
- But they let you out, like, for good?
- They had nothing on me.
They cleared the charges, and I'm free.
We'll start all over again, you know?
- Are you high?
- Fuck, Aluta.
The best stuff in town,
straight from the coast.
Isn't Krystianek supposed to be in jail?
He was in jail, but they let him go, whatever.
He can wait, you know,
so that his string of passion
would be strung.
But there are more important things,
we were in that garage yesterday.
We were there all day,
and we got everything.
"We" already?
Aluta, come on.
At least he was somewhat useful to me.
That way, I could sit in the car
while he packed the evidence in the bag.
Watch out for him.
Come on, Aluta, I know that.
I trust myself and you, that's all.
The main thing is
that he also wants to screw the Gargamel,
so we can take advantage of it, right?
- Yeah.
- Listen up.
Rabczuk's papers need to be reviewed.
Rabczuk's wife knows about this.
Let this fucker Witkowski invoke me.
He has to go there.
What do you mean this is not proof?
If you want evidence,
start the investigation.
No, dickhead, I'll take care of my job
when you take care of yours. See ya.
- What's up?
- You wanted Mazur's phone records.
Andrzej Rabczuk.
Well, good job. Fuck.
Morning, Mrs Rabczuk?
- I don't talk to the press.
- Neither do I.
Maciej Szymański, private investigator.
From Alicja Mazur.
What do you know?
Not much, I'm afraid.
Is there any other place in the house
where your husband kept the documents?
Please, have a cup of tea.
- Excuse me for a moment.
- Of course.
Superintendent Mariusz Piotrowski,
Regional Police Headquarters.
Mrs Anna Rabczuk?
I am very sorry to hear
about the death of your husband.
Thank you.
You were contacted
by a mutual friend of ours yesterday.
You could say that.
Just to be sure,
may I ask, for what purpose?
She knew my husband.
And you're here for what purpose?
Can we talk for a moment?
- Are you alone?
- No, a private investigator is here.
He was here a moment ago.
What is that?
"Try a friend, and love a tried one."
Something's wrong?
No, nothing.
How's the new one, Dorota Wójcik?
Obtrusive but rather harmless.
I don't know.
Yesterday, she didn't go
to the laundry with everyone,
but I saw her. At Hepner's.
- Every inmate goes there sometimes.
- Well, yes.
I didn't tell you this,
but you should watch out for her.
I watch out for everyone.
I'm glad, Mazur.
That's what I wanted to hear.
But thank you.
District Court in Zabrze,
Family and Minors, Fifth Division,
after hearing the case
for parental custody
over the minor, Mikołaj Strzelecki,
born in a penal institution in Zabrze,
decides to suspend Agata Strzelecka's
parental rights.
The court entrusts
the exercise of parental authority
to the minor's father, Bartłomiej Dworak.
Are you and Hepner up to something?
Oh, no. Definitely not my type.
I'm asking if you and Hepner
are up to something?
Me? Seriously? Why would I?
You're new.
You haven't earned any rewards,
but you already were on a furlough
and at work.
But I wanted to help you.
So you ended up in my cell to help me?
I can't.
Say it, Wójcik.
Or I'll give you hell in here.
Hepner has some dirt on me.
He wants me to report to him.
But rest assured,
I know how to play with him.
You are safe.
What dirt?
There are things
There are things that
Maybe someday I'll tell you, but not now.
Mazur, you have a hearing.
- What is it, Wójcik?
- Nothing.
You were talking.
Getting to know each other better.
Let's go.
- I have no contact with Witkowski.
- Why are you lying?
You talked to Mrs Rabczuk.
I assume it was him at her place.
Even if that's true,
it's not him you're looking for.
Rabczuk knew Hepner well,
Serafin checked it out.
- Rabczuk died of a heart attack.
- Stop it. A heart attack can be staged.
Hepner gets rid of everyone
who might have something on him.
In that case,
what did Rabczuk have on Hepner?
You'd like to have everything
handed to you on a silver platter.
Witkowski is a minnow.
You get Hepner, you will have Witkowski.
I'll turn him in myself.
I hold you to your word.
Good morning.
I am a prison instructor
from the Zabrze Penitentiary.
I'm here to see Patrycja.
She's not here,
and I don't know when she'll be back.
You are her boyfriend, Krystian, right?
Runaway groom.
Pati told me about you.
Maybe it's better that she's not here.
Could I talk to you for a while?
I'd really appreciate that.
This is where he hung himself.
- Who hung himself?
- The apartment's owner.
Poor man.
But it's not the reason I'm here.
Can I be honest with you, Krystian?
Well, that would be great.
Pati really needs care.
- She has me.
- I'm happy she has people she can rely on.
but unfortunately
she's hanging out with people
she shouldn't be hanging out with
on parole.
I am breaking all procedures
to protect her, and do you know why?
Because I believe in her.
Let me put it bluntly.
Either we protect her, or
Or what?
Pati will return to prison.
The lawyer who hung himself here,
in a nutshell, got into dirty business
with one very aggressive inmate,
got Patrycja involved.
He handed her the documents
he came into possession of illegally.
He gave them to Pati.
- I can't help you. I don't know anything.
- Yes, you can.
You can save her from herself.
If you notice anything of concern,
please let me know.
I will help, here is my number.
- I'll be back in a minute.
- Of course, I'll leave it here.
Hello? Hi.
Listen, your instructor is here.
What instructor?
I don't have an instructor.
- Did you ask what his name is?
- No.
- Then ask.
- Okay.
Fine, fine. Bye.
You are finally in charge, Campina.
I'm impressed.
You waited a long time for this, huh?
Fuck off, Kosa, you fucking stink.
- I need some stuff. Do you have any?
- I don't.
I beg of you.
Money is money.
- You don't have any money, Shiv.
- I will pay in kind.
I like you now. You turn me on.
You're quite a bitch.
And when they see that Shiv serves you,
you can show them who you really are.
- I have some pills.
- And what else?
I got some opiates from the doctor,
that she gave me for my ribs.
- I stashed it.
- You're fucking awesome.
For a while.
Fuck me, Krystian, what did you do?
Why did you even let him in, huh?
- If you would trust me
- So this is my fault?
I'm not saying it's your fault,
but if you had
Fuck, if you had told me anything,
this situation would not have happened.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going out to fix what you fucked up.
- Wait, I'll help you.
- I don't need your fucking help anymore.
I want you to know
that if you'd want to talk to me,
you can, okay?
Fucking hell. Call for help!
Shiv! Shiv! Shiv!
I need a doctor to P2,
cell 304, immediately.
- Help! Hurry up! Help!
- Against the wall.
Wall! Hands on the wall Wójcik, now!
- Mazur, out, now!
- Wall!
- What's going on there?
- Cell 304. Strzelecka.
- Copy.
- Wall, now!
- What's going on?
- Is she alive?
- Strzelecka. Have you called for help?
- Yes.
Why are you standing like that?
Shiv, Shiv, Shiv, easy, come on.
That's right. Yes, Shiv, come on.
She's alive, do you want her to suffocate?
Shiv! Hey, hey!
Oh, fuck, no.
No! Fuck!
Fucking hell!
No, no
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