The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s03e03 Episode Script

The Gorgwatch Project

- Berry cakes, anyone?
Not so fast.
- When you kids finish breakfast,
you need to do your chores.
That means clear your dishes,
clean your huts,
and pick up your stuff
around the treehouse, got it?
- After all, a cluttered house
leads to a cluttered mind.
- And vermin.
- But a clean house leads to--
- Devastation.
No need to grumble, dear.
Phil is on the job.
Eep's hut is still a mess?
Temper your temper, dear.
- I'll handle it.
- Take that, surface grime!
And rescind your rage, Hope.
Dawn's debris is
no match for my broom.
Screeching eelgles!
A new life form!
False alarm.
It's merely a filthy hairbrush.
I'm at a loss.
Thunk's banana peel pile
defies reason.
And yet, it exists.
Also true of that stench
- Another epic day of doing
nothing but having fun!
I'm exhausted.
- Oh hey, Hope.
- Oh! I'm hungry.
What's for dinner?
Oh no.
- We asked you to clean up after
yourselves, but you didn't!
Instead, Phil has been
cleaning up after you all day!
And now, you want dinner?!
- Yes, please!
- Well, here's what I want.
I want all of you
out of my sight for
the rest of the night!
- Where do you want us to go?
- Ooh! Can we go camping?
- I don't care where you go,
as long as you go!
- Now!
- Would now be a good time
to request bug-ritos for dinner?
Spicy, but not toospicy.
- Get out!
- Why did we come all
the way out here to camp?
- When Mom's mad,
it's a good idea
to get as far away
as possible.
And, based on her mood,
walking until we couldn't
recognize anything
seemed like the right distance.
- She's not wrong.
We are messy.
- Yeah. We should help more
around the treehouse.
- And clean up after ourselves.
- But I always
clean up after myself.
- I'm surprised Hope didn't
throw us out sooner.
- But I'm glad she didn't.
- I'm not sure what's scarier,
my mom or these woods.
- Your mom.
- Eh, I don't know.
I think this is
Gorgwatch territory.
- Gorgwatch? What's that?
- Ah, just an old legend.
- Or the most terrifying
menace in these woods.
One of the two.
Gorgwatch is a giant monster,
with green glowing eyes,
blue fur, and sharp talons.
Yep! And he loves corn.
That's why he leaves
a trail of corn cobs
wherever he goes.
And when he stalks his prey,
- he makes this haunting sound.
- Is it haunting?
- Sure! Listen.
I wish I could do that!
- Well, that doesn't
sound so bad.
- Oh, and it's
a merciless predator
who devours anything
that crosses its path.
- That sounds bad.
- Relax.
Gorgwatch is just a dumb story.
When we were little
and couldn't fall asleep,
Gran used to tell us
about Gorgwatch,
which kept us up even longer.
Remember, Thunk?
- Thunk?
- Wait, where did he go?
- Maybe he went to find a snack?
- Uh, Thunk isn't really
a hunter-gatherer.
He's more of a
- Guy, stop making that noise.
- I'm not doing that See?
- Okay So I guess
that means it could be
- Gorgwatch!
- We gotta find Thunk!
- Thunk? Can you hear me?
- Unless you can't
because Gorgwatch has you,
and now he's coming
after all of us
and we're all doomed!
- Dawn, there's no need to panic.
- Sorry!
I'm just telling it like it is!
- Guy, do you see anything?
- Guy?
- Oh no! Gorgwatch has him, too!
- Dawn!
- Sorry, Eep,
I just call 'em like I see 'em.
- Listen to me.
Gorgwatch isn't real,
so Guy and Thunk are fine.
- That came from over there.
- And now it's coming
from over there.
- Oh, it's coming
from everywhere!
- Don't worry, Dawn.
There's two of us
and only one Gorgwatch.
- Yeah, but there were
four of us a minute ago.
- Not helping
- Sorry! I'm just
keeping it real!
Ow! Why would y--Stop!
Ow! Stop hitting me! Ow!
- Guy?
- Thunk?
- No, it's Gorgwatch!
Turns out, I cando that.
- We got you so good!
- No, you didn't.
We knew it was you.
- You knew,
and you didn't tell me?
- She didn't know.
She just doesn't wanna
admit she was scared.
- Now, I don't know
what to believe!
- I wasn't scared, Guy,
and I'm going to sleep.
- Good night!
Don't let the Gorgwatch bite.
Kidding! Kidding!
- Or was he?
- No, I was. Good night!
Thunk, too much
of a good thing.
- What? That's impossible!
- I really wish
I was home right now.
- I really wish the kids
were home right now.
And that Phil
was out there instead.
What was your favorite
part about last night?
- I don't know, T-Bone.
There were so many great parts.
Roasting moss-mallows
over a campfire,
sleeping under the stars
But if I had to pick one,
it'd be scaring Eep and Dawn.
- That was my favorite part, too.
- Great minds.
- You didn't scare us.
- What are you talking about?
I was up all night.
I'm gonna have nightmares
for the rest of my life!
- I mean, didn't scare us at all.
- It's okay to admit it,
Eepy-kins. Fear is normal.
Plus, you are so cute
when you're scared.
- I think you mean hilarious.
"Oh, please!
Don't eat me, Gorgwatch!"
- I never said that.
- But your face did.
- Easy, Thunk.
Let's quit while we're ahead.
- What?
Why would anyone do that?
- Well, that was a lot of fun.
- Yeah.
For you.
- I wonder what's for breakfast.
- Only one way
to find out, T-Bone.
To the kitchen.
- Ah! Oh, sorry.
I keep forgetting
Gorgwatch isn't real.
- Not real yet.
- Right
- Wait, I-I don't understand.
- Revenge, Dawn.
I'm talking about revenge.
- Oh. That's the "yet" part.
- Too much?
- Not at all.
Because revenge is a dish
best served cold.
- Cold revenge.
- Okay, that's enough.
- Okay.
- Hope, my dear,
you look exhausted.
- Yes, Phil, because
I've been up all night,
worrying about the children.
Maybe I was too harsh
about the chores.
- Nonsense.
We expect them to perform
a few menial tasks around here,
and they're
consistently derelict.
You were completely justified
in your unhinged rage.
- But throwing them out
for the night?
They're just kids.
- I'm sure they'll be agreeable
to household labors
after a night in the wild,
fending off crowverines
and bearacudas.
- Oh no. I never thought of that!
What if they get eaten?
- Highly unlikely.
True, Dawn is a gentle,
innocent soul,
and Thunk is beyond helpless,
but Eep and Guy
are very capable.
They'll keep themselves
and the others safe.
Unless they get eaten first,
of course.
- Oh no. Kids? Kids!
Kids? You in here? I
Another mess.
- Indeed, which means
they did make it home alive,
and that's good news! Right?
- You should've listened to me
when you had the chance!
No more Mrs. Nice Hope!
- Are you talking to me
or the kids?
- The kids!
Why am I doing this alone?
Where are Grug and Ugga?
Why is no one helping me?
- I'm helping you--
And you're not listening to me.
- Ugga! Grug!
I'd appreciate it if
you'd get Eep and Thunk
to do their chores.
After all,
they're your children.
I don't know why
I expected something different.
- Stars above!
Were they poisoned?
- I could watch Flower all day.
- But it's not doing anything.
- I know. It totally gets me.
You know, we should probably
pick up these baskets.
Hope was pretty upset
about us not doing our chores.
- You're right. We'll do 'em.
Right after Flower.
- What was that?
- Oh, it's just Eep screaming.
- What?
- And that was Dawn screaming.
And that was
Eep andDawn screaming.
- We gotta do something!
- Yeah. I can't hear Flower
over all that screaming.
- Thunk!
- Right, right, right.
We-we should check on 'em.
Everything looks normal here.
- What are you talking about?
These claw marks
don't look normal.
- Something is definitely wrong.
- I'll say. Look!
No one can just take
one bite of pie.
It's impossible.
- Blue fur. And more claw marks
and paw prints.
Do you know what has blue fur,
sharp claws, and huge paws?
- My dad?
- No! Gorgwatch!
- I-I thought Gorgwatch
was made up.
- It is, which makes
this whole thing
- I don't know. Unfinished pie
is as real as it gets.
- Maybe. Maybe not.
Let's find out.
- Good call.
I'll start by getting some
answers out of this pie.
Corn cob!
That means Gorgwatch was here.
- Or it means someone left
a corn cob for us to find.
- Why would anyone do that?
I mean, pie, sure,
- but a corn cob?
- Don't you see, Thunk?
The girls are setting us up.
Think about it.
We scare them with Gorgwatch.
Now suddenly,
Gorgwatch captures
them the next day?
- That does seem
a little on the nose.
- It sure does.
Here's how it went down.
Eep and Dawn
got a bunch of fur,
probably from your dad
because he's so hairy.
Then, they painted the fur blue
and took bites from
a lot of corn cobs.
Then, they trashed their rooms
and left a Gorgwatch trail
for us to follow!
- Exactly. Or
Gorgwatch is real,
he turned into a slice of pie,
and I ate him.
I ate Gorgwatch!
I'm a monster who ate a monster!
And it was delicious!
- Anything's possible,
except that.
So, let's go with my theory.
Now, Eep and Dawn
are leading us out to some
secluded place to scare us.
- Shame on them.
- Thunk, we did it to them first.
- That's right! Shame on us. Hm!
- Okay, here's the plan.
We'll play along
and pretend we don't know.
- But we do know.
- Right,
but we're pretendingwe don't.
You know, like how we pretended
we got captured
by Gorgwatch yesterday.
- That was yesterday? Boy,
time really flies, doesn't it?
Check it out.
An open gate.
And more claw marks.
And they're leading us
off the farm.
Man, Eep and Dawn are dedicated!
- Paw print. Corn cob.
Blue fur. Corn cob.
Corn cob. Corn cob. Corn cob!
Paw print. Blue fur. Corn cob.
Paw print? Corn cob. Corn cob!
Corn cob. Blue fur.
Corn cob. Paw print? Corn cob.
- Paw print?
- Thunk! Not every thought
- has to be said out loud.
- Why not?
- Help!
- I think we're getting warmer!
- Really? What tipped you off?
- Help!
- That screaming!
Can you not hear that?
- Is your hearing okay, Guy?
- It's fine. Now, remember,
pretend we don't know
what's going on.
- Oh, I don't have to pretend.
Guy! Thunk!
Thank goodness you're here!
- Dawn! We heard your screams
and rushed out here.
We were so worried!
- Are you okay?
- It was terrible!
Gorgwatch snuck into our rooms,
dragged us out here,
and tied me to this tree!
- Uh-huh. Sureit did.
- What are you talking about?
- You just wanted us
to come out here
so you could scare us,
but we figured it out.
- Didn't we, Guy?
- Thunk! What happened
to our plan?
- Wait, you-you wanted
to do that today?
Sorry to ruin your fun, Dawn,
but we know you did this
to get back at us.
- No! No, you're wrong.
I mean, yes,
Eep and I were gonna do that,
but then Gorgwatch got us!
I swear!
- Wow. You're really committing.
And boy, you tied
these vines tight.
Tell Eep she can jump out
and scare us now.
- Eep?
- Guy-Baby!
Hurry up and untie us!
Gorgwatch is gonna
be back any second!
- Don't know how you did it,
but that's a pretty good trick,
- tying yourself to trees.
- Guy!
Quit fooling around!
We're all gonna get eaten!
- Thunk, stop doing that!
That wasn't me!
- Really? Does it look like
I can do a mouth pop right now?
I'm tied up!
- I'm telling you,
it's Gorgwatch!
- It's getting closer!
- Uh, T-Bone, let's untie
these two and get outta here.
- Yeah, way ahead of you, G-Man.
- Guy, what's taking so long?
- Please! Please, hurry!
- The Gorgwatch is here!
- Hey!
- Belt! After all
we've been through?
I trusted you!
- That'll teach you to scare us.
- Yeah, mess with the Gor,
and you get the Gwatch!
I don't even know
what that means!
- It's okay to admit it, Guy-boy.
Fear is normal. Plus,
you're so
cute when you're scared.
- Oh, the corn cobs were my idea.
Though I did have
to eat a lot of corn.
- Dawn, you don't have
to eat any more.
- Now, I can't stop!
- Well-played.
Looks like the scared
have become the scarers.
Thunk and I are truly humbled.
Right, Thunk?
- Guys, I had the weirdest dream.
Corn cob!
- Dawn, what was your
favorite part of the day?
- Well, my least favorite part
was eating all that corn.
- Did you mean
your favorite part
was scaring Guy and Thunk?
- Oh. Yeah.
But seriously,
that was too much corn.
- Don't worry.
We're gonna get you back.
- Why don't we call it even
and end the circle of scare
right here, right now.
- Fair enough. Besides,
we gotta clean up
this mess before Hope
throws us out forever.
- Not so fast!
What's in it for me?
- Sold!
- So, what should
we clean up first?
- Eh, should we do it tomorrow?
- I'm bone-tired.
- Yeah, when we're fresh.
I'm beat.
- Not me! I'm gonna
catch the rest of Moon.
I wanna see how it ends.
- It ends with sunrise.
- No spoilers!
Good night!
Don't let Gorgwatch get you.
- Oh, Moon,
you are full of it tonight!
is a full moon a bad thing?
Eep, wake up.
- It's Gorgwatch.
We're gonna die.
- Dawn, that scratching is just
Guy and Thunk pranking us again.
- But we agreed to end
the circle of scare.
- Yeah, right. Like those guys
are gonna stick to that.
- Guy? Are you making
that scratching sound?
- Yes, Thunk.
I was sound asleep
but I have the power to scratch
walls from inside my dreams.
- Really? How do you do that?
- Thunk, I was being sarcastic!
- Oh, well, in that case,
Gorgwatch is here,
and we're gonna be
his next meal.
- Thunk, it's just Eep and Dawn
messing with us again.
- But what about
the circle of scare?
- Oh, it's about to come
full circle
for Eep and Dawn.
- I have no idea
why we're laughing.
- So!
You thought you
could scare us again.
- Congratulations. It worked.
- We're not trying to scare you.
You're trying to scare us.
- We had a deal, sealed with pie.
You don't go back on that.
- Okay, but if it wasn't us,
and it wasn't you
- Maybe it was Belt and Sash.
- Nope.
- What about Gran and Sandy?
- Nope again.
- Eep, stop it.
- I-I didn't do that. Thunk!
- I didn't do it.
- Okay, if Guy didn't do it,
and Thunk didn't do it,
and-and Eep didn't do it,
I guess I did it.
- But, I didn't do that.
- That means G-G-G
- There is no Gorgwatch!
- Tell that to the corn cob.
- I can't believe this
is really happening!
- I can't believe
we took the elevator.
Stairs would've been way faster.
- Yeah, but no one would
expect us to take the elevator
'cause it's such a dumb idea.
I mean,
we're like fish in a basket.
Do you guys hear that?
- No. I don't hear anything.
- Exactly.
I think we lost Gorgwatch.
- Think again.
- Why did we take
the elevator again?!
- Because no one would expect us
to do something so dumb twice!
- Mom?
- Come with me if you wanna live.
I always knew Gorgwatch
was real, and now it's here!
We have only
one chance to survive this,
but only if you
all do exactly as I say!
Now, we need
enough space to fight it off,
so everyone grab a basket
and stack it against the wall.
Now, we need weapons.
Eep, get a broom.
Dawn, grab those coconuts.
Guy, pick up those forks.
- What about me?
- Grab those!
Banana peels?
Oh, right. To make
Gorgwatch slip and fall.
- So now what?
We just wait for the monster
- to show up?
- No! You!
Put the bowls and plates
back on the shelves.
You throw those banana peels
in the garbage.
You start sweeping
and don't be afraid
to get under the couch.
And you scrub those forks
until you can see
your reflection in them.
- On it!
- Scrub the forks?
- Oh no!
It's almost here! Hurry!
- I still can't
see my reflection.
- Scrub harder!
- I'm scrubbing
with all I've got!
- Guys
- Guys!
- Huh?
- We're not fighting Gorgwatch.
We're cleaning up our mess.
- That's right! And I must say,
this room looks wonderful!
- Mom? Dad?
You guys are Gorgwatch?
That's right.
Corn, anyone?
- Uh, no thanks.
Actually, yes.
- So you woke us up
in the middle of the night,
chased us around the farm,
and made us think
we were gonna die
just because
we didn't do our chores?
- Exactly.
- Mom!
- I know it's extreme,
but you can't argue
with the results.
Look around.
This place is immaculate,
and it better stay that way.
Because if it doesn't,
who knows what could happen.
- I'm gonna go clean my hut now.
Me, too.
- And problem solved.
- Almost.
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