The Head (2020) s03e03 Episode Script

Episode XV

He's not here.
Oh, hello.
Something more urgent than his father
needed his attention in the lab.
You're the famous Maggie, aren't you?
I wouldn't say famous.
I've heard a lot about you.
All good things. Sit, sit.
Aki is also a good boy, but too modest.
I make up for that
with a father's pride.
Well, everyone here says he has
an amazing future ahead of him.
That's what I keep telling him.
You see the T-shirt behind you?
My gift when he set off.
What does it say?
It means "genius".
That's very accurate.
You make me happy.
He was so embarrassed
that he wanted to
pretend he left it behind.
I had to put it in his suitcase myself.
We parents all think our
children are geniuses.
I'm sure your parents
think so of you too.
Your keycard.
Who's changing the water
bottles now that Geri's gone?
Why don't you do it?
Because I have a PhD.
Cat-fucker. Fetch a fucking bottle.
Horst, what happened?
- They've all been punctured!
- Oh, Jesus!
Oh, Jesus!
God. Fuck! Fuck!
No drinking water in the
middle of the Sahara, great.
It's just fucking perfect!
Who could it be if
we were all locked in?
Ask our guard. He's the only one
who was roaming free last night.
Unless one of us broke out.
I was alone. No one broke out.
So then it's a fucking miracle.
The miracle of the leaking water.
Of course the fact that we
have a killer on the loose
is just coincidence.
The contractors arrive in five days.
How do we survive till then?
The AC condensate.
It collects in the vat for the showers.
It should keep us going if we ration.
Yeah, keep the shower water to drink.
If it's drinkable.
It won't kill us.
Well, that's a relief!
No way, we can't ration the subjects.
She's right. We will save
the condensate for them.
The AC, the fucking AC.
Loss of fluids would skew the data.
It would compromise the entire trial.
What about us?
We have whatever's left in our flasks.
There's food cans, they'll
have water and juice.
So there's a first class
and an economy class?
We're like the crew on the Titanic here?
They ended up drowning in water.
Thanks to British engineering.
- Remind me who built the Hindenburg?
- Enough!
Let's gather everything.
And I'll decide the rationing regime.
This duct leads all
the way to the AC unit.
And look,
this is a vent loose.
While we've been turning on each other,
the killer probably
came from the outside.
Is that all you have?
An old vent you just pulled off?
Whatever, Horst.
I'm going to find out who's out there.
Your daughter again?
You must be an alright dad.
Dear Professor.
Forgive me for writing again like this,
but the idea that a man like
you could be reading my words
makes me feel better
about myself somehow.
I never had anyone in
my life I could admire,
let alone anyone that I could love.
Everyone else I know
is a disappointment.
A waste of space.
Since I was a child, I've had
to care for my invalid father,
a worthless man who
can't wipe his own ass.
Yes, I know. Too much information.
But having you to confide in makes
my crummy life seem worthwhile.
Dear Professor.
I felt so sad today.
Sad and angry.
What kind of world do we live in
that treats a brilliant
man like you so badly?
Locked up with petty criminals when
there is nothing petty about you.
Dear Professor.
Dark thoughts.
I've spent the day fantasizing about
the doctor that got away from you.
I imagined her burning at the
stake like in the old days.
I could hear her scream
and smell her burning flesh.
My thoughts are so real
sometimes they scare me.
But they also feel good.
Maybe I'm a wicked person.
But the truth is I'm also gutless.
If only I had your strength.
Scared I'm gonna lock you
in, like you did to me?
Freezing to death is
too quick, too simple.
Dying of thirst, on the other hand
That's a much slower agony.
That is something I would love to watch.
Just like I loved watching your
mother take her last breath.
Oh, yeah.
Your brilliant survival plan.
You do know what the problem
with that is, though, don't you?
It relies on human cooperation.
Working together, trusting each other.
Believing in the common good.
But it only takes one rotten
apple to poison the whole barrel.
One selfish soul,
and there won't be enough for everyone.
And however much you lie and
pretend and dress up the truth,
sooner or later,
the curtain will fall
and chaos will follow.
Hey! The showers don't work.
Oh, yeah. They've been disconnected.
Because we need to save water.
But I need to shower.
The French woman said
we could. Where is she?
The TripAdvisor review
I'm giving this place,
let me tell you, not good.
You said I should come to
you if I needed something.
Oy, Shakespeare.
Say, if I bashed your brains out,
would they look different?
Why not shit yours
out so we can compare?
Hey, Professor.
Sharper than Shakespeare.
Wittier than Wilde, eh?
What can I do for you?
We use books which have
never been checked out.
No-brainer, as they say.
A book is a piece of
portable magic, as they say.
Unless, of course, it's shite.
Loans aren't free.
You do what I ask whenever I ask.
Do you understand?
- Yeah.
- Do you?
- Yeah.
- Text only, they can triangulate calls.
Don't be a muppet.
Now fuck off.
Tell me, Rotorhead.
Not a soul out there.
How far have you swept?
Five miles.
They would need some kind of
shelter within that radius.
I can't see any.
No caves, no tents, nothing.
Mon ami, are you there?
Keep looking.
Dear friend.
I thank you for your
letters of encouragement.
It pleases me to know that my work
could have impacted
someone so profoundly.
Alas, being here, there is so
much I cannot share on paper.
But if you wish to know me better,
I recommend you buy my
book Our Planet, My Quest.
Of particular interest
are acetyl-CoA synthesis,
anthropogenic CO2 emissions,
Bronsted-Lowry Theory,
and the Wagenaar Test.
I suggest you refer to these in order.
Warm regards, Professor Wilde.
Drink your share, Rotorhead.
Whiskey dehydrates.
We're all gonna die here anyway.
If you want to do it
sober, it's your choice.
I found this.
It's been nicked from
cutting something hard.
Like bone.
Lauren's blood.
And Bashir's.
Where did you find it?
Under your mattress.
And now you put it in my hand?
What is this?
A fucking test?
If there's one person here
I trust, it's you, Rotorhead.
So I'm going to choose
to believe it was planted.
Are you trying to make me cry?
Because I have nothing left, brother.
So, what's the plan now?
You drink your juice.
We do whatever it takes to
make it out of here alive.
Fucking hell.
Two minutes, Horst.
Alright, everyone,
third and final dose.
You know what to do. Maggie.
We haven't had a shower in two days.
No shower, no dose.
Yeah, she's right.
And the drinking water tastes
of plastic, it's disgusting.
No shower, no dose.
No shower, no dose.
No shower, no dose!
No shower, no dose!
No shower, no dose!
- No shower, no dose!
- One minute.
- No shower, no dose!
- I know it's not easy.
But we need you to take this final dose.
We can all shower in four days.
- Now is good.
- No shower, no dose!
Guinea pigs, not pigs!
Have you got no shame?
Guinea pigs, not pigs!
- It's all you, you, you.
- Guinea pigs, not pigs!
You don't see the planet's dying?
The planet is people.
Yeah, people like you who don't
give a shit about God's creation.
Joe needs sex!
Joe needs sex!
- Thirty seconds.
- Joe needs sex!
- Keiko!
- Joe needs sex!
Okay, everyone listen!
This is what will happen.
Everyone will drink the final
dose or nobody gets paid.
Do you understand?
One holdout and no money for anyone.
Ten, nine, eight,
seven, six
- Come on, please, for Conor.
- Five
- Four, three
- Please, I beg you.
Two, one.
Thank you.
Hey! You're off limits.
I know. I know, I just
- I need to tell you something.
- What?
It's Keiko, she's tachycardic.
I'm going to take my
hand off your mouth.
And if you scream, it'll be your last.
Do you understand?
Nod your head.
What were you doing in the lab?
Unlock it.
My phone is private.
And the password for the laptop.
I've forgotten it.
Maybe this will refresh your memory.
Recognize this?
- No.
- No?
Maybe you should check
to see how sharp it is.
I'm too valuable to the trial.
- Don't count on it.
- Everyone to the mess hall.
Jamal, what are you doing?
- Jamal!
- What the fuck are you two doing?
She's the one.
How do you know?
The Irish boy, Joe.
He saw her break into the
lab with a stolen keycard.
Remember, you couldn't find yours.
Joe's a liar.
We'll see who's lying.
This is all in fucking Japanese.
And I need Horst to
hack into her laptop.
I'm not waiting.
- Fuck!
- Where are you going to take her?
- Somewhere quiet.
- No!
Get away!
- we need her healthy.
- Yeah.
Well, my wife was healthy
and now she's dead.
- I want to know why.
- Jamal.
we are not this.
There is a line.
- Once you cross that line
- Lines?
You want to talk about lines?
Europe has crooked lines everywhere.
Made by nature.
By mountains, rivers, valleys.
Straight lines everywhere.
Between Libya and Egypt,
Egypt and Sudan.
Bir Tawil.
Four straight lines
drawn into the desert.
Straight lines are not made by nature.
They're made by colonizers,
murderers, rapists,
thieves preaching their white morality.
Just like you.
So fuck your lines.
This bitch killed Bashir!
And she's going to pay.
She's got to pay.
Hey. Are you okay?
I think I need to lie down.
The key is not to rush it.
Find your scapegoat before you strike.
- Whoa!
- A fucking liability!
What are you doing?
Then bring it on.
The shock and awe.
Shake them to their core.
Sow seeds of confusion
so paranoia grows.
A secret message to keep minds occupied.
Stay three moves ahead and
they'll walk into your traps.
Terror renders people stupid.
They start doing the job for you.
The best cover is to
become a victim yourself.
Uzbek tribes have a saying:
Yoz Uchun Akam, "my
brother for the summer".
As seasons change, loyalties change.
When the time comes to switch
sides, act without sentiment.
Abraham Lincoln got it wrong.
You can fool all of the
people all of the time.
Taking credit for another woman's work?
That seems to be your thing, isn't it?
Just one woman after another,
feeding off their brilliance
and spitting them out.
Have you had a single original
thought in your whole pathetic life?
Please, I'm trying to work.
My only mistake was leaving
Maggie Mitchell alive.
Let's see if your memory has come back.
You can't do this to me.
- It's worse if you move.
- You can't.
Maybe they vanished her
just like the French woman.
And there's a guard missing too.
Well, what did they say?
That they are doing extra tests on her.
Why just Keiko?
Who will they come for next?
What about Joe? Where is he?
There's got to be somewhere
close by. Other people.
I'm in here.
I'm fine.
What did the guard say to you?
What is she talking about?
I saw the guard talk to you
just before he took Keiko away.
- No.
- About what?
It was nothing.
Joe, tell us.
I don't have to explain myself to you.
You fucking better.
Look, all I said was that I saw
her go into the lab, that's it.
You fucking snitch!
When I did it, I didn't
know they would vanish her.
As if you care, Joe.
I do care.
Alba, I care about the trial.
I care about climate change. Your
new girlfriend isn't who you think.
She stole a keycard to get in.
- Ida!
- Where are you going?
I'm going to a hotel.
- Ida!
- Ida
It's not crazy. I know places like this.
- Where are you going?
- There's resorts.
- What are you doing?
- Ida, wait.
Ida, wait.
Are you okay?
Don't do this to me, Lord.
Stop punishing me.
If they bury me out here,
then no one will know.
I have no one.
Don't you understand?
I do.
My son, Conor Doyle.
Pediatric ward F,
Tallaght Hospital, Dublin.
Say that back to me.
Because we're going to remember
each other's family details.
We'll learn them by heart. Because
if anything happens to any of us,
the others will tell our
families what happened. Okay?
Yeah, okay.
Conor Doyle.
Pediatric ward F,
Tallaght Hospital,
Great. Alba.
My father, Jesús Orcajo.
Ten, Avinguda de Pierson, Barcelona.
Jesús Orcajo.
Ten, Avinguda de Pierson, Barcelona.
My lawyer, Freja Sorensen.
Vesterbrogade, 16, Copenhagen.
Freya Sorensen,
Vesterbrogade, 16, Copenhagen.
My granny.
Maureen McDowd
- and she lives on Lattone Road.
- Pediatric ward F.
Maureen McDowd.
Lattone Road. Jesús Orcajo.
Maureen McDowd. Ten,
Avinguda de Pierson.
Sixteen. County Fermanagh, Ireland.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Okay, you see?
We've got this, okay?
God, I'm filthy. And I stink.
It's alright. So do I.
You're going to have a shower.
- No, we can't.
- Fuck the rules.
You're going to have a shower.
And you.
If you tell anyone, remember
we know where your granny lives.
You will break.
Everyone does.
Everyone human.
Enjoying your phone?
Good. Listen,
I have a small favor to ask.
I want him hurt, not dead.
- Who?
- You'll be told. And when.
I'm not a violent man.
Nobody in here is.
I'm guessing you know human
anatomy, so be creative, eh?
Ask me to do anything else.
The question you need to ask yourself is
which end of the blade
would you rather be on?
Manicure's over.
Ready to talk?
Your choice.
Keiko, are you in there?
What are you doing?
Maggie, get out!
I was right. All along.
Everything happening
here is linked to Arthur.
Keiko's been talking to a
man called Takeshi Kobayashi.
His son Aki died in Polaris VI.
Jesus Christ.
Now tell me again I'm deluded.
You are.
You would rather believe
that this is all about Arthur
than face the fact that you
have brought this on all of us.
What you did in Polaris
follows you everywhere.
You carry it like a curse.
That man's son died because of you.
It's just revenge for revenge
for revenge and all because
you couldn't accept that your
mother's death was an accident,
Maggie, a tragic accident.
They argued. They
were in a relationship.
- It was an accident.
- A relationship?
- Is that what he called it?
- Yes.
My mother rejected your father,
so he forced himself on her.
She fought him, he pushed her,
she hit her head and died.
That's his relationship.
He was a predator, Rachel.
Why do you think Anika had to die?
She knew what he was. She saw him do it.
For eight years, every day, I
thought of my mom in that place.
It haunted me.
And when I was at Polaris, I saw her.
Just discarded and scorched
like a piece of meat.
That's what follows me everywhere I go.
Rach, it's me. You feeling any better?
Now that you know, I
hope it follows you too.
Who's in there?
What's going on?
Oh, God. What did she say?
My father started this.
That's what she does,
she lies. She's a liar.
Just like she lied to put your dad away.
Your dad
Hey, your dad,
fucking Arthur Wilde,
he was extraordinary.
You don't know what he was.
Oh, my God. Hey, hey.
I know that he'd be proud
of what you've achieved here.
Just like I am.
You don't know me either.
I know you.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
I'm sorry.
The baby will need a father.
- The baby has a father.
- Alec is dead.
Someone needs to look
after you guys. Both of you.
I don't need anyone to
look after me and, if I did,
it sure as hell wouldn't be you, Liam.
Can you just get out?
Can you just get out, please?
You and I comrades.
Jamal. Jamal, stop.
Anything on her laptop?
Horst says it will take hours.
Let me speak to her.
She's not talking to
you. What do you lose?
It's Takeshi Kobayashi.
Why is he in your phone?
Did you know his son, Aki?
Were you a friend?
I knew him too.
I loved him. I saw him die.
All set.
All set.
What if we get caught?
Ida, "not getting
caught" is my middle name.
Let's go.
Quick. Come on.
Quick. Before they catch us.
He gave me a flash drive
to put in the computer here.
To steal data?
He didn't say.
It just had to be before today.
What time is it?
What's funny?
I just got paid.
It's not working.
- Turn it up all the way.
- I have.
Try it again. Off and on.
Come on, Arthur.
I've done nothing to you.
We're cellies.
Can we just go back, please?
Ida. Please, try it again.
It's not working.
We're friends.
Yoz Uchun Akam.
What the fuck does that mean?
"My brother for the summer".
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