The Unit s03e03 Episode Script

Always Kiss Them Goodbye

Tell people whatever your want to explain this.
What did you do? Did you sign the divorce petition yet? - No.
- Would you do that, please? I thought we could actually save our marriage.
I'll file it.
What is this? Your admission to the stated charges.
The uniform code of military justice requires We shut down the prison ship, stopped the executions.
- The Unit is being reinstated.
- For now.
For as long as we hold the evidence.
What do you think, sergeant? Be ready by the end of the week? Takes that long, sir, you need to fire me and get someone in here who knows their job.
All right.
Then I'll get out of your hair.
Have a good 'un.
We can't possibly finish that soon.
This is a two-week job at least.
- You heard what I told the colonel.
- Yeah, but We'll be up and in operation by sundown tomorrow, or I'll have your guts for garters.
Hey, sweet thing, what you got whooping? You.
That's what's whooping.
facial spa and a romantic night for two at the Royal Arms? Now, who gave those to you? Found them in my coffee.
Well, I will have you know, madam, that I'm a happily married man.
It's a wonderful gift.
Why now? It's time we start eating our dessert first.
Truly is.
Go for Blane.
I hate that phone.
Coffee is on the counter.
Thanks for the loan of the couch.
Long as you need it.
Guess priority today is, get my own hooch.
I heard there's a vacancy down at that complex by the gate.
That place? Dude, that's full of lieutenants and other small children.
Maybe they could use a little adult supervision.
Like you could give it to them? Love to schmooze, dudes.
I got to pick up some stuff from the house before I get a new domicile.
I'll catch you later.
Don't forget to write.
- Hey, Molly.
- You're staying after all.
that's right.
I'm glad.
I truly am.
- I got to go, babe.
Hey, Mol.
- Bob.
Feeling better? Tummy calmed down? Nausea? Knocked up again.
You'd think she'd learn, wouldn't you? Can't you give the poor woman a rest? Not with that face, no.
Barefoot and pregnant wins the race.
Later, babe.
And life returns to its normal rounds.
Looks like it.
It surely does.
What are you doing, dad? Mom was supposed to leave some things out for me.
What sort of things? Bedspread, towels, sheets.
- Dad? - Yeah? Are you moving out? Come here.
Oh, Jen Darling, I love you.
I love your sister, and I love your mum, and I always will.
Then stay.
You know what? This is just for a little while.
I'll be back, and this is kind of like The times that I had to go before, you know? Hey, what are you all up to? Just getting some things.
Hey, don't, that's not Dad! - Get it off my leg! Tiffy! - Dad! Are you ok? Get it off my leg! All right.
You're caught.
It's ok.
Daddy! Help! My daddy is hurt! Help! Somebody help! It's all right.
Gerhardts are at it again.
It's ok.
It doesn't hurt.
It's just some scars.
MPs, I'm reporting a domestic disturbance in Bella Wood.
It sounds violent.
What do we know, sir? Prelim info only.
Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas, Reports a missing weapon, some old nerve-agent bomb.
Hell of a thing to go missing.
I'm with you.
It's the Arsenal's job to destroy those things.
Stuff has been around forever, some of it since the second world war.
Could've got lost in the shuffle.
Or worse.
They have had accounting and inventory glitches before.
That's right.
Something gets misplaced, winds up in the wrong bunker.
We're the closest response element available.
We got a chopper down on the pad now.
You men hustle down there and see what you can make of this.
And we're on way Fare thee well.
What are the rabbits for? Canaries in the mineshaft.
and the rabbits? That's what I mean, same thing.
They're much more sensitive than any mechanical detector.
At the faintest whiff of agent, the rabbits die.
That's cold.
They wanted a better job, they should've got their diploma.
So, how bad is this stuff? VX nerve agente is the deadliest material mankind has ever devised.
The tiniest drop ond the skin kills on contact.
You blast it into a spray, it becomes a rain of death.
Then what sane person would go near it? Exactly.
No sane person would.
That's what concerns me.
Tracks show 4 men, maybe 5.
Looks like they used the forklift to get the thing on the truck and simply drove away.
Major, anything on this truck? APB with all police.
MPs on duty saw the truck drive out the gate this morning.
MPs didn't stop them? Their orders are,check vehicles coming in, not going out.
Sir, Sheriff has a fix on the truck.
Says a deputy has eyes on it.
Tell them to seal the area, but do not approach.
No one in, no one out.
Randall, no choice.
You're with me.
PINE BLUFF AIRPARK - Agent Greenbaum? - Yeah.
What you got, deputy? Truck in question is parked next to the hangar.
We've stayed back.
- Any movement? - None so far.
- Any other way in here? - No, sir But if you go around the Get down! Under the wing The nerve agent gas.
Don't shoot it.
Give him cover fire! Want me to go with him? Go! I don't care who's right, I don't care who's wrong, but I do care about peace and order within this command Yes, sir.
Which command includes on-base housing.
Sergeant Gerhardt, you will move, until further notice into the bachelors NCO quarters, where you will reside - Colonel, we weren't even fighting.
- Ma'am The MPs were called to a domestic disturbance in your home.
It was not the first time.
NCO quarters, where you will reside until I have considered a more permanent course of action.
Sir, I was moving today to an apartment off post.
Rescind it.
You will live in the BEQ, and you will not You will not until I deign otherwise Be allowed in your house unless accompanied by an escort from this chain of command.
Yes, sir.
One more incident.
If the MPs have to be called again, then, Mrs.
Gerhard I will terminate those quarters, and I will move you and your children out of that house and off this base And, yes, I most certainly can do that Following which, Sergeant, I will have you standing here in front of this desk, at which time, I will make adjustments on your scorecard and your permanent record.
Clear? - Yes, sir.
- Clear.
This is Tom Ryan.
Roger that.
Keep me advised.
Mack, get down of the talk.
Kayla will fill you in.
Take charge and make something happen.
I'll be with you as soon as I can.
Yes, sir.
Tom, if we could just talk, I know that we could work it so that Good day, Mrs.
I need air sectionals for the entire region.
Put them up on the walls and get me another phone line in here immediately.
Adleman, when's that comm unit coming up? I think that Snake Doctor.
Snake Doctor, this is Dirt Diver.
Take coordinates from location of my transmission.
- Got it.
- Done.
Has left this location.
It is airborne heading What kind of plane? J-3, single-engine.
A single-engine J-3, last seen heading North, Northeast.
Cool Breeze is in pursuit.
Make contact with him direct.
Alert appropriate agencies.
- We believe there are at least 4 operatives maybe more One, in the plane.
We have at least two that have us under fire.
- Do you need assistance? - Big time.
Send two additional teams.
We'll alert those elements.
- Anything else? - Yeah.
Send a chemical decontamination unit immediately.
That's gonna take a few hours, but wilco.
- Got to go, Mack.
Busy day.
Roger that.
Doc, stay right where you are.
I'm gonna maneuver behind.
Keep them engaged.
Try not to get shot.
Copy that.
Don't do it! - All clear.
- All clear.
Damn it.
I wanted one of them alive.
Yeah, I wanted a good deed action but they killed us all.
I reckon you can't always get what you want.
See if you can find anything on them, might tell us who tey are.
Turn them inside out.
Get some pictures to the talk.
Maybe they can come up with something.
Hey, Doc, Lend a hand.
You've seen these men befor e? Maybe they worked at the Arsenal.
- Betty Blue - Yo.
See if the cruiser radio works.
Get some more police out here.
I'm on it.
I'm airborne, about 8 minutes behind, Following his initial heading.
You got eyes on him? No.
No joy.
Well, air traffic control has nothing on radar in your area.
Say again? Adleman, can we get a clear channel over here? Hard rhythm.
What is done here is pure hard rhythm.
- How's that, Cool Breeze? - Yeah.
I said he must be flying under radar coverage.
That's possible.
What's your altitude? Hold what you've got.
Squawk your transponder.
I'm gonna see if control has you.
Squawking now.
They've got you Cool Breeze, but nothing else.
All right.
Then he's below me.
I'm gonna firewall this thing and hold hanging.
He can't be that far out.
Roger that.
Is there anything that I can do for you? would be nice.
See what I can do.
Standing by this frequency.
How long till we get to minimum operational level, two secure radio links, computer board working, and a direct line to the pentagon? Colonel, this place was sacked.
The truth is, it may takes days to get what you want.
You got 30 minutes.
Don't look at me.
I was gonna give you till tomorrow.
Question of the century, Mack.
Where the hell is this plane headed? Rendezvous with death.
Your dad is gonna come visit you.
He's gonna come see you as offen as he can, but there are rules.
What kind of rules? Darling, it just means that when your father is here, Jonas or someone else from the Unit will come with him.
So they won't fight.
Is that it? And I'll come, too, both of us.
Is daddy going away for good? Oh, darling, we're gonna be all right.
It's just gonna take some getting used to, that's all.
But I don't want daddy to go away.
- I want him.
- Oh, sweetheart - Oh, baby - Grow up, Jen.
This is America.
Everybody is divorced.
It happens every day.
Lissy It'll be all right.
It will.
It's gonna be all right.
I'm telling you, this is a can't-miss idea.
It's being done at radio stations near Fort Bragg, Fort Stewart, Fort Benning.
- Ok.
A call-in show, Army Families.
- Exactly.
It's the single biggest local demographic.
Then why isn't our cross-town rival doing it? Why were the Wright brothers the first to fly? - Why? - Oh, come on, George.
You got to know this can be done.
You got to have the vision.
Why do I got to have the vision? You have the vision, George.
- You are a man of vision.
- Am I? Everybody says so.
What's the format? Present a current topic of military life, one of the perennial problems.
It ain't like there's a shortage, then moderate a discussion.
Like the lack of available birth control.
- If you will.
- What time of day? Afternoon, before the kids get home from school.
We'll catch them at home and at their workplaces.
Who runs the show? Me.
I'm not the only one who believes.
I've got 6 advertising spots sold already.
You have 6 new advertisers presold? All locked up with two more ready to sign tomorrow.
- What do you say? - I tell you what.
You stick around, punch the buttons for the afternoon.
We'll talk about it when I get back.
- This afternoon.
- When I get back.
So, it's a go.
Kim, I got to go to the bank for my monthly begging routine.
And this here is the sort of thing that's gonna keep you off your knees and us on the air.
We'll see.
Dirt Diver, Cool Breeze.
- Go, Cool Breeze.
- I got nothing.
Maybe the plane is off on another heading.
- Anything yet from air traffic? - Negative.
Unless they put it down, it's still under the radar.
Wait a second.
I got a speck out front.
It's a plane, about I'll say heading about 1,000 feet below.
I'm going in for a look.
Just for a little while.
Doesn't have to be pretty.
Just has to work.
Got him, Dirt Diver.
It's him.
Prepare to copy.
Altitude - 1,500, air speed - 100 Knots, heading - 028 degrees magnetic.
Good cop.
I'm gonna see ir I can force this guy to land.
With what? Persuasive argument.
I want to know already where that plane is headed.
It's 28 degrees mag.
It's headed this way.
It's back towards Fort Griffith.
Dead rabbits.
They've been exposed to the nerve gas.
- Hey, top, you can't go in there alone - You two take charge out here.
Set up a cordon, and when the decon unit gets here, make sure they're in place.
If you don't hear from me, just wait out here for help.
- Boss - Do as I say.
- That's an order.
- The rabbits are dead.
There's a great likelihood the hangar is contaminated.
Gets worse.
Dirt Diver, nobody is flying this thing.
Pilot is dead.
Looks like nerve agent.
Snake Doctor reported nerve agent casualties at his location.
Pilot could've been exposed.
He's liable to lose his license for that.
It's no mistake.
Cool Breeze, looks like we know the target.
Latest plot puts that thing headed right here Fort Griffith.
Good God almighty.
I got the data on that type of weapon.
That thing makes it here, it'll wipe out the entire area.
You stay on this.
How much time we got left? No change in air speed, approximately 18 minutes.
Adleman, how many secure lines we got working? One, and I'm sweet-talking a second.
Know in a few.
Roberts, get me General Bolt on the horn and then a continuous link to national command authority.
- We shoot this thing down? - Negative.
We detonate the device midair, it'll give a maximum dispersion.
That's about the worst thing we could do.
That makes our options pretty damn slim.
General Bolt, sir.
Thank you.
Sir, this is Tom Ryan.
We got a big problem.
We have to evacuate the post.
Yes, sir, deadly serious.
What's the status? Snake Doctor has just entered the hangar.
- Alone? - Yeah.
You got contact with him? Let's leave him alone.
If he needs help, we'll hear it.
Well, I don't like it, but I guess I don't have to.
Photos come in? They're in the pipeline.
Our computers are down, but we're on it.
I got cops pouring into the location.
- I need to get back to you.
- Roger.
Playing all your favorites without interruption, news and weather at the top of the hour, so keep that dial set to KTML - The Missile.
Molly, thanks for bringing them over.
I'm glad to do it.
You don't have to stay.
Katie can sleep and Serena can color.
No way, girl.
Besides, I like to watch you work.
You're our personal celebrity.
What's a celebrity? It's a famous person, like your mother.
Being a DJ here is nothing more than Being a glorified button-pusher.
Now, I get my talk show, you're going to have to shoo the tabloid photographers away.
KTML Radio.
This is Kim Brown.
Severe weather.
Mandatory alert.
Yes, I've got it.
- That was odd.
- What? Call from Fort Griffith Operation Center, Asking No, demanding that we issue a severe weather alert, and an immediate shelter order for all personnel, military and civilian.
Why is that odd? There's nothing on the Nacional Weather Service.
Is this some kind of a drill? Not if it pertains to civilians, but it could be a prank caller.
Think I should look up the number to base Ops, give them a call and confirm? I know a better source.
Molly Blane for Colonel Ryan.
It's important.
Tom, I'm with Kim at the radio station.
I'm calling You received the shelter notice? - Colonel, we did.
I just - Molly, may I speak with Mrs.
Brown? Hello? Mrs.
Brown, I can verify that message.
It is imperative that you issue that alert.
All personnel must take shelter immediately and stay there until further notice.
But, Colonel, there's nothing on the Kim, do you trust me? Well, I All personnel must take shelter and stay there.
Am I cutting through? Colonel, the alert will go out.
I'll call you direct with any more information.
Kim? I need to make that announcement now.
Betty Blue, Snake Doctor.
- What gives, Doc? - Relay all info to the talk.
- Right.
- I'm near the hangar, main door.
One body.
Possibly eurasian.
Will send photo.
No visible wounds.
Foam around mouth.
Blue color under the fingernails.
Classic signs of nerve agent poisoning.
The hangar must be contaminated.
Doc says it's nerve agent.
building's contaminated.
I found one booby trap and defused it.
On the wall.
It's a claymore over the door.
There's a room at the far end.
The right as you enter.
I'll check it and report.
Oh, yeah.
Check that photo of the body against the babu cipher Might be something there.
Good copy.
I'll pass it on.
Have you i.
's the bodies in the photos? What? I got to get back to you.
They don't have the photos, the ones that were supposedly sent.
- Why not? - They were sent.
But apparently not received.
Must be the interface.
Buckwheat, the maximum effective range of an excuse is zero meters.
I expect results.
Get those photos sent immediately.
You got it? Immediately.
Temple-headed paper pushers worrying about pissants in the pantry we got elephants stampeding through the wire.
Cool Breeze, this is Dirt Diver.
Yes, Ma'am.
I can assure you I have the latest information.
I know the weather channel shows no storm cloud approaching us, but this tornado warning is the latest report.
Ma'am, Ma'am, please heed the warning and stay undercover.
Yes, Ma'am.
You can call back.
That's at least 20 calls.
I keep saying, "take cover", but no other source reports anything out there.
Something's going on.
Something military.
What are we going to do with the kids? Get them to a shelter.
They need you.
Just show me which buttons to push.
It's more complicated than that, and I need to warn other people.
Molly, get my children to safety.
Dirt Diver.
Go, Diver.
What the hell? Dirt Diver, I got Air Force all over my ass.
What are they doing? Ripping through the wild blue.
If they can't go slow enough to do anything and if they fire a missile, they'll blast that stuff for miles around.
Tell the flyboys to get the hell out of there now.
Diver, what's the time? How much we got left? How far out are we? We got everything locked down here.
Your buddy's undercover.
But there's no cavalry coming to the rescue, is there? You were it, cavalry.
It's just us, amigo.
Nothing else to do but hunker down and wait.
Yeah, I hardly think so.
There's always something that could be done.
If this thing gets over the city, it's a moot point.
Cool Breeze.
Come in, Cool Breeze.
Cool Breeze, this is Dirt Diver.
Don't it.
Cool Breeze, this is Dirt Diver.
Don't do it.
Cool Breeze, don't do it.
Bob, don't do it.
Kiss my kids for me.
Oh! Dirt Diver.
Dirt Diver, new heading.
Say that again.
I say again, new heading.
Turn to zero.
What happened? Plane's following a programmed flight pattern.
Must be on directed auto-pilot.
Might just bought us a little time.
Just bought me a lifetime.
Yeah, how's your fuel holding? I got several hours.
I can't say the same for my bladder, though.
Bitch and moan.
It could be going to any one of these cities.
Just when you thought it can't get worse.
hey, mack, i'm thinking of something.
Always a good thing.
Remember the tactic the british fighter pilots used in the german bu bombs? I'm afraid I missed that war.
You know what i'm talking about.
When they were tracking a b-1 and they were out of ammo.
Yeah, I saw that documentary.
What are you, in a fire race now? No.
Beneath me are miles and miles of nothing but miles and miles.
You want to give it a shot, red bear? Here goes.
It's nice and easy, ok? Who's flying this thing? Yeah, yeah.
Radio goes on in there, who didn't make it? What confidence.
Here it goes.
Betty Blue.
I found the body in the office.
He was holding a computer.
May be something there.
I've planned for booby traps.
I'm going in.
Go easy and get out.
Oh, yeah.
Well, that's special.
He's going down! You did it? You took him down? Negative.
Auto-pilot brought him back on course.
I'm going to try it again.
Easy, bobbo.
Yes, mother.
No joy.
No joy.
It's back on course.
I've recovered laptop computer from the body.
There might be something helpful there.
Hope so.
Pass this on.
There's a trap I didn't detect.
Went off as I entered the office.
I've been sprayed with a liquid.
Some kind of gelatin.
May I? Do you have a field test kit with you? - Yeah.
- Take out a piece of litmus paper and touch it to the liquid.
What color is it now? It's black.
Nerve agent.
Yeah, doc.
I thought so.
Look, once exposed, how long is this suit and mask good for? How long before it breaks down? About 2 hours, I should think, maximum.
It's a layer of activated charcoal in the suit That provides your protection.
As it degrades, the suit becomes ineffective and breaks down more rapidly in the heat.
Testing, testing.
Commo check.
Second head is up.
What about that second secure line? Finally got some info on who this group may be.
Get this to jonas.
How's it looking, Mack? Good, Carl.
Turned away from us past our location.
Betty Blue, this is dogpatch 06 Well, the plane's making random changes of heading.
Any one of these cities are in range.
Well, the white house has been alerted, But even if that air defense artillery is en route, there's no guarantee this thing can be stopped.
Bob's the only one that knows where it is.
That's the only way we've been able to plot it and pass that information on to command authority.
We got to bring this plane down.
Jonas is taking control of the plane from that computer.
He thinks that's what's controlling it.
I hope he's right.
Ok, I'm ready.
I've made a code plan based on the name of the group.
Just punch in the keys as I tell you.
- We'll take it slow.
- Ok.
I hope you've come up with a solution back there.
We're trying.
A lot of people are trying.
Yeah, well, enough trying.
it's time for doing.
New heading.
It's changed course again.
Better not be.
Echo, Romeo, finally, the dollar sign.
- Got it.
- Ok.
What do you got? Figures and coordinates.
The computer is not in control.
The plane is on a pre-plotted course.
It's a self-guided missile, but I know where it's going.
All right.
Relay this to dogpatch as I call it out.
Go ahead.
west 9-0-0 Time 17:20 local.
Good copy.
great work.
Good news: decon team's here.
Betty Blue.
Cardinal stadium.
Baseball game.
Standing room only.
Jam-packed stadium.
That's rush hour.
At least now we know.
Yes, sir.
Adleman, get me Washington.
Washington now! You're going to gas St-Louis? Grab that man by the stack and swivel, which means it's no time to collapse.
Everyone has to function.
Everyone! Right.
Washington on the line.
We all right? You squared away? Yes, sir.
And how about that cypress system? - Is it online yet? - Most riki-tik.
Coordinates from the east at 6 knots.
Altitude of detonation: 1,650.
What's the stadium hold? Call it 50,000.
Heart of downtown.
We'll be looking at 200,000 dead.
Who knows how many sick? Half a million or more in St-Louis on the path.
How much time we got? What's left? Speed the same? Yeah.
Well, Mack, you know that just ain't going to happen.
I know.
the clock ran out on us.
Can you patch me through to Kim? Adleman, you got that land-line communication set up? I don't have it yet.
I tried, but I don't have it.
I can't make that happen, Cool Breeze.
Is there a message that you want me to pass on to her? You make that up.
You know what to say.
White house has issued the button-down order.
A little help,but not much.
At least we can have response teams poised outside the city.
Hey, what happens when a plane stalls? What happens when a plane stalls? It loses all lift.
It stops flying in mid-air goes into a spin and crashes.
And auto-pilot can't pull out of a stall, can it? It takes a pilot,a real, live one, to counter a spin.
Yeah, that's right.
It takes a pilot.
It takes a live one.
All right, look.
There's a large open field up ahead.
Take my coordinates and notify emergency response.
What the hell you got planned, Cool Breeze? Stop jabbering and leave me alone.
No detonation.
Yes! He did it.
He did it! He did it! There will be no living with him now.
Rise your arms for me please? A little higher Turn around and that's the latest news from KTML, and to all our listeners in the greenwood-fort griffith area, that severe weather notice posted earlier today has been called off.
And the winner of the $500 pool for when the order would be rescinded goes to mrs.
Gwen Edwards of Redboro.
We hope you weren't inconvenienced, but hey, better safe than sorry.
And now back to more of your favorite music here at KTML the missile.
I'm not fired? Fired? Fired, nothing.
You were great.
But the callers, they were beating me nfrom left to right.
So what? You kept them engaged.
More than that, you kept your head.
You really know how to handle a tough situation, and turning the whole thing into a contest? Brilliant.
After what you did this afternoon, a regular call-in show is a piece of cake.
You mean the show.
I got the show.
Until you get fired.
Don't screw it up.
I don't know whether to wash with this or drink it.
That suit was at its limit.
I don't think it would've lasted another half-hour.
Oh, well.
A harrowing experience, but I've learned so much today.
Well, ain't that special? Oh, but it will be.
I intend to use this incident to scare the pure hell out of congress and get the money to finish destroying these foul weapons.
- Well, good luck with that, doc.
- Thanks.
Oh, mr.
Blue Can you hand me a towel? Would you mind giving me my pants? Might need them.
Got our bags packed? And that's one out here in the eighth.
Ok, so with runners on first and second, if there's less than 2 outs, then the infield fly rule is in effect, and Oh.
Daddy's telling me about the infield fly rule.
- And? - I think he's making it up.
I thought you didn't care much for baseball.
Today, it's my second favorite pastime.

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