The Way Home (2023) s03e03 Episode Script
Live and Let Die
Previously, on The Way Home.
Is that Alice on Cole's record?
KAT: I hate to break it
to you, kiddo,
but you do go back to '74.
Promise to remember being
a kid as you read 'em.
- You keep one and I keep one.
- Oh, God.
- This ink. I remember this.
- Dad taught me.
Dad, are you robbing me?
Your mother's ring.
Where is it?
- Are you Vic Augustine?
- What's it to you?
I'm Rick Augustine.
I'm the older and much
friendlier brother
to this nimrod here.
EL: Rick died.
It was a car accident.
ALICE: He was
their best friend.
- You saved Dad's life.
- But why would the pond do that?
Maybe it's to see if Dad knew
about time travel or the pond.
- Uh.
- What are you doing here?
- Uh, I heard, is Rick?
- Yeah, he's gone.
I'm I'm so sorry.
How did you know
to find me here?
I went looking for you
at the farm
and then I took a walk
in the woods.
- You were at the farm?
- Yeah
- Was everything okay there?
- Sure, why?
Nothing. I didn't know
if Mom was upset.
I took off after the funeral.
Then why come jump in the pond?
I wasn't thinking straight.
I knew it. As if you'd ever
come back here
without an ulterior motive.
I'll take a walk,
let you calm down.
Calm down? I just caught
my own father
trying to steal from me.
That ring is mine.
And you aren't using it!
You never did,
according to your ex-wife.
- What are you talking about?
- I called Emma to get it back.
Are you serious?
She'd never even heard
of the Augustine family ring.
You haven't changed at all.
How many times do we think
she's going to replay it?
I can hear you, you know.
And this whole time travel thing
is still pretty fresh for me.
I wish I could tell you
it's going to get easier.
And I wish I knew what the pond
wants with Alice in 1974.
what's the significance of 1974?
That's the year Cole and I met.
I wasn't expecting
to fall in love that summer.
Not when it started
so tragically.
Cole always said it was the
best and worst summer
of his life.
Wait, what are we?
I can't face Delilah Watson.
Not like this.
Hi, there.
I just wanted to stop by and
offer your family my condolences.
Where I come from,
food is the best way
to show folks that you care.
Remember what Rick said to you?
Life is too
short not to dream big.
And if that's the girl
of your dreams, then
I think he would want you
to keep on trying.
He always knew what to say, huh?
Just can't imagine
a life without him.
I hate you, Colton Landry!
You should've been there.
It should've been you, instead!
Think it's time
to book your flight home.
Well, you sure know
how to make an old man
feel welcome.
I have a life.
And Kat's moving in.
Ah. So that's why you never gave
the ring to Emma.
You were saving it all along
for Kat Landry,
the girl you wasted your life
waiting around for?
So you being happy for us
before was what, just an act?
Thought you'd butter me up
to get that ring back?
I was looking out for you, boy.
The Landrys have always
loved to use us Augustines.
No way my ring
is going to one of them.
It's my ring.
You gave it to me, remember?
You said you didn't even
want to look at it
- after Mom went away.
- She wore it for all of two minutes
two minutes before she ran off.
Why does it mean anything to you
when it meant nothing to her?
Of course she left.
Who would stay with you
by choice?
That's a heck of a way
to talk to the only
- living family you've got left.
- You made my life miserable
for too long.
But this is my house now,
and you can use the money
I paid you for it
to buy your bride a ring.
Now go pack your things
and get out.
Hey. Thanks again
for letting us do this here.
It's exactly what
he would've wanted.
Let the family have
their private burial.
You all deserve to say goodbye
to our Rick in your own way.
You came.
Yeah. I needed
to see you guys, and
I'm so sorry, Evelyn.
He was the most beautiful
person inside and out,
- wasn't he?
- Yeah, just wish I could've
- gotten to know him better.
- Well,
obviously Morocco's off.
No more running away.
I need to be here with
the people that I love.
[Oh Very Young ♪
This one's for Rick.
He'd want us to keep
dreaming big.
Life's too short not to.
Oh very young ♪
What will you leave us
this time ♪
You're only dancing on this
Earth for a short while ♪
And though your dreams
may toss and turn you now ♪
They will vanish away ♪
Like your daddy's best jeans ♪
EVELYN: Denim blue
fading up to the sky ♪
TOGETHER: And though you
want him to last forever ♪
You know he never will ♪
You know he never will ♪
And the patches make
the goodbye harder still ♪
Oh very young what will
you leave us this time ♪
There'll never be a better
chance to change your mind ♪
And if you want this world
to see a better day ♪
Will you carry the words
of love with you ♪
Will you ride the great white
bird in together ♪
And though you want
to last forever ♪
You know you never will ♪
You know you never will ♪
And the goodbye makes
the journey harder still ♪
Oh very young what will you
leave us this time ♪
You're only dancing on this
Earth for a short while ♪
Oh very young what will you
leave us this time ♪♪
Hey, I got your text.
What's up?
- Whoa.
I'm so glad to see you.
- Mmm.
- You know, I realized
we haven't had a moment alone
together since I asked you
to move in. Let alone celebrate.
Ah. Too bad
that bottle's empty.
Looks like we left this place
a bit of a mess
whenever we were here last.
Maybe we should tidy up.
Or maybe we should mess it up
more before we tidy up.
- Hm. Mm.
- Yeah?
What the?
Wait a second.
You don't buy Pinot.
You're a Cab girl.
I just couldn't
watch it anymore.
I want to remember Rick
as my goofball friend
who gave the best hugs
and told the dumbest jokes.
I can't imagine how it feels
to lose your best friend,
but you still have Colton.
I do.
But not in the way that I want.
Wait do you have
feelings for him?
I have loved him since
And he doesn't think of me
the same way.
A childish gift
for a childhood friend.
Not something you give
to someone you harbour
romantic feelings for.
What am I supposed to do?
Tell him?
Rick's gone.
Life is brutally short.
If there's magic to be had,
we can't let it just pass us by.
Yeah. And if Colton
doesn't feel the same way,
- then you can move on, right?
One does not move on
from the utter devastation
- of unrequited love.
- Yeah. Right. Sorry.
You know, speaking of Colton,
I saw him earlier today
in the pond.
On his land?
- He was in the pond?
- Yeah.
Is that normal for him?
We should be getting back.
This generation has been
robbed of too many good men.
You kids don't need an old coot
like me getting philosophical
on you.
Stay as long as you like.
Just lock up when you leave.
EVELYN: Thanks again, Jasper.
Uh, yeah.
I should get going too.
But thank you for inviting me.
Hey, Alice.
If it weren't for you,
I would've been in that car,
Maybe I'm alive because of you.
COLTON: Oh very young
What will you leave us ♪
- This time ♪
- He's really good.
Yeah. I know.
COLTON: to change
your mind ♪
And if you want this world
to see a better day ♪
Will you carry the words
of love with you ♪
Will you ride the great white
bird in together ♪
You want it to last forever ♪
You know it never will ♪
You know it never will ♪
And the goodbye makes
the journey harder still ♪♪
- It's a pity that Vic
couldn't join us.
Has he left town already?
We didn't exactly end
on good terms.
- What happened?
- He's incapable of thinking
of anyone but himself,
and I'm better off
without him in my life.
Uh, that's a nice bottle
of Pinot there, Del.
What's the occasion?
Well, I was thinking
that we could
all use some good news.
At least I hope you think
it's good news
I've been seeing Sam
for quite a while now.
So how long have you two
been sneaking around
- in the clubhouse?
I think what she means
to say is that we're all
very happy for you, Del.
Yeah, Sam is wonderful.
And in the spirit
of Mom's announcement,
Elliot and I have one, too.
I'm moving in with him.
Right now?
Uh, I guess it's a little fast,
but given our history and all
Well, it's Alice's senior year.
- She needs her mother.
- I will literally be next door.
I mean, she's doing great.
And Alice gave us her blessing.
Right, honey?
Yeah. I'm really happy
for all of you,
but I think I kinda just need
to be alone right now.
Today was sort of a lot.
Does that seem like
a teenager that's doing great?
Nice night for a porch beer?
Was just thinking
the same thing.
Well, thanks for ruining dinner.
You are the one turning
this into a fight.
I just don't see how you can
abandon your daughter right now.
And what about Jacob?
You are rushing into this
without thinking about
the rest of your family.
KAT: In case you
haven't noticed,
- there's not enough room
- That went differently
- than expected.
- Mmm.
I've never seen them like that.
Oh, the fighting?
Used to happen a lot
before you came home.
I don't get this, though.
I thought Del would be,
I don't know, excited for us?
Well, as man of the house,
the only approval you should be
seeking is mine.
Where I come from,
there are certain
expectations if you were
to ask for my sister's hand.
I'm sorry, just a little bit
of time travel humour, there.
You should've seen your face.
Well, you certainly
don't need my blessing.
Though you have it,
if you do ever ask.
It's not like the thought
hasn't crossed my mind.
- Hey. You okay, kiddo?
- Yeah. Um
I just can't get little Victor's
face out of my head.
It's hard to reconcile
that broken boy
with the man that Elliot
was talking about.
Hm. Yeah, it's tough.
You and I both know firsthand
how tragedy can change someone.
Yeah. Then there's Evelyn.
Mom, I feel so bad for her.
She was in love with Colton.
She told you that?
Yeah. And I felt like
such a traitor.
It's not like I can tell her
that I'm proof
that he doesn't love her back.
Because I'm his granddaughter
with the girl she hates.
I'm just having
a hard enough time
trying to wrap my mind around
the fact that
Dad and Evelyn
were childhood friends.
Yeah. They were really close.
Wait, I forgot something about
the night at The Cove.
Colton gave these to Evelyn
as a set.
She gave one back to him
to hold on to,
but she kept the other one.
So they're meant to go together?
Okay. Look.
"To Evie, no curse
is on you if you stay.
"The water did save
us, I believe in it now.
- "There is magic at home.
- "Come back to me
"and to the pond.
Love, Cole."
He wrote this to Evelyn,
but she never read it.
So they both knew
about the pond.
Were they
Were they time travelers too?
ALICE: I'm sorry
about last night.
I should have stood up
for you and Mom.
You've got enough going on.
It's hard to imagine you
back in '74.
Mourning an uncle
I never even met.
You would've loved him.
He had this
life of the party energy
that was just infectious.
But he was also really kind.
He cared about his friends.
- He was something.
- Kinda wish he'd rubbed off
on my dad a little more.
I don't wanna defend anything
that your dad has done,
but he was there
when it happened, Elliot.
He watched someone he loved die.
You don't just come back
from that.
Seeing Victor,
this little heartbroken kid
in his big brother's
hockey jersey,
it made me wonder if the pond
wanted me to help you
and your dad somehow.
My relationship with my dad
is well beyond
[EXHALING] fixing.
I'd much rather look forward
to the life I'm building
with my chosen family.
Hey. The truck's all packed,
ready to go.
To the farmer's market.
I figured I would
come by and help out.
Well, I would love
to have you there
- if you're sure you're ready.
- In the spirit of living life
in the present,
I figure it's time to start
venturing out into the world.
So, shall we?
Okay. Let's go as a family.
Doesn't it bother you?
Oh, they're going to stare
no matter what.
Might as well get it over with.
Well, they could be staring
at this mound of produce.
Oh, Jacob.
Oh my gosh, Jacob,
it is such a treat
to see you out and about.
And Alice! Welcome home.
And Kat, I just loved
your editorial this week.
- Oh, thank you.
- Hi, Rita.
Looks like you've been
working hard.
Your signs are beautiful.
The only ship that can't sink
is a friendship
So not exactly subtle,
but you've been icing her out
for a long time, Mom.
Are you here to support
Jacob or chastise me?
Hey, Ali. Want to do
a coffee run with me?
So, any plans after
the farmer's market?
Maybe a jump to '74?
Uh, Mom, I know
you want answers, and I do too,
but honestly I think I need
another day or two to process
- my last trip.
- Oh, of course.
I'm sorry. You just
take all the time you need.
What does Noah think
he's doing selling coffee?
KAT: Oh, I forgot to mention.
Monica's had some real
competition this summer.
Why don't you just go over there
and catch up with him?
I mean, clearly, he needs help.
Well, what about all of us
supporting Jacob?
You know, honestly?
I don't think
- he needs us hovering.
- Well, what are you gonna do?
The pond took me to '74 once,
so maybe I just try
another jump myself.
- 'Kay. Be safe, though, okay?
- Mm-hmm.
And don't get caught spying
on any more teenagers.
Coffee and fish.
The combo I never knew I wanted.
Alice. Hey.
Uh, you're back in town.
Yeah, fish and chips by night,
coffee and fritters by day.
It's what I call maximizing
revenue streams.
Yeah, you look a little
Oh no, just my barista,
she called in sick.
But I think I've got it
almost under control.
Okay, well, I was going
to offer my services,
- but if you're alright then
- Uh, actually, I'm lying.
This is totally a disaster.
Please, help?
Hey, what's going on, boss?
Hi. How much for this one?
Well, I put a lot of love
into my art.
I don't sell to strangers.
And I know that I have been
an absent friend.
Is that what you call completely
cutting me out of your life?
I've been so stressed out
over the media frenzy
with Jacob coming home,
and I know you mean well,
but you ask too many questions.
Del Landry, is that your
sorry excuse for an apology?
I've had to look at
your passive aggressive signs
all summer.
Can we just make amends?
Okay, okay.
That sign's 150.
Rita Richards, that is too
much for a piece of driftwood.
It is reclaimed wood
from a 200-year-old sunken ship.
- Oh.
I gotta get that summer folk
money somehow, right?
- Rita
- I miss you.
- Oh, I missed you so much.
What's going on with you
and Sam?
Don't tell me you let all
your relationships
fall to the wayside.
Come over for a glass of wine.
I'll tell you everything.
I can't believe how good
you got at that.
You know, considering how bad
you were last summer.
That how you're gonna talk
to the girl who's saving
- your butt?
- Yeah, why are you helping me?
After how we left things,
I kinda figured
you'd want nothing
to do with me.
Well, Wally's has the best
fries and mustard in town, so
Well, you'll have to wait
'til after 5:00.
Can't mix fritter fat
with fry fat.
If I am still here by then,
I will be expecting
my cut of the tips.
Don't go back to The Point.
- Come work for me instead.
- You mean your grandfather?
No. He retired, actually.
He handed me the business.
You know, I'm in the process
of getting a second truck.
Big things are happening
here, man.
Well, congrats on your empire,
but I am loyal to Monica.
Plus, The Point has AC.
Any chance you could take
a break from flirting
and make my coffee?
Yes. Sorry, ma'am.
Coming right up.
VICTOR: This used to be
a working man's town.
Now I can't even get a cab
to the airport
'cause everyone's too busy
catering to the stuck-up
summer folk!
Well, speaking of summer folk.
If it isn't Ms. North Carolina
You looked like you could use
some sustenance.
Delilah Landry,
still thinking food
can fix everything.
Well thanks,
but I don't need any more
of your family's pity.
Or your dry biscuits.
Does Elliot know
you're still here?
Oh, he's too busy shacking up
with your daughter to care.
That ingrate finally got
what he always wanted:
to join the high-and-mighty
Landry family.
Okay. I'm done being polite.
Leave my family alone.
You ruined my chance
to make amends with my daughter
all those years ago,
and you have failed
over and over again
to be the father
that Elliot deserves.
But despite that,
he has turned into one of
the finest young men
that I have ever known.
If you ever say a disparaging
word against him,
you'll be sorry.
Keep my dry biscuits!
Oh. I'm sorry you saw that.
I'm not. That was amazing.
Hey, Del.
Thank you.
- For what you said.
- Of course, sweetheart.
WOMAN: He was gone 24 years.
Hey, Danny, wait up.
Jake. Hi.
Hi. Nice to see you.
Yeah. Um
I wanted to come visit,
but I wasn't sure
if you'd be up for it.
Don't worry about it.
So, what have you been
up to all these years?
Still collect Pokémon cards?
Who are you?
So much for a united front for Jacob.
He did great. And he chose
to stay out with Danny,
- which is huge.
- I appreciate your help,
but I can't say the same
for your mother.
She had to go see
Oh, please. She ran off
to that damn pond.
Why today? What's so urgent?
It's probably easier
if I just show you.
first arrive.
25, never tried.
65, thought they died.
65, still alive
Ma'am, are you lost?
Do you live around here?
My name is Kat,
can I help you in any way?
Don't tease.
I know my way home, Kitty Kat.
Uh, it's actualliy it's Kat.
They died, 65, still alive.
KAT: So this is home?
Any chance you're related
to Colton Landry?
You know my grandson?
Your grandson?
That makes you Fern Landry.
Oh, Kitty, you really
are such a card.
Come now. Join me for tea.
I would love to.
This place has a real
timeless charm to it.
Feels like I'm back
in Port Haven's early days.
I hear you're really turning
Landry Farm into
something, Jake.
Yeah, it's been nice
to get back to my roots.
Still can't get over
how much easier it is
farming with a tractor.
You didn't use
any modern machinery,
- I heard, in your?
- Mmm.
My other life.
No, it was a different world.
Kind of like
the Amish or something?
Yeah, something like that.
Anyway, what about you?
Honestly, I'm surprised
you even want to talk to me.
Why wouldn't I?
I mean, we were best friends.
How much of that night
do you remember, Jake?
Miracle boy returns
24 years after fall from cliff
I always blamed myself.
If I hadn't thrown
your stuffed dog over the edge,
if I hadn't dared you
to go down after it
When I heard that you were
alive, that you came home
I hoped there were some
other explanation.
One that wasn't all my fault
But there isn't.
Danny, you need to know
that you had nothing to do
with any of this. Really,
I made the choice that night.
You didn't push me
into the water.
And look, I'm I'm alive.
I'm okay.
How about another round? Hmm?
Is, um, no one else home?
- How about I make some tea?
- Hm.
There are lemon madeleines
in the blue tin.
My favourite.
These are just like
Grandma used to make.
Um, did your daughter-in-law
make these?
Oh, such a good girl, that one.
She raised two boys.
She kept this farm going
all on her own.
When we lost my son
Beautiful dreamer ♪
Wake unto me ♪
The starlight and dewdrops
are waiting for thee ♪
Come on, Kitty.
You know the words.
I think this one's a little
before my time, Fern.
I see what this looks like.
But of course,
Cole loved Evelyn.
- They were best friends.
- What about the pond, though?
I was married to the man
for 25 years.
If he knew about the pond,
he would've told me.
"No curse is on you."
Cole's grandmother used
to talk about the pond.
That it was magical,
but also a curse.
Grandma Fern used to tell
the most outlandish stories.
But that's what I always
thought they were, stories.
A sweet old lady whose mind
had gone.
At least, that's what
Cole used to always say.
So nice to see someone
using the pond again.
Um, are you saying
that there's others?
(soft giggles)
Does Colton use the pond, Fern?
I feared that he was the one.
If not his father
or his brother, then him.
But I was wrong, mh.
- What do you mean by the one?
If you want the right answers,
you must ask
the right questions.
And now, it's time for my nap,
Kitty Kat.
I can't stop thinking
about the unfairness of it all.
He barely got
to experience life.
Can't think of a worse way
to go.
at least he didn't die alone.
There's nothing more tragic
than that.
Alice said that she saw you
here the other day.
After Rick's funeral.
In the pond.
You know that you can tell me
anything, right?
And I can tell you anything,
Because there's something
that I've really
What if you did
something really awful?
- Would you still tell me?
- Of course.
What is it?
- Did you hear that?
- It's probably just
Grandma Fern wandering.
Who else would it be?
Better go find her
and bring her home
before my mom reams me out.
65, thought they'd die.
65, still alive.
You're not gonna go in?
Without you? Never.
Come on.
I should call it a night.
I've got an early morning
at Lingermore.
Wait, wait,
you're working there?
Yeah, I'm doing the landscaping
for Lewis Goodwin's new winery.
No, you can't work for
the Goodwins, they're snakes.
I heard there was some
bad blood over the book
Kat put out, but he seems like
a decent enough guy.
No, trust me. He is as vile
as all of the other Goodwins,
living or dead. Barmaid!
We're gonna need something
a bit stronger
than this watered-down swill.
Yeah, I'll get right on that.
Is that from a play
or something?
I see Alice looped you in.
Look, I, uh,
I understand your erratic
behaviour last year
because you were looking
for your brother,
but that's done.
You brought Jacob home.
So why are you so compelled
to keep jumping?
Because we deserve
to know the truth.
Just because you can
time travel,
doesn't mean you're entitled to
stick your nose in every little thing.
How come you and Dad
never talked about Evelyn?
That she's how you met?
And she's the whole reason
that you came to Port Haven?
Okay. Enough, Katherine.
I'm asking you, please,
to stop running off to that
damn pond and choose us.
I'll be right there.
Where are you off to now?
I may live under your roof
for now,
but I'm an adult.
And I do not need your
permission to leave this house.
They got me on standby
for a flight tomorrow morning,
so don't worry,
I'll be out of your hair soon.
I cleared a bunch of your old
stuff out of the attic
when I first moved back,
but I
figured you'd wanna
hang onto this.
I always assumed it was yours.
It was Rick's, wasn't it?
How come you never
talked about him?
What's the point?
He's been gone a hell of a lot
- longer than he was alive.
- Must've been awful,
losing your brother like that.
In an accident you were lucky
to walk away from.
Spent my entire life
in his shadow.
Rick and Vic.
You could never escape
the comparisons.
What were your parents thinking?
Rick was the golden boy.
I was the lesser sequel.
After he died, it got worse.
My parents made it pretty clear
they wished it had been
the other way around.
It probably should have.
What do you mean?
Mmh The night we crashed
bugging Rick, being a pain.
You know, like always.
Uh He turned around to sock me one.
He lost control on a bend.
Anyway. The past is the past.
What does any of that
matter now, anyway?
I think it matters.
Trauma comes out
in really toxic ways.
Thank you, Dr. Phil.
Guess maybe if I'd had
a shrink back then,
then I wouldn't have turned out
to be such a terrible father.
there's a lot that
I didn't do right.
I know that.
But it's a little too late
to fix it now, so
Maybe it's not too late.
You know, that ring
we're fighting over
was supposed to go to Rick,
not me.
So really, it should be
on the hand
of some supermodel hockey wife.
Are you really
getting married, Dad?
Or do you just need money?
I swear, I am.
To a good lady, too.
Take the ring, then.
It was yours first.
It was your mother's last.
I know that means
something to you.
So you keep it.
You should be the one
to carry on the family legacy.
KAT: Okay, nice and slow.
- Shh.
Okay, I appreciate you
venturing out
beyond the property line,
but being dragged out of a bar
before sundown
is not a good look, buddy.
Back in my time, we rise early!
- Shh.
- We drink early!
We take to our beds early!
Huh? Candle wax
is too precious to waste.
Or, I mean, it was.
Oh okay.
No, no, no, it's okay.
I'll get it. I'll get it.
You're gonna cut yourself.
I can do this, Kat.
I'm not a child.
I know.
Are you alright?
Everyone is just
moving on with their lives
and I'm stuck.
I'm trying to be normal,
but how can I be
when my entire life is a lie?
How about we talk about this
in the morning?
Okay? I'll clean all this up,
don't worry about it.
- Mm-hmm. Okay.
- Yep, let's go.
There we go, big guy.
You know, this is the kind
of stuff we missed out on.
You know, big sis
sneaking drunk little brother
- past Mom.
Making up for lost time.
That's what we're doing.
I got your text.
What are you doing here?
Wanted to thank you again
for saving my butt. [CHUCKLES]
Your share of the tips
from today.
You know there are apps
for that, right?
I'm, uh, I'm really sorry
we lost touch. Um
I know things, uh, got a little
weird between us last year,
and most of that was,
was my fault.
Then, you know, your uncle
and all your family stuff.
Yeah. And then my life
just got way weirder.
And then you were away.
Yep. And then I came back
from my business course,
and then you were
gone for the summer.
I never stopped
thinking about you, Alice.
And I was hoping you might
be crazy enough
to give me another chance.
I don't know. I'm
I just, I really have to focus
at school this year.
And I have all these big plans,
and I just can't really
- It's cool.
- be distracted but
I don't want the magic
to pass me by, either.
I keep seeing Kat and Elliot
around town
looking all loved up.
They're moving in together.
Okay, so? You love Elliot.
It's just a lot of change
ever since Jacob came home.
Mostly for the best,
don't get me wrong.
It's just that Kat and Alice
have been my constants
in the storm,
and now it feels like
it's a matter of time
before they all leave again.
It's normal for chicks
to fly the coop.
But they come back.
To old friends and good wine.
Hey, let me write that down.
I could put that on a sign!
Oh, Rita.
ELLIOT: Morning, Dad.
Great Grandma Fern said
to ask the right questions.
But I don't even know
where to start with this.
Well, you also said
she's a bit senile,
so maybe you shouldn't
take her so literally.
"65, thought they died.
65, still alive."
Wait, what?
It's one of the things
that she kept saying.
I don't know if it's like,
a poem or song lyrics,
but absolutely nothing pops up
if you Google it.
What about a year? 1965?
Who do we know that lived here
during the sixties?
Evelyn! Do you remember
that whole mess of stuff
that she donated
to the archives?
Casey catalogued it
all last summer,
but I just never had time
to get to it. So, let's see
Uh, no way it's that easy.
For Kat. Important
Of course not.
Town vote
to fill in Landry pond
Could this have something
to do with
what Fern was talking about?
Previously, on The Way Home.
Is that Alice on Cole's record?
KAT: I hate to break it
to you, kiddo,
but you do go back to '74.
Promise to remember being
a kid as you read 'em.
- You keep one and I keep one.
- Oh, God.
- This ink. I remember this.
- Dad taught me.
Dad, are you robbing me?
Your mother's ring.
Where is it?
- Are you Vic Augustine?
- What's it to you?
I'm Rick Augustine.
I'm the older and much
friendlier brother
to this nimrod here.
EL: Rick died.
It was a car accident.
ALICE: He was
their best friend.
- You saved Dad's life.
- But why would the pond do that?
Maybe it's to see if Dad knew
about time travel or the pond.
- Uh.
- What are you doing here?
- Uh, I heard, is Rick?
- Yeah, he's gone.
I'm I'm so sorry.
How did you know
to find me here?
I went looking for you
at the farm
and then I took a walk
in the woods.
- You were at the farm?
- Yeah
- Was everything okay there?
- Sure, why?
Nothing. I didn't know
if Mom was upset.
I took off after the funeral.
Then why come jump in the pond?
I wasn't thinking straight.
I knew it. As if you'd ever
come back here
without an ulterior motive.
I'll take a walk,
let you calm down.
Calm down? I just caught
my own father
trying to steal from me.
That ring is mine.
And you aren't using it!
You never did,
according to your ex-wife.
- What are you talking about?
- I called Emma to get it back.
Are you serious?
She'd never even heard
of the Augustine family ring.
You haven't changed at all.
How many times do we think
she's going to replay it?
I can hear you, you know.
And this whole time travel thing
is still pretty fresh for me.
I wish I could tell you
it's going to get easier.
And I wish I knew what the pond
wants with Alice in 1974.
what's the significance of 1974?
That's the year Cole and I met.
I wasn't expecting
to fall in love that summer.
Not when it started
so tragically.
Cole always said it was the
best and worst summer
of his life.
Wait, what are we?
I can't face Delilah Watson.
Not like this.
Hi, there.
I just wanted to stop by and
offer your family my condolences.
Where I come from,
food is the best way
to show folks that you care.
Remember what Rick said to you?
Life is too
short not to dream big.
And if that's the girl
of your dreams, then
I think he would want you
to keep on trying.
He always knew what to say, huh?
Just can't imagine
a life without him.
I hate you, Colton Landry!
You should've been there.
It should've been you, instead!
Think it's time
to book your flight home.
Well, you sure know
how to make an old man
feel welcome.
I have a life.
And Kat's moving in.
Ah. So that's why you never gave
the ring to Emma.
You were saving it all along
for Kat Landry,
the girl you wasted your life
waiting around for?
So you being happy for us
before was what, just an act?
Thought you'd butter me up
to get that ring back?
I was looking out for you, boy.
The Landrys have always
loved to use us Augustines.
No way my ring
is going to one of them.
It's my ring.
You gave it to me, remember?
You said you didn't even
want to look at it
- after Mom went away.
- She wore it for all of two minutes
two minutes before she ran off.
Why does it mean anything to you
when it meant nothing to her?
Of course she left.
Who would stay with you
by choice?
That's a heck of a way
to talk to the only
- living family you've got left.
- You made my life miserable
for too long.
But this is my house now,
and you can use the money
I paid you for it
to buy your bride a ring.
Now go pack your things
and get out.
Hey. Thanks again
for letting us do this here.
It's exactly what
he would've wanted.
Let the family have
their private burial.
You all deserve to say goodbye
to our Rick in your own way.
You came.
Yeah. I needed
to see you guys, and
I'm so sorry, Evelyn.
He was the most beautiful
person inside and out,
- wasn't he?
- Yeah, just wish I could've
- gotten to know him better.
- Well,
obviously Morocco's off.
No more running away.
I need to be here with
the people that I love.
[Oh Very Young ♪
This one's for Rick.
He'd want us to keep
dreaming big.
Life's too short not to.
Oh very young ♪
What will you leave us
this time ♪
You're only dancing on this
Earth for a short while ♪
And though your dreams
may toss and turn you now ♪
They will vanish away ♪
Like your daddy's best jeans ♪
EVELYN: Denim blue
fading up to the sky ♪
TOGETHER: And though you
want him to last forever ♪
You know he never will ♪
You know he never will ♪
And the patches make
the goodbye harder still ♪
Oh very young what will
you leave us this time ♪
There'll never be a better
chance to change your mind ♪
And if you want this world
to see a better day ♪
Will you carry the words
of love with you ♪
Will you ride the great white
bird in together ♪
And though you want
to last forever ♪
You know you never will ♪
You know you never will ♪
And the goodbye makes
the journey harder still ♪
Oh very young what will you
leave us this time ♪
You're only dancing on this
Earth for a short while ♪
Oh very young what will you
leave us this time ♪♪
Hey, I got your text.
What's up?
- Whoa.
I'm so glad to see you.
- Mmm.
- You know, I realized
we haven't had a moment alone
together since I asked you
to move in. Let alone celebrate.
Ah. Too bad
that bottle's empty.
Looks like we left this place
a bit of a mess
whenever we were here last.
Maybe we should tidy up.
Or maybe we should mess it up
more before we tidy up.
- Hm. Mm.
- Yeah?
What the?
Wait a second.
You don't buy Pinot.
You're a Cab girl.
I just couldn't
watch it anymore.
I want to remember Rick
as my goofball friend
who gave the best hugs
and told the dumbest jokes.
I can't imagine how it feels
to lose your best friend,
but you still have Colton.
I do.
But not in the way that I want.
Wait do you have
feelings for him?
I have loved him since
And he doesn't think of me
the same way.
A childish gift
for a childhood friend.
Not something you give
to someone you harbour
romantic feelings for.
What am I supposed to do?
Tell him?
Rick's gone.
Life is brutally short.
If there's magic to be had,
we can't let it just pass us by.
Yeah. And if Colton
doesn't feel the same way,
- then you can move on, right?
One does not move on
from the utter devastation
- of unrequited love.
- Yeah. Right. Sorry.
You know, speaking of Colton,
I saw him earlier today
in the pond.
On his land?
- He was in the pond?
- Yeah.
Is that normal for him?
We should be getting back.
This generation has been
robbed of too many good men.
You kids don't need an old coot
like me getting philosophical
on you.
Stay as long as you like.
Just lock up when you leave.
EVELYN: Thanks again, Jasper.
Uh, yeah.
I should get going too.
But thank you for inviting me.
Hey, Alice.
If it weren't for you,
I would've been in that car,
Maybe I'm alive because of you.
COLTON: Oh very young
What will you leave us ♪
- This time ♪
- He's really good.
Yeah. I know.
COLTON: to change
your mind ♪
And if you want this world
to see a better day ♪
Will you carry the words
of love with you ♪
Will you ride the great white
bird in together ♪
You want it to last forever ♪
You know it never will ♪
You know it never will ♪
And the goodbye makes
the journey harder still ♪♪
- It's a pity that Vic
couldn't join us.
Has he left town already?
We didn't exactly end
on good terms.
- What happened?
- He's incapable of thinking
of anyone but himself,
and I'm better off
without him in my life.
Uh, that's a nice bottle
of Pinot there, Del.
What's the occasion?
Well, I was thinking
that we could
all use some good news.
At least I hope you think
it's good news
I've been seeing Sam
for quite a while now.
So how long have you two
been sneaking around
- in the clubhouse?
I think what she means
to say is that we're all
very happy for you, Del.
Yeah, Sam is wonderful.
And in the spirit
of Mom's announcement,
Elliot and I have one, too.
I'm moving in with him.
Right now?
Uh, I guess it's a little fast,
but given our history and all
Well, it's Alice's senior year.
- She needs her mother.
- I will literally be next door.
I mean, she's doing great.
And Alice gave us her blessing.
Right, honey?
Yeah. I'm really happy
for all of you,
but I think I kinda just need
to be alone right now.
Today was sort of a lot.
Does that seem like
a teenager that's doing great?
Nice night for a porch beer?
Was just thinking
the same thing.
Well, thanks for ruining dinner.
You are the one turning
this into a fight.
I just don't see how you can
abandon your daughter right now.
And what about Jacob?
You are rushing into this
without thinking about
the rest of your family.
KAT: In case you
haven't noticed,
- there's not enough room
- That went differently
- than expected.
- Mmm.
I've never seen them like that.
Oh, the fighting?
Used to happen a lot
before you came home.
I don't get this, though.
I thought Del would be,
I don't know, excited for us?
Well, as man of the house,
the only approval you should be
seeking is mine.
Where I come from,
there are certain
expectations if you were
to ask for my sister's hand.
I'm sorry, just a little bit
of time travel humour, there.
You should've seen your face.
Well, you certainly
don't need my blessing.
Though you have it,
if you do ever ask.
It's not like the thought
hasn't crossed my mind.
- Hey. You okay, kiddo?
- Yeah. Um
I just can't get little Victor's
face out of my head.
It's hard to reconcile
that broken boy
with the man that Elliot
was talking about.
Hm. Yeah, it's tough.
You and I both know firsthand
how tragedy can change someone.
Yeah. Then there's Evelyn.
Mom, I feel so bad for her.
She was in love with Colton.
She told you that?
Yeah. And I felt like
such a traitor.
It's not like I can tell her
that I'm proof
that he doesn't love her back.
Because I'm his granddaughter
with the girl she hates.
I'm just having
a hard enough time
trying to wrap my mind around
the fact that
Dad and Evelyn
were childhood friends.
Yeah. They were really close.
Wait, I forgot something about
the night at The Cove.
Colton gave these to Evelyn
as a set.
She gave one back to him
to hold on to,
but she kept the other one.
So they're meant to go together?
Okay. Look.
"To Evie, no curse
is on you if you stay.
"The water did save
us, I believe in it now.
- "There is magic at home.
- "Come back to me
"and to the pond.
Love, Cole."
He wrote this to Evelyn,
but she never read it.
So they both knew
about the pond.
Were they
Were they time travelers too?
ALICE: I'm sorry
about last night.
I should have stood up
for you and Mom.
You've got enough going on.
It's hard to imagine you
back in '74.
Mourning an uncle
I never even met.
You would've loved him.
He had this
life of the party energy
that was just infectious.
But he was also really kind.
He cared about his friends.
- He was something.
- Kinda wish he'd rubbed off
on my dad a little more.
I don't wanna defend anything
that your dad has done,
but he was there
when it happened, Elliot.
He watched someone he loved die.
You don't just come back
from that.
Seeing Victor,
this little heartbroken kid
in his big brother's
hockey jersey,
it made me wonder if the pond
wanted me to help you
and your dad somehow.
My relationship with my dad
is well beyond
[EXHALING] fixing.
I'd much rather look forward
to the life I'm building
with my chosen family.
Hey. The truck's all packed,
ready to go.
To the farmer's market.
I figured I would
come by and help out.
Well, I would love
to have you there
- if you're sure you're ready.
- In the spirit of living life
in the present,
I figure it's time to start
venturing out into the world.
So, shall we?
Okay. Let's go as a family.
Doesn't it bother you?
Oh, they're going to stare
no matter what.
Might as well get it over with.
Well, they could be staring
at this mound of produce.
Oh, Jacob.
Oh my gosh, Jacob,
it is such a treat
to see you out and about.
And Alice! Welcome home.
And Kat, I just loved
your editorial this week.
- Oh, thank you.
- Hi, Rita.
Looks like you've been
working hard.
Your signs are beautiful.
The only ship that can't sink
is a friendship
So not exactly subtle,
but you've been icing her out
for a long time, Mom.
Are you here to support
Jacob or chastise me?
Hey, Ali. Want to do
a coffee run with me?
So, any plans after
the farmer's market?
Maybe a jump to '74?
Uh, Mom, I know
you want answers, and I do too,
but honestly I think I need
another day or two to process
- my last trip.
- Oh, of course.
I'm sorry. You just
take all the time you need.
What does Noah think
he's doing selling coffee?
KAT: Oh, I forgot to mention.
Monica's had some real
competition this summer.
Why don't you just go over there
and catch up with him?
I mean, clearly, he needs help.
Well, what about all of us
supporting Jacob?
You know, honestly?
I don't think
- he needs us hovering.
- Well, what are you gonna do?
The pond took me to '74 once,
so maybe I just try
another jump myself.
- 'Kay. Be safe, though, okay?
- Mm-hmm.
And don't get caught spying
on any more teenagers.
Coffee and fish.
The combo I never knew I wanted.
Alice. Hey.
Uh, you're back in town.
Yeah, fish and chips by night,
coffee and fritters by day.
It's what I call maximizing
revenue streams.
Yeah, you look a little
Oh no, just my barista,
she called in sick.
But I think I've got it
almost under control.
Okay, well, I was going
to offer my services,
- but if you're alright then
- Uh, actually, I'm lying.
This is totally a disaster.
Please, help?
Hey, what's going on, boss?
Hi. How much for this one?
Well, I put a lot of love
into my art.
I don't sell to strangers.
And I know that I have been
an absent friend.
Is that what you call completely
cutting me out of your life?
I've been so stressed out
over the media frenzy
with Jacob coming home,
and I know you mean well,
but you ask too many questions.
Del Landry, is that your
sorry excuse for an apology?
I've had to look at
your passive aggressive signs
all summer.
Can we just make amends?
Okay, okay.
That sign's 150.
Rita Richards, that is too
much for a piece of driftwood.
It is reclaimed wood
from a 200-year-old sunken ship.
- Oh.
I gotta get that summer folk
money somehow, right?
- Rita
- I miss you.
- Oh, I missed you so much.
What's going on with you
and Sam?
Don't tell me you let all
your relationships
fall to the wayside.
Come over for a glass of wine.
I'll tell you everything.
I can't believe how good
you got at that.
You know, considering how bad
you were last summer.
That how you're gonna talk
to the girl who's saving
- your butt?
- Yeah, why are you helping me?
After how we left things,
I kinda figured
you'd want nothing
to do with me.
Well, Wally's has the best
fries and mustard in town, so
Well, you'll have to wait
'til after 5:00.
Can't mix fritter fat
with fry fat.
If I am still here by then,
I will be expecting
my cut of the tips.
Don't go back to The Point.
- Come work for me instead.
- You mean your grandfather?
No. He retired, actually.
He handed me the business.
You know, I'm in the process
of getting a second truck.
Big things are happening
here, man.
Well, congrats on your empire,
but I am loyal to Monica.
Plus, The Point has AC.
Any chance you could take
a break from flirting
and make my coffee?
Yes. Sorry, ma'am.
Coming right up.
VICTOR: This used to be
a working man's town.
Now I can't even get a cab
to the airport
'cause everyone's too busy
catering to the stuck-up
summer folk!
Well, speaking of summer folk.
If it isn't Ms. North Carolina
You looked like you could use
some sustenance.
Delilah Landry,
still thinking food
can fix everything.
Well thanks,
but I don't need any more
of your family's pity.
Or your dry biscuits.
Does Elliot know
you're still here?
Oh, he's too busy shacking up
with your daughter to care.
That ingrate finally got
what he always wanted:
to join the high-and-mighty
Landry family.
Okay. I'm done being polite.
Leave my family alone.
You ruined my chance
to make amends with my daughter
all those years ago,
and you have failed
over and over again
to be the father
that Elliot deserves.
But despite that,
he has turned into one of
the finest young men
that I have ever known.
If you ever say a disparaging
word against him,
you'll be sorry.
Keep my dry biscuits!
Oh. I'm sorry you saw that.
I'm not. That was amazing.
Hey, Del.
Thank you.
- For what you said.
- Of course, sweetheart.
WOMAN: He was gone 24 years.
Hey, Danny, wait up.
Jake. Hi.
Hi. Nice to see you.
Yeah. Um
I wanted to come visit,
but I wasn't sure
if you'd be up for it.
Don't worry about it.
So, what have you been
up to all these years?
Still collect Pokémon cards?
Who are you?
So much for a united front for Jacob.
He did great. And he chose
to stay out with Danny,
- which is huge.
- I appreciate your help,
but I can't say the same
for your mother.
She had to go see
Oh, please. She ran off
to that damn pond.
Why today? What's so urgent?
It's probably easier
if I just show you.
first arrive.
25, never tried.
65, thought they died.
65, still alive
Ma'am, are you lost?
Do you live around here?
My name is Kat,
can I help you in any way?
Don't tease.
I know my way home, Kitty Kat.
Uh, it's actualliy it's Kat.
They died, 65, still alive.
KAT: So this is home?
Any chance you're related
to Colton Landry?
You know my grandson?
Your grandson?
That makes you Fern Landry.
Oh, Kitty, you really
are such a card.
Come now. Join me for tea.
I would love to.
This place has a real
timeless charm to it.
Feels like I'm back
in Port Haven's early days.
I hear you're really turning
Landry Farm into
something, Jake.
Yeah, it's been nice
to get back to my roots.
Still can't get over
how much easier it is
farming with a tractor.
You didn't use
any modern machinery,
- I heard, in your?
- Mmm.
My other life.
No, it was a different world.
Kind of like
the Amish or something?
Yeah, something like that.
Anyway, what about you?
Honestly, I'm surprised
you even want to talk to me.
Why wouldn't I?
I mean, we were best friends.
How much of that night
do you remember, Jake?
Miracle boy returns
24 years after fall from cliff
I always blamed myself.
If I hadn't thrown
your stuffed dog over the edge,
if I hadn't dared you
to go down after it
When I heard that you were
alive, that you came home
I hoped there were some
other explanation.
One that wasn't all my fault
But there isn't.
Danny, you need to know
that you had nothing to do
with any of this. Really,
I made the choice that night.
You didn't push me
into the water.
And look, I'm I'm alive.
I'm okay.
How about another round? Hmm?
Is, um, no one else home?
- How about I make some tea?
- Hm.
There are lemon madeleines
in the blue tin.
My favourite.
These are just like
Grandma used to make.
Um, did your daughter-in-law
make these?
Oh, such a good girl, that one.
She raised two boys.
She kept this farm going
all on her own.
When we lost my son
Beautiful dreamer ♪
Wake unto me ♪
The starlight and dewdrops
are waiting for thee ♪
Come on, Kitty.
You know the words.
I think this one's a little
before my time, Fern.
I see what this looks like.
But of course,
Cole loved Evelyn.
- They were best friends.
- What about the pond, though?
I was married to the man
for 25 years.
If he knew about the pond,
he would've told me.
"No curse is on you."
Cole's grandmother used
to talk about the pond.
That it was magical,
but also a curse.
Grandma Fern used to tell
the most outlandish stories.
But that's what I always
thought they were, stories.
A sweet old lady whose mind
had gone.
At least, that's what
Cole used to always say.
So nice to see someone
using the pond again.
Um, are you saying
that there's others?
(soft giggles)
Does Colton use the pond, Fern?
I feared that he was the one.
If not his father
or his brother, then him.
But I was wrong, mh.
- What do you mean by the one?
If you want the right answers,
you must ask
the right questions.
And now, it's time for my nap,
Kitty Kat.
I can't stop thinking
about the unfairness of it all.
He barely got
to experience life.
Can't think of a worse way
to go.
at least he didn't die alone.
There's nothing more tragic
than that.
Alice said that she saw you
here the other day.
After Rick's funeral.
In the pond.
You know that you can tell me
anything, right?
And I can tell you anything,
Because there's something
that I've really
What if you did
something really awful?
- Would you still tell me?
- Of course.
What is it?
- Did you hear that?
- It's probably just
Grandma Fern wandering.
Who else would it be?
Better go find her
and bring her home
before my mom reams me out.
65, thought they'd die.
65, still alive.
You're not gonna go in?
Without you? Never.
Come on.
I should call it a night.
I've got an early morning
at Lingermore.
Wait, wait,
you're working there?
Yeah, I'm doing the landscaping
for Lewis Goodwin's new winery.
No, you can't work for
the Goodwins, they're snakes.
I heard there was some
bad blood over the book
Kat put out, but he seems like
a decent enough guy.
No, trust me. He is as vile
as all of the other Goodwins,
living or dead. Barmaid!
We're gonna need something
a bit stronger
than this watered-down swill.
Yeah, I'll get right on that.
Is that from a play
or something?
I see Alice looped you in.
Look, I, uh,
I understand your erratic
behaviour last year
because you were looking
for your brother,
but that's done.
You brought Jacob home.
So why are you so compelled
to keep jumping?
Because we deserve
to know the truth.
Just because you can
time travel,
doesn't mean you're entitled to
stick your nose in every little thing.
How come you and Dad
never talked about Evelyn?
That she's how you met?
And she's the whole reason
that you came to Port Haven?
Okay. Enough, Katherine.
I'm asking you, please,
to stop running off to that
damn pond and choose us.
I'll be right there.
Where are you off to now?
I may live under your roof
for now,
but I'm an adult.
And I do not need your
permission to leave this house.
They got me on standby
for a flight tomorrow morning,
so don't worry,
I'll be out of your hair soon.
I cleared a bunch of your old
stuff out of the attic
when I first moved back,
but I
figured you'd wanna
hang onto this.
I always assumed it was yours.
It was Rick's, wasn't it?
How come you never
talked about him?
What's the point?
He's been gone a hell of a lot
- longer than he was alive.
- Must've been awful,
losing your brother like that.
In an accident you were lucky
to walk away from.
Spent my entire life
in his shadow.
Rick and Vic.
You could never escape
the comparisons.
What were your parents thinking?
Rick was the golden boy.
I was the lesser sequel.
After he died, it got worse.
My parents made it pretty clear
they wished it had been
the other way around.
It probably should have.
What do you mean?
Mmh The night we crashed
bugging Rick, being a pain.
You know, like always.
Uh He turned around to sock me one.
He lost control on a bend.
Anyway. The past is the past.
What does any of that
matter now, anyway?
I think it matters.
Trauma comes out
in really toxic ways.
Thank you, Dr. Phil.
Guess maybe if I'd had
a shrink back then,
then I wouldn't have turned out
to be such a terrible father.
there's a lot that
I didn't do right.
I know that.
But it's a little too late
to fix it now, so
Maybe it's not too late.
You know, that ring
we're fighting over
was supposed to go to Rick,
not me.
So really, it should be
on the hand
of some supermodel hockey wife.
Are you really
getting married, Dad?
Or do you just need money?
I swear, I am.
To a good lady, too.
Take the ring, then.
It was yours first.
It was your mother's last.
I know that means
something to you.
So you keep it.
You should be the one
to carry on the family legacy.
KAT: Okay, nice and slow.
- Shh.
Okay, I appreciate you
venturing out
beyond the property line,
but being dragged out of a bar
before sundown
is not a good look, buddy.
Back in my time, we rise early!
- Shh.
- We drink early!
We take to our beds early!
Huh? Candle wax
is too precious to waste.
Or, I mean, it was.
Oh okay.
No, no, no, it's okay.
I'll get it. I'll get it.
You're gonna cut yourself.
I can do this, Kat.
I'm not a child.
I know.
Are you alright?
Everyone is just
moving on with their lives
and I'm stuck.
I'm trying to be normal,
but how can I be
when my entire life is a lie?
How about we talk about this
in the morning?
Okay? I'll clean all this up,
don't worry about it.
- Mm-hmm. Okay.
- Yep, let's go.
There we go, big guy.
You know, this is the kind
of stuff we missed out on.
You know, big sis
sneaking drunk little brother
- past Mom.
Making up for lost time.
That's what we're doing.
I got your text.
What are you doing here?
Wanted to thank you again
for saving my butt. [CHUCKLES]
Your share of the tips
from today.
You know there are apps
for that, right?
I'm, uh, I'm really sorry
we lost touch. Um
I know things, uh, got a little
weird between us last year,
and most of that was,
was my fault.
Then, you know, your uncle
and all your family stuff.
Yeah. And then my life
just got way weirder.
And then you were away.
Yep. And then I came back
from my business course,
and then you were
gone for the summer.
I never stopped
thinking about you, Alice.
And I was hoping you might
be crazy enough
to give me another chance.
I don't know. I'm
I just, I really have to focus
at school this year.
And I have all these big plans,
and I just can't really
- It's cool.
- be distracted but
I don't want the magic
to pass me by, either.
I keep seeing Kat and Elliot
around town
looking all loved up.
They're moving in together.
Okay, so? You love Elliot.
It's just a lot of change
ever since Jacob came home.
Mostly for the best,
don't get me wrong.
It's just that Kat and Alice
have been my constants
in the storm,
and now it feels like
it's a matter of time
before they all leave again.
It's normal for chicks
to fly the coop.
But they come back.
To old friends and good wine.
Hey, let me write that down.
I could put that on a sign!
Oh, Rita.
ELLIOT: Morning, Dad.
Great Grandma Fern said
to ask the right questions.
But I don't even know
where to start with this.
Well, you also said
she's a bit senile,
so maybe you shouldn't
take her so literally.
"65, thought they died.
65, still alive."
Wait, what?
It's one of the things
that she kept saying.
I don't know if it's like,
a poem or song lyrics,
but absolutely nothing pops up
if you Google it.
What about a year? 1965?
Who do we know that lived here
during the sixties?
Evelyn! Do you remember
that whole mess of stuff
that she donated
to the archives?
Casey catalogued it
all last summer,
but I just never had time
to get to it. So, let's see
Uh, no way it's that easy.
For Kat. Important
Of course not.
Town vote
to fill in Landry pond
Could this have something
to do with
what Fern was talking about?