The Wheel of Time (2021) s03e03 Episode Script

Seeds of Shadow

[Alanna] Imagine running into
Perrin Aybara in the Two Rivers.
[Perrin] Why are the
Whitecloaks here?
[Alanna] They said you
killed a man in Falme.
If all this trouble is because they're
looking for me, I'll turn myself in.
I healed those
bruises in Tar Valon.
- [whimpers, pants]
- You do not belong here.
- [whimpers]
- You are to be my hounds.
[Nynaeve] If there are more
Black Ajah still in the Tower?
They will kill again
unless they're rooted out.
There, there, there.
What are you doing here?
You find a piece of this world that
belongs to you and you hold on to it.
[Verin] I've been having
Min pose as a servant.
[Min] I know you're
upset with me.
Yes, you could say that
I'm still a bit upset
about how you sold me
out to the Forsaken.
- [screams, whimpers]
- [Lanfear] Gray man.
There is only one Forsaken
who can create them.
Elaida Sedai of the Red Ajah.
[Verin] Those old allegiances
could prove a threat.
[Elayne] Lord Gaebril.
To the most popular
Prince Consort.
Long may he reign.
- [chuckles]
- [chuckles]
[ominous music plays]
[inhales deeply]
I wasn't sure you'd come.
[Sammael] I knew you would.
You never miss a chance to
prattle and prance about.
Is that lipstick? A queen
in your bed already, Rahvin?
You've only been free a month.
According to her, and
to anyone who meets us,
we've been hopelessly in
love for more than a decade.
When you know, you know.
- Hmm.
- Hmm.
You always were an
artist with compulsion.
- [both chuckling]
- You can sniff each other's asses later.
Where's the Dragon, Lanfear?
We have more immediate
problems than Rand al'Thor.
Rand al'Thor.
You didn't learn your
lesson last time, did you?
You were so in love
with Lews Therin,
you'd have stretched out at
his feet if he'd said, "Rug."
Did none of us learn
our lesson last time?
We Chosen fought each
other more than the Dragon.
How did that turn out, hmm?
Now, why did you bring us here?
[laughs] Are we flies to be
scared of a little spider?
She may be a coward,
but she's smart.
She knows she's too weak to
challenge any of us head-on.
She will start with you as
you're the weakest of us.
Then she'll pick
us off, one by one,
working her way up the chain
of power until she gets to me.
The only way she'll ever be
Nae'blis is if we're all dead.
If you're so strong, why isn't
our Great Lord speaking to you?
And why aren't you Nae'blis?
Why aren't you our leader?
Maybe he mourns Ishamael still.
[Rahvin] The proposal
is an alliance, then?
To take out Moghedien?
I'll consider presenting
it to the others.
[chuckles] Graendal
and Semirhage.
[chuckles] They send
their regards, by the way.
They were a bit hurt
you didn't invite them
to this little reunion.
You know me, always
prattling on with someone.
Ever the politician.
Think about what I'm saying.
You know it makes sense.
[Moghedien] A coward?
[Rahvin] She said
you were smart too.
You seemed like you believed
her when she said I'd kill you.
Well, we both know
you will probably try.
[both chuckling]
Lanfear is playing the same
game she did last time.
But not me.
I don't want to end up in
someone's cage for 3,000 years.
Not again.
[sighs, chuckles]
[Verin] Black Ajah, captured at
great cost by the Amyrlin herself.
Now, inside their
minds are the answers
to where the rest of
their sisters have gone
and what they're really after.
Even though Joiya and
Amico have been stilled,
they refuse to talk.
The Amyrlin believes you two might
make more progress than we have.
We must find a way
into their heads.
Elayne and I will have
an easier time of that
if we're on our own.
We have an advantage you don't.
Aes Sedai cannot lie.
We can.
Perhaps you're right.
And this time we
want them separated.
[Joiya] The daughter heir.
Siuan must've shuffled you
through the Arches quickly.
[Nynaeve] We're not
here to play games.
Whoever tells us the most
about the Black Ajah lives.
Are there more Black
Ajah still in the Tower?
[Joiya] Do you really think
you have a chance of succeeding
where full sisters
before you have failed?
[Nynaeve] Get Amico.
[grunting, panting]
Are there more Black
Ajah still in the Tower?
I don't know.
No one knows more
than just their heart.
- But Liandrin, she found out
- Heart?
[sighs] The Black Ajah.
We work in groups of
three called hearts.
Each sister only knows the
identity of one other Black Ajah
outside of her heart.
My contact was Liandrin.
- [whimpering]
- [Nynaeve] Tell us where she is.
I don't know.
I've told you everything I know.
[Nynaeve] She's useless to us.
[Elayne] I don't buy it.
[Nynaeve] Either way,
Joiya already talked,
so let's just kill her.
Is this how you want to
be remembered, Amico?
Or do you want to drop the act?
Liandrin is going to Tear.
She means to help one of the
Forsaken take Callandor for himself.
Only the Dragon can break
the wards guarding Callandor.
Then you've got
nothing to worry about.
- [chuckles]
- [sighs]
[Joiya] You believe Amico?
She pretended to be
Yellow Ajah for years,
telling her patients they
were going to be fine.
They all believed her.
Right up until the end.
She may be lying, but
at least she's talking.
Which means she values her life.
[sighs] Liandrin's gone
to find Mazrim Taim.
The false Dragon in Saldaea.
How do we know you're
telling the truth?
I was a member of the Gray
Ajah before I joined the Black.
My life's work was
to read people.
Work out the only path through
the most difficult negotiations.
I believe you when you
say you'll kill us.
I know a killer when I see one.
[Elaida breathing
shakily, groaning]
[door opens]
[Min] Elaida Sedai, Alice
left with Queen Morgase.
Can I help you get ready?
Yes, you had best.
Today is a very important day.
[inhales deeply]
Saldaea or Tear.
How do we work out whether Joiya
or Amico is telling the truth
about where Liandrin went?
I don't believe either of them.
Verin and the Amyrlin are too
focused on Joiya and Amico.
But Liandrin's the key to this.
This is the place I
was telling you about.
Where she was keeping her son.
It's different now. There
were things here before.
Things that reminded him,
or maybe her, of home.
You liked her, didn't you?
I know she was trying to turn me
into some weapon for the Shadow,
but I think
[breathes shakily]
she was also
trying to help me.
And I know she loved her son.
She must have taken
him with her, then.
No, he was too sick.
What's that?
Looks like it was painted
in chalk and salt.
[Elaida] Verin Sedai.
What could have possibly brought
you to these high chambers?
A fire in the library?
A sweet cake shortage
in the kitchens
And what brings you
here, Elaida Sedai?
I need to speak
with the Amyrlin.
Our Mother is in her study.
Then I formally request a private
audience with the Amyrlin Seat.
As any sister has
the right to do.
[stammers] Sitter,
not sister. [chuckles]
Only a Sitter in the
Hall of the Tower
has the right to request a
private audience or a vote.
Is that right, Leane?
- It is.
- I'm a bit rusty on my Tower procedures.
As I'm sure you must be too,
Elaida Sedai, after so long away.
Cross me now and I
will never forget it.
Return with a Sitter of the
Hall and I'll hear her petition
for a private audience
with the Amyrlin.
Elaida Sedai,
it's been years since
you graced this space.
Too many, Highest.
Had I delayed my return any
longer, I might not recognize it.
I brought gifts.
Galina, sister, I seem to
remember you having a taste
for Andoran wild strawberries.
[Galina] Mmm.
These are from
Morgase's royal forest.
Thank you, Elaida Sedai.
And for you, Tsutama,
a gift fit for the
Highest of the Red Ajah.
[inhales sharply]
Keep it, Elaida.
It's too gaudy for me.
Suits you much better.
What are you hoping to
buy with these gifts?
What do you want?
I don't want anything
except to see the Reds
return to our rightful place
at the heart of this Tower.
Like we were when
I was the Highest.
That was a long, long time ago.
It's not the time for us
to be pushing an agenda.
Not after Liandrin.
It is exactly the time.
The Dragon is reborn
and he is a man.
This is what we Reds
have been prepared for
for centuries.
Only we are ready for it.
So, what are you proposing?
That we call for
a vote in the Hall
to send a group of eight sisters
to find Rand al'Thor and cage him.
We have work to do to
regain our standing here.
Work you are making
more difficult.
[inhales sharply] So
Siuan locked you
out of the Hall.
But that you didn't
fight for the seats
our Red sisters earned centuries ago
with their blood and their lives,
that falls squarely on you.
[majestic music plays]
[Lan] How did you
know we were coming?
That's Wise Ones' business.
Who are these Wise Ones?
That is Wise Ones' business.
That woman.
I swear she was in my
dream the other night.
No, girl. You were in my dream.
Be quiet. We are nearing water.
[tense music plays]
More blood has been spilled
between clans over water than gold
in the Three-fold Land.
[Aiel warriors
whistling, exclaiming]
[Aviendha] Here's
where it started.
[flies buzzing]
The Tuatha'an
wouldn't hurt anyone.
[person] Most of
them didn't even run.
They chased down
the ones who did.
Aiel did this?
[person] No. It's forbidden
to harm the Lost Ones.
The only thing with less honor
than refusing to defend yourself
is killing someone who
won't defend themselves.
A sword wound.
Look at the edge.
This could have been done by a
spear made to look like a sword.
No Aiel would do this.
The Shaido might.
If the Shaido are near,
we need to go now.
- Who are the Shaido?
- Another Aiel clan.
They have a blood
feud with the Taardad.
We need to bury them.
They are not worth the time or the
stones. It's their own fault they're dead.
And if the Shaido are near, even
more reason to get to Rhuidean.
Go on, shade of my heart.
I'll bury the dead and
meet you at Imre Stand.
[Rand] Rhuidean.
- That's where you're taking us?
- [sighs]
[Rand] I know there's
a trial for me there.
You know too much
and too little.
[gentle music plays]
[Alanna] I never
imagined you a gardener.
It's not a garden.
It's a burial ground.
My family's.
When each one was laid to rest,
it was with an apple
blossom seed in their hand.
Who does this tree belong to?
My wife.
I missed her burial. [sighs]
It hurts and comforts me to see how
her tree has thrived in my absence.
[breathes shakily]
Where I'm from we mix
our loved ones' ashes
with clay and water and
wear them on our face.
Like second skin.
We wear the grief
until it seeps in
becomes a part of you.
And will you find
a new Warder now?
I've lost a few Warders
through the years.
But what we three
had was different.
We balanced each other.
Maksim and I were the fire
and Ihvon knew exactly
how to douse the flame.
At least you and
Maksim have each other.
So you'd think.
But when one half
of a couple dies
the other one is left to grieve.
When one of three departs
who owns that grief?
[metal grinding]
[Chiad] Just one game of Maiden's Kiss.
Then you can go back to your squiggles.
[Bain] Unless you lose.
Then you'll be dead.
[clears throat] Uh, uh, sorry.
I really must finish this
chapter on Manetheren.
[playful music plays]
Absolutely not.
We'll go easy on you
for your first time.
Who says it's my first time?
[exhales sharply]
Enough with that dirty sword.
- Play.
- It's not dirt.
It's the blood of the
only man I've ever loved.
- [horse whinnies]
- [villagers clamoring]
- What is it?
- There's a group coming into town.
[Alanna] Get upstairs.
Perrin, out of sight.
[tense music plays]
What is it?
- What's happened?
- [person] Whitecloaks.
They arrested Natti
Cauthon and her girls.
Mat's mother?
Apparently, Natti's husband
helped the Aybaras escape.
Who are you?
It's Perrin. The Aybara boy.
[villager 1] Look at his eyes.
[villager 2 whispering]
What's happened to him?
This is Lord Luc.
Lord of what, exactly?
So you're the one the
Whitecloaks are after.
Lord Luc's a hunter
for the Horn.
He and his party were passing through
here when the Whitecloaks showed up.
Luckily for the Two Rivers, I've
dealt with Whitecloaks before.
Where did they
take the Cauthons?
- Oh, don't worry, they're unharmed
- The Whitecloak camp on Watch Hill.
Do you know these
Whitecloaks, Perrin Aybara?
Because they say they know you.
[Natti sobs] It's all right.
[child whimpers]
You and your cages.
Waste of good steel
if you ask me.
If you want to know where
her husband took the Aybaras,
just let me ask.
I don't care where his family
went. Everyone saw us arrest them.
Word will get to Perrin,
and he'll come to us.
There are faster
ways to get to him.
We're not putting the people of
the Two Rivers to the question.
They've done nothing wrong.
Perrin Aybara aided a witch.
And murdered your
father in cold blood.
The land here must be so tainted
to raise such poisonous fruit.
I've sent to the Lord Captain
Commander for reinforcements
to help deal with the Trollocs.
If Perrin doesn't
show up before then
[tense music plays]
[breathing shakily] I'll die
before I let you touch them.
[soldiers, villagers screaming]
[sniffing, grunting]
[screaming continues]
- [knocks on door]
- [groans, gasps]
- [breathes shakily] What?
- [knocks on door]
Ah, Light.
Can I get a lock
installed, please?
Oh, yeah, I'll bring
it up with management.
Can we talk?
No. I told you I've got
nothing to say to you.
Yeah, but maybe I have something
left to say to you, you little prick.
Do you have any idea what
I gave up to protect you?
Ishamael was going to
take away my visions.
It was right there, the
chance to be free of it.
To be normal.
And I chose you instead.
What [stammers] do you
want me to say "thank you"?
I've not got any thank-yous.
I'll tell you what,
you come back tomorrow.
You might want to nab yourself
a "you're forgiven" first.
You know what
[Elayne] Here.
Painted with chalk and sea salt.
It's not just one
symbol, it's two.
To give completion to this life
so their soul can find
its way back sooner.
One painted where they died.
One where they were born.
Where is it from?
Maybe that's where
Liandrin's from.
Where her son was born.
Not Saldaea or Tear.
We wasted our time with Joiya
and Amico. They were both lying.
[Elayne] What if everything
they said was a lie?
We should be looking at
what they didn't say.
Neither one of them mentioned the
objects Nyomi stole from the Tower.
Verin Sedai was cataloging
all the stolen items.
[suspenseful music plays]
There's more down here.
Is that
A bracelet.
Like the Seanchan sul'dams use
to control channelers, but older.
[inhales sharply]
Tanchico is near Falme,
where the Seanchan landed.
Where they came
from centuries ago.
And Liandrin's in Tanchico,
looking for the matching collar.
[breathes shakily]
- [Nynaeve grunts]
- [Elayne groans]
[Nynaeve] Elayne [grunts]
[breathing heavily]
[eerie music plays]
[Elayne pants] He's gray.
Like the man who tried to
kill me at the White Lion Inn.
I-I didn't throw him
hard enough to kill.
He's been stabbed.
What in the name of the
Light happened here?
A Gray Man attacked us.
[Verin] Hmm. Dead.
Dead as it's possible
to be. And more.
What do you mean,
more than dead?
Gray Men are Darkfriends who've
given their souls to the Shadow
in return for their abilities.
You can look right at them
and hardly notice them.
Why did you come up
here, Verin Sedai?
These are the Brown
Ajah quarters.
I could ask the same of you.
I'm sorry, Verin Sedai.
I'm feeling quite shaken up.
Do you think it's safe enough
to go back to our rooms?
Yes, but lock your doors.
And stay in there until I or
the Amyrlin come and find you.
We're not staying here.
We're going to
Tanchico, tonight.
I don't care if it's a trap.
- It's safer than here.
- What?
Did you not notice what
she didn't mention, Elayne?
- No?
- She never wondered who stabbed him.
[ominous music plays]
Today you become
husband and wife.
You become his.
Your soul his to mold,
your heart to hold
[guest 1 gasps]
Who are you?
What's your name, boy?
Jaq Lounalt.
You still here
after all this time?
You must be the great-grandson
of the man I called husband.
[scoffs] Man who never bothered
to bring me to an altar.
Man who put our wedding bed in the dark,
wet cell in the depths of this Keep.
Until just before
my 13th birthday,
he found out there would
soon be an addition to our
wholesome little family.
[bride whimpering]
Another child.
[exhales sharply]
[Jaq] Don't touch
her. She's mine.
Oh, well.
- [grunting]
- [guests screaming, clamoring]
[guest 2] Light protect us.
[guest 3] It can't be.
[guest 4] Light save us, please.
[guests gasping]
Don't hold back.
[screaming, clamoring]
No. Come here.
Don't be afraid.
This is our house now.
[Nyomi grunts]
My friend can make all the
scary thoughts go away.
She'll lose more than just
her memories of today.
A return home is meant
for one of two things.
- [whimpers]
- [guest 5 screams]
[Liandrin] Remembrance
or revenge.
[inhales sharply]
I think it's best not
to remember a thing.
[exhales sharply]
[door closes]
[Min] Elaida Sedai?
You sent for these?
Yes. You can set
them over there.
It's a terrible
burden, isn't it?
Oh. It's just a few dresses.
I meant the future.
A Blue sister once gave
me a good piece of advice.
Watch which servants have
been placed in your rooms.
Find out why.
You're a Seer, Min. Yes?
It's lonely knowing
what's to come.
I, too, shoulder that burden.
Although I hear my Foretellings are
far less frequent than your visions.
Lucky you.
I am lucky.
Every Foretelling I've had
is a treasure I hold close.
It's not like you can do
anything to change it.
We are Seers.
That doesn't make us watchers.
Yes, you see a
moment in the future.
But what leads up to that
moment and what leads out of it,
that's where our power lies.
Many years ago I
had a Foretelling
that the queendom of Andor would
play a key role in the Last Battle.
But I didn't just sit
back and watch it unfold.
I helped Morgase Trakand
win her Succession War.
Guess that worked out for you.
Things will.
That bracelet.
Is it part of
another Foretelling?
Of a sort.
I know Verin and Leane
sent you here to watch me.
To report on everything
I do and say.
But this
Can it stay just between us?
[exhales sharply] Yes.
The Highest of the Red Ajah will soon
call a vote in the Hall of the Sitters.
Perhaps the most important
one in Tower history.
Siuan Sanche will lose,
and my Red sisters will restore
the Tower to its original mission:
finding and caging
the Dragon Reborn.
[Dreamwalker] It is
many hundreds of years
since your Tower produced
a Dreamwalker, Aes Sedai.
A Dreamwalker?
Almost anyone can
touch Tel'aran'rhiod.
Very few can truly enter it.
Of all the Taardad Wise Ones, Melaine
and I are the only Dreamwalkers.
[Egwene] And you
think I'm one, too?
When we met in the dream,
it felt as though you were
running from something.
I keep dreaming about
this woman who
who hurt me.
These bruises, they're
from this woman?
Moiraine said that the hurts
we take in the Dream World
can follow us when we wake.
Who is this woman?
In your dream?
She's dead.
If she can hurt you, then this
woman in your dream is alive.
Oh, no, I
Soon you will
arrive in Rhuidean.
After that I'll teach you what
I can to protect yourself.
[Rand] You have to
stop bringing me here.
I didn't bring you
here this time.
You brought me.
Why do I find that
hard to believe?
I'll go.
What's wrong?
I don't know if I can
untangle this for us.
You were right to stay
away from Callandor.
I should have seen that.
It was selfish of me.
What do you want with Callandor?
What aren't you telling me?
You wouldn't believe me.
[breathes shakily]
There's a way, I think
I could escape my Dark Oaths
if the Dark One
Himself is destroyed.
Is that even possible?
There's a sa'angreal
as strong as Callandor.
For women, the Sakarnen.
I think, if a man and a woman
used them together, they could
Kill the Dark One?
And what would it mean for you?
If the Oaths you
swore were gone?
[sighs] Lanfear. We can't.
I shouldn't have said anything.
[Lan panting]
[exhales sharply]
[inhales, exhales deeply]
They're making it hotter.
Have you never been in
a sweat tent before?
- No, we have not.
- [chuckles]
In the wetlands, they have so
much water they lie in it in tubs.
What is the significance
of Rhuidean?
Do they not teach politeness
at your White Tower, child?
Rhuidean is where men
go to become Clan Chiefs
and women to become Wise Ones.
If your Rand al'Thor
is the Car'a'carn,
then he, too, will
go into the fog.
And what happens when he
is declared Car'a'carn?
[exhales deeply]
[exhales deeply]
You are going to
miss your baths.
- [chuckles]
- [chuckles]
I think she's looking at you.
[scoffs] If you say so.
You are allowed to
be happy, you know.
[Lan] Even just for one night.
Even just for an hour.
Do you think an hour with her
is what I need to be happy?
Probably wouldn't hurt.
It's been a long time since
I've been with someone else.
You don't forget how it works.
Would you care to
join me tonight?
Who are you?
I'm Melindhra, of the Chumai
Sept of the Taardad Aiel.
Aiel do not have tattoos.
So do you still recognize it?
You haven't forgotten
who you are?
Why do you have the Golden
Crane of Malkier on your back?
I was just a girl when
the Blight took Malkier.
I ran and ran until
a Wise One found me.
She took me as her own daughter.
But I would break
my spears today
and follow you to the Blight
and take back our city.
Our home.
Malkier is gone.
As long as one man
wears the hadori,
as long as one woman
wears the ki'sain,
Malkier lives.
Or have you forgotten
your duty, Aan'allein?
You wear your father's sword.
Do you still fight his war?
I have not forgotten.
[villager 1] What about the
Whitecloaks? They won't leave us alone.
[villager 2] It's him they want.
That's why they took Natti.
[Perrin] He's right.
If I turn myself in,
then the Whitecloaks
will return the Cauthons.
I've known you all your life.
So has everyone here.
You're no Darkfriend.
But he is something.
So are you, Cenn Buie,
and if you don't shut your
mouth, I'll tell you what.
Look, if I turn
myself in, then, uh
well, then everyone can
focus on the real problem.
The Trollocs.
What if the Whitecloaks
leave once they have you?
Then we won't even have our pride
left when the Trollocs come for us.
No, you'll stay right here.
The Two Rivers defends its own.
Always has, always will.
[villagers murmuring]
[villager 3] That's the
way it's always been, yeah?
[villagers chattering]
[villager 4] Don't
be worried, Perrin.
[door opens, closes]
What are you doing up here?
There's food downstairs.
If I have to eat another turnip,
I pray to the Light I choke on it.
Why don't you turn
off the bond, Alanna?
You never used to
keep it on like this.
Because there are Trollocs
and Whitecloaks everywhere.
We are in danger.
But I can't take it. I can't.
I can feel
that you feel nothing for Ihvon.
I'm just trying to protect myself
because I'm drowning in your grief.
I wake up in the middle of
the night and it's choking me.
- It should be. He's dead.
- Exactly.
And now we have to deal with it.
If we were dealing with it, we
would be hunting down Liandrin
and making her pay for
what she did to him.
But instead we're here.
In the bloody Two Rivers.
Why, Alanna?
[patrons chattering]
You know, I've never seen
someone try to turn themselves in
and fail.
So you're with him?
Only by chance.
I came here looking
for the Horn of Valere.
Heard of it, I see.
I'm familiar.
There's been much talk about you
in your absence, Perrin Aybara.
And very little of you.
- I don't even know your name.
- I call myself Mandarb.
[chuckles] I'm sorry.
It's just, uh, my friend,
Lan, it's what he
He what?
It means "blade"
in the Old Tongue.
So choose your words carefully.
It's what he calls his horse.
It's a good name, though.
Did you, um, choose
it for the Hunt?
Perhaps you should try
again to turn yourself in.
What now?
I'm going to get
Natti and the girls.
I promised Mat I'd look after
his family, and I intend to.
- [Mat] Min? Is that you?
- [Min] Ugh. Drop it, Mat.
There's more going on in this
Tower than you and me falling out.
I came to this bloody Tower to
do some good with my visions,
- but this is a different kind of carnival
- Min. Stop. Stop. Look at me.
- [sighs]
- Look at me.
[exhales deeply]
I'm sorry.
I am. And I appreciate
what you did.
It's just that I have had my
own kind of trouble, lately.
I know.
The memories.
How do you know?
You told every bloody novice in
the Tower and half the Aes Sedai.
But I was thinking though,
maybe we could make some good
out of these things
we've been cursed with.
Maybe that warrior who fought at
Falme is still somewhere inside you.
Whoa, I know this look.
Min? Are you all right?
- Mat
- Min?
- Min. No. Min, stop.
- Mat.
Stop, I told you when I met you,
I don't want to know what shit
is headed my way, all right?
I'm sorry, miss. Is
this man bothering you?
I can handle myself, thanks.
Min, you
You're excellent, aren't you?
Very protective,
very selfless of you.
Thank the Light we
have you here with us.
Leane Sedai.
I didn't think you knew your
way to the Red quarters.
I followed the rats.
[chuckles] To what
do we owe the visit?
The Amyrlin heard that you are anxious
to fulfill your duties, Highest.
The false Dragon, Mazrim
Taim, still evades us.
You will take seven women of your
choosing to Saldaea to find him.
The Highest cannot
leave the Tower.
Not now.
- She has important work to do.
- [Leane] Hmm.
[Elaida] Work none of
us should interrupt.
[Leane] Would the
Reds leave their duty
of finding men who can
channel to another Ajah?
Blues, perhaps?
- When does Mother want us to leave?
- [Leane] Tonight. Come, now.
She waits for you in her
study to discuss the plan.
Who do you think
will replace her?
Replace her?
As Highest of the Red Ajah?
Temporarily, of course.
Saldaea's on the other
side of the world.
Unless we can afford to
lose a Sitter for months,
and be worth only two
votes in the Hall.
[chuckles] You're right, sister.
It appears the Red Ajah is
in need of a new Sitter.
[villagers chattering]
[grunts] Wait.
Where are you going?
Back to our farm.
No, no. What about the Trollocs?
An oak fell on my land.
I mean to make it into a
bar for the door at night.
And the boys'll take turns
keeping watching on the roof.
Nothing'll get close
without us getting warning.
No, no. How much warning?
Trollocs see like
cats in the dark.
They'll be on top of you,
kicking in the door before
anyone can raise a shout.
- Stop trying to frighten folks.
- Trollocs frighten me.
They should frighten all of us.
Or don't you remember
what happened at Bel Tine?
Then what do we do?
If there's ten here
or twenty there,
then you're just game
for Trolloc taking.
Or for Whitecloaks.
But if there are hundreds of us,
together, then we have a chance.
If we stay here, all of
us, we have a chance.
[panting, grunting]
[both chuckling]
Good to know we'll have
at least one man ready
when the trees finally
launch their attack.
Although, with form like that,
I'd wager the trees would win.
[imitates laughing]
Here, if you'd like, I can show
you how to use a proper weapon.
[sucks teeth] Nah,
you're all right.
I don't know much about swords. I
think I'll put my trust in a bow.
Or a quarterstaff.
I know how to use those.
Or I did at least.
[Nynaeve] Mat.
I've been looking for you.
Oh, your search is complete.
I wanted to say goodbye.
Nynaeve, what are
you talking about?
Elayne and I found something.
We think we know
where Liandrin's gone.
[stammers] Just keep
your voice down.
All right.
Well, you are not going off
to look for her without me.
I mean, what am I
supposed to do here?
The Aes Sedai haven't got a
bloody clue how to help me.
And if anyone can,
I reckon it's you.
- I'm coming with you.
- Yeah, but No Mat, you
I think the lady said
she wanted to leave.
Mate, have a day off!
I don't need your help.
Step back, Matrim.
He said step back.
- Or what?
- Oh, Mat.
You're not going to take
two of us with a stick.
Two marks says I could.
- [chuckles]
- [Mat] Each.
This is ridiculous.
[chuckles] You afraid?
Done then.
Let us put an end to
this farce after all.
Dovie’andi se tovya sagain.
[inhales deeply]
[mournful music plays]
[hopeful music plays]
[upbeat music plays]
Two marks.
- Each.
- [grunts]
[Mandarb] Your people listened.
They're staying.
But I have a
suspicion you won't.
Who are they to
you, these Cauthons?
Family, in a way.
Are they worth dying for?
That's what will happen if
you go for the Whitecloaks.
If you try to take them back.
Nobody's getting hurt.
I'll make sure of it.
Is that a plan or a hope?
You'll need both if
you want to lead.
I don't.
What's your real name?
It means falcon.
So you see, Perrin Aybara.
Hunting's in my blood.
There's really no
other way to get there?
Does someone want to tell me
where we're actually going?
I didn't even tell my
brothers we were leaving,
because we agreed
not to tell anyone.
I didn't want to chance
another Gray Man following us.
We're going to Tanchico.
[Mat] Tanchico's pretty rough.
It's a good thing I'm coming.
I mean, did your brothers mention
what I can do with a staff?
Now, Nynaeve, you know
Tanchico's halfway around
[Nynaeve] You're right,
it's a long trip.
Which will go faster if you
talk less and listen more.
[sobbing, sniffling]
[sorrowful music plays]
[Liandrin] From where you
died to where you were born,
we walked every step together.
Let your soul find
its way back to me.
[young Liandrin
screaming, whimpering]
[exhales sharply]
You were right.
It's similar to what the
Seanchan use to collar women.
But older, much older.
It must be why the Tower
are keeping it hidden.
And my weaves have
no effect on it.
Because it's not created
to control a woman,
it's used to control a man.
A male a'dam.
And somewhere in this city
is the matching collar.
We're going to collar the
Dragon Reborn himself.
[eerie music plays]
[Moghedien whispers] Softly,
softly from the shadows.
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