Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s03e04 Episode Script

Santa Perpetua

Are you smiling?
Uh, yeah.
It seems we're starting to see the light
at the end of the tunnel, right?
Since Pablo and Juan Carlos
finally dropped the lawsuit, I mean
[inhales] it feels like the first step.
I have no idea
what I'm gonna tell my kids.
I guess just "I got confused."
- Who knows.
- [chuckles] I know.
I've been fighting the urge
to tell my grandma and my mom the truth.
I hate having to lie to them.
One last thing to do.
To lock down this deal
with Félix and Omar.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
[Mariana] Hello.
Hey, how are you? Please have a seat.
Thank you. Good to see you.
Well, Félix and I are completely won over.
Now you'll have to win over someone else.
We need you to go meet
with Alberto Miranda.
He's one of our partners.
He lives in San Miguel de Allende,
and he hates to leave.
In addition to being a hermit,
he's very suspicious.
He questions anything
that gets popular overnight,
like putting little gay flags everywhere.
But all he really wants is to meet you
to know that you're genuine.
The good news
is that if he wants in on the business,
the deal is done.
If he's in, then we can definitely
get all of our other friends in too.
Well, great idea.
We'll go to San Miguel de Allende.
- Yeah.
- [Omar] Perfect.
[opening theme music playing]
[baby cooing]
[baby crying]
[bird tweeting]
[baby giggling]
- [jingles]
- [chimes]
First impressions are very important.
You can't go to your new school
looking like that.
Go to the barber.
- You're in charge of this, Alta.
- Yes, ma'am.
Ceci, I already left you that paper
that you needed for college.
The only thing they wouldn't let me do
is pick your classes.
[scoffs] That's because at college,
people are more independent.
- You can't control everything there.
- Yes, that's what they said.
But I still left you a proposal
on how to arrange everything.
[Ceci scoffs]
[Ana] I'll let you know when we arrive.
Alta, take good care
of my children, please.
[Altagracia] Of course!
Don't worry about a thing.
- Bye.
- [engine turns over]
[upbeat music playing]
[knocks on door]
[Chava] JC, open up, man, it's me.
It's okay to fuck off for a while,
but you've taken it too far, man.
Chava, don't fuck with me.
This whole pity party is over now, JC.
[Juan Carlos sighs]
I found this on a pole,
and I said, "It's a sign."
It's a family constellations workshop.
This is not a sign, brother.
This shit is glued all over the place.
- I already called. It's a very nice place.
- [sighs]
Let's just try it.
I'll go with you. No excuses.
[Pablo] It's ridiculous.
Why do they always want to change my mind?
Why would they buy
something they don't like?
Because they at least have the money
to launch the game?
Or we could just launch it.
Come on, Pablo.
The amount we could invest is nothing
compared to what a client could.
all financial decisions are mine.
There must be some way.
Well, we could offer free lives
to the first people who download the game.
You're very sexy
when you make financial decisions.
- Oh yeah? [chuckles]
- Mm-hmm.
[Regina coos]
She just can't take her eyes off me
for a second.
If she does, she cries.
Having Regina staring at us is like having
a bucket of ice water thrown on me.
- Oh no.
- [phone chimes]
Just a friend.
He just confirmed an appointment
with some investors.
- Which friend?
- It doesn't matter which friend it is.
The point is
we have an investor meeting later.
We have to figure something out.
Regina won't stop crying when I leave.
[Conrado chuckles]
You are so lucky, Pablo.
I happen to be the best babysitter
you've ever met.
Am I right, baby? Come on over here.
- Now we're gonna sell Cucara Crush.
- [phone chimes]
- I gotta answer this.
- [phone clicks]
Oh wow! You're finally checking in.
I've been calling all morning, asshole.
Honey, I just haven't had
a single second. Hmm?
But I've been messaging.
That's too much pressure, baby.
Does your dad not know
we're pregnant or what?
Yeah, you're right.
I'm in the middle of a bidding process
that's very important for the company.
- Once I'm done, I'll make it up to you.
- Mm-hmm. Well, good.
Later on at the ultrasound,
you can tell me exactly how
you're gonna make it up to me, right?
- That's today?
- Of course it's today!
So you forgot
your baby's first ultrasound?
Oh no, Víctor!
No, honey, I didn't forget.
I just won't have time to go over there.
Uh, I'll just meet you
at the ultrasound, all right?
Stupid men.
Take that face off.
It's just that I only brought two diapers,
and I'm a little afraid
that this thing will take too long, okay?
Look. Wait here
and tell me if you need anything.
Yeah, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mmm.
Bye now, Penguin.
- Say goodbye, Dad! All right, yeah.
- [Pablo] Bye!
Why didn't you say he was coming?
Are you serious? This guy.
Can we talk like grown adults?
You're right. You're right. You're right.
How are you?
You look great.
Uh, thank you.
What's up with you, Manolo?
Don't you work there?
Oh, no! That's right. You got cut.
[Manolo] Don't get confused, man.
I resigned.
Not all of us get fired, bro.
And here
I have more power.
- [chimes]
- [upbeat music playing]
[Juan Carlos] We're not getting coffee?
Or cookies, even?
- You know her?
- You know what, Chava, we better head out.
[Chava] Be a man, JC.
Juan Carlos, what're you doing here?
- Uh
- We were just looking for the coffee.
Yeah, you know that for constellation,
it's really better if you're fasting.
[Chava scoffs]
- This is your first time coming here?
- Uh, yeah. You?
Oh no, I've been coming here
for a long time.
It's really amazing.
We're very excited, right?
[Juan Carlos inhales] Mm-hmm.
[Cynthia] You'll love it.
It's going to be a huge hit.
Hey, guys, I'm sorry.
Hey, bro, the baby won't stop crying.
She only calms down
when she's with you, man. I'm sorry.
- Dude
- Oh, that sucks, huh?
I'm already super late
for my next appointment.
But, uh, how about, "bro,"
you take care of your daughter,
and Cyn, you and I can go to dinner?
You can tell me more about the project.
So I can present it
to my boss and partner, Mr. Cohen,
who's in Paris right now.
Of course not.
It's a good plan.
[crying continues]
[whimsical music playing]
Let's go.
[Pablo] Since when
do you get along with Manolo?
- Since always. Why?
- [crying continues]
I'm fine being partners with benefits,
but Manolo?
That guy just wants to hit on you.
We're partners, Pablo.
If sleeping together is going to be
a problem for you, we should stop.
- Okay.
- [Cynthia] Okay.
- Hey guys?
- [crying continues]
This baby's getting
kind of heavy, you know?
I guess she's not such a baby anymore.
[Ceci] This is horrible.
"Customs Procedures."
"Manufacturing Management Skills,
and Accounting?
Mom is crazy.
All these subjects are super boring.
Kids, I'm going to run some errands, okay?
Ramón already knows he has to take you
to the barber, Ro. Just remind him.
Oh, Ceci!
How are you doing with your classes?
I'm doing great.
Very good. I'll be back soon.
I recommend you choose
one of the subjects Mom gave you,
'cause if you don't, she'll kill you.
And I recommend that you leave me alone
and go get your hair cut. [scoffs]
[Rodrigo mocks, scoffs]
[whimsical music playing]
Ana, you're falling asleep at the wheel.
Hmm? No, no, no, I'm fine, I swear.
I'm just a little tired, but I'm fine.
You sure about that?
Why don't we just switch off for a while?
Let me drive.
No, I'm a much better driver than you.
[Mariana chuckles]
You are not a much better driver
than I am.
And look at you,
you can't even keep your eyes open.
All right, fine.
If you insist,
we can switch at the next exit, okay?
Do you seriously think
this piece of shit is fit to present?
What are you talking about?
I worked all week on this presentation.
And that is precisely
what's wrong with it.
You don't even realize
it's a piece of shit.
Go over it again.
You've got something more important to do?
Don't make me regret
putting you in charge of this, Víctor.
Super well
- Tere?
- [Tere] Oh, hello, Anuar!
Hi. So crazy seeing you here.
- Are you here to see Dr. Mejía?
- Yeah.
- Are you pregnant?
- Well, yeah, but not as much as you.
Yeah. Actually,
today was our last ultrasound.
Oh, awesome. Congratulations.
- [woman] Yeah.
- [Anuar] Thank you.
And Víctor?
I mean, Víctor is the father, no?
Yes, of course Víctor is the father.
Yes, I'm here. He's on his way.
Yeah. Yeah.
Well, uh, we should probably go, hmm?
- Best of luck with the baby.
- Same to you!
- Mmm. Excuse us.
- All right, bye.
Ugh, I'm going to kill you, Víctor.
Can everyone please hold hands?
The right gives, the left receives.
[whispers] Your hands.
The right one up, the other one down.
[astrologer] That's it.
Now, let's close our eyes.
Take a deep breath in.
[Juan Carlos inhales]
Exhale. Ah
Relax your body to be receptacles
for the unconscious experiences
of the people we will represent today.
Uh, what was that?
I don't get any of this.
Me neither. Just go with it.
[whimsical music playing]
Wait, why did you get off the highway?
I remember that when I was little,
Anuar used to take me and my mom
on these road trips.
We went all the time.
I think there was this really cool town
somewhere around here.
This trip isn't for sightseeing.
It's gonna be all right.
Our meeting is tomorrow.
We have plenty of time.
And how do you know it's this way?
Well, because I recognized some trees
at the junction back there.
Anyway, it's fine. We'll ask someone.
No, Mariana, switch back so I can drive.
Ana, it's okay.
- Let's just have a little fun.
- Let me drive.
- But this town is really cute
- [Ana gasps] Watch out!
[tires screech]
- [both exhale]
- [cow moos]
You okay?
Yeah, you?
- Yeah.
- [Mariana exhales]
[Ana coughing]
[Ana gasps]
Did we kill her?
Oh no, nothing like that.
She fainted from fright.
She does it all the time.
She sees the butcher's truck go by,
and the silly thing
throws herself on the ground.
[Ana] I'll call my insurance
and see if they cover this cow thing.
No signal, nothing!
I'll send my buddy
with his tow truck right away.
I just have to go into town.
[Tere] Can't we wait a little longer?
I have more patients waiting, Tere.
[Tere sighs]
[line ringing]
[phone ringing]
Víctor, for God's sake!
We have to finish this.
You answer your calls later.
[phone continues ringing]
So the father isn't coming, is he?
No, I'll do this on my own.
- Fine.
- Yes.
[tender music playing]
Done with your classes yet?
- Yeah, and did you cut your hair yet?
- [phone chimes]
[gasps] Hi there.
Hey, Ceci.
Remember the skate commercial
I told you about?
We're shooting it tonight.
Everything's ready to go.
Do you think I could come with you?
[Darío] Yeah, totally!
And, uh, you think you could, like,
get me a job on the commercial?
I know I can do an amazing job.
I'd really love it.
Yeah, of course.
Well, I'll see you there.
- Sending a kiss, okay?
- Okay.
- And what about your classes?
- Ro
You know I'm a free and independent woman.
So now I'm gonna go record
this commercial with Darío, and
I don't know, maybe I'll get discovered
and start my career as an actress.
Since when did you wanna be an actress?
Since never, but, you know,
how would I know if I like it
if I never tried it before?
Ro, we have to take advantage
of the opportunities that life gives us.
- So, therefore, bye!
- No!
Who wants to constellate now?
Just raise your hand.
Ah, Juan Carlos.
What do you want to work on today?
Come. Come here.
No, nothing at all.
I I'm doing great, no problems.
Ha! Yeah, right! [chuckles]
His father kicked him out of the company,
his brother replaced him,
and his wife left him for another woman
and kicked him out of the house.
[astrologer] Don't worry.
That's why we constellate,
to work on a deeper level.
Now pick whoever you want in here
to represent your father,
and place him in the space.
Just pick whoever in this room.
Come here. Come here.
[sighs] You're so vindictive, you fucker.
- I don't even look like your dad, man.
- Stand right here.
- Do I hit him or yell?
- [astrologer] No, no, no, no.
You just sense his energy.
Next, you're gonna choose
someone to represent you
and someone to represent your brother.
Uh, you can represent me,
and you can be my brother.
- Let's move around.
- [woman breathes deeply
- [Juan Carlos clears throat]
- Express what you're feeling.
I don't trust either of you!
Especially you, Juan Carlos!
[Chava grunts]
You're just fucking around here, Chava!
My father definitely trusts me!
You can't talk.
You should just observe it and feel.
[Ana] I saw my whole life pass
in front of my eyes.
Imagine, Mariana, if we crashed
into that dog and died there.
Ana, it was a cow.
[gasps] Imagine!
We would've left our children orphans.
And Regina and Valentina are so young.
I never knew my parents. [chuckles]
They passed away when I was young.
[Tere] I'm not going
to raise a child alone.
Are you in, or aren't you?
Darling, calm down.
You're right, but you have to understand,
with this bidding process,
I need to deliver now.
Víctor, let's go, the driver's here.
Oh, good afternoon.
Good afternoon, sir.
It's nice to meet you. I'm Teresa.
- A pleasure.
- Hello.
Um, she's my girlfriend.
I'm his live-in girlfriend, sir.
And to what
do we owe the honor of your visit?
Ah, well, honestly, I'm here
because your son missed
the first ultrasound for his baby.
You're having a baby?
We're having a baby.
You're gonna be a grandfather.
Apparently, you didn't know that.
- I should go.
- [Víctor] Tere
Right now, we have to leave.
After we're finished, you can deal
with the problems in your personal life.
[Juan Carlos] That's not my dad.
This doesn't make any sense at all.
Then what am I like, son?
Show everyone what a bad father I am.
Hey, I'm not saying you're a bad father!
I'm saying that I haven't been a bad son!
Juan Carlos,
you're not supposed to intervene.
Stop criticizing my performance.
It's not about acting,
it's about feeling the energy.
All right, Fernanda, can you help us out?
Can you come here
and represent Juan Carlos' ex-wife?
[whimsical music playing]
[Ana] Can you fix it?
How long will it take you?
Oh, I don't know. I think until tomorrow.
And the whole town's gonna be
at the party for Santa Perpetua.
Santa Perpetua?
[phone unlocks]
I don't think this is the town
where Anuar brought us.
But at least it seems nice here.
[whimsical music plays]
We have to find a hotel with Wi-Fi.
There's no Wi-Fi here.
And no hotel.
But I know someone who has a little room.
You're gonna love it.
Well, there's nothing else we can do.
Let's just have fun
and celebrate that we're okay.
Why didn't you tell me
that you got someone pregnant?
Some woman you probably
found God knows where.
She's not some woman I found
from God knows where, hmm?
And I didn't tell you because
it's very difficult for me
to talk to you about these things.
'Cause I'm not the firstborn, okay?
Juan Carlos, the perfect one.
[sighs] Don't be so dramatic.
And get used to the fact that
from now on,
you'll need to consult me
about everything.
Is that clear?
[Chava] Are you gonna cry?
No, I'm not crying.
I'm not talking to you,
I'm talking to Juan Carlos.
What are you feeling now?
I want to hug him right now.
[astrologer] Hold him.
[tender music playing]
I feel like I can't move.
I feel tired, lonely,
and betrayed too.
And sad.
[astrologer] Although
the current situation is difficult,
it is clearly evolving toward
a new way of looking at the family.
Starting with the love they have
for each other, and
[tender music playing]
[Chava] What the hell, man?
It was going great.
"Great," dude?
I'm crying like a little baby here.
- And?
- [Juan Carlos sighs]
Is it because the girl you like
saw you crying?
Look, if you really like someone,
don't be an asshole.
Besides, women like sensitive men.
Uh, yeah, sensitive with a six-pack
and huge muscles everywhere on their body.
Man, you've got your own thing.
Do you like Fernanda?
- Oh.
- I just came to see if
you wanted to come
and have dinner with me tonight?
Men with six-pack abs
are a turn-off for me.
And crybabies?
I love them.
[tender music continues]
See? Didn't I tell you
it was a sign, asshole?
[Tere] How is it possible, Mom?
How can Víctor's father
not know anything about me or the baby?
My dear, calm down.
All this anger
can't be good for this or the baby.
What was the first thing I told Víctor?
That I didn't want
to raise this baby alone.
And the first thing he does?
He stands me up for the ultrasound!
He can't do that!
What are you planning to do?
Who cares. [sighs]
Come on in. I hope the two of you
will feel right at home here.
Welcome, both of you, to Santa Perpetua.
- Thank you.
- Excuse me.
[door screeches]
Santa Perpetua.
Perpetual misery is more like it.
It's your fault
we're stuck here right now.
Ana, we just got through
something really fucked up.
- Why don't we go to the village party?
- No.
I would rather stay here and rest.
[gasps, screams]
- What?
- Ah!
Let's go. Anywhere.
The less time we spend here, the better.
Miss Cynthia,
Monsieur Manolo is waiting for you.
- Shall we?
- Thank you.
[host] What can I get you?
You look great. Please sit down.
I didn't think you were
such a gentleman, Manolo.
In the office,
you were kind of an asshole.
Ah, the truth is,
I've always been a gentleman.
What's the rush?
There's time for everything.
[snaps fingers]
[footsteps approach]
I hope you like oysters.
I read that they're revitalizing
- for the mind and, uh, body.
- Okay.
[drink fizzles]
[chuckles] Here's to us.
[Conrado] No way.
Fucking Manolo has been trying
to fuck with you this whole time.
Apparently, Manolo's boss
is here in Mexico.
This was just taken
at the Cha Cha Chá Terrace.
That isn't Paris, bro.
- I'll be back.
- Dude, where are you going?
You know what? To stop that asshole.
Take care of the penguin.
- [Regina coos]
- Okay.
You know, you're actually starting
to hurt my feelings, princess.
- I guess we should go.
- Good call.
[Ceci] You're gonna be so jealous.
I'll turn into the new Jennifer Lawrence.
I don't even like being on TV.
Look how handsome my boyfriend is.
Look. [chuckles]
[Rodrigo sighs]
And don't wait for me for dinner
because I'm pretty sure
they'll ask me to be in the commercial.
- Mmm, I'm already eating.
- [line ends]
[Darío] What's up?
Ceci, let me introduce you
to the producer.
- Hi.
- She said that it's good you came today
because we wanted to ask
if you could help us with something.
Oh, I was also hoping you could tell me
how to get actor ready. Bah!
[Ceci chuckles]
[horn honks]
I said no!
I'm sorry! They're filming,
and you can't pass now!
No! You can't pass now!
[horns continue honking]
No, it's closed right now! Stop!
[Cynthia] It'll be a success.
Our growth projection
is both rapid and sustainable.
I am very interested in rapid growth
if you catch my drift.
This is just a business dinner, right?
The truth is that since we don't
work together anymore, well [scoffs]
I wanted to get the opportunity
to get to know you.
Tell me. You're not still interested
in that nerd Pablo, are you?
We're partners, that's all.
Look, Cyn.
You're in a whole other league.
You're the Red Sox.
And he
he's not even in the minor leagues.
You have to see that.
You don't know what you have.
Hey, girls! Come on over and try a pozole.
Looks great.
- I'll have one and..
- [woman] It's delicious.
- and
- [woman] Here you go.
[Ana] I don't want any, thanks.
Ana, I'm sure you've never tried it.
Of course I have! I love it.
I love pozole. I'm just not hungry.
- Oh, you love pozole?
- Yes.
[chuckles] I'm sure.
In case you get hungry.
[man] I'm sorry, no babies allowed here.
Ah, I'm the baby's father.
And I'm her au pair. Mm-hmm.
[Pablo] Yeah, the problem is
she won't stop crying,
and her mom is in there.
You get it.
[Regina coos]
She was crying in the limousine.
You know what?
- You wait. I'll come back if you need me.
- Better.
[man] We saw they were half off,
so we decided
to bring the town drink over to you.
It's called the Perpeda.
You know, like Perpetua.
[Mariana chuckles]
No, thanks.
Come on, you'll like it.
[smacks lips]
[Mariana chuckles]
Hey, it is good.
Careful, it kicks like a mule.
Oh, come on. I can take it.
- I was a shots champion in college.
- [chuckles]
Well, then, you two have fun.
Oh, thank you.
- [Ana] Mmm!
- Mm-hmm!
- It's good, isn't it?
- Mm-hmm!
[Pablo] Beto Cohen is in Mexico.
You said he was in Paris
so you could pick up my girlfriend, huh?
Pablo, we're not dating.
Wow! Pff!
Yes, I'm into her, obviously.
Ever since we met.
But I hadn't said anything
because we work together.
But not anymore, huh?
So now she's fair game, dude.
You're both assholes.
And I am not a trophy.
I worked hard on this for nothing.
I'm very disappointed.
[Rodrigo] I like your look. Very cool.
Hey, shut up.
[video game chiming]
Let's see.
I can't believe it.
There's only Christianity at 6:00?
Analysis of soccer in neoliberal times
and then Catalan at 9:00?
I mean, who wants to study Catalan?
- [Rodrigo] Hmm.
- [Ceci scoffs]
You know what? I'm not gonna go
to college this semester. I'm done.
So what are you gonna do?
Well, I'm gonna prove to Darío
that I'm much more than a traffic sign.
- [sighs]
- Rodrigo?
You didn't get your hair cut?
Oh, Mrs. Ana is going to kill us.
[Ana and Mariana chuckling]
[banda music playing]
I didn't know you danced banda so well.
- Yeah, me neither.
- [Mariana chuckles]
[both chuckling]
- [Ana screams]
- [Mariana continues chuckling]
- Tere?
- I'm leaving.
I was just waiting for you
so I could tell you.
Where to?
Where I won't be in your way, Víctor.
Neither I nor the baby
want to be a burden in your life.
What are you trying to say?
It's incredible that your dad
didn't know about my existence,
like I'm some dirty secret to you.
My love, you're no secret.
My dad just doesn't care.
It doesn't matter to him
if I'm with some girl.
I'm not some random girl.
That's true,
but you, me, and our little baby
We're gonna make
something much bigger than that.
We're going to be a family together.
And I swear I'm trying
not to be the black sheep here.
I'm trying to be more like Juan Carlos.
I don't want you to be like Juan Carlos!
I want you to be like yourself.
Like Víctor.
I love him. He's my baby's father.
And if you want me to stay,
you're going to have to promise me
that you're going to get involved
and you're going
to involve me in everything.
I need to know you and I are together.
I promise.
I have something to show you.
[tender music playing]
Time to meet your baby.
[both chuckle]
[doorbell ringing]
Can we talk for a bit?
[Cynthia] No shit, Pablo.
What you did was very bad.
Manolo is an asshole,
but you were acting like one too.
I don't need a Prince Charming
to come and save me.
I'm not a princess or your girlfriend.
And we are done sleeping together.
You and I work well together as partners,
but your macho side
is going to ruin that for us too.
Then let's just break up as partners too.
I mean, you don't respect me.
You won't even let me
propose something my way.
Don't forget I'm the one
who made Cucara Crush as well.
You can keep your fucking cockroaches.
Keep your Manolo!
[whimsical music playing]
I'm going to be with whoever I want,
Manolo or whoever.
Oh, it's been years
since I had such a heavy dinner. Oof!
According to my ex-wife, it's not good.
Gives you some nightmares.
I'm talking about Ana a lot, aren't I?
Uh, when you met me,
I acted like a totally different person.
I mean
- I can't stand exercising
- Mm-hmm.
- I really love eating fatty foods
- [chuckles]
and yes,
I do talk a lot about my ex-wife.
We were married for 20 years.
And to be honest,
I am who I am thanks to her.
And I like who you are.
Well, what I'm getting to know about you.
Want to share dessert?
I never share dessert.
I think it's better if we get it to go.
[Pablo] I know what I'm doing.
I've invested a lot of time in it,
and I know its potential.
If I launch it and it is well-received,
that'll be enough to create my own studio.
Better just ask Cynthia, dude.
Cynthia told me if I gave infinite lives
to the first downloads,
it would increase the chances of success.
I think it's a good idea.
I'd rather have a few downloads tomorrow
than none at all
because I'm waiting
for customers to understand me.
Your daddy is going to work very hard
to make you proud, Regina.
- [Ana crying]
- [Mariana] What's wrong?
[Ana] I just can't stop thinking
about what would've happened
if you had actually hit that bull
and both of us had died.
- It was a cow.
- Right, the cow.
It was a cow. We're fine, we're here.
There are just so many things
I want to do before I die.
[breathes deeply]
One day I'm gonna write a book.
Can you imagine?
A novel about everything
you and I have lived through.
- [chuckles]
- It would be called "Ana and Mariana."
- And pretty soon, we'll both be free.
- [Ana inhales]
And we'll be able to reinvent ourselves.
And so,
I'm sure that you are going
to write that book,
and it's going to be awesome.
We'll see what happens.
We have to let things flow, right?
[Ana inhales]
I think that your novel is gonna be
one of those really dramatic ones.
Or maybe one of those
really romantic ones
that you can't stop reading.
[tender music playing]
[Mariana chuckles]
[tender music continues]
[rooster crowing]
[upbeat music playing]
[upbeat music continues]
[music fades]
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