Fog and Crimes (2005) s03e04 Episode Script

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FOG AND CRIMES 3 I want to see if you've learned anything.
Shoot him.
I don't kill people, Gianni.
You know that.
All I know is that you're a coward.
Help! Leave me alone! Put me down! - So? - He gave him the stuff.
Now they're just there talking.
- He put his hand in his pocket.
- When he takes the stuff - and they leave, you go.
- Yes.
Stop! Let her go! My goodness.
What did they do to you, little girl? They're leaving now.
He's by himself.
- He's big.
- Yeah, he's big.
More fat than muscle, though.
OFF-SEASON Stop! Stop! Come here.
Now, turn around.
I didn't do anything.
Come on! I didn't do anything.
Handcuff him.
Hurry, come on.
- Put the handcuffs on him.
- I have him.
- Do you have him? - I have him.
- Yes.
- Fuck, no! Wait! - Hello.
- Excuse me, I found your number in a girl's pocket; she'd fainted.
Who is this? Where are you calling from? I'm a watchman.
I'm calling from the hospital in Otranto.
You might be able to tell us who she is.
- I'll take care of it.
- Thank you.
Rizzi, you're very kind.
We'll speak again later.
So? The swelling in her brain isn't severe; she should wake up when it goes down.
Will there be any lasting effects? Will she be paralysed? It's too soon to say.
We need to wait and see how she recovers.
I'm going to Otranto.
I'll be back in a few days, don't worry.
You think you can just drop off the radar, and I'll be calm about it? You're ditching me right when I've got so much to do.
Come on, Eliana, don't rush me.
I'll be there, I told you.
It's fine.
The airport, please.
The swelling is going down.
She could wake up any minute.
Will she be lucid when she wakes up? Why do you want to question her? What did she do? Nothing, I just care about her.
And she doesn't She's alone, she doesn't have anyone.
- Good morning, I'm Pepe.
- Good morning, nice to meet you.
It's nice here, isn't it? I'm not crazy about the sea, but anyway So this young girl, we found her at the pier.
One of our agents recognised her from the photo you released.
She was wounded; that's all we know.
Who knows what happened to her.
Did you search the boats? We didn't have to.
We have the license plate of the car the man jumped into.
We'll know who he is soon.
- Did you find a little boy? - No.
What little boy would that be? He's her brother, and the reason I sent out the report.
The girl kidnapped him from the family he was living with.
I'm sorry, Soneri.
I haven't been spending a lot of time on this lately.
I've been spending my time on a more important case.
Pepe, we're talking about a child who's been taken away from his family.
This is no small matter.
Come with me.
I want to show you something.
Sir, the technical report's here.
Leave it on the table for me, Palumbo.
I'm busy right now.
Soneri, come here.
I was just coming to get you, sir.
The meeting with the judge has been postponed until 5:00.
Perfect, Spedicato, I'll have more time with the mayor.
- The reporter from Channel Two called.
- Later, Spedicato, later.
Hey, Pepe, are we in Otranto or is this Chicago? Worse, Soneri, worse.
What's going on? - So? - This is crazy.
What does it look like to you, Soneri? Impressive.
Where did you get all this stuff? We pulled it all out of the water, 20 yards below the surface.
Six crates.
300 weapons including assault rifles, machine guns, and shotguns.
Do you know where they came from and where they were going? No, as I was saying, I'm still investigating.
So, it's because of these machine guns and assault rifles that you don't have time for a little girl who was nearly beaten to death.
I'm glad you understand.
No, I understand.
Only Excuse me a second.
Yes? No, sir, go ahead.
She woke up.
Do we always have to meet in hospitals? Apparently.
Before I met you, I'd never set foot in one.
Maybe you bring me bad luck.
That's no way to thank me for coming to visit you.
You didn't come to visit me, - you came to get Pietro back.
- That could be right.
You could tell me where you've hidden him.
You might as well go to Torino, I'm never going to tell you anyway.
Maybe you could tell me who did this to you, who beat you up.
That's my business, not yours.
Do you see what they did to her? Immacolata.
Immacolata, please answer me.
I think that's enough for today.
Let's go.
You haven't been much help.
Come with me, Inspector Soneri.
Hi, little one.
You're finally awake.
I came to give you some advice.
You'd better not utter a single word.
Otherwise, do you know what'll happen to you? Well, let me tell you When someone wakes up after a coma, the brain needs to find its equilibrium.
Little by little, she'll need help with Doctor.
Doctor, come quickly.
Help! Who's yelling? - I don't know.
Teresa, I think.
- Let's go see.
- What happened? - Maybe the little girl is unwell.
Excuse me.
Police, excuse me.
Thank you.
- What happened? - I don't know, Doctor.
I came in and someone was standing here with the IV in his hand.
Who? He was wearing a nurse's uniform, but he wasn't a nurse.
- I know all the nurses.
- Where did he go? You're not going to catch him.
He ran off as soon as he saw me.
Gone in a flash.
Immacolata, answer me.
Immacolata, look at me.
What's the matter? I'm fine.
What did he want with you, Immacolata? - Who? - The nurse.
What did he say to you? The usual things.
"Hold still, don't move.
" "The IV is coming out.
" Leave me alone.
Maybe he wanted to hurt her, or maybe just threaten her.
Either way, now she's scared and she's not going to talk to us.
This is serious, very serious.
Pepe, we can't leave her there.
We need to move her somewhere else.
- Where? - To another hospital.
We can't leave her there unless you can promise me 24 hour protection.
How will I manage that, Soneri? It takes three men for just one full shift.
Where will I get them? I could request she be transferred to a safe location, - like a military hospital, perhaps.
- Pepe, there's no time.
Here's the file social services has on her.
"The subject has above average intelligence "and shows anti-social tendencies and a clear predisposition to crime.
"She's been caught a number of times for petty theft, "stealing wallets, grocery items, and clothing out of department stores.
" What's more, her father is constantly in and out of jail.
What's that have to do with what happened to her? We traced the car of the man who beat her up.
It was stolen.
There are two possible explanations.
First, Immacolata stole some nasty piece of work's wallet, and he got pissed off and beat her up.
The second explanation is this: Her father owes someone money, and they've taken it a step further by attacking his daughter in order to send him a message.
Around here, that's what they do.
I'm not convinced.
- Why? - Because I'm not convinced.
Something's not right, it doesn't fit.
This nurse was here to frighten her, not to wish her a fast recovery.
Let's do this, Soneri: I'll call the facilities director and ask him to have everyone keep their eyes open, OK? No, that's not OK.
But it's pointless to discuss it any further.
Can I have this? Thanks.
Her father has a record and her mother died when she was ten.
I'm going to go to the address I found in the file and if I find him I'll bring her to him.
We can't leave her in the hospital.
Do you think they'll come back? I don't know.
She saw someone or something she shouldn't have for sure.
All they've done so far is threaten her, but I don't want them to do anything more serious.
She can't leave the hospital.
She needs to be under observation for a few more days.
I get it.
You're a doctor too, though.
Please give me a hand.
- Come over here, please.
- You can't ask me that, Soneri.
I can't leave.
You know we're always in a state of emergency.
In fact, I'm working right now.
I can't talk to you.
"Dear Soneri, I'm writing to tell you where I've gone.
"I went back home because I miss my family.
"You've been good to me and I'm sorry I told you so many lies.
"My brother is my responsibility and I have to get him back.
" Good morning.
Say hello every once in a while.
Do you know this person? Where did you get that? - You stole it.
- Listen, little girl, social services has a file on you.
- You're the thief.
- I don't steal.
I just take things when I need them.
That's interesting.
You'll have to teach me that one.
Who taught you? Your father? Is that why he's in jail? Leave him alone.
He's unlucky.
He's always getting nabbed.
I don't think he's in jail right now, though.
Where is he? How do I know? He has his life, and I have mine.
All right.
I know you both live in Salita Monte.
Your little brother must live with you, too.
Are you going to tell me what's happened to him? Where are you hiding him? Soneri, that's enough.
I'm sick.
You can't interrogate me.
Doctor's orders.
This is going to take a lot of patience.
Listen to me.
Why don't you trust me? No matter what else, you're still a cop.
This is mine.
- Yes.
- It's me.
- Hi, Chiara.
- Did you find out anything? I haven't found her father.
I'm going to get her out of there, though.
Rizzo will only release her into a doctor's care.
I'll find a doctor.
Maybe with the help of volunteers, right? Those who help out everyone, except the people they're attached to.
I'm not going to insist you understand, but don't insult me, I don't deserve it.
I need you.
Immacolata needs you.
But you'd rather martyr yourself for strangers.
You're such an asshole, Vincë.
You've managed to get you and your daughter in trouble.
- What do you know about Immacolata? - I paid her a little visit.
Now she knows exactly what she should do but more importantly, she knows what she shouldn't do.
If you guys touch her, I'll kill the both of you.
Who are you going to kill, Vincë? Who? You're a nothing.
A zero.
Who are you going to kill? You're stubborn too, Vincë.
You're stubborn.
You should thank God that you're still alive, Vincë! You know what accidents are like, they don't ask your permission before they happen.
Do you get it, Vincë? That's for you and your daughter! Miss, this is Soneri, from Precinct 4.
I need the phone number for the Medical Professionals Association.
Can you call me back? Thanks.
Where are you? You said that from the window of your hotel you could see the pier.
You didn't tell me how cold it was though.
It's a good thing it's sunny out.
It's freezing cold.
It's like being in Torino.
Except for the fog.
How did you manage to get here so early? Insomnia comes in handy sometimes.
I took a flight at 6:00, and by 7:30 I was in Brindisi and here I am.
I'm glad you're here.
What other choice was there? First, you blackmailed me and then you insulted me.
I had to come, didn't I? So, I did good then.
Should we go get Immacolata? Let's go.
Doctor Rizzi trusts me.
That's why he released her.
"Anything you need, Doctor, I'm available 27 hours a day.
"I'll call you, or you can call me, day or night.
" I told you, make sure he doesn't fall in love with you.
- I got what we needed, right? - Yes, yes.
- Where are we going? - Get in.
- Can you turn your head? - A little.
Do you like it here? Look how beautiful it is.
Why didn't you let me stay at the hospital? Someone wants to hurt you.
You need to tell me who and why.
I have a headache.
You have a headache? Well You have to tell me where your brother is, too.
Why don't we rest a bit, Immacolata? How did you manage to get this place? It's the off-season.
There were a lot of vacancies.
Let's air the place out a bit.
It's stuffy in here.
Let's get a fire going, then we'll be all right.
Have a seat, Immacolata.
I'll get your bed ready.
I don't want to be here.
I have to go.
What did you say? Now, you listen to me.
Are you going to tell me who is scaring you? - Come on, tell me.
- I didn't ask you two for anything.
That's enough for now.
Don't get agitated, it's not good for you.
It's not like I'm paralysed I have so many guardian angels.
Oh, this is going to take so much patience.
- Have you seen Pepe? - Soneri, I'll be right with you.
- Have you learned anything? - No, but I'm getting close.
- Grizi.
- Doctor.
We found a remittance of funds coming from a bank in East Timor to a local bank here.
- An enormous amount of money.
- This could be the missing link.
The arms are coming from Eastern Europe somewhere.
They arrive, hidden among harmless goods, like humanitarian aid, then they wind up in places they shouldn't be.
What we need to know is how to trace the trail back.
That's not easy.
What did you want to tell me? I rented out a little farmhouse on the sea.
I'm there with a doctor friend of mine and the little girl.
I'm trying to figure out what's going on.
- Are you trying to steal my job? - Me? Here? In Otranto? No.
I don't like the weather.
I prefer Torino.
- There's too much sea here.
- Sir.
Captain Marcuccie and Officer Montanari have arrived.
Montanari? Excuse me a second.
My old friend Montanari.
Does anyone have an umbrella? Pepe told me a director from Torino had arrived.
I haven't seen him yet, though.
I don't know who it is, though.
He didn't give me a name.
Montanari! Soneri, is that really you? It's been years.
- Montanari.
- Hi.
- What are you doing here? - Hi.
- It's so nice to see you again.
- Captain Marcuccie.
Pleased to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
I'm Soneri, from Torino.
Let's go.
- You don't smoke Tuscans anymore? - Yes, they just don't have them here.
Pepe's a health nut.
Do you want one anyways? No, when it comes to Garibaldi cigars, I like the Antique Tuscans.
- Very well.
- He taught me how to shoot.
Sorry to interrupt this touching scene, but we're on borrowed time, Montanari.
- This way, Captain.
- Yes, I am at your disposal.
- What are you doing here? - I'm here on a little mission.
I'll be going back to Torino in two, three days.
- Leave me your number, I'll call you.
- Sure.
- Did she tell you anything? - No.
It's clear that something is troubling her deeply, however.
She's still weak.
She's not fully recovered yet.
Strange, isn't it? She's afraid and won't talk.
She might not tell us where she's hidden her brother.
You can't force her.
I know.
I feel like something bad and irreparable is about to happen.
I feel powerless.
You're already doing a lot for her.
It wouldn't be possible without you.
Listen I made up the couch for me to sleep on; I'll be close to Immacolata.
I made up the bed in the room for you.
Is that OK? - No.
- Why not? Do you want to stay with her? I want to be alone, with you.
Just so you know, I might wake up and read at 4:00 am.
I'll run that risk.
Do I have that effect on you? You've made me sleepy.
You could be a little nicer.
I only sleep when I feel good.
Really? - How good? - Let's say, I'm reasonably happy.
- Well, we're not a good match, then.
- Why? Because when I'm as you say, "Reasonably happy," I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed! We'll find a compromise.
A compromise.
We could doze off with our eyes open.
Shall we get some sleep now? - Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Who's that guy down there? Someone who's made money.
- He must've made a lot of money.
- A whole heck of a lot.
- What's his name? - I mind my own business.
You're blood pressure is perfect.
- Do you still have a headache? - No.
- Do you feel dizzy or disoriented? - No.
Try to sleep now.
I've been sleeping all day.
I feel like I'm in the hospital.
It would be lights out at 8:00 at the hospital.
You have a whole extra hour.
Thank your lucky stars.
You look like a little girl with your eyes closed.
I'll open them then.
I'm not a little girl.
You look like a little girl anyway, that's why I care about you.
Apart from the cigar, I'm not the same man anymore, Soneri.
I'm feeling my age.
You're doing great.
What are you, ten years older than me? No, almost.
You used to look older than you were; you're just catching up! That's it.
- What are you doing here? - Nothing, office stuff.
It's hard here, you know.
Because Pepe's not helping me out.
He's only concerned about the arms trafficking.
You have something on your mind, don't you? No, I'm I'm trying to follow a lead that When you don't know a city, it's hard.
- So, you're investigating something.
- There's something that interests me.
Anyway, you know you can count on me, Soneri.
What's it got to do with? Oh, Soneri.
Did you hear me? What are you investigating? Look there.
It's a body.
- Call someone.
Call an ambulance.
- Yes, of course.
It's him.
It's him.
Look what they did to him! The sea not only destroys corpses; it destroys their families too.
What can you tell us about the dead man? Until I've done the autopsy, not much.
But, judging by the bullet hole in the temple, it looks like he was shot at close range.
It could have been an execution.
It certainly could've been.
Can you estimate the time of death? No more than four or five days ago.
Monday, then.
What are you thinking, Soneri? About something you should be thinking about.
- What do we know about him? - His name was Paolo Saracino and he had a tattoo of a dove on his arm.
One of our agents has seen him several times at pacifist rallies.
- You think his death was political? - No, I don't believe so.
- Will you be doing the investigation? - No, Inspector Pepe will.
The only thing I'm interested in is what happened to Immacolata.
Saracino was killed four or five days ago, Tuesday or Monday at the earliest.
She was beaten up on Monday.
Strange, isn't it? Isn't that strange, Immacolata? Is that what's going on? Did you witness this man's murder? Is that what you're not saying? Listen up, Immacolata.
If you tell me everything I promise I won't do anything without your permission.
I already told both of you, I don't remember anything.
What do you mean you don't remember anything? You never told us you don't remember anything.
Are you going to listen to me or not? Someone followed you, they threatened you, they wanted to hurt you.
- Something must've happened.
- Enough.
Calm down.
Immacolata, wait.
He only wants you to try and tell us what you remember.
- I don't remember anything.
- How is that possible? You don't want to remember because someone threatened you, because you're afraid.
Don't you understand you're in danger? It's you that doesn't understand.
I'm not feeling well.
You don't understand anything.
Immacolata, wait.
Fortunately, her headache has passed.
- She's asleep.
- It's my fault.
I don't know how to act with kids.
She had cerebral swelling.
She's very fragile.
It's possible she doesn't remember anything.
- She seems sincere to me.
- She's a good actress; all liars are.
Help Leave me alone Immacolata.
Look at me.
It's me, Chiara.
Nothing's wrong.
It was just a bad dream.
Come here.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Sir.
Hi, Pepe.
What're you doing? Are you deaf? He's listening to music.
Inspector, Soneri is here.
I'm trying to understand this boy's music.
Good instincts.
We did find something interesting.
- Palladini? - Yes, right here.
A pair of women's lace panties; they were under the bed.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
This is a nice discovery.
Now we know Saracino had a sex life.
Soneri, I never know if you're busting my balls or not.
- Did you find anything else? - Palumbo.
Fragments of a vase.
- Where were they? - There, on the ground.
A broken vase, overturned chair Maybe there was a scuffle.
Did you figure out what kind of work he did? He wrote articles for a local paper.
As a foreign correspondent, though.
He was a photographer, too.
How did he write the articles? What do you mean? I don't see a camera or a computer.
Do you know this guy? Alfarano.
Giannino Alfarano.
Everyone knows him here, but he doesn't even live in Otranto.
Where is he from? He's from the other side of the canal in Montenegro.
He has partners.
He's been involved in a few mafia cases; he's always gotten off clean.
Are you investigating him? I have in the past, but I never came up with much.
Do you know what it says on his identification? - "Good for nothing.
" - Not bad for a good for nothing.
Do you know how much that boat is worth? Six million dollars.
That's the official price, of course.
You have to learn, Soneri; here, in the south, it's all a game of mirrors.
You think you have a hold of something but it's not real.
An illusion.
Listen, maybe you can help me so I don't make another mistake.
Immacolata, the little girl, was beaten up a few yards from where the body was found.
According to the coroner, it's possible the two things happened on the same day.
The little girl hasn't told you anything? She won't talk.
If she witnessed a crime, she could be given police protection.
Pepe doesn't think so though.
No, he says - he doesn't have the men to give me.
- This is true.
In my opinion, those he has aren't doing much in the arms trafficking case.
It's what I said before, Soneri.
Do you know how many times I've seen situations like this? You get on the trail of something, you find some clues, but finding out who's really behind the trafficking is another story.
Who knows? Maybe you're right.
Where is this farmhouse of yours? Close by.
It's a nice spot.
I'll take you there.
What are you thinking about? There isn't much difference between the fog and the sea.
They both cover up crimes.
Only, I know the fog but not the sea.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- What can I do for you? - Are you Paolo Saracino's father? - Yes, why? - I'm Inspector Soneri.
- I'm a policeman from Torino.
- Please, go ahead.
I'm helping Inspector Pepe in the investigation of your son's murder.
The inspector just sent for my daughter, Anna.
He wanted to speak to me too, but I have to keep the shop open.
Your shop is beautiful.
- Did your son work here as well? - Absolutely.
Paolo had a degree.
It cost a lot to send him to college, but he was smart.
Too smart.
He used to write articles and take photographs.
- Your son was a militant pacifist.
- It's got nothing to do with politics.
He was a good boy, my son.
He wanted to help others.
When there were people to help, he brought them here to Otranto and he was always the first in line to help at the aid centres Do you think he might have discovered something dangerous that What was there to discover? Everyone knows what goes on here, and no one ever does anything.
Whoever's in charge remains in charge.
There was no need to scare off people like Paolo.
There has to be a reason.
Someone had a motive to kill him.
I don't know what to say.
- Ambra.
- Who? Ambra Fontana.
She knows everything.
That cursed woman is 34, eight years older than Paolo.
She's not even from here.
She's from up north, in Trieste.
She should've stayed there instead of coming here - and getting our boys in trouble.
- Calm down, Anna.
Calm down.
Dad, please.
How many times did her husband threaten Paolo? Her husband came here to the shop and threatened my brother.
Not just once.
That shameless woman didn't say anything.
She kept quiet and clung on like a leech.
Go to her.
Go and ask her who killed Paolo.
See what she says.
You're feeling better.
Look how good you are.
If I don't do something around here, we'll all starve to death.
- I only know how to make easy things.
- You make them badly, too.
It's better if I cook.
I'll have some fun, anyway.
- Who taught you? - My mother.
I know she passed away.
I'm not kidding myself going around Italy to see if she's still here.
You don't talk about your family.
Neither do you.
Soneri doesn't talk about his either.
People who live alone pretend they've never had a family.
Maybe because thinking about family makes them want to cry.
No, that's not it.
At least, not for me.
I don't talk about it because if I do people think I'm a child, and that I feel like a child and that I need a mom.
Why don't you need a mom? I lost my mother when I was young, too.
- I know it's hard not to have one.
- Really? I wouldn't lie to you.
I was 13 when my mom died in an accident.
What did you do? I suffered, but eventually I learned to trust people again.
- I can't trust anyone.
- Why not? Soneri and I care about you.
If you tell us where Pietro is, maybe we can help bring him here.
I have to get my brother myself.
I want my family.
I can't tell you two anything.
I have to go to the bathroom for a second.
- Can you put the pasta in the oven? - Of course.
You have to watch it though, it burns in a second.
Hello, Ramona, it's me.
Can you keep Pietro a little longer? Why not? I'll try to come, OK? Bye.
Immacolata! Immacolata! Immacolata! Immacolata! Where were you trying to go? I couldn't make it.
Why? What were you trying to do? I don't want to be locked up.
I want to be free.
You have to trust us, Immacolata.
We care about you.
Come here.
Yes, hello? - It's me.
- Hi, go ahead.
Immacolata tried to escape.
Did you get her back? Yes, yes, yes.
She's in bed now.
But she used my phone to call someone, a friend maybe.
I'll give you the number, so you can find out who's it is.
Yes, yes, tell me.
You're becoming indispensable.
You shouldn't be up.
Why didn't you have any children? I don't know.
Come here.
Come here.
I don't know, they didn't exactly say where they were calling from.
De Franceschi, I have the document you were looking for.
- Can you hold on to it? - Yes.
Hi, Pepe.
Soneri, you're here.
I was about to call you.
I found out you spoke to Saracino's sister and she Yes, we're on it.
- The man you pulled in - Miccoli.
What does he have to do with the case? I think he killed the boy.
Saracino was having an affair with his wife.
Has he confessed? No, but he's the only one with a motive.
His alibi's shaky too.
Come on, we're questioning his wife.
Signora, you've admitted to having an affair with the victim and also to having told your husband about it.
To be clear, he figured it out.
I didn't deny anything.
In fact, I told him I was in love with Paolo and that I wanted to move in with him.
How did your husband react? Like a husband does when he finds out his wife's in love with another man.
He got angry.
That makes sense.
Every husband gets mad.
Some get less or more angry than others.
Some get really angry, take a gun and do something crazy.
I think that's how your husband reacted.
Your husband, Rosario Miccoli, was arrested two years ago for a brawl in a restaurant because a man was staring at you.
It wasn't just because he was looking at me.
That man bothered me when I went to the restroom.
- And Rosario - Ma'am, your husband has a boat.
Saracino was thrown in the sea by the dock.
He's not the only man who has a boat.
He also has a gun permit.
Therefore, he has a gun, or easy access to one.
Your husband says he got home from Bari Monday morning.
Saracino died between Monday and Tuesday.
His alibi is insufficient.
What's more, he's got a motive as big as a house.
Do you think it's possible your husband killed Paolo Saracino? I think there's hard evidence at this point.
Do you mind if I ask her something? Please, go ahead.
Do you know Paolo Saracino's number by heart? - Yes, of course.
- Can you tell me it, please? - 330 - Yes? 624-9089.
How long would it take to get Saracino's cell phone records? I'd have to call the station in Lecce and convince them it's very urgent.
It is very urgent.
The faster we know when Saracino made his last calls the faster we'll know when he was killed.
- I'll call right away.
- I need a favour For the investigation, let's say.
I need to pinpoint the location of a cell phone.
That's not a problem.
I managed to get this equipment assigned to me from an old friend at headquarters.
It's beautiful, congratulations.
They don't even have it in Lecce.
Tell me the number.
Soneri, it's me.
Are you sure this is the right place? Yes, I can see it.
She should be about half way down.
All right, this is it.
He's mine.
My phone, right now! Hello? - Got her.
- Hello? - Nothing, nothing.
- No, no, he's mine.
- Hi! - Hi! You're so cute.
- You're not bad either.
- Thanks.
Because you're nice, I'll let you choose, OK? You have a choice between the car, the beach or a hotel.
Well, the beach is a little cold.
Then I'd say a hotel, OK? For an extra $30, it's clean.
It has a comfortable bed, too.
Plus a shower.
So, what'll it be? I don't like hotels.
Fine, the car then.
Let's do this.
I'll make you an offer.
I'll give you an extra $100 - and we go to your house.
- No, not my house.
For only an extra $50, I'll take you to a three star hotel.
I'll make you another offer.
I'll give you $250 over your usual fee but we go to your house.
Fine, but no jokes.
No jokes.
Let's go.
How's it going, Ramona? - How do you know my name? - Calm down.
When we get to your house, you're going to hand me over Pietro.
Pietro? What do you know about Pietro? I'm a friend of lmmacolata.
You give me Pietro and I'll take him back to his sister.
Immacolata said she'd come for him herself.
I'm sorry.
I'm Soneri, from the police.
The door is locked.
You know you can't sell yourself on the street, don't you? I'll let it go, though.
Tell me where you live.
Come on.
From here, you go straight.
This will be discussed at the meeting on Wednesday between the Ministry, local government, and doctors.
People are requested to remain calm while this is confirmed, as out of the 1900 cases in Italy only one person is gravely sick.
- Further along, it's possible - Here we are.
What happened? It's almost midnight.
- Who's that? - Is she sleeping? - But who is he? - Pietro.
- Pietro! - Imma! - You did a good job.
- Not really.
Come here! Let's get you out of this windbreaker, it's too warm.
Good? You were good.
The only hard part was finding the phone number, and you did that.
If they kick me out of the hospital, I'll come be your assistant.
- Maybe.
- What's going to happen? - What do you mean? - You're not sending Pietro to Torino.
I want to stay with her.
Are you hungry? Your sister made pasta bake.
Come with me.
Come here.
Pietro will stay here, but you have to tell me the truth.
There's been a development in the Paolo Saracino investigation, the young journalist who was shot to death and whose body was found in the sea.
The development has to do with Rosario Miccoli, a businessman and husband of the victim's lover.
That's all for us today Listen, lmmacolata.
You know that he didn't do it.
I don't know anything.
Leave it alone.
Can't you ever say anything nice? I can't stand any more talk about dead people.
Go eat, go.
I have to solve this case.
Without your help After this, what will happen? We'll see.
That's another story.
Now you're here.
I want to think about you.
It seems so strange.
I know.
It's strange for me, too.
I thought it'd never happen again after After? After Angela.
When I was with her, I was afraid to get attached.
- I couldn't let go.
- And now? Now, I've learned that it's important to let yourself fall in love and to love others.
I learned this from you.
What about you? Why did you give up on men? It just happened.
That's how things went.
I dedicate my life to helping others now.
The rest isn't important.
That's not true.
The rest is important.
The rest is you.
I'm just continuing the work of someone who isn't here anymore.
Who? My husband.
He died two years ago from a virus he caught in Africa.
He was a doctor, too.
Doctors Without Borders.
He really helped people.
He never held back.
I didn't have the courage to make the same choice.
He died alone because of that.
That's the easier road, isn't it? Feel guilty, renounce everything, close yourself off within yourself.
It's harder to have the courage to fall in love.
That's the most important thing.
That's what I've learned.
I owe that to you.
You are important to me.
Montanari, is that you? I have to ask you a favour No, no, no.
I have Yesterday, I thought someone was following us I don't want to leave Chiara and lmmacolata alone.
There's the little boy, too I have the feeling that there isn't much time.
Thanks, you're a real friend.
I'll give you directions later.
In my opinion, the husband's got nothing to do with it.
Everyone knew he'd wind up like this.
I don't believe it.
I only know that he wrote pieces for the newspaper here.
He took photographs, too.
He shot the coast, the sea, and all of Otranto.
Maybe he learned something dangerous.
Maybe one of the photos is the type that puts a bullet in someone's head.
- Hello? - Hello.
- Hi.
- Were you resting? No, I was in the garden picking herbs for the chicken.
- Ah.
- Your friend's nice! He's in with lmmacolata cooking.
- They've become fast friends.
- Good.
- All right, see you later.
- All right.
You know that I like the idea of coming home to you.
- You put onions inside the chicken? - You'll see! - Here it is.
- Thanks.
You'll see that it turns out well.
Have faith.
Cooking is like life.
You have to make do with what's in the fridge.
What does that mean? What does the fridge have to do with life? What does it mean? It means that you have to get by with what you have in your hands.
What do you have in your hands? - Nothing.
- That's not true.
Let it be.
You just stick with me, Pietro, never mind the fridge.
Nothing new, anyway.
The coroner confirmed Saracino died from a gunshot to the head.
He also added that there were signs of injuries that occurred before he died.
- What injuries? - A fracture to the nasal septum.
He was beaten before he was killed.
That fits, right? - What does it fit with? - The jealous husband, Soneri.
He confronts him and beats him.
Then he loses it and shoots him.
Pepe, you've seen too many Italian films.
Shouting, betrayal, infidelity.
Soneri, please.
I know you don't like it; we don't have any other leads.
I had to give up on the arms trafficking case for this case, so Of course You're abandoning this case for something more important, right? - Good morning, Soneri.
- Hi.
Here they are, sir.
Saracino's telephone records.
- Thanks, Spedicato.
- Of course.
- So? - So - Did you see this? - What? Saracino's last phone call was at 10:35.
Then nothing else.
Based on how often he used his phone, it's possible the crime occurred shortly after that, right? Monday morning.
- Really.
- Therefore It couldn't have been Miccoli; he came back from Bari the next day.
Fine, Soneri, you're right.
Fuck, I guess we need to start over from square one.
Are your feelings hurt? - Very.
- Not me.
Spedicato! May I come in, Ma'am? Has something happened? - Yes.
- What is it? I see you're packing up.
I made the decision a long time ago.
I was going to move in with Paolo.
Now that he's gone, there's no reason to stay here.
I'm going to go back home to Trieste.
Did you know about any scoops, any big stories Paolo was about to publish, anything he might have spoken to you about? He never spoke to me about work.
But in the last few days, he was really busy.
He disappeared sometimes, without saying where he was going.
He was tense.
I'm not the type to breathe down someone's neck, though.
Could this have had something to do with some piece he was writing or some photographs he'd taken? Maybe.
I saw him with his digital camera a lot.
In the last few days, he was never without it.
We didn't find either a computer or a digital camera in his house.
He took lots of pictures, too.
Do you know where pictures of you might be? It's true.
He took lots of photos of me.
And he sent them to me on my phone.
Go a little further.
The photos are nice, but I don't think that Open that one.
That other one.
Then Go up for a second.
Look at this.
They are assault rifles! They absolutely are! That guy there I've seen him somewhere, who is he? That's Giannino Alfarano.
Everyone knows this guy.
This is the guy who lives in Montenegro? Montanari's been on to him.
Look at the sly fox! A good for nothing, eh? I've tried to dig up stuff on him but I've never gotten anywhere.
He's always gotten off clean.
Spedicato, how did Alfarano get off on the charges? Lack of proof, sir.
The person who pressed charges died mysteriously too.
He's one of those guys who always gets off somehow, but this time, we've got him.
If we take a look at his fishing boats and fish markets it'll be under a different name, but eventually, it'll lead us to him.
- Look at how many crates.
- I can't believe it.
Look at this.
- Sir, you don't smoke! - Calm down, Schirinzi.
I don't believe it.
Not counting the crates we fished out, there are enough weapons here for an army.
What we have to figure out is where this stuff is being sent.
When we pick him up, that's what he's going to tell us.
He'll sing like a canary.
Palladini, call the police station in Lecce right away.
- I have to request back up.
- Of course, Inspector.
- Schirinzi, call the judge.
- Right away, sir.
Soneri? Thanks.
You don't have to thank me.
Thank Saracino and the other guy, what's his name? - Miccoli.
- Miccoli, who lent him his wife.
- Spedicato, let's go, hurry.
- Yes, sir.
I knew it.
That bastard screwed us.
- Alert the Coast Guard.
- Right away, sir.
Did you see a boat cast off from down at the end of the pier? Yes, five minutes ago.
- Was Alfarano on board? - Yes.
Did you see anyone else? Yes, a little girl and maybe a friend of his daughter.
Montanari, it's me.
Chiara's phone is turned off.
Yours too.
If you get this message, call me right away, OK? Captain Marcuccie is ready to sail, Soneri.
Tell him to wait for me.
Where the fuck is he going? You've really done it this time, lmmacolata.
I didn't say anything.
I didn't open my mouth, I swear.
My daughter's pretty like you.
Do you remember Debora? She has a boyfriend now, she's bigger than you.
You've always been brighter though.
Right, Vincë? She's just a little girl, but she's clever.
You give me reason to worry, and I'll give you reason to worry, OK? I won't say anything, Uncle Gianni, don't kill us! When you were little you used to call me Uncle Gianni, didn't you? I was there when you were born.
You father was like a brother to me.
The number you called is Chiara! Chiara! Lmmacolata! My God! Here.
They caught us by surprise.
We didn't know what was happening.
They put one over on me.
I'm sorry, Soneri.
It's old age.
I told you.
- Where's Pietro? - I don't know.
- Imma? - Pietro.
- Hey, little guy.
Where were you? - Come here.
I was hiding under the bed.
Let's have a look.
- Where's Imma? - We're going to find her.
Have a seat, come on.
He's lost some blood, but it's not bad.
I'm going to look for lmmacolata.
You stay here, OK? Inspector Soneri, we're waiting for you.
Let's go, let's go! I'm here, let's go.
Raise stern anchor! Morning.
Whenever you're ready, OK? - Anchor's clear! - Raise bow anchor! Pepe.
It's me, Soneri.
Alfarano's got lmmacolata.
She's the only witness to Saracino's murder.
COAST GUARD I get it, but homicide and arms trafficking mean a life sentence.
I'm on the Coast Guard patrol boat.
We're just leaving port now.
Are you going to kill us now? Lock them in the bow cabin.
I don't want to look at them.
Did you get that? Let's go, hurry.
Have you found them yet? Yes, but the boat's too fast.
We're not going to catch them.
We are eight miles from the maritime boundaries.
That boat will eat up that distance like it's nothing.
We're going to try to do the same.
I've never liked this much water.
Over there.
He's got a knife in his pocket.
Take it! Here.
Press the button.
Cut the ropes.
If they pass mile twelve on the maritime boundary - we're screwed.
- They're too far away.
We're going to have to ask the Coast Guard in Montenegro for help.
They'll never touch Alfarano.
He's more powerful than a politician down there.
- What is it? - Captain, there's something there that's bothering me.
Fuck! It's the Coast Guard.
Push the motor as fast as it'll go.
We have to fly.
Go! - Look.
- What is it? They must have seen us.
They're picking up speed.
Be quiet and do what I tell you.
I've won.
Just like when we were boys.
Vincë, you're a loser and you'll never beat me.
Tell him to shut off the engine.
Drop the fucking gun.
That's enough.
Tell him to turn off the engine or I'll kill you both and turn it off myself.
I'm not playing around.
Go ahead.
Do you remember when I put my cigarette out on your hand? You didn't believe I'd do it.
Tell him to turn off the engine, or else I'm going to kill you.
- Go ahead.
- Martin, turn off the engine.
- Why? - Turn off the engine, I said! Captain, they've stopped.
Good, let's go.
Be really quiet and behave.
You too! Sit down.
Sit down! How much do you want, Vincë? I know it has to be a lot.
I'll give it to you though.
Whatever you want, OK? That way, you can go abroad and buy a nice house for you and your kids.
Is one million enough? Come on, Vincë! Gianni, you know you can't buy me.
I wouldn't let you go even if you gave me two million.
Get as close as you can.
I'm going to go.
Stop! Put down the gun! Soneri, that's Vincenzo, my father.
- Who is it? - My father.
Alfarano, get up.
Alfarano, you'll be spending the next few years behind bars.
You'll have fun in prison.
Put down that fucking gun or I'll kill her! Vincë, you never win.
- What are you going to do now? - Put the fucking gun down! - Who the fuck is this? - What are you going to do? Put it down! Soneri! Where are you going? - Gianni? - Yeah? Gianni, I told you, you never used to win when we were kids, and you won't win now.
Sir, you can get up.
Turn around.
Face down! Hands behind your back.
Turn around! Come here, honey, come here.
Come here.
Go outside.
Stay out there.
COAST GUARD Have a nice trip, Alfarano.
- Spedicato, take Alfarano.
- Yes, sir.
Let's go.
Get a move on.
POLICE Giannino and I have known each other since elementary school.
We were always together.
We even got kicked out of school together.
Then he made it big, but I didn't.
We always stayed friends, though.
Were you one of his men when Alfarano was in Sacra Corona? No, no, I never wanted anything to do with those things.
I've always made do, sir.
I've committed a few crimes, but small time stuff.
I always paid for it, too.
Vincenzo, come on! Tell us what happened that day.
Immacolata followed me that day.
I'd only been out of prison a week and my daughter wanted me to find an honest job.
It's not easy though.
Not at all.
I went to see Giannino Alfarano.
He was as nice as ever.
He gave me money and told me to be ready if he needed me.
Vincenzo, I'm losing my patience, OK? Tell us what happened that day.
Immacolata understood everything.
She realised I wasn't getting an honest job.
She's smart.
Much smarter than me.
That day, she'd followed me.
She saw me get on Gianni's boat.
I don't know how she did it, but she managed to sneak on without anyone seeing.
Anchors aweigh! She's clever, too.
Let's go.
I want to see if you've learned anything.
Shoot him! Shoot him, Vincë, come on.
No, Gianni, I don't kill people.
You know that.
All I know is that you're a coward.
Then Gianni threw Saracino's body in the water, tied him to a rock and we went back to the pier.
Immacolata was there the whole time, hidden in the dinghy.
No one saw her.
Then at the pier, while we were tying up What's that? I don't know.
- What's your daughter doing here? - My daughter? That's your daughter.
What the fuck's she doing here? - You don't know? - Gianni! No, leave her alone.
Take me.
Do anything you want to me, but leave my daughter alone.
Please, Gianni! Hello, Toni, are you at the pier? Listen, you're going to see a little girl run past.
Help! Oh, how they beat that poor girl.
That's why I've decided to talk, to come clean about everything I know.
I know that we're not supposed to betray friends even when they're bad people, but it's also true that little girls shouldn't be beaten up.
Fuck friendship, I say.
If you cooperate, you'll receive a reduced sentence.
Let's try to reconstruct who was in Alfarano's group.
You must know them all.
You were all friends.
Yes, I knew all of them.
- Each and every one.
- They're just a rabble.
He was going to kill lmmacolata.
You know that, right? - I'll tell you everything I know.
- Who the informant was, too? There has to have been an informant.
I heard Giannino speaking to someone about getting fake documents.
I don't know who it was.
We'll have Montanari track him down, as soon as he's better.
It has to be one of his men.
That way, he'll have something to do.
Good, Vincenzo, good.
Will you put this away for me? Thanks.
So, little girl.
Are you ready? Do you want to see your dad? Let's go.
Go on.
- Dad! - My daughter! - How are you? - Fine.
Listen to me.
I'll be back soon.
We're going to be together.
You, Pietro, and me.
Sound good? Give me a hug.
When will he get out? They'll give him a light sentence.
A good attorney can get him house arrest, in my opinion.
He helped us arrest Alfarano, right? So, the judges will bear that in mind.
Does that mean they'll send him home? So that Pietro and I can go back to him? Easy, easy.
- Look at who it is! - Imma! Stop! So? Pietro's custodial parents called.
- I told them everything.
- What did they say? They decided to take in lmmacolata as well.
After all that's happened, they didn't feel right about separating siblings.
It shouldn't be for very long, I don't think.
As soon as Vincenzo gets out, I think they'll give the kids to him.
He's their father, and he did the right thing.
They're really close to him, too.
I wish we could've stayed with them.
Too bad.
- When do we leave? - Tomorrow.
First though, there's something I need to take care of.
Play safe, OK? - Montanari.
- Soneri.
Everything all right? Can I have a cognac, please? You solved Pepe's case.
Good job.
He'll be happy.
He can have his press conference.
They'll do a nice write up about him in the papers.
What are you going to do? I'll go back to Torino.
Too bad.
I just started enjoying the sea.
- Cigar? - No, thanks.
Come and visit me in Paxos.
- No, I won't be going to Paxos.
- Why not? Strange, isn't it? We're the only ones who smoke Tuscans.
Only, I smoke the Antique brand.
They're aged for 12 months.
This is a Garibaldi, though.
I found it on Alfarano's boat.
A butt? That's not enough.
It's enough for me.
Enough to understand that you were the informant and that you betrayed me.
Look, Soneri, I'm not going to get convicted because of a cigar butt on a boat.
No, but you will for the rest of it.
The rest of what? The deposits made into your bank account the same day you signed the invoice for Alfarano's fishing boats.
Pepe did excellent work on this one.
I only wanted a house on that island.
After 40 years on the force, I couldn't even have afforded the chairs.
You would've had lmmacolata killed for that house.
As her father said: "Fuck friendship!" I'm sorry, Soneri, but I'm the teacher, remember? And sometimes, the student becomes the teacher.
I've lost.
- Are your feelings hurt? - Fuck off.
Pepe, he's all yours.
- Where are we going today? - To Torino.
I don't want to go back there without you.
We're going to go together.
Soon, we'll be back home with dad.
They finally understand that it's better if I take care of you.
Leave that there.
Get in.
The sea is so beautiful.
You know what? I'm really tired.
We really haven't slept much over these past few nights.
No, we haven't slept at all.
I was working like crazy, too.
I think I really deserve a vacation.
We'd need a few more days.
Listen, what do you say? Should we keep the house another week? I have six months of vacation time stacked up.
Hello, Eliana? It's me, Soneri.
I wanted to tell you that No, no.
Wait, Wait.
You shouldn't always get so angry.
I've been working with a colleague in Otranto.
Have you read about it in the papers? I'm a little tired.
So Eliana? Hello?
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