Invincible (2021) s03e04 Episode Script
You Were My Hero
[Allen] I'm not leaving here without you.
- [Nolan] And I'm never leaving.
- [Allen] Can we just talk about this
before we, uh?
Well, that sucked.
- [Nolan] You're alive?
- [Allen] This is progress.
You care about me.
I feel like you're halfway
to joining the cause.
[Battle Beast] I was promised,
this world offered worthy opponents.
[Donald] Somebody appears to be
stealing the Declaration of Independence.
[Rex] I'd rather quit than work
with a sanctimonious prick like you.
It's not buried under a mountain,
but it's ours.
Nolan wasn't a travel writer.
[Debbie moans]
- Kid Omni-Man is here!
- Oh, geez.
- [Mark] What's this?
- [Art] A fresh start.
- [Oliver] I beat the bad guys.
- [Mark] You killed them!
I can't believe I'm late
to our first date.
Got you.
[Rex groans]
You wanted to come, Rex.
Yeah, but I'd forgotten
how boring this is.
- Come on, let's go get a drink.
- We need groceries.
No one's gonna cook for us anymore.
What did you guys do before?
Back on Teen Team?
[clears throat]
Hmm Well
Eve still lived at home,
Kate kept to herself. Mm
I stole Robot's credit card number
and I lived off delivery pizza,
ramen noodles, and black coffee.
I almost got scurvy once.
I wouldn't be quite so proud of that.
Eh, rock and roll star,
rock and roll lifestyle, you know.
Oh, what about you?
Oh, my parents had me
on an engineered diet
since before I could eat solid food.
Weird that a girl who could
shrink had to watch her weight.
So, you're actually gonna
make us dinner tonight?
I'm gonna try.
Is this a zucchini or a cucumber?
Uh, I didn't even get that far.
So, wait, you know how to cook?
No, but that's what the Internet's for.
Come on, I bet Robot's
credit card still works.
- You don't have to eat it.
- And you don't have to make it.
I want to make dinner, Rex.
I want to buy groceries,
prepare a meal, and then eat it.
You can either help or you can
I don't know, go do something else.
[Rae gasps]
- [laughs]
- Rex.
Ha! Parmesan cheese. I like cheese.
How about I'm in charge of that, okay?
You want to be in charge of cheese?
Hell, I'll take butter, too.
Ooh, and milk.
All the cow-type stuff.
You mean dairy?
Ah, whatever you want to
call it, I got it covered.
[people screaming]
Someone just signed up for an ass-kicking.
[laughs] Come on, Rae.
[groans] Fuck.
[entry bell jingles]
- [Robot] Fascinating.
- I'm glad you're impressed.
So, it just blew up when you grabbed it?
- It was spying on me at my house.
- [Monster Girl] Oh, shit.
So, someone knows who you
really are and where you live?
[sighs] It's worse than that.
They know about my family, too.
Hey, Rudy. Wouldn't this go faster
with your undivided attention?
This is about analysis, not attention.
[Robot] And it is not the only
pressing issue on my plate.
[Monster Girl] Don't do that.
It's creepy.
[footsteps approach]
- Whoa. What happened to you two?
- Don't ask.
By the way, we're ordering
pizza for dinner.
Are we, like, too weird sometimes?
Should we just be more normal?
- What are you talking about?
- [Robot] I'm sorry, Mark.
This is too damaged
to ascertain who built it
or who was controlling it.
- I believe that was by design.
- [Mark sighs]
- You can't tell me anything about it?
- [Robot] It's of Earth origin,
and it's extremely sophisticated.
That's all.
- You should be careful.
- [Monster Girl groans]
[Robot and Rudy] Sorry.
Whoever made this
has significant resources
at their disposal.
- Significant resources, huh? Hmm.
- Shit, I know that look.
Tell me you're not about to do
what I think you're about to do.
[shrieking tone]
[tone stops]
[Mark panting]
What are you doing here, Mark?
Other than costing taxpayers
millions of dollars
and assaulting a government institution.
You know that's a felony, right?
Might even be treason.
You know exactly why I'm here!
Do me a favor and pretend I don't.
You're spying on us again.
- Whatever that thing is, it's not ours.
- Don't lie to me, Cecil.
If we wanted to spy on you,
you'd never know it.
Maybe think about that the next time
you decide to punch your way
into the Pentagon.
[phone chimes]
Oh, don't let us keep you.
This. This is not over.
Well, that was a terrifying way
to start my morning.
Jesus, look at this mess.
What do we do if Mark decides
he doesn't believe us?
We hope to hell that doesn't happen.
Besides, it's the truth.
- But we are spying on the Graysons.
- Yeah, but not with this, Donald.
- And I'd really like to know who is.
- I'll get the lab boys on it.
Ah, shit.
Sorry I'm late.
Hi, stranger. I thought you forgot
about our second first date.
I was busy committing treason.
- I'll tell you about it later.
- You know
I thought this would be weird.
Not just a date but like a date date.
- But the weird thing is
- That it isn't weird?
Oh. Uh
Did I misread that?
No, no, you didn't, but
Please tell me that's not a glowing
portal opening up next to our table.
[sighs] You have no idea
how much I wish I could say that.
[people screaming]
It worked!
We found him.
I told you all that research
would pay off.
[sighs] Seriously?
You guys again?
Invincible, you have to come
with us right now.
- It's life and death.
- There's no time to explain.
[both grunt]
- Nice one.
- You know these jokers?
They stole the Declaration of
Independence when I was busy saving Rex.
Ah, you remember us.
That's great.
- I'm not sure it is.
- I'm Drop Kick and that's Fightmaster.
Despite our awesome names,
we're not looking for trouble.
- We need your help.
- What? No.
You guys should be in prison.
We had a good reason
to steal the Declaration.
Millions of lives were at stake,
and they still are.
We're from the future.
You have ten seconds to explain.
We need you to help us overthrow our king.
When we saw you before,
we realized all the stories were true.
You're the only one strong enough.
- What are you even talking about?
- Also, if it's a time machine,
can't you come back later?
Or earlier?
[Drop Kick] We only have
enough power for this last trip.
You have no idea how many people
died to make it happen.
Look, I'm sorry, but I'm not
going to the future with you,
if that's even where you're from.
You're lucky we're on a date,
or I'd be taking you both to prison.
Maybe you're not the hero
we thought you were.
[scoffs] Guess not.
- I really thought that line would work.
- [sighs] God, you're an idiot.
Are you sure about this?
Yeah. I'm not ruining
our date just because
Where the hell did you take me?
- We told you, the future.
- Take me back now.
But you're already here.
We'll prove we're the good guys.
And if you help us,
we'll give you back
the Declaration of Independence.
[Mark] You two better really need me.
You just have that on all the time?
Hey, you're already on thin ice, buddy.
- Where can I stash my clothes?
- Hey.
Uh was that me?
Why'd I look so miserable?
With time travel, it's best not
to ask those kind of questions.
[Mark] Whoa. What happened here?
[Fightmaster] War. Centuries of it.
[Drop Kick] Us versus him,
and we lost.
- Huh?
- Huh?
They think we're the king's spies.
They can't break curfew.
- In the middle of the day?
- All day. Every day.
You're allowed to go out to your work
camp or attend a public execution.
If it's a family member,
but that's about it.
Wait. Start at the beginning.
[Drop Kick] Centuries ago,
the planet was on the brink of collapse.
Then one man was made ruler of Earth.
[Fightmaster] And he ruled well
for a while.
The legends say his brain
worked better back then.
[Drop Kick] Then something changed.
We don't know what happened exactly.
- [Fightmaster] It was before our time.
- [Drop Kick] But slowly he went mad.
[overlapping shouting]
[Drop Kick] It began with new laws.
Mandatory work camps.
Prison for dissenters.
[Fightmaster] Then it got much worse.
[Drop Kick] Senseless wars for no reason.
Automatic factories
churning out his Royal Guards.
Entire nations punished
and forced to survive
without power or technology.
[Fightmaster] When he
personally took ten cities
off the map for resisting
that's when the rebellion was born.
We tried to stop him, but
[rebels shouting]
he was too strong.
[Drop Kick] We even built a time machine.
[Fightmaster] I built a time machine.
[Drop Kick] So we could look
for solutions in the past.
There was a legend that ink
from the Declaration of Independence
could make a poison to kill him.
[woman whimpering]
But that didn't work either.
[Fightmaster] Then we saw you.
[Drop Kick] And we realized
you could be the one to save us.
So, your king is super strong,
almost impossible to kill,
and has ruled for hundreds of years?
- Yes.
- Is he a Viltrumite?
We don't know what that is.
Hmm. Okay.
How can I help?
[sighs] Thank you.
- Our next step should be to
- Make some noise!
- That ought to get some attention.
- [guard] Halt, citizens!
You are in violation of the king's curfew
and subject to immediate
imprisonment and/or execution.
These are normal robots, right?
They're not, like, sentient or something?
- Uh, no.
- They're the Royal Guard.
There's millions of them.
They enforce the king's madness
on the people.
- Okay.
- But before you
Man, they're not tough,
but if there's millions,
this is gonna take a while.
No, n-n-no, we don't need you
to fight them.
We actually want to be captured.
It's the fastest way to see the king.
Oh. Well, you should've said that.
Also, what's the king's name?
[guard] You are in violation
of the king's curfew
and subject to immediate
imprisonment and/or execution.
Yeah, we know.
[guard] Invincible.
We've been waiting for you.
[tense music playing]
[Drop Kick] Yeah,
until you know how it was built.
He didn't use robots.
The king took our mother
when we were eight.
We never saw her again.
We grew up in the work camps.
That's why we joined the rebellion
and why we risked everything
to bring you here.
[guard] You will see the king now.
What's gonna happen to them?
- [guard] Execution.
- Yeah, I don't think so.
No! Stop the king.
We can take care of ourselves.
- But
- Please. Just go.
[grunts] Okay, asshole.
Whoever you are, it's over.
Only one man alive
knows me by that name.
Is it really you?
[jarring music playing]
- You're the king of Earth?
- Mark Grayson.
You finally came.
Thank God.
It's been so many years
since you left with your family.
I wasn't sure I'd recognize you.
Uh, I am not the same Mark you know.
- I'm from I guess, the past.
- You look thin. Weak.
Have you been sick again? I
- I thought they found a cure for
- This isn't about me.
What are you doing?
- Are you hurting people?
- You left me no choice.
It was the only way to bring you back.
I didn't want to do it,
but I had to force your hand.
- What are you talking about?
- I'm not a Viltrumite!
You shouldn't have left me in charge!
You're the emperor.
You should have known
it was too much for me,
- especially after so long!
- I left you to rule?
- [grunts]
- Don't act like you don't remember!
All of this is your fault!
I didn't want the responsibility.
I was tired, ready to move on.
- [groaning]
- I told you that. But you said
you said I was the only one you trusted.
Immortal, I know you.
Work camps, killing innocent people, wars?
That, that's not who you are.
The man you remember is dead,
- but I didn't receive that privilege.
- Is this about Kate?
Did she die?
I don't know that name.
- I-Is that the red-haired woman you
- No, not Eve.
Kate. You just got engaged.
In-in the past, I mean.
I've had hundreds of wives.
I-I've outlived everyone
I've ever loved. [cries]
Do you know
what that does to a man?
Century after century after century?
- No, but
- Of course you don't.
You were the lucky one.
The gifted one.
Your family could endure.
You, you need to repay
the debt you owe me.
Whether you want to or not.
That's why I set all this in motion.
What what do you want me to do?
- End my torment.
- I-I can't.
I'm sorry, Immortal,
but I can't stay here
and I'm not cut out to run the planet.
That's not what I meant.
[mournful music playing]
[both grunting]
[weapon cocks]
I can't believe they thought
two guards would be enough for us.
[footsteps approaching quickly]
[sighs] Famous last words.
- Kill me.
- What?
I'm a mere husk of who I was.
Be merciful. End my suffering
and the suffering of this planet.
- No. Just quit.
- A king cannot quit!
He must fall forever.
Kill me, and the power
will return to the people.
It's the only way
for humanity to rise again.
This is what I want, Mark.
Look, maybe the me that
you know would kill you,
- but I don't do that.
- You left me here.
You made me into this monster.
How many more must die
because of your mistakes?!
[both grunting]
You will kill me
whether you want to or not.
Or you and so many more will die.
[grunts] Just throw yourself
into the sun or something.
Suicide is a coward's escape!
We don't have to do this.
- Let me help you.
- I've fallen for your lies before.
They're always the same,
full of false hope.
But some things
can only end in death.
[both grunting]
We were friends once.
- Do this for me.
- [straining] I-I can't.
[Immortal] Please.
- It's working.
- Shut up.
I'll prove to you who I've become.
- [shouting]
- Wait. No!
[breathing heavily]
Stop. Stop doing this.
There's only one way to stop me.
One way to end this forever.
One way
to save them and everyone else!
[both grunting]
What kind of man lets others die
because he won't act?
This is the only way!
- Please!
- Enough!
[panting heavily]
Uh I didn't know it was
gonna be like that, but
Thank you.
- That must have been hard.
- Don't thank me.
Please don't thank me for that.
- [Drop Kick] It's what he wanted.
- So?
That's not a reason t-to
to kill someone.
He hurt a lot of people.
Yeah, I know.
But he saved a lot of people, too.
That's not enough.
He's dead, okay?
Just shut up.
You got to keep all his parts
separated, or he'll just come back.
- [gasps]
- Whoa.
[sinister music playing]
[guard] The king is dead.
His reign is over.
Authority is now transferred
to the people.
[electrical whirring]
[shutting down]
Well, at least he did that
before he died.
Look, I know you're not happy,
but you saved our world.
- Thank you.
- Just take me home.
[crowd clamoring]
Ah. It's been a long time coming.
There's just one more thing
you need to do.
[Mark] What?
- Where can I stash my clothes?
- Hey.
Got 'em? Okay.
Hold on.
How did you?
Oh. It really was time travel.
Did they actually need your help?
Yeah. I just
- [sighs] Eve, am I a good person?
- Of course you are.
What-what happened there?
[sighs] I saw the Immortal.
It was awful.
He'd lived too long.
He killed people.
Enslaved the entire planet.
And I had to
I had to stop him.
- Forever.
- Oh, my God.
He wanted to die.
And it was all my fault.
I left him in charge of the world.
I messed everything up, Eve.
Do you remember how we said
- the future version of me wasn't me?
- Yeah.
Well, the future version of you
isn't you either.
Whatever that was,
it wasn't our future.
- Not anymore at least.
- I still killed him.
[Eve] Yeah.
But it sounds like he was ready to go.
I know that doesn't solve this,
but we will get through it together.
And if you ever turn into
a giant world-conquering dick,
I will kick your ass
until you're back in line. Okay?
- Okay.
- If you promise to do the same for me.
You'd never do something like
- We should get out of here.
- [groans] I ruined another first date.
No, I said we should get out of here.
I didn't say the date was over.
- Is that what I think it is?
- Yeah.
We'll need to stop in New York.
- I think you mean Washington, D.C.
- [chuckles]
[Joji: "Your Man"]
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
Oh, oh, oh-ah-oh-ah ♪
Have you ever loved? ♪
Would… you…go again? ♪
Don't be…
down when it's over, baby ♪
Yeah ♪
I'll …be your man ♪
Oh, man ♪
Have you ever loved? ♪
Would you go again? ♪
Don't be down when it's over, baby ♪
Yeah, I'll be ♪
Your man ♪
Oh, man ♪
I'll be your man ♪
I'll be your man ♪
Have you ever loved? ♪
Would you go again? ♪
Don't be down
when it's over, baby ♪
Yeah ♪
I'll be your man ♪
Have you ever loved? ♪
Would you go again? ♪
Don't be down when it's over ♪
Baby, yeah ♪
I'll be ♪
Your man ♪
I'll be your man
- [Mark chuckles]
- What?
This is dumb.
And way too soon.
I love you.
Well, I don't know if
it's dumb or not, but
I love you, too.
I'll be your man ♪
[Eve and Mark laughing]
[both chuckle]
[both moan]
[narrator] And so, dear audience,
we once again turn our attention elsewhere
to give young Mark Grayson
and Samantha Eve Wilkins
the privacy they deserve.
[suspenseful music playing]
At this very moment, light years away,
Allen the Alien sits
in a Viltrumite prison cell.
These shackles cannot hold him.
These walls cannot hold him.
This prison cannot hold him.
For Allen the Alien has grown
very strong indeed.
But still he waits.
Because Allen the Alien
has a plan.
- [Nolan] Goodbye, my friend.
- Finally.
[narrator] But first, a brief recap
for those of you
with short attention spans.
Forced into a battle against Anissa,
a Viltrumite
with a fearsome reputation,
Allen let himself
be taken prisoner in hopes
of discovering if Nolan Grayson,
aka Omni-Man,
aka Mark's dad,
aka possible
Viltrumite ally number three
was still alive.
Allen's plan worked.
Nolan was alive.
But he was also sentenced to death
once fully healed,
as per cruel Viltrumite tradition.
Using his implanted communication device,
Allen told Nolan how he visited Mark
to enlist his help in the war
between the Coalition of Planets
and the Viltrum Empire.
Allen begged Nolan to join
their cause, but Nolan refused,
convinced that his execution was justified
for his betrayal
of both Viltrum and Earth.
Still Allen persisted.
It wasn't too late
for Nolan to fix his mistakes,
or at least help others
in their struggle against the Empire.
But Nolan's answer was always the same.
[Nolan] No.
[narrator] But then, just as Allen
was about to give up,
Nolan said something that gave him
an inkling all hope was not yet lost.
I think
I miss my wife.
[narrator] Allen's discussions
with Nolan were interrupted
periodically by his captors'
attempts to execute him.
After that, his executions were
put on hold.
[Allen] These guys are
really bad at their jobs.
- [Nolan] You need to leave.
- [Allen] We have been over this a million times.
- I'm not going without you.
- [Nolan] This is different now.
Soon my executioners will arrive.
They aren't like these others.
They're Viltrumites.
They will kill you.
[Allen] They'll kill you, too,
so here's an idea.
Let's break out of here
before that happens.
- [Nolan] No.
- [Allen] Come on, man.
With you on our side, we can win this war.
[Nolan] I'm not on your side.
I'm not on anyone's side.
I disgraced my people.
- I betrayed my family.
- [Allen] Oh, my God, this again.
- [Nolan] I abandoned my sons.
- I cannot take this anymore.
- I why did they not use a bigger laser?
- [Nolan] I committed crimes
against everyone
and everything I hold dear.
[Allen] So make it right. Forget
your people, unbetray your family,
and help me, Mark,
and whatever that other kid's name is
- stop the Empire.
- [Nolan] No.
[Allen] Oh, come on!
Then I guess we will both
just die together.
[Nolan] I guess we will.
[narrator] They had reached an impasse.
And Allen and Nolan waited
for their death to arrive
from the darkness of space.
[ominous music playing]
- Nolan.
- I thought you'd forgotten about me.
We never forget our duty.
It's a shame
we can't say the same for you.
Are you prepared?
[Nolan] Goodbye, my friend.
[narrator] And with that, dear audience,
we rejoin Allen the Alien
as he risks everything
to save a former enemy
and brand-new friend
who doesn't wish to be saved.
It's not your time to die yet, pal.
[executioner 1] You abandoned
your mission to subjugate Earth.
But that is only one of your many crimes.
- Desertion.
- [Nolan grunts]
Unapproved breeding
with an inferior species.
[executioner 1] Murder.
[executioner 2] Treason.
[Nolan grunting]
Do you have anything to say
in your defense?
Let the ritual continue.
May you die with more dignity
than you lived.
[both grunt]
I thought I'd have more time.
[weapons cocking]
Oh, hey, guys.
No hard feelings, right?
Ow! Fuck! Ow! Shit!
Fuck! Stop!
Ow! Gah Ah!
Why should I have all the fun?
[all grunt]
[all grunting]
Yes! That's right!
Get it out! We can do this!
Go, go!
I believe in you! Go!
[deep growling]
Oh-ho. Now we're talking.
Hi. Um, hello. It's Allen.
Uh, I don't know who's in there,
but there is a party going on outside.
Do you want to bring the punch?
[deep chuckling]
Who possesses the courage
to dare free Battle Beast?!
That, uh, that would be me.
Um sir.
- Sir Beast.
- This party you speak of,
will there be opponents
worthy of my strength?
Uh, yes.
I-I mean, ab-absolutely. Yes.
Oh, man, yes.
We definitely got them.
- How many?
- This is getting very specific.
Th-There's like three,
but one's a pal,
so hands off him.
But the other two,
they're fair game.
"Fair game."
This term pleases me.
[Allen] Hold on, Nolan.
We're coming.
[Nolan groans]
[Nolan] What?
No. Leave me be, alien.
[executioner 2] We all know
the stories of the great Nolan.
The wars, the triumphs,
the civilizations you conquered.
What sickness could have changed you so?
Maybe it was in him all along.
We should investigate his lineage
in case the rot goes deeper.
Yes! Check it out!
Was your betrayal worth death?
- Answer me!
- Yes.
And I'm sad you'll never understand.
- Come on. He's this way.
- You promised me Viltrumites.
These creatures offer me
no challenge whatsoever.
Yes, I know. Almost there.
I could have sworn this
was the execution room.
[growls] Deceiver!
You have no honor.
You promised me a glorious battle,
yet the only worthy
opponent I see here is you.
Whoa. Hey.
Uh, hello? Let's just
Uh, how about we just calm down?
Okay. So it is now obvious to me
that was a dumb thing to say
and you don't really do calm,
so I apologize.
Hey, Nolan.
Any idea where you are? Nolan?
[distant pounding]
Choose your last words.
[Battle Beast growls]
Sorry we're late.
Oh, man. You look terrible.
Did you guys do this?
That's not very nice.
I told you to go.
- You should have listened to him.
- Viltrumites.
At long last,
my thirst for battle can be satiated.
Forgive him, he's a fan. He's been
really wanting to meet you guys.
[growls] Long have I waited
for such a worthy challenge.
I will savor this.
And if this conflict
brings about the end of my life,
I will savor it all the more.
[all grunting]
- I'll kill you for that.
- [growls] Is that a promise?
Hold on, man.
We'll get you free in a sec.
- I said go.
- I hear you, but I'm gonna do this anyway.
[executioner 1 grunts]
- Huh, so you're the special Unopan.
- I mean, I don't like to brag.
[both grunting]
[coughs] Ouch.
[blow lands]
- You're not so special.
- Stop. No
[Allen] Ugh. Sorry I ruined
your execution, Nolan.
Looks like I'm going first.
Get away from him!
Good to see you, man.
Did you get a haircut?
Did you trim your mustache?
- Did you style your mustache?
- Get up.
You disgrace yourself again!
[both grunting]
[exciting music playing]
I knew you had it in you.
Oh, shit.
I hate these guys.
[growls, roars]
Do you think Battle Beast
can survive in space?
- Probably, right?
- What?
[guards screaming]
[Allen] Yes! I want to high-five you
or something because we won,
but that was super gross,
so it kind of feels inappropriate.
You, uh, you see that other Viltrumite
or, uh,
or our furry friend anywhere?
[Nolan] Not since you took
the fight outside.
[Allen] Maybe he bailed,
but then, uh, what happened
to that Viltrumite?
I need more!
[Allen] I mean, must be
around here somewhere.
[Nolan] For someone who almost died,
you recovered very quickly.
[Allen] Yes, I did.
All thanks to you, buddy.
Getting in there, saving my life.
Way to go, man.
Okay, maybe I let him work me over
a little more than I had to.
- [Nolan] He could have killed you.
- [Allen] Oh, I know.
But, uh, you needed the motivation.
I still wish you would join our cause,
but if you don't want
to betray your people,
even though they are
psychopathic murderers, I get it.
- I just didn't want to watch you die.
- [Nolan] Why?
[Allen] We did time together
in the big house.
That makes us friends now.
[Nolan] No Viltrumite would
do such a thing for another.
[Allen] I mean, you would.
For Debbie and Mark and that
purple kid you told me about.
And for me, apparently.
Just now. 'Cause you did.
Anyway, we all need to skedaddle
before Planet Punch sends reinforcements.
Maybe we can hotwire that,
uh, that-that fine-looking
hunk of metal over there.
- [Nolan] No one's coming.
- [Allen] What?
[Nolan] We don't need to worry.
No reinforcements are coming.
[Allen] I mean, there was definitely time
for the prison to make a
distress call back to Viltrum HQ.
[Nolan] They'll know what happened,
but they won't come.
They can't.
[Allen] Okay, I'm gonna need
a little more to go on
than an incomplete thought
and a mysterious look.
[Nolan] There are fewer than
50 pure-blooded Viltrumites
left in the universe.
This is the Empire's
most closely guarded secret.
It's also why we can beat them.
[hopeful music playing]
[narrator] With their story now told,
and Nolan and Allen finally free
and ready to join the war against Viltrum,
we turn our attention back
to the Grayson household,
where Mark and Eve are, uh,
ha-happily enjoying
each other's company.
[both moaning]
[knock on door]
[Debbie] Mark? Are you home?
[Mark yawns] Hey, Mom.
What's up?
[Debbie] Uh, I-I thought
I heard something.
[knob rattles]
Why is your door locked?
I uh
I-I'm not dressed.
- Hmm?
- [chuckles]
[Debbie] Okay, well, have a good night.
Good night.
- Is she gone?
- [Debbie] What was that?
- Nothing, Mom.
- Oh, my God.
[quietly] I'm sorry.
[muffled laughter]
- We got to get our own place.
- Mm-hmm. [chuckles]
[heroic music playing]
[Allen] I'm not leaving here without you.
- [Nolan] And I'm never leaving.
- [Allen] Can we just talk about this
before we, uh?
Well, that sucked.
- [Nolan] You're alive?
- [Allen] This is progress.
You care about me.
I feel like you're halfway
to joining the cause.
[Battle Beast] I was promised,
this world offered worthy opponents.
[Donald] Somebody appears to be
stealing the Declaration of Independence.
[Rex] I'd rather quit than work
with a sanctimonious prick like you.
It's not buried under a mountain,
but it's ours.
Nolan wasn't a travel writer.
[Debbie moans]
- Kid Omni-Man is here!
- Oh, geez.
- [Mark] What's this?
- [Art] A fresh start.
- [Oliver] I beat the bad guys.
- [Mark] You killed them!
I can't believe I'm late
to our first date.
Got you.
[Rex groans]
You wanted to come, Rex.
Yeah, but I'd forgotten
how boring this is.
- Come on, let's go get a drink.
- We need groceries.
No one's gonna cook for us anymore.
What did you guys do before?
Back on Teen Team?
[clears throat]
Hmm Well
Eve still lived at home,
Kate kept to herself. Mm
I stole Robot's credit card number
and I lived off delivery pizza,
ramen noodles, and black coffee.
I almost got scurvy once.
I wouldn't be quite so proud of that.
Eh, rock and roll star,
rock and roll lifestyle, you know.
Oh, what about you?
Oh, my parents had me
on an engineered diet
since before I could eat solid food.
Weird that a girl who could
shrink had to watch her weight.
So, you're actually gonna
make us dinner tonight?
I'm gonna try.
Is this a zucchini or a cucumber?
Uh, I didn't even get that far.
So, wait, you know how to cook?
No, but that's what the Internet's for.
Come on, I bet Robot's
credit card still works.
- You don't have to eat it.
- And you don't have to make it.
I want to make dinner, Rex.
I want to buy groceries,
prepare a meal, and then eat it.
You can either help or you can
I don't know, go do something else.
[Rae gasps]
- [laughs]
- Rex.
Ha! Parmesan cheese. I like cheese.
How about I'm in charge of that, okay?
You want to be in charge of cheese?
Hell, I'll take butter, too.
Ooh, and milk.
All the cow-type stuff.
You mean dairy?
Ah, whatever you want to
call it, I got it covered.
[people screaming]
Someone just signed up for an ass-kicking.
[laughs] Come on, Rae.
[groans] Fuck.
[entry bell jingles]
- [Robot] Fascinating.
- I'm glad you're impressed.
So, it just blew up when you grabbed it?
- It was spying on me at my house.
- [Monster Girl] Oh, shit.
So, someone knows who you
really are and where you live?
[sighs] It's worse than that.
They know about my family, too.
Hey, Rudy. Wouldn't this go faster
with your undivided attention?
This is about analysis, not attention.
[Robot] And it is not the only
pressing issue on my plate.
[Monster Girl] Don't do that.
It's creepy.
[footsteps approach]
- Whoa. What happened to you two?
- Don't ask.
By the way, we're ordering
pizza for dinner.
Are we, like, too weird sometimes?
Should we just be more normal?
- What are you talking about?
- [Robot] I'm sorry, Mark.
This is too damaged
to ascertain who built it
or who was controlling it.
- I believe that was by design.
- [Mark sighs]
- You can't tell me anything about it?
- [Robot] It's of Earth origin,
and it's extremely sophisticated.
That's all.
- You should be careful.
- [Monster Girl groans]
[Robot and Rudy] Sorry.
Whoever made this
has significant resources
at their disposal.
- Significant resources, huh? Hmm.
- Shit, I know that look.
Tell me you're not about to do
what I think you're about to do.
[shrieking tone]
[tone stops]
[Mark panting]
What are you doing here, Mark?
Other than costing taxpayers
millions of dollars
and assaulting a government institution.
You know that's a felony, right?
Might even be treason.
You know exactly why I'm here!
Do me a favor and pretend I don't.
You're spying on us again.
- Whatever that thing is, it's not ours.
- Don't lie to me, Cecil.
If we wanted to spy on you,
you'd never know it.
Maybe think about that the next time
you decide to punch your way
into the Pentagon.
[phone chimes]
Oh, don't let us keep you.
This. This is not over.
Well, that was a terrifying way
to start my morning.
Jesus, look at this mess.
What do we do if Mark decides
he doesn't believe us?
We hope to hell that doesn't happen.
Besides, it's the truth.
- But we are spying on the Graysons.
- Yeah, but not with this, Donald.
- And I'd really like to know who is.
- I'll get the lab boys on it.
Ah, shit.
Sorry I'm late.
Hi, stranger. I thought you forgot
about our second first date.
I was busy committing treason.
- I'll tell you about it later.
- You know
I thought this would be weird.
Not just a date but like a date date.
- But the weird thing is
- That it isn't weird?
Oh. Uh
Did I misread that?
No, no, you didn't, but
Please tell me that's not a glowing
portal opening up next to our table.
[sighs] You have no idea
how much I wish I could say that.
[people screaming]
It worked!
We found him.
I told you all that research
would pay off.
[sighs] Seriously?
You guys again?
Invincible, you have to come
with us right now.
- It's life and death.
- There's no time to explain.
[both grunt]
- Nice one.
- You know these jokers?
They stole the Declaration of
Independence when I was busy saving Rex.
Ah, you remember us.
That's great.
- I'm not sure it is.
- I'm Drop Kick and that's Fightmaster.
Despite our awesome names,
we're not looking for trouble.
- We need your help.
- What? No.
You guys should be in prison.
We had a good reason
to steal the Declaration.
Millions of lives were at stake,
and they still are.
We're from the future.
You have ten seconds to explain.
We need you to help us overthrow our king.
When we saw you before,
we realized all the stories were true.
You're the only one strong enough.
- What are you even talking about?
- Also, if it's a time machine,
can't you come back later?
Or earlier?
[Drop Kick] We only have
enough power for this last trip.
You have no idea how many people
died to make it happen.
Look, I'm sorry, but I'm not
going to the future with you,
if that's even where you're from.
You're lucky we're on a date,
or I'd be taking you both to prison.
Maybe you're not the hero
we thought you were.
[scoffs] Guess not.
- I really thought that line would work.
- [sighs] God, you're an idiot.
Are you sure about this?
Yeah. I'm not ruining
our date just because
Where the hell did you take me?
- We told you, the future.
- Take me back now.
But you're already here.
We'll prove we're the good guys.
And if you help us,
we'll give you back
the Declaration of Independence.
[Mark] You two better really need me.
You just have that on all the time?
Hey, you're already on thin ice, buddy.
- Where can I stash my clothes?
- Hey.
Uh was that me?
Why'd I look so miserable?
With time travel, it's best not
to ask those kind of questions.
[Mark] Whoa. What happened here?
[Fightmaster] War. Centuries of it.
[Drop Kick] Us versus him,
and we lost.
- Huh?
- Huh?
They think we're the king's spies.
They can't break curfew.
- In the middle of the day?
- All day. Every day.
You're allowed to go out to your work
camp or attend a public execution.
If it's a family member,
but that's about it.
Wait. Start at the beginning.
[Drop Kick] Centuries ago,
the planet was on the brink of collapse.
Then one man was made ruler of Earth.
[Fightmaster] And he ruled well
for a while.
The legends say his brain
worked better back then.
[Drop Kick] Then something changed.
We don't know what happened exactly.
- [Fightmaster] It was before our time.
- [Drop Kick] But slowly he went mad.
[overlapping shouting]
[Drop Kick] It began with new laws.
Mandatory work camps.
Prison for dissenters.
[Fightmaster] Then it got much worse.
[Drop Kick] Senseless wars for no reason.
Automatic factories
churning out his Royal Guards.
Entire nations punished
and forced to survive
without power or technology.
[Fightmaster] When he
personally took ten cities
off the map for resisting
that's when the rebellion was born.
We tried to stop him, but
[rebels shouting]
he was too strong.
[Drop Kick] We even built a time machine.
[Fightmaster] I built a time machine.
[Drop Kick] So we could look
for solutions in the past.
There was a legend that ink
from the Declaration of Independence
could make a poison to kill him.
[woman whimpering]
But that didn't work either.
[Fightmaster] Then we saw you.
[Drop Kick] And we realized
you could be the one to save us.
So, your king is super strong,
almost impossible to kill,
and has ruled for hundreds of years?
- Yes.
- Is he a Viltrumite?
We don't know what that is.
Hmm. Okay.
How can I help?
[sighs] Thank you.
- Our next step should be to
- Make some noise!
- That ought to get some attention.
- [guard] Halt, citizens!
You are in violation of the king's curfew
and subject to immediate
imprisonment and/or execution.
These are normal robots, right?
They're not, like, sentient or something?
- Uh, no.
- They're the Royal Guard.
There's millions of them.
They enforce the king's madness
on the people.
- Okay.
- But before you
Man, they're not tough,
but if there's millions,
this is gonna take a while.
No, n-n-no, we don't need you
to fight them.
We actually want to be captured.
It's the fastest way to see the king.
Oh. Well, you should've said that.
Also, what's the king's name?
[guard] You are in violation
of the king's curfew
and subject to immediate
imprisonment and/or execution.
Yeah, we know.
[guard] Invincible.
We've been waiting for you.
[tense music playing]
[Drop Kick] Yeah,
until you know how it was built.
He didn't use robots.
The king took our mother
when we were eight.
We never saw her again.
We grew up in the work camps.
That's why we joined the rebellion
and why we risked everything
to bring you here.
[guard] You will see the king now.
What's gonna happen to them?
- [guard] Execution.
- Yeah, I don't think so.
No! Stop the king.
We can take care of ourselves.
- But
- Please. Just go.
[grunts] Okay, asshole.
Whoever you are, it's over.
Only one man alive
knows me by that name.
Is it really you?
[jarring music playing]
- You're the king of Earth?
- Mark Grayson.
You finally came.
Thank God.
It's been so many years
since you left with your family.
I wasn't sure I'd recognize you.
Uh, I am not the same Mark you know.
- I'm from I guess, the past.
- You look thin. Weak.
Have you been sick again? I
- I thought they found a cure for
- This isn't about me.
What are you doing?
- Are you hurting people?
- You left me no choice.
It was the only way to bring you back.
I didn't want to do it,
but I had to force your hand.
- What are you talking about?
- I'm not a Viltrumite!
You shouldn't have left me in charge!
You're the emperor.
You should have known
it was too much for me,
- especially after so long!
- I left you to rule?
- [grunts]
- Don't act like you don't remember!
All of this is your fault!
I didn't want the responsibility.
I was tired, ready to move on.
- [groaning]
- I told you that. But you said
you said I was the only one you trusted.
Immortal, I know you.
Work camps, killing innocent people, wars?
That, that's not who you are.
The man you remember is dead,
- but I didn't receive that privilege.
- Is this about Kate?
Did she die?
I don't know that name.
- I-Is that the red-haired woman you
- No, not Eve.
Kate. You just got engaged.
In-in the past, I mean.
I've had hundreds of wives.
I-I've outlived everyone
I've ever loved. [cries]
Do you know
what that does to a man?
Century after century after century?
- No, but
- Of course you don't.
You were the lucky one.
The gifted one.
Your family could endure.
You, you need to repay
the debt you owe me.
Whether you want to or not.
That's why I set all this in motion.
What what do you want me to do?
- End my torment.
- I-I can't.
I'm sorry, Immortal,
but I can't stay here
and I'm not cut out to run the planet.
That's not what I meant.
[mournful music playing]
[both grunting]
[weapon cocks]
I can't believe they thought
two guards would be enough for us.
[footsteps approaching quickly]
[sighs] Famous last words.
- Kill me.
- What?
I'm a mere husk of who I was.
Be merciful. End my suffering
and the suffering of this planet.
- No. Just quit.
- A king cannot quit!
He must fall forever.
Kill me, and the power
will return to the people.
It's the only way
for humanity to rise again.
This is what I want, Mark.
Look, maybe the me that
you know would kill you,
- but I don't do that.
- You left me here.
You made me into this monster.
How many more must die
because of your mistakes?!
[both grunting]
You will kill me
whether you want to or not.
Or you and so many more will die.
[grunts] Just throw yourself
into the sun or something.
Suicide is a coward's escape!
We don't have to do this.
- Let me help you.
- I've fallen for your lies before.
They're always the same,
full of false hope.
But some things
can only end in death.
[both grunting]
We were friends once.
- Do this for me.
- [straining] I-I can't.
[Immortal] Please.
- It's working.
- Shut up.
I'll prove to you who I've become.
- [shouting]
- Wait. No!
[breathing heavily]
Stop. Stop doing this.
There's only one way to stop me.
One way to end this forever.
One way
to save them and everyone else!
[both grunting]
What kind of man lets others die
because he won't act?
This is the only way!
- Please!
- Enough!
[panting heavily]
Uh I didn't know it was
gonna be like that, but
Thank you.
- That must have been hard.
- Don't thank me.
Please don't thank me for that.
- [Drop Kick] It's what he wanted.
- So?
That's not a reason t-to
to kill someone.
He hurt a lot of people.
Yeah, I know.
But he saved a lot of people, too.
That's not enough.
He's dead, okay?
Just shut up.
You got to keep all his parts
separated, or he'll just come back.
- [gasps]
- Whoa.
[sinister music playing]
[guard] The king is dead.
His reign is over.
Authority is now transferred
to the people.
[electrical whirring]
[shutting down]
Well, at least he did that
before he died.
Look, I know you're not happy,
but you saved our world.
- Thank you.
- Just take me home.
[crowd clamoring]
Ah. It's been a long time coming.
There's just one more thing
you need to do.
[Mark] What?
- Where can I stash my clothes?
- Hey.
Got 'em? Okay.
Hold on.
How did you?
Oh. It really was time travel.
Did they actually need your help?
Yeah. I just
- [sighs] Eve, am I a good person?
- Of course you are.
What-what happened there?
[sighs] I saw the Immortal.
It was awful.
He'd lived too long.
He killed people.
Enslaved the entire planet.
And I had to
I had to stop him.
- Forever.
- Oh, my God.
He wanted to die.
And it was all my fault.
I left him in charge of the world.
I messed everything up, Eve.
Do you remember how we said
- the future version of me wasn't me?
- Yeah.
Well, the future version of you
isn't you either.
Whatever that was,
it wasn't our future.
- Not anymore at least.
- I still killed him.
[Eve] Yeah.
But it sounds like he was ready to go.
I know that doesn't solve this,
but we will get through it together.
And if you ever turn into
a giant world-conquering dick,
I will kick your ass
until you're back in line. Okay?
- Okay.
- If you promise to do the same for me.
You'd never do something like
- We should get out of here.
- [groans] I ruined another first date.
No, I said we should get out of here.
I didn't say the date was over.
- Is that what I think it is?
- Yeah.
We'll need to stop in New York.
- I think you mean Washington, D.C.
- [chuckles]
[Joji: "Your Man"]
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
Oh, oh, oh-ah-oh-ah ♪
Have you ever loved? ♪
Would… you…go again? ♪
Don't be…
down when it's over, baby ♪
Yeah ♪
I'll …be your man ♪
Oh, man ♪
Have you ever loved? ♪
Would you go again? ♪
Don't be down when it's over, baby ♪
Yeah, I'll be ♪
Your man ♪
Oh, man ♪
I'll be your man ♪
I'll be your man ♪
Have you ever loved? ♪
Would you go again? ♪
Don't be down
when it's over, baby ♪
Yeah ♪
I'll be your man ♪
Have you ever loved? ♪
Would you go again? ♪
Don't be down when it's over ♪
Baby, yeah ♪
I'll be ♪
Your man ♪
I'll be your man
- [Mark chuckles]
- What?
This is dumb.
And way too soon.
I love you.
Well, I don't know if
it's dumb or not, but
I love you, too.
I'll be your man ♪
[Eve and Mark laughing]
[both chuckle]
[both moan]
[narrator] And so, dear audience,
we once again turn our attention elsewhere
to give young Mark Grayson
and Samantha Eve Wilkins
the privacy they deserve.
[suspenseful music playing]
At this very moment, light years away,
Allen the Alien sits
in a Viltrumite prison cell.
These shackles cannot hold him.
These walls cannot hold him.
This prison cannot hold him.
For Allen the Alien has grown
very strong indeed.
But still he waits.
Because Allen the Alien
has a plan.
- [Nolan] Goodbye, my friend.
- Finally.
[narrator] But first, a brief recap
for those of you
with short attention spans.
Forced into a battle against Anissa,
a Viltrumite
with a fearsome reputation,
Allen let himself
be taken prisoner in hopes
of discovering if Nolan Grayson,
aka Omni-Man,
aka Mark's dad,
aka possible
Viltrumite ally number three
was still alive.
Allen's plan worked.
Nolan was alive.
But he was also sentenced to death
once fully healed,
as per cruel Viltrumite tradition.
Using his implanted communication device,
Allen told Nolan how he visited Mark
to enlist his help in the war
between the Coalition of Planets
and the Viltrum Empire.
Allen begged Nolan to join
their cause, but Nolan refused,
convinced that his execution was justified
for his betrayal
of both Viltrum and Earth.
Still Allen persisted.
It wasn't too late
for Nolan to fix his mistakes,
or at least help others
in their struggle against the Empire.
But Nolan's answer was always the same.
[Nolan] No.
[narrator] But then, just as Allen
was about to give up,
Nolan said something that gave him
an inkling all hope was not yet lost.
I think
I miss my wife.
[narrator] Allen's discussions
with Nolan were interrupted
periodically by his captors'
attempts to execute him.
After that, his executions were
put on hold.
[Allen] These guys are
really bad at their jobs.
- [Nolan] You need to leave.
- [Allen] We have been over this a million times.
- I'm not going without you.
- [Nolan] This is different now.
Soon my executioners will arrive.
They aren't like these others.
They're Viltrumites.
They will kill you.
[Allen] They'll kill you, too,
so here's an idea.
Let's break out of here
before that happens.
- [Nolan] No.
- [Allen] Come on, man.
With you on our side, we can win this war.
[Nolan] I'm not on your side.
I'm not on anyone's side.
I disgraced my people.
- I betrayed my family.
- [Allen] Oh, my God, this again.
- [Nolan] I abandoned my sons.
- I cannot take this anymore.
- I why did they not use a bigger laser?
- [Nolan] I committed crimes
against everyone
and everything I hold dear.
[Allen] So make it right. Forget
your people, unbetray your family,
and help me, Mark,
and whatever that other kid's name is
- stop the Empire.
- [Nolan] No.
[Allen] Oh, come on!
Then I guess we will both
just die together.
[Nolan] I guess we will.
[narrator] They had reached an impasse.
And Allen and Nolan waited
for their death to arrive
from the darkness of space.
[ominous music playing]
- Nolan.
- I thought you'd forgotten about me.
We never forget our duty.
It's a shame
we can't say the same for you.
Are you prepared?
[Nolan] Goodbye, my friend.
[narrator] And with that, dear audience,
we rejoin Allen the Alien
as he risks everything
to save a former enemy
and brand-new friend
who doesn't wish to be saved.
It's not your time to die yet, pal.
[executioner 1] You abandoned
your mission to subjugate Earth.
But that is only one of your many crimes.
- Desertion.
- [Nolan grunts]
Unapproved breeding
with an inferior species.
[executioner 1] Murder.
[executioner 2] Treason.
[Nolan grunting]
Do you have anything to say
in your defense?
Let the ritual continue.
May you die with more dignity
than you lived.
[both grunt]
I thought I'd have more time.
[weapons cocking]
Oh, hey, guys.
No hard feelings, right?
Ow! Fuck! Ow! Shit!
Fuck! Stop!
Ow! Gah Ah!
Why should I have all the fun?
[all grunt]
[all grunting]
Yes! That's right!
Get it out! We can do this!
Go, go!
I believe in you! Go!
[deep growling]
Oh-ho. Now we're talking.
Hi. Um, hello. It's Allen.
Uh, I don't know who's in there,
but there is a party going on outside.
Do you want to bring the punch?
[deep chuckling]
Who possesses the courage
to dare free Battle Beast?!
That, uh, that would be me.
Um sir.
- Sir Beast.
- This party you speak of,
will there be opponents
worthy of my strength?
Uh, yes.
I-I mean, ab-absolutely. Yes.
Oh, man, yes.
We definitely got them.
- How many?
- This is getting very specific.
Th-There's like three,
but one's a pal,
so hands off him.
But the other two,
they're fair game.
"Fair game."
This term pleases me.
[Allen] Hold on, Nolan.
We're coming.
[Nolan groans]
[Nolan] What?
No. Leave me be, alien.
[executioner 2] We all know
the stories of the great Nolan.
The wars, the triumphs,
the civilizations you conquered.
What sickness could have changed you so?
Maybe it was in him all along.
We should investigate his lineage
in case the rot goes deeper.
Yes! Check it out!
Was your betrayal worth death?
- Answer me!
- Yes.
And I'm sad you'll never understand.
- Come on. He's this way.
- You promised me Viltrumites.
These creatures offer me
no challenge whatsoever.
Yes, I know. Almost there.
I could have sworn this
was the execution room.
[growls] Deceiver!
You have no honor.
You promised me a glorious battle,
yet the only worthy
opponent I see here is you.
Whoa. Hey.
Uh, hello? Let's just
Uh, how about we just calm down?
Okay. So it is now obvious to me
that was a dumb thing to say
and you don't really do calm,
so I apologize.
Hey, Nolan.
Any idea where you are? Nolan?
[distant pounding]
Choose your last words.
[Battle Beast growls]
Sorry we're late.
Oh, man. You look terrible.
Did you guys do this?
That's not very nice.
I told you to go.
- You should have listened to him.
- Viltrumites.
At long last,
my thirst for battle can be satiated.
Forgive him, he's a fan. He's been
really wanting to meet you guys.
[growls] Long have I waited
for such a worthy challenge.
I will savor this.
And if this conflict
brings about the end of my life,
I will savor it all the more.
[all grunting]
- I'll kill you for that.
- [growls] Is that a promise?
Hold on, man.
We'll get you free in a sec.
- I said go.
- I hear you, but I'm gonna do this anyway.
[executioner 1 grunts]
- Huh, so you're the special Unopan.
- I mean, I don't like to brag.
[both grunting]
[coughs] Ouch.
[blow lands]
- You're not so special.
- Stop. No
[Allen] Ugh. Sorry I ruined
your execution, Nolan.
Looks like I'm going first.
Get away from him!
Good to see you, man.
Did you get a haircut?
Did you trim your mustache?
- Did you style your mustache?
- Get up.
You disgrace yourself again!
[both grunting]
[exciting music playing]
I knew you had it in you.
Oh, shit.
I hate these guys.
[growls, roars]
Do you think Battle Beast
can survive in space?
- Probably, right?
- What?
[guards screaming]
[Allen] Yes! I want to high-five you
or something because we won,
but that was super gross,
so it kind of feels inappropriate.
You, uh, you see that other Viltrumite
or, uh,
or our furry friend anywhere?
[Nolan] Not since you took
the fight outside.
[Allen] Maybe he bailed,
but then, uh, what happened
to that Viltrumite?
I need more!
[Allen] I mean, must be
around here somewhere.
[Nolan] For someone who almost died,
you recovered very quickly.
[Allen] Yes, I did.
All thanks to you, buddy.
Getting in there, saving my life.
Way to go, man.
Okay, maybe I let him work me over
a little more than I had to.
- [Nolan] He could have killed you.
- [Allen] Oh, I know.
But, uh, you needed the motivation.
I still wish you would join our cause,
but if you don't want
to betray your people,
even though they are
psychopathic murderers, I get it.
- I just didn't want to watch you die.
- [Nolan] Why?
[Allen] We did time together
in the big house.
That makes us friends now.
[Nolan] No Viltrumite would
do such a thing for another.
[Allen] I mean, you would.
For Debbie and Mark and that
purple kid you told me about.
And for me, apparently.
Just now. 'Cause you did.
Anyway, we all need to skedaddle
before Planet Punch sends reinforcements.
Maybe we can hotwire that,
uh, that-that fine-looking
hunk of metal over there.
- [Nolan] No one's coming.
- [Allen] What?
[Nolan] We don't need to worry.
No reinforcements are coming.
[Allen] I mean, there was definitely time
for the prison to make a
distress call back to Viltrum HQ.
[Nolan] They'll know what happened,
but they won't come.
They can't.
[Allen] Okay, I'm gonna need
a little more to go on
than an incomplete thought
and a mysterious look.
[Nolan] There are fewer than
50 pure-blooded Viltrumites
left in the universe.
This is the Empire's
most closely guarded secret.
It's also why we can beat them.
[hopeful music playing]
[narrator] With their story now told,
and Nolan and Allen finally free
and ready to join the war against Viltrum,
we turn our attention back
to the Grayson household,
where Mark and Eve are, uh,
ha-happily enjoying
each other's company.
[both moaning]
[knock on door]
[Debbie] Mark? Are you home?
[Mark yawns] Hey, Mom.
What's up?
[Debbie] Uh, I-I thought
I heard something.
[knob rattles]
Why is your door locked?
I uh
I-I'm not dressed.
- Hmm?
- [chuckles]
[Debbie] Okay, well, have a good night.
Good night.
- Is she gone?
- [Debbie] What was that?
- Nothing, Mom.
- Oh, my God.
[quietly] I'm sorry.
[muffled laughter]
- We got to get our own place.
- Mm-hmm. [chuckles]
[heroic music playing]