Sky Rojo (2021) s03e04 Episode Script

Diesel, Saltpeter, and Gunpowder

There they go. Fucking bitches.
Look at them, completely unaware.
This is the first time
I'll kill from far away.
What about those guys and the other one?
Are we killing all of them?
- Sure.
- Collateral damage.
We'll do it like the Bermuda Triangle.
Six people missing.
We'll sink the boat. They won't find 'em.
Stop, papi. Stop.
I have some news for you.
Well, actually, two things.
One is good, and another is good but sad.
Tell us the good-good news first.
I said yes to Toni.
I said yes to plan B.
We're getting married.
- Ah!
- Yay!
That's beautiful.
I'm so happy for you.
So what's sad?
Well, it's sad, but good, in the end.
Toni and I have decided to move away.
After the baby is born,
we're going to move abroad.
So where are you gonna move to?
I don't know,
the Philippines, or Zanzibar
Anywhere they have diving
so Toni can find a job there. Mm-hmm.
Wow, okay. I'm just feeling a little
sad we won't see the baby grow up.
Me and Coral. Yeah.
We feel it's partly ours as well.
Well, the three of us
could name him, yeah?
That way, we can share something.
I will miss you so much, girl.
I love you.
Promise me you'll come visit though.
You are his aunts and my sisters.
You have to be there sometimes.
- Promise me, please.
- Yeah.
Come on!
To Gina!
To Gina!
What are they doing?
- Don't they see us here?
- No. They're heading straight for us.
Let the fishing begin.
Hey! Hey! Veer! Veer!
You're fucking crazy!
Hey! Stop!
So who's crazy now?
I didn't give the fucking order! Who shot?
You mean we had to wait
for orders like in the Navy?
Now they have time
to make a distress call.
Fuck! Toni! Move, Toni!
Come on! Come on, come on. Move! Come on.
Mayday, mayday, mayday!
Shoot now!
Toni. Ah!
You okay?
Moisés, check our bullets.
Let's sink that fucking boat!
- You okay? You okay?
- Yeah. Yeah.
My love, are you okay?
- No, you're bleeding.
- No, no, it's okay. It's just a graze.
- No.
- Push on it. Push on it, yeah?
Pau is dead.
Are you okay?
Here, love.
Push on the wound.
You have to stop the bleeding, my love.
They turned around.
Who are those guys?
Are they drug traffickers who've got
the wrong boat? What's happening?
What the fuck you doing?
We'll never kill them
with this rolling around!
Did you do something?
- Did you call the club?
- No.
- Did you call your ex-girlfriend?
- No! Why would I? You didn't call Moisés?
He just took a fucking shot at my head.
Why would I ever call
that fucking piece of shit?
I did it.
I I called my mom a few days ago
because I wanted to bring my son here.
I didn't think they would
trace the call so far away.
I mean, they're they're in Cuba.
Of course they traced it, Gina.
Of course.
And now Pau's dead because of us.
They will kill us all.
You understand, right?
Guys, let's make another pass.
Single file, okay?
I'm really sorry.
I didn't want this to happen.
And I I wasn't
I didn't think.
Well, that's your fucking problem, Gina!
You never think! You stupid asshole!
Why are you bringing your son here?!
To make him an orphan
after just five minutes?!
No, she's not stupid.
She's a fucking bitch.
Well, that's uncalled for, Wendy? Why
Uncalled for?
In six months,
you never thought about calling your mom.
But you call her now. You know why?
Because you don't care.
Because you're moving
to the opposite side of the world.
And we're staying here with this mess.
You don't give a shit
about us being in trouble.
And you, huh?
You put us in danger a lot too.
Like the time you almost drowned
in the swimming pool from an overdose.
Or when you went
to the club to get our passports.
But you didn't really get our passports.
You chose to sniff lines of coke
like a fucking addict.
- Am I right?
- What are you talking about?
Shit! What club? What overdose?
Who starts shooting some bakers
in the middle of the ocean?
- I don't understand anything
- We were trafficked, Greta.
We ran away from a brothel.
And we almost killed our pimp.
- But he got away.
- And we stole four million euros.
Well, maybe a little more.
Get down!
Toni, is there anything
we can use as defense?
The compressed-air spearguns
are inside the fuse box.
If we cut the cords,
we can use them as arrows, yeah?
Yeah. And the flare guns are there.
My love.
My love, I'm so sorry.
Forgive me.
What you didn't tell me
doesn't matter, Gina.
I never cared,
and that's the truth.
All that matters
is that we make it out of here alive.
Because plan B
was the best plan of my life.
Shh, shh, shh.
Why are we turning?
We're gonna ram them with our bow
and knock one of the boats over.
They're turning. They're gonna ram us.
That son of a bitch wants
to play bumper boats.
Turn starboard! Go wide, Moisés!
They're moving too fast.
the old man steering the boat!
Toni! Turn towards the coast.
- Toni!
- No, no, no, no!
No, please, my love. No, please!
Try and get up now, motherfucker!
No, my love! Please!
No, no, no. No, please.
Come on. No, please.
Please, my love! Breathe! Breathe!
Please, my love!
While I tried
to save Toni's life in vain,
I thought that though his body is dead,
his soul wasn't.
And I remembered
what my grandmother used to say.
When people die,
they stay close to us for a while,
to give us the strength
we don't normally have.
And at that moment,
I knew what I had to do.
Gina! Gina, come back inside!
What are you doing?
Fucking hell,
his face is on fire!
I blew one of their heads off.
Help me load it.
Gina, let's calm down.
I'm gonna shoot Romeo
in his fucking brains now.
Load it, damn it.
Enough now.
He's already dead.
We gotta help him!
Stop! Stop it!
That's the fucking diesel rag!
You'll set us on fire with that, Beefcake!
Give him some water!
Get him water!
- Gina!
- Gina, no! No!
Game over, you pregnant whore!
No, no, no, no! No, no!
- Come on.
- Shut the door, Greta!
Don't worry.
Don't worry, the baby's fine.
Love, right now,
you have to hold onto it, okay?
- Hold on.
- Yeah.
The engine, Romeo.
- Shoot at the engine.
- Right!
They're catching up to us!
Shoot now!
Hey, what's wrong? No.
No, no, no, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait. Press it.
Press it. Let me see.
The bullet went straight through.
Those motherfuckers.
They're coming back here.
There's only one thing to do.
We dive in and attack from the water.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Stay here. Stay here.
Wait here. Relax.
- That's it. Here they are.
- Shh, shh, shh.
What's the music for?
They're playing with us.
All right. Let's play, then.
Don't shoot unless you see some movement.
Until then, stay silent, okay?
In the middle of that silence,
with the smell of gunpowder and diesel oil
and blood mixed into the air,
I feared for my son.
Just like when I learned of his existence.
Hey! Can you cry quietly, please?
Hey, Gina. You okay?
I can't breathe right now.
I can't breathe.
Hey. Hey, listen.
You're having an anxiety attack.
Sit up. Sit up, sit up.
Put your head
between your knees and breathe in.
Slowly count from one to ten.
And now breathe out slowly.
Count from one to ten again.
Um, when I get to this point,
what works for me is, uh,
bromazepam and a shot of whiskey.
Or stuffing my face with junk food works.
Asian ramen with some duck, not bad,
sautéed mushrooms,
and coriander for the queen.
Love, you know that
anxiety attacks
and mood slumps are normal.
But eating helps a lot.
Yeah, I don't know what happened to me.
I don't usually
have anxiety or get overwhelmed.
I'm a positive person. And, and
I don't know.
I think that that everything will be
that everything's okay.
But now, I don't know if I believe it.
Now what? What happened?
I feel I've reached
that point in life when it all clicks.
That's where I am.
Girls, I need
to get out of here ASAP.
I can't stand it.
Really, I can't stay here.
I still owe Romeo
600 euros to pay off my debt.
But I can't wait anymore.
I need to get out of here now
- Gina. Gina.
- It's true.
Calm down.
We all have terrible days in this place.
But everything will be okay, yeah?
Just know you'll get out.
This will be over.
And you'll get a nice, beautiful house.
A huge one, with a butler and all.
I believe in you.
But I don't need that kind of life.
I really don't.
I don't need a life with with luxuries.
I just want to live in peace,
in a little house, where I can have
just what I need
to take care of my family.
With enough money
to go to the supermarket and
and buy things that are on sale. You know?
To have some coffee
with my neighbors, to chat for hours
I don't know. To draw.
I just want a normal life.
That's what I want.
To live.
And maybe
Maybe I want that
because I never really had it.
That's it, that's all.
I can give you
the 600 euros, Gina.
That night, I would've loved
to tell my friends that I was pregnant.
And that thanks to them, I could
leave the club to live with my child.
Even though that attempt
to live an ordinary life
ended really badly for us.
We're even now?
Gre Greta.
Greta, please come here.
I need your help. Please.
Greta. Greta!
- Greta!
- No, I can't move.
I can't move.
Stop the engines.
See the bubbles?
It's them.
Shit! Shoot at the bubbles!
You can make me cry
You can hear me moan ♪
I don't give up the fight
My head as hard as stone ♪
The road is tough
But I'll go till the end ♪
I am still alive
And I'll reach the aim ♪
- I ♪
- I'm on my way ♪
Yeah ♪
- I ♪
- I keep the faith in me ♪
I am on my way ♪
Yeah ♪
Everyone on earth has a destiny ♪
How much are you worth
Without your heart in peace? ♪
When I fall on my knees
I find the power ♪
Have mercy on me
And I'll lose my anger ♪
- I ♪
- Woah ♪
I'm on my way ♪
Yeah, right now ♪
- I ♪
- I keep the faith in me ♪
Yeah, yeah, I'm on my way ♪
Ooh, I am on my way ♪
I'm on my way ♪
Well, I'm on my way ♪
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