Space Ghost Coast to Coast (1993) s03e04 Episode Script


Who's on the show tonight?
It's your show, don't you know?
Moltar, who's on the show?
His name is Jonathan richman.
Hmm, Jonathan richman, Jonathan richman.
UhHe used to be on chips.
Uh, he's a singer.
I thought you said he was on chips.
Well, yeah, he used to sing On chips.
Yes, a chips singer.
Very famous, very talented.
I'm not familiar with his work, but he must be all the rage
if he's on my show.
Ah ah ah ah
I'm Space Ghost!
My guest tonight, singer/songwriter Jonathan richman.
Please, if you will, say, "how do you do"
to my band, zorak and the original way-outs.
Zorak, what songs did this guy sing for chips?
Some motorcycle- arresting-cops, uh, numbers 12 and 35, I think.
Greetings, Jonathan!
Richman, right?
It certainly is, yeah.
Welcome to the show!
Thank you.
Moltar, what was that?
Oh, uh, sorry, I was daydreaming.
Jonathan, are you getting enough oxygen?
So far, so good.
Let's talk about your new album,
and tell me about your striped shirts!
That's a good question.
And that is your answer?
Ok! Who are your musical influences?
I think--well, that was the first thing I thought of,
and I think it's too late now.
You know, remember that double
question you asked the first time?
I do.
That confused me, so now I'm thinking differently.
Hmm, uh, want me to do it again?
You sure?
Yeah, I liked it the first way.
I don't mind.
I do.
All right. Ahem.
Who do you think is a bad influence?
You mean on me or on the world in general?
Either, either.
Oh, let's call the whole thing off.
Well, see, I don't know if there's
such a thing as a bad influence.
I thinkIt's up to you.
How about a bad influence on the world?
Well, I don't know if there's a bad influence on them, either.
It's up to them.
What about a bad influence on a proper diet?
Yeah, but then, what's a proper diet?
Question 6, do you have any arch enemies?
Yeah, I thought about it.
So, you are sure?
Zorak and Moltar are my arch enemies.
Zorak's the green one over there.
And Moltar directs the show.
That's major.
You're a musician, sing for us.
But I got to do it in the key of x.
Hey, there, little insect
don't scare him so don't land on him, buddy
and bite him, no
hey, there, little insect please calm down
so he can have fun and fool around
That was good.
And don't think I don't appreciate it, thank you.
What do you think of keyboard players?
Aren't they repulsive?
I admire keyboard players,
'cause I don't know how to do it myself.
You could probably do it.
Yeah, but probably isn't the same thing.
If you're-- if you're Thinking to himself:
Boy, here's some good punctuation.
If you're were evil, what kind of evil would you get into?
I'm just going to read it as is, if you don't mind.
Well, that's an excellent question.
I think I'd Get into something that tasted good.
'Cause if something's going to be evil,
might as well taste good.
Ok, then, let's see here Oh! What are your superpowers?
Well, there's
Then, of course
That's a happy sound.
But I only have two superpowers, though.
Please tell me about your superpowers.
I just did.
Oh, that's it?
Yeah, that's all I got.
Nothing else?
I might, but it might be a secret.
You can't fly?
No, sir.
Moltar, is it time for a break yet?
Come on, let's take a break.
Come on!
Um, sorry, no!
My brain is vaporizing.
Hey, zorak, why don't you do a song for everybody?
You sure?
No, thank you.
You're messing with me again, aren't you?
This would be a good place for a break.
Ok, then, let's see here.
Jonathan, who is your favorite talk show host?
What's a talk show host?
Ok, that would preclude the follow-up
question of least favorite.
Yeah, it would.
And the second follow-up of why.
Yeah, it would.
Ok, then, let's see here.
What is your--
on the show tonight, the always exciting Jonathan richman!
Jonathan, do you get sick of people
reading your mind without asking?
No, sometimes I want to see if they can do it.
I'm waiting.
I've got it!
Tell me.
Come on.
Out with it!
Right now!
Um, where's Ellie?
When you record, what do you like to eat?
California health food.
Like what?
Carrot juice.
Greasy hamburger?
No, no, no, that's not it, try again.
Chili con carne.
Jonathan, play another song for us.
Moltar, is the show over yet?
What do you say we end it here?
There's the summer wind part.
Dan fogelberg write that one for you?
No, I made it up.
Really? You're not jerking my chain, are you?
Far from it.
Do you use a tire saw Tyrannosaur
Th-thesaurus-- the--the saurus?
It all comes out of your head?
Yeah, they just come to me.
Just like that?
Yeah, just like that.
Do one!
Well, there's a dumpster in front of my room
and the neon sign doesn't work too well
it hasn't worked so well since world war ii
it's another lonely night in a cheap motel
I'll bet you've slept a lot on couches.
Did you ever find money in the cushions?
Once in a while.
What do you do?
Leave it there.
Yeah, sure.
You don't take it?
Why not?
'Cause it's not mine.
It's found change.
It certainly is, yes.
UmHave you ever been abducted by an alien craft?
What to come fishing with us?
Hmm Tell us a good fish story.
Well, I was in Barcelona one time,
and the people who put on the show
took us to this restaurant right there on the beach.
They gave us all these dishes with saffron rice and all
different kinds of fish.
Tasted good.
Um, let me ask you this, what do you do on your trampoline?
Only the most simple.
Can you do a backward flip?
Front flip, but my front flip isn't too good, either.
Do you like my mask?
Very distinguished looking, I must say.
Do you have any masks?
I had one, I had a pig mask for a while.
Are you hiding anything from us?
Ha ha!
Tell us, I command you!
I accept your command.
What's your secret identity?
Hey! Who is that you're talking to?
Try someone else.
Let's say it together.
Timing problem.
1, 2, 3 Char-leMagne.
Just clearing the pipes.
Would you smack Bob Dylan around if you had to?
He'd take you?
Oh, I'm sure.
He's only 3 feet tall!
I see.
Um, give me some advice on entertaining audiences.
Have fun with them.
Delight in them.
Ok, then, let's see here.
Oh! Tell us something you've only said one time,
like, more leeches, please!
Lots of stuff.
UhBefore you go, give us your words of wisdom.
Clean up your room!
It's my pleasure.
Visit again.
That's very hospitable.
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