Spartacus: Blood and Sand s03e04 Episode Script


He was reaching for the food, you mad cunt! Attius stands with us.
He stands a fucking Roman.
Crassus denies me sharpened blade.
Under what purpose? Personal matter.
Brigands of Cilicia.
Pirates? The Aedile and I had an arrangement.
I will not beg for my life.
Do this thing And you will be released.
Your man make fight gone.
Ulpianus? Tell me where they are.
I don't know who you speak of.
Tell your men to advance.
Your father gave strict order not My father desires a wolf of battle.
Advance! Stand ground, stand your fucking ground! Retreat! That should do it.
Here then, you cunt! There stands greater worry than grain carried to port by Cilician shits.
What would you have us feast upon? Promise of better days? I would see bellies filled with the death of Romans.
Crassus is certain to dispatch more soldiers.
And we should be preparing to greet them.
We are.
By ensuring our own do not go into battle weakened by hunger.
Full sails, we here for the night.
How fares recent venture? If you are of a thirst, the gods have shown favor.
You carry no grain? A clutch of amphoras so filled were liberated from Roman ship.
Yet its captain held more stock in drink than seed of bread.
Wine will not feed my people.
The Romans have stored most of their harvest against encroaching chill.
Difficulty rises in securing such bounty.
As does its price? Yeah.
Ah! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Move back! Whoa, hold and fall to reason! See each to a handful, and clear them from the docks.
More slaves taken afoot approach gate.
Will you see them to a handful as well? Do you know of my sister? I haven't laid eyes since the city fell.
We should not be wasting what little food we have on fucking Romans.
You know my mind upon subject.
I stand with Crixus towards it.
I have given Laeta my word.
It will not be broken.
Let me in, please! If you hold weapon you must give over before entering city! Fuck! Weapon? Just this.
It seems a lifetime past, that I stood as him.
Show brand, and see what you Show brand or mark, to prove you stand former slave and no friend of the Republic! We have nowhere to go! Show me your brand.
Show brand.
The most fearsome weapons yet exposed.
I would take no offense to closer inspection Next.
Show me your brand, show me your brand.
We need a place to sleep! Open bag! Put mind at ease, brother.
You'll have no need of this here.
Spartacus does not favor his people holding coin.
Spartacus! This one carries knowledge of Crassus' army.
I say about a half day's march from our wharves.
How great a force? Larger than fucking city by her word.
Yet he has made camp and holds advance.
Why stay hand when it grips such numbers? He but grips his own fucking cock if he believes we will Run! Fucking Romans! The Romans! Seal the gate! Give fucking way! Fucking shits drew upon us when pressed to show brand.
Gratitude for assistance.
There is no greater glory Than the death of your enemy.
I would lay eyes upon your brand friend.
Well, that presents some difficulties.
More so if you are absent one.
My dominus branded all his slaves close to cock and cunt, equally enjoyed upon drunken nights.
With that knife I rid myself of him and his fucking mark Fall to cover and join the others.
Sever their heads and set them to pike upon wall, as warning against future attempt.
Crixus, Gannicus, Agron I would have much needed words.
It seizes heart, to know you in such pain.
A deeper wound stands removed from sight.
He has not come to your side? I recall my father's grim visage when first you delivered me to encampment.
I have not since laid eyes upon it.
Place no worries in the absence.
The Imperator's mind is taken with thoughts of coming battle against Spartacus.
We move to reclaim the city? I have received no order to break encampment.
Though a large number of men have been dispatched north.
North? Towards what purpose? I do not hold your father's confidence in such matters.
We stand as one in such regard.
What of Caesar? Does he circle fading corpse, eager to strip flesh of title as word and will of my father? He no longer stands among us.
Caesar has fallen? He but follows command.
Leave us.
You have given Caesar mission? One always intended.
He secrets himself among the rebels, to hasten their fall.
The reason you ordered he remain unshorn.
To assume guise of errant slave.
One must appear as wolf to be welcomed by the pack.
A plan well considered.
I will stand by your side when it bears deadly fruit.
That day has not yet arrived.
Rest, allow wound to properly heal.
Uh, I am your word and your will, Father.
A position not commanded from upon back.
See yourself to uniform.
And let us break words towards your men's punishment, for foolish attempt against Spartacus.
Mystery of Crassus holding advance falls to discovery.
The fucking cock on him.
Believing a few men could end rebellion.
Crassus does not move as the others we have faced.
He adopts our strategies, in effort to twist them against us.
We should heed caution, and see the gates remain closed.
I will not deny entry to those who have risked life to break from their masters.
A thing born late in any regard.
Many unknown to us have already passed through gate to join cause, if outward form does not conceal darker intent.
If there stand such among our ranks, we must see them exposed.
You scale a mountain of ifs.
I would add to its peak.
If you are struck down by one of your errant flock, how would they fare absent guidance? Crixus would see them upon proper path.
With aid of wise council, gathered at this table.
I pray to the gods that is a day I never see come to pass, brother.
Yet if I held sole command, I would move swiftly against Crassus.
On this we share thought.
We are men of blood and battle.
And the streets grow restless with idle purpose.
We must stay course agreed upon.
We hold advantage of city walls; Crassus' legions will suffer on open plains, while we train swelling numbers to see weakened foe to the afterlife.
Would that Attius was still alive, to forge more weapons.
You would see traitor live, and Naevia with brains upon fucking sand? Let Attius stand as promised fate for all who would see Roman slaves from shackle.
Fix mind upon the present, gauge prowess of those newly among us.
Escaped Romans yet to be found, Crassus upon our gate, and you would have me play fucking doctore? I would have you observe with watchful eye.
Any that measure beyond expectation may reveal themselves more than they appear.
Join brother, and see it done.
A lifetime ago the words "fucking Gauls" would spring from mouth.
If it did fall to Crixus to You are yet among the living, and I would see it remain so.
Until threat is known, I will be as fucking shadow.
Then darken heel, and let us move to better know mind of our enemy.
If I stood Roman, my sword would have your life in favor of ass.
Again! If that man proves assassin, then I am Jupiter's fucking cock.
No skill.
Small cock.
Step forward.
I have witnessed your skill with knife upon the unsuspecting.
Let us see how you fare with sword against more discerning eye.
We waste fucking effort.
If there is a Roman among them, would they not feign ignorance of the ways of fighting men? An animal cannot hide truer nature.
When pressed to corner, it will expose teeth and snap jaw.
You are no stranger to the clash of steel.
All shepherds are versed in sound.
Many seek to claim another master's stock upon hill and plain.
And what did your dominus call his defender of goat, before he slipped from grasp? Lyciscus.
A name forced upon me.
One I desire quickly shed.
I shall have rematch, upon a day.
Step forward, and attempt to remain from fucking ground.
They take interest in you.
Do they take it in you as well? And with coin I saw you relieving those seeking refuge within your walls? Break such words again, and I shall relieve you of something far more valuable.
Ah, you mistake intent, brother.
I mention deed only towards thoughts of my own.
A city such as this holds great opportunity, for those brave enough to seize it.
She turns from offer of villa for straw and the smell of shit? For reason fallen upon understanding ear.
The mind of a woman.
A foreign thing.
I would have words alone, and see it deciphered.
She holds no threat.
I shall place myself at entrance.
With sword clutched in fucking hand.
Did not think the Slayer of the Shadow of Death had need of protector.
Unfortunate precaution, in wake of morning's events.
Word carries of the attack.
Does it also carry word of Marcus Crassus, the man who commanded it? Crassus You are pleased with the man Rome has sent to kill me.
Crassus stands as no other in certainty of intent.
He will not stop short of your end.
He is not the first Roman to believe himself capable of the act.
Those that came before him did not hold wealth to turn Juno Moneta envious.
Coin holds little worth upon the field of battle.
What of a mind keen enough to amass it? Upon our first meeting you spoke of dealings with Crassus.
I would know of anything ear may have caught.
Such knowledge will not reverse sun, nor alter the course of river's fate.
Then there stands no reason to deny request.
Our business with Crassus concerned only grain and shipment, nothing more.
Yet my husband imparted story, shared by Aedile of Neapolis towards future dealings.
The man was thick in negotiations with Crassus when he intercepted message from reviled competitor, offering more favorable terms to Crassus.
While seeing both profit and valuable client soon to vanish, the Aedile burned errant message, swiftly agreed to Crassus' demands.
Only to discover months later Crassus himself had sent the message, intending for the Aedile to lay hands upon it, and move in direction desired.
I too intercepted message from Crassus.
And used what was gleaned to clear path for him to assume command.
You have struck fear into the very heart of the Republic.
Imagine the glory that awaits the man who defeats you.
Heracleo delivers less than expected.
Rations must be lowered by another half.
We will make due.
Until Crassus reclaims the city.
He does not stand the only one capable of the unexpected.
Let us seek Heracleo, and a future even the mighty Crassus will not see coming.
Dispatch another thousand men to aid Quinctius.
We must see progress hastened.
My word and my will.
You understand what that means? Yes, Father.
Do you? The first battle in my campaign forever etched in history.
As a victory for Spartacus.
Father He was not to be engaged until I arrived with proper force.
Was command not fucking clear?! It was.
Yet opportunity presented when Spartacus moved beyond city walls.
I thought it greater offense not to seize moment.
Apologies for disobeying your command, Father.
A thing that could be forgiven in light of youth.
Yet your men falling to retreat does not so easily slip from concern.
I ordered them to stand ground.
Yet they fled.
Because they feared the enemy more than their commanders.
A false assumption we must see corrected.
What punishment would you have me inflict? One to stand warning.
That death at the hands of Spartacus pales against the wrath of the House of Crassus.
Decimation? Not since the days of Marius has savage ritual been so commanded.
He would make example.
Of what befalls a man who turns heel in face of enemy.
The fault is mine.
Had I obeyed your order to stand ground Our men broke rank and fled.
You were left absent choice.
As my father now leaves me.
Fifty men.
Fifty stones.
Five stained with the promise of death.
Draw well and live.
Draw poorly You stayed at my side while the others ran.
I am yet from this world because of you.
Place it from mind.
And pray I draw well.
You do not deserve to be placed at risk among cowards.
I will talk to my father and beg your removal from decimation.
The act would only diminish you in his eyes.
A thing I would never allow.
You stand most honorable in his legions.
And this is fucking reward! I shall do as commanded.
As all soldiers must.
The stables were a sweeter smell.
Where is Heracleo? He was heavy with drink and whores last I laid eyes.
Seek him upon deck of his ship.
The man has a well known preference for sea and cunt, spread equally before him.
Come, share cup, and we shall seek him together.
We would not wallow in such low company.
Ah We are moved by pressing business.
Another time.
Oh! You wish to fuck the man, make introduction and present cock.
I would sooner caress shit and call it lover.
Cilicians cannot be trusted.
You are familiar with their kind? I have had the displeasure of their company, in years past.
Choose words with care.
Walk with taste.
Spartacus calls them fucking ally.
You do not share opinion? It would hold no fucking matter.
I am but humble servant to the will of our glorious leader.
I have heard rumor Spartacus stands a god among his people.
I have imperiled life for his cause many times.
At Vesuvius and Calor and battles far too numerous in the counting.
Even in the taking of this fucking city.
Only to witness remainder of enemy spared within its walls.
And coin honestly gained stripped from hand to forge bargain with the fucking Cilicians.
But small wonder you are forced to relieve what you can from those newly entering gate.
A fraction of what is owed to me.
That is all I carry.
Consider it yours, toward our continued friendship.
Too small a sum, to purchase so rare an item.
Perhaps together we can see it grow.
And both our fortunes rise.
I will not have you speak of this.
Yes, Domina.
I no longer stand as such.
You may call me Laeta.
I often dreamed of being of your house.
You were one of Laurus', were you not? Many nights I laid prayers to be free of him.
If only city did not need to fall in their answering.
Embrace what you have.
All can change in sudden moment.
There, you fucking cunt! Brictius! Spartacus gave clear orders.
No hands are to be laid upon these people.
This Roman shit laid hands upon me, snapping at robe as I passed.
I but entreated for word of my sister Fuck your sister! Unleash cock, and find it severed.
All their fucking heads should be set upon pike.
Owed to Spartacus.
I tend to agree about the pikes.
Wait! My sister Fabia flaxen of hair, such as your woman.
I beg of you, I must know if she lives.
Many Roman dead.
You join sister perhaps, touch again one of us.
I have not seen her.
Hmm? Why Spartacus allow them live? I hold no understanding towards it, yet we shall honor desire.
Gannicus, I must have words.
None give little girl, not drink and fuck.
She makes valid argument.
You must listen.
I have laid eyes upon something that lends worry.
We have taken to each other's arms many times.
Yet never have soared so high.
We are far from Rome.
And tethers that prevent such flight.
For allowing me to stay by your side.
Mmm I would never have you leave it.
Your presence gives much needed comfort.
It must weigh mind.
This war with Spartacus.
He is but nuisance, soon to fade from memory.
My thoughts churn upon closer relation.
You have said Tiberius' wounds already mend.
He will stand your word and will in coming days.
A weight I question placing again on so green a sapling.
He grows stronger each day beneath warming sun of father's guidance.
Ah, Tiberius has given all to please me.
To become honored soldier.
Yet when eyes are greeted, there stands only a child before me.
Playing at the games of men.
He has fought and bled for the glory of Rome.
For his Imperator.
Does he not deserve to be treated as any other beneath your command? You know I stand sympathetic toward your plight.
Our numbers have unexpectedly swelled.
My men and I can only provide what we ourselves can lay hand upon.
It is not enough.
Perhaps it would be, if resources were not drained by undeserving mouths You stray from subject.
As you from reason.
Do you think they would treat your people with such kindness? We are not Romans.
Nor shall we become them by acts of unnecessary cruelty.
This fucking man! I will provide you with what I can to feed the lofty ideals.
Yet fear, it shall fall short of desired mark.
I would see target adjusted, and center struck with surer purpose.
You wish to alter terms of our agreement? I would but add to it, and see your ships filled with more promising cargo.
Nemetes! I would have words.
And I would finish fucking drink.
Fucking Gauls.
Shitholes rivaling the Thracians I am not fucking cur! Gauls.
Return to drink and whores, or part from this world.
You did not need to be so rough in demonstration.
We both must play our part.
Now speak about what have you discovered? The man holds no love for Rome, through weight of his words.
How do you balance them against truth? I believe his loyalties mirror my own.
Yet I will set final test, and gauge action against words.
If words prove false, so does the man.
See it done.
A common thing, to be so rudely handled by a brother? Ah, he stands no brother to me.
Nor any man that has not earned my trust.
I fear mood has taken sour turn.
Let us sweeten it with drink.
I would set desire towards greater spoils.
And in the revealing of them, set true nature to light This precious jewel once stood domina to many slaves within the city.
They attended her every need.
As she now attends ours Spartacus allows this? Fuck the gods, no.
He helped himself to my fucking coin.
I returned favor with one of his little pets.
Prove yourself no friend to these people.
Use this Roman for untold pleasures.
And when you have finished, leave fresh mark upon her.
As we have so often done.
Leave us.
Calm yourself, calm yourself.
I stand a Roman, as you.
My name is Gaius Julius Caesar.
I come in the name of Marcus Crassus.
His legions are gathering in the north.
We shall take this city, and see all those who have done this to you suffer.
Free me Soon Crassus will come.
You have my word.
Free me What is your name? Fabia.
Know that it shall not be forgotten.
Nor the men that set you upon this fate.
What have you done, you mad fuck?! I set her free.
As I would all Romans yet held by Spartacus.
You truly do stand one of us.
Come, brother.
Let us see it done.
There stands no stronger bond between men, than one forged in war.
Nor greater glory than to fall in defense of mother Rome.
Each of you swore sacramentum.
To obey order given.
To refrain from theft or breach of common law.
To protect the Legionary Standard.
And never to break rank nor flee from enemy.
Those who stand before me turned from field of battle.
Retreated from the rebel Spartacus and his army of slaves, fearing them more than their own commander.
An error this night I shall see corrected.
And in the lesson, lay fear upon proper name.
Those who survive decimation shall be banished to the followers camp.
To live among slaves and whores until such a day I deem you worthy of proper company.
Father, I would have word I am not your father in this.
I am your fucking Imperator.
I have too long considered you a child, Tiberius.
You stand a soldier now, and deserve to be treated as any other.
Join your men.
Fall to command.
Draw lots.
Let this night be forever remembered.
And cause never repeated.
Present your fates.
No, no, fuck! You cannot do that! Apologies there is so little.
Food grows scarce.
You risk life for us.
There is no more we can ask of you.
See heart lifted with welcomed news.
Crassus and his legions are but a day's march from our city.
He will retake it, and in the act end our suffering I fear it has just begun.
Apologies, Laeta.
I had to tell them what I saw.
The fault is my own.
For laying trust in a rebellious slave! Hold! This man.
He is the one Attius helped free? The blacksmith held no knowledge of it.
Your friend dead, because of her.
See them bound and taken to Spartacus.
They are his concern.
Where do you go? To see memory of Attius well fucking honored! None give rise to suspicion? They are eager for Roman blood.
As any true to our cause should be.
FabiaFabia! Nemetes! Break fucking words, and knowledge of what you carry! One of the missing Romans! She came at me out of the shadows half dead from attempted escape.
If it had not been for Lyciscus You spare their lives, and this is fucking gratitude! Fuck the Romans! Fuck the Roman cunts! Kill the fucking Romans! Fuck this.
All should be struck from this world.
Fuck the Romans! As you struck Attius from it? Subject has been laid to rest, Gannicus.
Along with fucking truth.
He aided the prisoners in escape.
And made attempt on my life when I discovered The Aedile's wife saw them free! How do you come upon this? Laeta hid them beneath the floor of her husband's stables.
Saxa carries her and the others to Spartacus.
It holds no matter.
Attius was a Roman, who fell to deserved fate.
He was my friend, you mad bitch! Seize tongue, brother Get him, Gannicus! Kill him, get the fucker! Let's see what you're made of, Gannicus! Come on, hit him! Gannicus! Calm yourself Fuck you! Come on! Get up! Gannicus! He left me no choice.
He protects the Romans! As does our mighty fucking leader! Is this what we have risked all for in joining cause?! Spartacus gives command! And I would give my life, to feel enemy's blood hot upon cheek.
We owe Spartacus our own lives.
Yet he is wrong in this.
A thing known by all.
For every unwanted touch placed upon you.
For every chain around neck, and every lash upon back! Take Roman blood as payment and let us see this city truly ours! I will not do this.
You shall do as commanded.
As all soldiers must.
Let it be done! Begin! No! Your lesson well learned.
Each day brings new madness.
Next you will ask to join in wresting moon from fucking heavens.
He sets purpose towards more earthly goal.
Does it lie within possibility, what I seek to do? All dreams are possible it is but effort and cost that keeps it from waking grasp.
See this last thing that I ask of you to its end, and I will fill your ship with all the riches this city yet holds.
Let us see it done then, brother! Spartacus! Crixus and the others have gone mad.
They're killing the Romans.
Keep watch over the Cilicians.
You seem to favor their fucking company.
Move, quickly! Come on, quick! Uh, sorry.
Oh, you must keep moving.
We will not make it to the villa.
No, you will not.
These for Spartacus.
Take from fucking path! I do not see Gannicus among you.
Nor cause to heed his bitch! Ah! I give cause.
More Romans! Oh my God please, hands off him! The Aedile's wife! You will regain sense! Or fall where you stand! It is you who has lost sense.
And the Aedile's wife who has seen you tumble from perch.
She is the one who helped these Roman shits slip bond! And smiled at you through fucking lies! A thing of truth.
Attius held no part in it.
Nor did he deserve the end that he met.
This is return for the mercy I grant you? Mercy? You robbed me of my husband.
Your people slaughtered thousands within my city.
And I now stand condemned, for trying to save but a handful from such cruelty? Learned at the hand of our Roman master.
Take her life, brother.
And in the act let us become as one again.
A thing deserved.
Yet I will not see us become the very thing we fight against.
There are many who question your mind in this.
I question mind as well placing faith in you as a leader.
See the Romans that yet live gathered within my villa.
Make further attempt against my will follow those you have struck down this night.
The man has helped us more than anyone.
Yet I now doubt path he travels.
Then perhaps the time has come, to forge our own.

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