Stargate SG-1 s03e04 Episode Script


Daniel? Any ideas about this place? It looks like it was built by an advanced|culture, then stripped and deserted.
The MALP showed no life signs.
What do you think? It is an ancient Goa'uld design.
Now, that is not a good smell.
Jesus! All right, level A.
- (Teal'c) Here's another one.
|- (O'Neill) More there.
(Carter) These aren't quite human.
|They're Goa'uld.
(Teal'c) This mechanism seems to have|been damaged by a ribbon device.
(Carter) Maybe they wanted|to contain whatever did this.
(Daniel) Teal'c,|do you recognise this symbol? - It is the crest of the Linvris.
|- (O'Neill) Which is what? Or who? A league of lesser Goa'uld|who challenge the System Lords.
- A minor league?|- Yes.
There are nine.
Five six, seven, eight, nine.
|Found 'em.
(Daniel) It's a Goa'uld tablet device,|like we found on Argos.
- Can you translate it?|- Part of it.
It's some sort of battle plan.
I need the hand device|to make the screen go to the next page.
That thing? (whoosh) Nothing's happening.
- What?|- I felt something brush by me.
All right, let's pack it outta here.
Leave this to the medical containment|unit.
It's getting creepy.
(woman whispers) Doctor Jackson? Out in a minute! (whispers) Doctor Jackson! Daniel.
- Were you calling me just now?|- No.
You weren't calling me|in the locker room a minute ago? No, it wasn't me.
General Hammond's|waiting for us in the briefing room.
The Goa'uld died before their hosts.
We know this due to a protein marker|left in host bodies after a Goa'uld dies.
- The same one I had after Jolinar died?|- Yes.
- How did they die, Doctor?|- I can't give you an accurate answer.
- Why not?|- As with Major Carter, .
the Goa'uld symbiotes died|and were absorbed by the host.
There's no Goa'uld corpse to study.
What about bio warfare?|Poison, disease, that kind of thing.
The Goa'uld are immune to such things.
- What about the hosts?|- Normal.
No wounds, no infections.
So why are they dead? Teal'c said|the door was disabled from the inside.
Locked in with no food, no water,|they probably starved.
I'm more concerned with|who killed the Goa'uld and why.
The System Lords|are the most likely suspect.
If the door was disabled internally,|how did the perp, or perps, get out? Maybe the assassins weren't visible|and we're the ones who let them out.
|You think Reetou were in there? Reetou would not spare the host.
Reetou|weaponry damages the human body.
Well, there you go.
Dr Jackson, what about|that Goa'uld tablet device? (PA) lncoming traveller.
Um it's a Goa'uld dialect akin to Latin.
From what Teal'c and I have made out,|it's some sort of attack plan.
Um I'm still trying to figure out how|to scroll to the next page, if there is one.
Dr Jackson, I want you to make|translating that tablet your priority.
- Yes, sir.
|- Dismissed.
(PA) SG-7 returning.
(mumbles in Goa'uld dialect) To enter by infiltration.
(man whispers) Daniel.
Daniel! Daniel! (chevrons locking) (distorted) Join with us, Daniel.
|Step through the gate, Daniel.
This isn't real.
Help! Somebody help! - Hello.
|- Hello.
What happened? - Do you believe in ghosts?|- Uh No.
Neither do l.
Which means|there has to be a logical explanation.
For what? When we were in the Linvris chamber,|I felt something brush by me.
And I've heard voices.
And I keep seeing the dead Goa'uld|from the massacre.
- Where?|- Last night they were in my closet.
In like a Stargate event horizon|without the gate.
- In your closet?|- Yes.
- I don't think they're dead.
|- Who? The stiffs in the morgue? The nine Goa'uld|that were using them as hosts.
I translated a phrase|in that tablet as "attack", .
but when I refined it, I realised|it means "to enter by infiltration".
- You think they're doing that?|- Yes.
- Through your closet?|- The Linvris were being hunted, right? What if they used some sort of technology|that transformed their bodies into .
l don't know, energy or something.
- Energy?|- Or something.
I don't know exactly how - Sam can|figure that out.
The point is, they're here.
They've entered by infiltration|and now they want me as a host.
All nine of 'em? - That sounds crazy, huh?|- Mmm Yeah.
I You gotta admit, there are|some holes in your theory here.
Well, it's a theory, not a proof.
Why are you the only one to see them?|Why didn't they come through my closet? Aside from the fact that yours is cleaner.
I don't know.
My only other theory is I'm|having some sort of nervous breakdown.
- Or something.
|- Or something.
- Doctor MacKenzie.
|- Colonel.
I'm not going to enjoy this, am l? Dr MacKenzie's work involves analysing|psychological data from SG units, .
specifically looking for|common side effects to gate travel.
Dr Jackson's episode yesterday|may have uncovered a serious one.
Dr Fraiser's been treating you|for headaches lately, hasn't she? - Yes.
What's that got to do with Daniel?|- Well, you're not the only one.
A lot of people get headaches.
|What's your point? Dr Jackson has experienced|what I'd characterise as .
a first-break psychotic episode, .
which may be manifesting|full-blown hebephrenic schizophrenia.
- Migraines are often one of the first signs.
|- Wait a minute.
Daniel's a schizophrenic|and it's caused by the Stargate? It's the only logical explanation, Colonel.
It sounds fairly theoretical to me.
- Does anybody think it could be stress?|- Much as I'd like to think so, .
the evidence doesn't point that way.
Daniel has paranoid delusions,|auditory and visual hallucinations.
Dr Jackson's dopamine levels have risen|in the left hemisphere of his brain.
These symptoms|are textbook schizophrenia.
How could this happen|without us noticing signs? Nobody knows the cause|of schizophrenia.
Some cases are genetic, but there's|no history of it in Daniel's family.
When it's not genetic, it's environmental,|and the Stargate is a plausible cause.
I've been through the gate as often|as Daniel.
I don't have headaches.
You may have an immunity,|possibly due to Jolinar.
All right.
Let's say for the sake|of argument that it is the Stargate, .
a theory to which I do not ascribe.
Then why don't we just put|a sign at the base of the ramp .
that says "Gate travel may be|hazardous to your health"? - I can live with that.
|- So can l, sir.
The Air Force can't.
I can't risk any SG|officer having delusions during a crisis.
Therefore, all outstanding SG teams|are being recalled for evaluation.
- You're shutting down the programme?|- Until Dr MacKenzie submits his report.
If his theory is correct, limits will|be placed on the number of missions.
Till then, the Stargate is closed.
- General|- There is no debate, Colonel.
Of course not.
What about Daniel, sir? For now, we're going to medicate him|and let him rest in one of the VIP rooms.
If his symptoms persist, or he becomes|a threat to himself or anyone else, .
we'll have to commit him|to Mental Health.
- Oh.
|- What? - Didn't see that?|- I was oh-ing about something else.
I should have done that|two moves ago.
What was I thinking? Yeah, well.
You're a little off.
I don't feel off.
I feel I feel fine.
No headaches, no tension,|I mean, I feel normal.
It's because it was just stress.
And I have a very calming effect|on stressed-out people.
- How about a game of gin?|- I'm not very good at gin.
Good! Get the cards.
(chevrons locking) (screeching) - Jack.
|- Yeah? What? It's nothing.
You all right? I'm fine.
How are you feeling? (screeching) Good.
Real good.
- There's a Goa'uld in you! I'll get it out!|- Get There's no Goa'uld in me! I'm sorry.
I saw it.
I saw it.
You all right? Come on.
Easy, easy, easy.
Put your head down.
Don't expect much.
If he becomes agitated, call the aides.
Jack? It's us, Daniel.
Can't you see us? I was just making sure|you weren't figments of my mind.
They took away my glasses|in case I broke the lenses and, uh .
tried to, uh, hurt myself.
- Are they treating you OK?|- Yeah.
I'm sorry.
- For what?|- For being such a headcase.
It's not your fault, Daniel.
O'Neill believes it's to do with the Linvris.
You remember in that chamber you said|you felt something brush by you? Yes.
It was them.
I know you don't believe me,|but I felt them.
- They heard me.
|- (heavy footsteps) They're coming.
They're coming.
- Only your friends are here, Daniel.
|- (Daniel) They're coming.
I hear footsteps.
- Footsteps.
|- Daniel, there are no footsteps! Stay with us.
(footsteps approach) Footsteps! (laughs) I told you.
That's one of them.
- He's right there.
|- There is no one at my side, Daniel.
Yes, there is.
Wanna get the aides? - Something just went inside Teal'c.
|- You're hallucinating, Daniel.
Don't just stand there! Get it out of him! (Daniel groans) (man) You have delivered me to the vile|Goa'uld so that I may destroy him.
Ma'chello! OK, let's raise the dose.
|5ml at four-hour intervals.
God, I hate seeing him like that.
Nothing worse than losing your mind|and knowing it's happening.
Inventions to fight the Goa'uld! - Ma'chello.
|- Yes.
Yes, inventions to fight the Goa'uld.
Dr MacKenzie! Dr MacKenzie! Teal'c's symbiote is dying.
|I can't explain why.
Teal'c, what about that kelno'reem thing? Is he having hallucinations|like Dr Jackson? No.
His dopamine levels are normal.
Besides, Daniel didn't have|the same physical symptoms.
They seem to be unrelated.
What are we talking about, timewise? Without another symbiote, a day, two.
|Maybe less.
Even if we found another larval Goa'uld|in time, it might not survive either.
Dr Jackson? Stop.
One second.
Look, Daniel, it's time for your meds.
I don't, uh I don't need any more drugs.
I need to get|the ones you got in my system out of it.
- No, Daniel.
You need rest.
|- I think I've rested enough.
Just tell me one thing.
Is Teal'c sick? Not that I'm aware of.
|I haven't been to the SGC.
Dr Jackson, I insist you calm yourself.
Otherwise, I'll have to have you|restrained and further sedated.
Why are you so quick|to jump to the conclusion I'm crazy? That I'm dangerous, I'm out of control? It's cos I'm kinda acting that way, aren't l? I just need to get these drugs|out of my system.
Look I know you probably hear this all the time,|but I think I'm cured.
You're right, I hear it all the time.
|I'm afraid it doesn't work that way.
You don't get well|from something like this overnight.
You do if there were|an alien organism inside you .
making you think you were sick|when you really weren't.
And you, uh, found this out how? - Ma'chello told me.
|- Ma'chello? He's an alien old man we met on P3C-599.
Dr Jackson, you haven't had any visitors.
No, of course I haven't.
- You see, Ma'chello is dead.
|- Dead? Yet he told you that there was someone|inside you making you appear crazy? That's a good point.
I wouldn't, uh,|buy that if I were you either.
Just do me one favour, OK? Contact the SGC.
Find out if Teal'c is sick.
If he is, .
promise me|you'll let me talk to Jack O'Neill.
Dr MacKenzie seems to think there's|some sort of change with Dr Jackson.
A change, sir? He's requesting|that you come out there, Colonel.
(groans) (door unlocked) Hey, Daniel.
You don't, uh You don't need|to walk on eggshells any more.
I'm better.
So I hear.
Uh, it's .
not that I doubt you, but um, why|do you think it happened all of a sudden? I don't completely|understand it myself, but .
l saw something come out of me|and go into Teal'c.
- And then I heard Ma'chello's voice.
|- Uh Ma'chello? Just hear me out.
|I'm guessing it wasn't actually Ma'chello.
It was probably some sort of|technological or organic recording.
It spoke about delivering Ma'chello to the|vile Goa'uld, which started me thinking.
Maybe I had some sort of .
Goa'uld-killing invention inside of me.
One of Ma'chello's inventions.
And that's what made you nuts? Since I don't have a Goa'uld,|the side effect must make .
normal people act like they're - (whispers) Nuts.
|- Schizophrenic.
Teal'c is sick, right? - Right.
|- Well, he does have a Goa'uld.
- Your dopamine is back to normal.
|- I'm back to normal.
OK, let's say your concept about|the Goa'uld-killing invention is right.
- Why did it take so long to go into Teal'c?|- I don't know.
Maybe it needed a close proximity|to sense his Goa'uld larva.
I had a lot of time locked in that little|room to think about this.
It makes sense.
Why am I back to normal? And coincidentally, hours after|touching me, Teal'c is sick.
Why didn't I get sick when we played|cards and you were jumping all over me? - Because you don't have a Goa'uld larva.
|- Daniel, we ran every test we have.
MRl, CAT scan, X-rays,|full blood work-up.
There is nothing foreign|in Teal'c or his symbiote.
It's there.
I know it! I saw it.
Those bodies|had only been there a month.
Ma'chello died six months ago.
|How could he have done it? What if he planted those killing devices|there six months ago? Or a year ago? - The Linvris walk into their meeting|- Like a land mine? Yes! World War I mines still go off in France .
long after the soldiers|that planted them died.
- You think Ma'chello made this?|- Right.
Everything from Ma'chello's laboratory|is in Area 51 .
It's in our database.
Let's see if something looks familiar.
Right there.
Right there.
Back it up.
I picked that up in the Linvris chamber.
(Dr Fraiser) Why did he make|so many page-turning devices? It could be our land mine.
On the right is the PTD from the Linvris .
and the one on the left is from Area 51 .
They look like the one from Argos.
Maybe|the Linvris thought it was their own.
- It's a good way to hide a mine.
|- Yeah.
Question is, how do we set it off? No.
Um Let's see what happens|when we use it on the tablet.
(whoosh) (crackling) There they are.
I'm counting five ten altogether, .
so if all PTDs are the same,|that's about ten per device.
That's how I got infected.
|There were nine Linvris.
When you activated the device,|the last one went into you.
Let's try and immobilise one|and put it under the scope.
- Breach!|- Whoa! (siren) Whoa! Who-whoa! General Hammond,|B Haz Mat Observation right away! (screams) No! Great.
We have a breach.
Is there any chance of further|contamination to the base? Judging by Daniel's experience,|if we stay here .
and don't go near anybody else,|the base is probably secure.
Dr Warner to B Haz Mat|Three Observation - stat.
Containment team to B Haz Mat Three|for containment integrity scan.
There has to be an answer in this tablet.
- Can we do anything from in here?|- Nothing, Colonel.
All the specimens are inside us.
Since we're infected|by multiple organisms, .
we can expect our symptoms|to be rapidly acute.
I'd like to apologise in advance|for anything I may say or do .
that could be construed as offensive .
as I slowly go nuts! Likewise, Colonel.
Colonel? Janet? Carter? (distorted)|Sir, there's nothing wrong with me.
Sam, you've got four of them in you.
I-l know that, but I feel fine.
You're not seeing or hearing|any of this stuff? No.
Sir, I feel completely normal.
|I mean, somehow, I must be immune.
Dr Fraiser, what can I do to help? Uh Not much, I'm afraid.
Doctor, there's nothing wrong with me.
Sir, I'd like Dr Warner to take some tests,|try to figure out why.
That's not possible.
Another person may|be contaminated, if not the entire base.
Those organisms left my body.
|I might be immune.
I may be the only one|who can go in and help them.
We don't know that, Dr Jackson.
|I can't let you risk it.
Dr Warner will stay here.
We'll get|whoever else you think could help.
But you'll have to figure it out in there.
I understand, sir.
Whoa! - Oh, I think I spoke too soon.
|- What's wrong? God, something's happening.
I think they're dead.
- Daniel, I could have sworn I heard|- Ma'chello? Yes.
He said my Goa'uld captor is dead,|but I don't have a Goa'uld.
You did.
That has to be it.
Janet said a Goa'uld dies and dissolves|into a host, leaving a protein marker.
So these inventions die|because they detect the marker? That doesn't make any sense.
|Why isn't Jack immune? He should have a protein marker|from Hathor's Goa'uld.
That Goa'uld left|Colonel O'Neill's body .
and died before it had|a chance to take over.
Janet? Can you hear me? Can we extract my blood and inject it|into everyone that's infected? No, your blood types don't match.
|You'd have to isolate the protein.
How do I do that? You don't have the equipment there.
|Besides, it would take weeks.
There's gotta be a way!|We got all this stuff! Sorry, but you need to use|high-pressure liquid chromatography .
to separate the protein factors|from the rest of the blood.
That would yield 30 to 40 proteins.
|You'd have to test each one OK! I get the point.
What? What about the centrifuge? Put as much blood as possible|in centrifuge.
You're wasting your time, Major.
- Now what?|- It's too hot.
It's too hot.
|They're trying to suffocate us.
No! You're a Goa'uld! Stay away! (distorted) I'm not a Goa'uld, Janet.
|It's me - Sam.
(whimpers) - I'm your friend.
|- (whimpers) Put the test tube in the centrifuge.
Get back with me here! We're trying to separate|that protein from my blood, remember? The centrifuge finished.
Now what? You're wasting your time.
|She's not in her right mind.
There's only one way|to separate that protein.
You don't need to.
|Just need to separate red blood cells.
- What? What's she talking about?|- I see where you're going.
Don't even try to separate the proteins.
Just separate the rejectable parts|and give them all the rest.
- What?|- What makes blood types incompatible .
is just the red blood cells|and part of the plasma.
If we can get those out,|the rest should be safe.
- Quick freeze.
|- Quick freeze? Major, look in the freezer.
|See if there's any dry ice.
- Yeah, there's a ton of it.
|- Good.
Follow my directions very carefully.
Looks good.
Pick your first patient.
This was your idea.
Wanna be first? - You look terrible.
|- Thank you, sir.
I need to give you a shot.
|Will you let me do that? - Janet?|- Uh, I'm hearing - Hearing Ma'chello?|- Yeah! Ah! (gasps) Ugh! OK.
Well, I don't know if this is going to work.
He'll have the marker,|but he'll still have a Goa'uld larva.
Depends on how smart|Ma'chello made the little beggars.
(groans) Ma'chello.
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