Sweet Home (2020) s03e04 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 4

[theme music playing]
[sinister music playing]
[ground rumbling]
A warm-up could be fun.
[rumbling continues]
[monsters growling]
Ugh, what the fuck am I doing here?
[monster chattering]
[monster groaning]
[laughing softly]
[monster growling]
[laughing hysterically]
[exhales in exasperation]
[in deep voice] Protein.
[suspenseful music playing]
[monster snarling, roaring]
[monster groaning]
[monster grunting]
[monster growling]
[Hyun-su grunting]
- [stabbing]
- [monster groaning]
[monster groaning]
[music subdues]
[monster snorting]
[suspenseful music swells]
[music stops]
Are you one of us, then?
It's been a while since we had a new face.
[sweeping whoosh]
[Hyun-su] I'm not a pathetic lab rat
like you and your friends.
[tense music playing]
How could you not remember
a face like this?
Are you still searching for new friends?
[tense music swells]
How many have you found?
Cha Hyun-su?
So you finally remembered.
Hey, put that down now.
[music subdues]
Oh, this?
[monster flesh gurgling]
[Jae-jin yelps]
[groaning in pain]
[Jae-jin screaming]
Did I say you could move it?
Where's Jung Ui-myeong?
Where is that bastard hiding?
Th-The stadium! The stadium!
It's not too far from here.
How's he doing in that awful body of his?
Is he doing okay?
Fuck off!
[blood squelching]
I shouldn't have taken this body. Fuck!
What the hell? Why won't it work?
[Jae-jin whimpering]
He was stuck in there,
unable to get out of it.
He'll make it out soon. I know it.
I suppose that's enough.
I'll just see for myself.
[Hyun-su's jumping whoosh]
[Jae-jin screaming]
Kill me!
Just kill me already!
[Jae-jin screaming]
[Hyun-su] Yeah, I'm going to.
[muffled screaming]
[Jae-jin] Kill me!
[music fades]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [stomping]
- [door opens]
Sergeant Tak,
in front of the main gate, there's
[Ja-yeong on radio]
People are approaching the gate.
They look like scraps.
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music crescendos]
[music fades]
[monster flesh crackling]
[neohuman 1] We're here to find our kin.
All we have to do
is find our brother. That's all.
We promise we will cause no harm
to you or anyone else here.
[Chi-seong scoffs]
[Chi-seong] Isn't it time you bunch
gave up looking for that family of yours?
[menacing music playing]
You said you wouldn't kill anyone.
I said I wouldn't kill any people.
[In-hwan] If they're not people,
then what are they?
It's clear that you've been
living under a rock.
You wanna know what they are?
A bunch of those things live out there.
[suspenseful music playing]
[suspenseful music swells]
[Sang-won] There's no need
to worry about others.
Also, the promise we had
I owe you a gift
for what you showed me, right?
What would you like?
[footsteps approaching]
Give me that.
What the hell?
Hey, she is
And those too.
But these are mine.
[Yi-kyung] It's okay.
It's okay.
[breathing heavily]
Why are you
still human?
I thought I turned you into a monster.
Do you want me to be a monster?
So I don't have to hate you.
Hate me?
You hate me?
'Cause I thought you hated me so.
[somber music playing]
[Yi-kyung] Why did you do it again?
That's why I locked you up,
for your own sake.
I did it so you couldn't do
something like that again!
I make you uncomfortable when I'm around.
It scares you, and it hurts you.
Don't you hate me for being a monster?
I thought you might understand me
if you were a monster, too.
[Yi-kyung sniffling]
Your mother doesn't hate you.
I tried to ignore the fact that
you were special and a little different.
I didn't want to accept that it was true.
Because I was afraid.
I let my greed get the better of me.
I'm so sorry.
[loud sigh]
It's too crowded and dangerous to be here.
I want us to go outside
and start over together.
Tell me.
Would you like that?
Will you join me?
I'm not sure.
[breathing deeply]
Take your time to decide
if you'd like to come with me.
If you can give me another chance
meet me right here in front of the vent.
I'll wait here until you come.
[somber music continues]
What business do you have here?
I told you that nobody
is permitted to leave.
Trying to run away?
[tense music playing]
You know, this uniform looks familiar.
I think there were around four of them.
why'd you send them to Bamseom?
You should take those off now.
And I advise you
to fix your habit of being nosy.
Blend in with the others,
and keep your head down.
- You bastard!
- [In-hwan] Lee Dong-jun.
- Go inside.
- [Dong-jun] Sergeant!
[Chi-seong] You're not going anywhere.
You must be punished. You broke the rules.
mistakes need to be corrected.
[suspenseful rock music playing]
[Dong-jun] Sergeant!
You said symptomatic individuals
can roam freely.
[flesh squelching]
Are we good now?
How did it go?
[music fades]
Sergeant Tak is symptomatic now.
[door shuts]
[knocking on door]
Ah, nearly locked in. Jeez.
Why were you stuck in there?
Let's say I was ambitious.
what is it you came
to see me for, Sergeant?
I told the special infectees
that I'm symptomatic now.
We need to act while their guard is down.
[bold music playing]
Ah, that's good.
You remember what I said before?
Cutting alone doesn't remove it.
You gotta take advantage and kill them
while they're weak, you know?
So you're saying
I need to face at least one of them
in my current state?
I told you it'd be tough,
but it's better than not having an option.
- [grunts]
- [thuds]
Do you know how many of these
are out there?
[monster flesh trickling]
They're everywhere.
But those guys
can't seem to stand the sight of them.
I wonder why.
What is this?
[music fades]
[suspenseful music playing]
[breathing shakily]
[gun cocks]
[suspenseful music swells]
[Eun-hyeok] You waited patiently
and you weren't foolish.
No matter what I say,
most people don't listen.
[monster body crackling]
I've seen many die trying to run away.
[monster's footsteps receding]
Meaning you must be different.
You were a great help at Bamseom.
I'm back, thanks to you.
[trigger clicks]
But I confirmed
that you were clearly dead.
I'm sure we have a lot
of questions for each other.
Explain yourself.
What kind of monster are you?
It's not like that.
So then what? You control others?
I communicate with them.
Come closer.
[music fades]
[objects clacking]
You asked what I was, right?
That's what we call ourselves.
[tense music playing]
A peace offering.
Thought it might help our relationship.
[trigger clicks off]
[ethereal hissing]
[tense music continues]
[distant chittering]
What's that cocoon thing?
A heart.
When we return to a heart, we're reborn.
I was symptomatic
and underwent the monsterization process.
In the past, I was human just like you,
and now I'm a being
that can be born again.
[door opens]
There are three days left, right?
It might just work out this time,
so be patient.
[cocoon gurgling]
[In-hwan] Aside from that
what on earth are these?
[Sang-won] Ah.
The scraps.
These strange things would visit us
while I was at Bamseom.
[eerie music playing]
They pestered me,
saying they were looking for something,
so I killed every one I found.
But, turns out, they just become cocoons
and are reborn from them.
[inhales deeply]
So, if they're born again?
I kill them again, simple as that.
They'll endure endless pain
the moment they're reborn.
They'll see me and give up eventually.
So, s-so you're saying
that they're reborn and
The next stage of monsterization
is becoming immortal?
[monster arm stabbing]
They came here looking for their brothers.
There must be something
that they're not telling us.
[cocoon gurgling]
[Sang-won] They have a real knack
for sniffing each other out.
I've never seen this.
- And if you do see one?
- I'll deal with it and tell you.
They ruined the natural order of things.
The special infectees?
We're most vulnerable in the heart,
and they know
they can take advantage of that.
Then why did they lock you away?
They could've gotten rid of you
when you were in the heart.
[Eun-hyeok] I assume
they needed a better way.
Something faster
than killing us one by one.
So instead of that
they wanted to locate our home.
[pensive music playing]
The special infectees
headed to the stadium.
If they were looking for your home,
why would they go there?
They probably had another motive.
You keep on saying "us."
Are there a lot of neohumans like you?
How many people do you think
have become monsters?
It's only a matter of time now
before we're all neohuman.
Take me to the stadium.
Tell me what the special infectees
are afraid of first.
[bold organ music playing]
Beings like us.
[bold organ music crescendos]
[pensive guitar music playing]
[Ha-ni] Is your family there, at that
stadium or whatever?
[breathing deeply]
No, we've lost touch a while ago.
[fire crackling]
Then why do you want to go back?
You don't even have family there.
'Cause it's the only place I can go.
Living there is not bad, though.
Let's go together.
Is that a proposal, then?
You're saying
you'll take care of me, right?
Uh, it wasn't like that.
Ugh, she's back so soon.
Clueless brat.
[Ha-ni] Hey, what's wrong?
Where'd Hyun-su go?
[upbeat rock music playing]
[Jae-jin screaming]
[laughing hysterically]
- [music subdues]
- [laughing continues]
What's so funny?
Let me in on the fun.
I just feel bad seeing you
walking to your own death.
- [laughing]
- Is that right?
You don't feel bad for yourself?
If you face him this time, then
I know you will die for real.
They won't go easy on you any longer.
[laughing hysterically]
[Jae-jin yelps]
The experiments must've messed you up
'cause you only talk nonsense.
That man
that you so respect
I'll show you how weak he is.
Will I be able to wake him?
[fire crackling]
A bet like that was always ridiculous.
[sighs] Are you just
gonna let him go like that?
You just found him, though.
[tuts] What's with you?
Let go. I need to go.
Where are you going?
The stadium.
Hyun-su's heading there.
They're all in danger.
Hyun-su is a risk to them all!
[tense music playing]
Think you can walk?
- Yeah.
- Let's go.
I'll explain more on the way.
[tense music intensifies]
Why did you reject the offer he proposed?
There aren't that many of us
left in the world.
There's no need to do this
for the sake of humans.
That's not why.
The only motive I have for doing this
is for personal reasons.
I only do things for Cha Hyun-su's sake.
You're so fucking lucky
it was only a mistake on your part.
- [thuds]
- [Jae-jin groans]
[Hyun-su] Don't think of it as unfair.
[exhales sharply]
There's nothing wrong with the strong
playing with the weak, right?
- [grunts]
- [flesh sizzling]
[Jae-jin screaming]
[Jae-jin yelping]
That little piece of shit.
[music fades]
I saw you practicing.
We're able to learn everything fast.
You don't die,
and you're able to learn fast?
What the hell will you do
with all that power?
We find and gather other neohumans
birthed from hearts.
There's nothing more.
We just exist.
One more question.
What happens to your old memories,
your human ones?
Is that really important?
We've achieved everything we had to.
That is what it means to evolve.
[engine starting]
My mom came back again.
I thought that she hated me,
maybe even abandoned me.
But she came to see me.
I didn't want to see her again.
But seeing her face
made me want to leave with her.
But if I go with Mom
I will
never see Yeong-su again.
[Yeong-su] When are you leaving?
Were you going to leave
without saying goodbye?
You said she's waiting.
Go with your mom.
I want to see my mom but I can't do that.
She's already dead.
That's why Ms. Cha
is taking care of me instead.
You should go with her
while you still can.
I'm not sure, though.
[Yeong-su] That's a lie. You wanna go.
So you can ask her what your name is.
[gentle music playing]
You left this for me, didn't you?
Mm-hmm, it's yours.
Do you know what this is?
This is my older sister's.
It's an award given to a person
who protected someone well.
You have to look after each other,
okay, hmm?
[Yeong-su] But I'd like you
to have it now.
You said we won't see each other again.
You should take it.
[music pauses]
[gentle music resumes]
[door opens]
[gentle music builds]
[gentle music continues]
You don't wanna go?
No, that's why I'm here.
I wanna go.
What is it?
I have a question.
Do I
have a name?
They say all living things have names.
Does that mean
You have one. Of course you do.
You definitely do.
[Kid] Really?
What is it?
[Sang-won] Yi-kyung.
- [gun cocks]
- [breathing nervously]
[tense music playing]
I have missed you.
This is weird
because I look so different?
I understand.
But you should understand this.
You know the awful state my body was in.
You saw it yourself.
Nam Sang-won is dead.
But I still remember who you are.
And I am right here.
I may have moved to a different body, but
I still ended up going
to Green Home to find you.
I missed you.
[somber music playing]
I missed you, Yi-kyung.
[stifled laughter]
[inaudible crying]
[blood squelching]
[Sang-won screaming]
[shouting] Go!
[both grunting]
- [intense squelching]
- [knife clatters]
[breathing heavily]
Go now!
[Yi-kyung yelping]
You should've just woven into the plot.
[Yi-kyung grumbling]
[suspenseful music playing]
[groaning in pain]
[suspenseful music accelerates]
- [grunts]
- [gun cocks]
[Yi-kyung screaming]
[Kid yelps]
[Kid screaming]
[groaning in pain]
[Sang-won] Take a good look.
She's our child.
You crazy bastard.
Thank you, Seo Yi-kyung.
[Yi-kyung whimpering]
Thank you for this glorious gift.
[Yi-kyung breathing heavily]
[Kid grunting]
[soft laughter]
[Yi-kyung grunts]
Come to me.
Come into me.
If you need a body, please take mine.
You lost your worth
when you had this child.
It's the only reason
I let you live at all!
You have done enough.
[Kid whimpering]
Prepare to die.
[Yi-kyung groans]
[breathing heavily]
[gun clicks]
- [screaming]
- [gunshot]
[Sang-won screaming]
[Yi-kyung straining loudly]
[sighs] You need to go, Yi-su.
[breathing shakily]
Is that my name?
Seo Yi-su.
[angelic choral music playing]
I-I'm sorry for keeping
your name from you.
I'm sorry. [sobbing]
I'm so sorry.
- [stabbing]
- [yowling]
[groaning, choking]
[Yi-su sobbing]
[Yi-kyung] Go.
[Yi-su weeping]
[stifled] Go
Go, Yi-su.
Yi-su [yelps]
[Yi-su sobbing]
[somber music playing]
Hey, Mom!
Wait, no!
No way
No way No!
[wailing] Mom!
[closing theme music playing]
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