The Baxters (2024) s03e04 Episode Script

The Moment of Truth

You invited Kari
to my trip to L.A.?
Aren't you excited to see him?
I don't know.
I kind of feel like
he's been avoiding me.
Mom, it's Lori.
I really need you right now.
-How can I help you?
-[Ashley] Is Landon here?
We're just stopping by
to say hi.
-They just left.
[Doug] He was with, um,
I think, his girlfriend
and I guess their baby?
I can't believe that.
Lori said you were having
some of the girls over tonight.
'Cause of your break-up.
[cell phone vibrating]
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
How long you been up?
[voice shaking] Um,
practically all night.
What's wrong?
-Why didn't you wake me?
-I don't know.
-I just think I might be
coming down with something.
I'm fine.
Lori, hey.
You're really warm.
Seriously, you want me
to take you to the doctor?
No, I'm fine.
I just need to get to class.
Class? Really?
Yeah, what's that
supposed to mean?
I ran into Gaby the other day.
Didn't seem like she knew
anything about a sleepover
or a conference.
I was at my mom's yesterday.
-Your mom's?
Come on, you two barely speak.
Well, she needed
something, I
I just didn't want
to get into it with you
because it just turned
into a big fight
with her as usual.
I just don't wanna
talk about it.
Whoa, hey! Lori.
-You need to sit down.
-No, it's fine.
I just got up too fast.
It's fine.
I need to get to class.
-No. It's not fine.
-It's fine.
[water running]
It just doesn't make sense.
It's definitely shocking.
I mean,
a girlfriend and a baby!
I I mean,
I'm assuming it's not his.
It can't be.
I just I don't believe it.
You know, Ash,
if you and Landon technically
are not in a relationship,
maybe he thought
dating other people
would help him
transition to L.A.
Okay, I don't know
who that guy was we saw
at the fire station,
but I just know in my heart
he was wrong.
And maybe Landon does know
the girl we saw
but she is not his girlfriend.
He would've said something.
How do you know?
I can't explain it, I
I just trust him.
I get it. I feel the
same way about Ryan.
I know his heart.
Okay, new plan.
You need to go
to that fire station
and get the story straight.
-From Landon.
-Mmm, that makes me nervous.
I know, but you can do it
and I'll be there
if you need me.
I think I need to talk
to Landon, myself.
-Is that okay?
-Of course.
But I mean,
I feel bad leaving you. I
[gasps] Maybe, you can go
to that wedding dress shop
we saw near the park yesterday.
It might help to look,
you know,
while you're away from
everything at home.
Ooh, that makes me nervous.
But, you're right.
That's a good idea.
-Look at us getting along.
-I know. Right?
[both chuckle]
[heart beating steadily]
Hey, Lori.
[heart beating rapidly]
[people gasp]
[girl] Lori?
[boy] Get an ambulance!
[girl] Somebody call 911! Lori!
Yeah, let's stay with that.
She seems to be responding
to it. Great.
Hey, you owe me 20 bucks,
I told you they would win.
-Good morning, Catherine.
How you doing?
-Hey, morning is busy.
Uh, unfortunately,
two new patients were admitted.
Uh, let's see.
-Lori Callahan?
-You know her?
I do know that name.
How old is she?
Early twenties, maybe.
She had a university ID.
She's right down there.
[EKG beeping steadily]
[John] What caused it?
An infection
following an abortion.
Dr. Baxter?
Has she had any visitors?
Only the girl
that rode with her
in the ambulance.
We know the next
12 hours are critical.
If the infection
spreads to her blood,
we could lose her.
Thank you.
[Landon mumbling]
[Ashley] Hi!
What What are
you doing here?
An art gallery here
is showing some of
my new paintings.
That's amazing.
See, I told you
you should keep painting.
I'm so proud of you.
Wait, why didn't you tell me
you were coming here?
[chuckles softly]
I wasn't sure you'd be
so happy to see me.
You cut me off
last time we talked.
And you haven't answered
any of my calls since.
I saw you
in the park yesterday.
What? What do you mean?
I came here,
and one of your co-workers
said you were out
with your girlfriend.
Then I saw you in the park
-with a girl.
-And her baby.
-I can explain.
I know you can.
I trust you, Landon.
That's why I came
back here today.
Look, whoever that girl is,
and whatever you're
doing with her,
just please tell me.
You didn't see who it was,
did you?
Hey, are you not hungry?
You're not hungry?
What What are you
doing here?
I, uh I
I think we need to talk.
[John] I know. It breaks my
heart she made this choice.
[sighs] I was so disappointed.
And Luke?
This young girl
lying in that hospital bed
in that condition alone.
We raised him to be there.
To take responsibility
for his actions.
What has happened to our son?
I don't know.
But we have to do something.
I'm gonna reach out to him.
What will you say?
I don't know.
God, please let us be near
the end of this storm.
We need your strength.
Lord, show us that you care.
Be with us now.
Lord, show us that you care.
-[Kari] He has Luke's eyes.
-[Reagan laughs] Yeah.
-And his smile, I think.
How, um
How how is Luke?
I don't know.
None of us have
really seen him
since the shooting and
you leaving.
He's completely turned
his back on his faith
and our family.
Do you blame me?
It was so painful.
Neither of you knew what to do.
I blame myself.
[inhales] I ran away.
I couldn't handle it and
I just left him,
abandoned him right there.
I don't know
how he could ever
forgive me for all of this.
is making a lot of his
own choices right now.
You're both struggling.
It sounds like an
important question
for you to ask,
maybe as a first step
to finding your way back
is whether or not
you can forgive yourself.
[sighs] Yeah.
[EKG beeping steadily]
[Elizabeth] "The Lord himself
goes before you
and will be with you.
He will never leave you
nor forsake you.
Do not be afraid.
Do not be discouraged."
-Come on.
-No, Ash, we have to
wait for your sister.
-Because it's a family thing.
[Landon clears throat]
Wait, what are you doing here?
Wait. You're who we saw
in the park.
Wait, and whose baby is this?
Ashley, I can
explain everything.
You haven't been gone
enough months to
This is Tommy.
Thomas Luke.
Did you know about this?
No. Ash, I just found Reagan
at the same park
we were in yesterday.
I had no idea.
[Reagan] Nobody knows
besides Landon.
He was on call when I went
into emergency labor.
I didn't even know
that he was in California
until then.
So you're telling me
that Luke does not know
he has a child!
I think you should all
sit down and talk.
And I will take Tommy
for a stroll.
-I don't think I can
do that right now.
-Ash, please.
[softly] Give me strength.
I don't even know
where to begin.
Is it okay if I ask you
when you found out
you were pregnant?
It was about a month
after I got here,
when I moved in with my mom.
[Ashley sighs]
So, almost eight months ago.
I know.
But I was in a complete daze
for the majority
of my pregnancy.
I didn't even tell my mom
until I was six months along.
I don't know if I was in denial
or just grieving for my dad.
That does not mean
Luke didn't deserve to know.
I know,
I just couldn't face it.
I was so ashamed
of what we did.
And the judgement
that comes with it.
I understand that.
You feel like
no one will understand.
And worse, you'll face
judgement from the Christians
in our community.
I felt the exact same way.
I've never been so terrified
of people's opinions.
But there's a life here.
A beautiful baby boy.
And there are people
that wanna love him.
Like we all love Cole.
I know, and I'm
going to tell Luke.
I promise, I just need
to figure out the right time.
So please, I'm begging
you both not to tell him.
Look, you're asking us
to lie to our brother.
I'm asking you
to let me figure this out
on my own terms.
Wouldn't you want the same?
I don't know, Reagan.
I get it.
won't say anything.
But you need to tell him soon.
[crying] I will. I will.
I promise.
Thank you.
Thank you both so much.
[Ashley] This is insane.
You cannot believe how I felt
when I saw that it was
Reagan in the park.
I can't believe I missed that.
[Kari] Honestly, it may
have been for the best
that you weren't there.
[sighs] Are we bad sisters
for not telling Luke?
Or at least Mom and Dad.
I don't know.
I don't know what
the right thing to do is.
I just hope she does
the right thing.
Okay, can I make a super
horrible confession
about all this?
I'm so glad Landon doesn't
have a secret girlfriend
in California.
[both laugh]
Well, there's the
silver lining to it.
[cell phone ringing]
You can answer that
if you want.
Um, no, it's, uh,
a telemarketer.
-Yeah. Why?
You looked way more
nervous than I'd be
for a stupid telemarketer.
I'm fine.
We need snacks.
[John] Good shot.
-What are you doing here?
I think the better question
is what are you doing here?
-What does it look like?
And Lori?
Well, she's not here.
I know.
She's at the hospital.
In Intensive Care.
I just came from there.
And what I can't fathom
is what you are doing here.
-Dad, what are you saying?
-You know what, Luke?
After an abortion
infections happen,
and when they do,
they are very serious.
Now I get
You wanna blow off
some steam.
-You wanna handle things
your own way
-Can I get a word in.
but what your girlfriend
has been through is intense
medically and spiritually,
and she needs you right now.
Please, Dad.
What are you talking about?
Oh, come on.
You didn't know?
[John sighs]
-Your hospital?
-Go to her.
[sighs] Help us.
Did your mom tell you
I was here?
No, my dad. He was
in the ICU and he saw you.
Why did you think
it was my mom?
No reason.
How are you?
I'm feeling better.
They think they got
the infection under control.
So, it's true then.
Lori, I just
I mean, how could you
do this without telling me?
I didn't think
you'd wanna know.
Why would I not wanna know?
Because it wasn't yours, Luke.
I wasn't pregnant
with your baby.
So, you cheated on me?
Jesus, Lori. Who
Okay, who is he?
-You don't know him.
-I don't know him?
I don't
I don't know what to say.
Well, there's nothing to say.
This is for me to deal with.
My fault, my body, my solution.
I cannot believe
how calm you're being
about this, right now, Lori.
Like it doesn't even
matter to you.
None of this was easy for me,
including sleeping
with somebody else.
Things have been really rough
between us, Luke.
And honestly it just felt like
it'd be easier not to tell you.
So it's my fault.
No, I made the wrong decision.
And if you could find it
in your heart to forgive me,
I would really like to work
this out between us.
I don't know what to say.
I shouldn't be here.
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
I've been keeping
something from you, John.
Maybe we could have
dinner together
before I head out tomorrow.
I can't do this.
I mean, look at all those
perfect, beautiful,
successful people in there.
Who do I think I am?
Oh. [chuckles nervously]
We're not exactly
in a relationship.
[Ryan] I can tell you got
some stuff you need
to get off your chest.
-You have no idea.
-I'll make a deal with you.
Play some one-on-one.
Winner gets to ask
the questions.
And loser's gotta answer them.
[theme music playing]
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