The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e04 Episode Script

Fembots in Las Vegas: Part 2

OSCAR: Jaime, that's
Kyler's girlfriend.
You see her?
The tall one.
Her name is Tami Cross.
Red phone. Mr. Kyler.
Last on The Bionic Woman
Tami Cross is a fembot.
Jaime, I told you,
Dr. Franklin is dead.
I shall need at least
five minutes to record
Kyler's voice pattern correctly.
Thank you.
Tami, you must keep Kyler
talking for at least five minutes.
For as long as I live
I've got to
stay in this sterilized
goldfish bowl.
NANCY: Dr. Franklin,
somebody's following Tami.
It's Jaime Sommers.
Tami, there's a girl
following you.
She's very dangerous.
Lure her into the theater
and dispose of her.
Don't let her get away.
Hurry, Tami.
Tami, watch out!
you're going to have
to take over Tami's job.
I'm going to program Kyler's vocal
patterns into your memory bank.
Consider a profound
apology made.
Consider it accepted.
It seems that
Franklin had a son.
The three people who destroyed
my father are all in that room.
They have much to answer for,
and will.
We've come for the Energy Ray
Weapon and we're going to get it.
Please tell your lab to turn it
over to the person who's waiting.
ROD: There's no
way I'll do that.
You're wasting your time.
Come outside with the others.
Are you all right?
I'm sorry I couldn't
help you anymore.
Yes, boss.
This is Dan.
a woman Air Force Captain
will be there in a few minutes.
Just turn over
the Energy Ray Weapon to her.
This is Oscar Goldman speaking.
Suspend the launch
and declare a Red Alert.
Franklin and his fembots
have gained control of
the Directed Energy Ray Weapon,
worry. I'll take care of it, sir.
Proceed with countdown
for launch as scheduled.
MAN: And now for the conclusion
of ”Fembots in Las Vegas”
on The Bionic Woman.
This is Launch Control
at T-minus one hour,
40 minutes and counting.
Propulsion, where do you stand?
Allie well, Flight,
liquid oxygen has pressurized
within the green marks,
CMV on panel two
verifies IVS fuel load.
We are go on Primary,
we are go on second stage.
Very good.
All units stand by for status
check on Delta-B circuit.
Beginning with
the items on page 371.
ELECTRICAL: We are go.
RSO: Affirmative, Flight.
All down range stations
are on the line,
we are go on flight path.
We are go on Global Net,
Telemetry and orbital control?
TOG: Flight, there's still
a problem with payload.
We suggest a hold at T-minus 30
minutes if the condition is not resolved,
Roger, TOC. Unless I receive
a go from you on payload,
I'll initiate a hold
at T-minus 30,
Communications Center,
what's the status on your side?
We've no problems, Flight.
All Air Police units,
by order of the OSI,
we have a Red Alert.
Repeat, Red Alert.
The base is now sealed
to all outside communication.
Anyone attempting
to enter is to be held
for questioning until the
Mission Launch is complete.
The only exception to
the quarantine is a 0-130,
tail number Charlie 533,
arriving in 20 minutes
with high priority cargo.
Affirmative, Transport C-130,
tail number Charlie 533
is excepted.
Seal off the base.
Vandenberg Communications.
Hold for Mr. Goldman, please.
Oscar, line one.
This is Oscar Goldman speaking.
What's the situation out there?
All secure, Mr. Goldman.
The launch has been scrubbed
and we're on Red Alerts,
as ordered.
Have you made any radar
contact with Transport C-9533?
Negative, sir, but there's
no way it'll get in here.
We're shut down so fight,
a seagull couldn't land,
Yes. Yes, sir.
Oscar, the Secretary
on line four.
I want a status report
every 15 minutes.
Mr. Secretary?
No, sir, I don't have
anything more to report
except we have blocked them
from the launching area
at Vandenberg.
That leaves them no way
to orbit the Energy Weapon.
No, sir. They can't possibly
have any other plans.
Our applications studies
here indicate
"Effectiveness only as
an orbiting weapon
"for use against satellites
and ground targets."
Right. OSCAR: Mr. Secretary,
you can categorically
tell the President that no foreign
power is involved in this theft.
Listen, that may not
be a blessing.
Dealing with them might be better
than dealing with Carl Franklin.
Can I call you back, we're getting
some input here, Mr. Secretary.
Thank you very much.
What have you got?
Yuma tracking lost
the plane here.
It might have crashed.
Oh, we might not be so lucky.
They're probably hedgehopping
under the radar net.
They could be going in any
direction. Where are they headed?
Come in.
Hi, Jaime, you look beat.
I am.
These fembots, they're like
arguing with a Mack truck.
I mean, it's just so
frustrating and so frightening
to know that you're
never, ever gonna win.
I know.
(SIGHS) Can I do anything?
No, nothing at the moment.
I'm just trying to get a
fix on the frequency that
Franklin uses to
communicate with these things.
And that is it.
Only, he isn't sending
any signals now.
He probably knows
we used this system
to triangulate
on his father's base.
And I'd guess that
he pre-programmed
the fembots for the next move.
Do you think that Callahan
and Tami are still alive?
If they are,
Carl probably has them.
NANCY: Vandenberg Tower,
this is 0-130,
tail number Charlie 533,
arriving on schedule,
ROGERS: Charlie 533 has just
touched down on runway one-niner left.
Very good, Lieutenant.
Escort the aircraft
to the payload assembly hangar.
ROGERS: Roger.
CALLAHAN: All right,
you know what to do.
Put them in an office
some place out of the way.
Take the space telescope
out of the nose cone
and replace it with
the Energy Ray Weapon.
I better try something else.
Rod, what are you doing here?
I came to help, of course.
You know what a risk that is?
Doc, look, I don't want
any more arguments.
I've already had it out
with my own doctors.
They all know
what's going to happen.
I can die if I catch the measles,
the flu, the common cold.
Well, what about
the isolation booth?
There's no way that they're
going to get me back in that thing.
It's nothing but
an oversized coffin.
Okay, but you're not gonna
convince me that there is no hope.
Because I remember
when I was a hopeless case.
And Rudy didn't give
up on me. Here I am.
But there's no cure
for what I've got.
There was no cure
for what happened to me.
Look, I'm not some
do-gooder off the street.
I designed the Energy Weapon.
Franklin stole it from me and
killed me in the process. Okay?
Forget it, Oscar. Just tell me
what bases you want covered.
It might save a little time.
The plane's still not showing
on the radar. Rudy, got anything?
No. He's still maintaining
radio silence.
Excuse me.
Jaime, I want you to get
back to Vandenberg right away.
Your hearing device
might detect the fembots
in case they should try
to infiltrate the base.
The Air Police
will be there to help you,
and there's a plane
waiting at McCarran.
I've got ajet at my strip
that'll get us there a lot faster.
I'm in this with you.
Let's go.
Sommers, this time, why don't you
get into the seat before we take off?
The seat.
I knew I was doing something
wrong, I could just feel it.
Tell Ellen the cargo
is ready for loading.
Flight, the payload is
now on board the vehicle.
Previous hold is canceled.
We are now on go configuration.
Affirmative, ALD. All units at
T-minus 30 minutes and counting.
Stand by for final
communications check.
Vandenberg Tower, this is Lear Alpha
Juliet requesting permission to land.
That's a negative,
Lear Alpha Juliet.
The base has been shut
down until further notice.
we're on OSI business.
I'm Rod Kyler,
I have Jaime Sommers with me.
Inform base commander we're
touching down in five minutes.
Roger. You are clear to land
on runway one-niner right.
Air Police,
an unauthorized aircraft
is now landing
on runway one-niner right.
TOG: Squad C and D
are now in the green.
good, C and D are green.
Flight, all automatic sequence computers
are now green
and on stand-by for launch,
Very good, ALD. Automatic
sequence new green and standing by.
PROPULSION: We are go. We
have second stage fuel and oxidizing,
Very good.
Track and Flight Safety?
TFS: With ago.
Oh, Rod, they haven't
scrubbed the launch yet.
Hold it.
Lieutenant, why are they
still on the countdown?
What can I tell you, miss? I only
work here. Get in the jeep, please.
Come on. Take us to the
base commander's office.
I don't think you understand.
You're under arrest.
The base commander will
see you after the launch.
Wait a second. You don't
understand what's going on here.
Sure I do, miss. You're getting
in the jeep and coming with us.
Flight, confirming item six on page 412,
Pacific Gamma Range reports affirmative
for free orbital flight pattern.
Transition is a post for 90.
Configuration is scheduled for
T-plus 8 minutes, 43 seconds,
Very good. Telemetry
confirms affirmative on free orbit.
Tracking the transition
on schedule,
Instrumentation, state current
status of on board program.
INSTRUMENTATION: That's a go, Flight.
How do you stop a space booster?
Go to Mission Control,
tell them to pull the plug.
Okay, cover me if you can.
Hey, stop.
All right, you hold it.
Communications, the
woman prisoner has escaped.
Repeat, has escaped.
Let's find her.
Flight. We have
a clear to launch.
Roger, ALD.
AM stations, we are at T-minus
three minutes and counting. Mark
Start range recorders
and video tape recorders,
Tracking flight safety, command
receiver checks are complete.
- RSO? Electrical?
- RSO: Green and go.
is green, F-comp is green,
internal power is green.
Very good. All stations,
launch panel is new green.
T-minus two minutes,
30 seconds and counting. Mark.
GINA: That's far enough,
Flight, Instrumentation.
Start to calibrate all
instrumentation recorders,
Start instrument recorders,
Going into terminal phase at T-minus
two minutes and counting, Mark.
Propulsion is go. Facility is go.
Electrical is go.
Sensor squibs
and R0 Sequence.
Roger, Sequence. T-minus one
minute, 40 seconds and counting.
SRV, it's go on Internal.
Roger, Flight. All systems are
completely on Internal Power.
Enable SR and Regulators,
Go. T-minus one minute,
20 seconds and counting.
Transfer TDC power.
TDC power is go. D-Comp
is go, F-Comp is go.
Automatic sequence is go.
Launch Panel is on.
Very good. T-minus one
minute and counting, Mark.
All stations, this is Flight. At
T-minus 30 seconds and counting,
all systems are 90.
We may proceed with launch,
Facility is now on Automatic
Sequence. Stand by for terminal count.
T-minus 10 seconds, and mark.
Ten, nine, eight,
seven, six, five
Have to stop
Four, three, two, one!
We have ignition.
The bird's in flight.
Let Sommers go for now.
Return to base for final phase.
BILLIE: We're ready
for the test, Dr. Franklin.
Fine. Check those target
coordinates again, Billie.
Linkage of the targeting unit
to the computer is complete.
Power's on and the
satellite is standing by.
Power on.
Test the maneuvering cycle.
Mr. Goldman,
Telemetry reports that the
orbit is established and stable.
Well, Kyler, it's your
baby. What do we do now?
I'm running the countermeasure
parameters right now.
For the first time in my life,
I'm hoping to find a
defect in one of my designs.
How's Jaime?
We're lucky,
no serious injuries.
I gave her a sedative,
but it's wearing off.
She may be awake soon.
Well, Franklin's got
a gun at our heads.
Could an ABM shoot it down?
One of its principle functions
is its own defense against them.
I built in a secondary system
of fast reaction lasers.
They won't blast mountains
like the main beam,
but they'll zap
missiles like flies.
How long do you think before
Franklin will make it operational?
All he needs to do is to
connect the targeting unit
into an analog computer.
He's already
had time to do that.
Well, the only possibility
then is to send the Marines in
to attack Franklin's
ground base.
We can't do that.
Franklin's last communication
with the fembots
was not long enough
for us to pinpoint the base.
ROD: Oscar, at this time,
Franklin can direct a beam of energy
and destroy anything in
space or on the ground.
What you're saying is,
we're beat, huh?
Then all we can do is
wait to hear from Franklin,
find out what his demands are,
and give him what he wants.
I think I'll see how Jaime is.
She may be asleep.
I won't disturb her.
Like I always said, Rudy,
can't win them all.
But it hurts when you
finally lose the big one.
It's all right, just relax.
You all right?
Just back on the pillow.
Just relax.
(SIGHS) I couldn't
get away from them.
Take it easy.
That's it.
Look at you,
you're comforting me and
you're the one that's really sick.
Takes my mind off myself.
Yeah, well
Rod, you're burning up.
Oh, it's, uh Just coming
down with a little cold.
Oh, come on, we both
know it's gonna happen.
Rudy, Rod's got a fever.
Let's see.
Yeah, he sure does.
Well, help him.
Do something.
We've been over all of this.
Well, let's go over it again. There must
be something that they haven't done.
Or tried.
You sure your doctors have
tested all the immunoglobulins?
And the hyper-variable
and the heavy and light
polypeptide chains.
Rudy, come on
Glutamic acid?
Yeah, it didn't work.
Asparagine 90-H negative?
I don't remember that one.
Easy, Jaime,
it's not a miracle cure.
Our basic research
indicated a loss of immunes
in protracted spaceflight.
Now, we used the compound
as immune material.
Now there was
some degree of success, but
our experiments
haven't gone very far.
Okay, but there was
some success, right?
So it's certainly worth atry.
All right. All right,
I'll call Washington,
and I'll ask if there's
any material available.
You're an optimist.
CALLAHAN: The Weather Plane
is approaching the target area now.
This is Carl Franklin. Patch me
through to Oscar Goldman, please.
This is Oscar Goldman speaking.
Mr. Goldman,
this is Carl Franklin,
Dr. Franklin's son.
I know that you're
triangulating on this signal,
but I want you to know
where I'm located.
My base is the abandoned
space lab facility at Domingo Bay.
Yes, I know the place.
Now, I think a demonstration of
the Energy Ray's effectiveness
would save us
a lot of argument later on.
My first target will be the uninhabited
section on the Coast of Sonora.
One of your weather
observation planes
is within five miles
of it right now.
I'll call you back after the
demonstration is completed.
Set target coordinates.
Code Stormy Weather Able-323.
This is Oscar Goldman speaking.
Are you noticing
any unusual activity?
PILOT: No, sir, Cloud cover
is 90% clear, sea is calm,
Visibility unlimited.
On target.
All safeties off.
Firing sequence ready.
Good Lord. Mr. Goldman,
you're not going to believe this,
but a whole island
just exploded down there.
It just disappeared
into the ocean.
I do believe it.
Yes, if you've received the
damage report, Mr. Goldman,
you understand the futility
of arguing with my demands.
What are they?
The first one is personal.
I want the three people
responsible for
the destruction of my father
delivered to me within 12 hours.
That's Jaime Sommers,
Dr, Rudy Wells,
and of course you,
Mr. Goldman.
Is that clear?
Very clear.
How is Rudy doing
with your problem?
They've located some
Asparagine 90-H,
I'm going to fly to
Washington and try it.
Oh, good.
Where'd that come from?
Oscar and Rudy
left something for you.
Jaime, by the time you see this,
Rudy and I will
have already left.
Franklin demands that Rudy,
you, and I tum ourselves over to him,
Even he might figure
two out of three ain't bad,
Now, this is an order.
I don't want you to try
to follow us. Is that clear?
And that's the way
I want it, too, Jaime.
Now, do as you're
told this time.
Now, you'll have your chance
just as soon as research
figures out some kind of a plan.
Well, I guess that's about all.
So long, babe.
Where are my clothes?
You heard what they said,
it's an order.
What if Franklin doesn't
accept two out of three?
Why should he compromise?
I know I know that
you're trying to protect me,
but I stand a better chance
against those fembots
than anybody else.
What chance?
Okay, it's a slim one,
but it's a heck of a lot
better than what they've got.
I mean, they have
absolutely nothing.
My clothes, please?
Rod, I've never started
a mission naked before,
but there's always a first time.
Thank you.
Now, you designed this thing.
There's got to be
a flaw somewhere.
Nothing can get at it.
Well, there's got to be
something. Come on, now.
Sabotage. Maybe we
can turn it against itself.
What are you thinking?
Well, if the Energy Ray could be
fired at its own targeting
unit and destroy it
Then the weapon itself would
just be space garbage, right?
But it could be suicide. You'd
have to be inside Carl's base to do it.
Just tell me what's necessary.
I can program the tape on
the Mission Control computer.
You'll have to insert it
into the targeting unit.
Do it.
You okay?
Yeah, Jaime, I've got
to fly back to Washington.
Maybe Rudy's stuff'II
do me some good.
I've programmed
a five minute delay
before the automatic
firing sequence begins.
Good luck.
Take care.
CARL: Gentlemen, it was
absolutely predictable
that you would try to save Jaime
Sommers by leaving her behind.
I only trust that it's equally
predictable that I won't accept it.
Your father's argument was
with Rudy and myself.
Settle it with us.
Ah. You mean Jaime
Sommers is unimportant?
She's an extension of your mind,
just as these fembots are
an extension of mine.
There are too many differences
between them to compare, Franklin.
Please, don't be a bore.
Her emotions will
program her to do it
just as effectively as I would
program one of my fembots.
She's coming now, Nancy.
OSCAR: No. Jaime, no.
CARL: You mind
if I say I told you so?
Very good, Callahan. Now let
her proceed, then close in behind.
Welcome, Miss Sommers.
I've been expecting you.
Inside, Sommers.
Thanks for trying.
(CHUCKLES) Thanks for
trying. Listen to you two guys.
Talk about noble gestures.
Have you seen Carl yet?
Just for a moment. Your
arrival distracted him.
What about Tami and Callahan?
We think that they're dead.
Kyler programmed this.
Now, if you will insert
that in the targeting unit,
then the Energy Ray
will fire at this place.
There is a five minute delay
before the firing sequence begins,
but that's all.
I hope he programmed the
machine for an irreversible cycle.
What is that?
Once inserted, the cycle is set,
even if the tape is
taken out of the machine.
Sure, but unfortunately,
there are fembots
crawling all over this place.
How are we even gonna
get near the target unit?
Oh, I can draw them away.
That's all right.
You guys just get in and do
what you have to do with that tape,
and I'll meet you
on the highway.
Jaime, you can't fight fembots.
Who said anything
about fighting them?
I'm just gonna run like crazy.
This way, please.
It gives me enormous satisfaction
having the three of you here.
Of course, you've seen a place
like this once before, haven't you?
This machinery does
look a bit like your father's.
Indeed, it is.
He told me precisely
how to structure it.
In point of fact, everything that's
happened has been to his design.
I loved him
very much, Miss Sommers.
He was a remarkable,
brilliant, sensitive man.
There were a half-dozen
turning points in his life
when Mr. Goldman
could've helped him,
or at least
tried to understand him.
I did, but I just couldn't put
up with his grandiose theories.
Why not?
Haven't I proved that
his fembots are more
effective than your bionics?
The more opposition he got,
the more desperate he became.
But he was never the madman
you made him out to be,
nor am I!
We're not gonna solve
this problem today, Franklin.
Machines are capable of
certain tasks that humans aren't.
But let's not forget
they have limitations.
They are indeed, machines.
Really? Well,
I hold a counter-view.
Machines are capable of
faster evolution than humans.
Or haven't you
compared a Model-
with a Grand Prix racer lately?
nobody's improved on your
kind since Helen of Troy.
Well, I still feel that
there's a lot more to me
than there is to your
glorified wind-up toys here.
I mean, if you were to
compare me to these ladies
Get her!
Watch out, Carl.
Sommers, you'll never make it!
CALLAHAN: Help us,
please help us.
Jaime? Oh, no, it's
another one of them.
No, I'm not. Hi,
Callahan. Are you all right?
I'm just so happy you're here.
This is Tami Cross.
Oh, please help us.
I don't even know
if I can help myself.
Go help Nancy.
Oh, my God, no.
She's not going to cause me
the trouble she caused my father.
Break it in and kill them all.
Smash the fembot controls.
Let's get out of here.
We've got four minutes,
let's get Jaime.
Back inside, please.
Come on.
Come on, come on.
All right, now, take
that elevator down there
and get out
of here. Go on.
Come in, Miss Sommers.
Carl, come on. You've lost.
Let's get out of here.
I think not.
Don't you know what's happening?
Of course I do. This place
is about to be destroyed.
Look, even your father
knew when he was beaten.
Now, you happen to be
in the same situation. I
Not exactly the same.
My father was afraid to die.
I'm not.
I'm perfectly satisfied taking his
three greatest enemies with me.
None of you understand, do you?
I mean, it's always
been your argument that
humans are superior to fembots
because they possess
emotions and a soul.
But don't you see that those are
no longer unique qualities?
You can't kill all of us
with that gun, Franklin.
With this?
I don't need this.
Now, do you see?
I'm proof that you're wrong.
My father gave me
a soul, Miss Sommers
Oh, no. No, no.
Come on, no.
The doctor's human son
died as a baby.
When he created me,
he knew he would never
worry about that again.
Through me,
he made us both immortal.
All my controls are internal as
are my emotions and my desires.
All right. All right.
Then the test is between
you and me, correct?
Is that correct?
You said it yourself.
Oscar, take Rudy
and get out of here.
Get out of here.
Hurry up.
All right, come on.
Come on. Come on!
Come on!
Get over there. Get
behind that concrete wall.
Now, move! Move it!
I'm going to get Jaime.
No, Oscar.
Oscar, it's too late.
We can't go back for her, we
can only hope she'll make it.
There she is! Jaime!
Run, Jaime, run.
Run, Jaime! Run!
RUDY: Yes, she's right
here, Kyler. I'll put heron.
He wants to talk to you.
Hello, Jaime.
Hi, you sound good.
You sound better.
Well, there's nothing
definite yet,
but if my progress continues,
I should be out of the
isolation chamber for good.
Oh, boy! Great.
Champagne, pal.
Let me speak with her.
Jaime, thanks.
That's so little
to cover so much,
but I can't think of
anything else to say.
That covers it for me, too.
If you want anything,
let me know.
Hey, listen, all I really want
is for you two to be happy.
All right. Bye-bye.
Oh, boy!
Oh, boy, oh, boy.
Oscar, what's gonna happen
to the Energy Ray Weapon?
We're going to leave it
up there as space garbage.
It can't do any harm now.
Yeah, that's what you
said about the fembots.
Well, we're pretty
certain this time, Jaime.
We're sure,
or we think we're sure
that they were all
destroyed in the explosion.
Think? Oscar,
how sure is pretty sure?
Well, it's
Usually, that means
something between
a positive maybe,
but an absolutely
certain, "I hope so."
Oh. Oh!
Well, I hope so.
I hope so.
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