The Convict (2021) s03e04 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 4

- General Rabczuk is dead.
- Dead?
- Yes?
- I will help you find the culprit,
-but you need to trust me.
- Fine.
- Maybe we should expedite my appointment?
- Hold your horses.
You need to do something about this.
- We must part ways.
- Why?
Just for a while.
Hanka is safe. Hepner will never find her.
- Because you are protecting her?
- I came back to stop him.
Rabczuk's papers need to be reviewed.
Let this Witkowski invoke me.
Good morning, Mrs Rabczuk?
You know you can get a lower sentence?
All you have to do
is tell who's above you.
I interviewed Pola Nawrot again.
I think I managed to persuade her
to cooperate.
You need to take care of someone else.
Pola Nawrot.
She knows too much
and talks to the police.
The court decides
to suspend
Agata Strzelecka's parental rights.
- Against the wall.
- Wall! Hands on the wall, now!
- Call for help! Shiv!
- Shiv!
- Shiv!
- I need a doctor to P2.
The lawyer, who hung himself in here,
illegally came into possession of the
documents and handed them over to Pati.
Krystian. What have you done!
All the evidence was there.
First time?
If we chat, the trip will pass quickly.
I respect that, but tell me, at least,
why did they pinch you?
Because someone really wanted to.
I'll give you a piece of advice,
for starters, for free.
Beware of the warden. Nit like no other.
Thanks, I'll remember.
I said, move it!
Oh no, not this mess again.
Hope you're happy, officer.
Would you rather run, Biba?
Weren't they supposed to ease up on us?
Quiet! Chop-chop, chop-chop.
Move it, come on.
If any of you ladies would like
to write a complaint to the Pope
that the prison service
is cleaning your cells,
I will serve you with an envelope
and a stamp.
He wouldn't say that
if they found something.
And what, are we gonna get
a penalty for this?
Penalty? For what?
A phone in a cell? Let's not be so petty.
It's mine.
- I smuggled it out of the laundry room.
- I don't think so.
- I wanted to call my sick mother.
- Yhym.
I smuggled it.
Recidivism, car theft.
Patrycja Cichy.
Born on March 12, 1991.
Father unknown, mother Barbara Julita.
Alright, fuck all these protocols,
we know each other.
Well, unfortunately.
And now we are going
to deepen this acquaintance, right?
Pola Nawrot, born July 7, 1987,
daughter of Tadeusz and Agnieszka,
transfer after the verdict.
- That's you, bitch!
- Hey, take her away!
I'll get you, you bitch!
Hey, hey, hey! What's that about?
Do you want to go straight to solitary?
But this is the chick
that wanted to trade Aluta's daughter.
Okay, take it easy, Pati.
I can handle it, you can go.
Let's go, Pati.
I'll see you soon!
What a nice start, Pati. Seriously.
She earned it.
But I don't wanna this T-shirt.
I want mine with a cut-out neckline.
It went into the trash, Pati.
I seriously thought
you wouldn't come back here.
So naïve of me.
I thought I would greet you personally.
We are about to finish.
Swieta, leave it, please.
You don't treat your family this way.
I am sorry that we meet
under such circumstances.
Which you created yourself,
so don't pretend.
I don't know
what you are talking about, Patrycja.
I did not create any circumstances.
But every time
my charge comes back in here,
I treat this as a personal failure.
Want some tea?
One cube, two cubes?
Okay, Dorota, sit down. We need to talk.
Sit down.
Listen to me.
Don't ever do it again.
You're welcome.
I just like to help, that's how I am.
Do what you want,
be whatever you want to be.
But don't suck up and get in my way.
It would be easier together.
You know that?
There will be no "together".
I'm glad you're calling.
I'm also happy to hear you.
Did you think I wouldn't know you're back?
Where did you get Alicja's phone?
What did you do to her?
Don't judge everyone by your own lights.
I'm not a murderer like you.
Stop snooping.
You have nothing on me.
That's why you haven't
turned me to the police yet,
or because I have something?
You're talking about that photo
you sent to Mazur?
Give me your address,
and I'll send you the whole album.
Go back to your snot.
While she's still there.
One moment.
Come in.
PFC Ziętarek reports on the escort
of prisoner Pola Nawrot.
Thank you.
I know that coming here
may have surprised you a bit,
but believe me,
I know what I'm doing.
Are you going to pour me whiskey
and feed me chocolates in here?
For our special guests
we have special privileges.
You will have a single cell
until the end of your sentence.
Don't worry about Mazur.
I will isolate you from her.
Switching gears, ehm
I could be wrong, of course,
I don't know, but that's what I've heard.
apparently, you've started
to rat out off the record.
Don't insult me.
They got absolutely nothing out of me.
if I had started to sing
I would now have official protection.
I only have yours.
I hope it is as you say.
But, you know
there is a grain of truth in every rumour.
I know the terms of our agreement.
Until the end of your days
you are my debtor,
don't you ever forget about it.
I'm sorry.
I remember
when one day
we passed an American MRAP.
It was lying on its side. Destroyed
by fougasse.
Not much left of the crew.
I often wake up in the middle of the night
and that's all I can see.
What do you want here?
Calm down, I just wanna talk.
SKW sent you!
I'm not from counterintelligence,
I'm one of you.
Afghanistan, 13th tour.
They're watching us.
Wiretaps are everywhere.
Are you being followed, too?
Worse. They issued a wanted notice for me.
I was implanted with a microchip,
but I outsmarted them.
Don't mess with me, do you hear me?
Alright, man, it's all good.
Just go home.
Will you be here next week?
How's she holding up?
- Did she crack, though?
- Not yet.
That's the worst.
Once you sink in, you're done.
You'll be storing all these emotions
and feelings inside,
and you're gone before you know it.
It's like you're alive, but you're dead.
- Zombie.
- She's tough.
That's what I'm saying,
that's the worst case.
Alicja, you know what,
take it for Miss Jurata.
- Thanks.
- May I?
I was supposed to be here alone.
I don't know anything about it.
Hey, look.
Who would've thought? It's that bitch.
Look who we got here!
Pola Nawrot,
a wannabe pimp from bloody nowhere.
You traded our girls.
Look, she's got amnesia, poor thing.
- Don't worry, we remember.
- Do you know who I am?
- Do you?
- Sit down, Campina.
Sit down, Campina. You too, Pati!
You're not gonna touch me.
Calm down.
- Calm down.
- Then why are you afraid?
- Calm down!
- Jesus!
She shouldn't be here with the others.
Mazur, calm down!
- Why are you afraid? Tell me, why?
- Take her out of here!
She shouldn't be here when
Mazur, against the wall, now!
Sit down!
Calm down, all of you.
Wall, Mazur, now!
Everybody sit down, now!
I thought it would help, but it didn't.
You're not going
to the meeting with the writer!
And you have a phone ban for a week.
Or even for a month.
Lung diseases, hypertension.
No wonder the heart couldn't take it.
And the most interesting thing.
- Tropane alkaloid?
- Atropine.
Large amounts can cause cardiac arrest.
Could he have gotten it
three hours before he died?
One hour at the most.
an injection.
What, he was injected with eye drops?
I would rather bet on military atropine.
They use it as an antidote
to combat gases.
When I get back,
I want Rabczuk's whole day on my desk.
Every minute, with whom he was, where,
which pisser he used, clear?
Oh, wait a sec,
get me that driver.
Well, then he'll testify again.
- my favourite.
- Can you leave?
You can get a lot done here
with this kind of soap.
No, thank you.
Take it.
With greetings from a mutual friend.
We must stick together.
Don't call me,
I will call you.
The apartment is paid for
three months in advance.
The keys.
The fridge is full.
Don't invite anyone in,
and don't open the door.
What about us?
We will think about it after
the nomination when everything calms down,
I know you won't hurt me.
You care about me.
I don't care about anyone.
Get lost.
Hi there.
Are we playing Snow White?
I'm supposed to eat it,
and then you take me to the forest
and the game warden will blow my head off?
I just wanted to know how you feel.
How do I feel?
I don't feel at all, but I'm alive.
Eee, is she coming back to cell?
Not yet.
And she's on a strict diet.
mm, delicious.
My favourite type, thank you.
I guess it was expensive.
Are you suddenly remorseful?
Basia, I came to see you, not to her.
She did it herself,
we have nothing to do with it,
- alright?
- I know.
And we stick to the plan.
I found a paediatric hospital
in the States.
The best haematology department
in the world.
They're conducting research
on medicine that seals the blood vessels
of such young children.
So, when do we go?
When? We cannot afford it.
I know how to get money.
There's agonies in the ward.
They have the cash, so we can
No, Bartek, are you kidding?
You want to sell drugs?
Until I find a better solution,
and not drugs, but medicine.
You have some opioids in here.
Forget it. They are registered,
I account for each pill.
I don't know.
We will sell everything we have.
- We'll take a loan.
- No one will give us one.
We don't have time.
He doesn't have time.
the patient in solitary has gotten worse.
Or she's faking it.
I'm betting on the latter.
He was here with his lover.
That's what his driver testified.
- Are those all the corridors?
- Yes.
Wait, there he is, that's him.
Put it on the main one.
Stop it.
Zoom in.
More, more, more.
We got you.
Good morning.
I brought in inmate Wójcik,
as you instructed, sir.
Thank you.
Do you have something for me?
I'm starting to get bored.
Just a bit longer.
What about Mazur and Cichy?
I'm sick of them.
Either this Serafin guy didn't tell them
anything relevant, or they
are covering themselves well.
Little besties.
Hard to get into this duo.
Try harder, then.
I am trying harder,
but Mazur doesn't trust anyone.
So I don't need you anymore.
Hit me.
Come on, hit me.
Just do it.
I have to say that's good for the warm-up.
He did this to you, right?
I told you, I stumbled.
You don't believe me?
If someone uses violence against you,
Wójcik, you should report it to me.
I have nothing to report.
I would like to return to my cell.
As you wish.
Who did this to her?
Ask her.
And you allow this to happen?
We're not on a first-name basis.
I really tell him nothing.
Even if he insists on it very much.
Let me remind you that he always gets
what he wants sooner or later, Aluta.
- Good morning.
- For whom?
For Tadeusz, please.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Excuse me.
What should I write in?
Try a friend, and love a tried one.
It can be in Latin.
Can we talk?
I'm sorry, but I'm swamped.
This is just a short talk
about our mutual friend,
There you go.
Thank you very much.
Hepner is not my friend.
And he never was.
All the more reason to talk.
I think you should leave.
You don't want to talk
because you're also involved in this?
Drugs, human trafficking.
He's still doing it.
He won't stop until someone stops him.
Get out of here.
You can help me to end this.
What do you have?
What the heck is this!
Vitamin C for children with scurvy?
These are opioids,
they give a good kick, supposedly.
Stick it up your ass.
This is just the beginning.
There will be more.
It doesn't work like that.
Well, make it work, then.
And don't smoke here.
In the corner.
Alright, krasavitse, the work is over.
You have done a great job,
it's time to eat. Enjoy.
Finally, some food.
My stomach thinks my throat's been cut.
Do you want anything?
I'll take the cheese one.
Help yourselves, girls.
Biba, don't make yourself too comfortable.
Take it with you to the cell.
It's behind the dictionaries.
Here you go.
Pour yourselves some tea.
- Hurry up, girls.
- Oh, shoot.
Oh my, I'm sorry.
- Ania
- What are you doing?
- We've just washed it!
- They've just washed it
Take a sandwich.
Well, but
Don't walk over it
- So much food. What are you doing?
- It's not my fault!
Everyone, quiet!
Me and Pati can clean it up.
Fine, Cichy and Mazur stay to clean up.
- The rest go to the cells.
- Alright, we'll take care of it.
Move it, girls.
Come on, go.
Don't walk over it!
- Are you blind?
- Dictionary. I know.
I'll be back at 8.
What, you're going to clean up these
splattered sandwiches with this wet mop?
I did not volunteer to do this.
Aluta, I beg you.
Aluta, we have to clean it up.
Leave it.
I am screwed up anyway.
Aluta, I'm so
Let me tell you.
I'm so screwed up
that if being screwed up
was some kind of Olympic sport,
I'd light a torch right now.
No, no. I would be lighting it up.
No, me. I'd be wearing gaiters,
just imagine,
and I'd run and light the torch.
It would be me, for sure.
No, it would be me.
I'm the one who's screwed.
You know what, I think you have worse.
I just hate being here.
Me too.
But, if I wasn't here, we wouldn't be.
Visitation? But I was supposed to
have all privileges revoked.
Don't make me go and check it, Cichy.
Are you going or not?
I'm going.
You always do everything by yourself, huh?
Why didn't you tell me?
About what?
I know everything.
This guy, Witkowski, visited me.
And it turned out
that before he gave you this bag,
he took out some things from it.
So this bald-faced doesn't have it all.
Are you serious?
Who would've thought,
Witkowski was such a wretch,
but he somehow turned out to be useful.
I'm so sorry.
Stop it.
This guy.
He may be the key to Hepner.
You don't understand Alutka, do you?
I'm thinking that if that Mickiewicz
knows something about Gargamel, it may be
worth stamping on him a little bit.
But how do I stamp on him?
I'm here, and he's there. How?
With a leg extension.
Well, I guess there are times when
if the mountain doesn't come to Muhammad,
then Muhammad goes to the mountain, yeah?
Don't laugh at me, Aluta, please.
You've read so many books
and still don't get it.
We are gonna have a literary evening,
aren't we?
With the queen of romance.
Well In theory, Alutka.
In theory, yes.
The best ideas
always come on the shitter. Always.
Look away now.
Genius. You're a genius.
This is where we're going
to pick up the blankets now?
Straight from the laundry.
What is it, Mazur?
I need help.
Wrong address.
He humiliated you, too.
Don't you want to get revenge?
There is someone
who can give us something on Hepner.
- You just have to get him here.
- I don't have to.
And you certainly won't be the one
to tell me what I must and must not do.
Cancel "Fetters of Love"
and bring Kraszecki here.
I'll take care of the rest.
Escort Mazur to her cell.
Apparently, she bought herself
a cottage for this so-called literature.
Yeah, she also had her face done,
and now she's stuffed like a mattress.
Her mouth looks like a duck's beak.
But she can write alright.
As I was reading it,
I felt that something inside me
was clenching.
You know, down there.
Bibka, you need someone
to screw you real good.
While sitting on a horse
with a cigar in his mouth.
There has been a slight change.
Instead of the author
of "Fetters of Love",
another author came to you.
- What?
- What do you mean!
Well, it won't be romantic, but
- you're gonna like it.
- What do you mean?
It was supposed to be about a horse,
a cigar and love in the pampas!
- Biba, sit down. Sit down.
- There won't be any Pampers, calm down.
Oh, we're ready for you.
Good morning!
Good morning, ladies.
I told you you would like it.
If I hear any
obscene texts during
Mr. Kraszecki's appearance,
penalty receipts will fly like lightning.
I'm not kidding!
Good luck.
Once again, good morning.
My name is Michal Kraszecki.
Good morning.
And just like you, I spent some time
in difficult conditions
in Afghanistan.
I wrote a guide on how to cope,
how to return to reality
after a traumatic experience,
so maybe you will find it helpful.
Let's go.
Come here. Come here.
Wiktoria Panek?
- What is this about?
- You are under arrest.
- But I didn't do anything.
- Come here.
You'll learn everything
at the police station.
I have to make a call.
You won't be calling anywhere,
I need your phone on my desk.
I'll be out in 48 hours anyway!
We'll see about that.
There are memories that cannot be erased.
They stay in you forever.
Like immovable stones.
- I also used to have stones.
- You mean loans.
I had kidney stones
that I had to give birth to.
Every person has a past.
Sometimes a shameful one
that one wants to forget
but can't because it's part of us.
And as my psychotherapist says,
our past does not have to
equal our future.
But to shape it,
we sometimes need proper tools.
I'm not sure if I would be able to help.
- Will you at least try?
- It's always worth trying.
- What are you doing here?
- What do you mean?
You invited me here yourself.
Yes, I just came here to wish you
a very fruitful meeting.
I won't disturb you.
Good luck.
This is a mistake, I shouldn't be here.
But you are.
You were supposed to keep me
away from the rest.
I don't give a damn.
How's your soap?
During a blizzard, they caught a wizard.
But he knew some tricks
and told them this
Hocus pocus, let us see
if you're going to catch me.
Everybody down!
I said down, alright?
On the floor, legs wide, now!
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