The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s03e04 Episode Script

Skate or Dawn

Big day today, Dawn!
And it all starts with
a little distance vining.
- Distance vining?
What's that?
- It's when you swing on a vine,
and let go to see
how far you can fly.
- Sounds like a bad idea! I'm in!
- Guess the punch monkeys
beat us to the good vines.
- Maybe they're in
a sharing mood?
Hey, guys!
Uh, you mind if
we distance vine with you?
- Guess they do mind.
That's okay.
How about cliff climbing?
- Yes! You're going down, cliffs!
Punch monkeys again?
- There's still zip vining.
- Ugh! Those punch monkeys
are everywhere!
- Crowverine gliding?
- Maybe we're not supposed
to have fun today.
- Let's go home.
- This is fun, right?
- Well, there's no punch monkeys,
so that's fun.
- Did someone say fun?
- What is that thing?
- I don't know, so I fear it.
- Wait, no--Ow! Ow! Ah! Ah! Ah!
- I call it the rollerlog.
I actually built it for Thunk
so he could
"move without moving."
His words.
But he passed when I told him
I couldn't fit a couch on it.
- Oh, I want a piece
of that action.
- Me, too!
- I figured you might
because who doesn't wanna
roll around on a board?
It is my masterpiece, and
I wanna share it with everyone.
Every creature, great and small!
- Thanks, Guy-baby!
Come on, Dawn.
Let's see if these things are
as dangerous as they look!
That's okay!
I'll just harvest all our food
while you guys roll around
- on whatever those things are.
- They're rollerlogs!
- They're logs you roll on!
- Hey, Hope?
Where do you want this stack
of very breakable mirrors?
- Hey, watch where you're going
on those pieces of wood
that move in ways that scare me!
- They're rollerlogs!
- Join the roll-o-lution!
- I told you
not to use those in the--
Wait, what arethose?
- They're rollerlogs!
- Wanna roll? Ask me how!
- Hm, not bad,
but you're all beak, no bite!
Ah, you made me lose my lunch,
- zipping around on those--
- They're rollerlogs!
If they're too fast,
you're too old!
I'm sorry. That was rude.
This-this is a rollerlog.
I-I invented it.
Pretty proud of it.
Anyway, have a good day.
Also, I-I crossed a line.
Y-you're not old.
You're experienced.
You deserve my respect
because you've earned it.
J-just to be clear,
uh, you're an inspiration
to me every day.
I hope, in time,
you can forgive me.
- What the--
This is so much fun!
- And that was amazing!
- Dawn! How'd you do that?
- No idea. I just rolled with it.
Ah! Dawn!
You almost
killed me with that
- that
- It's a rollerlog.
- Guy-boy invented it.
- Ha! Rollerlog?
- Yes.
- Guy-boy?
- Yes.
- Invented?
- Yes.
- It?
- Yes? Hey! Ah!
- Simple, pedestrian, obvious.
Well done, Guy, you've
underwhelmed me once again.
- What? The rollerlog is amazing!
- Yeah!
It might be
the best invention ever!
- I see. Irrigation.
Elevator. Toilet.
Yes, those certainly
don't hold a candle
to Guy's wheels on a stick!
- So absurd, I'm out of ha's.
- You really think it's
the best invention ever?
Better than the toilet?
- You can't race a toilet.
- But, we can race these.
- I am so in!
- Rollerlog racing, huh?
I know the perfect spot!
- There! 20 iterations,
but I finally replicated
Guy's rollerlog!
Time to dispose of these
flawed abominations
lest anyone associates such
vapidity with my good name.
Now, the real work to build
a better rollerlog begins.
Ugh. Goodbye forever,
tragic mediocrities.
Missed one
You were right, Guy-baby.
This spot is perfect.
- Yeah, I found
Rolling Canyon a while ago.
Kinda weird how it's almost
made for rollerlogging.
- We're not here to overthink,
Guy-boy. We're here to race.
First one to the arch wins?
- You're on!
- Roll out!
- Looking good, Dawn!
- Right behind you!
- And I'm right behind Dawn!
Maybe not right behind.
- Watch out for the boulders!
- Way ahead of you!
- Watch out for what? Oh!
Ah! Never mind! Ow!
- Yeah!
- Yeah! Look out for the kickti!
- They're cacti that kick!
- No problem! Check this out!
- Ow! Not a kickti fan!
You're killing it, Dawn!
- Now, let's burn these turns!
- Yeah!
Like lava!
That's on a board with wheels!
- I got this. I got this!
I don't got this!
- Woo-hoo-hoo!
What? Is there
something on my face?
- Dawn! That was epic!
First, you went
And then, you
And then, you were all How?!
- No idea. I just did it.
Maybe, I'm part rollerlog.
Just kidding.
But that would be awesome.
- Speaking of awesome,
where's Guy?
- Guy-boy, are you okay?
- Okay?
I've never been better!
Because rollerlogging is a blast
even if you're not great at it.
Yes! Even rollerlogs
can't stop rollerlogging!
- I think Guy needs a log break.
What is happening?
Are we having a treequake?
- No! We're having
a rollerquake!
- I told you no rollerlogging
in the treehouse.
- Yeah, but you
didn't mean us, right?
- Who else would I mean?
- Ha! Did it!
- And who is this?
- Mom, it's me!
Your daughter! Dawn!
- Dawn!
That was unbelievable.
How do you know how to do that?
- Do what? Toss the pigator?
Or dunk the bug nugget?
Sorry. Rollerlog lingo.
Those are the names of tricks.
- Yeah! And Dawn is bone crunchy!
Sorry, rollerlog lingo.
That means she's amazing.
- Well, of course she's amazing.
She's a Betterman.
And from now on,
you can rollerlog wherever
you want, honey.
- Yes! Rollerlog!
It puts the "we" in "wheels"!
- Guy, stop doing that.
- You got it.
As soon as everyone
knows about rollerlogs!
- Rollerlog?
What happened to rollercouch?
- Don't worry, Douglas.
I'm gonna make
our dreams come true,
by telling someone else
to make our dreams come true.
Almost there. Just needs
- a few more finishing touches.
Bamboo. Vines.
- I said chickenseal!
- Hey! What's going on?
- We're going rollerlogging!
- But the sun isn't out yet.
- Yep! I could not wait.
- Guy! Wake up!
- Yes! Rollerlogging is the best!
Even when you're asleep.
First one to the arch wins!
Well, that's gonna be you.
- Maybe not!
- Well, it definitely
won't be Guy.
- Rollerlogging's
not about winning.
It's about rolling
on a log
and everyone wins!
- So, it is about winning?
Punch monkeys?
- On rollerlogs?
Do you know what this means?
- That the punch monkeys
stole your rollerlog idea?
- Who cares? Because it also
means rollerlogging
is spreading like wildfire!
On wheels!
- And it means
the punch monkeys
are gonna
mess this up for us, too!
Well, not today, Dawn.
- Tomorrow?
- No. Not tomorrow either.
rollerlogging is our thing!
And Rolling Canyon is our place.
- Or, we could share it.
There's plenty of space
for all of us to roll.
- You're right, Dawn.
That's what rolling
is all about.
- Okay, Dawn.
We'll try it your way.
- Yes!
Let the roll-o-lution begin.
- Looking good,
fellow rollerloggers.
- Or sweet roll,
as we like to say.
And since we're all part
of the roll-o-lution--Ooh!
- We were thinking
we could roll together.
- Yeah.
And check out this new trick
I've been working on.
I call it "the scary-go-round."
- He says you can't roll here.
Oh! Punch monkeys only.
- What? Why?
- He said that's how they roll.
- Well, Guy,
why don't you tell them
I'm gonna roll
right through them
- unless they get out of the way!
- Do I have to?
- If you don't, I will.
- I've got a better idea.
Tell them we'll roll for it.
Their best tricks against ours.
Winners get Rolling Canyon,
losers take a hike.
He says you're on.
- What are they saying?
- They're saying
they're gonna beat you so badly,
you'll never be able
to look at a wheel again
without crying.
- Maybe this is a bad idea.
- No! You've got this!
That's just trash talk.
Give it right back to 'em! Guy!
- You translate.
- Okay
You ready for a rollover,
punch monkeys?
And by that, I mean
I'm gonna roll over you.
With my rollerlog,
but not really.
I'm just gonna
do better tricks than you.
That's the rolling over part.
It's just a figure of speech.
- On second thought,
maybe just let your
rolling do the talking.
- Not bad.
- Hoo yeah!
- This is it, Dawn.
Nail this trick,
and this place is all ours.
You gotta spin it to win it!
- Oh yeah! Woo!
- Oh my What did you just do?!
- Ha! Dawn, you crushed it!
- You were flying
like an eelgle! Ow
Ooh, and that's a broken rib.
Yep. Definitely broken.
- Sorry.
Forgot we're not punch monkeys.
- Now, let's go tell those
losers to take a hike!
- But let's be nice about it
because rollerlogging's
not about winning.
It's about rolling on a log.
- Yes! That's That's me.
I-I said that. I said that.
- Hold on
Be right there
Almost got it. I mean
And stopped. Woo!
- End of the road. Time to go.
- Eep
- We're being nice, remember?
- Right.
Time to go.
Thank you. How's that?
He says he wants a rematch.
- Why?
Dawn's tricks are untouchable.
- Oh! They don't wanna do tricks.
Ah! Oh! They wanna
ride rollerlogs and jump
Regret Ravine.
- Seems kinda dangerous.
- Yeah.
It's called Regret Ravine
for a reason.
- Unless you're chickenseal.
- Dawn's not chickenseal!
- Yeah. I'm just afraid to do it.
I mean, I'm not chickenseal!
- He says you are.
And he says
your rollerlogging is trash.
- Oh no, he did not.
- Trash, huh?
Well, here's some trash.
Talk. Tell them they're on.
And they're gonna regret
their decision to challenge me
because I'm going to be
the one who lands
the big jump, and not them
because I'm better at this
than they are.
- I like the attitude,
but trash talk works better
if you don't have to explain it.
They said see you tomorrow.
- That's a pretty big jump, Dawn.
- You sure you wanna do this?
- Oh yeah.
It is on like Dawn.
- Love the energy! Now,
let's do some practice jumps.
- And I know
the perfect spot. Again.
That field
of bounceberries is roughly
the size of the ravine.
All you have to do
is jump over it,
and if you don't,
you'll bounce because
- Thanks, but I don't need 'em
because I'm gonna land
that jump first try!
Hiya! Oh!
- I meant second try!
Fourth try!
Are we sure
the ramp isn't broken?
Something's wrong
with these wheels!
Sun in my eyes!
Was that a chickenseal stampede?
Maybe the problem
is this jump is too easy!
- Yes! I did it!
- Just kidding!
Thirty-two jumps.
Do you know how many of them
you actually made?
- Most of them?
- None of them.
- Pretty sure
I made a few of them.
- Not one.
- Maybe jumping across
Regret Ravine
isn't a great idea.
- Really? Why not?
- Because it's called
"Regret Ravine"?
- And because
you're not gonna make it.
- You don't have to do this.
- Of course, I do.
If I don't, we're gonna
lose Rolling Canyon.
- It is the perfect spot.
- You couldn't
design a better one.
- Guy!
What are you doing?
We can't let her
jump that ravine.
- Sorry. Got swept up
in the roller moment.
You're right. So, what do we do?
- We tell Hope. She'll never
allow Dawn to do this.
- Thirty-third try!
- Dawn is going to jump
the ravine on her rollerlog
to beat the punch monkeys.
- Nobody messes with Dawn!
- What?!
- I don't know what
"jump the ravine" is,
but it sounds like a great trick
or stunt or whatever.
- And I'll be there
to cheer her on.
- But--
- Honestly, I'm so proud of her,
I feel a little sick.
Dawn! Dawn! Dawn!
Oh, I need a bucket.
- Sophisticated,
elegant, inspiring.
Everything that
Guy's rollerlog isn't.
And I haven't even
taken off the tarp.
Move over, toilet.
There's a new
best invention ever in town.
Only one task remains.
A test run.
Seems these doorways
weren't built to accommodate
the greatness
of my latest endeavor.
That's easily solved.
We'll simply excavate
a new, larger doorway!
Hm. Good point.
That's a monumental undertaking.
It'll be much easier
to disassemble my invention
and reassemble it outside.
- Chickenseal.
I said chickenseal!
Thanks for
coming to support Dawn.
- I promise you won't regret it.
- Oh, I know I won't.
But someone might because
Regret Ravine.
- Where's Phil?
How'd he get out of this?
I mean,
I can't think of anything else
- I'd rather be doing!
- I can!
Every other thing
I've ever done, for starters!
- Hoo! Rollercouch can't
be invented soon enough.
- Thunk, did you push
that couch all the way here?
- I sure did!
- Why?
- Where else am I gonna sit?
- On a rock?
- Why would I sit on a rock
when I have a couch?
- So, you're really gonna
let this happen?
- Of course! Ugga, a mother
has to encourage her children
to explore their talents.
- Within reason, sure.
- And honestly,
I'm excited to see Dawn
perform her new little trick.
I think it's called
a "jumping the ravine."
- That's rollerlog lingo.
- No, Hope, it's not.
She's actually going
to jump the ravine.
Wow. That ravine
looks wide, even from here.
And deep. Don't forget deep.
It probably
just looks that way, right?
- No. It looks wide and deep
because it is
- wide and deep.
They said they'll go first,
just so you can see
how it's done before you fall.
- Ooh, just missed.
- Oh! Oh no.
- Well, if that monkey
can't do it,
other girl's a goner for sure.
- Dawn! Don't you dare
jump this ravine!
- It's not worth it, Dawn.
We don't need Rolling Canyon.
We can rollerlog somewhere else.
- Even though
it's as if Rolling Canyon
was made for rollerlogging.
- It's not just about
Rolling Canyon.
It's about the punch monkeys
always ruining our fun.
Well, that stops here and now.
- Or you can let it go
and live to roll another day.
- No. I have to do this.
Even my mom gets it.
- Dawn! Do not do this!
- Dawn, you
tried 32 practice jumps!
- Thirty-three, actually.
- Right! And you missed them all,
which means you're not
gonna make this jump.
- I have to try. I'm not letting
the punch monkeys
take rollerlogging away from me.
- And I'm not going
to let rollerlogging
take you away from me!
Dawn, please. Don't do this.
- I really don't wanna do this.
- So, don't do it!
- Okay. I'm not doing it.
- Yes!
- Can you imagine
what would've happened
if I actually
tried to jump that
Does it feel like we're rolling?
Probably because you're rolling!
- Yeah, it's probably
because we're rolling.
Wait. We're rolling!
- So I guess we're gonna die?!
- Unless 34 is the charm!
- We're alive!
- Dawn!
- We're alive!
- We made it!
How on earth did we make it?
- Ah! You did it! You did it!
How could you do that?!
- It wasn't on purpose.
We just kinda rolled with it.
But don't worry.
No more jumping ravines for me.
- Thank you.
- Just volcanos.
- Dawn!
- I'm kidding.
- Good. I can't handle
any more excitement today.
- Show's not over yet, everyone!
- If you thought
the rollerlog was something,
The Betterman Betterboard!
- The rollercouch
It's breathtaking! And they
said it couldn't be done.
- And now, for a test roll!
- This is a terrible idea,
Phil, so if you don't mind,
I'm just gonna keep
Belt and Sash here with me.
- Why would I mind?
I'll fly even higher
without the dead weight.
Make way for the Betterboard!
Because the better they are,
the harder they roll!
- No! Wait for me!
- Uh, n never mind!
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