The Equalizer (2021) s03e04 Episode Script

One Percenters

Previously on The Equalizer
I know you have a lot of questions.
I do.
I'm glad you're okay, but, Rob,
this is far from over.
- How you doing, pop?
- Good to see you, son.
What made you cross the line?
There is no line.
There's just a gray area,
and it's different for everyone,
so you have to decide
what you're willing to do.
Just know that everything I do
is just me trying to help.
I get it.
Mom, if you really want to help,
don't smother me,
train me.
So, this is the team.

MAN: They got a box of heaters!
WOMAN: I want one.
Do you see it?
- Get one and go.
MEMBER: Hey, T-bone, what you think?
Blip the throttle again.
There's not enough gas
getting to the carb.
Check the fuel line for air
before the engine blows.
Yo, T-bone!
- You got a call.
- All right, fam.
I'm working hard but I know
that's not enough for you ♪
What up, big dawg?
All right, boy. Bless.
Head stuck in the clouds ♪
trying to live my dream ♪
- What up?
- MAN: Hey, yo, check it, T-bone,
your van is sitting up here in the stuy.
The doors are wide open,
and it's filled with gats.
- Five-o is all over it.
- OFFICER: Police!
- Hands up.
All right, listen up.
We got an arrest warrant for one
Louis "T-bone" Bennet.
- Come on, man. This ain't right.
- Where's T-bone?
OFFICER: Hands where we can see them.
I didn't do nothing.
Okay, what you in here for?
What part of arrest warrant
don't you understand?
He's not here. Let's check the back.
Move it!
Damn it.
how long you been up?
The roosters have nothing on me.
I have so much to do
before tomorrow night.
Season premiere of our
favorite show the eliminator.
Finally get to find out what happened
after they drove off that bridge.
Better not kill Ronnie, hand to god,
I'm-a be done with that show.
Hmm, I know that's right.
I was up all night
reading spoilers online and
Oh no, no, no, no.
Girl. Uh-uh. We've been waiting
all year for that. You may not
- ruin it right now.
(CHUCKLES) VI: Listen,
how are we gonna work out
this appointment
with the cable man today?
Something wrong with the TV again?
I mean, it hasn't worked for a week.
- What's the problem?
- I think it's a
Connection issue with the
cable box and the TV.
Aunt Vi,
you been back there wiggling
with those wires again?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Can we just stay focused, please?
We cannot afford
to miss that appointment today,
and it is between
8:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M.
What kind of window is that?
Please, don't get me started.
Dee's gonna be in school,
and I'm guest speaking
at my friend's art class.
Can you help out, Robyn?
I can't. I have a work meeting today.
- Ugh
- Sorry.
You know what,
I've got independent study
for my last two classes
of the day, so
And I can get home early.
- Teamwork.
Thank you. I love you. I got to go.
- I love you more. Bye.
- Bye.
- Love you. See you.
- Have a great day. Okay.
- Everything okay?
Miles again.
Wanting to talk about Dee?
And everything that happened
with that dirty bomb.
I can't really tell him what's going on.
Well, he is the child's father,
he does deserve some answers.
My man T-bone
is on the run from the law.
Why is that?
His van was found filled with guns.
Yeah. Saw it on the news.
And now they're accusing him
of trafficking.
That's a federal offense.
That's serious time, but he's innocent.
- Somebody set him up.
- How are you so sure of that?
I know my man.
I'm sorry, but
that's not concrete evidence.
T-bone is an ex-felon. Ex.
But he changed his life,
stopped drinking,
even started going to therapy
to deal with his anger issues.
He would never risk going back to jail.
But I am worried for him.
Being black,
a biker with a record.
That's three strikes.
He's never gonna get a fair trial.
And if the cops find him first
They gonna come for him heavy.
That's right.
Shoot first, ask questions later.
So, how does someone like T-bone
get justice?
You did the right thing coming to me.
HARRY: All right (SIGHS)
Louis "T-bone" Bennet. Age 34.
By the time he was 13,
he was already a gangbanger
running with a crew called
- The Soulless Ones.
- The Soulless Ones?
Yeah, think Oliver! With guns,
but no musical routines.
He eventually graduated
to rolling people,
specialized in armed robbery.
He just went down the wrong path.
But when he was 21,
he joined the marines,
served a tour in Afghanistan,
and was honorably discharged
eight years ago.
Came home, joined the disciples.
With a record like that,
I'm surprised
he fell back into gang life.
The Brooklyn Disciples
are a motorcycle club,
not a gang.
They get a bad rap.
They seem hostile,
when really they're helping
their community.
HARRY: Right, so not your, uh,
garden variety biker outlaw scenario?
(SCOFFS) I mean, obviously,
everyone has their bad apples, but
really they're just a bunch
of black folks from all
walks of life who just love
motorcycle culture.
Still, though, you know,
with all that chrome, leather,
and machismo, you'd think
it would elicit
a drunk and disorderly or something,
but ever since T-bone got home,
not a peep.
Sounds like he turned his life around.
Is there any way we can find him?
HARRY: That's a good question.
T-bone's got no credit cards,
no cell phone,
no social media,
- and no tax returns.
- You think he's hiding something?
I mean, maybe. I'll tell you what
he's not hiding, though
This police report says that
the NYPD found his van
just filled with guns
and open for the taking.
Who leaves a load of guns
in an unlocked van?
I mean, you-you think he's
running guns and just got careless?
Or maybe storm is right,
and someone is setting him up.
NYPD's got his, uh,
got his van impounded.
Maybe Dante can give it a look,
see if anything stands out.
Okay, I'll check the, uh,
traffic cams near the crime scene,
and see if his, uh,
van made an appearance
before it was turned into
a gun dispensary.
Storm said T-bone lives in a camper
under the Greenpoint Avenue bridge.
Maybe something in there
can help us track him down.
- Okay. (SIGHS)
You know, I was thinking,
kind of use a cool nickname like, uh,
like T-bone. What do you
think of, like, uh,
I think you're not allowed
to give yourself your own nickname.
Yeah, I guess that'd be weird.
- Yeah.
- Or would it?
It would.
HARRY: Any luck?
I flipped the camper. (SIGHS)
It's clean.
Apparently, it's where
take-out containers come to die.
HARRY (OVER COMM): I'd throw stones,
but if you saw my bathroom,
you'd question if I was actually
a homo sapien or not.
Yeah, I've questioned that,
too. I think T-bone
is pulling up. I'll hit you back.
Hey, T-bone, we need to talk.
(HONKS) ROBYN: Watch out!
No. No!
T-bone, I need to talk to you.
Who the hell are you,
and where's T-bone?
Shorty? Where's T-bone,
and why do you have his bike?
Disciples don't snitch, so
- Ow, ow! Okay.
- What was that?
- I can't hear you.
- (GRUNTS) God!
- Start talking.
- All right.
T-bone split town and asked me
to watch Josephine for him.
So, I went by the camper to grab covers.
Then I saw you. I-I ran because
I didn't want no troubles.
If you don't keep it a hundred with me,
your problems have just started.
Now, is T-bone running guns?
No, he ain't about that life.
H-He's all easy rider,
being free, living off the grid.
He got beef with anyone?
(SIGHS) Look, look
T-bone and our leader,
Buffalo Joe, used to be tight,
all right? But now, there's beef.
They even threw hands a week ago.
- We had to break it up.
- What was it about?
If I knew, I'd tell you, I swear.
- Ah!
- If you lying,
I'll be back, and you
won't like our reunion.
Okay, understood. I'll keep you posted.
Rob's headed over to the
Brooklyn disciples' clubhouse.
She wants us to look into Buffalo Joe.
Well, according to their social,
The Brooklyn Disciples were formed
over 30 years ago by Buffalo Joe.
Wait a minute, they have social media?
Oh, yeah. They even sell, uh,
coffee mugs and t-shirts.
Okay. Guess they are a club.
So, why do we think Buffalo Joe
might have it out for T-bone?
I don't know, but I'm also wondering
why storm didn't tell Robyn
about their beef.
Maybe she didn't know. I mean,
boys do keep their secrets.
Hey, wait a minute, the only secrets
I ever kept are from the government.
Mm-hmm. Any luck finding
the van footage?
All the cameras in the area
are either broken
or they need to be updated.
There was this one on
the corner that should have
a pretty good shot of the
action, but I can't get access.
Might be an air-gapped security measure.
That's a serious measure
for such a small bank.
I know, that's what I was thinking.
Well, I'll keep digging,
see what I can find.
You know, I clocked you four blocks ago.
(LAUGHS) I must be slipping.
If you wanted to talk to me
about T-bone's van,
you could've just rung me.
I could've, but then you
wouldn't have gotten to try some
of Brooklyn's finest, Mabel's donuts.
Hey, you know,
my grandmother used to say
you can't buy happiness,
but you can buy donuts,
and that's kind of the same thing.
- My kind of lady.
One of those days?
One of those weeks.
Always here if you need to talk.
I appreciate that.
I really do.
I got a look at T-bone's van
in the police impound.
Pretty clear someone hot-wired it.
So, storm was telling the truth.
Someone is trying to set him up.
All I know is someone's flooding
Brooklyn's streets with guns.
Where are the guns coming from?
Guns are bought down south
with softer gun laws,
then moved up north and
sold illegally by traffickers.
The old iron pipeline.
Exactly, which is impossible to track.
How about you?
Harry or Mel have any leads?
Well, Harry's trying to get
access to an atm camera
that was near where the van was found.
Hoping for a clue.
Okay. I'm gonna re-canvass
the crime scene,
see if the cops missed anything.
I was on my way to see
the leader of the club,
Buffalo Joe.
That is, before I was kidnapped
by the donut bandit.
Can I see you later?
I don't know,
can you?
There's a rise in crime in Brooklyn,
and the problem is clear.
Long-term councilman Moore is in bed
with criminal groups that
flood our streets with guns.
So, it's time for a change.
It's time for a new generation.
Vote for me,
and I'll get these guns off our streets.
MAN: That's what we need in BK!
Excuse me, ma'am.
My name's detective Dante.
I-I'm bettie Bass. So good to meet you.
I know who you are, Mrs. Bass.
When I was growing up,
your husband was the best mayor
New York ever had,
and you were arguably its queen.
(CHUCKLES) Thank you,
but today I'm simply
stumping for my son's campaign.
- Can I ask you a question then?
- Of course.
What did your son mean
when he said councilman Moore
was tied up with organized crime?
Elijah Moore grew up with the leader
of the Brooklyn disciples.
Guns were found in one
of the gang member's vans.
You're the detective.
I'll let you connect the dots.
All due respect, Mrs. Bass,
but The Brooklyn Disciples,
and councilman Moore
have been pillars of this community,
for years, and if
Good people of Brooklyn.
I know you can see through
this mudslinging
by one of New York's
oldest and richest families,
whose attacks
upon me are only to hide
their own history
of political dirty pool.
How dare you attack my family name
that family name is the only reason
you're even on the ballot, kid.
We'll see at our debate tomorrow.
The truth will finally come out.
MOORE: The truth?
That'd be a first for a Bass.
(LAUGHS) You know
where you can stick that?
Save it for tomorrow, dear.
Yeah, that's right.
Listen to mommy, baby boy.
And remember, everyone,
don't snore, vote for Moore.
- All right. Give it to me.
- All right.
Hi, councilman Moore.
Right for right ♪
Oh, yeah. Nice shot.
Tell you what,
I'll let you call the next one.
SHORTY: Hey, Buffalo Joe,
check it, that's her.
Life is a journey ♪
Little lady, you must be lost.
I'm pretty sure I'm right
where I need to be.
This is a private club. Members only.
I just have a few questions
about T-bone Bennet,
and once I'm done, you can
Maybe you don't understand.
We don't speak to outsiders.
You know
if I sink that eight ball,
you give me five minutes.
If I miss,
easy money.
- Nice shot.
- Didn't see that coming.
What's your beef with T-bone?
You want this fast or slow?
- Seriously?
- Gonna mess you up.
(SCOFFS) We playing it like this?
When I move, you move ♪
just like that ♪
when I move, you move ♪
just like that ♪
when I move, you move ♪
just like that ♪
hell yeah, hey dj, bring that back ♪
when I move, you move ♪
just like that ♪
when I move, you move ♪
just like that ♪
when I move, you move ♪
just like that ♪
hell yeah, hey dj,
bring that back ♪
Disciples, get up.
Buffalo Joe, wait!
Hey, how'd it go with
the sons of anarchy?
About how you'd expect.
But I left with more questions
than answers.
Not only did Buffalo Joe
stonewall me about T-bone,
but he also rode off with
our client, storm.
You think she's playing us?
I'm not sure,
but I went by her apartment
to get some answers,
and she wasn't there,
and she's not answering her phone.
All right, I got this, though.
Storm's real name, Tasha Murray.
Grew up in scarsdale,
went to Holy Trinity prep,
the most expensive private
school in the entire city.
So, how does a girl from Westchester
wind up on a motorcycle in Brooklyn?
Well, love works in mysterious ways.
- I mean, look at us.
HARRY: So, what are we thinking here?
That, uh, somehow
there's a-a love triangle between storm,
Buffalo Joe, and T-bone?
And if it is, did Buffalo Joe
frame T-bone to get him out of the way?
Not sure, but when all else fails,
follow the money.
There it is. Guess who owns
the apartment building
that storm lives in.
Councilman Elijah Moore.
MEL: Storm runs off with Buffalo Joe,
who's friends with councilman Moore,
and she lives in his place?
(SIGHS) Something's up.
Dante can look at that apartment.
How are you doing on the atm footage?
I figured out why I couldn't
hack it. It had one of those old
pre-1900s, like, tin ceilings,
so my sig um
Yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry. The point is,
one super spreader later,
I was able to get in.
But now we got another
problem. Check this out.
One minute, empty street.
One hour later,
- also an empty street.
- MEL: Okay.
But we know the van was there.
Someone must've erased
hours' worth of footage.
Right, but not just someone, right?
It had to be somebody
that worked at the bank
because they're the only people
that have access to the atm footage.
Well, how many people work at the bank?
But one of them, a teller,
Eddie pagan, made $75,000 last year,
but, somehow, yesterday,
he was, uh, magically able
to make his wife's $33,000
in medical bills go away.
So, either he won the lottery, or
Yeah, he got paid off.
And 48 hours ago, he got a wire transfer
- from an offshore bank account.
- From who?
Right, so the electronic
footprint was run through
a bunch of dummy corps,
right, so I haven't been able
to track it down, but, uh,
I got a bot working on it.
It's just gonna take me a while.
T-bone may not have a while.
You kick the tires on Eddie,
find out who wired him that money.
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
I'll be back.
Can I help you?
I just want to ask councilman
Moore a few questions.
Is this about the Bass family's
allegations against him?
I'd rather discuss this
with councilman Moore.
I get that, but it's my job
to protect the councilman.
He's a little busy right now.
If he has nothing to hide,
he has nothing to worry about.
I just want to talk to him.
Leo, stand down. Apologies.
My security gets a little
Come in, please.
Get you a drink?
Detective Dante,
how can I help you?
I just have a few questions.
What's your connection
to Tasha "Storm" Murray,
and why are you letting her live
in an apartment you own?
I can't see why that's
any of your concern.
It should be your concern.
All these ties to The Brooklyn Disciples
feeds right into
the Bass family's narrative.
Not that I have to answer this, but
All of The Brooklyn Disciples
are innocent.
This is just political theater.
DANTE: Then why are buffalo
Joe and T-bone on the run?
I've never run in my whole life.
Then what do you call this?
I call this me trying to fix this.
Storm told me she went to
that woman that showed up at our club,
which was a mistake.
Trust me. She's just trying to help.
You should let her.
Trust you? That's a tall order
coming from big Ben's kid.
I'm my own man.
MOORE: I heard he's a
Straight shooter.
Well, then start shooting.
What about the beef
between you and T-bone?
This have to do with storm?
It does.
Storm's father was a good friend
that died suddenly.
We're her godfathers.
And in the club, one cardinal rule:
No one gets with Storm,
and T-bone broke that.
So, why didn't Storm mention that?
BUFFALO JOE: Storm knew I
would never hurt a fellow member.
Even though I felt betrayed by T-bone,
our thing is purely personal.
If it wasn't you,
then who is setting up T-bone and why?
T-bone used to bounce
at this club a month ago,
and things got foul.
- He say what happened?
- He didn't want to talk about it.
You remember the name of the club?
La Rosa.
Hey, Eddie. Can I help you?
Yeah. We need to talk to you.
Was that your gym membership card?
Come on, you think I'm stupid?
How about this?
Yeah, that's all of your bank info,
including a pretty hefty cash transfer
- from a few days ago.
- MEL: The good news is you're not
the one we're after.
The IRS might be interested,
though, so
Why don't you just
tell us what happened?
Okay, look, I was approached
by a man who said
he would pay me handsomely
if I were to find this atm bank video
and cut out some footage.
So, what'd you cut?
(SIGHS) It was footage
of a man pulling in a van,
opening the door,
and walking away. That's it.
Do you remember
what the guy looked like?
He was fit, he wore a cap,
he had sunglasses,
and he had polished shoes,
and tan slacks.
Right, what about, uh, marks, tattoos?
As a matter of fact, on his wrist,
but I could only see
part of it. It was, um,
it was a sun
with the number seven on it.
- All right. Thanks, Eddie.
- MEL: Okay.
Hey, Miles.
Good to see you.
Yeah, it is.
Aunt Vi and Dee here?
No. No, I asked them to step out.
And, uh, they missed the repairman and
wrangled you into it.
Yeah. I can't fix this.
I've done surgeries
less complicated than that.
I know you have.
So, I've been trying
to talk to you for a couple
weeks, you've been
avoiding me. How come?
I just, you know, uh,
I've been meaning to call you,
but the
come on. Rob, tell me the truth.
What have you gotten into?
Are you back with the CIA?
Even if you were, you
wouldn't tell me, would you?
All right, look, first,
you bring a gunshot victim to my house.
Then I get a call
from Aunt Vi saying that
I need to come get our daughter
'cause there's a dirty bomb
about to blow up in the city,
which your absence that day tells me
you were somehow involved in.
I'm concerned, Rob, about Delilah.
I know. You're right.
It's a lot to deal with,
but you must trust me.
I wouldn't do anything
to put our daughter in danger.
Rob, you already have.
Now, you gonna tell me the truth or no?
Miles, when the time is right, I will,
but, right now,
- I can't.
- Okay.
I tried. You leave me no choice.
Wait, what's that supposed to mean?
I'm filing for full custody of Delilah.
- That's not gonna happen.
- Well, then I hope
you're ready to tell the court
what you won't tell me.
(SINGSONGY): Fresh made. Good morning.
Thank you. I need this.
You all right?
Miles came by.
Between the gunshot victim
and the dirty bomb scare,
he wants permanent custody of Delilah.
He can't do that.
I'm not so sure about that.
He takes me to court,
how do I explain all this?
Rob, Miles has got to know
that you would never let
anything happen to Dee.
But I already have.
It's only by luck that Quinn
didn't grab Aunt Vi and Dee.
And he could've.
And if he did, you would've saved them.
That's not the point.
I promised to keep my family safe.
The question is,
can I even keep that promise?
- What's that?
I've been shaking the trees a little bit
on our favorite fugitive, T-bone,
and even though he doesn't
have a digital footprint,
his favorite motorcycle Josephine does.
And our old pal
Shorty Pinto's been getting
some parking tickets
at this abandoned building,
and he just got one five minutes ago.
T-bone's used to living off the grid,
it might be a perfect place
for him to lay low.
I knew Shorty was lying.
I'm gonna check it out.
Let me know if you hear
anything from Dante
about what happened at that night club.
Come on, T-bone.
Oh, no, you got to be kidding me.
Hey, Shorty.
Yo, T-bone, that's her.
T-bone. T-bone, wait.
I'm trying to help you.
Who are you?
I'm a friend of Storm's. (SCOFFS)
She's worried about you.
Storm needs to move on.
We both know how this story ends.
I can help.
You just have to tell me
who's trying to frame you and why.
Nobody can help me.
Whatever this is,
it's not worth dying for.
Somebody has to pay.
My name and my honor are all I have.
They're absolutely worth dying for.
Don't do this.
(SIGHS) I just had
a close call with T-bone.
He's armed, he's dangerous,
and out for revenge.
I know why. There was a record
in the police logs
of an assault at la Rosa,
but once officers arrived,
everyone suddenly had amnesia,
so people were obviously scared to talk.
Or someone paid for their silence.
I discovered from payroll that
T-bone wasn't the only one
that quit that night,
so did a cocktail waitress. I'm going
to see if her amnesia was temporary.
Okay, well, let me know what you
find out.
I'm gonna try to see if I can
figure out where T-bone is headed.
- Camila Rivera.
- Yes?
NYPD. I want to talk to you
about the night you quit la Rosa.
Ay bendito. No.
I don't want any trouble.
- Just leave me alone.
- T-bone Bennet is in trouble.
Time is running out to help him.
What exactly happened that night?
A high Roller showed up.
He was tweaking, running with hookers.
He got rough with one
of the girls, so T-bone
put some hands on him.
Then the high Roller's team swept in.
Paid off everyone just to keep it quiet,
but I just bounced.
And that was it?
A few days ago,
this chacho came along, saying that
I should take the money this time,
and I was like, "no way."
Because they pay you,
- they own you.
- Same guy from the club?
No, that was an older lady dressed nice,
but this guy, he dressed normal.
Khakis, baseball cap,
- real plain.
- Any tattoos?
Yes, on his wrist,
but I only got a glimpse of it.
Who was the high Roller?
Candidate Bass.
MEL: Bass?
Bass's image is that of a
family man with virtuous values.
I mean, he's got political aspirations
and a famous family last name.
So, drugs, prostitution,
and manhandling a woman
isn't something you put
on a campaign poster.
- No.
- Harry, is candidate Bass
behind councilman Moore in the polls?
Yeah, nice call.
With only a couple of weeks left to go,
uh, he's trying to close the gap.
maybe Bass set up The Brooklyn Disciples
because they're associated with Moore.
It makes sense. It definitely
would help Bass's election chances.
I mean, the crime rate is up,
and people think that
councilman Moore is in bed
with the criminals responsible.
And Bass has the perfect patsy,
the guy who smacked him around
and embarrassed him that night
at la Rosa T-bone.
The old twofer move.
Dante, did Camila say if
the guy who approached her
a few days ago had any tattoos?
She did. And got a glimpse
of it a sun,
the number 75.
Okay, so, tattoo guy who
tried to pay off Camila,
- paid off the teller,
- mm-hmm.
And was also the driver of
the van in the atm videos.
We find him, case closed.
Well, thankfully, there's only
8.3 million people in Manhattan.
Harry, how are you doing
with that bot search
into the offshore accounts?
It's still running.
I mean, I'm telling you,
this company runs deeper
than my resentment from
being a Knicks fan.
ROBYN: Dante, do we know where Bass is?
He's about to debate
councilman Moore. Why?
Because I think that's
where T-bone is headed.
To get revenge for being set up,
by killing Bass
and himself in the process.
Hey, I got an address.
It's at a community hall near
where that van was found.
I'll meet you there.

We're about to go out here
and tell these nice people
- the truth.
- Gun!
Drop your weapon!
OFFICER: Drop it! Do it now!
OFFICER: Drop your weapon!
Everyone get back! Clear the area now!
It's time the people know
who you really are.
I'm not playing. Start talking
or I start shooting.
OFFICER: Put your weapon down!
- Do as she says!
- Drop your weapon!
- Come on.
We're not playing around, here, man.
We will put you down!
Last chance to talk.
Listen up.
- I've been unfaithful to my wife.
I've solicited illegal drugs
and prostitution.
I've even been aggressive with women.
And the reason I never admitted
to any of this before
is because I was trying to protect
my marriage and family.
Tell them about the guns
and how you tried to frame me,
and The Brooklyn Disciples
and councilman Moore
- so you could win the election.
- Wait. What?
- I'm not playing with you.
- But I didn't do that.
T-bone. My name is
detective Marcus Dante.
Slow your roll, or I will shoot Bass.
That'd be suicide by cop.
If that's what it takes for the truth
to finally get out there,
I'm good with that.
Doesn't have to be this way.
Let the law bring the justice
you're looking for.
Somebody who looks like me
doesn't get justice in america.
The system isn't always fair,
but the truth is undeniable.
I don't want to hear that noise.
I know you're innocent, T-bone.
Let me help you prove it.
My whole life,
people coming into our hood
and stepping on us.
Where is our justice?!
I feel you. But this won't fix anything.
It will only feed into the narrative
of an angry black man who only
knows how to use violence.
Let's get your justice, T-bone.
But the right way.
You want to make real change,
don't be another statistic.
We got him in our sights. We got him!
Suspect is unarmed!
Don't shoot! Stand down!
Repeat, suspect is unarmed!
You heard him.
- All units, stand down.
- Stand down.
I got you, T-bone.
I got you.
ROBYN: If candidate Bass didn't
put those guns on the street,
then who?
HARRY: The bot finally paid off.
The wire transfer came from an
S Corp called Sua Sponte Vitae,
which is Latin for
"of their own accord."
ROBYN: That sounds familiar.
Harry, run that through
military databases.
Yep. It's a motto for
the rangers of the 75th.
- Of course.
- What?
Their insigne is a sun, a star,
and a lightning bolt across,
with the number 75.
The tattoo of the guy
paying everybody off.
- Mm-hmm.
- HARRY: All right, I found, uh,
three ex-rangers living in NYC.
And one of them is Leo Day, aka
councilman Moore's bodyguard.
Why would he put
these guns on the street
and try to frame T-bone for it?
They're all in the same camp.
If we want to ask him, we
better move. He's heading out.
HARRY: All right,
Leo was dishonorably discharged
for leading a black-ops operation
which led to him being blackballed
until he was rescued by Mick Bass,
who offered him a job.
According to the campaign records,
uh, Leo never had an official job title.
Yeah, typical hatchet man.
Working from the shadows.
All right, ex-mayor Bass
opened Sua Sponte Vitae
as a slush fund, for blackmail,
payoffs, et cetera.
And only Leo has access to it.
And still does.
So, Leo is candidate Bob's
dark guardian angel.
I just spotted Leo on surveillance video
entering a parking lot
one block east from you.
Okay, you stay on Leo.
I'll see if I can get in front of him.
Leo Day.
It's all over, Leo.
Who the hell are you?
MEL: It doesn't matter.
What does, is we know you're
connected to Mick Bass.
And that even now after his death,
you're cleaning up
after his son's messes.
Someone had to, his mother sure
wasn't doing a good job of it.
At the cost of putting guns
on the street
and putting innocent lives
in danger, like T-bone's?
When Mick Bass oversaw the
big apple, it was like Camelot.
His son Bob will do the same.
It just takes more than votes and luck.
You broke the law, Leo.
Those guns are hurting people.
LEO: Winning comes with casualties.
It's about time you got here.
You must think I'm a real idiot
to fall for that one.
Hey, Leo.
You run some errands?
- She really put it into perspective.
Wow, how'd the TV get fixed?
Oh, we just, uh,
we put our heads together
and figured it out.
You called Harry, didn't you?
(SIGHS) Yes, I called him.
I did, but I mean,
he walked me through how
to fix it, so it's all good.
You don't call Harry to fix a TV.
That's like calling
Elon Musk to fix a toaster.
That's not what we use him for.
VI: Oh, just leave the child alone.
He came to our rescue.
Well, how'd you miss
the appointment anyway?
How do they always know to come
the moment you go to the bathroom?
I'm getting some hot sauce.
Can I get you something?
Some, uh, chili flakes
and, uh, some garlic.
- You want a plate?
- Yeah, thanks.
So, um, did it all go well with dad?
We're still hashing some stuff out.
Previously on The Eliminator
Ooh! Aunt Vi, it's starting.
- Coming, coming.
- Oh, yes!
- MAN (ON TV): I'm the one you call
when you can't call your
local police station.
- Okay.
- WOMAN (ON TV): Ronnie, help us!
MAN (ON TV): Does the name
gazzam mean anything to you?
WOMAN (ON TV): All I know is
that people that go after him
end up in a body bag.
Ooh just so they don't
eliminate Ronnie, I'm telling you.
- Let's go!
- We interrupt the scheduled program
for a breaking news story
about the candidate
for the 8th district, son of
New York's ex-mayor, Mick Bass.
You had something to do
with this, didn't you?
Hey, thanks, Joe.
My daughter's gonna love it.
I still can't believe
I let a wolf into my hen house.
Don't be too hard on yourself.
Leo Day is a professional
manipulator. He fooled everyone.
Yeah. But I would've bet the bank
all roads led to
candidate Bass and his mother.
They were guilty of covering up
his, uh, indiscretions,
but the guns and the van,
that was all Leo.
Yeah. Well, I am working on a new bill
that will get the guns
off these streets.
(LAUGHS) That's what I'm talking about.
There she is. (LAUGHS)
I'm so happy you could come.
I'm just glad that they dropped
all the charges against you, T-bone.
Yeah, seems like Bass wants that
story out of the news cycle
- as soon as possible, huh?
- And, um
Buffalo Joe? He good with you two?
Let's say, he's coming around.
But none of this would've
been possible without you.
So, T-bone
Hey, yo, listen up!
As we all know,
our new friend here just did us a solid.
So, in tribute
Yeah, we'd like to make you
an honorary member
of The Brooklyn Disciples.
"Real deal"?
Yeah. Yeah, that's what you are.
So, now it's your biker name, too.
WOMAN: That's right!
It's a real honor. Thank you.
Well, now you got your colors on.
So it's customary to roll out.
Yeah. Hey, yo, let's ride!
Welcome home.
What you want, what you want? ♪
W-W-What you wanna do? ♪
One call, problem solved ♪
adjust your attitude ♪
make sure if you talkin',
back it, back it up ♪
make sure if you wanna nuck,
you can, you can get buck ♪
you'll never catch me slippin'
even if I'm wearin' Chucks ♪
them ain't even tied,
gangsta walkin' ♪
walkin' ♪
hail Mary, if you're scary ♪
strapped up like the military ♪
gangstas still screaming lyrics ♪
fruit, fruit get buried ♪
we the mob so we equal ♪
got some guys, don't ya meet 'em ♪
all them nose, nose is bleeding ♪
dish 'em up and let 'em eat 'em ♪
what you want, what you want? ♪
W-W-What you wanna do? ♪
One call, problem solved ♪
adjust your attitude ♪
what you want, what you want? ♪
Wanna do? ♪
One call, problem solved ♪
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