The Following s03e04 Episode Script


Mark is behind this.
- Catching him is my job.
- You mean killing him.
If that's what it takes.
- I'll call you when I land.
- Don't.
Losing you would destroy me.
- Move in with me.
- Count me in, but I need you to promise me something.
No secrets.
You missed Clarke's ceremony to hunt Mark? That's what you really think of me? Clarke died because what I did.
Come here.
What are you doing with this? What are you really up to? It was supposed to be a surprise.
We got you Max Hardy's address so you can kill her.
He will gut us in our sleep if he even suspects that we have our own agenda.
Call Juliana.
We need to get out of town.
Too bad.
We're on a schedule.
I have come to take my lady to dinner.
Sounds good.
All right.
Let's get this done then.
Ha ha! That was fun.
Who knew Tate's band would be so good? Thanks for walking me home.
Is your roommate still out of town? Oh, nice try.
I have a test in the morning.
They're such a cute couple.
Breaks my heart that it has to end in tragedy.
Reggie, right? Yeah.
Marisol talks about you all the time.
You've been together a while.
Since freshman year.
Kyle and I met in high school.
It was love at first sight.
Let me guess.
You were a cheerleader, and he was the star quarterback.
Ha! Ha ha! I used to get high behind metal shop every day, and Daisy honey trapped her teachers into giving her As.
Ha ha ha! How do you guys know Marisol? Oh, we don't.
What? Look.
You seem cool, and if it was up to us, we'd make it painless, but this has to look like an accident.
Whoa! We could have hired movers, you know? Oh, please.
I sent most of my stuff to storage.
You could be lugging a sofa right now.
Raw crunchy kale.
I really wasn't thinking when I was packing.
I'll get rid of them.
It's OK.
Forget it, forget it.
I haven't had a drink in almost two years.
Believe me, having a couple of bottles in the apartment isn't gonna make me fall off the wagon.
- You sure? - I'm positive.
This is your home now.
I want you to be happy here.
Because I want to redo the bedroom.
Ha ha ha! Oh, boy.
- Morning.
- Hi.
You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you.
Are you leaving? Yeah.
I got to go home and change.
I made you coffee.
Thank you.
Well, I'll see you in the office.
Ohh! Come on! Max seems troubled.
Just wait till tonight.
She's gonna be devastated.
I know.
So pretty.
You think her body's better than mine? No way.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Just checking in.
Uh, big night tonight.
And I still don't get why you need to tag along.
See, we've been doing just fine, and now suddenly, we need a babysitter.
Well, just don't think of it like that.
It's a 3-man job, all that killing, and we're a team, right? Yeah.
Of course.
I'm gonna go make the cookies.
I'll be down in a minute to help.
He's on to us.
Maybe but after tomorrow it won't matter.
_ Hey.
You wanted to see me? Yeah.
Have a seat.
So we hadn't really had a chance to talk since you've been back with Mark surfacing and Clarke's murder, and I just wanted to see how you were holding up.
Well, I've been going over your evaluations from overseas, and they paint a different picture.
Reckless, borderline insubordinate I was hunting a maniac.
I didn't exactly have time to ask for permission.
Mike, we are under a microscope here, and I cannot afford to have you crossing the line.
I won't.
I'm not denying that I have a personal stake in bringing Mark in, but I will not let it interfere with the job.
We might have a break.
Tip line call came in on the sketches.
An Ohio couple Kyle and Daisy Locke.
The burner phone that Clarke used was purchased in Ohio.
At a store about an hour from their house.
DHS has them flying into JFK 3 weeks ago before dropping off the grid.
Take the jet.
If these are Mark's followers, then they might have left a clue as to where they're hiding.
I need you here.
Take Max.
_ FBI! We have a warrant to search the premises.
Can I kick it? I never get to kick it.
Knock yourself out.
This place is too perfect.
It's like a show house.
If Kyle and Daisy are Mark's followers, they'd be living a double life, one that appears shiny and clean on the surface.
They wouldn't keep any evidence of their psychopathy inside the house.
But they would want it close.
There's blood on all this stuff.
FBI! Show me your hands! - Don't shoot! - Who are you? Emily Hays.
I've been dog sitting for Daisy and Kyle while they're away.
Are they in trouble? Almost done, babe.
We just need to make sure Mark doesn't screw us up tonight.
He won't.
I think I can control him a little bit longer.
It's Emily.
Is everything OK? Rachel got hit by a car.
What?! How? I'm sorry.
She ran out into the street.
Oh, my God! Is she dead? No, but she's hurt pretty bad.
Um, she broke her leg or something.
Or something? Like, where is she now? I took her to the vet.
I think she's in surgery now.
You think? Is she or isn't she? You didn't leave her there, did you? No, no.
Uh, no.
I mean, yes.
I, uh Something's not right.
Emily, where are you? At the house.
Are you alone? Yes.
Don't lie to me.
The FBI there? Put them on the phone.
Kyle, Ryan Hardy.
Love your house, man.
Too bad you're never gonna see it again.
What's the expression? Home is where the heart is? Well, I got mine right here in front of me.
Oh, my God.
How are we gonna Oh, that's sweet, but you do know that a federal detention center is not co-ed, and that's probably the best case scenario for the two of you, but honestly, I think this path you're on is leading to a cemetery.
You threatening us? No.
Trying to help you do right by your wife.
The only way you can protect her now is to turn yourselves in.
Yeah? Well, that's not happening, and while you're standing in my living room pretending to give a crap about my wife, we're gearing up to hit you where you live, you and that hot niece of yours.
So you have yourself a nice flight home.
- Kyle! - Kyle? What are we gonna do? Where are we gonna go? To start a new life, OK? We're gonna be whoever we want to be.
Right now, we have no choice.
We have to finish this.
Can you do that for me? Yeah.
For us.
For us.
Get agents on Gwen and my sister in Florida.
Have the jet standing ready.
We're on our way! - Hey.
- Hey.
You're back.
Yeah, and I brought you some cookies.
Well, the rest of the guys are upstairs.
Um Good because I just really came to see you.
So tell me the truth.
Girls throw themselves at firemen, don't they? Shamelessly, but, uh, none are as pretty as you.
Got her eye on this fancy new crib.
Thing's like the Taj Mahal.
Told her what's wrong with the crib we got? It worked fine for the first 3.
You know what she said? You're never gonna believe this.
She looks me right in the eye, and she says What? don't leave me hanging? Vince? Aah! Unh! What the hell was that? Unh! Ugh! Unh! You all right? Thanks.
Mark, time to bail.
Go home without me.
I'll meet you back at the house.
Engine Company 3-6-0, respond to 1076 at 101 Battery Place.
Engine Company 3-6-0, respond to 1076 at 101 Battery Place.
Engine Company 3-6-0, respond to 1076 at 101 Battery Place.
We got a question for you, sir, as to what's going on in there.
Hey, hey.
Right over here.
Stand by, please.
_ How many dead? _ You OK? I spent my childhood here.
Dad let me come here after school every day.
I haven't been back since he died.
Come on.
I'm taking you home.
Firefighters are the heart of New York.
This wasn't just a strike against Ryan and Max.
This is gonna hit the whole city.
And they're gonna want to know why.
Police responded when the station house failed to answer its dispatch call.
An FBI spokesman declined further comment, but an off-the-record source said the scene inside was a bloodbath.
Seems like the firehouse went well, so why am I sitting here? Are you kidding me? Our lives just blew up.
They know who we are.
Take a deep breath, Daisy.
You take a deep breath, bitch! Look.
I understand you're upset, but I promise that you will be taken care of as long as you hold up your end of the deal.
The deal just changed.
We need money, passports, tickets out of the country, or he can get somebody else to do his dirty work.
Everything will be provided the second we're finished, but remember, it has to look like a suicide.
Are you OK? I'm fine.
Listen, uh, I hope my guys didn't scare you at the hospital.
I just wanted to make sure you were safe.
It's OK.
Gina called me.
She told me about the threats.
First Jeff Clarke and now your brother's firehouse.
I know.
I'm worried about Max.
I'm worried about you.
I know, but, uh, can't let it get to me.
Gina's worried you're not telling the truth about what happened.
She said that? No.
She didn't have to.
Is there something you want to ask me, Doc? No, but there's something I want you to know.
You can tell me anything.
I can handle it.
I know, and if there was something to tell you, I would, but there's not, OK? Hey.
Thanks for coming.
Yeah, of course.
You want a drink? Yeah, sure.
I was kind of surprised you called me.
Tom wouldn't understand what this feels like.
You're angry.
So angry.
It scares me.
I wish I could tell you it gets easier.
It's all here.
This is getting good.
Trust me, it doesn't help.
The feelings will still be there when you wake up.
I was too quick to judge you.
It's OK.
No, it's not.
Mike I still think what you did was wrong, but I should have been there.
I should have been there to help you through it.
I miss you.
Ahh! Well, all of New York is reeling this morning.
from Engine Company 360 were slain last night.
The FBI has stated that alleged serial killer Mark Gray and an Ohio couple Daisy and Kyle Locke are being sought in connection to the crime.
The motive is not clear, but "heroes die while you lie" was scrawled on the firehouse wall in blood, an apparent attack on the credibility of the FBI and Special Agent Ryan Hardy.
Oh, hey.
You're up early.
It's finally working.
They're starting to question Ryan Hardy.
Where you going? We're just gonna get some air.
No! That's that's a bad idea, guys.
We're the lead story on every newscast.
We'll be fine.
Nobody's looking for a redhead and a Boston fan.
I'm serious.
I-I-I don't think you should go out.
Calm down, bro.
You worry too much.
We'll be back in a few, sweetie, OK? I promise.
Can we get you anything? No, thanks.
See you.
They're playing you.
I know you want a family, but they're not it.
The whispers, the lies, the excuses.
Find out what they're up to before it's too late.
I'm searching traffic cameras in the area around the call.
The press is going crazy about the firehouse.
They made the connection between you and your brother.
They're blaming you for the attack.
The mayor wants an investigation, Director Franklin's asking questions Nothing I can do about that.
What I can do is make sure we have every available resource working on a location.
Trust me.
We find these guys, the questions stop.
I might have something.
Traffic camera captured a couple exiting a brownstone on Wellington.
That's them.
in Clinton Hill.
All right.
Everybody listen up.
Mobilize HRT and ESU to 535 Wellington.
Good morning.
You OK? Um, y Not no.
Not really.
Um, this is just I don't do this.
This isn't me.
You called me for a reason.
Apparently the wrong reason.
Are we really gonna discuss this before breakfast? Because I'm starving.
- Breakfast? - Yeah.
Breakfast is definitely not happening.
You can't kick me out without coffee.
That would just be r rude.
Tom deserves better than this.
Maybe Tom deserves the truth.
The truth.
The truth is in a moment of weakness I slept with you, and I really shouldn't have.
This wasn't a mistake.
This, you and me, is real.
You know it.
I know it.
Oh, God.
- Hey.
- Morning.
Can I call you right back? We found Mark's safe house.
You're kidding.
How? Does it matter? Gear up.
We're rolling there now.
They found Mark.
In Clinton Hill.
Let's go.
No! Let's go.
Move, move! Go, go! Break it, break it! Move in! Go! Take him upstairs.
Call it out.
What do you got? Clear! All units, stay.
Come on.
Let's go.
Clear! Clear! Clear! Clear! Clear! Clear! Doesn't it just break your heart? Everything is so heightened when you're that young.
They're not that young.
We were married at that age.
With a baby on the way.
Do you ever wonder where you'd be if if we hadn't met? Nope, but I know you'd be fat with 4 kids, living in a trailer park.
Ha ha ha! Yeah, you're probably right.
Heh heh.
You showed me things about myself that I would never have known.
You ever regret it, wish you'd had a normal life? Without you? Never.
Normal's boring.
We're gonna be OK, Daisy.
I know.
It's Mark.
It's the third time he's called.
We're busy.
Come on.
Come on.
Pick up.
Pick up! Hi.
You've reached Daisy.
Damn it! Told you, bro.
Those two have their own agenda.
They've been helping me.
They set up cameras in Max's apartment.
Did they tell you about that? No.
What? What? You think this is a coincidence that they clear out this morning first thing, crack of dawn, you're left behind? It's obvious.
They tipped off the FBI, probably ratting you out right now just to save their own asses.
You shut up! All right.
You got to stop worrying about them, start taking care of yourself.
That's disturbing.
Mark can't accept that his other half, his stronger half, is gone, and he's dissembling, which makes him even more dangerous.
Found two bodies in the basement, a local reporter and his producer.
They went missing yesterday.
That's not gonna solve our media problems.
Mark? He was here.
We're not far behind.
All right.
I want you to search this place from rooftop to cellar.
Pull the deeds and the rental records, anything that can give us a lead as to their whereabouts.
You OK? Yeah.
Tried to call you last night.
Uh, I'm I took a sleeping pill.
Well, if anyone deserves a good night's rest.
Well, better get to it.
These, uh, look like instructions for the firehouse attack, schedules for the men, blueprints.
Where'd you find this? It was on the bed with the rest of the stuff.
Why? It's from a go box.
They must have taken that from the firehouse.
Go box? Firehouses keep them for all the major structures in their district.
It contains everything a first responder needs for an emergency incursion key codes, pass keys, maps.
"Tow C.
"? Townsend College.
"9:30 A.
, Wells Hall.
It's a class schedule.
Doesn't match with any of the murders.
That's because they haven't hit it yet.
It's their next target.
- Hi.
- How did you, uh Who are you? Friends of Reggie's.
We were with him when he died.
There are 4 students with the exact same schedules but only one with the initials M.
M Marisol Masters, sophomore English major.
Her boyfriend was hit and killed by a truck yesterday.
That can't be a coincidence.
Alert campus police.
Get a phone number and an address from the registrar.
How is this? "Reggie was my one true love, my soul mate.
Without him, my life has no meaning.
" Pure poetry, babe.
I know how you feel.
I mean, life without my man just wouldn't be worth living.
Marisol's not answering her phone.
A classmate told campus police that she skipped class to go to her boyfriend's memorial, then headed back to the dorm.
I've got the address.
Why the hell are they targeting this girl? There.
A very honest and emotional expression of grief.
I'm sure your family and friends will understand your decision to end the pain.
Now pick a color.
Oh, come on.
Don't be a spoil sport.
Seems a little overwhelmed.
I'll pick.
Um pink.
Um OK.
I really hope it's hanging.
Jump off the roof.
That's good, too.
No, no! No, no! OK, Max.
You're with HRT.
Mike and I will take the front.
Take the other side.
We'll flank them.
Cover the stairwells.
We're headed up.
Unh! Agh! Ohh! Ohh! Help! Help! Help! FBI! Let her go! It's over, Kyle! Be smart! Help! Somebody! Somebody, help me! Unh.
Help! Help! Help! Help me! Help! Here! We got you! Ugh.
Don't do it! Don't do it, Kyle! Unh! Ugh! I need EMTs up on the roof now.
Kyle went down a trash chute on the south side of the building.
Get guys down there now! OK.
Hang in there.
You're gonna be OK.
Oh, baby.
I can't believe that bitch shot me.
Oh, my God, Kyle.
What should I do? There's so much blood.
What should I do? Hey, hey.
I'm gonna be fine.
- Unh! - Oh, God.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I have to put pressure on it, OK? Kyle? No.
Kyle, no! Kyle, Kyle! No! Oh, my God.
Stay with me.
I'm gonna get help.
Please pick up.
It's Juliana.
Leave a message, and I'll call you back.
Damn it! Kyle! Oh, God.
I've been calling you all day.
Where the hell are you? I tried to go home, but there's cops all over the brownstone.
I kind of noticed.
You sold me out, didn't you? Have you completely lost your mind? What kind of a deal is the FBI gonna make with someone who put an agent in a box? Then how did they find out about the apartment? I don't know, Mark, OK, but Kyle's been shot, and I need to get him somewhere safe where I can take care of him.
Don't do it.
You saved my life.
Why would I turn on you? Please.
Kyle's bleeding.
Mark, I can't lose him.
Please help me, please.
Don't do it.
I need your help.
OK, I'll text you an address.
Oh, God.
Thank you.
Campus is on lockdown.
No signs of Daisy or Kyle.
Marisol gonna make it? They think so.
I don't get it.
What does a college sophomore have to do with any of this? Well, they hit the firehouse, tried to make us think it was an emotional attack on us, but really, it was just a way to get to her.
She's got to be important to them.
Marisol posted a suicide note to her Facebook page.
Couldn't live with the loss of her boyfriend.
They were gonna force her off the roof, make it look like a suicide.
None of this fits their M.
I mean, first they kill her boyfriend, make it look like an accident.
Then they try to stage her suicide, but where's the statement in that? What do they have to gain? Wait a minute.
I know this woman.
This is Judge Wallace.
Well, who's she to Marisol? Her mother.
And the presiding judge in the Arthur Strauss murder trial, which starts tomorrow.
What does Mark have to do with that? Nothing or everything.
What if the tableau murders, Clarke's confession, the firehouse, what if it wasn't just about Mark's revenge? They've been calling us liars.
Discrediting the integrity of the FBI.
So that no judge or jury would believe us.
Think this attack on Marisol is an attempt to coerce her mother? Or seat a more favorable judge while the grieving Judge Wallace takes leave.
This is about the trial.
This is about Strauss.
We've had a setback.

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