The Unit s03e04 Episode Script

Every Step You Take

What did you say? "Pass the peas and I'm dropping out of college?" No, I said, "Pass the peas, please, and I have withdrawn from college.
" She said, "Please.
" Pass her the peas.
I believe we paid for 4 years of college.
Since I finished college, I can count.
You attended 3.
Yes, ma'am.
I'm gonna skip the fourth.
Is that right? You got a job? Sorta.
The line between "Sorta" and "Yes" don't meet in the middle.
Do you have a job? I will.
She will.
You got a memory, or did you lose that with your common sense? I recall you coming home from school, want into drop out.
You made us a deal.
Yes, and the deal was I try.
"I'll try" means "I'll fail.
" You know that.
Is that what we're looking at? You gonna sit there and eat, or you gonna talk to this wild child? She seems opposed to dialogue.
You have one more year.
You'll have a degree.
You can choose whatever you I made my choice, ma.
She's enlisted.
I were you, I'd clean my plate.
She's not ready.
She isn't, or you aren't? There's a war, Jonas.
You've lived your life in the military.
Thought you'd be prepared for this time came.
I wasn't prepared The first day she went to kind garden.
I wasn't prepared First time she got her heart broken.
Fix it.
Wouldn't if I could.
You want your daughter to go to war? What I want Is my daughter to tackle whatever she decides to do with commitment and honor.
As a military wife, I am proud my husband serves this country.
But here's a big disconnection between military wife and mother of a kid who just signed up.
She's not ready.
She thinks she is.
What do you think? What's wrong with the army? You can leave college.
You can't sit up one day in the army and say, "You know, I want to go home".
She's grown, darlin' And she has left home.
Leave it.
I said, "Sir, walk away.
" All of our personal information What's it matter if the next piece of paper's your obituary? This building was hit by a bomb 2 days ago.
- Yeah, one bus.
- People have been stuck here - Transporting 8 souls, repeat 8 souls.
- Sick, terrified, unable to make contact with their loved ones, and you and your men show up, order us to leave.
We can't take any of our Mr.
Ambassador, sir, would you have rather waited longer? The state department did nothing.
Why didn't they evacuate us, transport us out of here when this thing first happened? You couldn't get out.
The army couldn't get in.
Chopper couldn't take off.
Bad weather.
Too much firepower the ground.
How you think we got here? You think we were sittg at the 7-eleven next door? We had to muster up, fly in, parachute in 4 miles away, hike in here, not get our asses shot off so we could get your asses out.
We are your last line of defense, sir.
We are the cavalry.
You want out of Abidjan, a safe ride home? - Of course I do.
- Good.
While I organize a way to get you out of here, you best have a chat with your husband.
Edward- Don't tell me what to do.
Stay calm.
Their shells are now falling way beyond the embassy.
Evac bus is almost ready.
Unless you've been otherwise directed to, please make your way to the designated upstairs safe area.
Will you abandon all of us? Will you abandon us for not being american? We have a list.
I'm sure that will console the dead.
It's moving northeast.
If it's over we can stay.
Ambassador, you stay, we cannot guarantee your safety.
Edward, you stay if you want, but I am telling you, I am going with these men.
U'd leave me here? I'd listen to sergeant Black, whom you are attacking and accusing of abandoning us when he came here to help.
Hold one.
All right, listen to me.
Insurgents intercept us, ask if you're with the American ambassy, you say no, they search you, it's gonna be dandy when they find your business card in your pocket.
Give me your passports, all your personal I.
I'm figuring 1330 latest at the pickup point.
You got the truck, transport you to the water.
All right.
Now stick right on my tail.
Make me happy.
I'll meet you, Dirt Diver our packages.
Shouldn't he come with us? He's makin' sure no one comes after us, climbs the wal breakin'in.
Don't be long.
I'm not on time, I won't be coming.
Stay below the windows.
The insurgents do not want those native to Abidjan.
They want the americans.
They want the ambassador You can't just leave all the locals here.
They're not at risk once we're gone.
But some of them were hurt in the bombings.
Insurgents will let in medicare once they know we're not here.
I have a girlfriend.
We all have a girlfriend.
Gotta wrap it up, Mr.
Godspeed, all of you.
You do whatever they say to do.
You hear me? I know this isn't a video game, ok, dad? Yo, Bets! Yo, Betsie! Hey, ladybug.
Hang up, could you? Gotta go, suz.
My dad.
I was on the phone.
I can see.
Just wanted to spend some time with you before you went off to basic.
Let's take a drive.
I just got up.
Car works before noon.
Humor me.
Leave 'em.
You won't need it.
Put 'em all on.
I said put 'em on.
Get out of the car.
It's like 110 degrees.
It's even hotter when you're hikin'.
You don't expect me to go hiking.
Camp is 3 miles down this way.
Follow the road.
Expect to see you there.
Edgard! Wait.
Hey, he works with me.
Can he come? - Sorry.
No he can do.
- But he's a friend of mine.
- Keep moving.
- Yeah, I know.
This is not just about you.
It's about your son.
Just when everything was going so well.
The Unit 3x04 Every Step You Take Thanx to swsub.
com and There's our pony.
We're gonna ride it outta here nice and easy, clippity-clop.
My mates bring the others.
August O'Neill.
My wife Alice'll be back soon.
She has our daughter.
They're inside the embassy.
No time for sightseeing.
The stress, she Her milk dried up.
Eva's only 6 months old.
She went to find evaporated milk or You better hope there's a cow in the lobby.
Head count? Save 2, his wife and kid.
You board last.
It's as long as we can wait.
Maddy shellette.
Ambassador blashek's secretary.
Maddy, were you able to salvage any- That enough.
Don't listen to him.
This puppy'll belly up before it makes it 10 miles.
We only need 2.
Ellis Kapp and Jamie Kapp.
Ambassador Blashek, Mrs.
Blashek onboard.
O'neill? I gotta wait for my family.
I don't.
Sir, please get on the bus.
I'll find them and catch up.
Me or my mates ask you to do anything, please comply.
Open the gate! I'll swing in, you're movin'.
Stay low.
Stay quiet.
Stay calm.
Come on.
Move over.
You flood this thing, I don't got time to call triple.
You are a good, good bus.
You are the prettiest bus I've ever seen.
You were a woman, I'd make you my own.
Yes, I would.
We hit an i.
Out! Everybody out! Get off the bus! Everybody out.
Go! Get away! Move to the fence! Help! Where's Maddy? Help! Help me.
You have to get out of the road.
She's got a fiancee back in the states.
Please, come with me.
She's gonna be ok? I can't see.
I can't see.
I can't see.
Get the compresses on.
Rendez vous is at 1330.
We gotta get off this road.
We'll go through the field.
Lean on me.
I got you.
That way.
Let's move.
Come on.
All of you single file on me, indian style, one line.
Where could we going? Others between others Let's move! Allright Come on! We're moving too slow.
Get back in line.
It's open! What are you doin'?! Hey! Get in line! There they are.
Do not move.
What was his name, that man? We didn't even know his name.
Everybody out, my side, now.
Keep your heads down.
Behind that tanker.
Go! Down! Hammerhead, I got resistance.
Y'all might want to hold still.
We are in the middle of a minefield.
You happy now? It took you 2 hours to walk 3 miles.
What did you do, stop and reapply your makeup? This isn't funny.
You got that right.
This is serious business How you get where you get, how fast you get there.
A statute mile is 5,280 feet, 63,360 inches.
Should take 2,000 steps to walk a mile.
Means you had take 6,000 steps.
Person should be able to walk a mile in 12 minutes.
It took you 120 to do what you should be able to do in 35.
So? So you're either lazy or out shape.
You're lazy? No.
I'm hungry.
You know how to shoot.
Go rustle up some grub.
This camp isn't gonna be big enough for Excuse me.
No, no, no.
This hooch is mine.
In your rucksack, you got a canteen.
It's empty, but I bet you you can find a water source.
You also got a poncho and a knife.
Oh, yeah, and, uh, there are rocks all over here.
All the basics for building yourself a hooch.
So I suggest you get a move on.
So you get it all done.
Sun's goin' down.
You hesitate, it goes down sooner because it feels offended.
I make it 1145, which only gives us about an hour, - I'm willing to go on ahead.
- I'll go.
Do that, probably be the last thing you ever do.
You are 17 years old.
You can't do anything.
Mines are not our only problem.
There are rebels out there.
See us moseying across this space, it's gonna make their week to cut off our ears and show 'em to the folks back home.
What I tell you will be precisely what you do, and what I tell you to do ain't no request.
Maddy I gotta help probe, so I can't assist you.
If you can carry maddy, great.
If you can't, put her feet on yours.
Like when you danced with your daddy, you were a little girl.
Don't move.
Not a step.
But we gotta get out of here fast.
The only way is slow and careful.
The line, line you're in now's one you hold.
Not right.
Not left.
The man says, "One step," one step it is.
You're a duck, your mama's leadin' the way, and you do what she says exactly as she says it.
We need more probes, wood if possible.
Any of you have something we can use as a probe Ruler, stick? I got a pen.
I got Pass it forward to the ambassador.
You hold on to Maddy.
Relay it hand over shoulder.
Don't turn around.
Don't shift your weight.
I have a nail file.
When I We gave parties, I I always wanted my nails to Beth, I don't think they care how you wanted to look, Beth.
Thank you, Mrs.
You hold on to that.
I'm sure it'll be of use.
We can't just stand here.
They are gonna see us and kill us eventually.
You rather do it to yourself right now? You got guard duty.
But climb it.
Don't just stand next to it.
What, you afraid you gonna break a nail? Afraid I'll cut my hands.
Don't want an infection in the woods, now, do I? Smart.
You so smart you know what kind of mean critters are indigenous to this area? Spiders.
You gotta worry about tarantulas, black widows, brown recluses All cunning little bastards.
And of course there's snakes.
live around here, Worst of 'em is the rattlesnake.
But all vipers got vertical slit pupils, not horizontal.
That's how you'll know.
Yeah, but I don't expect to see one up close.
Turn it over, expect to see one.
Stay alert.
All right, road's blocked.
We're gonna have too by foot.
To the rendez vous point? No.
Our job is to help those people.
We're all they got.
And the fools out there, they got twitchy trigger fingers.
They find those folks, they'll pick 'em off.
I'm not gonna let my wife That's a minefield, Mr.
Those people are trapped.
Look, it's a catch 22.
They stay in that field, they could get shot.
They move wrong, they step on a mine.
Our job is to keep them out of everyone's sights.
What about the cost to us? Yeah, there could be a cost to everyone.
But first, we gotta help ourselves, create diversions, keep the bad guys focused on us, lure the shooters towards us.
Towards us? If we appear to be a threat to them, they won't have time to get tour mates in the lot.
That'll give those folks time to get out.
We're gonna use that car to create a diversion.
You ever use one of these? All right, you got a trigger finger, you can use it.
Just point and shoot.
There'll be a recoil, but it won't hurt you.
All right, anyone advances on you or you see anyone comin' after us, shoot him.
Come with me.
I'm not gonna leave my wife and child.
It's buddy call.
You and me are going swimmin', pal.
Take this.
Gus, do it.
All right, grab anything you can out of that car that's gonna give us some smoke, ok? You? I'm gonna pretend that I work at a gas station like I did in college and do a little tinkerin'.
On my go.
You first, gus.
Go! All of you not probing, keep watch.
Start under your feet.
Tool in your palm, palm up.
Gently, slide it on a diagonal into the ground.
Probe in a 6-inch direction all around you.
You feel resistance, stop, call out, mark that spot with a circle in the dirt.
Even if you think you're clear, do not take a step.
We make that call.
Aren't they all the same size? Technology of murder's pretty creative.
Could be 6 inches across.
May be 2.
Could be booby-trapped, another mine under it.
So, you disarm it? No, we avoid 'em.
Are there mines bigger than 6 inches? Jamie, stop asking questions.
They're good questions.
You should all know them.
It's this big around.
It's for tanks.
Your worries are over.
Why don't you sit down right here? - I'm gonna help them.
- No! Look where she was about to sit.
It's a bounding mine.
Look closer.
You see those 4 prongs surroding that little piece of steel? It's a bouncing betty.
You put your fanny on that, it goes off, it kills everybody within 30 feet.
Look, a natural-born leader, I know that you are, Mr.
Kapp, but a good leader knows how to surround himself with great advisors and take the advice.
You follow? Yeah, I do.
You're her eyes and your eyes.
Use the flare! Get out of here! Follow me.
Run! Dirt diver, Hammerhead, it's cool breeze.
You turn around, I'm at your 2 o'clock.
What's your status? I got the family, and I got the gist.
What do you need? Probes.
Yeah, I think we can handle that.
Harvest time.
You're dead 3 times over.
Got bit by a venimous spider.
You fell out of the tree.
The enemy heard you scream, picked you off.
There's no enemy out here, dad.
There's no enemy in boot camp either, you don't count the drill instructor trained to get you ready for any scenario.
Just hold on.
I ain't havin' no fun here either.
Yeah? I think you're havin' a ball.
Is that so? Yeah.
You're just tryin' discourage me, get me to wash out here, so I won't go or I'll be so whipped, I'll wash out there.
It won't work.
Elizabeth Blane, nobody knows better than me that you won't wash out.
Then why are you putting me through this? This ain't about passing basic.
This is about making you the best you can be while you're going through it so it don't hit you so hard.
Is here is the meetin' before the meetin'.
Be all that you can be.
This time, stay awake.
When I get them, hand them to the person in front of me, that person takes one out, passes the bundle front.
Ready! NC-double-a tournament, 1992.
Duke versus Kentucky.
And Laettner hits a 17-footer with no time left on the clock.
Duke, 104 to 103.
Jamie, heads up.
I said pass 'em forward! It just tore away from me.
Maddy! Come get me.
Come get me.
Look, the mine hurt your leg.
I can't get to you.
You gotta stop the bleeding.
I can't see! I don't know where I am.
Take your belt off now.
Maddy, Tommy's waiting for you at home.
You can do this.
You gotta take your belt.
Feel your left leg.
It's wet.
That's blood.
It's not serious.
Come on.
Pull your belt off.
Now take your belt and wrap it around your leg above your knee.
Come on.
Keep trying.
Ok, now squeeze the belt.
Pull the belt tight.
You feel that? The bleeding's stopped.
You know we can't.
It's too late.
Hey, look at your baby.
OK, look at Eva.
It's a bunch of idiots.
Ok? It's a bunch idiots, faces we'll never see, a country in turmoil, wages of war.
Stupidity killed her.
Hey! I need you to focus and look at your baby.
There you go.
I didn't think You got that right.
So now you can help probe.
This woman's death is nothing to you?! Every death is something to me! There's 4 of you here! There's 3 more of you out there! Counting us, that makes 10! That's 10 more deaths that I don't wanna count on my rosary when I get home! Then everybody, carefully probe.
All right, follow me.
Stay down.
Sit here.
I need you to pull the pin and throw this the direction I throw.
Come on.
Wait for it.
I said pull the pin.
Do something! They're all dead? No.
One's still comin'.
I'm gonna circle around him.
Lure him towards you.
You fire the second I start running.
Hey! Man up.
This guy sees me and nails my ass, he'll barrel right through you to your family.
That'll be on your head.
Take it.
Fire it.
That's the name of that song.
Close your eyes.
Use your hands.
Rocks'll talk to you.
I got somethin'.
Use it.
I'm ok.
Want me to come down and get you? No.
I can do this.
Look it.
Look, it's hot.
You're tired.
Your knees are rubbed raw.
Just choose! You want me to be the best, or do you want me to quit? Ain't nothin' to be but the best.
Then coach me.
Don't coddle me.
It's not in your arms.
It's in your head.
It's all about the rock.
Solve the puzzle of climbing the wall.
I shot.
My hands were sweating.
The gun fell out of my hands.
I didn't drop it.
Didn't freeze.
Psychologically, whatever we do, there's always mote behind it.
Forget to lock the door, we didn't want it locked.
You're ok, something inside gets stolen.
You drop a gun Didn't wanna use it.
I don't want my family hurt! What do you expect, huh? You bring 'em to Abidjan, the most dangerous place on Earth.
You think it was gonna be a vacation? You think they wouldn't be at risk? I don't know what I was thinking.
I didn't want you and Eva in danger.
Hey, come here.
I got friends in that lot, and you got colleagues out in the open.
We got a rendez-vous time less than an hour away, and we only have that hour to help.
We miss that window, and we're all screwed.
So, buddy, you better figure out real fast what you're capable of and what you're willing to do, because I'm not gonna carry your ass for another second.
You understand me? You don't count the mishaps, 47 minutes.
How long should it take? Experienced climber, 15.
Gonna do it again.
You got enough gas in the tank? What's after the best? Second best.
Wouldn't want to do that.
Course not.
Movin' nicely, baby.
Put me on the clock.
You're on it.
We tie one end to the grenade.
Then we wrap the line around something stationary Tree or, in our case, a pole.
Let's tie the other end across the other side of the street.
We anchor the can.
Can I have the can, please? We anchor the can, slide the grenade in, and carefuly, hold the tin.
Can' do what your hand would've, holds the spoon down.
Someone trips the line, pops the grenade out, releases the spoon, kapow.
What if they're firing as they come towards us? "What if?" rest assured, they will be.
Come on.
Time? You're done.
Could a man do it better? Argument exists.
Men are built different.
Muscular-skeletal syems incline them to be better climbers.
On the other hand, women do better at high altitudes.
I'm sorry? You did a fine job.
Could a man do it better? Baby girl, that's a losing fight.
What do you ca what a man can do? What can you do? You could slow down your breathing.
You could take longer to exhale.
I wouldn't trade you in for any son in this world.
And I think you're gonna be one hell of a soldier.
You thirsty or just crazy? I did some scrounging.
Found a few gas cans, some oil, even an old tin of turpentine.
Figured we could use some insurance.
Worst thing about me, I'm a smoker.
You ready? No.
Shoot! Black! You need to have a nic-fit more often.
Molotov cocktail's a great idea.
What took you so long? I got stuck.
Biggest decision I've ever made in my life was where to go for dinner.
I would only think in a way I've thought all my life.
There was no "Outside the box".
It's an "Outside the box" situation, over here.
Figured that one out.
Getting slapped around may have helped.
Dirt Diver, we're gonna come around the quiet side of the lot, meet up at the transport truck.
Let's go get your family.
Your bandana's wet.
You bleedin' through? Doused it in some canteen water.
Found some evening primrose for the swelling, cattail for the cuts.
Who told you about medicinal plants? My daddy taught me, I was young.
I seem to recall.
My personal best, fire startin', 30 seconds.
Oh, is that how long it took you to shoot and skin the hot dog, too? You being nice to me now? I'm always nice.
Got an extra dog here.
You want it? Got a bigger fire.
Not now, you don't.
Grunt, get your butt over here.
Permission to sit, sergeant major? R and R.
An order.
I had these in the back of the truck.
Ever tell you about that time in Khartoum Carlito decided he'd Take the spider home to the states? How about the Caribbean, 1989? Your appendix burst.
You were diving.
Seems I've told you a lot of stories.
What is it you wanna hear? All of it, papa.
You said you'd come save us.
You walked us into this lot.
Get the hell down! What'd you do? You got a girl killed.
Had left you out there, you would have died at the embassy, out in the street, or runnin' across this lot.
We have a 14-year-old daughter in Switzerland in school, Elena.
It will be ok.
We'll get you reunited.
It's our job.
Let's skirt the perimeter.
Step! They ain't done.
It's Orion's belt.
It's the only one you taught me.
Taught you more than that.
Don't remember.
Reach for it.
Big dipper.
The pole star.
Big dipper's below the horizon.
What's on the other side? Cas Cassie Cassiopeia.
Lady in the chair.
The big "w.
" What happened in Algeria? Ranger's creed.
Leave no man behind.
I know but, you couldn't get to him without endangering everyone else, and he was dying, right? Yeah.
He wouldn't have made it.
But there was algerians.
They're the masters of torture.
Imagine if someone asked you what your major accomplishment was in life.
And you said, "I invented the most inhumane torture techniques.
" What a legacy.
If they found him alive in that minefield, they'd have put him through hell before they killed him.
So, you? What? Did what I had to.
You shot him.
As I'd hope they'd do for me.
That act of grace.
Get down! Hey.
We are 20 feet from safety.
I say we run for it.
Slow and steady wins the race.
We have a woman here.
You have a son here.
They're headin' for us.
We are just about out of time, and I am out of patience.
Too popper.
Lot of good you've done us or your kid.
There is heroic, and there is stupid, and you keep choosin' stupid! I am not gonna die for you, and I am not gonna sacrifice these people that have come this far already.
Look at your son.
Look at him.
Brave kid.
No trouble, not one step in the way.
That's heroism.
Now we are gonna probe the rest of the way just as carefully as when we came in, and my men and I we're gonna get you out from here if you listen.
Our father.
who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth It's ours! Our ride's here.
Call it out.
Lock those elbows, you come up.
How long we gonna be doin' these? Until I get tired.
Dad, don't move.
What? Throws you off? I didn't say stop.
Vertical-split pupils.
You signed up to be a regular grunt, right? Yeah.
Start out just like my dad, work my way up.
You can do better.
You got it in you to be a leader.
You're a leader.
Yes, I am.
But you're officer material.
I don't wanna be a gut-eater, pushin' papers.
Nah, it's more to it than that.
You're an officer, you can make changes, live better, make a difference.
Be your boss.
Oh, let's not engage in fantasy.
Look, you saved my life, which means I own you, so I'm gonna give you a gift That's taken me Oh, I hope it's expensive.
It's expensive if you don't learn it.
I'm gonna teach you how to say good-bye to your mother without getting an emotional frying pan upside your head.
No one know what they're made of, faced with a test.
You should be proud of him.
He passed with flying colors.
I am.
Maybe you should tell him.
Give me your wallet.
I saw you take it when you left home.
You know your cardinal points? North, east, south, west.
All right Due north, 2 miles, follow this road.
Then turn to 35 degrees the rest of the way.
All right.
I'll see you there.
Not likely.
I'm goin' home, and that's How am I supposed to make it all that way with no money? Well, I can think of 4 ways.
Thievin', hookin', hikin' and thinkin'.
See you when you get home.
Where she should be by now? Euclid, tryin' to find a way to get a lift here.
She'll be along.
You leave our daughter in the middle of nowhere, you want me to brush my teeth, hop into bed, not worries? Worry if you want to.
I'm goin' to bed.
Don't expect anything in that arena.
I'd've been here faster, but buselling your body takes up a lot of time.
And why is that? Well, you need a marketing plan, a decision tree, like any business.
I am so glad you dropped out of college.
Good night, Blane women.
Baby, let me make you somethin' to eat, get you some fresh Oh, you know, ma? Dad gives me back my money.
How about I take you out to dinner? We can rent a scary, jumpy-outtie movie, curl up on the couch, and just be one with nature.
How'd you get back so soon? Hitchhiking.
Isn't that a little dangerous? Not if you're armed.
I stole dad's gun out of his rucksack.
Does he know you took it? I assume so.
So, what did you learn in the woods? I'm going to like the army.

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