The Wheel of Time (2021) s03e04 Episode Script

The Road to the Spear

[screams, grunts]
[Aviendha] I'm searching
for the Car'a'carn.
[Bair] "He will come from the west,
beyond the Spine of the World.
Of the blood but not
raised by the blood."
[Aviendha] It is my duty to
return Rand al'Thor to my home
so that he may save my
people and destroy them.
- [all grunting]
- [groans]
[Egwene] The Tuatha'an
wouldn't hurt anyone.
[Rhuarc] Most of
them didn't even run.
[Dreamwalker] The Tuatha'an
follow the Way of the Leaf.
We forswear violence.
[person] In the last age, our
people supposedly knew a song
that brought harmony
to the world.
I know that protecting Rand, guiding
him, that is the only thing that matters.
She's had you dancing on
her strings this whole time.
[Verin] You can't control him.
[Moiraine] I did what I had to
do to protect the Dragon Reborn.
You don't tell me
what to do anymore.
[Lanfear] I told
you I'd kill her.
- [grunts]
- [Rand] Not if you want my help.
[Lanfear] I could
escape my Dark Oaths.
There's a sa'angreal
for women, the Sakarnen.
[Moiraine] And what happens
when he is declared Car'a'carn?
[chuckles] You have
not earned that title.
You haven't faced the
Trial of Rhuidean.
[swords clanging]
[Rand pants]
What were you thinking
of? That last pass?
[pants] Nothing.
It takes a great deal of
practice to think of nothing.
[sighs] Yeah, that's
what my father showed me
when I was learning
to use the bow.
To picture a flame in my mind
and feed everything into it
fear, hate, anger
until my mind was empty.
Only the flame and the void.
He was a blademaster,
your father.
There's a lot I
don't know about him.
[stammers] I know he was a
soldier when he was younger.
Before me. But our life was just
the sheep and the mountains.
Following the rain, the grass.
Up mountain in the summer,
down in the winter.
We knew every path
through our woods.
Every meadow, every stream.
You can come to
know this place too.
When a lamb's mother dies during
childbirth, we cut the new mother,
and we put the blood on the lamb
so she accepts it as her own.
I look like them.
I know their blood
flows in my veins.
But I'm not one of them.
I never will be.
But do you want to be?
There's so many
things I can't be.
It would be nice to
find something I can.
[grunts] you'll never be a blademaster
if you keep taking breaks, being lazy.
Hold the sword how I
showed you, sheepherder.
Think of your flame and void.
And this time I'll actually try.
Come on.
[both grunting]
We had a saying in the Two Rivers
about a watched pot never boiling.
If only it were that easy
to stop a pot from boiling.
[swords clanging]
Here is water and
shade, freely given.
All here are welcome as
first-sisters are welcome.
Is it only the Wise
Ones who have servants?
They are gai'shain,
not servants.
In the dance of spears,
the most ji is given by
touching an armed enemy
without killing or
harming in any way.
Those who are touched
become gai'shain.
You're very comfortable
answering questions
we have no interest
in the answers to.
What interests you, Aes Sedai?
How you knew we were coming.
Wise Ones see many paths.
What is happening or beginning is more
easily seen than what will happen or may.
We did not see Egwene at all.
It was no more
than an even chance
that the young man who calls
himself Rand al'Thor would come.
If he did not, it was
certain he would die,
and the Aiel too.
And yet he has come,
and if he survives Rhuidean, some
of the Aiel at least will survive.
This we know.
[Melaine] If you had not
come, you would have died.
If Aan'allein had not
come, you would have died.
- If you do not go through Rhuidean
- [Dreamwalker] Shh.
You should not have been told.
It is possible for women to see some
ways the future may be woven in Rhuidean.
No more than that.
Change comes like an avalanche,
whether we want it or not.
I told you not to touch a sword.
Aiel don't touch swords.
So am I Aiel or not? You
can't seem to decide.
[both grunt]
No one touches a sword this
close to the city in the clouds.
That includes you.
[Aiel hoot]
Are you asking me to
dance, Aan'allein?
[Aiel hoot]
[Aviendha, Lan grunt]
[Aiel hooting]
[Lan pants]
[Aiel hooting]
[Aviendha chuckles]
[Aiel hoot]
[Bair] It is time.
Stop this foolishness.
You have run with the
spears as long as you can.
Longer than you should have.
I am a Maiden of the Spear.
I do not want to be a Wise One.
[Bair] You were called.
And instead, you went across the
Dragonwall searching for the Car'a'carn.
You cannot run from
what you must be.
I too refused when called.
I thought I was as strong
and hard as a woman could be.
Eventually though,
I [breathes shakily]
I learned my duty.
My obligation to the people.
The cadin'sor, Aviendha. Your new
clothes will await your return.
[Aviendha sniffling]
I ask you leave
to enter Rhuidean.
The question is
asked. I answer yes.
I answer yes.
[Bair] If you do not return,
your belongings will be given
to your family for remembrance.
A strong mind and a strong
heart are your weapons now.
But you hold them as surely
as you've ever held a spear.
They will see you
through anything.
- Come back to us.
- [Aviendha sniffles]
I'll be back before you reach
the slopes of Chaendaer.
You intend to enter
Rhuidean tomorrow?
The Wise Ones tell me many men wait
weeks on the slopes before they enter.
- I'm not them.
- This arrogance will get you
I know I have to go there.
What do you want?
I want you to tell me what you're
going to do so I can help you.
[scoffs, chuckles]
You've never tried
to help me, Moiraine.
That's all I've ever done.
Do you feel like you know
all there is to know?
You want me to confide in you?
Tell me, whatever I decide to
do, you won't try to stop me.
Say that you won't use me for
the Tower's ends, or your own.
Say it plain so
I know it's true.
I will do nothing to hinder you
from fulfilling your destiny.
I've devoted my life to that.
But I will not promise to watch while
you lay your head on a chopping block.
It's not good enough, Moiraine.
[clan chief] We
approach Rhuidean now.
[Rand] So, you've been.
All clan chiefs must go.
[Rand] For the trial.
Chiefs can only speak of the
city to others who have been.
If all clan chiefs and
Wise Ones go to Rhuidean,
is there anything different
for the Car'a'carn?
We are marked by Rhuidean.
The very few that make it out
alive, every chief, on the left arm.
The People of the Dragon.
That's what they called us once.
The Car'a'carn, he who comes with
the dawn, will be marked twice.
And that is how
we will know him.
[dramatic music plays]
The city in the clouds.
The peace of Rhuidean be on you.
Who comes to Chaendaer may
return to their holds in peace.
There shall be no
blood on the ground.
You brought wetlanders
to Rhuidean.
Where is your husband, Sevanna?
[groans] Dead.
My new husband,
his son, Muradin,
has entered Rhuidean,
and he is there still.
And should my brother
fail, I will enter.
You have not asked, Couladin.
Should Muradin fail, ask then.
We are two, enough
to say yes or no.
And why have you come
to Rhuidean, Rhuarc?
- You've looked better
- [scoffs]
but it appears the Taardad
still have their chief.
I ask your leave
to enter Rhuidean.
The question has been
asked. I answer yes.
[Couladin] This man is no Aiel.
It's death for him
to be on this ground.
My mother was Aiel.
Your father, yes,
but your mother
He presents himself
like a woman!
Do you wish to be a
Wise One, Couladin?
Put on a dress and come to me, and
I will see if you can be trained.
Until then, be silent
when Wise Ones speak.
It must be done. I answer yes.
[snarls, grunting]
[straining, grunts]
[breathes heavily]
You try to make this
wetlander one of us?
He is soft.
Rhuidean will kill him.
Go back to your tents, Couladin.
You as well, Rhuarc.
And you, Aan'allein.
This is the business
of Wise Ones
and no man other than
he who has asked.
You too, Egwene.
I'm going with him.
If you ask, we
will not allow it.
You must learn what you are,
and he must learn what he is.
Your paths do not align.
- I ask your leave to enter Rhuidean.
- Moiraine.
You should not have been told.
Does it make a difference
that I've been told?
[Bair] Perhaps a
great difference.
Perhaps none at all.
When we saw you go through the
Rings, it was always you who asked.
And what did you
see if I did not go?
[Melaine] We have
told too much already.
Those who move with too much
knowledge of the future find disaster,
whether from complacency at
what they think must come
or in their efforts
to change it.
The question has been asked
I answer yes.
[Bair] Moiraine Sedai, in Rhuidean
you will find three rings.
Step through any one and you will
see your future laid before you,
again and again in variation.
You will see a thousand
thousand turns of the wheel,
and through this you
will know, without doubt,
some things that must be for
you and some that must not.
[Melaine] Rand al'Thor,
in the glass columns you will walk
the footsteps of your blood ancestors.
Each step forward, a step
backward through time.
Sometimes dozens of
years, sometimes hundreds.
To lead is to know where you came from,
to understand the blood in your veins.
You must go to Rhuidean unarmed
to honor the last true Aiel.
If you have weapons you
can leave them here.
They'll be waiting for
you when you return
if you return.
They are pledged to Rhuidean.
[Melaine] Rhuidean
belongs to the dead.
They may not speak to the
living again until they return.
[Bair] We do not see them until they
stand among the living once more.
[Melaine] He is of the past.
[Bair] And she is of the future.
[Bair, Melaine] Begone
from among the living
and do not haunt us with
memories of what is lost.
Speak not of what the dead see.
[foreboding music plays]
It doesn't seem like Aiel work.
[Rand] No.
And this fog this dry
fog, it's so strange.
And when I look at it, it's
it's as if I can see
threads of One Power
then they're gone.
[Rand] The tree of life.
[Moiraine] We always
knew the Aiel had it,
but we didn't know where.
It's said to be almost
3,000 years old.
[exhales deeply]
Beneath it.
[Moiraine] We used to have one
just like it where I grew up.
The Aiel entrusted a sapling of Avendesora
to Cairhien hundreds of years ago.
A repayment of some
debt even older.
We didn't see a tree
like this in Cairhien.
Because my uncle Laman,
when he became king, cut it
down to build his throne.
He wanted a throne that
could never be copied.
And we didn't know
it at the time,
but that was why the
Aiel came over the Spine,
why they left the Waste, why
the whole Aiel War began.
To kill him for breaking
his oath to protect the tree
and destroying the
pledge of peace with it.
And they hunted him,
burning every city in the Westlands
until finally they caught him
on the slopes of Dragonmount
and killed him there.
That's why my mother was in
Dragonmount when she gave birth to me?
And that's why I fulfilled the
prophecy of the Dragon Reborn?
Because your uncle
cut down that tree?
We've been connected
since before I was born.
Sometimes fate seems so strong.
Tide sweeping us along
against our control.
And sometimes it's as
fragile as gossamer.
You shouldn't have come here.
[moaning in distance]
[Rand breathing heavily]
Sevanna said you were here.
[distorted screaming]
[screaming continues]
Janduin, what's wrong
with you? Fight.
[warriors exclaiming, grunting]
[warrior 1 grunts]
[warrior 2] Janduin!
Come. Quick!
[Janduin] Laman's soldiers shouldn't
be this far up the mountain. Hurry.
[warrior 3] I found her.
My love.
[breathes shakily] I f
I found their king.
[whimpers] The oathbreaker.
[breathes shakily] I took
his life with my own spear.
Shade of my heart
w-we won.
[warrior 3] There is
no sign of the baby.
[breathing shakily]
- [screaming]
- [distorted screaming]
[panting] My mother.
My father. [panting]
[Melaine] Each step forward,
a step backward through time.
[distorted screaming]
[Melaine] Each step forward,
a step backward through time.
[straining, screaming]
[breathes heavily]
[Dreamwalker] Latra Sedai
called you all here.
You must agree to whatever
she asks, Mandein.
Will the others come?
Some. Most.
I've spoken to my sisters in the dream,
and we all dreamed the same dream.
Those chiefs who do not come
and those who do not agree,
their names will be lost.
If I don't come back, I hope our son
and daughters still hold the sept.
I will, shade of my heart.
But remember, you must agree.
The Aes Sedai say no weapons
can be taken to Rhuidean.
[ethereal music plays]
[chief] Latra Posae Decume.
Why did you call us here?
Because the last people who were
truly Aiel, they are all dead now.
That is why you are here.
The people who built this
city, who planted this tree.
- Why do you not carry swords?
- It's forbidden.
But you do not know why.
There is too much
you do not know.
The Wise One said you
would ask something of us.
[Latra] Whoever would lead
among you must come to Rhuidean,
chiefs and Wise Ones both,
and learn where your ancestors came
from, and why you do not carry swords.
Who cannot learn will not live.
[chief] Just come to you.
Whichever of us comes
will lead all the Aiel.
The one who would lead
all Aiel will come later,
of the blood but not
raised by the blood.
The Car'a'carn will come
from Rhuidean at dawn
and tie you with bonds
you cannot break.
The Car'a'carn will take
you back and destroy you.
What do you want from us?
[dramatic music plays]
You chiefs will go
through these columns
and walk the footsteps
of your blood ancestors.
See the world through their eyes, and
know who you were and who you are.
Know why we Aes Sedai
call you oathbreakers.
I will go.
I don't fear my past.
We are not oathbreakers.
[distorted murmuring]
[distorted scream]
[murmuring continues]
The tree of life. The chora.
[friend] The chora Avendesora.
[chuckles] You've
been smoking too much.
Hurry up. Old man
Adan will catch us.
You know, it's from
before the Breaking.
They say it makes you feel peaceful
just to sit beneath its branches.
- [both chuckling]
- I can feel it.
- [chuckling]
- [knocking]
- Get away from that!
- [all clamoring, chuckling]
That's more precious than
any one of the three of you.
[all chuckling]
That tree will never get
bigger in that little pot.
[Lewin] Come on, lads.
Old man Adan says we came
to desert to build a city.
A city of peace, of Aiel,
and that's where we plant it.
Yeah, yeah. Trees do famously
well in the desert. [chuckles]
- [chuckles]
- Mom.
[breathing shakily]
[Lewin] Mom.
What's wrong?
Your sister.
A group of bandits,
they took her.
Doing the last of the
washing in the stream.
They took Colline too.
- No.
- No.
We have to get them back.
No, no. There will
be no talk of that.
[grunts] All will be well.
Now, please
please go wagon, mmm?
Go now!
All will be well.
All will be well, and all
manner of things will be well.
You heard her.
They're still alive.
She said they took them.
We need to do something.
We can't.
They were down at the stream.
If we follow the
tracks from there
We'll wait until night,
sneak in, and get them back.
No violence.
[Lewin] The girls are on
the right side of the fire.
I'll wake them. Quietly.
We sneak them away while
the men are still asleep.
And what if they wake up?
I'm not leaving Colline.
[stammers] Keep your dust veils
up, so they don't see your faces.
- [Lewin] Maigran.
- [gasps]
[Maigran whispers] Lewin,
- why are you here?
- [metallic whooshing]
I'm gonna carve you
like a pig, boy.
[both breathes shakily]
You gonna squeal
like your sister?
- Or do you people just [grunting]
- [exclaims]
[exclaims, grunts]
- [bandits grunting]
- [pants] Maigran, get up.
- You have to get up.
- We're scared.
- Come on. We have to get away.
- [metallic whooshing]
- [exclaims, grunts]
- [grunting]
No, Lewin! No!
- [grunting]
- [gasps]
[panting] Mercy of
the Light, be with us.
[panting, whimpering]
[groans, sobs]
- [whimpering]
- Charlin, are you all right? [sighs]
- No, no, no, no, no.
- [exhales heavily]
No, no, no, no.
What have we done? [sobs]
No. That's a weapon.
It has no other use.
It's forbidden by
the Way of the Leaf.
[Lewin] A spear.
A spear can put
food in the pots.
[panting, sobbing]
[villagers chattering
in distance]
[emotional music plays]
What happened?
[Maigran] He killed them.
The men that hurt us.
Lewin came and killed them.
You mustn't say things like
that, child. You mustn't.
Is it true?
Is it?
They tried to kill us.
They did kill Charlin.
You killed?
They took Maigran, Grandfather.
They hurt her.
What else could we do?
We bury our dead and we go on.
What else is there?
are no longer Aiel.
- Strangers. Oathbreakers!
- [whimpering]
Mother. Please.
[pants] Mother.
[breathes shakily]
Please. [chuckles]
Who are you that
calls me Mother?
Hide your face
from me, stranger.
[whimpers] I had a son
once with a face like that.
I don't want to
see it on a killer.
[whimpers] Mum.
Hide your face.
[breathes heavily]
- [Maigran's mother sobs]
- [crying]
What do we do now?
[Lewin] Protect them.
They can't do violence.
But we can.
[wind howling]
[eerie music plays]
[inhales sharply]
[rustling, snapping]
[distant whispering]
[Bair, Melaine] Be gone
from among the living.
Be gone from among the living.
[foreboding music plays]
[Bair] Some things that must be
for you, and some that must not.
- Some things that must be for you
- [distorted screaming]
and some that must not.
- Aviendha.
- [screams]
[Bair] A thousand thousand
turns of the wheel.
Thousand thousand
turns of the wheel.
Thousand thousand
turns of the
[eerie music plays]
[dramatic music plays]
What's wrong, love?
- Attend you, all. She comes.
- Moiraine.
- The Watcher of the Seals
- You're making a mistake.
- the Flame of Tar Valon.
- Please. Don't do this to me. Moiraine.
- The Amyrlin Seat.
- [stammers] No, no! No! No!
Don't do this to me! Moiraine!
Al'Lan Mandragoran. I
release you from your bond.
Rand al'Thor, do
you accept the bond?
I do.
[exclaiming, groaning]
The Dragon Reborn, I
swear myself to you.
[villagers screaming, sobbing]
[Jonai] Adan.
[villagers sobbing]
- Adan.
- Grandfather.
My boy.
Where's Mummy and Da?
My boy. Come here.
Come here. Come here.
[villager 1] Jonai.
He's had enough, Jonai.
We've had enough, Jonai.
We can't carry on.
[Jonai] What do you mean?
[speaks Old Tongue] We
bury our dead and go on.
What else is there?
The others will come. They'll
meet us across the spine.
My daughter dreamed that.
We're going south.
The Aes Sedai have killed
the last man who can channel.
The earth is settling.
We'll find someplace safe.
Someplace where we can sing
the songs of harvest again.
You remember the song?
I remember it. [breathes
heavily] Don't leave.
You can come with us, Adan.
I won't break my oaths.
Always will our
fires welcome you.
Depart now in peace.
- The Way of the Leaf is peace.
- [villager 1 sobbing]
What now, Grandfather?
We bury our dead and we go on.
What else is there?
[sobbing continues]
Your mother
she saw great things
in her dreams.
Like what?
A city.
In the desert.
A place we, Aiel,
can go and be safe.
With no one to hurt us.
Where is it?
Toward the dawn,
across the Spine.
[emotional music plays]
My grandfather taught me
to look after this tree.
And some day, you will too.
[Adan] How will we
get across the Spine?
[breathing heavily, groaning]
[Melaine] You will
walk the footsteps
- of your blood ancestors.
- [groans]
[Dreamwalker] Each step forward,
a step backward through time.
A step backward through time.
Sometimes dozens of
years, sometimes hundreds.
Latra Sedai.
[speaks Old Tongue]
The wagons are ready.
And you have the
cuttings from the chora?
A tree and pot for
every wagon. 10,000.
All know peace who walk
beneath their boughs.
There is something else
I need you to take with you.
It's too precious.
They can't even
fight to defend it.
The Aiel have shown there
is courage in peace.
Our brothers lie
dead at our feet,
by our own hand, and
you speak of peace?
These same brothers still live.
Some of them, ripe with madness.
I fear what they could do if they
found a woman who could work with them.
Do not forget it was our
sister, Mierin Sedai.
Who tore open the Dark One's
prison and took the name Lanfear.
This is the strongest
sa'angreal in the world.
The Sakarnen. Made
only for women.
Its male complement,
sword Callandor
is hidden in a stone, in a
fortress that cannot be breached.
Its safety trusted
to war and fear.
I trust its safety.
To peace.
We will care for what you
have given into our charge
until you want it again.
I swear it.
Of course.
But keep moving. Always moving.
Until you find a
place of safety.
Where no one can harm you.
As you say Aes Sedai.
Keep these oaths.
And your children, your
grandchildren, and all thereafter.
Keep the Way of the Leaf.
Swear it.
We swear this oath, Aes Sedai.
On our bones and our
blood we swear it.
The Aiel will always
follow the Way of the Leaf.
[all] On our bones and
our blood we swear it.
It has been an
honor to serve you.
An honor to us all.
[emotional music plays]
Are you afraid, love?
All will be well.
All will be well.
And all manner of things,
- will be well.
- Will be well.
[clicks tongue,
speaks Old Tongue]
[Aiel speaks Old Tongue]
[Bair, Melaine in English] Be
gone from among the living.
[Bair, Melaine] Be gone
from among the living.
Be gone from among the living.
To lead is to know where you came from,
to understand the blood in your veins.
[ominous music plays]
Each step forward, a step
backward through time.
[distorted screaming]
[Aiel servants
singing in Old Tongue]
[in Old Tongue] It's
a beautiful song.
Mierin Sedai.
You're from here, aren't you?
Yes, Aes Sedai.
My family still
farms these fields.
They are bringing
in the harvest now.
You should go visit them.
Today's too important
for you, isn't it?
I can go tomorrow.
Tomorrow everything
will be different.
I know it's not
my place to ask
But what is it?
That you've found?
The thinnest part
of the pattern.
A place I think we can punch through
And find what's on the other side.
And what's there?
A power
that can be used
by men or women
The true power.
It will change everything.
Can you imagine?
Something anyone,
anywhere can use.
Not just Lews Therin
and the Aes Sedai.
Even you, your family.
They wouldn't have to bring
in the harvest by hand.
[chuckles] Yes, but it feels
good to. I can't explain it.
To feel the wheat you
grew in your hands.
The soil you tilled
beneath your feet
It feels good.
See your family.
Sing your song.
Are you sure?
There's nothing
more important
than holding on to
the people you love.
[Aiel servants
singing in Old Tongue]
- [screaming]
- [Melaine] Blood ancestors.
- [Aiel exclaiming]
- The Way of the Leaf.
- [groans]
- [singing continues]
- [exclaiming]
- [grunts]
[warriors screaming]
[Melaine] Blood ancestors.
[warriors grunting, screaming]
[ominous music plays]
[dramatic music plays]
I'm sorry.
I didn't understand.
- About the sword. [stammers]
- And what, now you do?
I understand enough to know
I'll never fully understand.
[sighs] Did you
Did you see Moiraine?
She's, um
She's still inside.
Wait. Wait. Where are you going?
To the tents?
Aren't you?
Not without her.
As you wish, wetlander.
[chuckles, panting]
[distorted screaming]
[Bair, Melaine] Be gone
from among the living.
Be gone from among the living.
[Lanfear] You
can't fight us all.
[gasps, choking]
- [screams]
- [Bair] Thousand thousand
turns of the wheel.
Thousand thousand
turns of the wheel.
[panting, moaning]
[Rand] Moiraine
This tower will never
bow to you [groaning]
[grunts, panting]
[chokes, screams]
[grunting, choking]
It's been seven days.
Aviendha came back two days ago.
We should go in after them.
They wanted us to stay.
[emotional music plays]
[emotional music plays]
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