Yellowjackets (2021) s03e04 Episode Script
12 Angry Girls and 1 Drunk Travis
- Previously on Yellowjackets
- [MARI] I never
believed you burned down the cabin.
- The cabin burned down?
- [MISTY] Have I got something
- you're gonna want to hear.
- [SHAUNA] I don't
- give a shit, Misty.
- I think Natalie knows
where Coach Scott is.
[SHAUNA] I asked you to not
let them talk to each other.
Well, we were playing truth or dare.
What? Why would you let that happen?
It never meant
what you thought it meant.
Get the fuck out of my house!
[WALTER] I have no doubt
you're reading this note
because you're too smart
not to have figured it out.
Damn right I am.
- I don't know what's happening!
- What is wrong
- with the car?
- I don't know! [SCREAMS]
You fucked with my car, didn't you?
Why would I do this?
'Cause you are a verified psycho,
and you feed off this shit.
Now, the blood work suggests your cancer
- has stopped metastasizing.
- [TAISSA] It could be
happening again.
The waiter was the sacrifice,
and your new prognosis
that's the gift.
[TAISSA] What do you want?
I know what It wants.
It wants more.
[LOTTIE] It's up to you.
You can submit. Or you can run.
Are you in my dream,
or am I in one of yours?
- [BEN] Help!
It's some kind of gas.
Sorry, Coach. You're coming with us.
It wasn't that weird.
As far as nightmares go, it was, like,
a six out of ten
on my crazy dreams meter.
I was just wondering if maybe the dream
could have been, like, a message?
Stay out of that cave.
Hey. Where are you going?
We're here.
He's back.
Now we have to make him pay
for trying to kill us.
That is not how we are gonna do it.
Nat's right.
Life and death has always been
for It to decide.
Fuck that.
He burned down our home with us in it.
[SHAUNA] She's right.
He tried to kill us.
I get that you're angry.
But what if it was just
a freak accident?
What if Coach had nothing to do with it?
He deserves a chance
to tell his side of the story.
You know, to plead his case.
We're gonna have to do this right.
We're gonna have a trial.
INTRO ENDS AT 05:40:00
It was cool, nothing fire ♪
Nothing broke ♪
Keep simple ♪
Nothing tired, nothing old ♪
Same as you ♪
Same as you ♪
Oh, so cute, so revival ♪
So alone ♪
Birthday suit, just a smile ♪
No one home ♪
Same as you ♪
Same as you ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
[NATALIE] It should be two-thirds.
That's bullshit.
I-It should be majority rules.
That's more than fair, Shauna.
Criminal trials
are supposed to be unanimous.
I'm meeting you halfway.
Great, that's settled.
I'll run prosecution.
The question is
who's gonna defend Coach Scott?
Why are you looking at me?
'Cause he's your boyfriend.
In your mind at least, right?
That's not funny.
And I'm not defending him.
He's not the Ben that I knew.
You have to, Misty.
I know how you feel.
It sucks that he left, but
you're his best chance at a fair trial,
maybe his only chance.
If you can't prove he's
innocent, he'll lose anyway,
but if you can,
Misty, you'll save his life.
[SHAUNA] Let me guess cut brake line.
What? Really? Are you sure?
You got a bad brake booster.
Okay, so somebody
messed with our brake booster.
No, no, just failed.
Cost you around, uh, 500,
but I'll have you
out of here in an hour.
[SHAUNA] Okay. Great.
How do brakes just
go bad, all of a sudden?
That's weird, right?
It's not weird. It's karma
for what we've done.
You know?
At least what I did
to Kevyn.
Okay. To Well,
you didn't do anything,
- okay?
- I caused it.
- What?
- I mean, I didn't stop it.
And now the van the van doesn't stop.
Jesus Christ, that is karmic.
[BANKER] Thank you so much for
banking with us, Ms. Matthews.
Can we call you a car?
[LOTTIE] No. No need.
- Thank you.
How lovely to hear from you.
[TAISSA] Sure, sure. Lottie, listen.
That night, getting into the ambulance,
what you said to me and Van
What-what I what I said
- to you and Van?
- I-It That
It was pleased with us. You said,
"We'll see." What did you mean by that?
I don't even remember saying that.
What the fuck you mean
you don't remember?
Well, thanks for checking in,
Tai, but I should go.
No, no, hold on, hold on.
I need to talk to you.
Where are you?
I really didn't want to come here.
Talk to me.
We were searching Coach's cave.
At least, I think it was the same cave.
I don't know, I blacked out
or I had some kind of
twisted dream?
Van and Shauna they had dreams, too,
but this didn't feel like a dream.
It felt like I was there,
sort of. Like
it was a memory, but it wasn't
or like it really happened,
but it didn't.
I don't know, it felt like it was
The truth?
You had a vision.
Are you ready to keep going?
When do we start?
- I mean, what do I have to
- Tell me more about the cave.
How fucking dare you!
How dare you set fire
to the cabin with us inside?
After everything
that I have done for you.
After everything I did to
keep you from killing yourself.
How could you do this to me?
I th
I thought that we were friends.
I wouldn't hurt you, Misty.
Yeah, right.
I didn't burn down your cabin.
Prove it.
With a-a high school mock trial
at the end of the fucking world?
I'm in a jail with birds, Misty.
You know that this whole trial
is just a farce.
I've already lost. [SIGHS]
I've got no reason to lie to you now.
You can't say it's a farce.
You can't say shit like that out there
if we're gonna win this.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- What's going on here?
- Well, I, uh,
went on wikiHow,
and I found some great tips
on reversing bad karma
by picking up good karma points.
This cat.
I'm gonna find that cat.
This cat?
Jeff, that was, like, two years ago.
That's gonna be a lot of points.
Hey, Cal, I'm putting
together stuff for charity.
Now, you got anything good that
you want to, you know, donate?
Did you put any of my stuff in here?
That's why I just asked.
Why are you even doing this?
You're asking why do charity? [SCOFFS]
No, I mean why now, I guess.
Is it because you put Lottie
out on the streets?
No. No, it's not.
And I do not want you to mention
her name again in this house.
[JEFF] No, "why now" doesn't matter.
All that matters is that
we are giving of ourselves
to someone who needs it.
Not sure how much anyone needs
your bootleg Rush Hour DVDs.
Maybe you're right.
But it just keeps hitting me
we are in a serious karma deficit here.
And we got to do some good.
I need to do some good.
Okay, honey, let's-let's do some good.
- What else you got?
- I'm glad to hear you say that.
[SIGHS] 'Cause I signed us up
to do some volunteer work.
- I'm out.
- Callie.
Just bring me back a karma to-go plate.
It's at the same place
Randy does hours for his DUI.
But for us, it's all about
- good vibes.
- Yes.
Fuck. Maybe this isn't a good idea.
Maybe this is the stupidest thing
- we have ever done.
- Yeah, sure.
If nothing happens, no one sees it,
then okay, it's a stupid idea.
But if s if something happens
if It chooses someone
maybe it'll be worth it.
Sun down on the sorry day ♪
By nightlights the children pray ♪
I know you're probably
getting' ready for bed ♪
Beautiful woman, get out of my head ♪
I'm so tired of the same old crud ♪
Sweet baby, I need fresh blood ♪
Hey! ♪
Hey ♪
Fuck. It chose.
It really chose someone.
[YOUNG VAN] All rise.
The People v. Benjamin Scott
on charges of arson
and multiple counts of attempted murder.
Jury verdict requires
a two-thirds majority.
The Honorable Judge Natalie presiding.
Here we go.
Uh, Taissa Turner,
you may call your first witness.
Yes, Your Honor.
The people would like to call
Mari Ibarra to the stand.
Oh, shit.
- Oh
I'm sticking my neck out for you.
Do not make me look stupid.
Mari, first of all,
we are really glad
to have you back with us.
- Espec
- Wait.
We have to swear her in.
[VAN] Oh.
Yeah, we forgot that.
Uh, here.
Repeat after me.
I vow by the Wilderness to honor
Its virtue with my own.
What It asks, I will answer.
What It says, I will listen.
- What It needs, I
- She swears to tell the truth,
the whole truth, and that's it,
so help her all of us.
I do.
Mari, we are really glad
to have you back with us,
especially after such a traumatic ordeal
- with Coach Scott.
- [MISTY] Objection.
In whose opinion was it traumatic?
I think we can all agree
that being held against
your will is traumatic.
Well, it's technically an opinion, so
Mari, in your opinion,
was your time
in Coach's dungeon traumatic?
Fuck yeah, it was.
He made me eat bats,
and he kept talking to
God knows who, but it wasn't me.
[TAISSA] Are you saying he's deranged?
I mean
Is that why he held you captive?
He didn't want me coming back
to tell you all where he was.
A-And then I did.
Why didn't he want that?
He didn't want us coming to get payback.
Did he say payback for what?
Not exactly.
But I assume for burning the cabin.
Know what happens when you assume?
You make an "ass" out of "U" and "me."
Could Coach Scott have killed
you when you were in the cave?
But he didn't, did he?
- No.
- Hmm.
Why did he take you to the cave?
I mean, why didn't he just
leave you in the pit?
He could have left you there
to rot, but,
I mean I know Shauna would.
Objection. That's unnecessary.
Yeah, but it's true.
But sustained.
Mari, just answer why he pulled you out.
He didn't want me to die in there.
He didn't want you to die.
That doesn't sound
like a murderer to me.
Are you giving testimony now?
Does that sound like
a vengeful murderer to you?
No further questions.
Of all the needy places
we could volunteer?
- Misty's job?
- I didn't know.
We're probably not even gonna see her.
Is there something going on
with you two right now?
Uh, no.
No, she's just Misty.
And besides,
who wants to spend all day
wrist-deep in soiled bedsheets,
rubbing elbows
with Misty fucking Quigley?
You have a lot of nerve
showing your face around here.
Unless Wait.
Has Shauna Shipman come with
her tail between her legs to apologize?
I didn't even know that you worked here.
And besides, what do
I have to apologize for?
[SCOFFS] That list could take a while.
You have a few days?
You know what?
I should send you the bill
for our brakes.
Should I mail it here
or to the mountain
where you lay your eggs?
Kind of sounds like there's
something going on with you two.
If you're not here to apologize,
what are you doing here, Shauna?
I'm not. I wasn't. Jeff?
[JEFF] We're here to volunteer.
We're your humble servants. So, just
point us wherever you need us to go.
You're going on tapioca duty.
I don't even know what that means,
but based on your face,
I don't think so.
Oh, yes, you are.
Those little pearls aren't
gonna pudding themselves.
This is better than an apology. [LAUGHS]
Why were you up so late
the night of the fire?
I couldn't sleep.
So you just were sitting there?
Doing nothing?
I was journaling.
- What were you journaling about?
- Objection.
Who cares what she was journaling about?
Misty, why's it matter what she's
Because she could have been
journaling about starting the fire.
- Yeah, okay, so ask her that.
- I'm building a narrative.
- Shauna, did you start the fire?
- No.
You're under oath, remember.
I did not start the fire.
That's fucking crazy.
Is it?
Because the night of the fire
was the same night
that Natalie was chosen to be leader.
And I saw the look on your face,
the disappointment you had.
Are-are you upset that
you weren't chosen to be leader?
You don't think that you deserved
to be the leader?
- No.
- Really?
After everything that you've done?
After everything that you
have been through to survive?
After losing your baby
carving up Javi's body,
because none of us could,
just so that we could feed ourselves?
I mean, I would be furious
if I went through all of that
and wasn't even thought of
to be the leader.
Why the fuck would I burn down
the cabin because of that?
I lived there too.
Well, maybe you resorted
to something drastic
to show us all who the real hero is,
- the real leader.
I mean, maybe
maybe you started the fire
so that you could save us all,
so that you could get yourself crowned.
No further questions.
[WHISPERING] I want a redirect.
I-I don't know what that is.
I want to talk to Shauna.
Oh, uh
I mean, yeah.
I believe you're a hero
for alerting us to the fire
and thus saving our lives.
There's not a question.
Sustained. No preaching, Tai.
Do you think Ben is a hero?
- No.
- Why?
- Where is this going?
- I'm "building a narrative."
Overruled. Keep going.
why don't you think Ben is a hero?
Didn't he help you
when you were in labor?
He didn't.
What did he do when you were in labor?
He just left me.
I was bleeding
and in so much pain, so Natalie
went to get him.
And he just looked at me and said,
"All I did was press play
on a VHS tape."
And then went back to his room.
[TAISSA] Shauna, why do you think
Ben would have wanted
to start the fire?
'Cause he judges us.
I mean, he's judged us this whole time.
He's not one of us
and he hates that.
It terrifies him.
We are here
and alive because we fought to be here
and we fought to stay alive.
And he tried to take that from us.
No further questions.
He's got a kid's dress in his bag.
What if his kid is home?
[TAISSA] What if he doesn't have
any kids and he just has that dress
because he's a fucking creepy pedophile?
"Creepy pedophile" is redundant,
but okay.
Fuck, the door.
Round and round she goes,
where she stops
Why don't you let let me get this
and then you do your thing, okay?
All right. My assistant,
ladies and gentlemen. Jeff.
Give it up for him.
Okay, we got
That's, uh, a "B"
and a [DEEP VOICE] nine
As in, uh,
Thank God that biopsy
came back "be-nign."
See? Dude, you just got
to know your audience.
- Could we get another ball, please?
- Yeah.
Okay, here we go.
Let-let him read it, hmm?
Like, "Gee,
'for de six' and final time,
who keeps leaving the Bengay
next to the toothpaste?"
Now now, this is bingo.
My man.
[MISTY] Svetlana,
has, uh, Walter been here?
Is this is this for me?
That's for my letter to the comptroller.
Yeah, sure, okay.
This is the hardest puzzle
I've ever done.
It's taken me almost four weeks.
That's great, Svetlana. Time well spent.
- I saw the sign ♪
- And it opened up my eyes ♪
I saw the sign ♪
Life is demanding ♪
- Are you enjoying this?
- Without understanding ♪
Why wouldn't I be?
All you do all day
is cook for your family.
This is supposed to be
more of that monotony.
Okay. That is not all I do.
And, you know what, if we're
handing out punishments,
it should be me punishing you.
I was in that car, too.
And in the end, I saved your life
and you threw me out of the van.
Look, I really don't know
what you want from me, Misty.
An apology!
I'm sorry.
For not knowing why I should be sorry.
This is not healthy.
I saw the sign ♪
- I
- And it opened up my mind ♪
cannot be around any of this right now.
I've left you, oh, oh, oh ♪
I have a lot to apologize for.
I know I hurt you.
I know I hurt you.
I understand
that I hurt you.
I understand. I understand.
I understand that I hurt you.
Oh, Charlotte, no, that's not
I have a lot to apologize for.
[MISTY] Would you say that,
before the fire,
that everybody was on board
with the Wilderness
and letting It decide
what we should do for It?
No, I don't think everyone believed.
And you got an A in history, right?
- Yeah.
- Famously,
are there not examples
of people in history
who were not in favor
of certain belief systems
burning those people's houses
to the ground?
Yes, there are famously
examples of that.
So, in your opinion,
couldn't anyone who didn't agree
or partake in the belief system
have burned the cabin to the ground?
I guess. Yes.
Okay, so it could have been Coach Scott.
I mean, he didn't believe, after all.
Or it could be, I don't know,
Shauna, as I previously said.
Or Gen.
I mean, she didn't come
- to all of the prayer circles.
- [QUIETLY] What the fuck?
And, uh, sorry, Nat,
I know you're the judge,
but, I mean, you didn't believe, either.
Or Melissa. Hey.
I mean, you could go either way,
probably. [CHUCKLES]
What? I didn't burn down the cabin.
[NATALIE] Silence from the jury,
- please.
- Misty, continue.
- And Taissa.
I mean, she really only
went to the prayer circles
because her girlfriend believed.
Objection. Natalie, this is ridiculous.
Overruled. She's doing her job.
And, Lottie
couldn't someone think that
maybe you burned the cabin down
because you were upset
that It didn't want you
to be the leader anymore?
- I didn't burn the cabin down.
- I'm not saying you did.
I'm just saying that
one could infer from context
that you had motive, could they not?
"Maybe" is not a "no."
Maybe it was Coach Scott,
or maybe it could have been
any one of us
for any number of reasons.
I mean, who knows, maybe
it could have been Crystal?
It could have been any one of us.
Well, that sounds a lot, to me,
like reasonable doubt.
I mean, if it could have been
any one of us,
then is it fair
to convict a man of attempted murder?
No, it's not.
[MISTY] No further questions.
What's your next plan, Tai?
I don't know. I
I was going to rest.
I don't know.
Natalie knew where he was hiding.
How do you know that?
How long have you known this?
Why are you asking me?
Someone's in here.
Come on.
Come on.
Excuse me. Could someone
let me out, please?
It's Shauna. I'm in here.
- [MUFFLED] Hello?
Fucking come on.
Fuck. Fuck.
[GIRL] Nice one, Shipman.
Now would be the time.
How are we gonna get in?
You're not butch enough
to have locksmith tools.
I don't think
the credit card thing's gon
What the fuck?
This is a sign, Van.
I can't do this.
I don't want to do it either, but I
I need more time with you.
I need you to live.
I want to live, but not like this.
Fuck the Wilderness. Can we
just enjoy the time we have left?
Please, Taissa.
[SNIFFLES] New plan.
Meet me by the edge of the park.
Take the PATH train.
Columbus Circle, one hour.
All right, Tai, do you have
any more witnesses?
Just one, Your Honor.
The people would like
to call Natalie Scatorccio
- to the stand.
- Objection.
No. No, no, no.
The judge can't be a-a witness.
- That's unprecedented.
- [TAISSA] All of this
- is unprecedented.
- [MISTY] Your Honor.
I'll do it.
Oh, do you mind?
- Your Honor
- Nat
- is fine.
- Thanks.
Nat, when was the last time you saw
- Coach Scott before today?
- Mm, the day we
I drew the queen.
You last saw him before the fire?
- Yes.
- Before we drew cards?
after the Wilderness chose Javi
but before the cabin burned.
Where did you see him?
Outside the cabin.
- What was he doing?
- Nothing.
- He had to be doing something.
- He wasn't
doing anything. He was just leaving.
But he had just come back.
How did you know he was leaving?
- Because he walked away.
- Because he saw what we did?
So, he disappeared,
came back,
then immediately left,
never to be seen again,
and then a fire broke out.
You don't think that's suspicious?
Maybe it was just a coincidence.
Why didn't you try
to stop him from leaving?
- Objection.
- You're the witness.
And the judge.
When the cabin burned,
did you think Coach Scott did it?
I thought anything could have caused it.
a spark from the fireplace,
- a candle falling over
- [TAISSA] But not Coach Scott?
You never wanted to ask him?
- I couldn't.
- Why not?
Because he wasn't around to ask.
But you knew where he was!
- [GEN] What?
- [TAISSA] You've known this whole time.
Misty figured that out.
- Objection.
- [TAISSA] You didn't just
see him before the fire.
He saw you, right?
You spoke to him.
That's how you knew he was leaving.
You knew where he was going
but you gave orders
not to search for him anyway.
You've been lying to us to protect him,
and this trial was just
another desperate attempt
for you to let him off the hook.
You can stop me
- anytime I'm wrong.
- Okay.
I knew he was out there.
But he didn't want
anything to do with us.
I knew that we could just
let him live in peace
because he wasn't any kind of threat.
He wasn't a threat?
How was that for you to decide?
You let him go and we almost died.
- She's right.
- Okay, okay!
- [VAN] Guys, stop!
[MISTY] Okay. Order!
Order! Order!
The prosecution rests.
Your witness.
Your Honor.
I'd like to call Coach Benjamin Scott
to the stand for questioning.
- Jeffrey.
What has a lot of balls
and screws about everybody in the room?
- What?
- Bingo.
- Oh. That
You get that, right?
[JEFF] I didn't know I could do that.
Are you ladies sure
you don't want to play Boggle
or Crazy Eights or something?
Randy, can you get us
some snacks? [CHUCKLES]
Yeah, some snacks and-and sodas.
- [WOMAN] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- [JEFF] And a deck of cards.
[WOMAN] Yeah, yeah, yeah. [CHUCKLES]
- [RANDY] Sure.
- You ladies,
- you bring your purses?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Huh?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right.
- Okay. Pirate walks into a bar.
- Okay. [CHUCKLES]
Bartender says, "Why do you got
a steering wheel in your pants?"
[SHAUNA] It's Shauna!
Can somebody let me out?
I don't think anyone's coming, Shauna.
You remember what Jeff said about karma?
Maybe this is exactly
how it was always gonna end for you
frozen and left for dead.
Just like me.
Someone's trying to hurt you, Shauna,
for what you did.
Not just in the wilderness, but
what you did when you got back.
You're not real.
You're getting colder, aren't you?
Starting to feel it under your skin?
- I can take it.
- No, you can't.
You never could.
Look at you now. Someone's
fucking with you and you're just
hurling accusations left and right.
You're not actually
doing anything about it.
You're all talk.
Why can't you just leave me alone?
[SCOFFS] You don't want that.
I'm the most interesting thing
about you.
That's not true.
After I died, did you finally
turn into the person
you always wanted to be or
did you become this?
It's okay. You'll be warm soon.
Uh hello?
- [SHAUNA] I'm locked
in the freezer. Let me out. Please.
Oh, shit! Shauna?
Are you okay?
Hi. Where's Misty?
Excuse me?
Misty. Misty Quigley?
She just locked me in your
fucking freezer. Where is she?
She left hours ago.
[MISTY] Why'd you want to be a coach?
I I didn't.
Well, you were a sub, right?
You Have you always wanted
to be a teacher?
But you like kids, right?
Like, working with teenagers and stuff?
Not really. No.
Then why the fuck are you here, Ben?
What, stranded in a forest?
Uh, well, Misty,
see, we were in a plane crash.
[MISTY] Yeah, but
why were you on the plane?
Why spend so much time
coaching girls' soccer
at a high school if you hate it all?
I mean, you've been
at Wiskayok High for nine years.
You could have left at any time.
I mean, every-every school needs a coach
or a substitute teacher.
You guys ended up being the best
in the state.
I guess I figured, at some point, I'd
maybe get offered a better gig?
Then, what, in the meantime, you just
you just hated us?
You never had any fun?
You just
It's just all a job to you?
I didn't No, I didn't say that.
Look, I
I liked teaching, okay?
I didn't think I would, and then I did.
And, yeah, of course
I ended up caring about you guys, too.
I liked coaching you.
Because you guys were [SCOFFS]
God, you were annoyingly
fucking relentless.
And, uh,
you were underdogs.
I kind of like those.
I am one.
Grew up one.
Stayed one.
And you'd never want
to hurt an underdog, right?
Keep them down?
[SIGHS] Look, if I wanted
to hurt you, I
Well, hell, I would have
turned half of you in
for getting so shit-faced
the night before our first away game
that I had to pretend to
the staff I got food poisoning
in seven different rooms.
If I wanted to hurt you I would have
told the school and your parents
about finding you guys
together in the back
of the parking lot
after practice last year.
And I would have put you on the team
instead of asking you
to be the equipment manager
because I knew you'd get hurt
and then get bullied
when you weren't good enough.
My my entire family sucked.
No one really cared
what happened to me or what I was doing,
and I think I just
wanted to look out
for you guys the way
the way I never got.
Why did you leave us?
Look, I
I loved you guys
and I cared about you guys
and then we got here, and
Jesus, you cut my fucking leg off
a-and you didn't listen to me anymore
or-or care about any of the
[SIGHS] And now you are
literally putting me on trial
and I didn't even do anything
except try to get away from my own
I was scared
that I
maybe was next. That I
[SIGHS] That you guys
didn't need me anymore, and s
Know what? I was a coward.
I left you and I shouldn't have.
I acted exactly the same way
that my parents would have
and that is embarrassing to me.
It is shameful.
And I am so fucking sorry,
What you guys have
all done here,
by the way, to
what-what you had to do to survive
It's fucking incredible.
I didn't appreciate it.
I should have.
'Cause the truth is, I'm
in awe of all of you.
Kind of always have been.
Look, I fucked up by judging you,
and, uh
I may not understand
your belief system
but I didn't try to kill you.
I wouldn't do that. I
I couldn't.
No further questions.
Hey, you want to tell me
why you ditched me
with all the old people? [CHUCKLES]
[SHAUNA] Yes, but don't be mad.
Well, I don't know if I'm gonna be
- Why is there a cat?
Do we have a cat now?
- We cannot have a cat now.
- Listen,
I don't think the old people
was my good karma thing.
Misty kind of bummed me out.
But I know how important this is to you,
so I went to a bunch of shelters,
and I had to go all
the way to Manhattan,
and I found this cat.
No fucking way.
Is that the cat from the flyer?
What? Jeff, no.
That cat is absolutely dead.
But the owners don't need to know that.
For all they know, their cat
has found its way back to them
after, like, two years.
- Oh.
- Karma times a thousand.
So, you Yeah, okay.
So, you went into New York City
and then you just adopted
a duplicate cat
To then lie to the family
about their missing cat.
[GROANS] Can we not give notes
on my karma, please?
[SIGHS] It's
It's thoughtful.
- It's thoughtful.
- Thank you.
Yeah. Look at him. Look at this guy.
- Yeah.
- He looks just like
- the fucking poster.
- Right?
Okay, where are you taking me?
It's a surprise.
Buy me a pretzel.
Well, you once told me
you wanted to take me to New York
and buy me a pretzel.
And go on a horse ride
through Central Park.
- Don't let it burn ♪
- There we go.
- Don't let it fade ♪
- Whoa.
I'm sure I'm not being rude ♪
But it's just your attitude ♪
It's ruining every day ♪
This is all very cute,
but I-I don't have any cash.
- Oh.
Hold on, hold on. Wait.
Okay. [LAUGHS]
To your rescue.
Is that the way we stand ♪
Two pretzels, please.
Was it just a game to you? ♪
But I'm in so deep ♪
Your hand okay?
Yeah, it's just the adrenaline
from the day.
Fool for you, you got me ♪
Around your finger ♪
Do you have to let it linger?
Do you have to ♪
Horse and carriage ride. Let's go.
Do you have to, do you
have to let it linger? ♪
So, we should vote now.
Two-thirds majority vote wins.
Tai, Misty, and I shouldn't vote
because we were part
of the hearing or whatever.
Those who find Coach guilty,
raise your hands.
Those who find Coach innocent,
raise your hands.
That's six. That's not two-thirds.
- Uh
- So what do we do when
We vote again until,
uh, people change their votes
and we get the two-thirds majority.
[SIGHS] Okay.
One more time.
Those who find Coach guilty,
raise your hands.
Those who find Coach innocent,
raise your hands.
Okay, one more time.
Those who find Coach
[SIGHS] Okay, one more time.
Let's vote again. One more time.
Those who find Coach guilty
One more time. One more time.
Let's do this one more time. Okay.
One more time.
Those who find Coach guilty,
raise your hand.
He literally tried to fucking kill us.
The trial's over, Shauna.
He set the only shelter we had on fire
with us inside of it.
Anyone who finds him guilty,
raise your fucking hand.
- The rest of you?
- You are cheating.
- Shauna, you can't
- Just give them a minute!
That's the needed majority, Nat.
I know.
By majority decision,
we find you, Coach Scott,
guilty of attempted murder.
[SIGHS] I guess, um, Van,
would you take him to
This is what I'm talking about.
Look at what you just did.
Do you feel that right now?
That's fucking power.
What's that, Travis?
[TRAVIS] It's the outcome.
- Previously on Yellowjackets
- [MARI] I never
believed you burned down the cabin.
- The cabin burned down?
- [MISTY] Have I got something
- you're gonna want to hear.
- [SHAUNA] I don't
- give a shit, Misty.
- I think Natalie knows
where Coach Scott is.
[SHAUNA] I asked you to not
let them talk to each other.
Well, we were playing truth or dare.
What? Why would you let that happen?
It never meant
what you thought it meant.
Get the fuck out of my house!
[WALTER] I have no doubt
you're reading this note
because you're too smart
not to have figured it out.
Damn right I am.
- I don't know what's happening!
- What is wrong
- with the car?
- I don't know! [SCREAMS]
You fucked with my car, didn't you?
Why would I do this?
'Cause you are a verified psycho,
and you feed off this shit.
Now, the blood work suggests your cancer
- has stopped metastasizing.
- [TAISSA] It could be
happening again.
The waiter was the sacrifice,
and your new prognosis
that's the gift.
[TAISSA] What do you want?
I know what It wants.
It wants more.
[LOTTIE] It's up to you.
You can submit. Or you can run.
Are you in my dream,
or am I in one of yours?
- [BEN] Help!
It's some kind of gas.
Sorry, Coach. You're coming with us.
It wasn't that weird.
As far as nightmares go, it was, like,
a six out of ten
on my crazy dreams meter.
I was just wondering if maybe the dream
could have been, like, a message?
Stay out of that cave.
Hey. Where are you going?
We're here.
He's back.
Now we have to make him pay
for trying to kill us.
That is not how we are gonna do it.
Nat's right.
Life and death has always been
for It to decide.
Fuck that.
He burned down our home with us in it.
[SHAUNA] She's right.
He tried to kill us.
I get that you're angry.
But what if it was just
a freak accident?
What if Coach had nothing to do with it?
He deserves a chance
to tell his side of the story.
You know, to plead his case.
We're gonna have to do this right.
We're gonna have a trial.
INTRO ENDS AT 05:40:00
It was cool, nothing fire ♪
Nothing broke ♪
Keep simple ♪
Nothing tired, nothing old ♪
Same as you ♪
Same as you ♪
Oh, so cute, so revival ♪
So alone ♪
Birthday suit, just a smile ♪
No one home ♪
Same as you ♪
Same as you ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
[NATALIE] It should be two-thirds.
That's bullshit.
I-It should be majority rules.
That's more than fair, Shauna.
Criminal trials
are supposed to be unanimous.
I'm meeting you halfway.
Great, that's settled.
I'll run prosecution.
The question is
who's gonna defend Coach Scott?
Why are you looking at me?
'Cause he's your boyfriend.
In your mind at least, right?
That's not funny.
And I'm not defending him.
He's not the Ben that I knew.
You have to, Misty.
I know how you feel.
It sucks that he left, but
you're his best chance at a fair trial,
maybe his only chance.
If you can't prove he's
innocent, he'll lose anyway,
but if you can,
Misty, you'll save his life.
[SHAUNA] Let me guess cut brake line.
What? Really? Are you sure?
You got a bad brake booster.
Okay, so somebody
messed with our brake booster.
No, no, just failed.
Cost you around, uh, 500,
but I'll have you
out of here in an hour.
[SHAUNA] Okay. Great.
How do brakes just
go bad, all of a sudden?
That's weird, right?
It's not weird. It's karma
for what we've done.
You know?
At least what I did
to Kevyn.
Okay. To Well,
you didn't do anything,
- okay?
- I caused it.
- What?
- I mean, I didn't stop it.
And now the van the van doesn't stop.
Jesus Christ, that is karmic.
[BANKER] Thank you so much for
banking with us, Ms. Matthews.
Can we call you a car?
[LOTTIE] No. No need.
- Thank you.
How lovely to hear from you.
[TAISSA] Sure, sure. Lottie, listen.
That night, getting into the ambulance,
what you said to me and Van
What-what I what I said
- to you and Van?
- I-It That
It was pleased with us. You said,
"We'll see." What did you mean by that?
I don't even remember saying that.
What the fuck you mean
you don't remember?
Well, thanks for checking in,
Tai, but I should go.
No, no, hold on, hold on.
I need to talk to you.
Where are you?
I really didn't want to come here.
Talk to me.
We were searching Coach's cave.
At least, I think it was the same cave.
I don't know, I blacked out
or I had some kind of
twisted dream?
Van and Shauna they had dreams, too,
but this didn't feel like a dream.
It felt like I was there,
sort of. Like
it was a memory, but it wasn't
or like it really happened,
but it didn't.
I don't know, it felt like it was
The truth?
You had a vision.
Are you ready to keep going?
When do we start?
- I mean, what do I have to
- Tell me more about the cave.
How fucking dare you!
How dare you set fire
to the cabin with us inside?
After everything
that I have done for you.
After everything I did to
keep you from killing yourself.
How could you do this to me?
I th
I thought that we were friends.
I wouldn't hurt you, Misty.
Yeah, right.
I didn't burn down your cabin.
Prove it.
With a-a high school mock trial
at the end of the fucking world?
I'm in a jail with birds, Misty.
You know that this whole trial
is just a farce.
I've already lost. [SIGHS]
I've got no reason to lie to you now.
You can't say it's a farce.
You can't say shit like that out there
if we're gonna win this.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- What's going on here?
- Well, I, uh,
went on wikiHow,
and I found some great tips
on reversing bad karma
by picking up good karma points.
This cat.
I'm gonna find that cat.
This cat?
Jeff, that was, like, two years ago.
That's gonna be a lot of points.
Hey, Cal, I'm putting
together stuff for charity.
Now, you got anything good that
you want to, you know, donate?
Did you put any of my stuff in here?
That's why I just asked.
Why are you even doing this?
You're asking why do charity? [SCOFFS]
No, I mean why now, I guess.
Is it because you put Lottie
out on the streets?
No. No, it's not.
And I do not want you to mention
her name again in this house.
[JEFF] No, "why now" doesn't matter.
All that matters is that
we are giving of ourselves
to someone who needs it.
Not sure how much anyone needs
your bootleg Rush Hour DVDs.
Maybe you're right.
But it just keeps hitting me
we are in a serious karma deficit here.
And we got to do some good.
I need to do some good.
Okay, honey, let's-let's do some good.
- What else you got?
- I'm glad to hear you say that.
[SIGHS] 'Cause I signed us up
to do some volunteer work.
- I'm out.
- Callie.
Just bring me back a karma to-go plate.
It's at the same place
Randy does hours for his DUI.
But for us, it's all about
- good vibes.
- Yes.
Fuck. Maybe this isn't a good idea.
Maybe this is the stupidest thing
- we have ever done.
- Yeah, sure.
If nothing happens, no one sees it,
then okay, it's a stupid idea.
But if s if something happens
if It chooses someone
maybe it'll be worth it.
Sun down on the sorry day ♪
By nightlights the children pray ♪
I know you're probably
getting' ready for bed ♪
Beautiful woman, get out of my head ♪
I'm so tired of the same old crud ♪
Sweet baby, I need fresh blood ♪
Hey! ♪
Hey ♪
Fuck. It chose.
It really chose someone.
[YOUNG VAN] All rise.
The People v. Benjamin Scott
on charges of arson
and multiple counts of attempted murder.
Jury verdict requires
a two-thirds majority.
The Honorable Judge Natalie presiding.
Here we go.
Uh, Taissa Turner,
you may call your first witness.
Yes, Your Honor.
The people would like to call
Mari Ibarra to the stand.
Oh, shit.
- Oh
I'm sticking my neck out for you.
Do not make me look stupid.
Mari, first of all,
we are really glad
to have you back with us.
- Espec
- Wait.
We have to swear her in.
[VAN] Oh.
Yeah, we forgot that.
Uh, here.
Repeat after me.
I vow by the Wilderness to honor
Its virtue with my own.
What It asks, I will answer.
What It says, I will listen.
- What It needs, I
- She swears to tell the truth,
the whole truth, and that's it,
so help her all of us.
I do.
Mari, we are really glad
to have you back with us,
especially after such a traumatic ordeal
- with Coach Scott.
- [MISTY] Objection.
In whose opinion was it traumatic?
I think we can all agree
that being held against
your will is traumatic.
Well, it's technically an opinion, so
Mari, in your opinion,
was your time
in Coach's dungeon traumatic?
Fuck yeah, it was.
He made me eat bats,
and he kept talking to
God knows who, but it wasn't me.
[TAISSA] Are you saying he's deranged?
I mean
Is that why he held you captive?
He didn't want me coming back
to tell you all where he was.
A-And then I did.
Why didn't he want that?
He didn't want us coming to get payback.
Did he say payback for what?
Not exactly.
But I assume for burning the cabin.
Know what happens when you assume?
You make an "ass" out of "U" and "me."
Could Coach Scott have killed
you when you were in the cave?
But he didn't, did he?
- No.
- Hmm.
Why did he take you to the cave?
I mean, why didn't he just
leave you in the pit?
He could have left you there
to rot, but,
I mean I know Shauna would.
Objection. That's unnecessary.
Yeah, but it's true.
But sustained.
Mari, just answer why he pulled you out.
He didn't want me to die in there.
He didn't want you to die.
That doesn't sound
like a murderer to me.
Are you giving testimony now?
Does that sound like
a vengeful murderer to you?
No further questions.
Of all the needy places
we could volunteer?
- Misty's job?
- I didn't know.
We're probably not even gonna see her.
Is there something going on
with you two right now?
Uh, no.
No, she's just Misty.
And besides,
who wants to spend all day
wrist-deep in soiled bedsheets,
rubbing elbows
with Misty fucking Quigley?
You have a lot of nerve
showing your face around here.
Unless Wait.
Has Shauna Shipman come with
her tail between her legs to apologize?
I didn't even know that you worked here.
And besides, what do
I have to apologize for?
[SCOFFS] That list could take a while.
You have a few days?
You know what?
I should send you the bill
for our brakes.
Should I mail it here
or to the mountain
where you lay your eggs?
Kind of sounds like there's
something going on with you two.
If you're not here to apologize,
what are you doing here, Shauna?
I'm not. I wasn't. Jeff?
[JEFF] We're here to volunteer.
We're your humble servants. So, just
point us wherever you need us to go.
You're going on tapioca duty.
I don't even know what that means,
but based on your face,
I don't think so.
Oh, yes, you are.
Those little pearls aren't
gonna pudding themselves.
This is better than an apology. [LAUGHS]
Why were you up so late
the night of the fire?
I couldn't sleep.
So you just were sitting there?
Doing nothing?
I was journaling.
- What were you journaling about?
- Objection.
Who cares what she was journaling about?
Misty, why's it matter what she's
Because she could have been
journaling about starting the fire.
- Yeah, okay, so ask her that.
- I'm building a narrative.
- Shauna, did you start the fire?
- No.
You're under oath, remember.
I did not start the fire.
That's fucking crazy.
Is it?
Because the night of the fire
was the same night
that Natalie was chosen to be leader.
And I saw the look on your face,
the disappointment you had.
Are-are you upset that
you weren't chosen to be leader?
You don't think that you deserved
to be the leader?
- No.
- Really?
After everything that you've done?
After everything that you
have been through to survive?
After losing your baby
carving up Javi's body,
because none of us could,
just so that we could feed ourselves?
I mean, I would be furious
if I went through all of that
and wasn't even thought of
to be the leader.
Why the fuck would I burn down
the cabin because of that?
I lived there too.
Well, maybe you resorted
to something drastic
to show us all who the real hero is,
- the real leader.
I mean, maybe
maybe you started the fire
so that you could save us all,
so that you could get yourself crowned.
No further questions.
[WHISPERING] I want a redirect.
I-I don't know what that is.
I want to talk to Shauna.
Oh, uh
I mean, yeah.
I believe you're a hero
for alerting us to the fire
and thus saving our lives.
There's not a question.
Sustained. No preaching, Tai.
Do you think Ben is a hero?
- No.
- Why?
- Where is this going?
- I'm "building a narrative."
Overruled. Keep going.
why don't you think Ben is a hero?
Didn't he help you
when you were in labor?
He didn't.
What did he do when you were in labor?
He just left me.
I was bleeding
and in so much pain, so Natalie
went to get him.
And he just looked at me and said,
"All I did was press play
on a VHS tape."
And then went back to his room.
[TAISSA] Shauna, why do you think
Ben would have wanted
to start the fire?
'Cause he judges us.
I mean, he's judged us this whole time.
He's not one of us
and he hates that.
It terrifies him.
We are here
and alive because we fought to be here
and we fought to stay alive.
And he tried to take that from us.
No further questions.
He's got a kid's dress in his bag.
What if his kid is home?
[TAISSA] What if he doesn't have
any kids and he just has that dress
because he's a fucking creepy pedophile?
"Creepy pedophile" is redundant,
but okay.
Fuck, the door.
Round and round she goes,
where she stops
Why don't you let let me get this
and then you do your thing, okay?
All right. My assistant,
ladies and gentlemen. Jeff.
Give it up for him.
Okay, we got
That's, uh, a "B"
and a [DEEP VOICE] nine
As in, uh,
Thank God that biopsy
came back "be-nign."
See? Dude, you just got
to know your audience.
- Could we get another ball, please?
- Yeah.
Okay, here we go.
Let-let him read it, hmm?
Like, "Gee,
'for de six' and final time,
who keeps leaving the Bengay
next to the toothpaste?"
Now now, this is bingo.
My man.
[MISTY] Svetlana,
has, uh, Walter been here?
Is this is this for me?
That's for my letter to the comptroller.
Yeah, sure, okay.
This is the hardest puzzle
I've ever done.
It's taken me almost four weeks.
That's great, Svetlana. Time well spent.
- I saw the sign ♪
- And it opened up my eyes ♪
I saw the sign ♪
Life is demanding ♪
- Are you enjoying this?
- Without understanding ♪
Why wouldn't I be?
All you do all day
is cook for your family.
This is supposed to be
more of that monotony.
Okay. That is not all I do.
And, you know what, if we're
handing out punishments,
it should be me punishing you.
I was in that car, too.
And in the end, I saved your life
and you threw me out of the van.
Look, I really don't know
what you want from me, Misty.
An apology!
I'm sorry.
For not knowing why I should be sorry.
This is not healthy.
I saw the sign ♪
- I
- And it opened up my mind ♪
cannot be around any of this right now.
I've left you, oh, oh, oh ♪
I have a lot to apologize for.
I know I hurt you.
I know I hurt you.
I understand
that I hurt you.
I understand. I understand.
I understand that I hurt you.
Oh, Charlotte, no, that's not
I have a lot to apologize for.
[MISTY] Would you say that,
before the fire,
that everybody was on board
with the Wilderness
and letting It decide
what we should do for It?
No, I don't think everyone believed.
And you got an A in history, right?
- Yeah.
- Famously,
are there not examples
of people in history
who were not in favor
of certain belief systems
burning those people's houses
to the ground?
Yes, there are famously
examples of that.
So, in your opinion,
couldn't anyone who didn't agree
or partake in the belief system
have burned the cabin to the ground?
I guess. Yes.
Okay, so it could have been Coach Scott.
I mean, he didn't believe, after all.
Or it could be, I don't know,
Shauna, as I previously said.
Or Gen.
I mean, she didn't come
- to all of the prayer circles.
- [QUIETLY] What the fuck?
And, uh, sorry, Nat,
I know you're the judge,
but, I mean, you didn't believe, either.
Or Melissa. Hey.
I mean, you could go either way,
probably. [CHUCKLES]
What? I didn't burn down the cabin.
[NATALIE] Silence from the jury,
- please.
- Misty, continue.
- And Taissa.
I mean, she really only
went to the prayer circles
because her girlfriend believed.
Objection. Natalie, this is ridiculous.
Overruled. She's doing her job.
And, Lottie
couldn't someone think that
maybe you burned the cabin down
because you were upset
that It didn't want you
to be the leader anymore?
- I didn't burn the cabin down.
- I'm not saying you did.
I'm just saying that
one could infer from context
that you had motive, could they not?
"Maybe" is not a "no."
Maybe it was Coach Scott,
or maybe it could have been
any one of us
for any number of reasons.
I mean, who knows, maybe
it could have been Crystal?
It could have been any one of us.
Well, that sounds a lot, to me,
like reasonable doubt.
I mean, if it could have been
any one of us,
then is it fair
to convict a man of attempted murder?
No, it's not.
[MISTY] No further questions.
What's your next plan, Tai?
I don't know. I
I was going to rest.
I don't know.
Natalie knew where he was hiding.
How do you know that?
How long have you known this?
Why are you asking me?
Someone's in here.
Come on.
Come on.
Excuse me. Could someone
let me out, please?
It's Shauna. I'm in here.
- [MUFFLED] Hello?
Fucking come on.
Fuck. Fuck.
[GIRL] Nice one, Shipman.
Now would be the time.
How are we gonna get in?
You're not butch enough
to have locksmith tools.
I don't think
the credit card thing's gon
What the fuck?
This is a sign, Van.
I can't do this.
I don't want to do it either, but I
I need more time with you.
I need you to live.
I want to live, but not like this.
Fuck the Wilderness. Can we
just enjoy the time we have left?
Please, Taissa.
[SNIFFLES] New plan.
Meet me by the edge of the park.
Take the PATH train.
Columbus Circle, one hour.
All right, Tai, do you have
any more witnesses?
Just one, Your Honor.
The people would like
to call Natalie Scatorccio
- to the stand.
- Objection.
No. No, no, no.
The judge can't be a-a witness.
- That's unprecedented.
- [TAISSA] All of this
- is unprecedented.
- [MISTY] Your Honor.
I'll do it.
Oh, do you mind?
- Your Honor
- Nat
- is fine.
- Thanks.
Nat, when was the last time you saw
- Coach Scott before today?
- Mm, the day we
I drew the queen.
You last saw him before the fire?
- Yes.
- Before we drew cards?
after the Wilderness chose Javi
but before the cabin burned.
Where did you see him?
Outside the cabin.
- What was he doing?
- Nothing.
- He had to be doing something.
- He wasn't
doing anything. He was just leaving.
But he had just come back.
How did you know he was leaving?
- Because he walked away.
- Because he saw what we did?
So, he disappeared,
came back,
then immediately left,
never to be seen again,
and then a fire broke out.
You don't think that's suspicious?
Maybe it was just a coincidence.
Why didn't you try
to stop him from leaving?
- Objection.
- You're the witness.
And the judge.
When the cabin burned,
did you think Coach Scott did it?
I thought anything could have caused it.
a spark from the fireplace,
- a candle falling over
- [TAISSA] But not Coach Scott?
You never wanted to ask him?
- I couldn't.
- Why not?
Because he wasn't around to ask.
But you knew where he was!
- [GEN] What?
- [TAISSA] You've known this whole time.
Misty figured that out.
- Objection.
- [TAISSA] You didn't just
see him before the fire.
He saw you, right?
You spoke to him.
That's how you knew he was leaving.
You knew where he was going
but you gave orders
not to search for him anyway.
You've been lying to us to protect him,
and this trial was just
another desperate attempt
for you to let him off the hook.
You can stop me
- anytime I'm wrong.
- Okay.
I knew he was out there.
But he didn't want
anything to do with us.
I knew that we could just
let him live in peace
because he wasn't any kind of threat.
He wasn't a threat?
How was that for you to decide?
You let him go and we almost died.
- She's right.
- Okay, okay!
- [VAN] Guys, stop!
[MISTY] Okay. Order!
Order! Order!
The prosecution rests.
Your witness.
Your Honor.
I'd like to call Coach Benjamin Scott
to the stand for questioning.
- Jeffrey.
What has a lot of balls
and screws about everybody in the room?
- What?
- Bingo.
- Oh. That
You get that, right?
[JEFF] I didn't know I could do that.
Are you ladies sure
you don't want to play Boggle
or Crazy Eights or something?
Randy, can you get us
some snacks? [CHUCKLES]
Yeah, some snacks and-and sodas.
- [WOMAN] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- [JEFF] And a deck of cards.
[WOMAN] Yeah, yeah, yeah. [CHUCKLES]
- [RANDY] Sure.
- You ladies,
- you bring your purses?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Huh?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right.
- Okay. Pirate walks into a bar.
- Okay. [CHUCKLES]
Bartender says, "Why do you got
a steering wheel in your pants?"
[SHAUNA] It's Shauna!
Can somebody let me out?
I don't think anyone's coming, Shauna.
You remember what Jeff said about karma?
Maybe this is exactly
how it was always gonna end for you
frozen and left for dead.
Just like me.
Someone's trying to hurt you, Shauna,
for what you did.
Not just in the wilderness, but
what you did when you got back.
You're not real.
You're getting colder, aren't you?
Starting to feel it under your skin?
- I can take it.
- No, you can't.
You never could.
Look at you now. Someone's
fucking with you and you're just
hurling accusations left and right.
You're not actually
doing anything about it.
You're all talk.
Why can't you just leave me alone?
[SCOFFS] You don't want that.
I'm the most interesting thing
about you.
That's not true.
After I died, did you finally
turn into the person
you always wanted to be or
did you become this?
It's okay. You'll be warm soon.
Uh hello?
- [SHAUNA] I'm locked
in the freezer. Let me out. Please.
Oh, shit! Shauna?
Are you okay?
Hi. Where's Misty?
Excuse me?
Misty. Misty Quigley?
She just locked me in your
fucking freezer. Where is she?
She left hours ago.
[MISTY] Why'd you want to be a coach?
I I didn't.
Well, you were a sub, right?
You Have you always wanted
to be a teacher?
But you like kids, right?
Like, working with teenagers and stuff?
Not really. No.
Then why the fuck are you here, Ben?
What, stranded in a forest?
Uh, well, Misty,
see, we were in a plane crash.
[MISTY] Yeah, but
why were you on the plane?
Why spend so much time
coaching girls' soccer
at a high school if you hate it all?
I mean, you've been
at Wiskayok High for nine years.
You could have left at any time.
I mean, every-every school needs a coach
or a substitute teacher.
You guys ended up being the best
in the state.
I guess I figured, at some point, I'd
maybe get offered a better gig?
Then, what, in the meantime, you just
you just hated us?
You never had any fun?
You just
It's just all a job to you?
I didn't No, I didn't say that.
Look, I
I liked teaching, okay?
I didn't think I would, and then I did.
And, yeah, of course
I ended up caring about you guys, too.
I liked coaching you.
Because you guys were [SCOFFS]
God, you were annoyingly
fucking relentless.
And, uh,
you were underdogs.
I kind of like those.
I am one.
Grew up one.
Stayed one.
And you'd never want
to hurt an underdog, right?
Keep them down?
[SIGHS] Look, if I wanted
to hurt you, I
Well, hell, I would have
turned half of you in
for getting so shit-faced
the night before our first away game
that I had to pretend to
the staff I got food poisoning
in seven different rooms.
If I wanted to hurt you I would have
told the school and your parents
about finding you guys
together in the back
of the parking lot
after practice last year.
And I would have put you on the team
instead of asking you
to be the equipment manager
because I knew you'd get hurt
and then get bullied
when you weren't good enough.
My my entire family sucked.
No one really cared
what happened to me or what I was doing,
and I think I just
wanted to look out
for you guys the way
the way I never got.
Why did you leave us?
Look, I
I loved you guys
and I cared about you guys
and then we got here, and
Jesus, you cut my fucking leg off
a-and you didn't listen to me anymore
or-or care about any of the
[SIGHS] And now you are
literally putting me on trial
and I didn't even do anything
except try to get away from my own
I was scared
that I
maybe was next. That I
[SIGHS] That you guys
didn't need me anymore, and s
Know what? I was a coward.
I left you and I shouldn't have.
I acted exactly the same way
that my parents would have
and that is embarrassing to me.
It is shameful.
And I am so fucking sorry,
What you guys have
all done here,
by the way, to
what-what you had to do to survive
It's fucking incredible.
I didn't appreciate it.
I should have.
'Cause the truth is, I'm
in awe of all of you.
Kind of always have been.
Look, I fucked up by judging you,
and, uh
I may not understand
your belief system
but I didn't try to kill you.
I wouldn't do that. I
I couldn't.
No further questions.
Hey, you want to tell me
why you ditched me
with all the old people? [CHUCKLES]
[SHAUNA] Yes, but don't be mad.
Well, I don't know if I'm gonna be
- Why is there a cat?
Do we have a cat now?
- We cannot have a cat now.
- Listen,
I don't think the old people
was my good karma thing.
Misty kind of bummed me out.
But I know how important this is to you,
so I went to a bunch of shelters,
and I had to go all
the way to Manhattan,
and I found this cat.
No fucking way.
Is that the cat from the flyer?
What? Jeff, no.
That cat is absolutely dead.
But the owners don't need to know that.
For all they know, their cat
has found its way back to them
after, like, two years.
- Oh.
- Karma times a thousand.
So, you Yeah, okay.
So, you went into New York City
and then you just adopted
a duplicate cat
To then lie to the family
about their missing cat.
[GROANS] Can we not give notes
on my karma, please?
[SIGHS] It's
It's thoughtful.
- It's thoughtful.
- Thank you.
Yeah. Look at him. Look at this guy.
- Yeah.
- He looks just like
- the fucking poster.
- Right?
Okay, where are you taking me?
It's a surprise.
Buy me a pretzel.
Well, you once told me
you wanted to take me to New York
and buy me a pretzel.
And go on a horse ride
through Central Park.
- Don't let it burn ♪
- There we go.
- Don't let it fade ♪
- Whoa.
I'm sure I'm not being rude ♪
But it's just your attitude ♪
It's ruining every day ♪
This is all very cute,
but I-I don't have any cash.
- Oh.
Hold on, hold on. Wait.
Okay. [LAUGHS]
To your rescue.
Is that the way we stand ♪
Two pretzels, please.
Was it just a game to you? ♪
But I'm in so deep ♪
Your hand okay?
Yeah, it's just the adrenaline
from the day.
Fool for you, you got me ♪
Around your finger ♪
Do you have to let it linger?
Do you have to ♪
Horse and carriage ride. Let's go.
Do you have to, do you
have to let it linger? ♪
So, we should vote now.
Two-thirds majority vote wins.
Tai, Misty, and I shouldn't vote
because we were part
of the hearing or whatever.
Those who find Coach guilty,
raise your hands.
Those who find Coach innocent,
raise your hands.
That's six. That's not two-thirds.
- Uh
- So what do we do when
We vote again until,
uh, people change their votes
and we get the two-thirds majority.
[SIGHS] Okay.
One more time.
Those who find Coach guilty,
raise your hands.
Those who find Coach innocent,
raise your hands.
Okay, one more time.
Those who find Coach
[SIGHS] Okay, one more time.
Let's vote again. One more time.
Those who find Coach guilty
One more time. One more time.
Let's do this one more time. Okay.
One more time.
Those who find Coach guilty,
raise your hand.
He literally tried to fucking kill us.
The trial's over, Shauna.
He set the only shelter we had on fire
with us inside of it.
Anyone who finds him guilty,
raise your fucking hand.
- The rest of you?
- You are cheating.
- Shauna, you can't
- Just give them a minute!
That's the needed majority, Nat.
I know.
By majority decision,
we find you, Coach Scott,
guilty of attempted murder.
[SIGHS] I guess, um, Van,
would you take him to
This is what I'm talking about.
Look at what you just did.
Do you feel that right now?
That's fucking power.
What's that, Travis?
[TRAVIS] It's the outcome.