Zoo (2015) s03e04 Episode Script
Welcome to the Terra Dome
1 JAMIE: Ten years ago, the animal population mutated, endangering human life on the planet.
[animals roaring.]
Our team managed to cure the animals, but at a terrible cost.
In an attempt to return the planet to the animals, a secretive group called The Shepherds released a gas that sterilized all of humanity.
And then, lab-made creatures Called hybrids Devastated the West Coast.
So a massive barrier was constructed to protect the rest of North America but new breeds have started to appear, [squawking.]
so we reassembled our team.
We battle on many fronts, searching for a cure to sterility while racing to stop the hybrids and a brutal terrorist with a plan to end the human race.
The fight for mankind's survival has just begun.
Previously on Zoo NEWSWOMAN: Authorities are searching for this woman, Abigail Westbrook.
Who also happens to be my sister.
LEANNE: I can get Isaac back.
Let's talk about Clementine Lewis.
Please, God, please.
[heartbeat pounding.]
LOGAN: I tracked the hybrid's flight path.
JACKSON: Flew to Mexico? There, stop.
That's Abigail.
Two new species pop up in the span of 48 hours? And Abigail is at the center of it.
JACKSON: Mitch? - Jackson.
- You're alive? Well, this is more than a little weird.
And that thing just started moving.
JACKSON: We got to get out of here! [screeching.]
[hybrids screeching.]
[whirring rapidly.]
MITCH: This must be what's drawing the hybrids.
- [zaps.]
- Ah.
I'm just gonna assume there's no "off" switch.
That can't be good.
Is anyone else freaked out by the fact that they're flying? - That's not all they do.
- How about let's go? Come on! [hybrids roaring, screeching.]
Oh! Whoa! Chopper out back.
Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Come on! Whoa, whoa! Come on, let's go! MITCH: So, what brings you boys south of the border? We're tracking a woman who bombed my refugee camp in Portland.
But more importantly, where the hell you been? Hibernated in a healing tank.
Rescued by a fake daughter.
Shot real daughter.
Found an evil Shepherd device inside my skull.
Brain surgery with a farm animal.
Freaky new memories brought me here.
Really? That's it? And for us, that's a Tuesday.
[hybrid crashing.]
Sarge is not gonna be happy.
Plan B.
Let's get to the truck.
[hybrids screeching.]
[hybrids crashing.]
Leaving so soon, brother? Gonna miss the big show.
That doesn't sound right.
That's not good.
Home sweet plane.
She's gonna need some serious TLC if she's gonna be road worthy any time soon.
Looks like we snagged a passenger.
Okay, we're wheels up in five.
JACKSON: I guess you can shove a cockpit into a tablet when you've made a fortune off of people's pain.
Look, I know it's cool to hate me right now, but I really am sorry.
Just save it.
Right now we need to figure out what those hybrids are doing.
MITCH: That might be our answer.
Uh, you might want to speed up that takeoff time.
Order up.
Eggs benny, extra runny.
You heard what Leanne said.
Clem is a thief.
I know this is hard but if turning her over to Reiden gets us Isaac back, that's a deal we should be willing to take.
We only know what Leanne told us.
Why believe a woman who stole our son? You can't be serious about this.
Abe, we are talking about Mitch's daughter.
How could we ever do that? You can't just sit there and say nothing.
Not now.
You guys know what you want? Or do you need a little more time? JACKSON: Which insane thing should we start with? The, uh, new hybrid species or exploding volcanoes? Do we know that the new hybrids caused the volcano to explode? MITCH: I seem to remember a sloth that could make earthquakes happen.
That ringing a bell with anybody? So, uh, this is who we are looking for.
Her name is Abigail Westbrook and so far, tracking her down has been, uh I recognize her.
She's a Shepherd.
All right.
Now [clears throat.]
she used this disc to operate the device back in the cabin.
Yeah, whatever that device was, it was attracting the hybrids to its location like a, uh like a Beacon.
Yeah, that.
Yeah, so more than one disc means more than one beacon.
The more beacons that she activates, the more the hybrids will spread.
But no one's ever seen a flying hybrid.
Where are they spreading from? - [sighs.]
- MITCH: I have a feeling that the answer to that question is gonna be real weird.
JACKSON: So this is the previous hybrid population density on the West Coast.
Here's what happened after she activated that beacon.
Fortunately, inside the hybrid zone.
Abe said that these things can reproduce asexually from a single drop of blood, which means exponential growth once they get to a new area.
Now that we have flying hybrids, this is what would happen if she got a beacon east of the barrier.
[computer trilling rapidly.]
And this is what it would look like if she got a beacon all the way to Europe.
So, how long till Hybri-geddon? [sighs.]
Based on these calculations 90 days.
[computer trilling rapidly.]
Here with Leanne Ducovny, the Reiden CEO responsible for the controversial abductions of thousands of children from their homes.
Since then, you've had protestors outside your office every day and mounting pressure to allow the government access to your facilities.
These are people's children.
Don't you think some transparency could help? Let me stop you right there.
First of all, "the youth rejuvenation program" isn't a punishment, it's a promise.
It's a promise to solve sterility.
So, you see yourself as the savior of mankind? [video rewinds.]
savior of mankind.
[video rewinds.]
savior of mankind.
So, been dying to ask you guys, how was my funeral? Very tasteful.
What song did you guys pick? "Wind Beneath My Wings"? "Who Let the Dogs Out.
" Yeah, that was the last time we were all together.
After you were gone, things just, um weren't the same.
MITCH: So you decided to move to the middle of hybrid country? Well, a couple years later, a regular life just wasn't really an option for me, so MITCH: Well, that can happen if you're the son of the guy who created worldwide sterility.
Yeah, circumstances were, um I had to get away.
Plus, people out there need help.
You know? Someone's got to clean up that Shepherd mess.
May as well be me.
Well, at least now you won't have to play bumbling-but-effective hero on your own.
"Who Let the Dogs Out," that's very good.
Wait, Jackson.
Please, I I'm so sorry.
So am I.
- Can I explain? - We have to figure out what's going on with the new hybrids and we have to find Abigail.
MITCH: How the hell did these things cause a volcano to erupt? Biology of this hybrid is nuts.
Look at the size of that ear canal.
It's incredibly similar to Marsupialia that use echolocation.
Abe was onto something with that unique hybrid frequency.
They're using it to communicate.
So if we can reverse engineer the frequency, maybe we can find one of those beacons, track down Abigail, right? Stop Abigail, we stop the hybrid spread.
That thing is really cool.
Um Abe is a sex doctor? Which is gross enough, but why-why is he studying hybrids? He's not a sex doctor, he's a reproductive endocrinologist.
He thinks that hybrids are the key to solving the world's sterility.
Yeah, there's a lot going on.
And seeing as I've had to learn the biology of an entirely new species on the fly my obvious time away from current technology Oh, and the fact that Abigail could strike at any moment, I feel like it might be a good time to bring That's a lot of words to say that you need Abe's help.
: I'm gonna need a little grace period.
I'm post-tank Mitch.
Let's go to Michigan, find a sex doctor.
[sirens wailing, people shouting.]
CAL: It's anarchy outside, Leanne.
These protesters, they want their kids back.
And if it means burning down an entire city block, they'll do it.
Wake up, Cal.
Flying hybrids are a reality, and sterility isn't magically going away.
With these twin threats, human beings could be an endangered species in ten years.
You want to save mankind, you have to make tough decisions.
We need to earn the trust of the public.
The board and I are unanimous.
You will allow a full and complete inspection by government officials.
There are dangers here that you don't understand.
I don't care, Leanne! You make this work.
And if you can't, we'll find someone who can.
[door opens, closes.]
Should I set up the inspection appointments? Yes.
And double security outside.
Revoke all non-essential keycards.
JACKSON: Hey guys, we're touching down in Michigan in ten.
A little bit stressed? Yeah, not all family reunions are pleasant.
Are you talking about what happened with Jackson earlier? What was that all about? It's a long story.
Try me.
Five years ago, Jackson went into hiding.
That's not that big.
Well, he didn't go because he wanted to.
When my book was published, I gave everyone pseudonyms to protect them.
And it worked for everyone but Jackson.
Didn't matter that my book said he was innocent, he's the son of Robert Oz.
And the Shepherd hunters wanted blood.
So that is sort of big.
But wait, don't you work for the Shepherd hunters? I work with them, when it serves me.
[phone chimes.]
CLEMENTINE: Everything all right? Yes, everything's fine.
[turbine whirring.]
[tires screech.]
What do we tell them when they start asking about Isaac? If Mitch were to find out about Clem Just let me do the talking.
Dariela! - Jackson.
- Abe.
Ha, ha, rafiki.
[dog barking.]
Who's this? Pizza.
My friend.
It's been so long.
- [Abraham laughs.]
- Yeah.
- Oh - [Jackson laughs.]
How is Isaac? That hybrid sample that you needed, Abe, I wasn't able to track another one down.
It's okay.
And the Isaac situation is being handled.
Abe, if Isaac needs any help, you know that we will do whatever it takes.
It's complicated.
I'll fill you in later, I promise.
Just stay with me on this one.
I'll let you two catch up.
Come on, Pizza.
[Pizza barks.]
You being on this side of the barrier is dangerous.
Yeah, but I had to.
Why would leave that protection you had? You had a life there.
You were seeing someone.
Tessa, yes? Was, yes.
Not anymore, I, uh told her everything, and her reaction was less than desirable.
I'm sorry, rafiki.
Hey, it's okay.
I had to rip the Band-Aid off at some point.
Couldn't fight this war from the hybrid zone forever.
Now come on, let's get the band back together, huh? [laughs.]
Ah There he is.
Our very own Mr.
Like in part two when he dies, and then part three Yeah, I-I get the reference.
You know, when I found out that you let Max raise my kid, I almost went back into the grave [laughs, stammers.]
I can't [laughs.]
Even a pack of wild razorbacks couldn't keep you down.
What did you do, fight them off with your bare hands? No, but I like that version better.
JAMIE: Hi, guys.
It's great to see you.
I-I'm sorry I kind of ditched you guys the other day.
ABRAHAM: Ditched? That would be one way of putting it.
I couldn't risk your lives.
You have a son.
I saw the news about Reiden taking the kids.
Is Isaac? He's safe.
He's with his Aunt Isabel in the Upper Peninsula.
Hey, can you toss me that 'lectro wrench? Didn't realize you were into cars.
Guilty as charged.
Total gearhead.
Angry, sad, lonely.
Whatever I was feeling growing up, cars were always there.
- [tool whirring.]
- Always the same.
I guess, I guess they helped me make sense of things.
And given the current state of the world, I could use a little bit of that right now.
Couldn't we all? Socket driver? - This one? - Yeah.
So what's it like being back with your dead dad? - [tool whirs.]
- Weird.
What's it like being one of the last mothers on Earth? [exhales.]
It's been a tough couple years since we all saw each other.
I know you haven't had an easy go, either.
That's true, but but everybody's different.
You never know how you're gonna react in a tough situation until you're in it, you know? [tool whirring.]
We all have our regrets.
Done things we're not proud of.
We all have our secrets.
All my regrets are behind me.
Well, sometimes our regrets catch up to us.
[tool whirring.]
ABRAHAM: Now, if I'm correct, this should feed the signal I recorded from the hybrid egg through this subject's larynx synthesizing a sort of outgoing call.
And once it bounces back, we should, theoretically, get the location of the next beacon.
[computer beeping.]
It may take a while to get an answer.
This hybrid frequency is like nothing I've ever seen.
So we could be looking at a highly evolved form of communication, similar to how octopuses use their changing colors as mating signals, right? It's recently been proven that their changes in color are actually a complex language.
Even better.
But it could also be similar to, uh, the groupthink of honey bee colonies.
The prevailing theory now is that bees use myriad odors as communication.
Did the entire scientific world just implode while I was gone? I mean, the big ones are still around right? The second law of thermodynamics? It's more like second guideline.
Theory of relativity? It's still a theory.
: Relatively.
That was cute.
What about gravity? Gravity still a thing? Define "thing.
" Shut up.
I'm going to get a drink.
I know that's still a thing.
NEW ANCHOR: In the face of widespread outrage and protest, Reiden CEO Leanne Ducovny had this to say in defense of her company's abduction and internment of children.
LEANNE: Mark my words.
Humanity will flourish again.
MITCH: Well, that's fun.
This guy has supracoracoideus muscles that look just like the ones in hummingbirds.
Well, that makes sense, for flight.
Yeah, but look.
He's got an entirely extra set.
Now, these things expand and contract at super high speeds, but they're totally unnecessary for the way this guy flies.
Wait a minute, you said these new hybrids were diving under the ground in Mexico, correct? Well, what if they used these new muscles underground, en masse? If there were enough of them, uh compound vibrations could potentially cause massive acoustic fluidization, which would trigger volcanic eruptions Which did trigger a volcanic eruption.
And Abigail can summon them at will.
[alert beeping.]
We found a beacon.
It's moving.
She must be transporting it.
JACKSON: Abigail's heading to New York City.
I'll alert the department, we'll get barricades set up in a ten-mile radius around city.
This barrier's been protecting the East Coast.
There are people this side of it who haven't even seen a hybrid before.
Yeah, well, if these things fly over those barriers, they're gonna see a whole lot of them.
As they get eaten.
If the hybrids get into the city, the East Coast could fall in days.
We have to go there.
Who's The Falcon? Yeah, listen, I'm already aware of your whole, "he puts the lotion in the basket" situation downstairs, so it's a little late to save your reputation.
There are two Shepherds that I haven't been able to track down.
One is Mr.
Duncan, who is a ghost, and the other is The Falcon, who is apparently ascended to the upper echelons of power.
But, after all this time, The Falcon has remained out of reach.
Is that a Tom Collins? Since when is that your drink? Well, a few things have changed in the last ten years.
Yeah, I noticed.
What happened to you? I guess I just always thought that if I could tell people the truth, that things would change.
But it didn't stop Reiden from killing people, didn't stop the Shepherds.
The same people that were in power then are in power now.
And I got really sick of not seeing justice done.
So, I went out and did it myself.
All right, I'm still adjusting to the new super Jamie.
I mean, for you it's been ten years.
For me, what? We set some birds loose on a beach, I took a nap, you cracked my skull open.
How is that, by the way? To be honest, I don't know.
But, um, this quest thing that you're on, it just seems a little dark for you.
Well, I guess there wasn't a whole lot to look forward to.
How about now? Earlier, what you said about handing over Clem to Reiden, I know this is about Isaac, but now that we're all back together, seeing her, we have to find another way.
There may not be another way and we're running out of time.
We just need time to think.
Not making a decision is still a decision.
If we let this deadline pass, that choice is gone and we lose our only chance of getting Isaac back.
ABIGAIL: I don't understand men like you.
[distant siren wailing.]
World hangs over an abyss and yet you protect order.
Imagine you find it honorable.
Band playing on while the Titanic sinks into the cold depths.
But honor is a lie you tell yourself.
I think you're afraid.
I think you enforce that order because you don't know what else to do.
Suppose it gave you purpose.
Lucky for me it also gave you this.
Well, that was fun.
Can we go do it in the cockpit now? After I converted the plane to tablet, I had the cockpit turned into a breakfast nook.
Can you say that again, please, but just slower? Um, rain check.
I got to go do something first.
- Jackson, look, we can't go on like this.
- Just stop.
I know I put a target on your back for the last five years, and you're angry and it's warranted.
I can keep apologizing.
This isn't about me, Jamie.
Abe sacrificed everything for me, to keep my safe.
His marriage, his job, his son.
And I will never be able to repay him for that.
So, I just hope that that best-seller list was worth it.
Come with me.
We need to take a little walk.
[Jackson sighs.]
Okay, what are we doing? - Mansdale? - Oh, look.
The coward son of Oz.
Talk again and I cut your eye out.
This is what I've been protecting you from.
What are you talking about? Protecting me? Why do the Shepherd hunters think you're in Asia? Who scrubbed your photo from every server on the planet? The only thing keeping you on this side of a cage or worse is me.
That's very generous of you.
Except you're the reason that they're chasing me in the first place.
You have a choice to make.
If I am the grand villain of your life, you can shoot me.
Or you can shoot one of the men who tried to end the world.
Or you can accept that what's past is past and move on with whatever future we all have left.
Hey, Mitch.
Did you know that Jamie is keeping Mansdale prisoner in the bottom of this plane? Yeah.
And, on the one hand, it is dark and horrible.
On the other hand, the Shepherds did almost wipe out all of humanity.
Oh, and also the whole vigilante thing is kind of working for me.
Mitch, this is not a joke.
We have to keep an eye on her.
[phone beeps.]
This is Dariela Kenyatta.
LEANNE: I'm pleased to hear from you.
Have you considered my offer? Yes.
The deal is on.
By day's end, you'll have Clementine Lewis.
And by day's end, you'll be holding your son again.
[phone vibrates, beeps.]
[protestors shouting.]
PROTESTOR: Evil people! [protestors shouting.]
I got the officer coming through.
[protestors shouting.]
Take this.
Use it to track the beacon.
I've had luck blocking the hybrid signal before, but this beacon is a whole different beast.
Okay, so we're gonna work on a solution here and we'll talk you through it once you find the beacon.
ABRAHAM: In the meantime, use these things for signal dampening.
Wrap it in tinfoil.
Use the copper wire to Yeah, I got it.
Make it all electric-y.
[horns blaring.]
[tires screech.]
[tracker beeping.]
Okay, we're close.
That thing's pretty slick.
Abe just whipped it up in a matter of minutes.
You must be impressed.
Well, it's not that amazing.
You jealous of somebody out-sciencing you? No.
Well, maybe.
Anyway, he's got a ten-year jump on me.
This way.
Going somewhere? After all my tune-ups, it turns out the truck is just missing a fuel cell relay.
It must've come loose when we were getting out of that cabin.
Luckily, I know a few good garages in the area.
I don't think you should go out by yourself.
Let me come with you.
I appreciate the concern, but I think I got this one.
[siren wails.]
Abigail's setting off a beacon inside Reiden Tower? What does she want with Reiden? I don't know.
But somehow, we got to get past these cops.
Anybody got a plan for that? Coming through.
I need you on your best behavior in there.
What, you don't trust me? These two are with me.
MITCH: Boys, guess what? Abigail's gunning for Reiden Tower.
So whatever you're cooking up, better make it fast.
Yes, we're on it.
Although it seems backwards, - saving Reiden Tower.
- We're not saving Reiden.
We're saving New York City and, perhaps the entire East Coast.
All right, so, look, this is hopefully what Mitch has access to inside Reiden.
We'll need to boost our hybrid signal to match the intensity of the beacon.
Lemon juice? It's a good conductor, but why do we have so much? Apparently, Jamie makes a mean Tom Collins.
It's nice to know she had so much time for hobbies in between destroying lives.
You lost a lot because of her, Abe.
You need to stop using me as an excuse.
Jamie was just doing what she thought was right.
Despite everything that's happened, I'm glad we're back together.
No matter how messy it gets, we're still a family.
You, me, Jamie, Dariela, Mitch Clem.
What's going on, Abe? What aren't you telling me? I need to find Dariela.
Abe, we need to talk.
I'll be right back.
Just, uh, use the electrical tape and the lemon juice, okay? Abe, there's something I need to tell you.
No, no.
You were right.
There's no way we can do this.
No matter how much we want Isaac back, we cannot betray Mitch and Clem.
No matter what happens between us, Isaac is still our son.
And we will find a way to get him back.
Okay? MITCH: Guys, that's her.
NYPD! Stop! This is Detective Hale.
I need a complete lockdown of Reiden Global now.
[alarm blaring.]
Split up.
When we find Abigail, let me do my job.
I don't need you going all Kill Bill on her ass.
Jamie? [alarm blaring.]
Logan, I got her.
Southwest staircase, heading up.
How do you know my name? That's the least of the things I know.
Okay, wait.
Uh, b-before you do that, let's, uh, let's talk this out.
[device whirring.]
You're bound by the edicts of the old order, but I'm going beyond.
Beyond the constraints of this planet, beyond the regime of humanity, beyond the concept of life as you understand it.
I'm going to create a new world.
And I'm bringing my hybrids with me.
So you're like an evil queen in a cartoon movie.
You have a choice, Mitch.
Between the old dead way and the beyond.
It's time to make it.
Wait, wait, no, no, no! No, don't ah! Logan, she activated the device.
She's on the 15th floor.
You can still catch her.
[tires screech.]
[engine turns off.]
[tires screech.]
[line ringing.]
DARIELA: Hello? We got her.
Take her to the drop.
Once Leanne has her, I'll send payment.
[phone beeps.]
- All right, Abe, - Jackson.
I'm ready for you.
JACKSON: So you're gonna need to find some electrical tape and then a whole lot of lemon juice.
- [tracker beeping.]
- What? Uh, guys? Either this thing's broken or there's a swarm of hybrids heading for us.
[hybrids screeching.]
Freeze! [screeching in distance.]
Got some tape.
Don't know what I'm gonna do about the lemon juice.
We need to leave now.
Little busy.
- Where's Jamie? - Where's Abigail? I lost them both.
You're a detective.
Go detect them.
Hybrids have overrun the building.
We need to leave now.
We're either gonna need a whole lot of lemon juice or a whole new plan.
Guess that means new plan.
[muffled screeching.]
Wh-What? - Oh! - [bullets ricocheting.]
Are you crazy?! It was worth a shot.
Was it? [banging, screeching continues.]
I have another idea.
[gas hisses.]
Okay, we're good.
What do you think, middle of the Atlantic? Yeah.
Let's see if these turkeys can swim.
It's actually working.
You're welcome.
- [elevator bell dings.]
- Here's a tip: try firing your weapon at bad guys instead of me.
Maybe you'll lose less suspects.
Thank you.
You should come with me.
[protestors shouting.]
JACKSON: Something's wrong.
The drone's losing altitude.
Must be the battery.
Can't handle the extra weight of the beacon.
Well, if we, if we don't do something fast, it's not gonna make it to the ocean.
Do you think Jamie still has that harpoon crossbow on the plane? [camera snapping.]
What the hell happened? She got popped while the building was on lockdown.
Do you have any suspects? Yeah, we got one in custody.
She asked for you.
Uh, no.
This has got to be a mistake.
She's-she's with us.
No, it's not.
I did it.
And I would do it again.
She was The Falcon.
[handcuffs rattle.]
You have the right to remain silent.
Is that really necessary? Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning.
[phone ringing.]
Still no answer.
- [phone chimes.]
- Nothing from Dariela either.
What the hell's going on? Reiden seems to be a no-show.
And my black market contact says that there is a bounty out on her for quadruple what Dariela was paying, so I think we can make some money here.
Let's do this.
[air rushing.]
[alarm blaring.]
- Good? - You're good.
The drone is losing altitude.
Just a little lower.
We need to fly below the drone.
DARIELA: Here it comes! Don't fire until the last minute.
[hybrids screeching.]
Wait! There's the drone.
Now! [line snaps.]
Aah! [grunting.]
We got you! [loud screeching.]
We got bigger problems.
[animals roaring.]
Our team managed to cure the animals, but at a terrible cost.
In an attempt to return the planet to the animals, a secretive group called The Shepherds released a gas that sterilized all of humanity.
And then, lab-made creatures Called hybrids Devastated the West Coast.
So a massive barrier was constructed to protect the rest of North America but new breeds have started to appear, [squawking.]
so we reassembled our team.
We battle on many fronts, searching for a cure to sterility while racing to stop the hybrids and a brutal terrorist with a plan to end the human race.
The fight for mankind's survival has just begun.
Previously on Zoo NEWSWOMAN: Authorities are searching for this woman, Abigail Westbrook.
Who also happens to be my sister.
LEANNE: I can get Isaac back.
Let's talk about Clementine Lewis.
Please, God, please.
[heartbeat pounding.]
LOGAN: I tracked the hybrid's flight path.
JACKSON: Flew to Mexico? There, stop.
That's Abigail.
Two new species pop up in the span of 48 hours? And Abigail is at the center of it.
JACKSON: Mitch? - Jackson.
- You're alive? Well, this is more than a little weird.
And that thing just started moving.
JACKSON: We got to get out of here! [screeching.]
[hybrids screeching.]
[whirring rapidly.]
MITCH: This must be what's drawing the hybrids.
- [zaps.]
- Ah.
I'm just gonna assume there's no "off" switch.
That can't be good.
Is anyone else freaked out by the fact that they're flying? - That's not all they do.
- How about let's go? Come on! [hybrids roaring, screeching.]
Oh! Whoa! Chopper out back.
Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Come on! Whoa, whoa! Come on, let's go! MITCH: So, what brings you boys south of the border? We're tracking a woman who bombed my refugee camp in Portland.
But more importantly, where the hell you been? Hibernated in a healing tank.
Rescued by a fake daughter.
Shot real daughter.
Found an evil Shepherd device inside my skull.
Brain surgery with a farm animal.
Freaky new memories brought me here.
Really? That's it? And for us, that's a Tuesday.
[hybrid crashing.]
Sarge is not gonna be happy.
Plan B.
Let's get to the truck.
[hybrids screeching.]
[hybrids crashing.]
Leaving so soon, brother? Gonna miss the big show.
That doesn't sound right.
That's not good.
Home sweet plane.
She's gonna need some serious TLC if she's gonna be road worthy any time soon.
Looks like we snagged a passenger.
Okay, we're wheels up in five.
JACKSON: I guess you can shove a cockpit into a tablet when you've made a fortune off of people's pain.
Look, I know it's cool to hate me right now, but I really am sorry.
Just save it.
Right now we need to figure out what those hybrids are doing.
MITCH: That might be our answer.
Uh, you might want to speed up that takeoff time.
Order up.
Eggs benny, extra runny.
You heard what Leanne said.
Clem is a thief.
I know this is hard but if turning her over to Reiden gets us Isaac back, that's a deal we should be willing to take.
We only know what Leanne told us.
Why believe a woman who stole our son? You can't be serious about this.
Abe, we are talking about Mitch's daughter.
How could we ever do that? You can't just sit there and say nothing.
Not now.
You guys know what you want? Or do you need a little more time? JACKSON: Which insane thing should we start with? The, uh, new hybrid species or exploding volcanoes? Do we know that the new hybrids caused the volcano to explode? MITCH: I seem to remember a sloth that could make earthquakes happen.
That ringing a bell with anybody? So, uh, this is who we are looking for.
Her name is Abigail Westbrook and so far, tracking her down has been, uh I recognize her.
She's a Shepherd.
All right.
Now [clears throat.]
she used this disc to operate the device back in the cabin.
Yeah, whatever that device was, it was attracting the hybrids to its location like a, uh like a Beacon.
Yeah, that.
Yeah, so more than one disc means more than one beacon.
The more beacons that she activates, the more the hybrids will spread.
But no one's ever seen a flying hybrid.
Where are they spreading from? - [sighs.]
- MITCH: I have a feeling that the answer to that question is gonna be real weird.
JACKSON: So this is the previous hybrid population density on the West Coast.
Here's what happened after she activated that beacon.
Fortunately, inside the hybrid zone.
Abe said that these things can reproduce asexually from a single drop of blood, which means exponential growth once they get to a new area.
Now that we have flying hybrids, this is what would happen if she got a beacon east of the barrier.
[computer trilling rapidly.]
And this is what it would look like if she got a beacon all the way to Europe.
So, how long till Hybri-geddon? [sighs.]
Based on these calculations 90 days.
[computer trilling rapidly.]
Here with Leanne Ducovny, the Reiden CEO responsible for the controversial abductions of thousands of children from their homes.
Since then, you've had protestors outside your office every day and mounting pressure to allow the government access to your facilities.
These are people's children.
Don't you think some transparency could help? Let me stop you right there.
First of all, "the youth rejuvenation program" isn't a punishment, it's a promise.
It's a promise to solve sterility.
So, you see yourself as the savior of mankind? [video rewinds.]
savior of mankind.
[video rewinds.]
savior of mankind.
So, been dying to ask you guys, how was my funeral? Very tasteful.
What song did you guys pick? "Wind Beneath My Wings"? "Who Let the Dogs Out.
" Yeah, that was the last time we were all together.
After you were gone, things just, um weren't the same.
MITCH: So you decided to move to the middle of hybrid country? Well, a couple years later, a regular life just wasn't really an option for me, so MITCH: Well, that can happen if you're the son of the guy who created worldwide sterility.
Yeah, circumstances were, um I had to get away.
Plus, people out there need help.
You know? Someone's got to clean up that Shepherd mess.
May as well be me.
Well, at least now you won't have to play bumbling-but-effective hero on your own.
"Who Let the Dogs Out," that's very good.
Wait, Jackson.
Please, I I'm so sorry.
So am I.
- Can I explain? - We have to figure out what's going on with the new hybrids and we have to find Abigail.
MITCH: How the hell did these things cause a volcano to erupt? Biology of this hybrid is nuts.
Look at the size of that ear canal.
It's incredibly similar to Marsupialia that use echolocation.
Abe was onto something with that unique hybrid frequency.
They're using it to communicate.
So if we can reverse engineer the frequency, maybe we can find one of those beacons, track down Abigail, right? Stop Abigail, we stop the hybrid spread.
That thing is really cool.
Um Abe is a sex doctor? Which is gross enough, but why-why is he studying hybrids? He's not a sex doctor, he's a reproductive endocrinologist.
He thinks that hybrids are the key to solving the world's sterility.
Yeah, there's a lot going on.
And seeing as I've had to learn the biology of an entirely new species on the fly my obvious time away from current technology Oh, and the fact that Abigail could strike at any moment, I feel like it might be a good time to bring That's a lot of words to say that you need Abe's help.
: I'm gonna need a little grace period.
I'm post-tank Mitch.
Let's go to Michigan, find a sex doctor.
[sirens wailing, people shouting.]
CAL: It's anarchy outside, Leanne.
These protesters, they want their kids back.
And if it means burning down an entire city block, they'll do it.
Wake up, Cal.
Flying hybrids are a reality, and sterility isn't magically going away.
With these twin threats, human beings could be an endangered species in ten years.
You want to save mankind, you have to make tough decisions.
We need to earn the trust of the public.
The board and I are unanimous.
You will allow a full and complete inspection by government officials.
There are dangers here that you don't understand.
I don't care, Leanne! You make this work.
And if you can't, we'll find someone who can.
[door opens, closes.]
Should I set up the inspection appointments? Yes.
And double security outside.
Revoke all non-essential keycards.
JACKSON: Hey guys, we're touching down in Michigan in ten.
A little bit stressed? Yeah, not all family reunions are pleasant.
Are you talking about what happened with Jackson earlier? What was that all about? It's a long story.
Try me.
Five years ago, Jackson went into hiding.
That's not that big.
Well, he didn't go because he wanted to.
When my book was published, I gave everyone pseudonyms to protect them.
And it worked for everyone but Jackson.
Didn't matter that my book said he was innocent, he's the son of Robert Oz.
And the Shepherd hunters wanted blood.
So that is sort of big.
But wait, don't you work for the Shepherd hunters? I work with them, when it serves me.
[phone chimes.]
CLEMENTINE: Everything all right? Yes, everything's fine.
[turbine whirring.]
[tires screech.]
What do we tell them when they start asking about Isaac? If Mitch were to find out about Clem Just let me do the talking.
Dariela! - Jackson.
- Abe.
Ha, ha, rafiki.
[dog barking.]
Who's this? Pizza.
My friend.
It's been so long.
- [Abraham laughs.]
- Yeah.
- Oh - [Jackson laughs.]
How is Isaac? That hybrid sample that you needed, Abe, I wasn't able to track another one down.
It's okay.
And the Isaac situation is being handled.
Abe, if Isaac needs any help, you know that we will do whatever it takes.
It's complicated.
I'll fill you in later, I promise.
Just stay with me on this one.
I'll let you two catch up.
Come on, Pizza.
[Pizza barks.]
You being on this side of the barrier is dangerous.
Yeah, but I had to.
Why would leave that protection you had? You had a life there.
You were seeing someone.
Tessa, yes? Was, yes.
Not anymore, I, uh told her everything, and her reaction was less than desirable.
I'm sorry, rafiki.
Hey, it's okay.
I had to rip the Band-Aid off at some point.
Couldn't fight this war from the hybrid zone forever.
Now come on, let's get the band back together, huh? [laughs.]
Ah There he is.
Our very own Mr.
Like in part two when he dies, and then part three Yeah, I-I get the reference.
You know, when I found out that you let Max raise my kid, I almost went back into the grave [laughs, stammers.]
I can't [laughs.]
Even a pack of wild razorbacks couldn't keep you down.
What did you do, fight them off with your bare hands? No, but I like that version better.
JAMIE: Hi, guys.
It's great to see you.
I-I'm sorry I kind of ditched you guys the other day.
ABRAHAM: Ditched? That would be one way of putting it.
I couldn't risk your lives.
You have a son.
I saw the news about Reiden taking the kids.
Is Isaac? He's safe.
He's with his Aunt Isabel in the Upper Peninsula.
Hey, can you toss me that 'lectro wrench? Didn't realize you were into cars.
Guilty as charged.
Total gearhead.
Angry, sad, lonely.
Whatever I was feeling growing up, cars were always there.
- [tool whirring.]
- Always the same.
I guess, I guess they helped me make sense of things.
And given the current state of the world, I could use a little bit of that right now.
Couldn't we all? Socket driver? - This one? - Yeah.
So what's it like being back with your dead dad? - [tool whirs.]
- Weird.
What's it like being one of the last mothers on Earth? [exhales.]
It's been a tough couple years since we all saw each other.
I know you haven't had an easy go, either.
That's true, but but everybody's different.
You never know how you're gonna react in a tough situation until you're in it, you know? [tool whirring.]
We all have our regrets.
Done things we're not proud of.
We all have our secrets.
All my regrets are behind me.
Well, sometimes our regrets catch up to us.
[tool whirring.]
ABRAHAM: Now, if I'm correct, this should feed the signal I recorded from the hybrid egg through this subject's larynx synthesizing a sort of outgoing call.
And once it bounces back, we should, theoretically, get the location of the next beacon.
[computer beeping.]
It may take a while to get an answer.
This hybrid frequency is like nothing I've ever seen.
So we could be looking at a highly evolved form of communication, similar to how octopuses use their changing colors as mating signals, right? It's recently been proven that their changes in color are actually a complex language.
Even better.
But it could also be similar to, uh, the groupthink of honey bee colonies.
The prevailing theory now is that bees use myriad odors as communication.
Did the entire scientific world just implode while I was gone? I mean, the big ones are still around right? The second law of thermodynamics? It's more like second guideline.
Theory of relativity? It's still a theory.
: Relatively.
That was cute.
What about gravity? Gravity still a thing? Define "thing.
" Shut up.
I'm going to get a drink.
I know that's still a thing.
NEW ANCHOR: In the face of widespread outrage and protest, Reiden CEO Leanne Ducovny had this to say in defense of her company's abduction and internment of children.
LEANNE: Mark my words.
Humanity will flourish again.
MITCH: Well, that's fun.
This guy has supracoracoideus muscles that look just like the ones in hummingbirds.
Well, that makes sense, for flight.
Yeah, but look.
He's got an entirely extra set.
Now, these things expand and contract at super high speeds, but they're totally unnecessary for the way this guy flies.
Wait a minute, you said these new hybrids were diving under the ground in Mexico, correct? Well, what if they used these new muscles underground, en masse? If there were enough of them, uh compound vibrations could potentially cause massive acoustic fluidization, which would trigger volcanic eruptions Which did trigger a volcanic eruption.
And Abigail can summon them at will.
[alert beeping.]
We found a beacon.
It's moving.
She must be transporting it.
JACKSON: Abigail's heading to New York City.
I'll alert the department, we'll get barricades set up in a ten-mile radius around city.
This barrier's been protecting the East Coast.
There are people this side of it who haven't even seen a hybrid before.
Yeah, well, if these things fly over those barriers, they're gonna see a whole lot of them.
As they get eaten.
If the hybrids get into the city, the East Coast could fall in days.
We have to go there.
Who's The Falcon? Yeah, listen, I'm already aware of your whole, "he puts the lotion in the basket" situation downstairs, so it's a little late to save your reputation.
There are two Shepherds that I haven't been able to track down.
One is Mr.
Duncan, who is a ghost, and the other is The Falcon, who is apparently ascended to the upper echelons of power.
But, after all this time, The Falcon has remained out of reach.
Is that a Tom Collins? Since when is that your drink? Well, a few things have changed in the last ten years.
Yeah, I noticed.
What happened to you? I guess I just always thought that if I could tell people the truth, that things would change.
But it didn't stop Reiden from killing people, didn't stop the Shepherds.
The same people that were in power then are in power now.
And I got really sick of not seeing justice done.
So, I went out and did it myself.
All right, I'm still adjusting to the new super Jamie.
I mean, for you it's been ten years.
For me, what? We set some birds loose on a beach, I took a nap, you cracked my skull open.
How is that, by the way? To be honest, I don't know.
But, um, this quest thing that you're on, it just seems a little dark for you.
Well, I guess there wasn't a whole lot to look forward to.
How about now? Earlier, what you said about handing over Clem to Reiden, I know this is about Isaac, but now that we're all back together, seeing her, we have to find another way.
There may not be another way and we're running out of time.
We just need time to think.
Not making a decision is still a decision.
If we let this deadline pass, that choice is gone and we lose our only chance of getting Isaac back.
ABIGAIL: I don't understand men like you.
[distant siren wailing.]
World hangs over an abyss and yet you protect order.
Imagine you find it honorable.
Band playing on while the Titanic sinks into the cold depths.
But honor is a lie you tell yourself.
I think you're afraid.
I think you enforce that order because you don't know what else to do.
Suppose it gave you purpose.
Lucky for me it also gave you this.
Well, that was fun.
Can we go do it in the cockpit now? After I converted the plane to tablet, I had the cockpit turned into a breakfast nook.
Can you say that again, please, but just slower? Um, rain check.
I got to go do something first.
- Jackson, look, we can't go on like this.
- Just stop.
I know I put a target on your back for the last five years, and you're angry and it's warranted.
I can keep apologizing.
This isn't about me, Jamie.
Abe sacrificed everything for me, to keep my safe.
His marriage, his job, his son.
And I will never be able to repay him for that.
So, I just hope that that best-seller list was worth it.
Come with me.
We need to take a little walk.
[Jackson sighs.]
Okay, what are we doing? - Mansdale? - Oh, look.
The coward son of Oz.
Talk again and I cut your eye out.
This is what I've been protecting you from.
What are you talking about? Protecting me? Why do the Shepherd hunters think you're in Asia? Who scrubbed your photo from every server on the planet? The only thing keeping you on this side of a cage or worse is me.
That's very generous of you.
Except you're the reason that they're chasing me in the first place.
You have a choice to make.
If I am the grand villain of your life, you can shoot me.
Or you can shoot one of the men who tried to end the world.
Or you can accept that what's past is past and move on with whatever future we all have left.
Hey, Mitch.
Did you know that Jamie is keeping Mansdale prisoner in the bottom of this plane? Yeah.
And, on the one hand, it is dark and horrible.
On the other hand, the Shepherds did almost wipe out all of humanity.
Oh, and also the whole vigilante thing is kind of working for me.
Mitch, this is not a joke.
We have to keep an eye on her.
[phone beeps.]
This is Dariela Kenyatta.
LEANNE: I'm pleased to hear from you.
Have you considered my offer? Yes.
The deal is on.
By day's end, you'll have Clementine Lewis.
And by day's end, you'll be holding your son again.
[phone vibrates, beeps.]
[protestors shouting.]
PROTESTOR: Evil people! [protestors shouting.]
I got the officer coming through.
[protestors shouting.]
Take this.
Use it to track the beacon.
I've had luck blocking the hybrid signal before, but this beacon is a whole different beast.
Okay, so we're gonna work on a solution here and we'll talk you through it once you find the beacon.
ABRAHAM: In the meantime, use these things for signal dampening.
Wrap it in tinfoil.
Use the copper wire to Yeah, I got it.
Make it all electric-y.
[horns blaring.]
[tires screech.]
[tracker beeping.]
Okay, we're close.
That thing's pretty slick.
Abe just whipped it up in a matter of minutes.
You must be impressed.
Well, it's not that amazing.
You jealous of somebody out-sciencing you? No.
Well, maybe.
Anyway, he's got a ten-year jump on me.
This way.
Going somewhere? After all my tune-ups, it turns out the truck is just missing a fuel cell relay.
It must've come loose when we were getting out of that cabin.
Luckily, I know a few good garages in the area.
I don't think you should go out by yourself.
Let me come with you.
I appreciate the concern, but I think I got this one.
[siren wails.]
Abigail's setting off a beacon inside Reiden Tower? What does she want with Reiden? I don't know.
But somehow, we got to get past these cops.
Anybody got a plan for that? Coming through.
I need you on your best behavior in there.
What, you don't trust me? These two are with me.
MITCH: Boys, guess what? Abigail's gunning for Reiden Tower.
So whatever you're cooking up, better make it fast.
Yes, we're on it.
Although it seems backwards, - saving Reiden Tower.
- We're not saving Reiden.
We're saving New York City and, perhaps the entire East Coast.
All right, so, look, this is hopefully what Mitch has access to inside Reiden.
We'll need to boost our hybrid signal to match the intensity of the beacon.
Lemon juice? It's a good conductor, but why do we have so much? Apparently, Jamie makes a mean Tom Collins.
It's nice to know she had so much time for hobbies in between destroying lives.
You lost a lot because of her, Abe.
You need to stop using me as an excuse.
Jamie was just doing what she thought was right.
Despite everything that's happened, I'm glad we're back together.
No matter how messy it gets, we're still a family.
You, me, Jamie, Dariela, Mitch Clem.
What's going on, Abe? What aren't you telling me? I need to find Dariela.
Abe, we need to talk.
I'll be right back.
Just, uh, use the electrical tape and the lemon juice, okay? Abe, there's something I need to tell you.
No, no.
You were right.
There's no way we can do this.
No matter how much we want Isaac back, we cannot betray Mitch and Clem.
No matter what happens between us, Isaac is still our son.
And we will find a way to get him back.
Okay? MITCH: Guys, that's her.
NYPD! Stop! This is Detective Hale.
I need a complete lockdown of Reiden Global now.
[alarm blaring.]
Split up.
When we find Abigail, let me do my job.
I don't need you going all Kill Bill on her ass.
Jamie? [alarm blaring.]
Logan, I got her.
Southwest staircase, heading up.
How do you know my name? That's the least of the things I know.
Okay, wait.
Uh, b-before you do that, let's, uh, let's talk this out.
[device whirring.]
You're bound by the edicts of the old order, but I'm going beyond.
Beyond the constraints of this planet, beyond the regime of humanity, beyond the concept of life as you understand it.
I'm going to create a new world.
And I'm bringing my hybrids with me.
So you're like an evil queen in a cartoon movie.
You have a choice, Mitch.
Between the old dead way and the beyond.
It's time to make it.
Wait, wait, no, no, no! No, don't ah! Logan, she activated the device.
She's on the 15th floor.
You can still catch her.
[tires screech.]
[engine turns off.]
[tires screech.]
[line ringing.]
DARIELA: Hello? We got her.
Take her to the drop.
Once Leanne has her, I'll send payment.
[phone beeps.]
- All right, Abe, - Jackson.
I'm ready for you.
JACKSON: So you're gonna need to find some electrical tape and then a whole lot of lemon juice.
- [tracker beeping.]
- What? Uh, guys? Either this thing's broken or there's a swarm of hybrids heading for us.
[hybrids screeching.]
Freeze! [screeching in distance.]
Got some tape.
Don't know what I'm gonna do about the lemon juice.
We need to leave now.
Little busy.
- Where's Jamie? - Where's Abigail? I lost them both.
You're a detective.
Go detect them.
Hybrids have overrun the building.
We need to leave now.
We're either gonna need a whole lot of lemon juice or a whole new plan.
Guess that means new plan.
[muffled screeching.]
Wh-What? - Oh! - [bullets ricocheting.]
Are you crazy?! It was worth a shot.
Was it? [banging, screeching continues.]
I have another idea.
[gas hisses.]
Okay, we're good.
What do you think, middle of the Atlantic? Yeah.
Let's see if these turkeys can swim.
It's actually working.
You're welcome.
- [elevator bell dings.]
- Here's a tip: try firing your weapon at bad guys instead of me.
Maybe you'll lose less suspects.
Thank you.
You should come with me.
[protestors shouting.]
JACKSON: Something's wrong.
The drone's losing altitude.
Must be the battery.
Can't handle the extra weight of the beacon.
Well, if we, if we don't do something fast, it's not gonna make it to the ocean.
Do you think Jamie still has that harpoon crossbow on the plane? [camera snapping.]
What the hell happened? She got popped while the building was on lockdown.
Do you have any suspects? Yeah, we got one in custody.
She asked for you.
Uh, no.
This has got to be a mistake.
She's-she's with us.
No, it's not.
I did it.
And I would do it again.
She was The Falcon.
[handcuffs rattle.]
You have the right to remain silent.
Is that really necessary? Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning.
[phone ringing.]
Still no answer.
- [phone chimes.]
- Nothing from Dariela either.
What the hell's going on? Reiden seems to be a no-show.
And my black market contact says that there is a bounty out on her for quadruple what Dariela was paying, so I think we can make some money here.
Let's do this.
[air rushing.]
[alarm blaring.]
- Good? - You're good.
The drone is losing altitude.
Just a little lower.
We need to fly below the drone.
DARIELA: Here it comes! Don't fire until the last minute.
[hybrids screeching.]
Wait! There's the drone.
Now! [line snaps.]
Aah! [grunting.]
We got you! [loud screeching.]
We got bigger problems.