Bridgerton (2020) s03e05 Episode Script

Tick Tock

Dearest Reader.
While most seasons
of our fair marriage mart
follow a predictable pattern,
this author likes it most when there is
a surprise.
It is said
that surprise
is one part secrecy and one part speed.
And last night,
an announcement came
with great speed, indeed.
We are engaged!
Hyacinth, I do not think
Penelope can breathe.
It is just
we've known Penelope for all these years,
and now she will be my sister!
I am delighted for you both.
Thank you, Lady Bridgerton.
What is
your sour expression for?
I cannot believe you shall be married
before I am old enough
to go to one tavern with you.
I'm sorry about that, brother.
Excuse me.
Let me. Please.
Eloise. Eloise, wait.
My brother?
Are you quite serious?
For how long has this been going on?
It is very new.
I am as surprised as you are.
For how long
have you had feelings for him?
Do not answer that. I do not want to know.
You cannot marry him!
- Eloise
- Does he know that you are Whistledown?
No. He does not know.
Please. Eloise, please do not tell him.
Colin is not like Lord Debling.
He will not be gone for years at a time.
He will find out.
And until he knows the real you,
he cannot possibly love you.
You are right. But please.
Just let him hear it from me.
I just need a little time
to find the right moment.
But I will tell him. You have my word.
Very well.
What happened?
She's upset, understandably.
All will be well.
I am sure of it.
Regardless of how it happened
it is surely a wonderful time
for the happy couple.
Get your Whistledown!
- Whistledown, cheap!
- Whistledown!
- Come on, get your Whistledown!
- I will take one.
Is that Lady Whistledown?
I'd think you would find her
rather common.
It is anything but common
to be a lady who speaks her mind.
In fact you might want
to read this one as well.
"It is said that surprise
is one part secrecy and one part speed,
and last night, an announcement
came with great speed, indeed."
Must you continue
reading aloud, Mr. Dankworth?
If we use our minds to read,
there may not be
enough wits left for the baby.
Mama must've read a great deal
when she was pregnant with you, then.
She goes on to say,
"It may come as a surprise to all
that Mr. Bridgerton's rumored assistance
in helping Miss Featherington
find a husband
has, instead, led to the two of them
finding each other."
Give that to me.
Colin Bridgerton betrothed
to Miss Penelope Featherington.
Is this one you had a hand in?
I certainly did not.
But I am rather pleased by it.
What the city lacks in natural beauty,
it certainly makes up for
in entertainment.
Who needs fresh air
when there is fresh gossip?
Oh, good grief.
I let my guard down
for one week,
and then my sparkler
refuses the lemonade from my marquess.
I can only imagine the analogies
Whistledown will see fit to make.
She will compare me to a sour fruit
or find some impudent quotation
to ridicule me in front of my peerage.
It is here, Your Majesty.
- Read it to me.
- Mm
Ah. "Miss Francesca Bridgerton
is also making the most of the season."
"Her eye seems to be no longer
on the Marquess Samadani
and instead
on John Stirling, Earl of Kilmartin."
"Certainly a fine match."
Is that all?
Uh, yes, Your Majesty.
I hope you are thinking pure thoughts,
considering we are returning
to our family home.
I am simply enjoying
the view of my ravishing wife
and soon-to-be mother of my child.
I am eager to tell the family.
So much so that I can shout
for all of Mayfair to hear!
Oh, my dears!
Finally, you arrive!
I could get used to such long journeys
if every return was like this.
Brother. Good day.
You too.
And from where have you returned?
- Just out for a morning stroll.
- Yes.
I read a curious piece of news
in Whistledown this morning.
- Mm-hmm.
- Ah.
Oh. What is it?
Brother, you must tell them.
You delay, so I shall.
Colin is engaged
to Penelope Featherington.
Hyacinth may be
the most excited of us all.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Oh, well, what wonderful news.
- Of course.
Thank you. I am in high spirits.
It seems
we brothers have much
to catch up on, indeed.
What else did I miss?
- I am one of the brothers as well.
- I think of you as the family pet.
That is so unnecessary.
Yes, we do.
She used me.
That is the only conclusion one can draw.
Do you know she, in fact,
met my brother first?
Which leaves me thinking
that our entire friendship
must've been a ruse
to get to him all along.
It's a good thing
your friendship is long over, then.
Forgive me. It is rather shocking.
But I have had a shock of my own.
My parents told me they are in the process
of arranging a marriage proposal.
From Lord Greer.
Lord Greer?
Is he not on death's doorstep?
Sadly, no.
Though ripe in years,
he has assured my father
he is the picture of health.
I would not have gone on and on
if I had known your plight.
No, it is all right.
If I do have to marry a man
who could be my great-grandfather,
we can at least use his money to shop
and queen over society like Lady Danbury.
Throw splendid balls
and flirt shamelessly with widowers.
It sounds like quite a life.
Devon was very well,
but we have bigger fish to fry.
- Hm.
- Hm.
No furtive looks necessary.
Come now, you must admit,
it's all rather sudden.
What was sudden was my last betrothal.
So I cannot blame either of you
if you are prone to think me foolish.
My feelings for Penelope
are not a thunderbolt from the sky.
I have known her a very long time,
and perhaps
I have always felt something for her.
My only foolishness this time
was not realizing it sooner.
Have you said these words to her?
The final part, the betrothal, it
it did all happen rather swiftly.
Ah, it's swift because you
Are you going to duel
with your own brother, or
Well, you are marrying her,
and for all the right reasons, it seems.
That's all that matters.
But tell her.
Very well.
Perhaps I shall go and see Penelope now.
First to your wives.
Thank you.
Can you believe that?
I did not know that.
This is how I hear
of my daughter's engagement?
You hide out in your room all day,
and you let me read about it
in Whistledown?
I did not much feel like
announcing the happy news to you.
Is that what you think this is?
What else could it be? I am to be married.
Lord Debling was a reasonable match.
A reach, to be sure,
but with all his eccentricities,
it was a secure match.
And you've thrown that away
to play out, what?
A fancy on the neighbor boy,
who happens to be
the most desired man of the season?
I do not think it's unreasonable.
Colin cares for me.
Has he told you that he loves you?
Not in those exact words.
Oh, Penelope.
Do you not remember how
the Bridgertons treated us like dogs
when Marina's scheme was uncovered?
Now you've been out
all hours of the night with no chaperone.
And then you traipse in this morning
with news of an engagement
to the very same Bridgerton boy,
using Lord knows what wiles to entrap him.
- Excuse me.
- Mr. Bridgerton is here, ma'am.
Mr. Bridgerton.
What an unexpected delight.
I will not be staying long.
But since we are all speaking so freely
- That was not meant for your ears.
- I am still speaking.
Your daughter did not entrap me.
I proposed to her out of love,
nothing less.
And were you not so narrowly concerned
over your own standing,
you might see that Penelope
is the most eligible amongst you.
In the future, I advise you
not to sully our Bridgerton name
by suggesting otherwise.
I wanted to show you this
before our wedding.
It's been in the family a very long time.
This is to be our home.
I know it does not look like much now, but
once we lay out some
of our furnishings and decorations
Are you concerned
that we should not be here alone?
There is not yet any staff, but I thought,
well, since we are to be married
You do not realize
how much that meant to me.
What you said to my mother.
No one has ever stood up for me like that.
Oh, I will always stand up for you.
Because I love you Pen.
Are you sure?
Everything I said to your mother is true.
And you should see it as well.
You are the cleverest,
bravest woman I have ever known.
You make me feel seen
in ways I have never felt seen before.
And then there is
the way your hair
cascades down your shoulder.
The way your eyes shine
when you look at me,
like two blue pools.
The firmness of your lips parted just so.
The softness of your skin.
And then there are
other parts I've been
I've been dreaming about.
You must tell me to stop
if you do not wish for this.
I do not wish for you to stop.
Lie down.
You are so beautiful.
Tell me what to do.
- I will do everything.
- No.
Tell me.
You could touch me.
Not there.
Not yet.
May I?
Oh, yes.
Why did you stop?
Are you ready?
Is there more?
This may hurt.
I cannot help it, I promise. But
it should only be this first time.
All right?
It is all right, yes.
Was it all right?
It was perfect.
Can we do it again?
Give me five minutes.
Maybe ten.
Anthony, we cannot.
Why not?
Because Newton is watching.
I want it noted I was right.
What? About your dog?
Our dog.
And no, about our news.
It is not the appropriate time
to tell the family.
Not with the betrothal
and Francesca's courtship
with Lord Kilmartin.
Your mother has her hands full.
We can keep our secret a little longer.
Is this the only reason
you wish to delay our news?
You are happy, I hope?
Oh very happy.
And very busy.
I must plan
the best betrothal party ever thrown
before they nominate
someone else as viscountess.
I would say so.
Fine-looking hound.
Good boy.
I have been playing
since I was five years old,
even though my fingers
were too small to reach all of the keys.
My sister Daphne
had just begun her lessons,
and I begged Mama
to let me sit with her as she learned.
On the days her tutor came,
I would wake at six to practice.
I would certainly rather be awakened
by your playing than by my valet.
My family did not see it that way.
Anthony once hid my piano stool
for a whole week.
So I would not wake him so early.
I believe it was the reason
he moved to a bachelor's apartment.
Uh the viscount is home now, is he not?
- Indeed. With my new sister.
- Mm.
It is almost nauseating
how perfect they are together.
Would you be nauseated
by the idea of marriage for yourself?
No, I
I wish to be married. Very much, in fact.
I just hope my husband
will not hide my piano stool from me.
I would not dream of it.
We may need an extra table or two
in here for the desserts.
Oh, and have cook
make extra cinnamon biscuits.
Gregory's favorite.
Of course, ma'am.
That is all for now, Mrs. Wilson.
Thank you.
I have been needing a respite
from planning our hospitality.
You seem to be quite good at it.
Oh, I am.
But I'd still much rather
be out riding somewhere.
- Do not tell your mother.
- Hm.
Is your mind on Penelope?
I am not entirely surprised
she kept a secret from me.
This is not the first time
she has done so.
But Colin
And once again, I am left to face the fact
that everyone eventually pairs off.
While I, too, would rather be out riding.
Metaphorically speaking.
I do not much like horses.
Family is everything.
It is why you must talk to Colin,
tell him how you are feeling.
There is no better feeling than the truth.
You should know
Gregory hates cinnamon biscuits
since Benedict dared him to eat
a whole plate, and he threw them up.
He likes fruit jellies now.
Well, fruit jellies it is.
Thank you.
Are you all right?
Am I to take it as an insult
that Mr. Bridgerton thinks
I am preoccupied with standing?
As if it is a misdeed
to protect this family's place in society.
There's nothing wrong with that, ma'am.
And how was I to know
that it was a love match between them?
It is certainly uncommon.
Not just for Penelope.
For any of us.
I am certain she will understand.
You were only trying to protect her.
Perhaps you should tell them as much.
Speaking of standing
A connection to the Bridgertons
wouldn't hurt at this moment.
I told him you weren't here.
That solicitor
poking into Jack Featherington.
He wants to see you again.
Do I look a mess?
But you are my mess.
I hope I was all right for you.
I know you are more experienced.
There is nothing that compares to this.
Not even the women in Paris?
Will you let me read more of your writing?
- You promised me you would.
- That is true.
And I do not like to break a promise.
Colin, there is something I must tell you.
What is it?
Damn. That must be the servants, no doubt,
bringing over my personal effects.
We can take my carriage across the park.
No one will see us.
Lady Danbury.
Take a seat, and enjoy
this momentous day with me.
What is it that we are celebrating?
The demise of Lady Whistledown.
Do you smell that?
It reeks of weakness.
She antagonizes no one.
She makes no attempt to gloat
about my sparkler's turn
toward the mediocre.
She is undefended.
Thank you.
Now is the time to strike.
And what is your plan, Your Majesty?
- It is already done.
- Ah.
My Royal Messengers are marching
through the streets as we speak.
Oh, Lady Danbury.
We are going to have so much fun.
A letter from the queen.
- From the queen.
- Thank you.
Whoa! Easy.
By proclamation of the queen.
- What is it?
- Go on!
- It is a message from the queen.
- Mm.
"Dearest members
of my most esteemed ton, I hereby"
"declare that whoever
brings legitimate evidence
of Lady Whistledown's identity
to the palace
shall receive a £5,000 reward."
"Yours truly,
Her Majesty Queen Charlotte."
Finally, the woman will get
the consequences she deserves.
Imagine unmasking Whistledown.
You'll not try, will you?
I am certain I will not have to.
Someone else will surely root her out.
Now, what did you wish to tell me?
It is not important now.
Eloise. I have been looking for you.
Uh may we?
I apologize for not telling you sooner
about my feelings for Penelope.
- In fact, I think I shall stand.
- Eloise.
It is strange enough to have one's brother
speaking about feelings for one's friend,
but you knew we were at odds
and still went behind my back.
I know. And I am deeply sorry.
But I love her, El,
in more ways than I can even express.
Perhaps it is better you do not try.
And you loved her once too.
You were inseparable.
I remember the day the Featheringtons
moved in across the square.
From that day on, it was,
"Penelope this," and "Penelope that,"
and "Penelope and I are going to read
Don Quixote, and going to be knights."
I was devastated to learn we were
not allowed to take fencing lessons.
Penelope is going to be your sister soon.
There was once a time
that would've been your greatest dream.
It would mean the world to me
to have your blessing.
And I know it would mean
a great deal to Penelope too.
Oh. I almost forgot.
I have a gift for you.
I know you despise Whistledown
as much as I do.
We are delighted by your intentions
towards our daughter, Lord Greer.
I assure you, should we marry,
we shall be pillars of society.
As my wife, Miss Cowper will reflect me.
None of this fashionable dress.
Somber clothing is best. Gray or brown.
And we do not flit about town,
engaged in gossip within the ton.
We shall attend no more
than one ball per month
and only if the hosts
are of strong moral character.
I certainly do not believe in music,
and modern art nowadays
is absolutely scandalous.
Her tender eyes and ears
will never be exposed to such filth.
That sounds delightful.
Do you not agree, Cressida?
Very good.
And, of course, I do still expect babies.
I so love children.
I would be happy with four or five.
Hmm. Of course.
Why does no one simply consult
the local parish registry for her name?
She must live somewhere.
You suggest to look in a registry
for someone named Lady Whistledown?
Well, obviously, not that exactly.
But she must have a first name.
That is how you think
Whistledown will be discovered?
She shall not be discovered.
She is too good at hiding herself.
Speaking of hiding
how did you secure Mr. Bridgerton?
Did you find a spell in one of your books?
Girls, you shall not abuse your sister
in this household.
You were the one who
We have all been acting
in an uncouth way of late.
With the excitement of dual pregnancies
and a surprise engagement,
we have all quite forgotten ourselves.
But as head of this household,
I will remind us.
Featheringtons support one another.
Is that what you were doing?
Supporting me?
You are right. I have been unkind.
But it stops now.
And thankfully,
we have your engagement party coming up
to allow us our fresh start.
We do?
Which Penelope and I shall attend alone.
It will give you two time to deliberate
on how best to amend your behavior
towards your sister.
I am going to my room to read.
Very well.
It seems
the only thing quicker than the match
between Miss Featherington
and Mr. Bridgerton
is the rest of London's
quick return to old ways,
with Lady Featherington racing
to attach herself to the Bridgertons
and the queen back on her fruitless hunt
for Lady Whistledown.
But this secret is one
that cannot be rushed.
Forks go to the left,
while knives and spoons go to the right.
- Mm-hmm.
- Perfect. He's learned so quickly.
He gets his quick mind from his mother.
Do you not think, Will?
Excuse me.
You shall be quite ready
for your first outing in society.
How are your ledgers?
Still emptier than they should be.
- You must take some time off this week.
- I cannot
You can.
And I insist you do.
Your ledgers will not miss you,
but your family will.
That's it, to the right.
Well done.
Thank you.
Good evening, gentlemen.
You have outdone yourself, sister.
- Look at the place.
- Thank you. You all look dashing.
Not as much as Gregory.
Brother, wherever
did you get such a fine hat?
I will be an Eton man soon.
It is high time I begin
presenting myself as one.
Perhaps Eton will make your brain
big enough to fill that hat.
Oh! Ah
Well, as a man of the house,
you must greet our guests.
Ah. Welcome.
Miss Hyacinth.
A pleasure to make
your acquaintance, Lord Kent.
Do not take interest in her.
I have a new bow and arrow.
Would you like to see it?
The decorations are somewhat
more drab than I remember, are they not?
My bride-to-be.
Good evening.
And here is my son-to-be.
Lady Featherington.
It is pleasant to receive
such a warm greeting from you.
I deeply regret my earlier comments.
Let us put it in the past.
Tonight, we celebrate
our collective future.
Well, if that is your intent,
then it shall be mine to honor it.
Oh, I must tell your mother
how much I love
what she has done with the decoration.
Are the drinks nearby?
Eloise mentioned
that Miss Cowper invited herself.
I was not sure I could say no.
- It is all right.
- Good.
I rather relish her presence,
so that she can watch you in your triumph.
Anyone who
questions their match is a fool.
And all she had to do to get him
to marry her was be herself.
She is an extraordinary young woman.
Lady Bridgerton.
Lord Anderson, welcome.
Marcus. I did not realize
that you were coming tonight.
We ran into each other
out promenading the other day.
A happy coincidence.
And I invited him.
I see.
Well, to the happy couple.
Lord Greer is horrible, Eloise.
I have been thinking on ways
to circumvent his proposal.
Will you help me?
Of course. Just excuse me.
Either my brother is the most
understanding person ever born,
or you have not yet told him.
I am waiting for the right time.
It does not concern only you.
This secret, this lie, with the queen's
reward, it is bound to come out.
And when it does, Colin will know
I kept it from him as well.
If it proves too difficult
for you to reveal the truth,
I will be merciful
and reveal it to him myself.
You have until midnight.
Your refreshment.
Is everything all right?
Good evening.
Lady Arnold, please allow me to introduce
you to my sister, Lady Bridgerton.
Delighted to make your acquaintance.
It seems you host a hell of a party.
I like her already.
May I present my brother,
Viscount Bridgerton.
I've heard nothing
but the highest praise for you, my lord.
So, you have not been
speaking with my family then?
Lord Kilmartin, you must tell them
the amusing story
you were telling me the other day,
about the boots.
Ah, yes.
The boots.
Well, there was, uh there was mud
a great deal of mud on them.
Shall we get some refreshment?
What do you think?
They are rather similar.
Yes, but do you not think
Francesca could use someone
to bring her out of her shell?
And given that the queen is opposed
Oh! So much so it may have inspired
her Whistledown reward today.
Perhaps you should take
the direct approach, for once.
I know it is unlike you
to cajole your children.
- You mock me.
- As you rightly mocked me all last season.
- Excuse me.
- Yes.
There you are, Lady Bridgerton.
We keep missing one another.
Duty of a hostess, I am afraid.
- Well understood.
- Mm-hmm.
Good evening, everyone.
If you will allow me a few words.
Most people, when they fall off a horse,
are counseled to get back on it again.
I say stay down, for in the mud,
you may happen to be blessed
with your future bride.
It was my atrocious riding
that led me to meet Miss Featherington,
Pen and I am so grateful
to be here with her tonight.
I look forward to our life together,
to knowing each other fully,
and to never taking
a single day with you for granted.
- Congratulations.
- Hear, hear.
Health and happiness.
Congratulations to you both.
Here is to truly knowing each other.
Before the clock runs out.
Hm. The clock of life, of course.
Ticks for us all.
To your good health!
Thank you, Eloise. I
I should like to add how proud I am
of my lovely daughter, Penelope.
To the match of the season,
and the Featherington-Bridgerton family.
I cannot tell if this party
needs stronger drinks or weaker ones.
Now, perhaps some dessert
and charades in the drawing room.
Shall we?
Of course.
Bridgerton rules, everyone.
The person who guesses correctly
shall take the next turn.
We shall continue swapping around the room
until the intellectual genius of the group
reveals him or herself.
Who shall go first?
Ah. I think Penelope.
It is her night, after all.
- Yes.
- Very well.
"My second is conveyed
to my first by the company of family."
"My whole is a product of spring."
"A product of spring"
Surely a flower of some kind.
- Lilies. Forget-me-not. Lilacs!
- No!
Ease is conveyed to one's heart
by the company of family.
Heart's-ease, the flower.
- Eloise is correct.
- Yes.
- Very good, sister.
- Well done. Your turn, then.
Here we go. Round two.
Thank you.
"My first is a contraction for society."
"My second denotes a recluse."
"My third forms a part of the ear.
My whole is but a quibble."
- Something "nun."
- Yes, exactly.
- Earlobe. Earlobe!
- Um, no! Wait, no.
Is it not, um
A "conundrum"?
- Yah! Yes!
- Clever.
- Very good.
- You are good.
Clever. Well done.
"My first, I would venture for.
My second, I would venture in."
"My whole is more
talked of than practiced."
A dwelling, perhaps?
No. "Venture for, venture in."
It is friendship, is it not?
It is.
Will the rest of us
participate in the game as well?
- There is a history between these two.
- And perhaps it will finally be settled.
I will get us a drink.
"My first is somewhat soft
and yellow, especially in the spring."
"My next are busy,
meddling fellow forever on the"
It looks like Nicky
is about to learn chess.
Well, you know,
Daisy finally mounted a horse this week.
- She did?
- Mm-hm. She had this look in her eye.
Her fear subsided,
and she did what was most difficult.
And all I could think was
"I wish her father were here to see this."
- I'll get us a drink.
- That'd be lovely.
- Lemonade?
- Yes, they're just over there.
- Very good, Will.
- Finally. The cycle is broken.
"My first wettens the wilds
to create new life."
"My second adorns a young girl's hair
until she becomes a wife."
"My whole can lead to pots of gold,
ending years of strife."
- That is the one.
- Ah!
Very good.
Very good.
"My first is a term
to relay a circumstance present at"
Do you want to hear my plan?
To avoid marrying Lord Greer?
Of course.
I am going to take a flat in Vienna,
live my own life with the reward money
from identifying Whistledown.
Eloise, do you not care I'm being forced
to marry a man thrice my age?
Uh, of course I care.
And I'd very much like
to shout at your parents
if I thought it'd make any difference.
But as much as I would love
to see Whistledown finally exposed,
you will never find her.
You do not think I am clever enough.
No No, that is not what I meant.
I could not find her myself.
And you are far more clever than I.
Cressida, I am sorry.
Please, I cannot do this right now.
I will find a way to obtain that reward.
Lord Kilmartin,
are you enjoying your evening?
Yes. Thank you.
Without such an audience,
I should like to share with you three
the true story of my muddy boots.
Here is what truly happened. Um
A suspicious streak of mud
found its way into our home.
And there we were, myself,
the servants, even my mother,
chasing this mysterious mud
through the house.
Even as servants tried to clean it,
more spots appeared, as if from a phantom.
As I reached the end of my rope,
I finally looked down to discover
the phantom was, in fact,
Chasing the mud with my own boots.
All that to say, sometimes I miss
what is right in front of me.
But not Miss Francesca.
Her I saw straightaway.
You are right.
This is quite a story, after all.
- Mr. Bridgerton.
- Here.
Very good.
Thank you.
"My first is nothing but a name.
My second's still more small."
"My whole of so much smaller fame,
it has no name at all."
How about "nameless"?
Aw Well, yes.
Something Lady Whistledown
will not be for much longer.
- The queen has made sure of that.
- Well, I think she is
Who'd pursue a matter as trivial
as Whistledown's identity?
It all feels vulgar.
I would argue
Whistledown is the vulgar one.
Though the ton can do
with a little vulgarity.
What I was trying to say
If she is unmasked,
it will spell ruin for her family.
And certainly any hope of marriage.
Excuse me.
We should tell them tonight.
I thought you wanted to wait.
You and I
we are at our happiest in this moment.
And if I am honest, I have wished for it
to just be the two of us a little longer.
It is a great change, but you and I
will make our way with our child
the way we have
always done with each other.
Such reward is not enough to entice
Lady Whistledown to come forward.
Indeed, many would
commit wilder acts for such a sum.
We saw three young ladies
chasing after delivery boys this morning
to seek her identity.
Surely she would
hate to be unmasked.
Perhaps she would love to be unmasked.
The power, the infamy,
freedom to do whatever she wants.
Not to mention the money.
And then, of course, there's the fact
that she would not have to marry.
That is a good point.
She may see herself
living a finer life than any of us.
But can you imagine
living with that secret all this time?
It must burn away at her.
living a double life like that.
I could not keep that secret
for more than an hour.
Nor I, surely.
Pen. Where did you run off to?
I was looking for you.
I I only needed a moment.
I know something is bothering you.
I can feel it. All evening,
you have been shirking my gaze.
No, Colin
I would understand
if you got swept up in the carriage.
If you do not now share my feelings.
Colin I need to tell you something.
Pen. Pen. Are you well?
Colin. I need to tell
Eloise, please have a servant
fetch a cool towel.
- Pen.
- Mother, Lady Danbury.
We have some news.
We are expecting.
Oh! That is the best news!
Let us tell the family.
They will be so delighted.
Excuse us, everyone.
I have an announcement.
It is time
that I put an end to the speculation.
You would like to know
who Lady Whistledown is?
You shall know.
I am she.
Miss Cowper, surely you jest.
I jest not.
I am Lady Whistledown. And you are right.
I can do whatever I want.
Colin I cannot breathe.
Miss Wilson!
Get some water.
Give her some air.
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