Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s03e05 Episode Script

Cruda moral

Congratulations, you did an amazing job
in San Miguel de Allende.
The whole group of investors was delighted
with the app and with the two of you.
You two were
the best investment this year.
Thank you so much for your support.
- Well, we'll see you on Monday.
- We'll see you then.
- Bye-bye.
- [Ana] Bye.
I'm going home for lunch. You wanna come?
I can't. I'm going to eat with Elena.
You've been eating
with Elena a lot recently.
Okay, if that's what you want.
But Altagracia
is making her famous lasagna,
and you're gonna miss out.
[whimsical music plays]
[opening theme music playing]
[baby cooing]
[baby crying]
[bird tweeting]
[baby giggling]
- [jingles]
- [chimes]
Congratulations, you're incredible.
Thank you.
So you've succeeded with your plan.
What about ours?
Juan Carlos and Pablo
have already withdrawn the lawsuit,
but I still have to figure out
what to do about Ana to break-up.
There are a lot of people
involved in this lie.
Of course. I'll wait for you.
I just really miss you.
Just a little kiss?
[both chuckle]
I'm ready to come back
when you talk to Ana.
I'm going to work from home,
if you want to come and visit me.
I'll talk to Ana
as soon as I get a chance. I promise.
I have to go. Hmm?
- Yes?
- Okay. Yes, go.
[Juan Carlos groans] Stay a little longer.
It's still early.
I can't. I have a thousand things to do.
Tomorrow I'm going camping
with my friends.
I'll come.
That way, I can meet your friends.
Well, there's no rush
for you to meet them.
Plus, we're gonna rappel, kayak,
get all dirty in the mud.
There are no showers.
There might be bedbugs. No comforts.
It doesn't really matter.
I mean, I can take a cook,
um, a standing fan, a mosquito net,
and even bring a masseuse.
What you want to do is called glamping.
When you go camping,
you end up with messy hair and bug bites.
Sounds good to me.
Oh, I need to connect with nature.
To breathe some fresh air.
[groans] Come here.
- I'd love to join you.
- [Fernanda chuckles]
If that's what you want.
I have to go pack my bag. [chuckles]
I have to buy a backpack too, don't I?
And a lot of other things.
[Victor] I want you to meet Tere.
Because, after all, she is my girlfriend
and the mother of my child.
I don't like the fact
that you two aren't married,
but at least it seems you're trying
to make things right.
I just hope that it lasts
more than a month.
Dad, Tere is different. I've settled down.
She's the perfect woman
to start a family with.
I thought the same about Ana,
and you can see how it turned out.
I just hope this woman
isn't going to surprise us.
Not at all.
So then, what? Let's take her to lunch?
[Mariana] I think we need to talk,
don't you?
Yes, we definitely need to talk.
We need to talk about
how you and I are going to separate.
Separate? Really?
Everything is working out how we wanted,
except for us.
So I don't think it's necessary for us
to keep lying to everyone.
- Uh
- [Regi coos]
We have to do it little by little, right?
Because if we were suddenly
broken up overnight,
it might look suspicious.
Don't you want to move on with your life?
Is there someone specific
you're planning to move on with?
No, I just don't want
to keep up the charade.
- [cries]
- Ah.
We could start
by sleeping in separate rooms
- to send a message to Ceci and Ro.
- Sure.
We can tell them that we
broke up.
And I can rent an apartment
for Regi and I.
Okay. Mm-hmm.
So do you want to plan on telling them
tomorrow at breakfast?
That's fine with me.
[whimsical music plays]
[Manolo] There's something
I want to talk to you about.
What I told you the other day
at the restaurant is the truth.
I've liked you for a long time.
Those scared little mouse eyes.
And I know that that it's hard because
I know that you hate me.
Because I know that sometimes I can be
a little bit of an asshole.
A big asshole.
Okay, a big asshole.
But I'd like you to get to know me
outside of work.
[phone ringing]
[Cynthia] What's that?
It's the game you sent me the other day.
When did you download it?
Seriously, the unlimited lives
for a whole year thing? Phew!
That was my idea!
For real?
- [game chimes]
- [Manolo] So, what do you think?
[Cynthia] Think about what?
Are you gonna give me a chance or not?
I'll let you know.
I have some business to take care of.
Does it hurt cockroaches
when you crush them?
Uh yeah.
[Cynthia sighs]
I'd be a good Community Manager
because I have natural talent.
- It's not as easy as you think.
- [scoffs]
Good morning.
How are you? Is everyone okay?
- Yeah, everything's great.
- You're the one acting kinda weird.
And Ana?
- She left super early.
- She didn't even drink her coffee.
Strange. Who knows what she's up to.
- [woman] Right, right.
- [Ana] And we ended up having sex.
- And since the car wasn't working
- Wait, wait, wait, hold on.
How are you feeling about that?
It only happened because we were drunk.
This was the first time you slept
with a woman, and
you didn't feel anything?
No, nothing.
And Mariana doesn't want to talk about it.
All she wants
is for us to talk to my children.
I just don't know why, all of a sudden,
she got this urge
to tell everybody the truth.
Why does it have to be now when the girls
are getting used to living together?
- And your anger is only about the babies?
- Yeah.
Maybe not.
I don't know.
It seems like she met someone.
But it's too quick for her
to have fallen for someone, right?
And if Mariana had met somebody?
How would you feel
about something like that?
Mmm, fine.
Only you know.
[woman] Who invited the awkward guy?
- He's my friend.
- I'm her boyfriend.
We're actually dating.
- I'll help you, honey.
- No, no, don't you worry.
I can do it. [chuckles]
He's been really looking forward
to meeting you guys.
He brought food for everyone.
How do you do? My name is Juan Carlos.
- Nice to meet you.
- All of Fernanda's friends are my friends.
We're ready for adventure, aren't we?
[claps] Let's go!
Nothing can stop us. [chuckles]
- Uh, hi there.
- [man 1] What's up?
- [Juan Carlos] Whoo!
- [all chuckle]
[man 2] Let's go.
What's up?
[man 2] Let's go!
Ready? Let's go!
Slow down. It's a lot of information
to process right now.
To sum it up, we pretended to be a couple
so we wouldn't lose custody of the babies.
But sleeping together
wasn't about the babies.
You fell in love again.
Okay, fine, it was incredible.
I'm not gonna lie.
But I can't just give up on Ferrán.
Are you certain that you actually
have feelings for Ferrán?
Ferrán is a great guy.
I'm very sure about my feelings for him.
Well, I really hope that you're trying
to convince me right now and not yourself.
Of course, but the problem is
if Ana finds out that I broke her promise
to keep the truth a secret,
I'm gonna completely break her heart.
But the heart knows what it wants.
The important thing
is that you don't hurt anyone.
And that includes you.
You're gonna have a great time, honey.
My dad is dying to meet you. Mm-hmm.
Didn't he dislike me?
No, not at all.
He just met you for a second anyway.
For the record,
I only agreed because it's for you.
Now that you're a part of the business,
I don't want us to have problems.
The only thing is that he's particular.
Let's say he can be pretty stubborn.
[scoffs] I'm not worried.
My one specialty is stubborn old men.
- [chuckles] And don't call him an old man.
- Of course I won't.
If you spent half the time you spend
on social media playing games,
you would be the best gamer
in all of Mexico.
That's why I think it'd be a great idea
to hire me as your community manager.
I could respond
to all your fans' comments.
Really? I don't even answer them all.
Yeah, I know, but still.
Come on, trust me.
If there's one thing I'm good at,
it is wasting time on the internet.
Okay, sure.
Cool. Okay. Let's do it. [chuckles]
You uploaded the game without telling me!
You had already dumped me.
No one had ever let me go that easily.
I guess so because you are professional.
I am indispensable!
I'm sorry, Cynthia.
I'd like to keep working together.
- [scoffs]
- That's what you told me, and it worked.
Beg for it.
Like I deserve.
I beg you to get back with me.
As partners.
Okay, we understand each other.
[phone unlocks]
Did you see I recovered the investment,
and we made 50,000?
Not enough.
We have to take advantage of the hype.
We have to reinvest it all.
Maybe that's easy for you.
You don't have to buy diapers.
I don't know about reinvesting,
I'd like to enjoy the money.
I'm thinking of going
to the beach with Regi.
If you're smart about this, you'll be able
to buy yourself a house on the beach.
That's possible maybe,
but my vacation is for sure.
[scoffs, sighs]
You're going to prove me right in the end.
[Ana] I brought coffee
and the cookies you like.
Thank you.
Hey, uh,
I've been waiting for you all morning.
Sorry about that.
I forgot I had to go to the dentist.
But I was thinking,
how about you and I have dinner,
and then we can agree on what
we're going to say to Ceci and Ro?
Shall we start? Huh?
- [whimsical music playing]
- [typing]
[Don Aguilar] Sorry I'm late.
It's okay. [clears throat]
It's nice to meet you again, Tere.
Oh, thank you so much. Likewise, sir.
I hope we have a better time this time.
- [woman] So you're divorced?
- Uh-huh.
[woman] How long ago did you get divorced?
Not long ago, actually.
I'm guessing it must have been
a pretty friendly divorce.
I wouldn't say that.
I mean, well, honestly,
getting along with three kids,
sometimes it's complicated.
Aw, wow, three children!
So how old are they?
- Ceci is 18 years old
- Mm-hmm.
then Rodrigo is 15,
and we have a little baby
who is almost a year old.
Aw, a baby!
[Fernanda chuckles]
I think that's enough
of the interrogation.
I'm gonna pull up a playlist,
and we can play it. Loudly.
[Don Aguilar] It was a real pleasure
meeting you, Tere.
[Tere sips]
I almost forgot this.
I brought you a gift. Here.
It's a kit with all the products
and treatments that we use at Rorros.
- Developed by me, obviously.
- Where did you study?
Well at the school of life.
I mean,
I have a wide variety of experience.
Makeup, hair, and massages.
You're a masseuse?
A massage therapist, yeah.
A very good one, by the way.
And what kind of massages?
I hope she won't turn out
to be a fruitcake like Ana.
How she fell in love
with that little brat.
[Tere] What a coincidence.
That little brat you're talking about,
she's Mariana.
And she's my daughter,
and she's not a fruitcake.
My daughter is gay.
Or bi.
The point is that I accept her,
and I love her.
Since you mention it now,
it's Ana who should feel very lucky
to be with her.
Ah, it's all become very clear to me now.
Her daughter was in charge
of everything that happened.
She lied her way to Ana's house.
And now this woman has craftily
entangled you in her web.
Are you sure that baby is yours?
Why don't you take a DNA test, Victor?
- I don't need to take any test, Dad.
- [Tere] You know what?
If I was after his money,
I would've taken it from Juan Carlos.
Your perfect son.
Your favorite son.
Because that guy, while he was married,
guess who he dated?
This one.
That being said,
I recommend you check yourself.
Because, in this story,
it's your family that has always tried
to seduce my family.
I better take this gift with me
because, obviously,
it's unimportant to you.
You know what?
No, I'm going to leave it here.
I think you really need it,
Though, with that
sourpuss face you've got,
I don't think you'll get rid
of those wrinkles soon.
We talked about this before, Dad.
[Juan Carlos] No, no, not that way.
No, not that way.
The other detour is better.
I used to come here with a client.
What's your business?
It's a family business.
A business for screws, precision bolts
But I haven't really been working there
for a little while.
Someone offered you something better?
No, my father fired me.
- Ooh, yikes.
- [chuckles]
And so, I'm like
giving myself a sabbatical, I suppose.
Hey, you've got the three D's.
Dismissed from work, divorced, Don Juan
- Look at you.
- [chuckles]
Oh, Karina, so talkative today.
Well, I have two, don't I?
Divorced, yes.
Dismissed from work as well.
- That's the truth.
- [chuckles]
[Ana] Hi, Cynthia.
Can you put Mariana on the line?
Her phone must be out of battery
because she's not answering.
She left already?
[whimsical music playing]
Hello, Alta.
Can you put Mariana on the phone?
Is she there?
Okay, thank you.
No, no, I'll prepare dinner tonight.
Thank you.
[whimsical music swells]
[video game chiming]
[Ceci scoffs]
[game continues]
Ro! [scoffs]
Turn it down a little.
Are you going to get as weird
as Mom and Mariana?
No, but I'm working.
I can't concentrate with all the bullets.
What are you even working on?
[Ceci] On Darío's social media.
- [phone chimes]
- [game continues]
Jeez, what a fucking bitch!
[Rodrigo chuckles] What happened?
No, it's good. Nothing happened.
It's this annoying girl who keeps sending
all these flirty messages to Darío.
Didn't you flirt with him
when you picked him up at the café?
Yes, but I didn't send him selfies,
and I'm not ugly.
I'm gonna block this girl, but first,
I'm gonna send her a little message too.
[Mariana] Are we getting there?
- [Ferrán] Yes.
- [Mariana] Okay.
- [chuckles]
- [Ferrán] It's for you.
- Why?
- So you can spend more time here.
[sighs] Thank you.
[phone chimes]
[both chuckle]
Oh, Ana, it looks like you're in love.
It's nice, isn't it?
Yes, you barely even heated up dinner
in the microwave for Mr. Juan Carlos.
This only took me five minutes.
No, you spent the whole afternoon here.
Well, it's no big deal.
I'll leave you alone.
I don't want to be a nuisance
at your romantic dinner.
- [Ana chuckles] Okay.
- Hope you enjoy.
Thank you.
[phone unlocks]
- [camera shutter clicks]
- [whimsical music plays
[Fernanda] Hey, sorry about Karina
interrogating you.
Sometimes she can be
a little protective of me.
I'm the new guy here. It makes sense.
They want to know who you're dating now.
[Fernanda] Hmm.
actually, I want to ask you something.
So what do you mean by "we're dating"?
We're getting to know each other,
we are dating.
You already know everything about me.
We went to the constellations.
[chuckles] No.
I mean, we did go to the constellations,
- but that's where we met.
- Oh.
Now we're actually getting
to know each other.
I think it's good
that we don't rush anything, don't you?
Sure, yeah, perfect.
- [Fernanda chuckles]
- It's perfect.
[Fernanda] Mmm.
[phone chiming]
[Mariana] Oh no!
I was supposed to meet Ana for dinner,
and I totally forgot.
Didn't you already talk?
Yeah, she and I have talked about it,
but we haven't had a chance
to tell the kids yet.
So, until then,
for their sake, we can't give up
on our fake relationship, you know?
But it's a completely fake relationship.
Yeah, but I kept our relationship
a secret from her.
So I need time to make sure
she doesn't connect the dots.
[scoffs, inhales]
Really, 'cause it looks like
you've been in a relationship.
Okay, I'm going on a trip.
And I would like us
to spend tomorrow night together.
Like normal couples.
[chuckles softly]
You can count on it, okay?
[gentle music plays]
[Victor] Honey, don't go, please.
Try to understand me.
Of course I'm not a gold digger.
I know that, but you don't know my dad.
He's super close-minded,
he's ultra-conservative,
and besides, it's too much information.
His son's girlfriend will be the mom
of his new grandchild, okay?
But also, this woman
was his other son's mistress.
And guess what?
Apparently, now his ex-daughter-in-law
is now your daughter-in-law.
[Tere sighs]
And what happens
if he treats the baby badly?
I'll never allow it.
But he's my dad.
I can't get rid of him.
He's discriminating against the baby,
and it's not even here.
I know.
Love shouldn't be like that.
You want our baby to learn from your dad?
I only want what's best for our child.
And yes,
my dad is wrong, definitely, fine.
Yes, he is very wrong.
And I'm not going to let anyone
break my little baby's heart.
Least of all his grandfather.
Since I don't want to be involved
in more drama,
and I wanna take care of my baby,
I think it's best
that he has nothing to do with it.
[Victor sighs]
[tender music playing]
[tablet unlocks]
[Chava] Come on, Cyn, stop.
What are you up to?
Implementing business strategies.
That's what I'm up to.
[dog barking in the distance]
[tender music playing]
[Fernanda] You wanna come?
If not, really, no one judges you.
[Juan Carlos] No, no, this is easy.
No problem at all.
When I was younger,
I trained with the Germans.
[in German accent] Oh, with the Germans?
I competed with them, and they sucked!
Why don't you show me what you got?
What do you think? Team up? You and me.
If you want to.
Of course I do.
- Let me show off. I'll help you.
- Okay.
- So, me in the back, I guess?
- [Karina] Yup.
How did it go with Elena?
Sorry I missed dinner.
I was just
having a really good conversation
with Elena and lost track of time.
And you even cooked the pasta that I like.
What'd she say?
Is she still in love with you?
No, we're definitely over.
Actually, she has a new girlfriend.
And her girlfriend isn't jealous that
the two of you
have been spending so much time together?
She knows we're just friends.
What's her name? Is she pretty?
Ana, this feels like an interrogation.
No, I was just
making conversation so you wouldn't
have to drink your coffee alone, but
When are we going to talk to Ceci and Ro?
Whenever you want.
How about tonight?
I can't tonight.
But aren't you the one
who wants to talk to them?
I already made plans
to see my mom tonight.
But tomorrow
we can definitely talk to them, right?
Yeah, tomorrow.
You should take the pasta to your mom.
It's delicious.
[whimsical music playing]
[Karina] What are your intentions
with Fernanda?
Well, we're dating and I really like her.
Fernanda doesn't go out with guys
who are lazy and unemployed
and abandon their babies.
She's not gonna suffer
for someone like you.
Sorry, Karina,
but I don't think this is the best place
or the best time
to talk about these things.
What are you doing?
You are doing it wrong.
What are you doing?
No, don't stand up.
You're gonna tip us over.
- No!
- [Juan Carlos yells]
- Oh my God, come on!
- [man] Come on! Let's go get them.
[reporter] Fans say Darío
has been sending
super aggressive replies to his haters
and even to girls who like him.
Isn't it easier to ignore them?
Bro, when you're wasted, don't reply.
[whimsical music playing]
"I love you, I want to be with you." Aw.
"I have a girlfriend, and if I didn't,
I still wouldn't go out with you."
[sighs, scoffs]
Ceci, Ceci
[Don Aguilar] What's wrong now?
Do you already regret
all your new responsibilities, son?
No, Dad. I came to talk about Tere.
I have nothing more to say
about that woman, okay?
I understand that the past
can be complicated, but
No, no, it's not complicated.
Nothing about this is complicated.
That woman was Juan Carlos' mistress.
Besides, she gives massages!
Dad, I think you're confused.
The only one confused here is you.
I have a reputation to maintain here.
If you aren't going to accept me
or my family, then no.
We can no longer have a relationship.
It's a shame you won't accept
the choices I've made for my life.
These are your personal choices,
but they affect the business.
This hurts me more than it hurts you.
It is unbelievable that neither of my sons
can succeed me.
No, Dad.
What is unbelievable
is that you'd rather cut me out
than to see me happy.
I'm your flesh and blood!
Well, it's your loss.
Don't worry about meeting with HR.
I'll go ahead and resign now, okay?
Here it is.
[somber music playing]
[phone whooshes]
Look at you!
You got all dressed up
just to go visit your mom?
Yeah, we're going out to eat for dinner.
And I'm gonna sleep
at her place tonight too.
You should cancel your taxi.
Make Ramón take you.
No, no, don't worry.
Actually, I'm gonna ride my bike.
Thanks. Good night.
[whimsical music playing]
[Pablo] How could you consider
reinvesting all the money?
Let's see. Because I know business?
Are you competing with me for power?
No, it's not about power.
It's about being a team.
And we're a good team.
But remember,
I'm a dad, and babies are expensive.
Then let's be a real partnership.
I make the financial decisions.
And I make the creative decisions.
- Mmm.
- And Regina's porridge.
But I need to be paid out cash sometimes
'cause sometimes
I don't even have enough for the truck.
[Cynthia] Hmm.
It's an advance on your salary.
Well, then, I guess now we know
how to function as a team and partners.
But what are you and I, though?
We're Mexicans, Pablo.
We're both Mexicans.
[Ana] Faster, Ramón, she's gonna get away.
Look, that way.
[bike bell chimes]
Follow her. Over there.
Turn that way!
Sorry, ma'am. That way is the wrong way.
We'll get a ticket.
She's already gone, Ramón!
Ma'am, with all due respect,
jealousy isn't going to lead you
to do anything good.
The only thing you're gonna achieve
is to destroy the beautiful relationship
that has grown between you and Mariana.
I'm not jealous.
I just want to know the truth.
That's different.
[line ringing]
Hi, uh, is Mariana there with Tere?
Oh, no, sorry. I got confused.
- Let's go a different way.
- Yes, ma'am.
[Fernanda] If I'm wrong,
that's my problem.
I just don't want to see you go through
the same thing you did with that asshole.
I didn't want to bring him.
'Cause of you. I knew what you'd say.
He was really excited to meet all of you.
- Mmm.
- And by the way,
you know, he does have the three D's.
He's delightful, he's determined,
and he's direct too.
"You're super hot, send me a dick pic."
"I have a girlfriend,
so you can stop being so slutty."
"And maybe love yourself more."
[Darío clears throat]
I can see everything on my phone.
- What are you doing?
- [Ceci sighs]
Look, I understand it's weird for you,
but having fans and haters
is totally normal.
Maybe that's true,
but your fans are kind of
Ceci, I can't risk my career.
I can't work with you anymore.
What? Darío, no.
I just got a call.
I missed enrollment for the semester.
My mom's gonna kill me.
I don't know what to do.
I don't have a passion like you.
I was lucky enough to have known
what I wanted to do for a long time.
But it doesn't happen to everyone,
and you can't force it.
Why don't you take a vacation?
I'm probably gonna
have to take one regardless.
I can't even go back to school.
Okay, and by the way,
if girls keep sending you
flame and peach emojis,
- I'm gonna be very mad, hmm?
- [Darío chuckles]
I don't want to be blamed
for you separating from your family.
Tere, you're my family now.
I understand that you
have always been the black sheep,
but you have the ability
to be the white sheep.
And I don't wanna be the one
to ruin that for you!
My dad ruined that on his own.
And I don't want my son
to have a dad like the one I have.
If in fact I'm gonna be
the white sheep of the family,
it's gonna be for you, me, and our child.
- And then what?
- What do you mean?
What'll we do with your dad?
If he wants to live without his kids
and grandkids, that's his business.
End of story.
[banging on door]
Ana! What the fuck is wrong with you?
You finally really went crazy?
Don't pretend! Where is she?
[whimsical music playing]
Where are you going?
Hey, no, no, no, no, no. Hey!
I knew I would find you
- [Elena sighs]
- [Juan Carlos] Party's over.
I heard what you
were talking about with Karina.
The last thing I wanna do
is create problems
between you and your friends.
Especially when we're only in
the fun stage of "just dating."
I don't understand?
I mean, where are you going?
We still have the bonfire, plus I'm making
my world-famous campfire trout.
[chuckles] Fine.
[tender music playing]
Why didn't you tell me
about what you went through?
I didn't want to freak you out with that.
And to be honest, I'm worried
about getting my heart broken again.
But why are you so worried?
What happened?
It's just that some time ago,
I went out with this guy who was divorced,
and then six months later,
he got back together with his ex-wife.
And Karina took care of me back then.
Mmm, I totally understand.
The only thing I can tell you
is that in matters of the heart like this,
there are no guarantees.
It's a leap into the void.
The only thing we can do
is be honest with each other, hmm?
[tender music continues]
Yes, I agree.
I don't understand the rules of dating.
What do I do?
Do I have to say you're my girlfriend,
or what should I do?
Yes, of course.
Okay. Okay.
- This campsite
- Mmm?
needs something special
and I know what it is.
[Ana] I don't know what's going on.
I'm not usually like this.
[Elena] Mm-hmm.
We all say that,
but jealousy is a real bitch.
It's not jealousy.
It's just that Mariana
has been very strange lately.
She's never at home.
She always tells me she's with you, and
I thought she was here.
Admit it, Ana.
You're shitting yourself with jealousy.
It meant a lot to you
to sleep with Mariana, didn't it?
Mariana told me.
She told you?
Do you know how she feels?
What I do know
is that you should be honest
and go talk to her.
Tell her how you really feel.
[Ana breathes deeply]
[Karina] Juan Carlos left 'cause of me?
No, no.
No, he understood that what you were doing
was just to protect me.
[gentle music playing]
[man] He's cool.
He could be your uncle
or your grandfather.
[all chuckle]
No, but I liked him.
You're an idiot.
Hello, everyone!
Campfire karaoke night
officially begins now.
And of course, I dedicate this first song
to my girlfriend, Fernanda.
- [all cheer]
- [chuckles]
[in Spanish]
Oh, you should've seen us ♪
We were sitting there ♪
Face-to-face ♪
Of course, the moon was there ♪
And we talked a bit about everything ♪
And everything made us laugh ♪
Like a couple of fools ♪
And I couldn't wait ♪
To have you in my arms and tell you ♪
I love you ♪
From the first moment I saw you ♪
And I'd been after you
For quite some time ♪
I imagined you like this ♪
I love you ♪
["Te Amo" by Franco de Vita playing]
[phone ringing]
[Mariana sighs]
- [in English] What's up?
- [Elena] Dude, Ana has lost her mind.
She busted into my house last night
looking for you.
You have to tell her the truth.
Okay, okay, right. I'll talk to her today.
I'll call you later.
- I have to talk to you.
- I have to talk to you.
Let's go.
- You go first.
- You go first.
[chuckles softly]
The truth is I'm in love with you.
[tender music playing]
I'm not pretending anymore.
Since that day we went on our trip,
I haven't stopped thinking about you, and
[Ana sighs]
you understand me better than anyone.
Ana, you are also the person
who understands me the most.
And I I can't lie to you anymore.
I am still in love with Ferrán,
and I really want to be with him.
With Ferrán?
Since when?
We never really broke up.
You've been cheating on me
this whole time?
You've been jeopardizing
our our career, the app,
our daughters.
I know, but but
I I fucked up but..
[Ana scoffs]
I don't want to hide anymore, Ana.
You and I agreed that we'd pretend
until we won the lawsuit,
but everything's become so complicated,
and [sighs]
I don't want to lose Ferrán!
Do you think it wasn't painful for me
when Ro moved out?
He's my son!
And I didn't say anything to him
because that's what we agreed on.
[Mariana sighs]
We agreed not to put
our daughters at risk!
And you It seems you don't give a shit
about not seeing me and Valentina.
No, no, I do give a shit.
Okay? I don't want to be separated
from you or Valentina.
But I'm so in love.
And I don't want to lose him.
What happened between you and me?
Didn't it mean anything to you?
Because I I was there
and I can't stop thinking about you.
You are my closest friend.
- We have a really special connection.
- [Ana chuckles]
But but now I want to be with Ferrán.
[Cynthia] Excuse me.
You forgot to turn off the mic.
[tender music playing]
[indistinct whispers]
[Mariana sighs]
[indistinct whispers continue]
They were faking it?
[Mariana sighs]
[tender music continues]
[music fades]
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