Hightown (2020) s03e05 Episode Script

29 Days Later

[RAY] Previously on Hightown
If you go to treatment, you're back on.
[BABY] Are you looking for
who killed Maxine McClean?
- Hey, Fitzy.
- [RAY] What do you got for us?
It's Owen.
I heard you got a shit bag now.
Chuleta's testimony that's not ideal.
But there are options that cost money.
There's still Jorge's go bag.
I'm gonna ask you to
do some things for me.
- Hi.
- You must be Rachel.
I had some money, and it was stolen.
Frankie had something to do with it.
Ray, don't be mad at me.
I need you to check
on Chuleta right now.
Frankie's just gonna walk again.
I got something valuable.
Tell your supplier.
- What's this information?
- It's about Osito.
- Ahh!
[VERONICA] Knight in
shining armor over here.
You did this to me.
I don't wanna be like this anymore.
You got this.
I thought a lot of things about you ♪
I stayed awake just
thinking about you ♪
But now I'm away ♪
You had to stay ♪
Tomorrow's a day of mine ♪
That you won't be in ♪
I tried to say I was just having fun ♪
But I really knew
that you were the one ♪
And now that I'm gone ♪
I see I was wrong ♪
I should have known all along ♪
That time would tell ♪
A week without you ♪
I should forget ♪
Two weeks without you ♪
And I'm still thinking about
the things that you said ♪
Vacation, just another love-in ♪
Vacation, I hope you love me ♪
Vacation, would you think of me? ♪

I think I'll leave
without saying goodbye ♪
I think that you know the reason why ♪
What if I was to stay? ♪
Would things turn
out some other way? ♪
I'll never know anyway ♪

[SHEILA] Day 29. How do you feel?
Uh, pretty good, actually.
Did you do your fourth step?
Yeah. Yes.
I wrote down my resentments,
the bad ones first, like you said.
Go ahead.
Raphael Quinones, my father,
drank and used.
Uh, I had to drag him
out of the bar on Easter.
He moved out for six
months when I was ten,
made me take care of my mom.
He cheated on my mom.
He hit my mom. To be
fair, she hit him too.
Thank you. That's a lot.
Just to clarify, your mother
is a fully functioning adult, correct?
- Yeah, mm-hmm.
- [SHEILA] Got it.
So what's your part?
- I don't und I don't understand.
- This is where we come up
with a list of character defects
that contributed to the situation.
I don't know. You tell me.
[SHEILA] Okay.
Write down "lack of compassion
for another alcoholic,
judgment, playing God, savior complex."
That last one's kinda bullshit, right?
Caring about people doesn't
mean I have a savior complex.
Why does that term trigger you?
I don't
Wh-what does it mean to save someone?
I don't know. [SCOFFS]
All my life, I've seen men hurt women,
so I guess I made the choice
to not let that happen anymore.
And how did you act on that choice?
Um I tried to save Krista Collins.
Tried to save Junior.
Tried to save Veronica.
[SHEILA] And how did that go?
Two of them are dead.
And I'm the one who hurt Veronica.
[SHEILA] What's happening right now?
What are you feeling?
[JACKIE] I don't know.
I'm it's just like
it's just, every time I try to do
something, I literally make it worse.
It's like I'm the fuckin' problem.
This process isn't about guilt
or taking on everyone else's stuff.
It's about recognizing
patterns of behavior.
That's all.
So what do you get from
trying to save someone?
What do I get?
I get to be the hero.
I get an adrenaline rush.
I get to not look at my own shit.
But, I mean, I'm a cop.
My whole job is to go after bad people.
So how am I not supposed
to do those things?
I don't know yet.
- Keep reading.

Arr, matey.
The fuck do you want?
Well, your, uh, Frawley situation
doesn't seem to be going as planned.
Imagine you could use
some help right now.
How many times I gotta tell
you I don't talk to the cops?
Hmm, that's right.
But you were in a shootout, huh?
Whose casualties include
an innocent bystander,
Owen Frawley's right-hand man, Red,
and your pretty brown eye.
If I'm you, I'm thinking
I ain't got much to lose.
Well, good thing you ain't me.
[ALAN] Yeah.
Now, we know Frawley was the shooter.
You don't wanna just give a statement?
I ain't get a good look at who shot me.
Now, after all we been through,
you gonna do me like that?
Well, well, well.
Oh, you know,
Frankie gonna be out on
the street any day now.
Good for him.
Good luck.


[RAY] Hey.
[RENEE] Morning.
You want breakfast?
Nope. I'm good.
You don't want coffee? Fine.
You don't wanna talk to me?
Could you at least tell
me when it's gonna happen
so I can be prepared?
- For what, Frankie?
- [RENEE] Yeah.
- Is he getting out soon?
- I don't know.
Boys gotta figure out whatever
bullshit they gotta figure out.
I'll let you know when I know, okay?
I promise.
I'm going to work.
[SARAH] Yeah.
Yeah, that's it.
Caught up with Fitzy last night.
- [RAY] Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Get anything actionable?
- No.
No, he's still claiming
that ever since Red died,
he doesn't have a supplier.
He's out of the game, no cap.
Ha! That's bullshit.
Uh, what about Owen?
[SARAH] Mm-mm. Nothing.
Yeah, he's been MIA
ever since he was named
a person of interest
in the Osito shooting.
Hey, wait a minute. Can
you go back a second?
Uh, "no cap"?
What does that mean?
I've been wonderin'.
No lie. Like oh.
Oh, you don't understand
our youthful colloquialisms?
That's that's freakin' cute.
- Hmm.
- Do you wanna fuck it out?
Hey, I wanna get back into the Frawleys.
- Mm-hmm?
- Okay?
Can you can you contact Fitzy again?
Why? He's a dead end.
He's blowing smoke up your ass.
I'm sorry. I mean, your amazing ass.
You know, Owen might be in hiding,
but he's still running the Cape.
Yeah, maybe.
I got somewhere I gotta be.
- Mm-hmm.
- Call Fitzy.
Lean into him. Later.
Yeah, 'kay.
[J-RO] I knock 'em
knock 'em out the park ♪
When other rappers are hitting bunts ♪
I'm a togger not a fogger ♪
Step on runts and don't do stunts ♪
I got soul power never
took a cold shower ♪
Yo, you're like a fuckin' pirate,
a fugitive, like, hiding out on the sea.
Yo, I ain't hidin'
from shit, okay, Tommy?
I'm just layin' low
until the heat's off.
Checking on Opie?
Ope's good, probably
for another two weeks.
Two weeks?
Yo, cut his lazy ass off, man.
Scarcity, bro. Look that shit up.
[TOMMY] You seen this?
Red's little dude started walkin'.

- We'll take care of him.
- [TOMMY] Word.
I think Tina's bringing him
by the memorial tomorrow.
We'll hook him up.
That shit's tomorrow?
Yo, I gotta get outta here.
This boat shit just ain't it.
Cuevas, with me.
- What for?
- It's gate-money day.

Get that gate money, boy.
- Take care, Vernon.
- Fuck you, nigga.
Ricky-Ricardo-looking-ass motherfucker.
Shit bag.
Get the fuck out of here.

[JOHNNY THUNDER] I'm alive ♪
And I see things mighty clear today ♪
I'm alive ♪
Frankie Cuevas says what's up!

[RACHEL] Frankie!
Baby! [LAUGHS]
Welcome home!
How do you feel?
I feel incredible.
I know what will make
you feel even better.
There is a rest area
a little bit down the road.
Not now, amor. Later.
I have errands to run.
[RAY] Hey. How you been?
- Good. Yeah.
- Yeah? You lick the paint off anyone yet?
No, you dick. No entanglements.
Hey, listen. It says here
I'm supposed to tell you how
your drinking affected me.
We don't have to do that, okay?
[SIGHS] Look, I know it's
I know it's kinda corny, but
please do it, for real.
- For real?
- [JACKIE] Yeah.
Your, uh your drinking
left me high and dry
on the Frawley case.
And, uh, you kinda made me look like
an asshole in front of
Lieutenant Smith. And
I worry about you.
I worry about you, okay?
I mean, you're running
around lookin' for pimps
in fuckin' Fall Brook? Jackie.
You're right. And I'm sorry.
And if there's anything I can do
to make it up to you, I'll do it.

Maybe don't get drunk again?

That's the plan.
All right. Well, um
I mean, did you find
anything in Fall Brook?
- [JACKIE] Ugh.
- Was it worth it?
Er, yes and no.
It wasn't what I thought,
but I wasn't wrong either.
There's some out-of-pocket
bullshit going on over there.
- Okay, all right, stop.
- [JACKIE] What?
That place gonna be your new obsession?
No. No, no, no.
For real, no more obsessions.
I'm gonna come back. I'm
gonna bust my ass for you.
And I'm gonna be a worker among workers.
I'm done with this
rogue-captain-save-a-ho bullshit.
But if there's an opportunity
to build a case in Fall Brook,
like, a real by-the-book-case,
I'm gonna take it.
But I'm gonna do it the right way.
In the meantime, I'm with
you and the Frawleys, 100.
- 100?
- [JACKIE] Mm-hmm.
Okay. All right.
All right.
How are you? How's Renee and the baby?
Yeah, all good. Same old, same old.
So you're, uh you're
outta here tomorrow?
- Uh-huh.
- That's amazing.
I'll see you in the office?
Bright and early.
A'ight. Come here.

What's up?
Can't wait till I can piss
without popping a stitch.
Thank God I'm gettin' out tomorrow.
Just say it, man.
Vernon got caught slippin'.
Some motherfucker stabbed him up.
He a'ight?
Shit-ass motherfucker!
This was fucking Frankie.
- Wha-what else, man?
- You should rest, boss.
Nah. That's all I've
been doin'. Just tell me.
Man, I'm down to my last half brick.
- Already?
- Man, fiends be feening.
Them fuckin' Frawley boys
keep eating up corners.

I can take the hits.
But if I go down hard, you
gotta bounce the fuck out.
Boss. Fuck.
Nigga, I ain't getting in this
for a couple gold chains and some pussy.
Now, we buildin' for
the long term, right?
Then fuck that tuck-tail shit!
I'm staying ten toes down or nothing.

[RAY] It looks like the store is open.
That little fucker. Let's go.
Fitzy, hi. I'm so mad at you right now,
I could shove my fist up your ass
and use your dick as a sock puppet.
Oh, that's, um, like, real vivid.
Get in the fuckin' car.
[SARAH] Here's what's
gonna happen, Fitz.
We're gonna take you
to the barracks, and we're
gonna charge you for
whatever's in your pockets
unless you can make me real
happy before we get there.
Wait, stop!
I-I've been I've been sellin'
a little bit of H, a'ight?
A-a man's gotta make his daily bread.
- That shit's in the Bible.
- Yeah, what else?
This is straight scandalous.
What do you dudes want?
I want Owen.
Homeboy's been on his
Osama bin Laden shit,
hanging out in caves or whatever.
Yeah, yeah, well, somebody's
gotta be in contact with him.
On my grandma, I don't know.
But there's a-a memorial
fundraiser for Red
at Limerick's tomorrow night.
No way Owen doesn't show
up, pay his respects.
- Are you happy?
- I don't know.
You gonna take me to
that memorial tomorrow?

[SHANE] Hey. Frankie Cuevas.
It's good to finally lay eyes on ya.
Likewise. And, uh, I wanna thank you
for handling that situation
on the other side of the wall.
Oh, with, uh, Vernon? No
need to thank me for that.
- I heard the boys had fun with it.
- Beautiful.
And a big thanks to you as well.
Without that tip, I couldn't
have followed the girlfriend
all the way to Osito's.
If only your nephew didn't miss.
Sometimes he bites off
more than he can chew.
I'd like to meet him.
You mean you'd like back
in on your old corners.
I got no gripe with that.
Wise old soldier like yourself
could be very useful to us.

And vice versa.
Very generous.
Let me get my house in
order, and I'll check back.
Welcome home, Mr. Cuevas.
Thank you.

[SARAH] We work pretty
well together, huh?
You want me to give
you a ride home tonight?
Hey, Ray, you'll need to hear this.
It concerns you.
Frankie Cuevas was released
from prison this morning.
- We were supposed to get a heads-up.
- It was an oversight.
That's a pretty fuckin' big oversight.
We need to do everything we
can to buoy the DA's office on this
and get Frankie back in
lockup as soon as possible.
Yeah, I got a fuckin' idea.
You know, next time,
why don't we try to build
a case that doesn't revolve
around one fuckin' witness?
You tryin' to say somethin', Ray?
- Pretty sure I just said it.
- [SMITH] Grow up, you two!
I don't care if you're both butthurt.
- What's done is done.
- [AMANDA] Agreed.
We need to focus on
solutions, not finger pointing.
Well, look, one of the
Jamaican ladies is still out there.
She can tie Frankie to Jorge's murder.
Now, between the consulate
and the private PI that I hired,
we should have something soon.
I'll reach out to the State Department,
see if they can throw
their weight around.
I gotta get the fuck outta here.

Hey. It's just spaghetti.
I hope that works.

You know that thing we were
talkin' about this morning?
He was released today.
I thought that you-you
said that if you knew,
I would know, Ray.
How the fuck didn't you know?
- There was an oversight.
- An-an oversight?
Okay, so, like,
where-where is he right now?
Does he-does he have to wear
one of those ankle things?
No, he's free.
He can go wherever he wants.
Listen to me. Renee,
I want you to think very hard right now.
Do you have any reason to believe
that he would wanna
hurt you specifically?
Um, yeah.
Yeah, I-I sold him out to a cop.
That's-that's you.
And then now, you're
my live-in boyfriend.
Do you remember that?
- [RAY] I'm well aware of that.
- Okay. Okay.
I'm talkin' about besides that.
Is there anything else?
- Is that not enough for you, Ray?
- Fine.
You know, Frankie's not an idiot.
He's not gonna try anything
on his first night out, okay?
- So
- Oh. Great.
He's not gonna do anything
on his first night out.
No? What about the second night, Ray?
What about the third night, huh?
What the fuck? Fuck!
Hey, can you calm down?
Everything's gonna be okay. I
got cruisers doing drive-bys.
I don't want fuckin' cruisers, Ray!
Okay? I want you to take care of this!
I want you to take care of me!
I want you to hold me
and tell me that it's all all right.
- Can you do that?
- You want me to hold you?
That's rich! That's rich!
Maybe if you hadn't
kept secrets from me,
none of this would have
ever been fuckin' happening!
Fuck, we all have secrets, Ray, okay?
So I held a little money for myself.
You know why I did that?
Because if this little
experiment of ours
doesn't work, who the
fuck is taking care of me?
Who is taking care of my kids?
I'm sorry I'm still
pissed you lied to me!
You lied to me about hundreds
of thousands of dollars!
You're working at fucking Xavier's?
You hired a psycho nanny
without telling me?
- When?
- When what?
When was I gonna tell you, Ray?
You are never here. I
barely fuckin' see you.
I'm going to bed.

Wait, what's
I need to get some rest.
I-in another room?
I'm exhausted. See you in the morning.

[JACKIE] Don't judge me. It's a mess.
Did you clean?
[ED] Well, you know Linda
wasn't gonna let you come home
to a sink full of dirty dishes.
Don't enable me, Ed.
Jackie, if I didn't enable you,
you'd be fuckin' dead right now.

It must have been really
scary for you, and I'm sorry.
Okay, enough of that.
How about we grab a bite? I'm starving.
Yeah. Um, but I gotta get to work.
You're going to work your
first day out of rehab?
Do I need to call Ray?
No, you don't need to call Ray.
The routine's gonna help me stay sober.
Well, it never worked
before, but here's hoping.
- [JACKIE] Ed.
- What? It's true.
I don't know. I don't
wanna jinx it, but
I don't know, the work
feels different now. It
I know. I understand that you're scared,
but I think it's gonna be okay.
All right, just promise me
you'll go to a meeting
not tomorrow, today.
I promise.
- Chin up.
- [ED] You, good God.
It's all they had. I hope it's okay.
Nah, this is great.
That's the best thing I had in a month.
Hospital food is punishment.
Hey, what's up with you?
It's just
I keep thinking about
when they shot you.
It doesn't matter what
I'm doing, it's there.
- And I just cry.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
I get it. I really do.
I mean, I-I'd be worried
if you didn't feel
I can't live like this, O.

But I came here to ask,
do you think the day will come
when you will feel like enough's enough?
I love you.
I love you too.
And I'd love
I'd love to tell you,
"Okay, let's let's cut out
of here right now, me and you."

But we both know that I can't do that.
My life is always gonna be
me looking over my shoulder.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

I'll stop by later with your things.


We're pushing bottle service now,
so I need you guys out there selling.
Um, it's 11:00 a.m.
Exactly. They're thirsty. Go.


Get the fuck out of here,
or I'll call security.
Mamita, I just wanna talk.
There's nothing to talk about, Frankie.
You're a disloyal, gold-diggin' bitch
who sent me to prison,
where I got stabbed eight times.
I think there's a lot to talk about.
You did it to yourself.
You thought I was gonna go away forever,
and you were gonna do what?
Live a long, happy life as
a cop's whore girlfriend?
Nah, it's not that easy.
He can't protect you from me.

Of course you're with this psycho cunt.
You have fun playin' house with
my kids, you lonely old bitch?
[RACHEL] They're so cute.
It's too bad their mom's a hooker.
Go outside now.
[RENEE] I may be a whore,
but I'm not a dumb one.
And I know exactly what
you did with my money.
Oh, no, it's not you
who gets to make threats.
The cops are still
looking for Jorge's killer.
I promise you, whether it's them or me,
you will get hurt very soon.

Goodbye, mamita.

Stuck-up skinny heifer knows
not to mess with us now, right?
You stupid cunt! What did I say?
- What did I say?
- S-s-s-stay in the car.
And what did you do, huh? Hmm?
This is what happens when
you don't fuckin' listen.
[RACHEL] Frankie, I'm
so sorry. I'm sorry.
You embarrassed me.
Let's go.
Look what the cat dragged in.
Good to see you too.
What are we doing today?
Well, we got the memorial service
for Owen's second in command, Red.
- Yeah.
- It's at some shitty Irish bar in Hyannis.
Is it Limericks? It's fuckin' Limericks.
- [RAY] You know it?
Yeah, man, I did some time there.
Oh, no, this is good. This is good.
You know the lay of the land.
I'll put you inside.
You keep tabs on Sarah.
I'll be the eyes and
the ears on the outside.
And, uh, let's go find this
Owen Frawley kid, all right?
- Got it.
- Let me talk to you real quick.
Do I gotta be worried
about you inside a bar?
- No. I can handle it.
- Hmm.
It's good to see you too.
- Thanks, Ray.
It's, uh
Uh, I'ma let you get this.
Is it cool if I say hi
to someone real quick?
- Yeah, knock yourself out.
- All right.
Say hi to Renee for me.
[RAY] Yeah, will do.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I wanted to come by and say thanks.
Well, the only thank-you I need to hear
is that you're clean.
I'm clean.
So what's up?
So, um,
I was wrong about the
whole Veronica thing.
She wasn't missing. She
just didn't wanna see me.
Right, of course.
But there's still something
shitty in Fall Brook
'cause Swayzee's still
out there, hurting girls.
Well, I'm not sayin' you're wrong,
but his alibi checks
out for the Petey murder.
And, uh, Tom Dolan over at Fall Brook
says they don't have much else.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
You mind sending me Dolan's number?
I just wanna keep the pressure on him.
Of course, you do.
Fine, I'll text you his number.
Yo, Uncle Shane.
The fuck you doin' here?
- I wanna talk.
- I mean, what's so fuckin' important
you had to see me in person?
And there's more where that came
from if I could get back out there.
- What's that mean?
- It means I'm done layin' low.
- The cops don't have shit.
- You fucked up.
You fucked up spectacularly.
Osito is still alive,
and a civilian is dead.
- Done laying low, my ass!
- He not may not
he not may not be dead, but
he's not a player anymore.
He's got one eye and no product.
It's over. Believe that.
Oh, you think Osito's retired?
Just kickin' back on the
couch with his slippers?
No, no. I'm not sayin'
that's not what I'm
All right, all right, don't
You'll get your shot,
just not yet, all right?
Now, fuck off before somebody sees you.

This fucking kid.

Club soda, rocks, rocks glass.
Hey, uh, Mrs um, Mrs. Red.
So sorry for your loss. It sucks.
Yeah, so sad.
[PAM] Thank you.
He was a good kid.
[SARAH] Totes.
You want a shot?
Fuck yeah.

Mmm, even better than I remember.
Good to have you back.
Gracias. Good to be back.
Neighborhood missed you.
Needs a strong hand to keep
it in line, entiende?
Buen provecho.
Frankie motherfuckin' Cuevas
out again.
Goddamn, man, El Chapo
ain't got shit on you.
Harassment is not a good look, Sergeant.
You keep following me around,
my lawyer might have to bite.
Man, ain't nobody followin' your ass.
You think I didn't know you'd stop
at your favorite Dominican
spot first chance you got?
And you know who else liked to eat?
Man, that brother could throw down.
You know what I'm sayin'?
Come on, Frankie.
You know I know you killed
Daisy and Lance Houston.
But Jorge? Goddamn,
man, that's your cousin.
That's low even for a
motherfucker like you.
What he do?
Make a run at Renee?
[ALAN] I say somethin' funny?
[FRANKIE] Yes, you did.
Ray didn't tell you?

I didn't kill Jorge.
Renee did.
And I told Ray months ago.
It's funny he didn't tell you.
Now, if you don't mind,
I would like to enjoy
my arroz con pollo.

[BARTENDER] Okay. Be right there.

Hi, Miss Pam.
Hey, this is for you.
- Aw.
- And also, this is for you.

It's a little gift from all of us, okay?

Oh, goddamn!
Owen better get here soon.
I am fucking hammered.
- Owen's not coming.
- [SARAH] What? Hold up.
- How do you know that?
- I mean, I don't know-know,
but that guy with a jacket?
He brought two envelopes.
- [SARAH] Mm-hmm.
- And I think the bigger one's from Owen.
Yeah, that's-that's Tommy.
Part of Owen's crew.
All right, then you know what to do.
[TOMMY] "Oh, what the
hell? You didn't call me."
And Red just said, "Fuck
you, you stank twat.
Oh, wait, I already did."
Hey, you're one of Owen's boys, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I think we met before.
I don't know, did we?
What's your name again?
- Tommy.
- Yes, Tommy!
Ah! Tommy.
Hey, but seriously, I haven't seen Owen.
He just z-z-z-z-zoop!
Yeah, the fucker no-showed me.
Yeah. Hey, you want a shot?
- I want a shot. Let's take a shot.
- [TOMMY] Yeah.
[SARAH] Uh-huh.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
[SARAH] To Red.
Hey, but seriously, like,
did Owen ever talk about me?
Wait, wait, why isn't he here? Right?
Like, what, did he
leave town or something?
I have no idea. He
usually does what he wants.
[SARAH] Hey, hey, hey,
if you see Owen, right
- Mm-hmm.
- [SARAH] why don't you tell him
that Sarah
with the great tits says hi?
[TOMMY] Okay.
[SARAH] Can you do that for me?
- [TOMMY] Sure.
- [SARAH] Okay.
- [TOMMY] Have another shot?
- [SARAH] Yeah.

Do you want that box too?
What for?

Really? You can't pick up?
Frankie came to my fuckin' work today,
and you can't even answer your phone?
Someone's at the house. Call me.
[ALAN] Renee, it's Alan.

Hey, Renee, just checkin' in on you.
Assume you, uh, heard about Frankie?
Yeah. Yeah, no, I heard.
- You mind if I come in?
- Of course not.
That fuckin' Frankie.
He's somethin' else, you know?
To kill a business
associate, that's one thing.
But Jorge, his fucking flesh and blood?
Shot him in the stomach.
- God.
- [ALAN] Yeah.
You know, I spoke with Frankie earlier.
And between you and me,
he had some pretty wild
ideas about Jorge's death.
You know her?
She helped clean Xavier's.

Shit, um, think the baby woke up.
Give me a sec?


[FRANKIE JR.] Mommy?

Oh, you're okay, baby, okay?
Why don't you go back to bed?
Um, no, I'm sorry.
Uh, I don't recognize her.
But, you know, the cleaning crew
worked weird hours.
Okay, cool.
That's that's all I have for now.
But, um, I may have you
come in later to give a statement.
I don't need a lawyer, do I?
Not unless you did it.

Thank you for your time, Renee.
I'll see myself out.


Pretty fuckin' good
first day back, Jackie.
[JACKIE] Yeah, that was fun.
Ugh, my boyfriend,
Owen, already texted me.
- [RAY] Okay, keep it down, monkey.
- Boom!
Uh, it's good, though.
We got his new cell phone number.
- We can ping that location.
- [SARAH] Yeah.
[JACKIE] You want me to write it up?
Um, no. Why don't you
take care of it tomorrow?
All right. I'm gonna
go work my side hustle.
- Someone gonna take her home?
Oh, yeah. Don't worry about it.
I got it taken care of.
- A'ight, see you tomorrow.
- [RAY] Yeah.
You, come on.
Come on. Come on. come
on. Come on. Come on.
You wanna get a drink on the way home?
[RAY] Oh, can your
liver handle that, sport?
Ugh, jeez, I don't know. I drank a lot.
[RAY] Yeah, you did.
Ah, you must be Renee.
I-I work with Ray. I'm Sarah.


I'm gonna get a Lyft.

We need to talk.

Why would you do that?
Why would you come to my fuckin' work?
Really, Ray?
I've been calling you all day,
and you hadn't fuckin' answered!
You know what I do for a living, right?
I mean, I put away drug
dealers and murderers.
I got an undercover
operation going on today.
- I can't be taking time out
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.
- I know. Okay.
- every time you wanna text me,
- every time you wanna call me.
- Hmm, hmm. Is Sarah your undercover?
- Yes, she's the undercover.
- Yeah, are you fuckin' her?
- Are you-are you kidding me right now?
- [RENEE] No.
- Are you serious?
- Ray,
I know you.
So don't lie to me.
Don't call me the liar.
I'm not the liar sitting here!
Fuckin' bullshit.
You won't tell me the
truth about Frankie.
What else are you
fuckin' hidin' from me?

I killed Jorge.

Not on purpose.
Um, the gun just
it went off.
And I paid two Jamaican cleaners
to help hide the body.
And then I took Jorge's
go bag that had, uh,
maybe 200 grand in cash,
more in drugs.
I, uh I started dealing in the club.
And then, um, Frankie, um,
stole the money, to
kill Chuleta, I guess,
and that's-that's how he got out.
Um, and then Alan
he came to the house.
And he knows.
He knows that I killed Jorge.

And I'm really fuckin' sorry.
[CRYING] I'm really fuckin' sorry.

You're right.
I fucked her.
I've been fucking her.
I tried to tell myself it was
because you lied to me, and
that's bullshit.
And I'm so sorry.
I'm so fuckin' sorry.
I am so
[RENEE] I forgive you.
And I love you.
Do you think
that you could still love me?
Yes. I love you.
I love you so fuckin' much.
And I don't give a fuck what you did.

Go back to your room.
I'm ashamed of the
way I behaved earlier.
And I'm here to beg
for your forgiveness.

No, no, no.
You wouldn't still be here
if you didn't want this.

- Get the fuck off me!

I I know what's under there.
I know what those animals did to you.
You don't have to hide it from me.

Listen, you don't have
to play tough or
or hide yourself from me.
I am all in.
I will burn the world
down if you ask me to.
Ch, ch, ch, ch.

Do you think this makes you weak?
Let me show you
how strong you really are.

You gonna pay me for my time?
If not, you can miss me with that.
Actually, I came to
say that you were right.
I was only looking for a white girl,
but not anymore.
Tell me about Maxine McLean.
She was a good girl.
Most of the fresh meat
think they run the block,
but she was respectful.
She ain't try to take anybody's spot.
One time, this girl got sick,
and Maxine took her to
the doctor, paid for it,
even gave her a little somethin' extra
so she wouldn't catch
a beatdown from her man.
Sweet ones never last, though.
She ain't deserve how they did her.
How who did her?
Girl, $100 is not worth my life, okay?
Just tell me, did Swayzee
work with Maxine too?
What you think?
Thank you.
[BABY] So you just gonna bust down
his door like fucking Mighty Mouse?
Yeah, but not tonight.
I got somewhere else to be. Thanks.
[BABY] Mm-hmm. Here she
comes to save the day.

[JACKIE] Is this free?
For you, baby girl, always.

Um, also, I was wondering
if you would be my sponsor.
Thought you'd never ask. [LAUGHS]


- What's up, O?
- What's good, Lil G?

[SHOCKING BLUE] Before loneliness ♪
Will break my heart ♪
Send me a postcard darling ♪
How can I make you understand ♪
I wanna be your woman? ♪
Here ♪
Here I am waiting for a little sign ♪
Waiting till the end of time ♪
Send me a postcard darling ♪
Send me a postcard now ♪

I can't take the lonely night ♪
I need someone I can turn to ♪
Look out for the day
I get a little sign ♪
I want to know you're all mine ♪
Here ♪
Here I'm waiting for a little sign ♪
Waiting till the end of time ♪
Send me a postcard darling ♪
Send me a postcard now ♪
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