Invincible (2021) s03e05 Episode Script

This Was Supposed to Be Easy

[ominous music playing]
- Multi-Paul?
- You killed my sister!
[Mark] I don't care if he's your brother.
[Liu] My best assassin
rots in one of your disgusting
American prisons
and you do nothing about it.
[Isotope] Even Machine Head
bent a knee to The Order.
I want to make dinner, Rex.
[Mark] You two better really need me.
[Allen] Yes, check it out.
[Mark] This is way too soon,
- but I love you.
- I love you, too.
[Allen] Sorry I ruined
your execution, Nolan.
Get away from him.
[Debbie] Mark?
Why is your door locked?
- We got to get our own place.
- [Nolan] There are fewer
than 50 pure-blooded Viltrumites
left in the universe.
[WEARETHEGOOD: "Attitude"]
Uh, uh, uh, come on ♪
Yeah, yeah, uh, uh, uh, uh ♪
Yeah, yeah, uh, uh, come on ♪
Yeah ♪
- You ready to go?
- [Fiona] Uh-huh.
[chuckles] I was just taking my medicine.
I didn't even need to remind you.
Proud of you, baby girl.
You feel like me,
you got nothing to prove ♪
Uh, uh, I see them trying,
trying to do what I do ♪
Did you know that dinosaurs had feathers?
In movies, they look like lizards,
- but they actually looked like birds.
- Even the T. Rex?
Even the T. Rex.
They looked like giant chickens.
Giant chickens with teeth.
Principal Lang's starting a cookie
fundraiser for library books.
And students that sell
the most boxes can win prizes.
I want to sell more than anyone
and win a computer.
Mm. Then you're gonna have to hustle.
- Oh! She's growing taller every day.
- You spoil her, Emir.
Just remember, a new computer
- doesn't mean more screen time.
- [scoffs] I know, Dad.
It's Bella and Baileigh!
Love you, Dad. [laughs] Bye!
Love you, too.
[Fiona giggles]
What'd I tell you about family time?
We got a problem, boss.
[latch clatters]
[tray slides]
[cart rolling]
[inhales deeply]
[suspenseful music playing]
[exciting music playing]
[moaning, screaming continuing]
[metal creaking]
[Boys Noize: "Rock the Bells"]
[Taser fires]
[Tasers firing]
[Multi-Paul panting]
[Taser fires]
[Multi-Paul shouts]
[Kate] That was stupid, Paul.
Even for you.
I was this close to convincing Cecil
to put you on a team to make up
for all the shit you've done.
Now they're gonna
add years to your sentence.
- Doesn't matter.
- Of course it matters.
If you pull one more stunt like that,
you'll never see daylight again.
People like us don't serve sentences.
Look around, Paul.
You're still in prison.
Even The Order already tried
to break you out and failed.
- They won't leave me here. I'm too useful.
- Listen to yourself.
They're not your friends. They use you.
That's why you're in here
and they're not.
You think Cecil and the GDA
and the Guardians are any different?
They sent you to your death
against the Lizard League.
Except I wasn't dead, you idiot.
And I saved the country
from getting nuked.
You know, it's Dad's birthday this week.
[solemn music playing]
I know.
[baby crying]
- [Kate] I went to see him last month.
- How is he?
- Same.
- [Multi-Paul] Good.
[Kate] It wasn't his fault, Paul.

[Multi-Paul] He let them take us. Use us!
Turn us into their weapons.

[Kate] You and I will never agree on that.
You shouldn't have left.
[Multi-Paul] You should have come with me.
You really think the better decision
was running away
and becoming an assassin for The Order?
[scoffs] Well, at least they're
honest about who they are.
And they pay better.
- You're a murderer.
- So are you.
I was just trying to give you a way out.
You really think
I could just leave The Order?
- Even if I wanted to?
- Yeah. I do.
Just like your GDA,
they don't abandon tools
they're not done with yet.
[Debbie] Mark,
you're gonna miss breakfast.
- [Mark whispering] Oh, shit.
- [Eve] Ow, no Ow, ow, ow.
There's so many small things
in your room.
[sighs] Uh, come around and I'll
knock on the front door, okay?
See you in a second.
[Debbie grunts softly]
[door opens]
[yawns] Oh, buttermilk pancakes.
You're right. He's still growing.
[doorbell rings]
That's weird, someone's
at the door so early.
[door opens]
[Mark] Hey, Eve. What a surprise.
[Eve] Oh. Well, hello.
[door shuts]
I was just in the neighborhood and
figured I'd drop by and see you guys.
[Oliver] Why'd you fly
out of Mark's window
if you were just gonna come back and
[thud] Ow!
Would you like to join us for breakfast?
Well, I would love to.
Thank you for asking.
Not at all. Pull up a chair.
I had Oliver set an extra place,
just in case.
Uh, lucky for me, I guess.
[Mark yawns]
So, Mark, did you get
a good night's sleep?
- I, uh
- Mark wasn't sleeping.
He and Eve had a sleepover.
- Oliver, what the hell?
- Ow!
Stop kicking me.
They made too much noise
playing and woke me up.
We were watching, um, a movie.
I didn't know it was
gonna be that loud. [thud]
Ow! Oliver!
- [Oliver] Ow.
- [Eve] These pancakes are amazing, Mrs. Grayson.
Are they buttermilk?
They're so soft and fluffy and light.
I tried making blueberry pancakes once,
but I had way too many blueberries
and then the batter was really soggy,
[boys continue grunting]
and then the blueberries
weren't even sweet.
Maybe it was the wrong time of year.
I-I definitely think it was
the wrong time of year. Yeah.
Okay, um, moving on.
Mom, uh, how much does it cost
to rent an apartment?
[chuckles] Since when did you
become interested in real estate?
E-Eve and I um, we were talking.
After what happened with Angstrom,
it's better if we shared
a place of our own.
- Oh.
- And you're seeing Paul now.
You know, you'd probably
like it better if I'm not
walking in on you both when
I come home from a big fight.
[exhales sharply] You're both adults,
and free to make your own choices.
But I like having you two around.
I know, Mom. I like it, too, but
can't live at home forever.
But then who's gonna hang out with me?
Hey, I'm not-I'm not
leaving forever, Oliver.
I'll be, like, a five-second flight away.
When you brought up moving out,
I thought it was just talk.
- But you're actually serious, huh?
- If we had a place of our own,
we could just be together, you know?
Like a grown-up couple
who's in this thing for real.
[tender music playing]
- That is, if you want to.
- Nothing would make me happier
than waking up in our own apartment
to your handsome, drooling face.
Wait, I don't drool. Do I?
- But you're in?
- [chuckles] I'm in.
[sighs] Now we just have to
figure out how to afford it.
Mm. You already made a treehouse.
You could just make us a cool place
here in the city.
And put it where
the middle of the park?
The city has zoning laws
for those kinds of things.
Oh, right. Well,
maybe I can look for
a part-time job or something.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[Eve] I know the problems
your prison faces.
In the past year, Payton's had five riots,
three escapes
and too many attempted breakouts
to count.
How can I help you, Ms. Wilkins?
I get it.
You're suffering from overcrowding,
a criminally slow response
from the GDA during emergencies,
and a serious lack of funding.
None of that is your fault.
- I'm here to offer you a solution.
- Go on.
A superhero on retainer.
Available and ready to handle
any and all supervillain-related problems.
He can fly, he's got super strength
and he's practically invulnerable.
In fact, he stopped a breakout here
not too long ago
with minimal damage and zero casualties.
Imagine having someone of that
caliber just a text away, 24/7.
What company are you with again?
You look 19.
I'm the owner of a private
security firm. We're called
[exciting music playing]
[Eve] Inc.
Uh, first call's free.
You failed!
You asked me to break
Multi-Paul out of prison,
and out of respect,
I hired a team to do it.
- But the job went sideways.
- Then try again.
[clears throat] No.
Or at least not now.
There's too much heat.
They've still got that
anti-teleport field up
and my sources say
the prison just hired a superhero
as their new guard dog.
Find a way to get my assassin back.
- You have 24 hours.
- And if I don't?
I hear little Fiona's becoming
quite the entrepreneur.
[sinister music playing]
[elevator bell chimes]
Nessa, where's Fiona?
Rodrigo drove her back an hour ago.
What did I tell you?
The expansion on the east side
was the right move.
- Fiona!
- [door opens] Daddy?
[both sigh]
Oh, sweet thing.
How was school today?
Everything okay?
School was great.
We had a math quiz and I got an A.
- And I sold all my cookies.
- That's my girl.
A tiny old man with a
metal mouth bought 'em.
[dramatic music playing]
You're staying at home with your mom
until I tell you otherwise. Got it?
- Am I in trouble?
- No, baby, it's just business.
Honey, what's going on?
[Mark chuckles]
I don't even know
how to set up my email,
and you created a whole business.
- You're incredible.
- [scoffs]
Thank me after we get our first paycheck.
And once I finish my classes,
I'll be out there with you.
Also, the email thing
it's not that difficult.
[banging on door]
[Debbie] Mark?
[both gasp]
Mark, wake up.
[grunting, panting]
What's up, Mom?
- I was just Hmm?
- Oliver's gone.
If Liu wants Multi-Paul so bad,
why doesn't he go get him himself?
Yeah, he wants Paul back,
but it's about more than that.
It's also him seeing
if you're gonna play ball
with The Order or not.
If you're gonna be a good boy
and do as you're told.
He crossed the line.
Boss, uh
there ain't no line with The Order.
You think Multi-Paul
is their only assassin?
Hell, last guy who went
up against Liu got eaten.
Came out as fuckin' dragon shit.
How'd an asshole like Machine Head
survive as long as he did?
Believe it or not, he can shut up
when he has to.
But he was always angling for Liu's seat.
Wanted to run The Order himself.
There ain't a game
more dangerous than that.

What if someone took him?
- Could be whoever was spying on us.
- We don't know that yet.
[Mark sighs] Maybe Robot could help?
Shit, do I need to call Cecil?
He's got cameras everywhere.
Over there.
- Let's check it out.
- Wait.
[exhales sharply]
It's not fair. You can fly.
You got to do it
without using your powers.
Okay, okay, no flying.
[Mark grumbles]
You can do this. Come on, Oliver.
- Come on, you got this.
- Ready? [grunting]
- Aah!
- [Eve gasps]
Oh! [chuckles]
You okay?
That was hard. But I almost did it.
- I'm gonna do it again.
- [girl] You can do it!
You got to lean forward more.
[boy] My dad would kill me
if he caught me sneaking out again.
[Oliver] So would my mom.
- [boy] You got this, Oliver. Come on.
- [girl] Lean forward.
[soft chuckle] He made friends.
[kids giggling]
Like, normal friends.
And they're just playing.
Of course he made friends, Mark.
He's a kid.
It's just too bad
he had to sneak out to do it.
[teen boy] Beat it, shrimps.
It's past your bedtime.
Nuh-uh. We were here first.
[scoffs, mimics] "We were here first."
Duh. Why the hell are you purple?
Let's go.
I'm-I'm getting tired anyway.
- We're not leaving. You leave.
- Oh! [both snickering]
I said get lost!
[teen boy 2] Ooh, watch out
he's getting mad.
- [groans]
- Oliver can take care of himself.
[Mark] It's not him I'm worried about.
Well, what you gonna do, shrimp?
[exciting music playing]
- Aah!
- Huh?
- Whoa!
- Huh? What the fuck?
[Mark exhales]
[kids laughing]
He's got fucking powers.
That was awesome.
[Eve] He's a good kid, Mark.
[bachelorette over TV] Honestly,
Brad wasn't on my radar,
but after that last date,
he's totally grown on me.
And he's, like, a good kisser
[Bombay Beach Revival: "What I needed"]
[pan sizzling]
I won't let go ♪
Please, baby, please, baby, please ♪
Oh! Hey, Rae. [chuckles]
Uh, right on time.
- It's almost midnight.
- Uh, yeah, I know.
Ah. This took me
a little longer than I thought.
Pull up a chair.
I'm cooking you dinner.
- I gathered. But why?
- Oh. Because you
you said it was something
you wanted to do.
You know, like, have a
normal dinner. So ta-da!
I thought you said you didn't cook.
[Rex] Ooh, that's what I thought, too.
But look at all this.
Honestly, I'm as surprised as you are. Oh!
Full disclosure it's from a meal kit.
Turns out I can
follow instructions when I want to.
- It smells delicious, actually.
- Ooh! I almost forgot.
You did not get that in the meal kit.
Okay. So, remember
when the Immortal told us
to "grab our stuff"
and get out of Guardians HQ?
I may have also grabbed some of his stuff.
Specifically, a few bottles of
château ooh
I don't know how to pronounce.
- You mean you stole a few bottles.
- Ah, potato, "potahto."
I've been doing it for years
and he's never noticed.
Besides, wine like this is wasted
on a guy who hasn't smiled
in 10,000 years.
- 1762?
- Such a good year.
You know,
other than the incurable diseases
and tooth decay
and people never taking showers
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- [coughs] Oh.
- So, that's terrible.
- Oh, it's so bad. Oh.
- Quick, eat something.
- Mmm.
- Ah.
- I could be blessed with this ♪
- Mm
- Mmm.
- You know that none of this
- none of this is normal, right?
- [groans softly] Yeah.
But it's still good.
Thank you.
I know ♪
You're what I needed ♪
In my life ♪

Name and number of the inmate
you're here to see.
[stammers] Sir?
[Machine Head] Well, well, well,
look who it is.
My own personal Judas.
[buzzing, coughing]
Machine Head.
You don't sound so hot.
Don't look so hot either.
[Machine Head] You think
this place knows anything
about maintaining a piece
of quality machinery like me?
I could help with that.
[Machine Head mimics] I could
help with that.
Cut the shit, rocks for brains,
and get to the point.
I'm missing my computer classes.
How else am I gonna learn Microsoft Word
and get a job in a fucking office?
Oh, I see. It finally happened.
You had a visit
from an old guy with metal teeth
and a bodyguard the size of Nebraska.
Except they're not from Nebraska.
- Yeah.
- [Machine Head] Oh, I'm sorry.
Did Isotope not tell you about The Order
when you two assholes
stabbed me in the back?
That even if you crawled out
from under my thumb,
there's always a bigger thumb?
Well, welcome to reality,
muchacho. [laughs]
I hope Mister Liu
turns into that giant snake
and eats you for dinner!
He does that.
I'm serious. I saw it once.
- It was amazing!
- You done?
[Machine Head] No, but you are
if you don't get on your knees,
say you're very, very sorry, and do
whatever the fuck Liu tells you to.
He wants me to break out Multi-Paul.
[Machine Head] Yeah, I bet he does.
Missing his little murder machine.
But unless I missed something,
you haven't done that.
I don't need the heat.
And Invincible guards the prison now.
[Machine Head] Aw.
Is your old super friend still sore at you
after my giant space cat
rearranged his face?
[laughs] Man, that was a good time.
I almost want to forgive you
just for that moment.
But to be clear, I don't.
I'm still a little tiffed
about how everything went down.
Liu also threatened my daughter.
And that crossed a line.
[Machine Head] Oh, I'm sorry.
He crossed a line?
You better report him to HR.
The Order
takes these things very seriously.
You got two options, pal.
One, you figure out a way
to get Liu's stabby little friend
out of hock.
Or two, you and your precious little
family are dragon chow. That's it.
That's all. Make a choice already.
[sighs] You got that fancy head
all packed in with transistors
and other computer bullshit,
and you still think I'm just
some dummy from the streets?
That's how I took you down.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Machine Head] Like I said
they don't know how to maintain
a guy like me in here.
[Debbie] And his friends
they didn't make fun of him
for, you know, being purple?
- They didn't seem to care.
- You're sure he was having fun?
Yeah, Mom.
I know what fun looks like.
[sighs] He still shouldn't be
sneaking out.
What if those bullies come back?
Oliver didn't hurt them.
He was really good.
I'm proud of him.
- I can't follow him like you can, Mark.
- I know.
I'll talk to him
about not going out at night again.
But you can always call me or Eve.
Do we really want to stop him
from being a kid?
[phone vibrating]
Oh, shit!
[dramatic music playing]
[firing arms]
[both shout]
[Mark grunts]
If you want to go to jail so badly,
I'm happy to help with that.
Whoa. Titan.
[knuckles crack] I never got to thank
you for almost getting me killed.
[grunts, sighs]
What happened between us last
time was nothing personal.
Didn't mean for it
to get that rough for you.
[chuckles] Unbelievable.
You used me and then left me to die.
I fought like hell to keep you alive.
But Machine Head had to go.
I don't care. You're coming with me
- We need to talk.
- We really don't.
- A lot of people are gonna die.
- Okay. I'm not falling for that again.
You think I'd just come out here,
let you put hands on me
if it wasn't life or death?
You think I'm that stupid?
This is still some bullshit.
[kids giggling]
[people laughing]
[indistinct conversation]
[Titan] Bet you don't recognize
this neighborhood anymore.
Not that guys like you
ever came down here,
even though it used to be a war zone
under Machine Head.
Look at it now. No more murders.
- No more crime.
- [Mark chuckles]
Folks no longer afraid to live here.
No more murders or crime
except for yours.
That's not how I run things.
Ask your friends in the GDA if shit
isn't better now than a year ago.
- They're not my friends anymore.
- Huh.
You heard of The Order?
- Or Mister Liu?
- No.
They're a global crime syndicate.
He's their leader
and can turn into a dragon.
- A big dragon.
- [scoffs] Yeah, so?
I don't work for them.
But they think otherwise.
And if I don't break
Multi-Paul out from prison
they're gonna kill me and my
family and do it themselves.
No. Multi-Paul's a murderer.
I'm not letting you break him out.
You want me to stay in charge here.
If I go, they'll replace me with someone
who doesn't give a shit
about anything but The Order.
And all this goes back
to how it was, but worse.
[girls chatting indistinctly]
Yeah. No.
We're not doing this.
Thought you superheroes
cared about saving lives.
Don't even start with me.
Come on, I'm taking you to prison.
[Titan grunts]
Come on, dude. I can fly.
[pulsing music playing]
You're not getting
- We all look the same to you, hero?
- Ugh.
[Titan scoffs]
- Mark?
- What?
You haven't blinked
for, like, five minutes.
Are you having second thoughts
about the apartment?
No. No, no, that's not it.
Titan may be less bad
than Machine Head or this
Order or whatever they're called,
but the guy's still bad.
And working with him is only
gonna drag you down to his level.
You did the right thing.
Your time is up.
Where is my assassin?
Still in prison.
Mm. I clearly underestimated
your intelligence.
A lot of people do that.
[tense music playing]
Isotope, take them both a mile up
and let them find their own way down.
[whoosh] Isotope?
[Isotope] Sorry, Titan.
Nothing personal.
I just like breathing.
[groans] Fuck!
Fuck you, fucking dragon.
And R.I.P. Titan.
No way he could survive
a fall like that without his shell.
[Liu] Guard my body.
[guard] Uh, Warden
[booming in distance]
[guards yelling in distance]
[phone vibrates]
- Ugh.
- What?
Titan wasn't lying.
There's a dragon
attacking the penitentiary.
Okay. Let's go.
- What?
- I screwed up.
I don't want you getting hurt
because I made a mistake.
We're in a relationship now.
That means that
we help and support each other,
especially when we screw up.
Besides, I bet we can charge more
if there's two of us.
[Liu growling]
Titan told me about you.
[Liu] Then you should know
you're already dead.
["Security" by Amyl and The Sniffers]
Security, will you let me in your pub? ♪
I'm not looking for trouble,
I'm looking for love ♪
I'm not looking for harm
I'm looking for love [grunting]
Will you let me in your hard heart?
Let me in your pub ♪
I distracted you ♪
With all of my bullshit,
I covered myself in distractions ♪
Right. It's got a tail.
You couldn't see the real me,
I want to deceive you ♪
You're stupid, I'm fast ♪
I'm not looking for trouble,
I'm looking for love ♪
I'm looking for love ♪
Will you let me in your hard heart? ♪
Let me in your hard heart,
let me in your pub ♪
Security, will you let me in your pub? ♪
I'm not looking for trouble ♪
I'm looking for love ♪
Will you let me in your hard heart? ♪
Let me in your pub ♪
[both yelling]
You looked at them with trust ♪
I looked at normies different to you ♪
'Cause you looked at them with lust ♪
I see them lurking
from all of the angles ♪
The egos say they can prey ♪
You liked the colors
and the patterns I'm wearing ♪
Poison you like the exotic snake ♪
Not looking for trouble ♪
[guard 2 over walkie] Warden!
Warden! Power's out
- and so is the anti-teleport field!
- We got bigger problems.
Let me in your hard heart?
Let me in your pub? ♪
Not looking for trouble ♪
I'm looking for love,
I'm looking for love ♪
Will you let me in your hard heart? ♪
I swear I'm not that drunk ♪
[tortured straining]
[collar buzzing]
[Eve grunting]
Security, will you let me in your pub? ♪
I'm not looking for trouble,
I'm looking for love ♪
I'm not looking for harm,
I'm looking for love
Don't even think about it.
Let me in your pub? ♪
I'm not that drunk ♪
Let me into your pub ♪
I'm not that drunk ♪
Will you let me into your pub? ♪
I'm not that drunk ♪
Let me into your pub ♪
I'm not that drunk ♪
Let me into your pub ♪
[eerie music playing]
[Liu roaring]
I will show you the error of your name.
You're not the first person
to point that out.
Oh, shit.
[Liu] Your power may come from the stars,
but mine comes from beyond this reality.
[man groans]
[sighs] You're a fictional creature, dude.
Eve we got to charge
more than we're charging.
[Liu] You cannot kill what I am made from.
[Mark sighs]
Eve, I might need you here.
[Machine Head] Man,
Titan sure ruined this place.
Well, him and that giant flying
lizard we all know and love.
Whoa! Calm down, buddy.
I'm not gonna fight you.
You must be what, like,
700 pounds, eight?
You'd murder me.
Besides, that's not my style.
But I am gonna kill your boss.
[Great Wall continues yelling]
[gasps] Mark!
[Machine Head] See, you made
the same mistake I did.
Oh, almost feels like cheating.
[Machine Head] But I like cheating.
- [Eve] Huh?
- [Mark coughing]
Machine Head
wanted the dragon to eat you
before he killed Mr. Liu.
But I figured I owed you one.
You I'm taking you to jail.
But thanks for the help, hero.
Doing good,
even if you didn't mean to.
See you around.
- Are you okay?
- I don't know.
What else could you have done?
You couldn't let Titan
break Multi-Paul out of prison.
Yeah. Instead, I just helped
him kill his biggest rival.
And almost died doing it.
It would have been worse
if we'd done nothing.
That dragon could have killed everyone.
Plus, Multi-Paul's still behind bars
and the warden
thinks we did an acceptable job.
After I helped
rebuild the damage to her prison.
At least you accomplished something.
Hey, we got paid enough for at
least three or four months' rent.
- About that. Maybe we should
- Hold off on the apartment?
With Oliver sneaking out,
it just doesn't feel right
to leave my mom
to look after him by herself.
He's my responsibility, too.
You don't need to explain.
I get it.
- You're not upset?
- No, of course not.
But as long as we're talking,
I have been feeling like things
were moving kinda fast.
With my classes and us dating
and everything,
it's been
it's been a lot of changes.
I wouldn't mind slowing down.
Hey, I get it, too.
[gentle music playing]
Now that we don't
need to pay rent anymore,
should we still keep Invincible Inc.?
Uh, those Séance Dog collectibles
aren't gonna pay for themselves.
[Debbie clears throat]
Hey, Mom.
Did Oliver sneak out again?
I'll find him.
No, he's in bed, reading.
We had a good talk about it.
You were right.
Oliver deserves to be a kid.
He's different, but he's, oh,
he's still just a kid.
And kids should have friends,
not parents who won't even
let them out to play.
Eve and I are not getting
an apartment anymore.
Oh, thank God.
I mean, uh, is everything
okay between you two?
- If you need to talk
- No, no. Eve and I are good.
We just wanted to slow things down.
I hope you're not doing this
because of me.
- I can handle myself.
- Oh, I know.
I want to be an adult and protect
the city and be a good boyfriend.
And I also want to be here
with you and Oliver.
It feels nice living with
a little brother, you know?
I don't want that to end just yet.
- Aw. It's my pancakes, isn't it?
- I mean, duh.
- Oh, Mark. [chuckles softly]
- [sighs]
Oh, the biggest thing I've
come to learn about adulthood
is that nothing is ever black-and-white.
So I'd say, in terms of growing up,
you're doing just fine.
By the way, just have to say it
I know you and Eve are having sex.
Mom! What?!
It's a natural part of life.
And I want you to know
Okay! All done, Mom. Great talk.
Okay, good night.
[ominous music playing]
[Machine Head] Oh, it's so good
to be back, amigos.
Did you miss me?
Don't answer that.
Because we all know the
answer is you missed me so much
you didn't do shit about it.
Now, given that I took our poor old friend
and previous leader Mr. Liu
behind the proverbial woodshed
and let's be honest,
shot him in the fucking head
that entitles me to his seat,
and therefore,
the primo position in The Order.
Any objections?
That's what I like to hear.
Now, does anyone have
any new business
he, she or it would like to bring up?
I know that seemed like
it was to the room,
but I'm not fucking talking to you,
Slaying Mantis!
[door opens, closes]
[Titan] Yeah. I've got new business.
I keep the city,
you all get everything else.
But I'm out.
We good?
[Machine Head] Eh
what the hell.
You caught me in a once
in a lifetime good mood.
Okay, take your toys and go home.
We don't want you in our super
special secret club anyway.
Anyone else here got
a problem with that?
Aw, you guys did miss me.
- This is gonna be so great.
- [Titan] Thank you.
[Machine Head] Hey, Titan,
before you go nice job.
The way you played me and Liu
- pure genius. Mwah!
- [Titan] Uh
[Machine Head] I'm fucking with you.
Backstab me again and I'm gonna
drown you in your kid's blood
while I tear off your wife's skin
and eat her heart.
And I don't even eat meat,
so that's saying a lot.
[door opens, closes]
That guy watch out.
Smarter than you think.
Even for someone who's 50% rock.
All right, who's ready
to make a little money?
[eerie music playing]
[locker door closes]
[haunting music playing]
[water splashes]

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