Power Book II: Ghost (2020) s03e05 Episode Script

No More Second Chances


[DAVIS] Previously on Ghost
So what do you think
we should do about Frank?
[DIANA] Family first, right?
[MONET] A snitch is a snitch.
- [SAXE] Tell me who's calling you,
'cause I know you're
hiding something from me.
Have we, uh, moved forward on Rollins?
Not yet.
Uh, no. I can't keep this up anymore.
You're joking me, right?
Your parents think you're dead.
It's the only way to guarantee your safety
- while I build my case.
- That girl, Effie? She tried to kill me.
[EFFIE] You signed RSJ, the billionaire?
- I did that shit.
First, they buy our crypto coins online.
Then they use that coin
to buy coffee through the app.
This the motherfucker who killed Zeke.
- The fuck I am.
[LORENZO] What's up, Cane? You good?
Never been better,
'cause I know you killed Zeke.
[MONET] Did you read
this report you gave me?
It says Lorenzo Tejada's fingerprints
match the partial prints
at Zeke's crime scene.
Do not jump to conclusions.
Don't do anything.
The plug just dropped off
a bunch of guns on us.
I know this crazy-ass white dude,
and he's always asking me for shit.
- Set it up.
[DRU] You're lucky you only got grazed.
[GORDO] Didn't even know I was hit.
[TARIQ] What business
do you have with the Feds?
She's been pressuring me
to help her solve her case.
- What case?
- The murder of a Dante Spears.
You know anything about that?
Do you know when Monet and
Lorenzo won't be in the house?
I'll leave the key.
When you get to the house,
check under the back doormat.
911, someone just broke into my house!
[WHITMAN] Look, don't do this.
There's no way you get away with this.
You tell that bitch Carrie I said what up.
[JOE] They say this is
A big, rich town ♪
I just come from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life ♪
I gotta make it
This is where it goes down ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal, baby I gotta make it ♪
[50 CENT] I never took
A straight path nowhere ♪
Life's full of twists
And turns, bumps and bruises ♪
I live, I learn ♪
I'm from that city full of
Yellow cabs and skyscrapers ♪
It's hard to get a start
In these parts without paper ♪
Homey, I grew up in hell
A block away from heaven ♪
That corner every 15 minutes
They moving seven ♪
Pure snow, bag it then watch it go ♪
Occupational options
Get some blow or some hos ♪
Shoot the ball or the strap
Learn to rap or to jack ♪
Fuck it, man in the meantime ♪
Go head and pump a pack ♪
This my regal, royal flow
My James Bond bounce ♪
That 007 That's 62 on my count ♪
I'm an undercover liar
I lie under the covers ♪
Look a bitch in the eyes ♪
And tell her Baby, I love ya ♪
You're my inspiration
You're my motivation ♪
You're the reason that I'm
Moving with no hesitation ♪
[JOE] They say this is a big, rich town ♪
Yeah, I just come from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life ♪
I gotta make it
This is where it goes down ♪
Oh, yeah, yeah ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal, baby I gotta make it ♪

[SIGHS] Anything else, Nancy Drew?
What do you think Detective Whitman wanted?
[MONET] Shit, fuck if I know.
Whitman's had it in for my family
ever since he found out
Zeke was sleeping with the professor.
He stalked me, harassed me,
vandalized my car.
Which is all documented,
as you know, Ms. Sullivan.
Look, I was scared for my life.
I didn't know what this fool
was gonna do to my daughter.
My client has the right to protect her home
and her family from trespassers
in the state of New York.
Are you done?
One more thing, Mrs. Tejada.
How did you have time to grab your gun
when Detective Whitman charged at you?
Why are you treating my wife
like she's the suspect?
She she's the victim.
I almost lost her and my daughter
because you couldn't
keep a maniac on his leash.
I mean
I heard his voice after
I heard my daughter scream.
I went to grab my gun
before I approached him.
I'm glad I did, because if I hadn't
She'd probably be dead.
And to answer your next question,
yes, her firearm is registered.
Oh, trust me. I've already looked into that.
Just so I can cross check
[SAXE] I think my client has
given you and your team
plenty to work with.
Her and her mother's stories align.
Uh, you should, uh,
have everything you need.

You okay?
Thank you for your time, Mrs. Tejada.
Yeah, yeah, you're welcome.

Everything should be back
to normal by end of day.
Good, 'cause I'm tired of these
people runnin' around my house
makin' my shit look hot.
Well, you shot a cop, so your shit is hot.
Be careful about your next few moves.
You never know who could be watching.
And make sure the rest of
your family's alibis are tight
in case we have to go to court.
Wait. Whitman's file.
I got rid of that shit.
I don't want anyone
to ever even know I had it.
I want this all behind me.
That's a good idea.
I mean, it was a stolen police file.
And, um
Your questions about Lorenzo?
Well, you were right.
I was jumping to conclusions.
We all good.

- [BENNET] Thank you, Salim.
- [SALIM] You're welcome.
[BENNET] Good morning, class!
- [ALL] Good morning.
- [BENNET] Good morning!
Okay, I know you all are
familiar with Councilman Tate.
You mean future Congressman Tate?
Ah, that's the spirit!
Thank you, BruShaundria.
- Yes, yes, keep hope alive.
Okay, so here's here to help us
with our topic today.
Uh, is America the land of rebirth,
redemption, and reinvention?
Well, second chances
are the foundation of America.
European settlers came here
in search of political
and religious freedom.
And, in the process,
took the land of the Indigenous.
Look, reinvention is a privilege
that was afforded based on who you are
and, well, let's just face it:
the color of your skin.
[SCOFFS] Must everything
be brought back to race?
Damn right.
You know, generations ago,
my family came here
Please don't say it.
On the Mayflower.
- He said it. He said it.
Let let him finish. Let him finish.
Thank you.
Leaving Europe, their family,
and their language behind
for a chance at a better life.
Why do you think America has
the highest immigration rate?
America the idea and America the reality
are two completely different beasts.
- Facts.
I mean, the settlers taught us
that you have to take
someone else's chance to get your own.
Inequality that is
the foundation of America,
not redemption.
- [ASHLEY] Hello?
Look at our prison system.
The incarcerated are told
they'll get a do-over
after they do their time,
yet we stigmatize them
and take away their voting rights
so they can't get jobs or housing.
What kind of second chance is that?
Sounds personal.
- Maybe it is.
Is that a problem, Jackie?
[SALIM] You see that? That's
the stigma that she's talking about.
Black Americans are incarcerated
at five time the rate of whites.
We can't have conversations
about equity or redemption
without acknowledging race.
[BECCA] Yeah, I agree.
I mean, we all saw what happened
to my brother last semester.
If he were BIPOC,
he wouldn't be on Wall Street right now.
He'd be locked up
with no chance at redemption.
You're talking about decisions people make,
not chances they're given.
Look, if second chances are
so innately American,
don't we all deserve one
despite our decisions?
- [BENNET] Hmm.
Okay, so the words "we" and "all"
are used a lot in this country,
but who believes that only
applies to a privileged few?
[BRUSHAUNDRIA] Uh, Professor Bennet?
Can I have a word? Excuse me.
- [TARIQ] Councilman Tate.
- [TATE] Hey, Tariq.
I have some useful information for you
based on our last conversation.
What kind of information
might that be, young brother?
Information that
your Fed friends might like.
I'm listening.
A'ight, the streets are saying
International Guap killed Zeke.
Supposedly, it's a get-back kill
for all the bodies that dropped from GTG.
He's dead now.
The streets are saying this, huh?
You know, wrapping up
the murder investigation
of New York's top NBA-bound college student
is exactly what they need
for press right now,
seeing as Zeke is my generation's Len Bias.
Mm, all right.
I appreciate that.
I, uh, will pass the information along.
A'ight, let me get up out of here.
I'm running late.
KeKe, our resident tech investment guru,
has brought us a step closer
to jumping in bed
with emerging Italian tech company Navona.
Yes, and with their newest products,
they are projected to be
a giant in the industry
within the next two years.
And thanks to a little
we are first in line to invest.
RSJ, as our newest limited partner,
we wanted to give you the opportunity
to see the company
and meet the primary players
before we consummate.
I'll be bringing Brayden along
to assist with whatever we need.
And we also thank you
for letting us use your jet so last-minute.
That's what it's there for.
Brayden and Tariq have pulled together
some Navona research for us.
Yes, I translated some
of their public statements
and their local assessments of management.
And it all matches KeKe's analysis.
I'm interested to see
what I can get out of them face-to-face.
Tariq, you'll be there to translate?
Tariq's a little junior
for a trip like this.
But not too junior to get my business?
Unless there's some other qualifications
as to why you would have
your African American intern
in meetings with me but not the Italians.
Tariq may be an intern,
but we hope he has a bright future here.
Then you won't mind if I extend
an invitation to Tariq,
considering he's the only one in this room
who speaks Italian.
It's true.
No objections whatsoever.
Well, actually, me and my girlfriend
have plans this weekend.
Oh, she'll understand, I'm sure.
I mean, what I was thinking was,
since we're going to explore
the potential of a tech company,
she's an engineering major
who specializes in robotics.
You don't have to sell me.
There's plenty of room
on the plane for your plus-one.
Oh, and Lucas, uh,
I got us covered with the junior team.

Uh, the
Navona principals are expecting me, so
I've found that in fact-finding
missions like these,
sometimes, the best approach is to
disrupt expectations,
make them sell me,
as opposed to letting them feel
that they have it all wrapped up.
Trust me.
It'll push negotiations into our favor.
This is why I knew this
would be such a great fit.
- I'm learning so much already.
I'll see the rest of you on the tarmac.
My assistant, Mickey, will make
sure you have the details.
Lucas, KeKe.
[KEKE] Have a good day.

[MONET] Long time, no see, Tariq.
Yeah, I know.
Last time I saw you,
Detective Whitman was still breathing.
Well, he ain't a problem anymore.
Everything he was doing was off the clock.
What he had died with him.
Yeah, but what about 12?
Sure they lookin' more closely into you now.
- Sure they didn't follow you here?
- I ain't stupid, nigga.
I'm just making sure you good.
I'm always good.
And I'm impatient. What you got for me?
IG didn't lie to you, okay?
He was in the Dominican Republic
the day Zeke got killed it wasn't him.
Oh, fuck.
Wait, how the fuck do you know that?
Are you sure?
Let's just say
the source doesn't get
more reliable than this.
IG didn't kill Zeke.

[CANE] What's up, Ma?
I had to run out on this poker game,
tryna get this money.
Why we meetin' in the truck?
Who told you IG killed Zeke?
What the fuck?
You bet your hearing in the game, boy?
Answer me!
Lorenzo told you IG killed Zeke?
Well, what kind of proof he have?
He said whoever attacked Dru
was the same motherfucker that killed Zeke.
And you just believed him?
Talkin' like it's some random
nigga on the street.
This is Pops we talkin' about.
I mean, we had a target on
our back for killing the Guaps,
so it makes sense that one of them
would wanna kill Zeke.
- Of course.
- Right.

- Hey.
I wanted to thank you.
You know, going as hard as you
did to get me on this trip,
you didn't really have to do that.
- Appreciate it.
- I kinda get the sense
you aren't one of Lucas' favorite interns.
Let's just say he's still evaluating me
based on my past, you know?
Mm, well, if I was judged
by who I was when I was 19,
people wouldn't trust me today, either.
Mm. Growth is a real thing, huh?
I wanted to flag something.
My girlfriend's robotics professor,
he mentioned something
about Navona in class,
and I thought that maybe
the information he shared
might be helpful to you.
Let me check in with the pilot.
Maybe we can talk about it
when we take off, huh?
- Sup, bae?
- What up?
How are you?
- How you feelin', how you feelin'?
- I'm good.
Um, I'm gonna knock out
so we're ready to party upon touchdown.
I suggest you do the same.
Okay, wait, Brayden. [SCOFFS SOFTLY]
We're going to Milan to work.
It's not an excuse to go find a party.
Yeah, no, I don't need to find a party.
The party finds me. [CHUCKLES]
This shit about to be a movie!
Hey, wait. Brayden.

Look at you cheesin' and shit.
Lookin' all happy.
- I am.
- You should be.


Monet Tejada's self-defense
story is fucking bullshit.
She murdered a cop,
and we're not doing shit about it.
Whitman was unhinged,
but he wasn't a criminal.
This is on us.
We should've fuckin' listened to him.
Meh, a lot of white hats go criminal
when their boats are rocked
by a white whale.
That sounds like some bullshit
your corrupt ass would come up with.
Monet killed him
because he was onto something.
Whatever he had
[SIGHS] It's gone now.
Here's somethin'.
The last known plug at the
Castillo Brooklyn syndicate,
this Russian, was found dead.
Just a hunch,
but I think the Tejadas
had something to do with it.
So they could become the Castillos' connect.
Eh, that's a leap.
We've spotted the Castillos' vehicles
outside the Tejadas' penthouse.
Still a leap.
Okay, the question is,
who is supplying Tariq
and the Tejadas with drugs?
Davis must know.
Oh, sh he hasn't let anything slip.
- [JENNY] Come on!
We are working off of your
consigliere theory, Saxe.
Just give me something on Davis
I can use, please.
Or how long before
we all end up like Whitman?

To fuckin' Whitman.
[BOTH] To fuckin' Whitman.

Love you - Love you more.

Think, um
think Mom might know something.
What makes you say that?
I don't know how she found out,
but she know IG didn't do it.
He was in DR when Zeke was killed.
Did she say she thinks it was me?
Nah. There's no way she could.
I didn't say shit.
Your mother never shows her hand, Cane.
You, of all people, should know that.
You ever think about just telling her?
I mean, this whole thing was
an accident, right?
[LORENZO SIGHS] Yeah, it was.
[CANE] Okay. Okay.
I can't. She'll never forgive me.
But if she's figuring
this stuff out right now,
I think it's best if
all this shit comes from you.
You really think
that's gonna make a difference?
[CANE] I do.

I don't.

[SINGER] I'm not from around here ♪
But I'm not out of place ♪

I mix all up In the atmosphere ♪
Up into outer space ♪
- I'm a superhuman, baby ♪
No, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no. Fuck that phone, man.
[GORDO] Just give me one second.
Hey, what's wrong?
[GORDO] Um, nothing, nothing.
Something's going on. Talk to me.
You know those rednecks that we shot?
One of them is a CI who's being medevacked
to a hospital nearby, so he's alive.
I'm gonna handle it.
The connect that you were locked up with
is a fucking CI,
and you didn't know about it?
No. Fuck no.
And you expect me to believe that?
Oh, come on.
I know exactly what
people say about my family
after what my pops did,
but I'm not a fucking snitch.
Yeah, a'ight.
Yo, you really think I would've
gone up there had I known this?
Or that I would ever do anything
to hurt you or your family?
Also, if I was a fucking snitch,
why would I tell you the truth, anyway?

- What are we gon' do?
- No.
My mess, my cleanup.
If he's a CI, he could take us all down.
I'm in this.
So what's the plan?
[EVELYN] I'll be with you in a second.
Sit anywhere.
I heard about what happened
with that cop at your house.
You okay?
[MONET] I'm not here for that.
What's going on?
I seen a lot of people die.
In our lives, you get
so used to losing people,
you stop loving as hard so it hurts less.
Losing Zeke, it was like
a part of me died too.
Why are you telling me this?
'Cause I been thinking about you.
This is how you must've felt
when Frank went missing.
It's true.
I just wish I knew what happened to him.
You know?
I mean, it would give me some peace.
I know what happened.

That's not what you said before.
I know, but I think
you deserve to know the truth.

Lorenzo put a hit out on Frank
when he found out he snitched.

Are you trying to clear your conscience?
I figured you'd find out eventually.
Look, I already lost one child.
I didn't want this
to come back on the others.
Thought you should know who's responsible.
Uh-uh. I know you.
You just gave me
a very valuable piece of capital,
enough to change your family forever.
My family's been changed
forever already, Evelyn.
I cannot stop you
from doing what you have to do.
What would happen if your sons found out
that me or one of my kids hurt Lorenzo?
Look, I know the consequences
of me telling you this.
But after Zeke
I just couldn't sit with this anymore.

I loved Frank.
But I love my boys even more.
I can't risk losing one of them
for the sake of revenge.
Your choice.
But do you think you can live with it?
I think I'll have to.
You're more forgiving than me.

Regardless of the outcome,
I don't want anyone to know
we had this conversation.
Can I trust you?

As much as I can trust you.

[RSJ] What you've built here is amazing.
There's no denying that.
But in order to expand,
you're gonna need a significant investment,
and that's what we're offering.
You've seen what we've been able to do
with other tech companies in our portfolio.
In order to give anyone 10%,
we are going to need the,
eh, interest and commitment
to be proven in a language
we all can understand.
- Cash.
- Exactly.
What is that expression?
She basically just said,
"Put your money where your mouth is."
Ah. We're willing.
But first, we're gonna need to address
something you've been hiding.
We haven't been hiding anything.
Our sources say that despite
your efforts to keep it quiet,
you've been having some issues
with the U.S. patent of your debut product.
You know,
the one that caught
Weston Holdings' attention
in the first place.
And, you know,
per my research and assessment,
without the patent, the company isn't worth
the gas it took for us to jet over here.

Now, with my connections in the States,
the patent issues go away.
That's Italian, right? Pronto?
Legitimizing Navona in the field
and boosting stock value.
See, an act like that sounds
like a little more than an investment to me.
Sounds like a partnership, right?
Agreed. More like a 20% ownership.
With a significant reduction
in the cash offer.
[RSJ] You know,
before your patent problems
begin to get out there.
You have until the end of business today
to accept our offer.
I can make these patent issues
go away by Monday.

[DRU] We'll have to get to the snitch
[GORDO] Before he can identify
any of us to the Feds, I know.
[DRU] Oh, fuck. Might be too late.
Shit. Come on, come on.

[VOICE ON PA] Code blue in room 319.
- Code blue, room 319.
- [DOCTOR] Excuse me.
Step aside.
[NURSE] I'm sorry, coming through.

[TARIQ] Shit, them Navona motherfuckers,
they tried to low ball us.
When we brought up
their little patent issue,
you should've seen they face.
- Appreciate you on the assist.
- Of course.
Just make sure you break me off
a little something
when them millions start rolling in, okay?
Come on, you know
I'm a big bear with my boo.
You know that.
I cannot believe that we're in Italy.
- Right?
- It's just crazy we had to come
all the way out here to get our first date.
- First date?
- Yes.
Well, I mean, you know,
with so much shit going on back at home,
it's like we have no time to even breathe.
Between holding down school
and the business,
I don't even remember
what breathing is like.
I mean, you handle this shit
pretty well, though.
I'm not gonna lie,
I kind of love this shit, too,
especially having you by my side.
It's pretty fun.
Surely our date doesn't end here, though.
You know what shoes you're wearing
to the Teatro alla Scala tonight?
- You from here?
Sounded all perfect saying that shit.
But I was thinking maybe the Ferragamos.
- [EFFIE] Mm!
- You know, when in Italia.
Gotta figure out what designer
dress I'm gonna throw on.
Mm, not sure.
Got so many.
But I was thinking, baby,
you know, we've been
to the opera so many times.
You know, I think it's time
for us to maybe ditch it,
stay home, and cook some dinner.
- [TARIQ] What?
You can make up anything you want,
and you pick some corny shit
like cooking with me?
Wait, wait, how is cooking
with my girlfriend corny?
How is that corny?
I think all that normal shit
is honestly the best.
You know, we go to the market, grocery shop,
and come home, chef it up,
and then we argue about what show
we're gonna binge next, no?
That doesn't sound boring to you?
Hell no.
Spending time and not having to worry
about shit that's going on
in this crazy world
with the girl that I love?
Sounds amazing to me.
Is this future Tariq talking?
It's just me right now.
Promising that we're not gonna
have to hold our breath forever.
We're gonna get the fuck outta this shit
and live a real life, together.
How that sound?
Fancy running into you two.
You come here often?
What the hell are y'all doing here?
- Well, that's just rude.
Not the greeting we expected at all.
I was surprised to hear
that two of my favorite contract employees
were hopping on a private plane to Milan.
But I'm sure you can imagine
how my attention was piqued
when I found out who the jet belonged to.
Well, you have nothing to worry about,
being that RSJ knows nothing
about our business.
And that's exactly why I've come to see you.
I need you to handle something
for me while you're here.
I need you to retrieve a listening device
planted by Mecca.
Who is no longer with us to retrieve it.
the police have not made any arrests
regarding his murder.
You two haven't heard anything, have you?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Now tell us about this this bug.
Can't you just intercept it
and get the audio file?
I can find a way to transmit it.
Not where it's located.
[TARIQ] Where is it?
Francesco Lombardi's mansion.
Now, to most of Europe, he's an oil giant,
but he's one of my biggest arms competitors.
And my ex, who stole clients from me
after I kicked his ass to the curb.
- Sounds a little personal.
- [NOMA] Oh, it is.
So you know how important it is
that you succeed, right?
A'ight. Where do we get this shit?
How do we get in?
He hosts these weekly salons
where the invites are exclusive
and the attendees are all one-per centers.
It's obnoxious.
My people can't get
within a mile of the place.
But you know who can?
Mm, I told you he wasn't stupid.
I'll leave the how up to you.
But you need to get it to me
without Francesco finding out
it ever existed.
- Yes.
- Yes.
You'll have no problems getting
RSJ and his guests on the list.
Good luck.
Because if you fail, there are,
as always, consequences.

They did everything they could,
but he didn't make it.
[BLANCA] Fuck. I needed him.
We stripped off his phone and
wallet when he was brought in.
You can collect at the floor desk.
- [BLANCA] Thank you.
- [OFFICER] You got it.

[LOGIC] Mothafucka I'm real as shit ♪
Everything I'm talkin' 'bout
Real as, real as shit ♪
Aw, yeah I'm back in this bitch ♪
And you don't gotta like it
But get off my, off my ♪
Whoo ♪
Mothafucka I'm real as shit ♪
Everything I'm talkin' 'bout
Real as shit ♪
Aw, yeah I'm back in this bitch ♪
And you don't gotta like it
But get off my dick ♪
Fight the power Fight the power ♪
Fight for the right to get
Up and say fuck white power ♪
Everybody come And get up, get on ♪
And no matter What you fighting for ♪
I promise That it'll live on ♪
Like make America great
Again, make it hate again ♪
Blanca Rodriguez, DEA.
I'm here to retrieve
the effects of Tucker Jackson.
Mr. Jackson's belongings were
already collected
by his family members.
I-I'm sorry. No, that can't be right.
[LOGIC] Oh ♪
Hands up for the five-oh ♪
I been in the cut
Liquor in my cup, 38 tuck ♪
I don't give a fuck I don't give a damn ♪
I just wanna live I just wanna eat ♪
But I gotta do it For the hood ♪
- What the fuck?
Yeah, if the Feds got to this,
it would've been a wrap for us.
[LOGIC] Mastered the hustle ♪
Something in the duffle for you bastards ♪
Grind over chatter ♪
Cheese on my mind Like a Packer ♪
- Only thing that matter Bitch scatter ♪
- Fuck me.
[BIG LENBO] A-K, middle of the day ♪
Like that shit's okay ♪
I mean, how do
[LOGIC] Only know probation ♪
Mothafucka I'm real as shit ♪
Everything I'm talkin' 'bout
Real as, real as shit ♪
Aw, yeah I'm back in this bitch ♪
And you don't gotta like it
But get off my, off my ♪
Mothafucka I'm real as shit ♪
Everything I'm talkin' 'bout
Real as shit ♪
Aw, yeah I'm back in this bitch ♪
And you don't gotta like it
But get off my ♪
[RSJ] I'm glad you convinced me
to come out tonight, Tariq.
This place is even more
impressive than the rumors.
- [TARIQ] Beautiful, huh?
- [RSJ] Yeah. It really is.

All right.
That's Francesco Lombardi.
It's one of the few places in Europe
where you're gonna find Leonardo Del Vecchio
hanging out with Victoria Beckham.
Good call.
I've been impressed with you, Tariq.
I-I'd be lying if I said
I wasn't familiar with your story.
Your father.
I never really knew my father.
Sounds like he had at least two faces.
One public, one private.
Well, isn't everybody like that?
My father?
He ran numbers.
He was a petty criminal.
Everybody told me
I was gonna end up like him.
But I didn't let
their expectations box me in.
I chose my own route.
I hope you do the same.

What the fuck?
It could be fucking anywhere.
It's gotta be under something,
somewhere he wouldn't normally look.
Obi said this is where
Lombardi takes his private meetings.
[BRAYDEN] What the fuck?
[CHUCKLING] Oh, bingo.
Hurry up.
[BRAYDEN] Oh, I'm the fucking man.
I, um
Um, I, um
- Ah! Okay, fuck! Ah!
Hey, chill the fuck out!
Oh, no, no.


Guests aren't allowed up here.
Well, I won't tell if you won't.
This art is incredible, isn't it?
I was up here snooping around
looking for Lombardi's
private art collection.
I hear it's amazing.
First time here?
What gave it away?
His, eh, private collection is this way.

I'm glad to have you back, Di.
I am happy to be here.
Even happier to smell Papi's cooking again.
Well, I know how much
your mother loves my sancocho.
And it's cold outside.
Perfect for it. Right, Mo?
You know what sancocho reminds me of?
Remember when we'd go
to G-Mami's in Puerto Rico?
Play spades and the losers
would have to serve everybody?
No, I don't remember that.
'Cause I think me and my
partner never lost a game.
I know that's right.
- [CANE] Wow.
- [LORENZO] Wow.
See, that shoulder injury
done went to your brain.
- Oh!
You need me to jog your memory? What's up?
[DRU] I do, and if you need me
to teach you something
about how to play spades, dog
Di. Come help me in the kitchen.
[DRU] You can't beat me
in no spades, in nothing.
I beat you at everything, bro.
- Okay.
- [DRU] It's real.
I hear you, Dr. Smart ass.
- [CANE] Yeah.
You all right?
I'm fine.
I just don't have the memories they have.
All of my childhood memories
of you are visiting Sing Sing.
Well, we're making up
for those memories right now.
Are we?
Because I feel like this is the first time
we've talked about something
outside of the business in a long time.
Which, by the way,
is drawing a little too much attention
from my manager at work.
I'm sorry, mamita.
I dragged you back into this
just when you were getting
your taste of freedom.
That's on me.
I know what that's like.
- You do?
- Yeah.
You think I grew up wanting to sell drugs?
- That was my game.
- Uh-uh.
And I was nasty too.
What happened?
Wasn't in the cards.
Let's pull the plug.
You're done.
I'm gonna work something out with Cane
to go sell somewhere else.
You're gonna be the first
person in this family
to get a college degree,
and I don't want you focusing
on anything else.
Thank you, Papi!

Okay, this is all a big misunderstanding.
I'm just here for the party!
Weston? Brayden Weston?
You can contact my family
if it's money you're after.
Money's no problem, I swear.
Yes, Mr. Weston. We've done our research.
Standard practice for anybody
who enters my home.
Okay, perfect then you know
that I have no reason to steal from you.
Only a few months ago
you were making headlines
as a drug dealer in New York,
and now I find you spying
in my library.
What should I make of that?
You have it all wrong.
Who do you work for?

[BRAYDEN] No, no, no, no.
Come on. Come on, man.
I didn't see where they took him.
Why the fuck isn't he answering, yo?
Because they took him!
[TARIQ] Who the fuck could that be?
Hey, uh, is Brayden in here with you?
Uh, no.
He's at the Lombardi mansion still.
You got back over an hour ago.
He shouldn't still be there.
Well, that's where we left him.
You know, I'm sure he'll be back
during appropriate coworker social hours.
Yeah. I'm sure he will.
I will see you three in the lobby tomorrow?
[TARIQ] Yeah.
What the fuck are we gonna do?
Look, we're gonna have to use
the only leverage we have against Lombardi.


Oh, hi. What's up, Auntie?
Hey, Gordo.
Damn, ain't you cold?
This is keeping me warm.
My favorite kind of jacket.
Hey, um
I'm sorry about missing Zeke's funeral.
I wanted to say it sooner,
but this is the first time
I got you alone, so
I hope it's not too late.
I know shit got way worse for me
those first few months
after losing my father.
I didn't think it could get
any worse, but
somehow, it does.
You here for Dru?
You be careful with my son.
Or else, right?
- Damn right.
I got you.
When did it start getting better?
The grief.
I don't know.
It gets diluted, but it's-it's always there.
And the anger?
Does it ever go away?
For me?
If I had the chance
I'd slit the throat of the motherfucker
who killed my father.
Me too.
For Zeke.

[SAXE] Yo.
Take a look at that.
I found a constitutional violation
in the unredacted Theo Rollins case file.
We could file a writ of ha be as corpus.
We might be able to get Theo out of prison.
[SAXE] Prosecution misstepped.
This might be the closest we've ever gotten.
I knew keeping you around would pay off.
You know what?
Come on.

Let's go see Theo, tell him in person.
All right, yeah.
So cool, so cool.
Hey, you know what? I-I shouldn't go.
I gotta work on the brief.
You don't want to be there when I tell him?
This is your moment.
And he's not going anywhere
till I file the paperwork.
Well, get on it, bruh.

[INHALES DEEPLY] Motherfucker.

Where the fuck did you get this?



[FRANCESCO] You have what you promised?
Recordings of you and your clients
talking about arms deals,
drug deals, all of the above.
Sure you want to keep it confidential,
but if you want this back,
I'ma need my friend first.

- You good, B?
You okay?
- What the fuck?

[TARIQ] What the fuck?
The fuck took y'all so long?
We called you so we wouldn't get shot.
That's how you express gratitude?
Americans. So simple.
Calm down.
We weren't gonna let them hurt you.
We so appreciated your call.
Luring Francesco out here
so I could eliminate him was genius,
so thank you.

And I'll take the listening device.

You're more clever
than I gave you credit for.
That trial period I mentioned,
consider it complete.
Now that I'll be taking over
Francesco's business,
there'll be more work for everyone.
I think your team has a bright
and long future with me.

[JENNY] You've reached Jenny Sullivan.
Leave a message.

Where are you going, Jenny?
We're making it outta Italy alive.
Let's just take the fucking victory.
[TARIQ] I can't, all right?
Noma still owns us forever.
Yeah, I wouldn't be so sure.
May have a way out.
[EFFIE] She's our way out.
One of the scariest things about Noma
was that she was this enigma.
Took this picture getting a tour
of Lombardi's private art collection.
Noma said that Lombardi was her ex, right?
If this is her kid,
this is her Achilles' heel.
We find the girl, we can use her
to leverage our freedom.
Yo, if you're right,
then that means the same man
that Noma just fucking executed
is the father of her daughter.
Yeah, what about it?
[TARIQ] What the fuck
do you mean, what about it?
Effie, the bitch is a savage.
We need to be careful, all right?
- Yeah.
- [RSJ] Car's here.
Y'all ready?
[EFFIE] Yeah. Let's do it.

What's wrong, Mo?
I just think it's fucking ridiculous
that the Feds were so quick
to investigate the Whitman murder,
running through our house,
asking Diana questions,
but when it came to Zeke,
they chalked it up
as gang activity and moved on.
I need to tell you something.
I-I need you to look at me.
I made a horrible mistake.
What mistake?
That night
I went to go see Mecca at the hangar.
You weren't supposed to be at that hangar.
I know. But you didn't show up.
I thought Mecca might've taken you.
You didn't trust me.
You thought I was gonna go away
with this nigga?
Maybe. Maybe.
I just I wanted to
kill that motherfucker.
I wasn't gonna stand for what
that man did to my family,
to our life.
I thought I was shootin' him.
But it was Zeke.
It was fuckin' Zeke.
I never meant to hurt your son, Mo.
It was a fucking accident.
[MONET] Accident?
You know what wasn't a fuckin' accident?
All the fuckin' months it took you
to fuckin' tell me this shit.
You watched me lose my fuckin' mind,
lose myself.
I couldn't eat. I couldn't fuckin' sleep!
You watched me kill IG
knowin' it was you the whole fuckin' time!
You brought Zeke here.
Y-you you put him
in the middle of this life.
And you didn't prepare him.
And then you fucked Dante
and you let him back into our lives!
Oh, you motherfucker!
You tryna put this shit on me?
I'm saying it's on you
as much as it is on me!

Mo, I made a terrible mistake.
We both have.
But if you love me, you can
You can forgive me.
Love you?
I fuckin' hate you.
You killed all of that when you shot my son.
I can't even fuckin' look at you.
What about what we built?
What about our family?
Our kids, Mo?
Out of respect for them,
I'm not gonna give you
the bullet you deserve.
But you need to get the hell out of my house
and get the fuck outta New York.
Mo, please.
No, we'll tell them we're separating.
But I want your shit outta my house tonight.
Hold on
No, I'm so fuckin' done with your ass.
Get the fuck outta here.
- Go!
- Get the fuck outta here!


[SAXE] Hey.
What are you doing here?
Oh, I-I-I'm here for Jenny Sullivan.
Official business.
- ID.
- Ah.
[CHUCKLES] Dang it.
I think I, uh, left it in the car.
But she-she knows me.
- If you just let me
- Can't do that.
- Come on.
This is ridiculous.
I'm-I'm here on behalf of the DA's office.
What are you doing here?
[WHISPERING] Just one second.
[NORMALLY] Did you follow me?
What the hell is all this, Jenny?
- What are you hiding?
- Hiding?
Please tell me you did not
follow me all the way here
because you're jealous.
You've been ignoring my calls and texts.
What the hell is going on?
You have guards standing watch?
- Who the fuck is in there?
- This is insane, even for you.
I've been open and honest this entire time.
Hey, I'm risking my legal career
to go along with your theory
that Tariq plotted
to have Lauren Baldwin killed
when I know he didn't do it!
So if you don't tell me
what the fuck is going on
we're done.
Or I can have you removed,
whichever you prefer.
What was this for you, hmm?
Did you feel anything?
'Cause I did.
Were you just using me
the way you used Lauren?
[JENNY] I'm not sorry for anything.
Because when I'm done,
several killers will be in prison
and their fucking drugs
will be off the street.
Isn't that our goal?
Isn't that what you want?
If we're on the same team,
then what the fuck was all this about?
Who's in there?
Why'd you keep this shit from me?

- Lauren.
You let me believe she was dead.
You you betrayed me.
You manipulated me.
You manipulated her.
I'm done.
[LAUREN] Wait, is what he's saying true?
You lied to me too?
Just go back inside,
and I'll explain everything, okay?
No. No, I want the truth now.
He just said he doesn't think
Tariq tried to kill me,
and I told you all along it was Effie.
And Brayden and Tariq and the Tejadas.
You know, she can't legally keep you here.
Oh, come
I saw how he reacted when you died.
Tariq didn't try to kill you. He loved you.
Lauren [SIGHS]
Everything's all ready.
I'm just waiting on Papi to get here,
unless y'all two want to partner up.
- Nah.
I don't play spades with anyone
with less than five years' experience.
I'm sorry, D.
Ah! Yo.
Y'all gonna lose regardless.
[DIANA] Exactly.
And Papi said he would teach me
before we start.
- Bet.
- Where is he?
I don't know. He must be running late.
When he gets here,
we need to talk to you guys about something.

The fuck? Wha?

Lauren, what the fuck?
What the fuck are you doing?
How are you here? What the fuck is going on?
Look, I came here to ask you the same thing.
Why did you do it, Tariq?
- Why did you want me dead?
- Want you dead?
What the fuck are you talking about?
You know what, I don't know who
or what to believe anymore.
Did you tell Brayden to give me to her?
- You told her to kill me?
- Who? Who?
Lauren, who the fuck
are you talking about?
Your girlfriend, Effie.
She took me from Brayden,
knocked me out, and dumped me
in a fucking river.
Oh, fuck.
Look, I had n
I had no idea about any of that, all right?
And how am I supposed to believe you?
'Cause I care about you, Lauren.
All right, why do you think
I sent you with Brayden?
To get the fuck away from here,
to get away from this shit,
to save you.
Come on, you know I'd never
do anything to hurt you.
Look, they fucking lied to me.
Fuck this shit. I need to go talk to
No, you don't, okay?
They can't know I'm alive.
Well, you have to believe me.
Okay? If I would've known you was
Lauren, where the fuck have you been?
I've been with the Feds.
And they're building a case against you.
And you're their witness.
If what you're saying is true,
me and the Feds,
we're not the only people
you gotta worry about.

[TARIQ] Hey.
You okay?
[TARIQ] Yeah, I just went for a walk.
Time difference got me fucked up.
There's something I've been
wanting to tell you,
but I feel like stuff has kinda
been getting in the way.
What's up?

I love you too.




[GORDO] Bleed, bitch.
Bleed for what you did to my father.


- [DRU] Boom!
- [CANE] Oh, yes!
[DRU] Ooh, that's what
I wanted to do, though.
- [DIANA] Okay.
- [DRU] Huh? Huh?
[CANE] I'm not worried about you, come on.
- What you got, Ma?
- [MONET] Mm!
- Ooh!
- That's what I like to see.
- [DRU] Take that.
- Go ahead.
- [CANE] Let's go, let's go.
- [DRU] Come on.
- [CANE] Let's go, Di.
- Bring it home.
- [DIANA] I got you.
- Watch this.
- [CANE] Oh, watch this.
- [DRU] Yes!
That's my partner.
- No, no, no.
- [DIANA] Uh-uh-uh.
[DRU] We gotta celebrate because it's
- Whose partner is that?
- [CANE] Okay, come on.
- [DRU] Whose partner is that?
- [DIANA] Thank you!
I need to know that you've been owned.
- That's it. Come on.
- [DIANA] Boom.
- [DRU] Come on with me.
- Yes.
- [DRU] Ooh!
- Uh-huh.

[070 SHAKE] And I don't
Really trust nobody ♪
And I don't Really trust nobody ♪
Yeah ♪
And I don't Really trust nobody ♪
'Cause I don't really Trust no, trust no ♪
Trust no one
Unless you give me your soul ♪
Ooh ♪
Ooh ♪
Give me your, give me your ♪
Chucky's coming Get to running ♪
If you wanna Live your life ♪
Baby, stay around the sun ♪
The creeps gon' find you In the night ♪
In the night ♪
In the night ♪
In the night ♪
Singing to the people ♪
I sit back and watch My sins blow ♪
Do you get down like that? ♪
Do you really get down Like that? ♪
Took it in, you got To mash right back ♪
Buckle up 'cause that ass
Might crash, yuh ♪
And I don't really Trust nobody ♪
'Cause I don't really Trust no ♪
Trust no, trust no one ♪
Unless you give me Your soul ♪
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