Shtisel (2013) s03e05 Episode Script


What do you see there, Shira'le?
Nothing, Dad. Buildings.
-Good morning, Dad.
-Good morning, righteous daughter.
Tefillin? But it's the Sabbath.
No, it's Tuesday.
Yes, right.
Let's sit you up.
"Blessed are You, God,
Ruler of the universe,
who has commanded us to wrap in fringes."
"Blessed are You, God,
Ruler of the universe,
who has commanded us to put on tefillin."
-It doesn't hurt?
-It doesn't, Shira'le.
This is so weird, listen.
I got home yesterday
and I saw a big envelope in my mailbox.
A registered letter with my name.
I look for the sender, there's no name.
So I open it and what do I find inside?
A book about bugs.
With pictures and everything.
Why would anyone send me that?
Shira, I sent it to you.
-You did?
I thought you'd know it's me.
We talked about butterflies.
I told you I like insects.
Then why didn't you write something?
I don't know. Never mind.
-Did you enjoy the book?
-Yes, of course.
I mean I'll read it,
now that I know it's from you.
My dad is so excited that you're coming.
My parents are too.
Okay then, Shira.
-See you soon.
-I can't wait.
Bye, Yosa'le.
"It is a time of trouble unto Jacob."
It has happened.
The great benevolent,
our staunchest benefactor,
has met with hardship, actual bankruptcy
and has stopped all financial aid.
Therefore, we must shut down
the Kollel for advanced studies.
We'll leave the Yeshiva.
But to prevent you from suffering,
God forbid,
and keep receiving the funds
you're used to from our Kollel,
Rabbi Hochman has gladly agreed
to accept all our Kollel students.
Yes? Come in.
Yes, how can I help you?
I must tell you, Yeshiva Head,
that no matter what,
I'm not leaving the Kollel.
Even if I don't get one shekel.
Even if I'm the last one here,
I'm staying with you.
Don't be ridiculous.
You need the money.
You have a family, thank God.
God willing you'll have children,
you can't relinquish the money.
I will never relinquish the lessons
of the Yeshiva Head.
I'm staying here, I don't need money.
I'll manage.
What you're saying is very nice.
But your wife needs this money,
your family needs this money.
I'm sure my wife thinks like I do.
I won't have it. And that's that.
LEVI 02-65434432
Hello? Who is this?
-May I speak to Shira?
-She's not here, she's at the lab.
-Can you give me her mobile number?
-Yes, alright.
Thank you.
-Hello. Shira?
-I have to talk to you.
Wait aren't you engaged?
I am, but I have to see you.
I have to ask you something. In person.
Please, Shira.
I would have liked that once.
But it doesn't matter.
It's not relevant and not right.
You shouldn't be calling me,
don't you think?
-Shira, it's
-Goodbye, Yosa'le.
Good luck with
With life.
Yosa'le, are you ready?
Dad is picking us up in a minute.
Yes, I'll be right there.
What are you studying, Yosa'le?
Gittin. The provisions related to divorce.
I remember that very well.
The famous Ketzos.
"Time need not be indicated in the 'gett'
so that it can't be refuted."
Very good.
What a groom we are blessed with.
You have to rest, Sender.
Doctor's orders, right?
I think the young couple
could go for a stroll.
The groom's parents and I will discuss
a few matters in the corridor.
We can walk in the park.
It's really nice there.
-Take care.
-Speedy recovery.
They are so compatible.
We are so blessed, the very first match.
I agree.
Now all we have to do
is find them a nice apartment.
In fact, that's what we wanted to discuss.
The apartment.
We feel so bad.
To be honest,
my husband doesn't know I'm saying this.
-He's suffering enough as it is.
-What is it?
It's I'll tell you.
We have enormous expenses.
Because of
I looked into it.
The amount we agreed on
is beyond our means.
We spent all our savings
on the treatments.
Maybe you can see it in your hearts
to lower the amount somewhat?
I know it's not what we agreed
How much?
One hundred thousand.
We empathize with your distress.
We do.
But I don't think it's possible.
I'm sorry.
We're not in a situation where
I don't think we can do it.
-I'm sorry.
-It's alright.
Maybe we can make an effort
To find the money.
The main thing is not to worry
and devote all your efforts
to help Reb Sender recover.
Anything you need. Spare no expense.
-Giti, don't worry.
It will be fine, God willing.
May this be the least of our troubles.
Thank you.
I haven't slept in nights.
You have no idea.
Thank you.
I'll go back to him now.
Wait up.
How can you promise such a thing?
Are you insane?
-How will we come up with another 100,000?
-Leave it to me, I'll get it.
You won't get the money and you know it.
Go back in there, apologize
and say we can't do it.
I didn't just say it. I have an idea.
Give me a chance until tomorrow.
If by tomorrow I don't prove to you
that I can get the money,
I'll call her and say I made a mistake.
Your parents are so nice.
Yes. They're excited about this match.
Truth is I brought you something.
How nice.
Thank you.
You don't want to see what it is?
Of course I do.
I'll save the surprise for later.
As you wish.
Thank you. Very nice, sign here.
Thank you, Moishi.
Very nice, sign it here.
Thank you, sign it there.
Sign here.
Odelia, can I talk to you?
Just make it fast,
I've been on my feet all day.
Sure, I'll make it fast.
I wanted to ask you,
what is it like with the extras?
-It's a nightmare.
-I thought so.
-I have a suggestion.
Let me do it for you.
-Orthodox extras.
Instead of racking your brains
how to get them,
I'll get you as many as you want.
-From where?
-Count on me.
I'm Lippe Weiss, I'm a man of my word.
You give me two days' notice,
tell me how many Orthodox extras you need
and I get them for you.
I can even get you a busload.
Two buses, three buses,
as many as you need.
Real Orthodox Jews? Beards and all?
Or some clueless Yeshiva dropouts?
Ultra-Orthodox, like me.
Beards, sidelocks, hats, the works.
What is it you say? Total loss.
-You mean "total look."
Total loss, total look,
what's the difference?
So what do you say?
-It's ridiculous, you're a cook.
-No, listen to me.
You pay 250 shekels per person, right?
You don't know if they'll show up.
You waste tons of money
and precious time waiting for them.
-Listen up.
You pay me 400 shekels per person,
no more headache.
I'm in charge. I bring them.
I'm their contact,
I supply their food, all of it.
You get them ready for the set,
ultra-Orthodox deluxe.
What if they bail?
That won't happen. Guaranteed.
Let's start with 300, then we'll see.
No, I have to profit too.
-My final price is 400.
Done. I'll get to work right now.
Next week there's this big scene,
I need at least 20.
Twenty extras will be here.
You have Lippe Weiss' word.
If you screw me,
I'll hate all the ultra-Orthodox.
You already do.
I think he's right, Hanina.
I mean, it is 800 shekels a month.
I'm not sure we can give that up.
Maybe you can study at Hochman's
and only attend Soloveichik's classes?
It's not just the classes.
Hochman is not the same spirit.
Never mind.
You're right, Ruchami.
I'll switch to Hochman's Kollel.
The main thing is we decided.
There is no joy like the removal of doubt.
Good night, Ruchami.
Good night.
I won't have it!
It means the most to me.
That you be spiritually elevated,
that you study well.
That you be stimulated.
Tomorrow you're going to Soloveichik
to tell him I won't let you
leave his Kollel.
What about the money?
We'll manage.
Tell him my parents are helping us.
Grandfather might give me
work at the school.
We'll be fine.
We may be hungry,
but we won't starve to death.
There's something else that could help.
Someone told me about Kollel Vatikin.
It starts very early in the morning,
before sunrise.
Two to three hours a day,
before prayer service.
They give 200 shekels a month.
-It could help.
Not for the 200 shekels.
For your Torah.
For what matters to us.
You taught me that.
Without something
worth devoting your soul to
what's the point in living?
Lippe Weiss: ultra-Orthodox extras
needed for a film set. Text details.
Giti, listen.
Wait, it's getting suspenseful.
But listen, it's important.
Get back to your book afterwards.
Sorry. I'm with you.
It's the money.
What we talked about with Levinson.
I came up with an interesting idea.
Don't dismiss it offhand, alright?
Well what?
-I'm listening.
I went to see that producer today, Odelia.
I told you about her.
-From the movies.
They're making a series
about the ultra-Orthodox.
She has to find people every day
to do her a favor and be on the set.
I saw that this is causing her
a big headache.
-Hold on, listen.
So I suggested that instead
of working so hard,
she should pay me
and I'll take care of it.
I'll bring the catering and the extras.
It's good money.
-How will you get extras?
-No problem.
You saw how many bums
there are at our restaurant?
Wouldn't it be easier to call Levinson
and say we can't do it?
Giti, it's much more than that.
I thought long and hard.
Helping the poor Levinsons
with 100,000 shekels
is just a good deed
that we're doing by the by,
but this is much more than that.
It's money we could only dream of.
You know how many productions
there are? Endless.
This will help us marry off all the kids.
I bring a busload of people.
It's 5,000 a day, net. Can you imagine?
Lippe, stop. Please!
You won't even listen!
I'm listening, but if the Levinsons hear
that you work on movie sets,
they could call off the match.
Why would they? They need us.
Why not give this a chance?
Why so negative?
-Sleep on it a night!
-Not even a nap.
Enough with the fantasies, Lippe.
Just stop it, be an ordinary person.
A kosher, simple Jew.
No dreams, no nonsense.
Call Levinson tomorrow and say
we can't give more than we agreed on.
-That's that.
-That's that, very nice.
Yes. Enough with the pipe dreams.
You know what?
How many years have we been married?
Twenty-five years.
You never gave me a chance!
All you do is snuff me out.
Every idea, every startup,
you cut me down! It's unbelievable!
You're like some Ceausescu!
Next thing you know,
you'll sic the Securitate on me!
Why don't you care to see
what your bride got for you?
She doesn't care about my gifts.
What do you mean?
I don't know.
To be honest, Mom,
I'm not into her.
Why do you say that?
Was yesterday so bad?
What if it wasn't so bad,
but not so good either?
What if it's nothing special? What then?
What's the matter, Yosa'le?
Tell me, my dear son.
Did this start yesterday?
-When then?
-A long time ago.
-That what?
That I don't understand
how I got engaged.
That bad?
You know you're being ridiculous.
You have a wonderful bride.
Beautiful, smart, a fine homemaker.
-Everyone sings her praises.
-I feel nothing for her.
We have nothing in common.
Nothing to talk about.
I'm sure you're exaggerating.
What got into you?
I've given it a lot of thought.
I want to call it off.
-I want to call it off.
-I heard you.
Don't say it again.
Listen to me good.
In this family, we don't call off a match.
I don't know
where you learned to talk like that.
-Good morning.
Come here.
What's new?
Listen to this.
Yesterday he met with his bride.
She gave him a gift
and he won't even open it.
Aren't you curious?
-I want to call it off.
Stop saying that!
I told you not to say it again!
Giti, calm down.
You're the one that wanted to get engaged.
-No one forced you to.
-It was a mistake, a big mistake.
-Stop this nonsense!
-That's enough.
Calm down. Nothing happened.
Why are you stressing him
and yourself out for nothing?
Do you think you're
the first person about to get married
who has doubts?
I'll tell you a secret.
There is not one person in history
that went to his wedding
thinking that his bride
is the finest woman in the world.
There are always fears,
concerns, illusions.
"Maybe I can find someone better?
Maybe she's not for me?"
There are always thoughts.
Whoever tells you otherwise is lying.
-Of course.
You're unique in many ways,
but not in this, Yosa'le.
Don't think you're the only person
who has these thoughts.
But it will pass and all will be well.
You'll get married
and discover what a gift you got.
You think when your mom and I got engaged
I didn't have those thoughts?
I had all kinds of thoughts.
I knew that Mom's parents
weren't thrilled with me at all.
Not only that, even Mom wasn't sure.
I thought to myself,
"Is this going to be my life from now on?"
But God helps.
It's been 25 years.
Who would have thought?
I'll be honest.
I'm not attracted to her.
Stop with that nonsense!
Where did you even hear that word?
What the seculars call "attraction,"
you know how long it lasts?
Not even a week. Believe me.
Attraction is something that builds up
between a man and a woman.
It doesn't hover in the air.
All the rest is an illusion.
Trust me and all will be well.
Maybe I'll go to the Yeshiva,
I need to reflect.
That's fine,
but I want you to open this first.
Now? What for?
Now, right now.
Your bride thought of you,
she bought you a gift.
You have to respect her and open it.
Open it!
The way you're behaving is not right.
We have to be smart about this.
-He will open the gift now!
-Enough with the gift already!
Listen to me, Yosa'le.
You're a big boy,
no one will force you to get married.
If you don't want to marry her,
then you won't, is that clear?
Have you gone mad? Now you?
Maybe you should have listened
to yourselves before you got married.
Independent Kosher Mail. How can I help?
Hello, I saw your ad.
I'd like some information about the job.
-How old are you?
You deliver mail in our community.
There's an envelope,
with a name and address.
You go to the address,
and put the envelope in the mailbox.
Is that clear?
Yes, that's clear.
I just wanted to ask about
Ask away, what's the pay?
Thirty shekels an hour.
I want to start.
This evening, if possible.
Sure it's possible, I'm drowning here.
Be here this evening,
you'll get a bag of letters.
You must deliver them by 6:30 a.m.
Great. I'll be there.
-Name, please?
-Didn't we talk earlier?
Okay, I wrote you down.
Be here at 7:00 p.m.
Thank you for choosing us.
Thank you.
Hello, Odelia, this is Lippe Weiss.
I got your message.
You'll have
20 ultra-Orthodox extras tomorrow.
Consider it done.
If there's any change, let me know.
You're two hours late,
you could let me know.
I'm slicing vegetables
instead of cooking for the customers.
I'm sorry, it won't happen again.
It's alright. Let's just step it up.
It's nearly 12 o'clock.
-Don't you want to know where I was?
At court.
-He gave you a divorce?
He called last night
and said that he's here.
This morning I went to court
and he was there.
With short hair
and a small leather kippah.
It was shocking to see him.
But at least he gave me a divorce.
I'm free.
I'm so happy for you.
Thank you, Giti. For everything.
I'm sure that he'll release
you one day too.
One more word about my husband
and you won't work here.
Is that clear?
Is this for movies?
You and the movies?
What? I know just as much as you.
I have no idea what this is about.
Is this what's become of you? Posting ads?
Better than standing around
and gossiping all day.
Nice. Good luck, Weiss.
You too.
It's about the message you left
about being on film.
Yes, what movie?
-It's a series.
Tell me, is it pro-
or anti-ultra-Orthodox?
Is this a prank call or what?
Can they film me without being seen?
How they can film you
without you being seen, genius?
I could dress up.
I mean, you guys are the experts.
-You have no problem being seen?
-Not at all.
-Do you have a beard?
-You say you're ultra-Orthodox?
-Modern ultra-Orthodox.
You left me a message.
-You're from the movies?
Shame on you! Stinking inciter!
We'll find you and spank you!
On the tuches and the schwanz!
We'll revise your circumcision!
Do you hear me?
-No filming allowed in our neighborhoods!
-Be well.
Hello? Yosa'le?
Hello, Shira.
Thank you for coming.
I apologize for yesterday.
I knew I'm not the only one feeling this.
No. I've been trying for two months.
To erase that evening?
To erase and reenact
To erase and reenact again.
You have to help me. I'm in a bind.
I promised 20 extras
and I barely have three.
They're not even authentic.
Baalei teshuva.
God help me, the mess I got myself in.
Bro, no can do,
I'm in Kadita all day tomorrow.
Then how about asking your kids?
I have enough trouble as it is.
It'll screw up their matches.
Okay, another thing down the toilet.
Don't worry, Lippe.
"There is no despair in the world."
Actually, there is.
I'm one big lump of despair.
Is it too much to ask, God?
To bring a bit of money home?
That my wife would appreciate me for once?
That we marry Yosa'le off with joy?
Just once!
That what I do succeeds! Is that so hard?
Why are You always against me?
You and Giti, give a man a break.
I didn't know you attend university.
-You barely know my name.
This looks like a very serious place.
-How did you get in?
-I attended Hadish.
There's a faculty for gifted students.
What do you study here?
I'm taking part in a study
on genetic changes
that parents pass down
to their offspring due to trauma.
And I imagined you among the forest trees.
I'm one week here, one week there.
One week here at Bar Ilan,
one week in the forest.
Here's the lab. Come meet my friends.
I don't know if I should meet people here.
Come, don't worry.
Nice to meet you.
These are my best friends.
You have many.
-Are those mosquitoes?
They're Drosophila flies.
I spend most of the day with them.
I monitor their development,
so I feed them and gossip with them.
It's insane.
My whole life I've been into insects.
Butterflies and beetles.
I read so much about them.
Mainly butterflies and beetles.
Flies, not so much, at least until now.
I think that will change.
Flies seem more interesting now.
Wait till you see them in the microscope.
I'm just putting them to sleep a little.
Every hair on their antennae
looks like a big hill.
I always feel they're a bit Jewish.
Those eyes so sad and huge.
They remind me of my grandpa sometimes.
They remind me of you too.
I'm sorry, Lippe.
You were right again, that's all.
I've had it with myself, believe me.
I couldn't even find five guys.
You were right again,
I failed again, that's all.
Don't say that.
Your heart is kind, big, burning
and I keep snuffing it out.
I don't want you to give up.
I have an idea.
Hello, good evening.
You have wonderful beards.
I'm looking for people with beards
for a TV show. How about it?
Hi, guys.
Would you like to be in a TV series?
The money is good.
-How much is good?
-Two hundred shekels for half a day.
For real? What series?
I don't know, but the money's there,
that's what counts.
-What do we have to do?
Just show up at this address
tomorrow at 5:00 a.m.
We'll pick you up from there.
-Sounds good.
Everyone must have short hair
and a long beard, alright?
Sure, we're all hipsters here.
What's a hipster?
Tell me, could you get rid of
that thumbtack in your ear?
"Blessed is the Judge of Truth."
I'm so sad to hear that.
Of course.
He's probably at Yeshiva,
I'll call him now.
My condolences.
Where were you all day?
Mom, everything's alright.
I'm almost 20,
I can come home at 1:00 a.m.
I was so worried, my dear son.
I'm sorry, I just wanted to be alone.
Yosa'le, I have bad news.
-What happened?
Shira's father passed away.
Shira Levinson's?
Your bride.
The funeral's tomorrow morning. I'm sorry.
Good morning, Hanina.
Good morning, my princess.
-What is that in your ear?
-An earring.
No, take it out.
No earring, my friend.
You too, take it out.
-Me too?
-Of course.
-What's that on your head?
That's girly hair, you have to hide it.
Put the hat on, and don't take it off.
Alright then.
Best you don't talk to anyone.
And don't say you're not ultra-Orthodox.
No nonsense and no hitting on women.
As long as you pay us in cash later.
If someone talks to you,
you say you're abstaining from speech.
"Ta'anit dibur."
You're extras, you don't talk.
-Say it, ta'anit dibur.
-Ta'anit dibur!
-Again! Ta'anit dibur.
-Ta'anit dibur!
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