SkyMed (2022) s03e05 Episode Script
Marianncing the Stone
(CHOPPER): Is there a
cadet squadron in Thompson?
(WHEEZER): I don't think
I can sleep with you
and not be with you.
I want you to look after yourself
but I gotta look after me, too.
(CRYSTAL): Hayley, what is this?
(HAYLEY): Hormones.
I don't have ovarian cancer yet.
If I ever want kids one day,
I should freeze my healthy eggs now.
(MADISON): Bodie, I believe
that you want this baby.
I don't believe that you want me.
(DANI): I'm Dani, by the way.
(STEF): Uh, Mel.
(LEXI): I love you, Stef,
and I love working with you,
but isn't that what
you're always saying?
Don't let the job get personal?
And you just had to get
all the way in that hot tub
to get the patient out, huh?
Chlorine's the smell of summer, Cap.
Sunshine, bikinis, relaxation.
(WHEEZER): Yeah, well, you're
drippin' all over my seat, bud.
(TJ): Yeah.
I feel so relaxed now.
Are you an angel?
No, I'm, I'm a nurse.
You passed out in your hot tub.
Do you remember how long
you were in there for?
Can't think about time
when you're on a trip, man.
Time will mess ya up. (LAUGHS)
What did you take?
I don't wanna give you something
else that could hurt you.
Well, that's the cool thing about LSD,
you don't need to mix it with anything.
Yeah, you wouldn't
wanna overdo it, right?
Man, we should get a hot
tub in the crew house.
Those things are great.
(HAYLEY): How much
did you take, Beacher?
I don't know, man. I put it in water.
Oh okay, so you drink it?
No, man. I put it in the hot tub water.
- (BOTH): What?
- I have control.
Please don't tell my boss I'm on drugs.
It was an accident.
Okay, I won't.
- My man.
- Yeah, my man.
My man. Yo, Cap, I really
shouldn't be flying, man.
These buttons are really shiny
I really wanna push 'em just
Whoa, whoa.
You're You're not flying, I am.
All right? Yeah.
- You're right.
- Yeah. Yeah, I am.
Okay, I think it's time for you
to head back to the cabin, bud.
Hayley, can I get a little help up here?
All right, Teej, come on back.
I can't, I'm stuck.
- I'm stuck in my chair.
I can't move.
You know my favorite
part about being a pilot?
(TJ): What?
Getting to say, I have control.
Wanna know why? Because
as soon as I'm on a plane,
I know that I am in absolute
control of everything around me.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm. No matter what,
I know that as soon as
I get in that cockpit,
I have control.
- I love flying too, man.
I couldn't give it up, even
after the bad thing happened.
I just
Um, well yeah, it's
because you're a pilot.
Pilots know how to be in control, right?
You can get yourself
outta that seat, can't you?
- I can.
- (WHEEZER): Yes, you can.
(WHEEZER): Is he gonna be okay?
Oh yeah, in eight to 12 hours.
That was weirdly impressive, by the way.
Yeah, just some perks of
being a control enthusiast.
Anyway, um.
Okay. Uh
(WHEEZER): Thompson
radio, it's SkyMed 911,
10 miles back through 3,000 feet.
Commencing the ILS zero six.
Green light, close your eyes!
Shit. Hey, is everybody okay?
Y'all saw that too,
right? That wasn't just me?
What was that?
It's a laser strike.
It happens sometimes.
Kids or something point
lasers at the plane.
They can blind people.
Why would anyone do that?
(TJ): Why would anyone
put acid in a hot tub?
I needed the laser to find the treasure.
I wasn't trying to hurt anyone.
It's a federal crime.
You could have blinded a
pilot or crashed a plane.
No, I was just trying
to solve the clues.
"Where the shining crow leaves his nest,
follow the line of his wing to the west,
toward once was " What is this?
An heir to the W.G. Crown Distillery
announced he's gifting
his greatest treasure
- to a worthy seeker.
- Is he serious?
Jerk says he hid it here
in northern Manitoba.
Clues are apparently in the poem.
The shining crow was
clearly an airplane.
I was trying to trace a
flight path with a laser.
Fourth one I had to clear out today.
Great. Just what we
need, treasure hunters.
There's a treasure around here?
No, Caleb, no, no, no.
Just a bunch of gullible people.
So, you ready for your
big weekend with Chopper?
Yeah, except this uniform.
I mean, what are we doing?
We're going to the bush.
Yeah, but you're not
really going to camp, right?
You're going to make some new
friends, learn about aviation.
These pants itch.
Yeah, well rules itch.
Learn to follow some,
could be good for you, bud.
- No promises, Dad.
- Right? All right.
Have fun.
See ya, guys.
Thanks for picking him up
from Lynn in North House.
- Cadets, huh?
- Yeah.
Been acting out. He's been
giving his mom a hard time,
getting into trouble. And
I don't know if it's just
regular teenage stuff, or
it's Jeremy, or the divorce.
I don't know.
And you want cadets
to straighten him out?
Oh, hell no. That kid is not
gonna respond to authority.
I know because I don't,
and we are exactly the same.
Isn't being anti-authority
and a control freak kind of an oxymoron?
Have you met many pilots?
I just hope that he brings
Chopper back in one piece
because I cannot afford
to lose another captain.
All right, two tents.
No extra charge for the rush
job or the personal delivery.
Thanks, Bodes.
I had other tents for the cadets
but then I started thinking,
it's still gonna get below
freezing this time of the year.
Shit, I'd be more worried about
black flies, if I were you.
Oh, shit.
You okay?
I'm being trusted with
other people's kids.
Wheezer's kid.
You're a captain, Chops.
People trust you with
their lives all the time.
Yeah, but no, this is different.
They're trusting me off a plane.
I just wanna prove
that I can be a responsible
grown-up, you know?
- You are grown, Chops.
- No, no, not like you, Bodes.
Look at you. I mean, you have a kid,
you're running a business.
You're an adult. I mean, you
have your shit together, man.
Bodie, how fast can you get to the pas?
I've got Fosters Northern Store on hold
and they have a pallet of perishables
waiting in the pas. But
if we pick it up today,
they'll pay double.
I thought that uh, Fosters
only hired Travers' cargo?
They did, until I convinced
them we could save their butts
with this load in the pas
before it goes bad. So?
Hell, yeah! I'll go right now.
'K. Hi, this is the manager speaking.
Yeah, we just managed to fit
you into our very busy schedule.
We're sending a plane out.
Uh, what is that look?
Is there something
going on between you two?
- No, no, I mean,
ahem, prob probably
not for her anyway.
I think I have feelings for Madison.
That's great, Bodes.
Things between us are
really good right now.
I mean, life is great, raising
Joel, running the company. I
(EXHALES) I don't wanna screw that up.
You know, especially if, uh,
she doesn't feel the same.
Yeah, but what if she does?
Hey Benji, go long.
(MARIANNE): Come on, focus up.
Watch it! It's expensive equipment.
- I'm sorry.
- Cool.
Is that a metal detector?
Are you guys here for the treasure
I'm here to mind my own business, kid,
- and you should do the same.
Okay, cadets, we got a lot
of work to do over here.
And I'm sure these gentlemen do too.
Let's clean it up.
Remember, dried food
in the waterproof bags.
Perishables in the coolers.
Breakfast supplies go in this bag.
And snacks over here.
All right, cadets, looking good!
Your camping trip needs a medic.
Taylor has asthma and then
there's everyone's allergies.
Uh, what? No, this, this isn't camping.
They are cadets. These
are survival exercises.
Oh yeah? With inhalers and marshmallows?
You know, you don't really
seem like the outdoorsy type.
Well, volunteering looks good for SkyMed
and the pictures will
look great on Instagram.
So, smile, squad leader.
(CRYSTAL): Whoa, it
smells amazing in here.
It smells like my mom's apple pie!
It is your mom's recipe
but I am a personal chef,
not a pastry chef.
Aunt Jess? What are you doing here?
Hey, kiddo. Uh, I had
some time between gigs
and I thought I'd come
see how you're doing
since you never get the time
off to come see me anymore.
Okay, I didn't know that
you had my mom's recipe.
Did you know that I've been trying
to make that pie for years?
Yeah, 'cause we're always so busy
when you come visit me,
clubbing, concerts, dancing.
Borrowing your rich boss's yacht.
- Shh.
Crys, uh, this is my aunt Jess.
Welcome to Thompson.
I used to spend every
vacation in BC with Jess.
She always made it so much fun.
And now we're in your 'hood so
What's fun to do up here?
Do you know how to salsa?
(UPBEAT MUSIC) Let's have fun ♪
- Ooh, they're playing all our jams tonight, girl.
Mm-hmm. Everything's our jam, baby.
Hey, you okay with this?
We haven't gone out like
this since you've been sober.
Hey, we're here to dance
and show Jess a good time.
I'll just have soda.
Ah, we can do better than that, kiddo.
Hey, handsome, we're gonna
need a pitcher of no-jitos
and your best fizzy basil lemonade.
Ooh, this is Thompson.
I got lemons, limes, and
if you're lucky, clamato.
I can work with that.
- All right.
- Shove over, muscles.
I'm gonna show you somethin'.
It's all you. Enjoy.
Thank you.
- Lime.
- Okay.
(TJ): You okay?
You know Hayley's sober, right?
I know she'd tell me if
she couldn't handle this
but I can't stay the
whole night and I just
Don't even worry. I got you.
I'll keep an eye on things.
I like how you look
out for your friends.
Says a lot about you.
How are you doing?
I heard you had a
rough night last night.
Ah, geez. I had some weird dreams.
And a really awkward conversation
- with a telemarketer.
But I'm all good now.
At least I thought I was done tripping.
Is it just me or do you smell amazing?
It's pie.
Hayley's aunt made pie.
- Hmm.
- At the crew house.
It was apple.
I'm just gonna
Let's have fun ♪
(CHOPPER): But the squad
leader kept hearing it.
Scrape, scrape, scrape.
Coming from inside the tent.
As the squad leader slowly
unzips the tent, he finds
The cadets sleeping
in their sleeping bags.
- Until he got a closer look
and saw that they didn't have any faces.
Just puddles of bloody goo.
And that's when he saw the shadow
of a giant hook hand on the tent.
- Bah!
- Ah!
That story was so cringe.
But you were in it, bro.
Hey, hey, hey, that
is a campfire classic.
And uh, shoving things out of the way
isn't cleaning, Cadet Heaseman.
You're on KP duty.
- I'll help.
- Thanks, Benji.
(CALEB): What about the treasure?
(TAYLOR): Yeah, what do you think it is?
(CHOPPER): I don't know,
it's probably a prank.
(CALEB): Yeah, but come on,
what about all these clues?
The guy wrote a whole poem.
Ahem, okay. "Cross the rocky bridge
where the sometimes river
rages and wind as many miles
as my precious brew ages." Ah, cool.
Uh, "shake the devil's hand
'til he shows you the dawn.
At the end of her rays, my
greatest treasure will be won."
It doesn't even rhyme properly.
Guys, what is the point
of burying a treasure
when all you're gonna
do is give it away?
Crazy white people, man.
They do all kinds of weird stuff.
Just think, we're sitting
out here and there could be
treasure buried underneath us right now.
No, there couldn't.
We're nowhere near a rocky bridge.
But there is one over a creek
to the west of here
that rages in the spring.
Can we go look tomorrow?
Ha, ha, no because tomorrow
we have a very big day
of fun Northern Flight cadet-approved
survival exercises planned,
including today's
spooky campfire stories.
Your stories aren't spooky, bro.
Okay, first of all, I am a squad leader,
so feel free to call me sir.
And, uh, what, you think you
can do any better than that?
Oh yeah.
For generations, the Nehiyawak
have spoken of the wetiko,
the cannibal spirits with a
mindless hunger for human flesh.
Starving for prey.
The gruesome wetiko devours
everything in its path,
even gnawing off its own lips.
What are you doing?
Shh! I don't think Benji
has enough to eat at home.
He looks a little underweight
and I saw him hiding
food a couple of times.
I think maybe his family's struggling.
I saw him take extra snacks
at a meeting once, too.
Yeah, well, I don't
want to embarrass him,
but I wanna make sure
he has some extra food
for later when he gets home.
How, uh, how did you figure this out?
I'm a healthcare
worker. I know the signs.
Now you do, too.
That's good, okay.
(JESS): Oh, I would kill for
someone to look at me like that.
What about you? You
breakin' hearts up here?
There was someone.
A pilot.
But I screwed it up.
You get that from me.
Your mom was better at relationships.
I really (SIGHS)
I really wish I could
talk to her about stuff.
Me too. All the time.
You know, most 13-year-olds
wouldn't be thrilled about
getting a baby sister, but
Claire was so cool about it.
She was like a second mom.
So, when she moved to Ontario
for school and met your dad,
and decided she was
gonna stay out there,
I felt like I was losing her.
But then when I was 13, she had you.
So, I decided to forgive
her for falling in love
with someone else 'cause
I got you out of it.
You're just like her, Hayley.
The way you look, the way you move.
I wanna be a mom.
Ugh, I don't know why I'm crying.
No, I want a
I want a family.
I mean, not now. Um, one day.
But because of the BRCA1 gene,
If I want one
I'm booked for an egg retrieval
two days from now in Winnipeg.
Would you come with me?
Of course I will come with you.
And I'll make this fun too, okay?
We'll stay at a cool hotel.
We will go to the spa.
I'll stay as long as you need, baby.
- Thank you.
- You betcha.
(CHOPPER): Let's go, cadets!
No sleeping in on survival weekend!
For anyone, apparently.
Cadets, let's go! Come on!
Up and at 'em! Rise and shine.
Do you think maybe they
got their faces scraped off?
- Oh, crap.
Damn it! Ah, that stupid poem.
They must have snuck out
to look for the treasure.
Taylor left her inhaler.
She needs it in cold weather like this.
How long do you think they've been gone?
Long enough to get lost.
Oh, great.
Okay. Wheezer already hates me
and now I've lost his kid.
No, no, I lost his kid.
You don't understand.
I'm supposed to be a grown-up,
responsible captain. I
I just lost five kids!
You're right.
You definitely screwed up worse.
(CRYSTAL): Your aunt Jess seems fun.
She makes hard things
feel easier, you know?
Like, the summer that my
mom was going through chemo,
Jess brought me out west
to have a break from it all.
Just 'cause there was so much
sadness at home, you know?
Wait, you were with your
aunt when your mom wanted you
to come home to say goodbye?
And she didn't make you go?
I didn't want to.
It was my choice.
Yeah, but something as
big as your mom passing,
you'd think the adult in
your life would step in
and make that choice for you.
If it was me, I would have forced
you on a plane to go see your mom.
Well, Jess couldn't
force me to do anything.
I was 13. It was my decision.
- Was it?
I didn't know you were wearing this.
I'm not. It's just when I brought Caleb
from North House yesterday,
he was telling me about Jeremy.
Sometimes when he's scared
or doesn't know what to do,
he can feel Jeremy helping him.
And I'm so happy he has that.
It's just
Jeremy's been gone five months
and I still can't feel him.
At all.
It's from Wheezer.
We'll discuss it but I doubt
we'll take you up on that.
We appreciate the offer, though.
Okay, bye.
Guess who that was? Travers.
Huh. He pissed we took
his Fosters contract?
Pissed and impressed. He
wants to buy our plane.
Hire us to work for him.
You know you've made
it when other people
want a piece of your pie.
And hell no. I'm not
working for anybody else
and we are not sellin', baby girl.
- Hmm. That is right.
- Uh-uh.
Hey look, I, I kinda wanna talk
to you about something personal.
Me too.
I wanna start dating again.
I know neither of us have
really done that since Joel
was born but I feel
ready to find someone.
I didn't want you to be surprised.
Madison, I
I came here to tell you
I have feelings for you.
No, Bodie, you don't.
You're just saying that now
because you're worried about losing me.
You don't wanna lose the person
you're raising your son with
or who runs your company.
It's not like that.
I don't wanna lose the
life we have now either.
We can still run the company
together and co-parent.
I need to be someone's
first choice, Bodie.
Not just someone who's there
making their life easier.
I deserve to be someone's first choice.
(WHEEZER): Hey, Boderton.
I don't suppose there's any chance
you have a light day today, is there?
- What's up?
- Caleb took off into the bush
with a bunch of cadets.
Chopper's looking.
I'm on my way up but I can't
pull anyone off medevacs
to fly right seat with me.
But, if Caleb gets these
kids lost or hurt
- I got you.
- Really?
I could use a break.
(STEF): Ready to go back to the plane?
I'm gonna find a refill. You want?
Yeah. Thanks.
(LEXI): Hey.
- Oh.
- What's that? Who's Dani?
Nothing it was just, ahem.
That's the dancer,
right? With the leg trauma.
The one who was going to prom?
Are you allowed to look up
her information like that?
Jesus, Stef!
Look, I know it's hard not knowing
what happens to patients.
Yeah, I know how to do my job, Lexi.
I'm sorry, Lexi.
It is hard. And after Jeremy.
After I wasn't there for him.
Hey, that wasn't your fault.
I just, I can't help feeling
like if I could just keep
an eye on everyone, I could stop
something bad from happening.
No one can do that, Stef.
You can't take care of
everyone all the time.
And if you are, who's
taking care of you?
I'm sorry.
I appreciate you, Lex.
I know you're just
trying to take care of me.
Are you okay?
It was just a rough day.
If there was anything
you needed to worry about,
- you would know.
- Okay.
Your water.
(BODIE): Don't worry, we'll find Caleb.
This is exactly the kinda shit
that I was worried about, though.
Him getting in trouble,
getting other kids in trouble.
I mean, this isn't that bad, Wheezer.
I mean, you and I, we've done way worse.
Yeah. And he's exactly like me.
This is how it starts.
Look, I didn't always have
my shit together, Bodie.
When I was Caleb's age, my dad left.
There was no divorce, no conversation.
I mean, not even a note. He
just, he just went to work
one day and never came back.
Made me feel so outta control, you know?
Just I was so freaking angry about it.
Started acting out.
I started hanging out with
people that I shouldn't have.
'Til my uncle, he um,
took me for a flight
on his Cherokee and
Everything changed.
Felt in control again, you know?
Flying saved my life.
Now I'm just lucky that
my uncle saw what I needed.
Jeremy was that for Caleb.
Between my divorce, man, and
losing Jeremy, I don't know.
Hey, is that smoke to the east?
Thank God you're here.
She, she can't breathe.
It's okay, Taylor, we're here to help.
- She needs a steroid to open her lungs
- but this smoke is not helping.
- On it.
(CALEB): I knew your pilots
would see the smoke from the air.
- Is she gonna be okay?
- What's this?
We were searching for the devil's hand
when she started
having an asthma attack.
She fell.
I heard Jeremy's voice in my head.
We carried her and I
kept pressure on her leg,
like Jeremy would've done.
She needs a hospital, but
you did the right thing.
Caleb, let's go.
Hey, are you okay?
(WHEEZER): Did you even think
about the other kids? Huh?
What if Taylor's asthma
attack had been worse,
or you hadn't been
able to carry her out?
- Are you serious?
- You cannot keep acting out like this!
I wasn't acting out, I
was trying to help Benji.
He doesn't talk about it
but his mom really
needs the money, okay?
I wasn't looking for
the treasure for me,
I was, I was, I was looking out for him.
I was trying to help, Dad.
Why you crushing, man?
Because I'm proud of you.
You are not just like me.
You're better than me.
But Caleb, something like
this, you gotta come to me
or your mom first and we can
figure it out together, okay?
All right.
Look, I know since the divorce
things have been different
and then we lost Jeremy,
and you're probably feeling
like all this is a mess.
That's why I, I pushed you into cadets.
When I was your age, flying,
it, it really helped me,
and I thought that, I
hoped that you could find
something that would help you, too.
You know I'm, I'm more into dirt bikes.
Maybe we could fix up Jer's
old ride and I don't know,
uh, hang out?
- Yeah, sure.
- Really?
Dirt bikes, flying, you
are what matters most to me.
Come on, let's go fix
that sucker up, eh?
(MARIANNE): Still no word from wheezer?
Not so close to the edge, goat boy.
- Goat boy?
- You are not as sure-footed
as you think, and that is a steep drop.
Hey, that is a great
vantage point to search from.
And um, I'm a goat man, by the way.
- Wheezer?
- Did they find the kids?
(WHEEZER): Yeah, we found the cadets.
They're all okay and accounted for.
Thank God.
Wheezer, I, I am so sorry, man.
I know that you trusted me
with your son, and I promise,
nothing like this will ever,
ever happen again. I prom
What about Taylor?
She needs an inhaler.
Do you guys know that?
(WHEEZER): Taylor did
have an asthma attack,
but it's under control now.
Where are you? We'll come pick you up.
- Yes, please.
- Uh, we are near an airstrip.
- We're actually not that far
- Whoa!
Ugh! Ow!
Uh, are you okay? Ah.
Did you hit your head?
- I hit everything.
- The sat phone.
Wheezer. And the phone.
There's no cell reception here.
You didn't bring an
extra sat phone, did you?
No. Uh, first aid kit,
Taylor's inhaler, granola bars.
The trail leads us to an airstrip.
We can't climb back up there.
No, but it goes along
the ravine the whole way.
If we just follow the ravine,
it'll take us in that direction.
- Okay.
- Come on.
Ow! Ah!
Damn it! I think I sprained my ankle.
You okay? Lean, lean on me.
I got it.
(MARIANNE): We are lost.
We are not lost. The
ravine hit a dead end.
No problem.
The trail is turning west
so we will make our way west as well.
Hold on.
Oh, hey uh, moss typically
grows on the north side,
which means we are heading west.
Are you serious?
That's a myth! Moss usually
grows on the sunny side
of a tree, which is
usually the Equatorial side.
So, moss in the northern
hemisphere grows on the south.
Moss in the southern
hemisphere grows on the north.
You can't follow this, we're
in the wrong hemisphere!
Um, I thought you weren't outdoorsy?
I'm not! I just spent a lot of
time in the library as a kid.
I read every book, even
the ones about stuff
I wasn't interested in.
But you are supposed to know
more about this crap than me, goat boy!
All right, look, I
wasn't following the moss.
Okay? I
I just didn't wanna show
you what I was doing.
When you lay a watch horizontally
and you line up the
sun with the hour hand,
the midway point between
the hour and 12 points south.
How is that more reliable than moss?
Noon is when the sun passes
over longitude, right?
And the earth rotates
15 degrees every hour,
so the sun moves 15 degrees every hour.
And the hour hand on the watch
moves 30 degrees every hour.
So, when you line up the
sun with the hour hand,
the halfway point between
the hour hand and 12
will always point toward the south.
Why didn't you wanna tell me that?
Because then you'd know that
I don't know where I'm going
because I'm a cool mountain man,
I know where I'm going
because I'm a space nerd.
I never thought you
were a cool mountain man.
I didn't know that Benji was
struggling because I'm a nurse.
I grew up poor.
Like, sleep in our car,
spend all day in the library
'cause it's warm and dry, poor.
I know how kids hide it because
I used to do the same stuff.
You never want anyone to
know what you're dealing with
or to see the real you,
so you just get really good at making it
look like everything's fine.
I had no idea. I'm sorry.
When I was a kid, all
I ever worried about
was being an astronaut.
Actually, that's all
I've ever worried about.
Well, it's 'cause you're still a kid.
(SEARCHER): Marianne? Marianne?
(WHEEZER): I think this
ridge right here is where
we should check next, all right?
- (BODIE): Okay, these two?
- Yep, thank you.
All right.
(MAN): Yeah, copy that, Grey,
we're eastbound so we're
heading towards you
(CRYSTAL): Chopper?
No one's seen any sight of them yet?
- (CRYSTAL): Marianne!
- We've been looking for hours.
You know, we know they were
headed to one of two airstrips,
but that's still a
lot of ground to cover.
Chopper's my best friend. I
hate not knowing if he's okay.
Is this what it was like for you,
when I was missing after
that emergency landing?
You weren't my best friend, Bodie.
I need to date other people because
I have feelings for you.
I always have.
And it would be too
easy for me to pretend
that this life we have
together is enough.
But being your partner in every
way except that way is enough.
And it is a great life but
I'm selling to Travers.
I'll sell to Travers and
I'll go back to SkyMed.
Bodie, why would you do that?
Because I don't want you to
think that I'm saying this
just because I need your
help with the business
or raising Joel.
I love you, Madison.
I love how strong and smart
and determined you are.
Look, we were kids when
we met. I acted like a kid.
And I let you down.
I let you down a lot.
And you coulda given up on me,
and I, I woulda deserved that.
And I just feel lucky
that you let me be here
to see the person
that you grew up to be.
But you never shoulda
had to push me, Mads.
I shoulda known to get my
shit together on my own.
For you.
Because if I could do it
all differently, I would.
I liked you when I was a kid,
but I love you as a man.
And you're always gonna
be my first choice.
I love you too, Bodie.
But we're not selling Jo's Boys, okay?
(MARIANNE): I just mean
that you went from wanting
to be an astronaut to
wanting to be a pilot.
It's the same thing, isn't it?
Both very popular career
choices for 10-year-olds.
You okay? Is it your ankle?
Something stung me.
- Oh! Ah! Something stung me too.
- What's that buzzing?
- Ah!
- Wasps! Ah!
- Chopper, no!
- But your ankle!
They're following us!
We need cover.
There's a creek up ahead.
- Ah!
Are you okay?
Uh, you carried me.
You're not allergic, are
you? How badly are you stung?
No, the water's too cold to feel it yet.
Where are we?
I thought you said we were going west.
Before we got turned around
running around from killer wasps.
Now I have no idea where we are.
(MARIANNE): It's getting colder
and we only have these
two safety blankets.
Yeah, they're reflective, right?
We could use them to bounce
the heat from the fire.
Nice trick.
I mean, I did learn some
grown-up stuff in selection camp.
You must miss it.
It was a dream of mine for a long time.
But you're right, being a
pilot is a dream job, too.
And uh, if I make it to a major airline,
it'll still be a dream
that most people never get.
Hmm. (SIGHS)
You know uh, actually, that reminds me.
Uh, it's the perfect time of
the year to see Ursa Major.
Yeah, before she turned
into a bear, Callisto was so,
so beautiful, that Zeus fell
in love with her on sight.
Does that line usually work for you?
Uh, yeah.
- I mean, constellations,
- they, they change, you know.
- Yeah.
My ex-husband was smooth, too.
Is that why you came to Thompson?
Sort of.
We both cared a lot about appearances.
When you grow up poor,
you spend so much time
worrying about anyone finding out
what's really going on with you,
you start to think that
that's what's most important,
how things look.
And my ex looked good on paper.
We both did.
Then I hit a snag in my career
and he cut his losses
pretty quick after that.
I've always been so ashamed
of who I used to be,
that poor,
nerdy kid.
But I look at Benji and I don't
see anything to be ashamed of.
I see this little survivor
just doing his best.
I, I am not trying anything,
I just think that we
would be warmer together.
Strictly a survival cuddle.
Okay, Cadet Chopra, on your feet.
What are we doing?
We are dancin'.
That'll warm us up.
Uh, you sure you can
dance on that ankle?
I don't need an ankle to nerd dance.
Is that the cabbage patch?
Oh, hells yeah! If you stick around
I'm gonna bust out, oh! The sprinkler.
The sprinkler.
- Bustin' out the sprinkler.
- Oh, sprinkler.
You are getting the full, oh
yeah, 10-year-old Marianne here.
- Braids and all.
- Ooh!
Wow, look at, what is that, the cowboy?
- It's the cowboy.
- Very nice.
- Very nice.
You know, I, I
I know that you didn't
like who you used to be
but I think 10-year-old
Marianne was pretty cool.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
Smart, cute braids.
My God, look what she achieved.
I I don't think you
should be ashamed of her.
I think young Marianne was awesome.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Well, it's warmer now.
My ankle feels better.
My clothes are dry.
- Look, it's okay.
I know it matters to you
how things look at work.
We can just let last night be
Whatever it was.
Really. I totally get it.
That's a weird tree.
Does it kinda look like
(BOTH): The devil's hand?
You don't think it's
real, do you, the treasure?
No, definitely not.
But we are here,
and we're lost anyways.
- So.
- Okay.
Shake the devil's hand
'til he shows you the dawn?
That's, that's east.
So, I think we're supposed
to follow the dawn's rays
- in that direction.
- It's not dawn.
There's no rays.
Okay, Choppering.
We can use that to direct
light like a flashlight.
Or like the sun.
(MARIANNE): Are you sure this is right?
We've been walking a long time.
(CHOPPER): Come on,
just a little further.
(MARIANNE): At the end of her rays,
my greatest treasure will be won.
It's just an old hinge.
Yeah, but there's a door.
(MARIANNE): No way.
"Congratulations worthy seeker.
You have found my greatest treasure,
the first bottle of W.G. Crown Gold,
coming to purveyors of
fine liquor this spring?"
This whole thing was
a marketing gimmick?
I wish I'd thought of that.
Maybe SkyMed can do
a crossover promotion?
Okay, what is with this
push to promote SkyMed?
We are a medevac service.
People don't choose us, they need us.
Can you keep a secret?
There's a new medevac base
being established on Vancouver Island.
It's a big deal.
A bunch of airlines are
bidding to operate it.
SkyMed hired me to raise their profile,
to show the pacific coast
that we're a big enough carrier
to handle something like that.
Doesn't SkyMed deserve a base
on the merit of the work that we all do?
That's PR. It's not about
what actually matters,
just how it looks.
Like that treasure.
(MARIANNE): Oh, thank God.
- Hi, we're lost.
- (FLINT): Oh, yeah?
You just happened to get lost
- at the devil's hand, huh?
- Whoa.
Think you got something
that belongs to us.
(FLINT): You think I believe
a billionaire did all this
just to promote a cheap
bottle of whisky? Nice try.
Now give us what you found
or we'll take it off you.
After what?
I think they mean after they shoot us.
Okay, you're right.
That's not the treasure. I
uh, I did, I hid it in my bag.
Get it.
Get it!
Okay! Going in my bag.
I just need to find
Chopper, run!
(CHOPPER): Was that Taylor's inhaler?
I think we really made them mad!
Hurry up, they're right behind us!
(CHOPPER): Take the torch.
Keep running this way.
- What, why?
- Do you trust me?
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Go!
There she is.
- Let's go.
Freeze, lady.
We want the treasure.
Ow! Ow!
I'll take that.
(MARIANNE): And we're gonna
need your sat phone, please.
I saw it at the hangar.
- Thank you.
(CHOPPER): I called
SkyMed to pick us up.
Wheezer is about ten out.
The northern police are
on their way for these two.
Looks like they have a
couple warrants out for them
in other provinces, so.
I really do see you
as a grown-up, Chopper.
A sweet, idealistic one,
but a really good one.
So, do you maybe wanna see
what this thing is between us?
Only if you want to and,
and if you're okay with
maybe just keeping it between
us while we see how it works?
I'm not embarrassed to date you,
it's just that no one
really likes me up here
and I'm trying to be
taken seriously and it
- (CHOPPER): Thanks for coming to get us, guys.
Well, I couldn't afford
to lose any more captains.
Too bad the treasure got shot.
Hey, green light! Cover your eyes!
Goddamn lasers.
(BODIE): Better make
sure that the people know
the treasure's been found.
Bodie, you good?
- All good, Cap.
- Good.
You have control.
I have why?
Because I can't see.
(CHOPPER): Is there a
cadet squadron in Thompson?
(WHEEZER): I don't think
I can sleep with you
and not be with you.
I want you to look after yourself
but I gotta look after me, too.
(CRYSTAL): Hayley, what is this?
(HAYLEY): Hormones.
I don't have ovarian cancer yet.
If I ever want kids one day,
I should freeze my healthy eggs now.
(MADISON): Bodie, I believe
that you want this baby.
I don't believe that you want me.
(DANI): I'm Dani, by the way.
(STEF): Uh, Mel.
(LEXI): I love you, Stef,
and I love working with you,
but isn't that what
you're always saying?
Don't let the job get personal?
And you just had to get
all the way in that hot tub
to get the patient out, huh?
Chlorine's the smell of summer, Cap.
Sunshine, bikinis, relaxation.
(WHEEZER): Yeah, well, you're
drippin' all over my seat, bud.
(TJ): Yeah.
I feel so relaxed now.
Are you an angel?
No, I'm, I'm a nurse.
You passed out in your hot tub.
Do you remember how long
you were in there for?
Can't think about time
when you're on a trip, man.
Time will mess ya up. (LAUGHS)
What did you take?
I don't wanna give you something
else that could hurt you.
Well, that's the cool thing about LSD,
you don't need to mix it with anything.
Yeah, you wouldn't
wanna overdo it, right?
Man, we should get a hot
tub in the crew house.
Those things are great.
(HAYLEY): How much
did you take, Beacher?
I don't know, man. I put it in water.
Oh okay, so you drink it?
No, man. I put it in the hot tub water.
- (BOTH): What?
- I have control.
Please don't tell my boss I'm on drugs.
It was an accident.
Okay, I won't.
- My man.
- Yeah, my man.
My man. Yo, Cap, I really
shouldn't be flying, man.
These buttons are really shiny
I really wanna push 'em just
Whoa, whoa.
You're You're not flying, I am.
All right? Yeah.
- You're right.
- Yeah. Yeah, I am.
Okay, I think it's time for you
to head back to the cabin, bud.
Hayley, can I get a little help up here?
All right, Teej, come on back.
I can't, I'm stuck.
- I'm stuck in my chair.
I can't move.
You know my favorite
part about being a pilot?
(TJ): What?
Getting to say, I have control.
Wanna know why? Because
as soon as I'm on a plane,
I know that I am in absolute
control of everything around me.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm. No matter what,
I know that as soon as
I get in that cockpit,
I have control.
- I love flying too, man.
I couldn't give it up, even
after the bad thing happened.
I just
Um, well yeah, it's
because you're a pilot.
Pilots know how to be in control, right?
You can get yourself
outta that seat, can't you?
- I can.
- (WHEEZER): Yes, you can.
(WHEEZER): Is he gonna be okay?
Oh yeah, in eight to 12 hours.
That was weirdly impressive, by the way.
Yeah, just some perks of
being a control enthusiast.
Anyway, um.
Okay. Uh
(WHEEZER): Thompson
radio, it's SkyMed 911,
10 miles back through 3,000 feet.
Commencing the ILS zero six.
Green light, close your eyes!
Shit. Hey, is everybody okay?
Y'all saw that too,
right? That wasn't just me?
What was that?
It's a laser strike.
It happens sometimes.
Kids or something point
lasers at the plane.
They can blind people.
Why would anyone do that?
(TJ): Why would anyone
put acid in a hot tub?
I needed the laser to find the treasure.
I wasn't trying to hurt anyone.
It's a federal crime.
You could have blinded a
pilot or crashed a plane.
No, I was just trying
to solve the clues.
"Where the shining crow leaves his nest,
follow the line of his wing to the west,
toward once was " What is this?
An heir to the W.G. Crown Distillery
announced he's gifting
his greatest treasure
- to a worthy seeker.
- Is he serious?
Jerk says he hid it here
in northern Manitoba.
Clues are apparently in the poem.
The shining crow was
clearly an airplane.
I was trying to trace a
flight path with a laser.
Fourth one I had to clear out today.
Great. Just what we
need, treasure hunters.
There's a treasure around here?
No, Caleb, no, no, no.
Just a bunch of gullible people.
So, you ready for your
big weekend with Chopper?
Yeah, except this uniform.
I mean, what are we doing?
We're going to the bush.
Yeah, but you're not
really going to camp, right?
You're going to make some new
friends, learn about aviation.
These pants itch.
Yeah, well rules itch.
Learn to follow some,
could be good for you, bud.
- No promises, Dad.
- Right? All right.
Have fun.
See ya, guys.
Thanks for picking him up
from Lynn in North House.
- Cadets, huh?
- Yeah.
Been acting out. He's been
giving his mom a hard time,
getting into trouble. And
I don't know if it's just
regular teenage stuff, or
it's Jeremy, or the divorce.
I don't know.
And you want cadets
to straighten him out?
Oh, hell no. That kid is not
gonna respond to authority.
I know because I don't,
and we are exactly the same.
Isn't being anti-authority
and a control freak kind of an oxymoron?
Have you met many pilots?
I just hope that he brings
Chopper back in one piece
because I cannot afford
to lose another captain.
All right, two tents.
No extra charge for the rush
job or the personal delivery.
Thanks, Bodes.
I had other tents for the cadets
but then I started thinking,
it's still gonna get below
freezing this time of the year.
Shit, I'd be more worried about
black flies, if I were you.
Oh, shit.
You okay?
I'm being trusted with
other people's kids.
Wheezer's kid.
You're a captain, Chops.
People trust you with
their lives all the time.
Yeah, but no, this is different.
They're trusting me off a plane.
I just wanna prove
that I can be a responsible
grown-up, you know?
- You are grown, Chops.
- No, no, not like you, Bodes.
Look at you. I mean, you have a kid,
you're running a business.
You're an adult. I mean, you
have your shit together, man.
Bodie, how fast can you get to the pas?
I've got Fosters Northern Store on hold
and they have a pallet of perishables
waiting in the pas. But
if we pick it up today,
they'll pay double.
I thought that uh, Fosters
only hired Travers' cargo?
They did, until I convinced
them we could save their butts
with this load in the pas
before it goes bad. So?
Hell, yeah! I'll go right now.
'K. Hi, this is the manager speaking.
Yeah, we just managed to fit
you into our very busy schedule.
We're sending a plane out.
Uh, what is that look?
Is there something
going on between you two?
- No, no, I mean,
ahem, prob probably
not for her anyway.
I think I have feelings for Madison.
That's great, Bodes.
Things between us are
really good right now.
I mean, life is great, raising
Joel, running the company. I
(EXHALES) I don't wanna screw that up.
You know, especially if, uh,
she doesn't feel the same.
Yeah, but what if she does?
Hey Benji, go long.
(MARIANNE): Come on, focus up.
Watch it! It's expensive equipment.
- I'm sorry.
- Cool.
Is that a metal detector?
Are you guys here for the treasure
I'm here to mind my own business, kid,
- and you should do the same.
Okay, cadets, we got a lot
of work to do over here.
And I'm sure these gentlemen do too.
Let's clean it up.
Remember, dried food
in the waterproof bags.
Perishables in the coolers.
Breakfast supplies go in this bag.
And snacks over here.
All right, cadets, looking good!
Your camping trip needs a medic.
Taylor has asthma and then
there's everyone's allergies.
Uh, what? No, this, this isn't camping.
They are cadets. These
are survival exercises.
Oh yeah? With inhalers and marshmallows?
You know, you don't really
seem like the outdoorsy type.
Well, volunteering looks good for SkyMed
and the pictures will
look great on Instagram.
So, smile, squad leader.
(CRYSTAL): Whoa, it
smells amazing in here.
It smells like my mom's apple pie!
It is your mom's recipe
but I am a personal chef,
not a pastry chef.
Aunt Jess? What are you doing here?
Hey, kiddo. Uh, I had
some time between gigs
and I thought I'd come
see how you're doing
since you never get the time
off to come see me anymore.
Okay, I didn't know that
you had my mom's recipe.
Did you know that I've been trying
to make that pie for years?
Yeah, 'cause we're always so busy
when you come visit me,
clubbing, concerts, dancing.
Borrowing your rich boss's yacht.
- Shh.
Crys, uh, this is my aunt Jess.
Welcome to Thompson.
I used to spend every
vacation in BC with Jess.
She always made it so much fun.
And now we're in your 'hood so
What's fun to do up here?
Do you know how to salsa?
(UPBEAT MUSIC) Let's have fun ♪
- Ooh, they're playing all our jams tonight, girl.
Mm-hmm. Everything's our jam, baby.
Hey, you okay with this?
We haven't gone out like
this since you've been sober.
Hey, we're here to dance
and show Jess a good time.
I'll just have soda.
Ah, we can do better than that, kiddo.
Hey, handsome, we're gonna
need a pitcher of no-jitos
and your best fizzy basil lemonade.
Ooh, this is Thompson.
I got lemons, limes, and
if you're lucky, clamato.
I can work with that.
- All right.
- Shove over, muscles.
I'm gonna show you somethin'.
It's all you. Enjoy.
Thank you.
- Lime.
- Okay.
(TJ): You okay?
You know Hayley's sober, right?
I know she'd tell me if
she couldn't handle this
but I can't stay the
whole night and I just
Don't even worry. I got you.
I'll keep an eye on things.
I like how you look
out for your friends.
Says a lot about you.
How are you doing?
I heard you had a
rough night last night.
Ah, geez. I had some weird dreams.
And a really awkward conversation
- with a telemarketer.
But I'm all good now.
At least I thought I was done tripping.
Is it just me or do you smell amazing?
It's pie.
Hayley's aunt made pie.
- Hmm.
- At the crew house.
It was apple.
I'm just gonna
Let's have fun ♪
(CHOPPER): But the squad
leader kept hearing it.
Scrape, scrape, scrape.
Coming from inside the tent.
As the squad leader slowly
unzips the tent, he finds
The cadets sleeping
in their sleeping bags.
- Until he got a closer look
and saw that they didn't have any faces.
Just puddles of bloody goo.
And that's when he saw the shadow
of a giant hook hand on the tent.
- Bah!
- Ah!
That story was so cringe.
But you were in it, bro.
Hey, hey, hey, that
is a campfire classic.
And uh, shoving things out of the way
isn't cleaning, Cadet Heaseman.
You're on KP duty.
- I'll help.
- Thanks, Benji.
(CALEB): What about the treasure?
(TAYLOR): Yeah, what do you think it is?
(CHOPPER): I don't know,
it's probably a prank.
(CALEB): Yeah, but come on,
what about all these clues?
The guy wrote a whole poem.
Ahem, okay. "Cross the rocky bridge
where the sometimes river
rages and wind as many miles
as my precious brew ages." Ah, cool.
Uh, "shake the devil's hand
'til he shows you the dawn.
At the end of her rays, my
greatest treasure will be won."
It doesn't even rhyme properly.
Guys, what is the point
of burying a treasure
when all you're gonna
do is give it away?
Crazy white people, man.
They do all kinds of weird stuff.
Just think, we're sitting
out here and there could be
treasure buried underneath us right now.
No, there couldn't.
We're nowhere near a rocky bridge.
But there is one over a creek
to the west of here
that rages in the spring.
Can we go look tomorrow?
Ha, ha, no because tomorrow
we have a very big day
of fun Northern Flight cadet-approved
survival exercises planned,
including today's
spooky campfire stories.
Your stories aren't spooky, bro.
Okay, first of all, I am a squad leader,
so feel free to call me sir.
And, uh, what, you think you
can do any better than that?
Oh yeah.
For generations, the Nehiyawak
have spoken of the wetiko,
the cannibal spirits with a
mindless hunger for human flesh.
Starving for prey.
The gruesome wetiko devours
everything in its path,
even gnawing off its own lips.
What are you doing?
Shh! I don't think Benji
has enough to eat at home.
He looks a little underweight
and I saw him hiding
food a couple of times.
I think maybe his family's struggling.
I saw him take extra snacks
at a meeting once, too.
Yeah, well, I don't
want to embarrass him,
but I wanna make sure
he has some extra food
for later when he gets home.
How, uh, how did you figure this out?
I'm a healthcare
worker. I know the signs.
Now you do, too.
That's good, okay.
(JESS): Oh, I would kill for
someone to look at me like that.
What about you? You
breakin' hearts up here?
There was someone.
A pilot.
But I screwed it up.
You get that from me.
Your mom was better at relationships.
I really (SIGHS)
I really wish I could
talk to her about stuff.
Me too. All the time.
You know, most 13-year-olds
wouldn't be thrilled about
getting a baby sister, but
Claire was so cool about it.
She was like a second mom.
So, when she moved to Ontario
for school and met your dad,
and decided she was
gonna stay out there,
I felt like I was losing her.
But then when I was 13, she had you.
So, I decided to forgive
her for falling in love
with someone else 'cause
I got you out of it.
You're just like her, Hayley.
The way you look, the way you move.
I wanna be a mom.
Ugh, I don't know why I'm crying.
No, I want a
I want a family.
I mean, not now. Um, one day.
But because of the BRCA1 gene,
If I want one
I'm booked for an egg retrieval
two days from now in Winnipeg.
Would you come with me?
Of course I will come with you.
And I'll make this fun too, okay?
We'll stay at a cool hotel.
We will go to the spa.
I'll stay as long as you need, baby.
- Thank you.
- You betcha.
(CHOPPER): Let's go, cadets!
No sleeping in on survival weekend!
For anyone, apparently.
Cadets, let's go! Come on!
Up and at 'em! Rise and shine.
Do you think maybe they
got their faces scraped off?
- Oh, crap.
Damn it! Ah, that stupid poem.
They must have snuck out
to look for the treasure.
Taylor left her inhaler.
She needs it in cold weather like this.
How long do you think they've been gone?
Long enough to get lost.
Oh, great.
Okay. Wheezer already hates me
and now I've lost his kid.
No, no, I lost his kid.
You don't understand.
I'm supposed to be a grown-up,
responsible captain. I
I just lost five kids!
You're right.
You definitely screwed up worse.
(CRYSTAL): Your aunt Jess seems fun.
She makes hard things
feel easier, you know?
Like, the summer that my
mom was going through chemo,
Jess brought me out west
to have a break from it all.
Just 'cause there was so much
sadness at home, you know?
Wait, you were with your
aunt when your mom wanted you
to come home to say goodbye?
And she didn't make you go?
I didn't want to.
It was my choice.
Yeah, but something as
big as your mom passing,
you'd think the adult in
your life would step in
and make that choice for you.
If it was me, I would have forced
you on a plane to go see your mom.
Well, Jess couldn't
force me to do anything.
I was 13. It was my decision.
- Was it?
I didn't know you were wearing this.
I'm not. It's just when I brought Caleb
from North House yesterday,
he was telling me about Jeremy.
Sometimes when he's scared
or doesn't know what to do,
he can feel Jeremy helping him.
And I'm so happy he has that.
It's just
Jeremy's been gone five months
and I still can't feel him.
At all.
It's from Wheezer.
We'll discuss it but I doubt
we'll take you up on that.
We appreciate the offer, though.
Okay, bye.
Guess who that was? Travers.
Huh. He pissed we took
his Fosters contract?
Pissed and impressed. He
wants to buy our plane.
Hire us to work for him.
You know you've made
it when other people
want a piece of your pie.
And hell no. I'm not
working for anybody else
and we are not sellin', baby girl.
- Hmm. That is right.
- Uh-uh.
Hey look, I, I kinda wanna talk
to you about something personal.
Me too.
I wanna start dating again.
I know neither of us have
really done that since Joel
was born but I feel
ready to find someone.
I didn't want you to be surprised.
Madison, I
I came here to tell you
I have feelings for you.
No, Bodie, you don't.
You're just saying that now
because you're worried about losing me.
You don't wanna lose the person
you're raising your son with
or who runs your company.
It's not like that.
I don't wanna lose the
life we have now either.
We can still run the company
together and co-parent.
I need to be someone's
first choice, Bodie.
Not just someone who's there
making their life easier.
I deserve to be someone's first choice.
(WHEEZER): Hey, Boderton.
I don't suppose there's any chance
you have a light day today, is there?
- What's up?
- Caleb took off into the bush
with a bunch of cadets.
Chopper's looking.
I'm on my way up but I can't
pull anyone off medevacs
to fly right seat with me.
But, if Caleb gets these
kids lost or hurt
- I got you.
- Really?
I could use a break.
(STEF): Ready to go back to the plane?
I'm gonna find a refill. You want?
Yeah. Thanks.
(LEXI): Hey.
- Oh.
- What's that? Who's Dani?
Nothing it was just, ahem.
That's the dancer,
right? With the leg trauma.
The one who was going to prom?
Are you allowed to look up
her information like that?
Jesus, Stef!
Look, I know it's hard not knowing
what happens to patients.
Yeah, I know how to do my job, Lexi.
I'm sorry, Lexi.
It is hard. And after Jeremy.
After I wasn't there for him.
Hey, that wasn't your fault.
I just, I can't help feeling
like if I could just keep
an eye on everyone, I could stop
something bad from happening.
No one can do that, Stef.
You can't take care of
everyone all the time.
And if you are, who's
taking care of you?
I'm sorry.
I appreciate you, Lex.
I know you're just
trying to take care of me.
Are you okay?
It was just a rough day.
If there was anything
you needed to worry about,
- you would know.
- Okay.
Your water.
(BODIE): Don't worry, we'll find Caleb.
This is exactly the kinda shit
that I was worried about, though.
Him getting in trouble,
getting other kids in trouble.
I mean, this isn't that bad, Wheezer.
I mean, you and I, we've done way worse.
Yeah. And he's exactly like me.
This is how it starts.
Look, I didn't always have
my shit together, Bodie.
When I was Caleb's age, my dad left.
There was no divorce, no conversation.
I mean, not even a note. He
just, he just went to work
one day and never came back.
Made me feel so outta control, you know?
Just I was so freaking angry about it.
Started acting out.
I started hanging out with
people that I shouldn't have.
'Til my uncle, he um,
took me for a flight
on his Cherokee and
Everything changed.
Felt in control again, you know?
Flying saved my life.
Now I'm just lucky that
my uncle saw what I needed.
Jeremy was that for Caleb.
Between my divorce, man, and
losing Jeremy, I don't know.
Hey, is that smoke to the east?
Thank God you're here.
She, she can't breathe.
It's okay, Taylor, we're here to help.
- She needs a steroid to open her lungs
- but this smoke is not helping.
- On it.
(CALEB): I knew your pilots
would see the smoke from the air.
- Is she gonna be okay?
- What's this?
We were searching for the devil's hand
when she started
having an asthma attack.
She fell.
I heard Jeremy's voice in my head.
We carried her and I
kept pressure on her leg,
like Jeremy would've done.
She needs a hospital, but
you did the right thing.
Caleb, let's go.
Hey, are you okay?
(WHEEZER): Did you even think
about the other kids? Huh?
What if Taylor's asthma
attack had been worse,
or you hadn't been
able to carry her out?
- Are you serious?
- You cannot keep acting out like this!
I wasn't acting out, I
was trying to help Benji.
He doesn't talk about it
but his mom really
needs the money, okay?
I wasn't looking for
the treasure for me,
I was, I was, I was looking out for him.
I was trying to help, Dad.
Why you crushing, man?
Because I'm proud of you.
You are not just like me.
You're better than me.
But Caleb, something like
this, you gotta come to me
or your mom first and we can
figure it out together, okay?
All right.
Look, I know since the divorce
things have been different
and then we lost Jeremy,
and you're probably feeling
like all this is a mess.
That's why I, I pushed you into cadets.
When I was your age, flying,
it, it really helped me,
and I thought that, I
hoped that you could find
something that would help you, too.
You know I'm, I'm more into dirt bikes.
Maybe we could fix up Jer's
old ride and I don't know,
uh, hang out?
- Yeah, sure.
- Really?
Dirt bikes, flying, you
are what matters most to me.
Come on, let's go fix
that sucker up, eh?
(MARIANNE): Still no word from wheezer?
Not so close to the edge, goat boy.
- Goat boy?
- You are not as sure-footed
as you think, and that is a steep drop.
Hey, that is a great
vantage point to search from.
And um, I'm a goat man, by the way.
- Wheezer?
- Did they find the kids?
(WHEEZER): Yeah, we found the cadets.
They're all okay and accounted for.
Thank God.
Wheezer, I, I am so sorry, man.
I know that you trusted me
with your son, and I promise,
nothing like this will ever,
ever happen again. I prom
What about Taylor?
She needs an inhaler.
Do you guys know that?
(WHEEZER): Taylor did
have an asthma attack,
but it's under control now.
Where are you? We'll come pick you up.
- Yes, please.
- Uh, we are near an airstrip.
- We're actually not that far
- Whoa!
Ugh! Ow!
Uh, are you okay? Ah.
Did you hit your head?
- I hit everything.
- The sat phone.
Wheezer. And the phone.
There's no cell reception here.
You didn't bring an
extra sat phone, did you?
No. Uh, first aid kit,
Taylor's inhaler, granola bars.
The trail leads us to an airstrip.
We can't climb back up there.
No, but it goes along
the ravine the whole way.
If we just follow the ravine,
it'll take us in that direction.
- Okay.
- Come on.
Ow! Ah!
Damn it! I think I sprained my ankle.
You okay? Lean, lean on me.
I got it.
(MARIANNE): We are lost.
We are not lost. The
ravine hit a dead end.
No problem.
The trail is turning west
so we will make our way west as well.
Hold on.
Oh, hey uh, moss typically
grows on the north side,
which means we are heading west.
Are you serious?
That's a myth! Moss usually
grows on the sunny side
of a tree, which is
usually the Equatorial side.
So, moss in the northern
hemisphere grows on the south.
Moss in the southern
hemisphere grows on the north.
You can't follow this, we're
in the wrong hemisphere!
Um, I thought you weren't outdoorsy?
I'm not! I just spent a lot of
time in the library as a kid.
I read every book, even
the ones about stuff
I wasn't interested in.
But you are supposed to know
more about this crap than me, goat boy!
All right, look, I
wasn't following the moss.
Okay? I
I just didn't wanna show
you what I was doing.
When you lay a watch horizontally
and you line up the
sun with the hour hand,
the midway point between
the hour and 12 points south.
How is that more reliable than moss?
Noon is when the sun passes
over longitude, right?
And the earth rotates
15 degrees every hour,
so the sun moves 15 degrees every hour.
And the hour hand on the watch
moves 30 degrees every hour.
So, when you line up the
sun with the hour hand,
the halfway point between
the hour hand and 12
will always point toward the south.
Why didn't you wanna tell me that?
Because then you'd know that
I don't know where I'm going
because I'm a cool mountain man,
I know where I'm going
because I'm a space nerd.
I never thought you
were a cool mountain man.
I didn't know that Benji was
struggling because I'm a nurse.
I grew up poor.
Like, sleep in our car,
spend all day in the library
'cause it's warm and dry, poor.
I know how kids hide it because
I used to do the same stuff.
You never want anyone to
know what you're dealing with
or to see the real you,
so you just get really good at making it
look like everything's fine.
I had no idea. I'm sorry.
When I was a kid, all
I ever worried about
was being an astronaut.
Actually, that's all
I've ever worried about.
Well, it's 'cause you're still a kid.
(SEARCHER): Marianne? Marianne?
(WHEEZER): I think this
ridge right here is where
we should check next, all right?
- (BODIE): Okay, these two?
- Yep, thank you.
All right.
(MAN): Yeah, copy that, Grey,
we're eastbound so we're
heading towards you
(CRYSTAL): Chopper?
No one's seen any sight of them yet?
- (CRYSTAL): Marianne!
- We've been looking for hours.
You know, we know they were
headed to one of two airstrips,
but that's still a
lot of ground to cover.
Chopper's my best friend. I
hate not knowing if he's okay.
Is this what it was like for you,
when I was missing after
that emergency landing?
You weren't my best friend, Bodie.
I need to date other people because
I have feelings for you.
I always have.
And it would be too
easy for me to pretend
that this life we have
together is enough.
But being your partner in every
way except that way is enough.
And it is a great life but
I'm selling to Travers.
I'll sell to Travers and
I'll go back to SkyMed.
Bodie, why would you do that?
Because I don't want you to
think that I'm saying this
just because I need your
help with the business
or raising Joel.
I love you, Madison.
I love how strong and smart
and determined you are.
Look, we were kids when
we met. I acted like a kid.
And I let you down.
I let you down a lot.
And you coulda given up on me,
and I, I woulda deserved that.
And I just feel lucky
that you let me be here
to see the person
that you grew up to be.
But you never shoulda
had to push me, Mads.
I shoulda known to get my
shit together on my own.
For you.
Because if I could do it
all differently, I would.
I liked you when I was a kid,
but I love you as a man.
And you're always gonna
be my first choice.
I love you too, Bodie.
But we're not selling Jo's Boys, okay?
(MARIANNE): I just mean
that you went from wanting
to be an astronaut to
wanting to be a pilot.
It's the same thing, isn't it?
Both very popular career
choices for 10-year-olds.
You okay? Is it your ankle?
Something stung me.
- Oh! Ah! Something stung me too.
- What's that buzzing?
- Ah!
- Wasps! Ah!
- Chopper, no!
- But your ankle!
They're following us!
We need cover.
There's a creek up ahead.
- Ah!
Are you okay?
Uh, you carried me.
You're not allergic, are
you? How badly are you stung?
No, the water's too cold to feel it yet.
Where are we?
I thought you said we were going west.
Before we got turned around
running around from killer wasps.
Now I have no idea where we are.
(MARIANNE): It's getting colder
and we only have these
two safety blankets.
Yeah, they're reflective, right?
We could use them to bounce
the heat from the fire.
Nice trick.
I mean, I did learn some
grown-up stuff in selection camp.
You must miss it.
It was a dream of mine for a long time.
But you're right, being a
pilot is a dream job, too.
And uh, if I make it to a major airline,
it'll still be a dream
that most people never get.
Hmm. (SIGHS)
You know uh, actually, that reminds me.
Uh, it's the perfect time of
the year to see Ursa Major.
Yeah, before she turned
into a bear, Callisto was so,
so beautiful, that Zeus fell
in love with her on sight.
Does that line usually work for you?
Uh, yeah.
- I mean, constellations,
- they, they change, you know.
- Yeah.
My ex-husband was smooth, too.
Is that why you came to Thompson?
Sort of.
We both cared a lot about appearances.
When you grow up poor,
you spend so much time
worrying about anyone finding out
what's really going on with you,
you start to think that
that's what's most important,
how things look.
And my ex looked good on paper.
We both did.
Then I hit a snag in my career
and he cut his losses
pretty quick after that.
I've always been so ashamed
of who I used to be,
that poor,
nerdy kid.
But I look at Benji and I don't
see anything to be ashamed of.
I see this little survivor
just doing his best.
I, I am not trying anything,
I just think that we
would be warmer together.
Strictly a survival cuddle.
Okay, Cadet Chopra, on your feet.
What are we doing?
We are dancin'.
That'll warm us up.
Uh, you sure you can
dance on that ankle?
I don't need an ankle to nerd dance.
Is that the cabbage patch?
Oh, hells yeah! If you stick around
I'm gonna bust out, oh! The sprinkler.
The sprinkler.
- Bustin' out the sprinkler.
- Oh, sprinkler.
You are getting the full, oh
yeah, 10-year-old Marianne here.
- Braids and all.
- Ooh!
Wow, look at, what is that, the cowboy?
- It's the cowboy.
- Very nice.
- Very nice.
You know, I, I
I know that you didn't
like who you used to be
but I think 10-year-old
Marianne was pretty cool.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
Smart, cute braids.
My God, look what she achieved.
I I don't think you
should be ashamed of her.
I think young Marianne was awesome.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Well, it's warmer now.
My ankle feels better.
My clothes are dry.
- Look, it's okay.
I know it matters to you
how things look at work.
We can just let last night be
Whatever it was.
Really. I totally get it.
That's a weird tree.
Does it kinda look like
(BOTH): The devil's hand?
You don't think it's
real, do you, the treasure?
No, definitely not.
But we are here,
and we're lost anyways.
- So.
- Okay.
Shake the devil's hand
'til he shows you the dawn?
That's, that's east.
So, I think we're supposed
to follow the dawn's rays
- in that direction.
- It's not dawn.
There's no rays.
Okay, Choppering.
We can use that to direct
light like a flashlight.
Or like the sun.
(MARIANNE): Are you sure this is right?
We've been walking a long time.
(CHOPPER): Come on,
just a little further.
(MARIANNE): At the end of her rays,
my greatest treasure will be won.
It's just an old hinge.
Yeah, but there's a door.
(MARIANNE): No way.
"Congratulations worthy seeker.
You have found my greatest treasure,
the first bottle of W.G. Crown Gold,
coming to purveyors of
fine liquor this spring?"
This whole thing was
a marketing gimmick?
I wish I'd thought of that.
Maybe SkyMed can do
a crossover promotion?
Okay, what is with this
push to promote SkyMed?
We are a medevac service.
People don't choose us, they need us.
Can you keep a secret?
There's a new medevac base
being established on Vancouver Island.
It's a big deal.
A bunch of airlines are
bidding to operate it.
SkyMed hired me to raise their profile,
to show the pacific coast
that we're a big enough carrier
to handle something like that.
Doesn't SkyMed deserve a base
on the merit of the work that we all do?
That's PR. It's not about
what actually matters,
just how it looks.
Like that treasure.
(MARIANNE): Oh, thank God.
- Hi, we're lost.
- (FLINT): Oh, yeah?
You just happened to get lost
- at the devil's hand, huh?
- Whoa.
Think you got something
that belongs to us.
(FLINT): You think I believe
a billionaire did all this
just to promote a cheap
bottle of whisky? Nice try.
Now give us what you found
or we'll take it off you.
After what?
I think they mean after they shoot us.
Okay, you're right.
That's not the treasure. I
uh, I did, I hid it in my bag.
Get it.
Get it!
Okay! Going in my bag.
I just need to find
Chopper, run!
(CHOPPER): Was that Taylor's inhaler?
I think we really made them mad!
Hurry up, they're right behind us!
(CHOPPER): Take the torch.
Keep running this way.
- What, why?
- Do you trust me?
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Go!
There she is.
- Let's go.
Freeze, lady.
We want the treasure.
Ow! Ow!
I'll take that.
(MARIANNE): And we're gonna
need your sat phone, please.
I saw it at the hangar.
- Thank you.
(CHOPPER): I called
SkyMed to pick us up.
Wheezer is about ten out.
The northern police are
on their way for these two.
Looks like they have a
couple warrants out for them
in other provinces, so.
I really do see you
as a grown-up, Chopper.
A sweet, idealistic one,
but a really good one.
So, do you maybe wanna see
what this thing is between us?
Only if you want to and,
and if you're okay with
maybe just keeping it between
us while we see how it works?
I'm not embarrassed to date you,
it's just that no one
really likes me up here
and I'm trying to be
taken seriously and it
- (CHOPPER): Thanks for coming to get us, guys.
Well, I couldn't afford
to lose any more captains.
Too bad the treasure got shot.
Hey, green light! Cover your eyes!
Goddamn lasers.
(BODIE): Better make
sure that the people know
the treasure's been found.
Bodie, you good?
- All good, Cap.
- Good.
You have control.
I have why?
Because I can't see.