Stargate SG-1 s03e05 Episode Script

Learning Curve

Thank you.
That's perfect, Zaren.
Just like that.
(chevrons unlock) That's OK.
It's just my friends returning.
Hello, children.
Daniel? No child-labour laws|here on Orban? No, these are Urrone.
They're like apprentices to the adults.
|They're everywhere.
It's just the way they do things.
|Look at this.
|The Aztec goddess of water.
They don't even know what they've got|here.
Who knows what we'll uncover! - That is, if General Hammond said yes.
|- He said yes.
Colonel O'Neill.
You are most punctual.
Merrin and I are eager to participate|in this exchange between our worlds.
Major Carter is eager as well.
|She's really looking forward to it.
So's Teal'c.
I will share my knowledge|of the Goa'uld freely.
Teal'c's eager on the inside.
Then, if you are ready to leave Kalan, I thought we were bringing back|one of your naqahdah reactors.
- This is the device.
|- That little thing? OK.
Daniel, have fun.
I know you will.
Teal'c make friends.
As always.
(chevrons unlock) Folks, to Earth.
They're a most impressive society.
They've accomplished in decades what|it took humans over a century to achieve.
- Sounds like they'd make good allies.
|- I think so.
They're not up to the Goa'uld level|of technology yet, but in a few years Thank you for this exchange.
I am sure|it will be fruitful for both of our worlds.
Major Carter, please allow Merrin to|present you with this naqahdah reactor.
- You may study it during our exchange.
|- Thank you.
I would like to offer a tour of The exchange has been made.
- We will return to Orban now.
|- You just got here.
You can't leave.
Someone needs|to teach me how to use this thing.
Please explain what you mean by this.
Teaching? Uh, explaining how the reactor functions -|its components, its construction.
I do not have this knowledge.
I will teach you.
Major Carter will show you the lab.
|First, I'd like you to visit our infirmary.
It's nothing to be afraid of.
You must screen newcomers|for potential pathogens.
Of course.
So, Merrin, I understand|you're a reactor expert.
- How old are you?|- I'm eleven.
How old are you? So, Merrin, .
l understand you're a reactor expert.
This is my son Tomin.
He is also Urrone.
Teal'c, you will please|tell him of the Goa'uld.
You are most generous|to offer your knowledge, Teal'c.
There was an apprentice here - Zaren.
|Do you know where she went? Zaren is not here.
- It was past the time of her Averium.
|- Averium.
Is that like a graduation? That is an approximate definition.
Dr Jackson, you wished to view the city.
It is best to see|the Pyramid of Suns in daylight.
- Yes.
|- Teal'c, .
you will please remain here with Tomin.
- What is your purpose?|- Observing your physical characteristics.
Dr Jackson tells us|you were once a warrior with the Goa'uld.
That is correct.
I think I understand now|why the Goa'uld are so feared.
Hurts a little bit, huh? You are being very brave.
How's our little rocket scientist doing? We're almost done, Colonel.
- I am not a rocket scientist.
|- Colonel O'Neill means you're very smart.
You find my intelligence level unusual? No.
There are lots|of intelligent people around here.
Just not as young as you.
You mean you were not always|as smart as you are now? No.
We spent a long time in school|to get to this point.
Please explain what school is.
Uh school is a place|where you go to learn.
A teacher gives you information.
You take|classes to learn different subjects.
So this is how you and Dr Fraiser|became scientists? Mm-hm.
- You aren't a scientist?|- Oh, no.
Then you are not as smart|as Major Carter and Dr Fraiser? Well, it depends on what you mean by OK, no.
I'm not.
But while they were stuck in school,|I was out doing other things, .
like having fun.
You do know what fun is, don't you? OK, fun is .
what you do to make yourself happy.
Like music, games.
It's whatever you do when you're|not learning to be a rocket scientist.
I'm here to teach Major Carter|about the reactor.
Sounds like fun to me! - Whatever.
Go ahead, knock yourself out.
|- Come on, Merrin.
I'll show you the lab.
But you found hosts for other Goa'uld|as First Prime to the Goa'uld leader.
I have vowed to battle the Goa'uld|and to free my people.
If I let the symbiote I carry be implanted,|I would be perpetuating all that I oppose.
What happens if|you do not find a host for this Goa'uld? It will die.
If the Goa'uld dies,|then you will die as well? That would be unfortunate.
I should have known by the murals, but|the pyramid's construction confirms it! - Dr Jackson, I do not understand.
|- Teotihuacan.
A city in pre-Columbian south America,|even bigger than ancient Rome.
Which wouldn't mean anything to you,|but it is significant.
- But you said we are Aztec.
|- No, these people predated the Aztecs.
OK, look.
These pictures form a narrative.
Whatever's under this platform|may tell us how you came to be on Orban.
You will explain this to Tomin.
Teotihuacan flourished for centuries|before suffering an upheaval in 750 AD.
I think you could be|the descendants of that civilisation.
Do you believe the arrival of the Goa'uld|caused Teotihuacan's downfall? Yes! OK, that's the converter, right? - The heating element.
|- What? W When did we talk about|the heating element? In the very beginning,|when I described the fodinaire.
Oh, man.
It can't be this hard.
- I will begin again.
|- No, wait.
Let's try this a different way.
How about we break everything down|into its most basic components? Let's start with the reactor casing.
|What's it made of? - The fodinaire attaches|- No.
I'm sorry, Merrin.
We'll get to that.
Right now, I just need to know what|materials make up the reactor casing.
It'll have to block radiation,|so we'll make it lead-lined.
See? This is easy.
And the casing material|would have to measure Major? If you don't mind, I'd like|to see Merrin in the infirmary again.
Just a couple of follow-up tests.
Merrin's blood shows traces of silicon,|trinium and an element I have never seen.
I think it's a mineral,|but it is not found on Earth.
OK, even I know that's bad.
Well, I found out what was responsible.
What? - A nanite.
|- She has nanites in her blood? Yes.
However, it still didn't explain|Merrin's high neuropeptide levels.
So I did a computer-enhanced MRl.
|Ready for this one? There's millions of them.
They've infested that little girl's brain.
I put the base on alert.
Get blood samples from everyone.
I want|to know how far the nanites have spread.
My nanoprocessors are harmless to you.
Merrin, we've run into these little beggars|before.
They're anything but harmless.
We encountered a civilisation in which|the Goa'uld used a similar method .
to accelerate the age of a population.
- Colonel O'Neill was adversely affected.
|- Oy! These nanites were created by Orbanians|in an Orbanian laboratory 49 years ago.
All my people have them.
|It is the way we acquire knowledge.
You're saying|all Orbanians' brains look like this? Each citizen receives a nanite|after every Averium.
Urrones are given|millions more nanites at birth .
because we are required to learn|vast amounts of information quickly .
before neural pathways are established.
So these nanites act|as additional synapses? Yes.
But that is all they do.
They do not|age us and cannot leave the brain.
But we found a nanite in your blood.
If a nanite malfunctions,|it will disconnect from the brain .
and be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Those are inactive|and incapable of harming others.
I'm sorry if I have alarmed you,|and I understand if you wish me to return.
Oh, I don't think that would be necessary.
|Do you, General? If you think it's safe, Major Carter,|you can continue to work.
- But I still want blood samples, Doctor.
|- Yes, sir.
Father? I wish to undergo the Averium|immediately.
Tomin, it is six months|until you turn 1 2.
I am concerned by what|Teal'c has told me of these Goa'uld.
If they learn of our existence,|they will destroy us.
The studies I have made about defence|technologies must be put to use, .
so that Orban can begin preparations.
I will notify the elders.
You have learned well, my son.
|I am proud.
You study botany as well, Major? Oh, no.
Those are just decoration.
That does not look like|a naqahdah reactor core.
Well, I improvised, since we're only|using a microscopic amount of naqahdah.
How about you sketch it for me? - What?|- Draw me your reactor core.
Give me an idea of what it looks like.
I don't draw.
You don't draw? Everyone draws.
It is not something I am required|to do.
I've never had to draw before.
Well, .
it's, uh it's pretty easy.
See? - What is that?|- It's a picture of me.
Well, I know it doesn't exactly look like|me, but it's just a basic representation.
See, that's all I need from you - just a|basic representation of the reactor's core.
All right.
But this paper is not large enough.
- How's this?|- That will do.
Kel mel, Daniel Jackson.
Look at this.
This proves the Goa'uld|were here in the last few hundred years.
Now we just need to figure out|why they left.
(footsteps) Dr Jackson, I brought the tools.
Teal'c, you will please tell Solen|methods to fight the Goa'uld: .
which weapons and strategies|have been effective, .
also, anything in your experience|as First Prime to Apophis.
It is an honour|to accept your knowledge, Teal'c.
Perhaps it would be better|for Tomin to return.
H-he is unavailable.
|Solen will learn now.
- Tomin is familiar with the subject.
|- He has given us his knowledge.
- Please, you will talk to Solen.
|- But if they've established a rapport It is impossible for Tomin to be here.
|He has gone through the Averium.
Please, Teal'c.
I would like to see Tomin immediately.
What are you doing?! Get down.
Colonel O'Neill, I need 1 5 sheets of paper|at least 48cm by 23cm.
Well, that's fine.
Why don't you just ask Excuse me.
(whispers) Major.
(shouts) Carter! Oh.
Uh Merrin, I am so sorry.
Wow! Amazing.
I cannot represent the reactor core|on a 3-D plane, .
so I depicted several layers|of the reactor's interior.
- With additional supplies, I can finish it.
|- Cross sections.
Of course! If I scan these into the computer, I can get|a 3-D picture of the reactor's interior All right! Will you two give it a rest? Both of you.
You've been at this for 24 hours.
|You need rest.
I do not need to.
|Urrone children require little sleep.
OK, now I am jealous.
All right, Carter, you sleep.
Young lady, if not sleep fun.
No! I need 1 5 sheets of paper|at least 43cm by 28cm.
Colonel O'Neill? I require some of these pencils as well.
Do you not recognise me? It is Teal'c.
Kalan! Explain this Averium.
In the ceremony, an Urrone's nanites|are removed, then distributed.
Each adult and each non-Urrone child|then receives an injection of one nanite.
It becomes part of their synaptic network,|adding to nanites received previously.
So when you say he gave you|his knowledge, you meant it literally? It was a beautiful ceremony.
Now you have seen.
|We must resume our work, Dr Jackson.
What will become of Tomin? - He stays here with the other past Urrone.
|- That's it? You you - Don't you play with him?|- What is play? - Interacting, teaching him new things.
|- These children cannot be taught.
- Have you ever tried?|- Yes, but they can't receive new nanites.
The brain rejects them.
Have you ever tried|teaching them without nanites? What do you mean? There is no need for concern.
|These children are well cared for.
Kalan, .
this is your son.
My son is here now.
Kalan says that Tomin|is not brain-damaged, .
but clearly he was not himself.
If the nanites have taken over|the learning process .
and prevented|normal brain development, .
then there's a chance their removal|would make these children infant-like.
What's the difference|if they keep 'em locked up? So once Merrin returns, she will have this|Averium and her nanites will be removed? Yes.
Then maybe she won't return to Orban.
- Colonel|- General, she'll get her brain sucked out! And I dare anybody|to phrase it more delicately.
Sir, I agree with you.
- But we can't just keep Merrin here.
|- Why not? We'd be saving her life.
OK, why don't we just try asking Kalan|not to harvest Merrin's nanites? I do not believe the Orbanians will|understand the reason for your request.
- They do not see this as wrong.
|- We need to make them understand.
Teal'c, return to Orban.
Before we risk an interplanetary incident,|I'd like to try the diplomatic route first.
- How can you make this demand?|- Kalan, no one is demanding anything.
The Averium is not|in Merrin's best interests.
It most certainly is -|for her and for her people! OK.
You see, we don't believe in|doing anything that harms a child.
We do not harm our children, Dr Jackson.
|You saw how well Tomin is cared for! We can work this out.
|We just need to discuss alternatives.
There are no alternatives!|Merrin must undergo the Averium.
You will return her immediately! - The Averium is a great honour.
|- (O'Neill) That's what the adults told you.
But when they take out these|nanite things, .
they also take out|everything that makes you you.
- But my people will have my knowledge.
|- But you won't! I do not understand|why you are so concerned.
Merrin, we don't think you realise what|you give up by going through an Averium.
- It is a great honour to be chosen.
|- Will you please stop saying that? Colonel? A word, please? Teal'c.
Kalan refused our request.
Dr Jackson|is attempting to alter his position.
That gives us a chance|to make Merrin understand.
She's already refused amnesty, Colonel.
General, it's obvious|the little girl has been brainwashed.
We can't send her back|without at least trying.
Teal'c, do you foresee any danger|to Dr Jackson if he stays on Orban? I do not believe he will be harmed.
I'll give it 48 hours.
Merrin, looks like you'll be|spending a little more time with us.
Please return me to Orban.
You do understand we're trying to help? I don't need your help.
Kalan, you can't do this.
If you will not return Merrin to us,|I will retrieve her myself.
If you don't transmit a special code,|they will close the iris.
You will die.
Please explain this iris.
I will explain it, but only to you.
- If you won't explain it, transmit the code.
|- I'm sorry.
You claim to love knowledge, yet now|you demand we change to please you! No, it is not to please me! You are an advanced society.
Can't you|find a better way to educate your people? - There is no better way.
|- Even if it means giving up your son? It was the happiest day of my life|when Tomin was selected to be Urrone.
I knew even before he was born that he|would make a contribution to our society.
- You never once thought otherwise?|- Not once.
And neither did Tomin.
And what if Merrin does? Merrin is one of only|a few Urrone children, .
and the only one to have spent ten years|learning the naqahdah technology.
Without her Averium, those awaiting|her knowledge for their research .
will have to wait 1 2 years|for another Urrone to learn.
Well, I didn't know that.
Merrin does.
She does not question her duty.
It is you, Dr Jackson, who are misguided|to think you can convince her otherwise.
Come on!|Why, why, why aren't you working? - She insisted on seeing you, Major.
|- It's all right.
Major Carter? I need your assistance.
You must tell General Hammond|to let me return to Orban.
I thought, as a scientist,|you would understand.
Merrin, you're only 1 1 .
Half the interesting things in my life|didn't happen till I turned 1 5.
- What kind of interesting things?|- Oh just, uh .
If it were possible, .
l would give you one of my nanites, .
and then you would know|that it's all right.
Thank you, but I don't think|that would make a difference.
You are finished? Almost.
Once I ran a computer simulation of your|sketches, I thought I'd adapt the design.
But the current is being diverted|before it reaches the core.
I think the shielding|might be diverting power.
- Major Carter|- Unless Hey, hey, hey! .
the trinium is absorbing the current.
- Correct.
All you|- Wait! Sorry, let me.
By reversing the polarity That's it! We're in business! Why wouldn't you let me|give you the solution? What would have been the fun in that? Fun? Yeah.
Figuring something out on my own,|especially if it's been eluding me a while.
It's far more satisfying|than having the answer given to me.
But not as efficient.
- (knock at door)|- Come in.
You - You wanted to see me, sir?|- Kalan has come to escort Merrin back.
Before you say anything,|know that I have granted his request.
I don't like it either, but you don't know|the effect this is having on the Orbanians.
What about the effect|it's having on Merrin? Dr Jackson has come to realise|Merrin's importance to her people.
Her importance as a vegetable? - Colonel!|- If you would try to understand No! I won't.
The way you treat your children|is absurd.
You don't deserve them.
- Colonel O'Neill!|- Request permission to be excused, sir! OK, clear.
- (alarm)|- (laughs) We did it! Let me record these readings.
- What the heck was that?|- The reactor worked.
(phone rings) Carter.
Yes, sir.
We're fine.
It was just the reactor.
No, sir, just an initial energy pulse.
|There's no threat to the base.
It's all right, airman, I've got it.
You are taking me to the surface? Yes.
Look, you came here to learn, right? There's something I have to show you,|but I have to take you off the base for it.
You do not have permission.
Do you? No.
I don't.
In the future, Major,|before you activate any reactor, - .
l'd appreciate it ifyou'd notify me.
|- It won't happen again.
- I'd like to see Merrin in my office.
|- Colonel O'Neill just left with her.
Thank you, Major.
This is Hammond.
If Colonel O'Neill|attempts to leave, you're ordered to How long ago? I see.
- This is a school?|- It's part of it.
We call this the playground.
- What is it for?|- (bell rings) Well, just watch.
Bambinas! Pizzeria! Mamma mia! - Colonel Jack, what're you doing here?|- Playing hooky.
Kids, I want you to meet my friend Merrin.
Think you can show her around|while I talk to Mrs Struble? Colonel O'Neill! The kids have been asking|when you're coming back to see us.
- How's Cassandra enjoying junior high?|- She's doing fine.
She loves it.
Listen, do you have room for|another student this afternoon? She's visiting .
from out of town.
- We have art scheduled after recess.
|- That's perfect.
Your assignment|is to paint something you love.
Now, it could be a person or an object.
Just use your imaginations.
- I look fat.
|- (Merrin) Colonel O'Neill? This brush is too wide|to accurately render the wires.
OK, let's try this again.
Something you love.
Something that's not a machine, OK? Remember the flowers in Major Carter's|lab? The ones on the desk? Paint one of those.
Go ahead.
Bigger! (whispers) Big.
There is no purple.
Use red.
If I could have another cup, - .
l could mix the blue with the red|- Make the flower red.
But those flowers were purple! You ask me to draw,|but you do not give me the means Merrin Iisten to me.
It doesn't have to be exact.
Paint me a flower.
I don't care what it looks like.
Use this.
And don't stop with one.
|Paint the whole garden.
- But|- Ah! Paint.
- Who's that?|- It's a representation of Major Carter.
Of course it is.
Is it right? Oh, yeah.
It's way more than right.
Thank you, Colonel O'Neill,|for teaching this to me.
You're welcome.
All you have to do is ask.
|I'll find a way to make it happen.
I have a duty to my people.
|My knowledge is important to them.
You did promise.
Unfortunately, the test used up the last|of our naqahdah, but we'll find more.
At least we've got a working prototype.
Colonel? - I'm not here to cause trouble, sir.
|- Colonel O'Neill? I have something for you.
They're beautiful.
Thank you.
- You are mad at me for not staying.
|- No.
No, I'm not.
Then you understand? Major Carter, please take Merrin|to the gate room.
I'll be there soon.
Yes, sir.
You've already given me more than|enough reason for a court martial.
General, .
for a few hours today I got|to show that little girl how to be a kid.
If you want to punish me, .
go ahead.
On behalf of the citizens of Orban, .
l'd like to thank you for the experience|you have given me and to my people.
- I have learned much in my time here.
|- So have we.
We received a transmission from Orban.
|Kalan asked for all of you to go there.
- Is something wrong?|- You'll find out when you get there.
Thank you for coming! - What's wrong?|- Oh, nothing is wrong! I will show you! (children laughing) (Kalan) Come.
Look! Isn't it wonderful? Solen Solen.
Colonel O'Neill, this is my son Tomin.
|I am teaching him.
All of the past Urrone children|will now learn .
in the "old-fashioned way",|as you might say.
He will know|all that you have done for Orban.
Oh, l I drew this for you.
To express my gratitude.
- Isn't that|- Me! - Kalan, when did all this start?|- Last night, after Merrin's Averium.
She must have known this would happen.
This is what she learned.
Hi, Merrin.
(sighs) I guess we'll just have to|get to know one another all over again.
You're right.
What was I thinking? Have you ever seen a dog? Dogs are my favourite people.
Some have tails, some don't.
There are a lot of purple dogs
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