Sweet Home (2020) s03e05 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 5

[somber music playing]
Maybe I trusted you too much.
[Yi-su sobbing]
Seo Yi-kyung didn't look
like a monster to me.
[sobbing continues]
She'd been turned back.
[Yi-su] I turned her into a monster.
I didn't want her to die.
Why did you have to kill her?
[breathing heavily]
[Sang-wook] Because she's useless to me.
But you aren't.
[flesh gushing]
[menacing music playing]
[Yi-su grunting]
[Yi-su chokes, groaning]
[ominous music playing]
[gasping, groaning]
[Yi-su grunting]
Get out!
[Sang-wook groans]
- [Sang-wook groans, panting]
- [Yi-su] Mom!
- [Yi-su sobbing]
- [Sang-wook yells angrily]
[Yi-su screams]
No! Stop!
Stop! Let go!
No! No! Mom!
Let me go!
Let me go!
[theme music playing]
[Jae-jin panting]
Oh, God.
[Hyun-su] You only made it this far?
[suspenseful music playing]
[music intensifies]
Oh, man
[groans, grunting]
[Jae-jin groaning]
So, did Cha Hyun-su finally give in?
I thought you're a weak, pathetic loser.
You're not what I was expecting at all.
You're the weak and pathetic one not me.
[Jae-jin] I know you're just an impostor.
You're not the real Cha Hyun-su.
Isn't that right?
[Jae-jin pants]
He wasn't alone?
I don't know who it was,
but I think he's resisting,
just like Hyun-su.
They definitely recognized each other,
but they weren't friendly.
Hyun-su's probably dragging him along.
Well, that's a relief.
That means they're not gonna
join forces anytime soon.
Cha Hyun-su might act aggressive,
but he can't touch you.
I don't know
why he's gone to the stadium, but
no matter the reason,
now's our only chance to stop him.
What are you doing?
[Chan-yeong] We gotta go.
It's a car.
A car is coming!
[engine rumbling in distance]
[dramatic music playing]
[shaky breath]
He's still alive
[breathing shakily]
[engine revving]
- [Jae-jin exclaiming]
- [crashes]
[tires screeching]
[Jae-jin grunts]
[Jae-jin breathing nervously, rapidly]
- [glass shattering]
- [Jae-jin groans]
[gun cocks]
- [Hyun-su] Ugh, fuck.
- [clanking, clattering]
- [Hyun-sun grunting]
- [clattering]
[clanking, clattering]
So you can just pull it out whenever?
[Eun-hyeok] You look refreshed.
Things are about to get tough again,
so that's good.
[soft rock music playing]
It's gonna be tough from now on.
You're back from the grave?
You try and sound all nonchalant,
but I can tell you're surprised right now.
You missed me at all?
You fucking bet I did.
Yeah, I thought so.
The feeling's mutual.
- I need your help.
- [scoffs]
[loud thump]
[rock music playing]
You got faster.
Maybe you got slower.
Oh, really?
[loud thump]
[Eun-hyeok sighs]
You're gonna help me out or what?
You think I'll let you walk all over me
like Cha Hyun-su did?
You'll have to
and there's nothing you can do about it.
[intense music playing]
Stop trying to run away, you rat bastard!
[glass shattering]
- [grunts]
- It'd be a good idea
to start rethinking your attack plan
and stop swinging that thing around.
What, you think
you can't fight without it?
[glass shards clattering]
Good. Time to use your brain.
[Hyun-su] Oh, God.
You're the exact same asshole
you always were.
[Eun-yu] Lee Eun-hyeok! Lee Eun-hyeok!
- It's him.
- [pensive music playing]
[inhales sharply]
It's really Eun-hyeok.
[Eun-yu breathing shakily]
[running steps approaching]
You're back.
[Eun-yu] Eun-hyeok!
Congrats. Looks like you got the girl.
You son of a bitch.
[tense music playing]
No! Stop! Stop, Cha Hyun-su!
No! Eun-hyeok!
[Eun-yu screams]
Eun-hyeok, no!
Looks like you're cornered.
Gonna pull that thing out?
I don't need it.
- [gunshot]
- [groans]
- Kang Seok-chan.
- [gunshot]
- [inhales deeply]
- [Jae-jin groans]
- [Yeong-hu] Min Seo-jin.
- [groans]
- Jeong Jong-hyun.
- [gunshot]
- Choi Yong-seok.
- [fast gunshots]
- [gun clicks]
- [Jae-jin groans]
[breathing heavily]
[intense music playing]
- [yelling in anger]
- [thwacking]
[yelling continues]
Sergeant Kim!
- Sarge, watch out!
- [pants]
[Jae-jin grunts, panting]
[angry grunt]
[Chan-yeong] Don't do it!
You think you can fuck with me?
- [sizzling]
- [Jae-jin grumbling]
[Jae-jin grunts, panting]
[Jae-jin] Cha Hyun-su
I'll kill that son of a bitch!
[tense music playing]
[Eun-yu] Eun-hyeok! Eun-hyeok! No! No!
- [snarls]
- [Eun-yu] Eun-hyeok! No!
Stop! Let go!
Eun-hyeok! Eun-hyeok!
[Jae-jin] Looks like you're trapped now.
- Enjoy, you two!
- [squelching]
Why did you have to butt in? Shit.
[both panting]
I don't think now's the time to argue.
[Eun-yu grunts]
[Eun-yu] No! Stop!
I told you, I've been looking for someone.
That's him right there.
That's my brother. Please just let me go!
Please let go of me!
Let me go!
- Come on, use your head.
- Shit.
I thought you could take it out whenever.
[creaking, rumbling]
[wing crackling]
[Hyun-su breathing heavily]
What are you gonna do?
I'll cheer for you.
That means you're not gonna do
a single fucking thing, doesn't it?
I just wanna find out
what you're capable of.
Think you can get out?
[suspenseful music playing]
You're fast, aren't you?
If you see an opening, jump out.
And you?
I'm not weak like you.
Please let me go!
[tense music playing]
[Eun-yu] Let go.
Let go, he's my brother!
He's there Please!
[Yeong-hu] Get it together.
[Eun-yu panting]
[Yeong-hu] Family?
You think that's family?
[breathing shakily]
That thing's not human.
[tense music continues]
It's not human, okay?
Get in.
Let's go.
- [crackling]
- [sizzling]
Are you ready?
[Eun-hyeok inhales sharply]
[Eun-hyeok] Whenever you are.
Right now!
[grunts, panting]
When you see her, you better say hi.
[metal creaking]
[Jae-jin panting, whimpering]
[engine sputtering]
Hey! Hey, Lee Eun-yu!
[Ha-ni] Hey!
[running steps approaching]
[pensive music playing]
Let go of me.
Did that man leave?
Do you know how to get to the stadium?
Is that all you have to say to me?
Were you waiting for me?
Of course I was waiting for you.
Why wouldn't I be?
Aren't you here for me?
[somber music playing]
Why would I be?
[Eun-hyeok] I'll come back.
Don't worry about me.
I'll come back safely.
You promise?
[Eun-hyeok] Mm.
[Eun-yu] You said you'd come back.
And here you are, you're alive, but
you never came to see me, not once.
I was desperately waiting for you
this whole goddamn time,
and you never came looking for me!
Why would I do that?
You're my brother.
My big brother.
And I've been waiting for you
all this time.
I never stopped waiting for you,
not even for one day.
How could you
How could you talk to me like this?
Was there a strong enough incentive
for me to come and see you?
[shaky breath]
There wasn't
was there?
[shaky breath]
[Yeong-hu] Family?
You think that's family?
That thing's not human.
It's not human, okay?
- [lock clicks]
- [clanks]
Let me know if you need anything.
Let me out.
I can't do that.
[objects clattering]
[clattering continues]
What the hell?
Just an intense lovers' quarrel.
Did you meet Seo Yi-kyung?
Yeah, clearly.
[Sang-wook breathes deeply]
Something's not adding up.
Remember how you told me
that you've never seen
that woman around here?
I know what you're getting at,
but you're barking up the wrong tree.
And I kept to myself the whole time.
you two had a nice reunion?
We did.
But that's the last time
I'll ever see her.
I'm sure you didn't come here
to tell me that, so what's up?
[Dr. Lim] Need help with your face?
Those cuts you got
are looking pretty gnarly, hmm?
[Sang-wook] Did you do what I asked?
You couldn't figure it out for a year,
and you expect me to do it overnight?
[tense music rises]
[Sang-wook grumbles]
I wanted you to give me
a reason to keep you alive.
Why don't you get that?
The trigger.
[ominous music playing]
Let's think about
the timing of the body transfer.
The state you were in
the other times that you've transitioned.
[Dr. Lim] The first time, it was because
you couldn't stand the pain, right?
Weren't circumstances similar
when you moved into this body?
It sounds like
you're suggesting that I need to die.
No I'm not.
You just need to be on the brink of death.
You know that I don't have the means
to help you like I did before.
What could we do?
Something that could almost be fatal.
- [radio static]
- [Chi-seong] Have you seen Jae-jin?
[Ja-yeong over radio] Not yet.
Where is he?
Are you all right, sir?
There's no need to delay any longer.
I'm gonna take the child's body.
Have you figured out a way?
Yes, I have.
I need you to make preparations.
[woman whimpering]
Don't you know the rules have changed?
[Jin-guk] Uh, well
They're favoring the symptomatic ones now!
[breathing shakily]
I'm not a monster yet,
but I'm gonna be
turning into one very soon!
- [Jin-guk] Just wait, please. Calm down.
- [crowd whimpering]
Gi-chun, calm down!
Where are they?
[all whimpering]
I'm showing symptoms!
- I'm a symptomatic one!
- [squelching]
[Jin-guk breathing shakily]
[blood splashing]
That's great.
[Gi-chun breathes nervously]
[Chi-seong sighs]
We'll have to confirm a few things first,
but for now,
just do what you've been doing.
[breathing shakily]
I trust you heard the announcement.
Please, everyone, cooperate.
[man 1]
Are they really favoring the symptomatic?
[Cheol-yong] Wait!
Does that mean he'll stay in here with us?
- Here with us?
- [man 2] There's no way in hell.
I feel sorry for Gi-chun's kids.
At least
he doesn't have to hide it anymore.
I guess it's kind of a good thing.
[soft scoff]
And how is she doing?
You mean Seon-hwa?
She is losing her mind.
She seemed fine for a while,
but she's really struggling now.
Do you know someone named Yeong-jun?
Seon-hwa keeps asking for him,
and she mentioned you as well,
so I thought you might know him.
I don't.
[Jae-jin panting]
[Ha-ni] Oh, he's going in.
What should we do?
We gotta be careful.
We don't know what's going on inside.
We'll wait for the right moment
to sneak in.
[tense music playing]
you can't even stand up straight anymore?
He has returned, sir.
Cha Hyun-su.
Don't worry,
I've dealt with that little bastard.
Have you?
So you're saying you personally
witnessed him taking his last breath?
[nervous chuckle]
Well, not quite, no.
But I'm sure
he'll never be able to escape.
Then why do I
get the feeling
that Cha Hyun-su is still alive?
[tense music continues]
Cha Hyun-su
[music fades]
Just wait.
The time has come
for Cha Hyun-su to prove himself.
[Eun-yu] Prove himself?
What about you?
Are you even human?
Are you the Eun-hyeok that I remember?
I'm neohuman.
The Eun-hyeok you see
is not the man you knew.
So you're not human, you're neohuman?
You're not making any sense right now.
You're sitting here
looking exactly the same,
and you expect me to believe you?
Well, if you don't believe me, fine.
I was just answering your question.
Okay, let's say it's true.
What does that mean?
It's the final stage of monsterization.
We have memories but no emotions.
We learn quickly and feel nothing.
"I'm not the man you knew."
Is that what you're trying to tell me?
If you hate me now,
why not just come out and say it?
I don't hate you.
But I don't like you.
Unlike Cha Hyun-su, you're useless.
You've never done anything worthwhile.
Why were you searching for Lee Eun-hyeok?
He's not even your real brother.
[somber music playing]
Because I missed you.
You always used to bug me and cling to me
when I didn't want you around.
You still sound like
the same brat you always were.
There's no end in sight here.
I wonder how long Cha Hyun-su will take.
[In-hwan] You're sure
I can become a special infectee
with whatever is in that girl's body?
It's worked that way so far,
but I did extract it from Sang-won's body,
so it might have already expired by now.
I'm telling you, it's worked before.
The other three probably had it too.
Why wait? Bring her here quickly.
This is the opportune moment to do it.
The boss is very busy.
He's getting the campfire ready right now.
[tense music playing]
So he's going to burn his own body?
Absurd, right?
Why didn't I think of it sooner?
His body almost became a monster,
so it should have similar weaknesses.
Why is he so desperate
to take over the child's body?
His current body has many defects.
We don't have much time.
Enough questions for now.
Just go put her to sleep.
I'll inject you as soon as we take it out.
Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick!
[Jae-chan] What are we even doing here?
Spring cleaning?
They want everything.
Our clothes, our blankets.
What on earth is happening around here?
Damn it.
Keep it down!
This isn't some picnic, okay?
Hey, Kim Gi-chun.
Baldy, can't you hear me?
Damn it. What do you want now? What?
Go over there. Bring her some food.
Hey, that's your job.
Why should I do that?
I've made my contribution, all right?
Thanks to me,
they caught the kid who tried to run away.
[Cheol-jong] I passed on the message
to the higher-ups, okay?
[wheels rattling]
[Ja-yeong] What is that?
Supplies for the isolation area.
They said you needed to check them.
Right now?
[ominous music rises]
[body thuds]
[suspenseful music playing]
Hey, are you in there?
Hey, what are you doing here?
You said you were living with your mom.
Are you okay?
Seo Yi-su.
[pensive music playing]
That's my name.
Seo Yi-su?
That's pretty.
I have to go.
My mom told me not to stop.
But I don't know where I should go.
Start by getting out of here.
You can't do anything if you're locked up.
Even if I leave, I'm all alone.
No, you're not.
I'm here with you.
- A-And you have Ms. Cha too.
- [chains rattling]
[Yeong-su grunting]
Will you come with me?
If you do, I can give you what you want.
You told me
you wanted to be a monster, right?
[Yeong-su] I'll become a monster.
I'll become a monster and kill you all.
- [kid] What?
- I will kill you all!
I can make that happen.
[gentle music playing]
[tense music playing]
Ah, fuck.
[tense music swells]
Why is that monster
[tense music continues]
[Chi-seong] It doesn't seem like
she left through the main gate.
She's most likely still on the premises.
I-I promise to track her down again.
I will go look for her too.
[Jae-jin grunts]
[Sang-wook] And if you catch her?
How will you restrain her?
I don't give a shit
if you lose your limbs or your heads
trying to catch her.
But if you lose my next body
[Jae-jin groans in pain]
- I should've been more careful.
- you'll be held responsible.
I-I'm sorry, sir! I'm sorry, sir!
I'm sorry, sir! I'm sorry, sir!
I'm sorry, sir! I'm so sorry!
We We'll do whatever
it takes to get her back!
Now I see things clearly.
This is the extent of your abilities.
I knew you weren't on Cha Hyun-su's level.
I'm starting to think
I'm better off with humans.
Get everyone together.
[heavy breath]
[exhales nervously]
Have you seen Yeong-su?
Has he disappeared?
Oh, Ms. Cha
Ms. Cha, wait!
Find him quickly.
What's going on?
[uneasy music playing]
The Crow Platoon
is gonna sneak people outside.
When? Where to?
I-I don't really know, but
you need to find Yeong-su
and keep him close to you.
How did you hear about this?
Why does that matter?
I'll help you find him.
Where'd you last see him?
The field.
Hey, Kim Yeong-su!
- [Ye-seul] Oh, ma'am.
- [woman] Hmm?
Have you seen Yeong-su?
Why? Is Yeong-su missing?
- Uh, never mind.
- [woman] What?
Uh, excuse me.
Have you seen a small boy
wearing orange clothes anywhere?
[man] No, I haven't. Sorry.
[chiming on PA]
[Chi-seong] This is an announcement
for symptomatic individuals and survivors.
Please report
to the central plaza at once.
Especially Master Sergeant Tak In-hwan,
please come immediately.
I think they've caught on too quickly.
[Dr. Lim inhales sharply]
It's fine.
I'll just do it quickly.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Dr. Lim grunts]
[grunting continues]
[grunting continues]
- [Chi-seong] An announcement, I repeat.
- [Dr. Lim] Shit!
All symptomatic individuals and survivors,
congregate at the central plaza.
No need to worry.
I just wanted to show my appreciation.
I feel that we haven't done enough
for our symptomatic individuals.
Master Sergeant Tak In-hwan.
As I mentioned before,
symptomatic individuals
will soon become one of us.
It's just two weeks.
If you can endure these next two weeks,
that's all.
Then you can live a life
free of any threats.
You'll obtain the power
to protect yourself and your family.
I'm thinking
of closing this place down soon.
You know my daughter?
She can turn normal people
into symptomatic individuals.
[suspenseful music playing]
She's probably wandering
around here somewhere.
If you want to join me,
my child will prove helpful to us.
So it's in our interest to find her soon.
We don't have much time.
No way.
Son of a bitch!
[Cheol-jong panting]
Ah, damn it!
[crowd murmuring]
- Dong-jun, I
- You don't need to say anything.
Nothing has changed for us.
We promise to follow your lead.
[suspenseful music continues]
This isn't over yet.
You should
just get out of here already.
Is he dead?
I thought he'd be useful,
but clearly, I overestimated him.
Watch what you say.
Is there any point in waiting?
Have you made a habit
of abandoning people?
I'm just assessing the situation.
What a relief.
I'm glad to see you so unscathed.
You know, you haven't changed one bit.
I don't care if you're not human anymore.
Cha Hyun-su, Lee Eun-hyeok
I refuse to give up on either of you.
[metal creaking]
- [loud blast]
- [clattering]
[dark choral music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[closing theme music playing]
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