The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e05 Episode Script


Oh! Who is this
cowboy anyway?
He's the resident OSI
computer genius.
This is Lindsay Wagner.
Here are some scenes from the
next episode of The Bionic Woman.
All the keys to the Minerva
Code are in his head.
We'll get them out when
we get him to East Germany.
Gonna shoot pool or you
gonna hide behind her skirts?
When we get through with
that dude, the only thing
he's gonna be able
to ride is a stretcher.
You ready, hazer?
Ready as I'll ever be.
OSCAR: Come in,
JAIME: Hi, Oscar, What's
Oh, hi, Jaime,
Well, we have a problem.
But it's not a major
one, at least not yet,
And that's where you come in,
How so?
Let me show you.
I want you to
take a look at this.
You sure you got the right tape?
You just watch, you'll see.
He's kinda cute.
I hadn't noticed.
Oh, no.
Who is this cowboy anyway?
His name is
Dr. William Cole.
He's the resident OSI
computer genius.
He likes rodeo. It's
a big thing to him.
And it's a very
costly thing to us.
Two years ago, while he was
working on an ABM Project,
he took time off for
the Pendleton Round-up.
A bronc tossed him on his head.
The concussion set our
program back seven weeks
and then there was a
busted arm at Calgary
which slowed
the Alpha-Six Studies.
Really sounds like
an interesting character.
Well, he's brilliant, eccentric,
but don't misunderstand,
he's an accomplished
rodeo rider.
After his last accident,
I demanded
that he choose between
his job and his hobby.
Well, he resigned,
so I compromised.
Now he does what he wants.
Some compromise.
Well, I can't win them all.
This weekend he wants to ride in
the Templeton Frontier Days Rodeo.
He also has a critical analysis
of Maximillian's bionic
structure next week that's due.
You mean my favorite dog's here?
Yes, he's in Rudy's lab.
Didn't you know?
Well, if he knows
about Max and bionics,
does he know about me,
too? No, no, no. No, no.
He just knows about Maximillion.
Jaime, I want you to go
up with him this weekend,
keep an eye on him, get
him back safely on Monday,
and try to keep a cow from
stepping on his head in the meantime.
Oscar, come on.
You don't
You don't really want me
to get actually
I mean, actually involved
in this rodeo, do you?
Only as a last resort, Jaime.
But I have confidence in you.
You've been
an accomplished horsewoman
since you were eight years old.
Well, I know,
but in all that time
I didn't go running around
chasing an unhappy bull.
I mean
(SIGHS) Is he going to
know why I'm there?
No, no. He'll blow up
if he finds out
I sent some kind of a bodyguard.
It wouldn't fit in with
his bronco-busting image.
You understand?
Well, then, I guess I'm just
going to have to figure out
some way to get close to him.
There won't be
any problem there, babe.
I've seen you in a
cowgirl's outfit before.
Hey, Max.
Dr. Cole, your boots.
Bill, how many times
have I asked you
to wear rubber-soled
lab shoes in here?
Those boots pick up static
electricity from the floor
and it throws off some of
our more sensitive equipment.
I'm sorry, Rudy. I'm going
right back out anyway.
Just wanted to run a final check
on the factoring composites
of the Minerva Code.
Let me look.
All right.
Oh. Beef-jerky.
Want a bite?
No. No, thanks.
Makes my eyes water.
Unless this clunker's busted,
the answer should be
Sixty-one digit number equals to
two-to-the 200th power plus 235,
that's figuring in 32,000%
variable because of my boots.
Home free.
Now, under the trap door
methodology of encoding,
the Minerva Code is
virtually unbreakable.
The difficulty factor
of cracking it
is finding two primes of
a 110 to 125 digit number,
multiplied by
two 63-digit variables.
All OSI data transmitted to Miss
Minerva ought to be pretty safe.
I'll write it all up for you
Monday before I start with Max.
Oh, by the way, here's
a little plan I drew up
for an anti-static module so
I can wear my boots in here.
Oh, well, thanks.
Now, look, you're going, huh?
I mean, how can I convince you
to stay away from wild horses?
You can't. I'm closer
than I've ever been
to winning the All Around
Championship Cowboy Buckle.
Nothing will
keep me away from that.
So long, Rudy.
Goodbye, Max. Don't
do anything Iwouldn't do.
Bionically speaking.
See you, Bill.
RUDY: You hear that?
You hear that, Max?
That's Jaime.
Come on. Let's show
her what we learned.
Go open the door for her.
Turn the knob with your
mouth like we practiced.
Now, go ahead.
Go ahead.
Turn it gently, Max.
ACTIVATING) Turn it. Don't pull it.
RUDY: Max! Max!
What is going on?
Hi. Rudy's teaching him
a new trick
but I don't think
he has it down yet.
I guessed that.
No, not quite.
Max, it's back
to the drawing board.
That's okay, Max.
Don't you worry about it.
It's the thought that counts.
Oscar, we've got to do
something about Billy.
He just walked out of here
on another kamikaze mission.
That's aver y unique
description of rodeo riding.
Billy and I made our deal, Rudy.
I'm afraid we're all going
to have to live with it.
RUDY: Oscar,
I'll level with you.
I know he's brilliant,
but if he wants to be a cowboy,
we should just let
him go and do it.
He should stay out of the lab.
Rudy, you're over-reacting.
He's got the whole
Minerva Code in his head.
There's not one word
on paper yet.
If he gets racked up,
if his luck should run out,
we're back to square one.
When I agreed to let Billy ride,
I knew it was a gamble.
But now that Jaime is going
to help, I have hedged my bet.
Well, I hope you know
what you're getting into.
I'm just going to take it
a step at a time, that's all.
So, and as for you,
my little friend
You be a good boy, okay?
And I'll see you
again real soon.
I hope.
You were a good boy.
You know what, Max?
You were a good boy.
You just didn't make it.
Will all the judges
for tomorrow's
Livestock Competition
please report
to the judges' tent.
Will all hazers for tomorrow's
competition please check in
with the stock contractor
in the main stable area.
JANOS: Is that him?
Oh. Howdy.
All of the keys to the
Minerva Code are in his head.
JANOS: No problem.
We'll get them out when
we get him to East Germany.
ANNOUNCER: ., , at the sign-in
desk at the rodeo producer's office
that's on the north side
of the arena.
TEAK: Hey, dude!
There he is, sure enough.
CROWLEY: Oh, yes.
The gold-plated cowboy
come all the way down
from Washington, DC.
To show us poor folks
how it's done.
Ah, he's as frisky as a colt
in a cow pasture, ain't he?
Really thinks he's something,
I'd like to see him plow
a furrow with his head.
Wait till he finds out ain't
nobody gonna haze for him.
ANNOUNCER: Practice sessions
for tomorrow's main events
are now taking place
in the north arena.
BILLY: You see that silver
buckle? It's gonna be mine.
I plan to win it, so just what
are you trying to tell me?
Carlos, what do you mean
nobody'll haze for me?
That's the craziest thing
I ever heard.
Now, take it easy, Billy.
Juanita, take over, will you?
Come on.
ANNOUNCER: All competitors,
you are reminded again
of the noon sign-in deadline
for tomorrow's competition.
Better report right away
to the sign-in desk.
That's on the north side
of the arena.
All right,
what's this all about?
A couple of the boys are leaning
in on folks mighty heavy, Billy.
Letting them know
that there'll be trouble
for anyone that rides with you.
Which couple of boys?
Look, Billy,
I don't want no trouble.
You can understand that.
BILLY: It's Crowley
and Teak, isn't it?
Face it, Billy.
Come Monday you'll
be going to Washington,
but they'll still be
here leaning on people.
They're rough boys.
Ain't no one going to
side by you.
Ain't no one going
to haze for you.
I'm sorry, Billy.
All right.
That's just fine.
I'll do it without a hazer.
Thanks a lot, Carlos.
Sir. Excuse me.
Si, sen orita.
What does a hazer do?
He rides beside you
in the bulldogging,
he rides pickup for
the broncs, all like that.
Now, what's going to happen if
he tries to compete without one?
Senorita, he can't
compete without a hazer.
Thank you.
ANNOUNCER: Mark Simmons
is set now for a practice run,
I hear you're fresh out
of hazers?
Well, I'm out of a job and all the
other hazers seem to have work.
You need a side-rider
and I need a job.
And I think that's a
pretty good combination.
You're a girl
or is it a cowperson?
I'm a woman and I need a job.
Now, how about it?
Nah. I'm sorry.
There're a couple of
boys around here
who might not care whether
or not you're a woman.
I wouldn't like to
see you get hurt.
I heard about those
guys. Who are they?
They're nobody. Just a
couple of saddle-tramps.
They ride all the
rodeos in this circuit.
Well, maybe the both of
us ought to sit this one out.
No way.
Lady, this is my year.
I've got 97 points in the All
Around Cowboy standings.
I only need three more to
win that little silver buckle.
Now, I know that sounds
dumb to a lot of people,
but it means a lot to me.
There's other rodeos.
This is the last one in
the time limit this year.
(SIGHS) Well, looks like
you're back to me.
Now, tell me straight.
Have you ever done
any hazing before?
No, but I've been on the
girls' rodeo circuit for two years
and I'm a very fast learner.
How good are you
at pickup riding?
I picked up on you, didn't I?
I'll answer that in a minute.
You just go over there and
ask Carlos for old Windfire.
All my hazers use him.
Hey, sweetheart, you can
drop your loop on me anytime.
Okay, boy, we're
both going to work.
Hey, wait a minute.
That's Cole's
hazing horse, ain't it?
You don't suppose she's
got some crazy idea, do you?
You know, we best
teach that little lady
to mind her own business.
You just sit tight.
JAIME: Windfire, you're
a frisky one, aren't you?
Come on.
Come on.
Oh. Oh.
The games boys will play.
Excuse me.
Come on. Thank you for kicking
down that door for me, Windfire.
Here we go.
I can't imagine
how it got locked.
Come on. Come on.
I think I'll find out
more about those two.
You sure you remember
everything I told you?
Uh, yeah.
Now, keep bearing in and
keep the steer going straight.
How am I going to know
when you're ready to jump?
You just let me
take care of that.
You all set?
the chute, it's Billy Cole.
Now then, this should
be worth a few laughs.
Now, when the steer
takes off, you take off.
But whatever you do,
don't let your horse go wide.
Okay, I keep the steer
going straight,
I bear in with the horse and
don't let him go wide, right?
Okay. You got
all that, Windfire?
He sound like he's mad
about something to you?
He's gentle as a little lamb.
Yeah. Does he know that?
I've got a feeling you
have a plan, my dear.
BILLY: Outside.
Hold him in.
Aw, too bad,
Steer went a little wide on him,
Aw, ain't that a shame.
That little lady let
old Windfire go wide.
Looks like old Billy-boy may
never even get to the competition.
Are you okay?
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
What's the last thing
I told you to do?
Keep the steer going straight?
Uh-uh. Uh-uh.
It was,
"Don't go wide."
Well, it was Windfire
here that went wide.
And I'm telling you
he did it on purpose.
You gotta let him know
who's boss.
Didn't you squeeze in on
him a little with your knees?
I did.
Yeah? You ain't got
much meat on your bones.
Maybe you just don't have
the strength in your legs.
Let me try it again, okay?
All right now, Windfire,
you go wide again
and you're going to be in
for a big surprise.
All right, if that's
the way you want it.
And don't you forget it.
And Billy's got him!
All right, that's more like it.
Well, you've got to give
credit where it's due.
That's good work, Windfire.
And thank you
for the lesson, sir.
Now, wait a minute.
One good ride doesn't
make you cowgirl of the year.
We've got a whole lot
more practicing to do.
So, mount up.
Mount up.
Well, what do you think?
I don't know.
ANNOUNCER: Billy Cole's
riding Sidewinder,
Sidewinder is one of
the tougher broncs.
How'd I do?
If I told you,
you'd get a swelled head.
By the way, what's your name?
It's Jaime Sommers.
I have a job?
Well, that's possible.
Depends how much
confidence I get in you.
Well, how am I going
to arrange that?
Well, I guess
a good idea would be
to get to know
each other real good.
And just how good is real good?
Ah, well, time
will tell, won't it?
How about us
having dinner tonight?
Then it's a date, hazer.
You got it, cowboy.
I might even wear a yellow
ribbon for you, you know that?
Come on.
That girl is
getting pretty good.
With her, old Billy-boy's
liable to do okay.
When we get through with
that dude, the only thing
he's gonna be able
to ride is a stretcher.
Come on.
Let's go.
We'd better grab Cole
before those two idiots kill him.
No, no, no, no, wait a minute.
There's an opportunity here.
If we can get Dr. Cole
into East Germany
without arousing OSI suspicion
we'll be that much ahead
of the game, hmm?
Sure, but how?
Now, suppose we use these
two men, Teak and Crowley.
Their animosity toward
Cole is public knowledge.
We'll hire them to kidnap Cole.
We get Cole and
let everyone think
that Teak and Crowley
were the ones involved.
And no one will suspect
we have the Minerva Code.
Come on, let's find a table.
Okay, but not too near
the orchestra here.
I've got very sensitive ears.
Well, Iookee who we got here.
Big city hot-shot come
down to show off again.
Wanna shoot some pool, sucker?
Aw, he's afraid his girl is
going to see him get whomped.
You know, I think Teak's right,
'cause there's two things
I can whip your tail at,
it's rodeo and shooting pool.
Ain't that it?
What do you say, chicken lips?
Gonna shoot pool or you
gonna hide behind her skirts?
Heck, I'll even I'll
even give you first crack.
I'll shoot you a little pool.
Billy, can I break it for you?
CROWLEY: Lookee here, Teak.
She must think she's Minnesota Fats.
TEAK: Now, make sure you
don't miss the cue ball, honey.
Oh, those must have
been some old balls.
I guess we can't play anymore.
Sorry about that.
Come on.
I'm starving, Billy.
How'd you do that?
I haven't the faintest
idea how I did that.
What's good here?
The steaks aren't too bad.
When they finish with the
livestock over at the rodeo,
they send them over here.
I would like to have the
Ranch House Special, medium,
with a baked potato, lots
of butter and no sour cream.
Sounds good.
I'll make it two.
Couple of drafts?
That Crowley and his friend
certainly are down on you.
Well, I can't really blame them.
They're hard riding guys,
work all the rodeos in this area.
I guess I'd get ticked off too
if some computer jockey
breezed in here
and won some points away
from them
and then took off again
to the big city.
Computer jockey?
Bartender! Rye.
Just leave the bottle.
You shouldn't have to
apologize for being good.
I mean, even if it is
just a hobby for you.
It seems like I
don't fit in anywhere.
When I'm out on the rodeo
circuit I'm the brainy scientist
and when I'm in the office
I'm the hayseed cowboy.
Seems like I'm always
on the outside looking in.
Well, I guess it's about time
to have a serious
discussion with Dr. Cole.
Let's go.
Hey, buffalo chip.
It's time to break your arm
again like we did in Calgary.
Then we're gonna throw you
right back into the compost heap
where you come from.
Well, that's just
wonderful, boys,
but I haven't
finished my dinner yet.
Oh, yes, you have.
Ow! What happened?
JAIME: Oh, they just had
a little too much to drink.
They're falling
all over themselves.
Can't we go some place
where it's a little more quiet?
Where it's a little more quiet?
Not on your life. This
calls for celebrating.
Come here.
Come here.
Hey, Ruby
Oh, I don't know
I don't know what happened.
I think Cole must have
shoved me, huh?
But how could he have
done that to you
and decked me at the same time?
I don't know.
I'm telling you,
I've had it with him.
The next time I see him,
he's gonna be buzzard bait.
Excuse me, but I
couldn't help overhearing.
There's a much better way
if you'll listen to me.
Who are you, mister?
Not a friend of yours.
But at least, we both
want the same thing.
Oh, now, just what's
that supposed to mean?
I want Dr. Cole
delivered to me.
Now, if you're interested, I'll
tell you exactly how to handle it.
And it's worth $5,000
for each of you.
Well, now
Mister, you you just
might have yourself a deal.
Oh, give me a home
Where computers don't roam
And the spies and the
ciphers don't (SHUSHING)
Come on, you're gonna wake
up the whole place. Okay?
Hey, look, I
Where'd I park my
pickup? It's right here.
All right.
Here, hold on to it, please.
Hey, well, listen.
I'm really sorry I got
you into that mess.
The fact is I don't
really like to fight.
I don't like to fight either.
But we didn't have
much choice, did we?
Okay, I am going to make you
the cutest little bed you ever saw.
All right.
Whoa. Hold on.
Don't do that on me.
You promised me.
What? I didn't do
it. Hold on. Hold on.
The truck moved a little.
Now, please, sir.
It's ready.
In you go.
Come on.
Hey, what's happening?
You're strong.
Your hat.
There you are.
Sweet dreams.
Hey, have I been making
a fool of myself?
No. Just the beer
talking loud.
You know,
you're some kinda girl.
I never had a girl too long.
I didn't have the time.
Winning that silver buckle
and the right girl.
That'd be getting it all.
Billy, I think
there are some things
you should know about me
before you start talking like that.
Like what?
Well, first of all,
I want you to know
that I really do like you too,
and I know that you're gonna
know that somewhere down the line.
It's It's just that
I'm not exactly what I
have been pretending to be.
Good night, cowboy.
cowboys and cowgirls,
A big, big Templeton hello to
our Frontier Days and Rodeo,
We got a whole day
of events planned for you.
Livestock judging competition
will start at 10:00 this
morning on the north side,
And the rodeo competition featuring
some of our best local cowboys
is gonna begin later this
afternoon right in the main arena.
BILLY: Lady, I'm gonna win
that little silver belt buckle today.
These old bones can feel it.
(LAUGHS) I think this
buckle means more to you
than a Nobel Prize
in mathematics would.
Well, it's a whole lot
more fun winning it.
Especially with you as my hazer.
Hey, Jaime,
I appreciate what
you're doing for me today.
Appreciate you, too.
You sure you want to
warm up again?
I'm a little saddle sore
from yesterday, you know.
Just once or twice.
And then we got the whole
afternoon off before the event begins.
You got that drug they gave us?
Just in case he don't drop like a
rock like that guy said he would,
I got mine ready too.
ANNOUNCER: Hey, Billy Cole
now has his new pretty cowgirl hazer,
Gonna make a practice run
before the competition gets
started later this afternoon.
You ready, hazer?
Ready as I'll ever be.
Ready. Let her out.
bad spell for Billy Cole.
Looks like Billy's
saddle gave way.
Let's all hope that
he's going to be all right.
Looks like
He's going to be okay.
What are you doing?
Just trying to help.
I'll bet you're trying to help.
Lady, he's plum knocked out.
We're just trying to help.
Yeah, we better get him
into the truck.
Wait a minute.
What are you doing?
Well, we got to
get him to first aid.
What truck? It's my
truck. It's right over there.
Just happened to
be out there, did it?
Lady, we're just trying to help.
Listen, I think we'd
both be a lot better off
if you guys would
stop trying to help us.
Now, I think
Now, honey
Well, what do you know, the little
lady done gone and fainted too.
Yeah. We'd better get
them both over to first aid.
Come on.
Just think, Teak,
a few hours and Cole's going
to be out of our lives forever.
How they doing?
Ah, they're still out just like two
fat heifers in the noonday sun.
Boy, that's some kind of stuff.
Okay, now, Janos said he'd
meet us at the old Crowfoot Ranch.
Yeah, when will
we get our money?
Radnik will bring that out there
when he flies in
to pick up these two
and then it's south of
the border for me and you.
TEAK: Yee-haw!
(GUN comma)
TEAK: Yee-hoo!
Try another one.
Go ahead.
Yee-hoo! Now, that's
some real turkey shooting.
I wish that turkey in the
barn would make a run for it.
I'm real sorry I got you
into this mess, Jaime.
Afraid you've got it backwards,
I'm the one that let
you get into this mess.
Oscar Goldman sent
me here to protect you.
So, you ain't just some little
lost bear cub in the woods, huh?
Well, go on, let's
have the rest of it.
There's not much more to it.
I was supposed to keep
you from getting hurt
and get you back
to Washington by Monday.
How were you supposed
to do that little trick?
You're some kind of a
ringer, gonna out-rodeo me?
Oh, I wasn't gonna
out-rodeo you.
Look, you work with Max.
I know you know
about bionics and
I'm bionic.
Well, if that don't beat all.
I always said
you were something.
I'm beginning to
feel better already,
seeing as how I've
been took in by a freak.
I don't deserve that.
I didn't deserve to
be lied to either.
You should have
known when I first
when you saw that I
was beginning to like you.
That might have been a good
time to tell me who you were then.
I tried to tell you.
You passed out on me, remember?
Well, maybe I am the pot
calling the kettle black.
I'm the one who's the freak.
I have been all my life.
You know, when I was eight
years old back in Midland,
growing up on a ranch,
I was doing calculus.
I was always the brainy
one back at home in Midland.
But I was the hayseed
at M.I.T.
Billy, you have succeeded
at everything you've tried.
Ithinkyou'd be proud of that.
I never really
succeeded at anything.
It's just some trick in my head
that makes me good at
math and that's all it is.
It's just a trick.
You know, my daddy was All Around
Champion Cowboy over 20 years ago.
I was so proud of him.
It's kinda too bad that he never
figured out what made me tick.
If rodeoing is just your way
of proving to somebody what
you are, you should quit it.
I mean, you don't have to
prove yourself to anybody.
Well, couldn't anyway.
He's dead.
Look, what nobody seems
to understand is I like it.
I really do.
I mean, when I'm out
there riding, I feel full.
I feel good inside.
It don't come easy and
I know I'm paying for it
with broken bones
and all of that,
but if I could've just won
that silver belt buckle
Ah! It's not easy
to put into words.
You don't have to
put it in words for me.
If that's the way
you feel, you go for it.
And you just do it.
I said it when I met you,
you're some kind of gal.
Calling ground base,
Zebra Alpha Charlie
calling ground base.
JANOS: This is
Zebra Alpha Charlie,
We're in position. Cargo
is ready for loading.
Very good.
My ETA is approximately
five minutes.
Zebra Alpha Charlie out.
Ground base out.
Oh, well, this "some kinda
gal" better get her act together
and figure something out here.
What do you mean?
If we don't get out of here now,
we're never going
to get out of here.
Now, that is a problem
in stress factors
I wouldn't even want
to try to calculate.
Unfortunately, I've only
got one bionic arm here,
and if I pull on these ropes,
I'm going to break my other one
and possibly yours too.
(GRUNTS) There we go.
Okay, come on.
Teak's out there, but I don't
see Crowley or that other guy.
All right, why don't you push the
door open just when I tell you, okay.
Okay. Go.
Well, there's Crowley
out by the loading chute.
Tell me something, do you
feel up to a little bulldogging?
What have you got in mind?
Well I thought maybe you
could go out behind the barn
and around behind him.
I'll go out front and do
some hazing for you.
You know he's got
a rifle out there.
Well, I've got a few
surprises left myself.
I mean, we can't just
sit around here waiting
for the posse to show up.
All right.
Jaime, just this once,
go wide. Okay?
Hey, turkey.
Nice work, Dr. Cole.
I'd be inclined to say
that you and I could be
a silver buckle team.
Well, thank you, ma'am.
I think we've got some
loose ends to tie up. Come on.
Get Cole and the girl. Right.
Hi, guys.
Billy, I can't hold it
any longer.
Shut off the engine.
BILLY: End of
the line, fella.
Come on.
JAIME: Go faster, Billy.
BILLY: Hey, Jaime. We're
never going to get back in time.
Come on, we got to try.
It's your last chance.
ANNOUNCER: That's cowboy
Gil Carson up there on Rangewar.
And uh-oh, that's it for Gil.
Next time, cowboy.
Yes, that's Hank Ferris
on old Thunder and Lightning.
Wow, look at that bronco buck.
He's giving that cowboy a ride.
Oh, my goodness, Hank fell down.
Too bad, cowboy.
Hey, Hank, remember next week.
don't understand,
doesn't anybody know
where they were taken?
He's scheduled to ride next.
Wait, that looks like them now.
Jaime! I got here as soon as I
found you and Billy were hurt.
I know, but I haven't
time to talk about it.
Come on.
Okay, okay.
Would you take care
of that junk in the truck?
Oh, Billy, I think
we're going to make it.
ANNOUNCER: That'll teach old
Red Eye who's boss around here,
A great ride.
There ain't too many cowboys who
can stay on old Red Eye, that long.
It's Frank Louis up on Dynamite.
Cowboy's good to go.
He's got a good ride
from Dynamite too.
Hmm. That bronc
is tough today, folks.
Frank's hanging
in there. Good.
A tough cowboy.
Dynamite is
Oh! Oh, down goes Frank.
Let's have a good hand
for a good man, a good cowboy.
Next time, Frank.
Jaime, just one thing.
No bionics, okay?
I want to win this
on my own or not at all.
I wouldn't have it any
other way, my friend.
Come on.
okay now, doesn't he?
He'll be wearing number
152 and he'll be up on Diablo,
A real hard-riding bronc,
Old Billy though, is the leader
on the East Texas Rodeo
Circuit with 97 points,
And you know a win right here
will put Billy Cole over the top
and earn him All Around
Cowboy award honors
as well as the symbolic
Silver Buckle,
So, come on, cowboy!
Oh, here he comes,
Look at old Diablo buck.
He's gonna have a tough time
getting rid of Billy, though.
He's made it. A
good ride, cowboy.
A good ride.
Fantastic ride, Billy.
Hope it's enough.
ANNOUNCER: And here it is.
We have the winner,
Billy Cole.
That makes Billy the All
Around Cowboy award winner
of the East Texas Rodeo Circuit.
Attaboy, Billy.
Well, a deal's a deal.
See you back in Washington.
I've decided that I'm going
to have you transferred
from Washington to the OSI
facility in Colorado Springs.
You'll be near the outdoors
and you can do
the things you like to.
Max'll be waiting for
you when you get there.
I'll see you later.
That's fantastic.
That's so pretty.
I want you to have it.
Oh, come on, Billy.
I can't take that.
I know how much
that means to you.
Well, winning it did mean a lot.
But having it just
Besides, if you got it,
I figure I'm entitled
to visiting privileges
every now and then.
How do you figure it?
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