The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s03e05 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 5

Hey there!
ok, ok
Everything okay?
This place gives me goosebumps.
Well, it's morbid
The ghosts are watching us.
There are decomposed corpses
full of maggots everywhere.
Is that your great aunt from Russia?
We've been here a thousand times.
I'm sorry
How are we supposed to find Amaia now?
If not here, then where is she?
Come this way!
Hurry brothers, we're late!
Crap! Did you scare us?
- You made yourself pretty.
What are you doing here?
- We're watching the monks.
Moment! There are four coffins.
Even the first Christians
compared the Church to the moon
Brother Vicente must be dead.
The one with the burned face.
Last on Amaia's list.
- how the church shines through God.
Tomorrow when the
long-awaited blood moon rises
and people enlightened
a new era will open before us.
Did he say "blood moon"?
In her letter, Amaia
wrote about a blood moon.
One two
Paul, I have the evidence
to exonerate Mom.
What evidence, Adele?
What have you done?
- I stole them from Uncle Marcel.
They are saved in the phone.
Paul Uribe!
Are you sleeping?
Keep doing the exercises.
Come on!
We just have to send them to the court.
- It's not that easy.
Why aren't you happy?
- I can't find Amaia.
And greetings!
I've been waiting -
We're running out of time.
Did you find anything in the
Draco Musca that will help us?
Sorry Leon.
I need to talk to Elvira. Please.
Fran, it doesn't suit me at all right now.
- That's it? Isn't that what you say?
I've been waiting for you all
night - You smell like alcohol.
I want you to explain it to me.
I never promised you anything.
I'm sorry.
I need some fresh air.
I searched the book.
In the second Draco Musca
there is no cure for you.
Maybe in the third volume.
Don't know where he could be?
He's missing.
Already for over 500 years.
You will die.
You should never
have taken the drug.
Why did you do this?
Spending a few days
with Alicia Bernal
it was all worth it.
will you miss me
The Mystery of the Raven's Nest
is too big to be lost forever.
Not aging anymore
could change everything.
Talk to Inés!
With Alicia.
Never! Forget it!
I don't know who Marcel Uribe is.
Was never introduced to me.
How am I supposed to get the evidence?
Are you blackmailing me now?
is this legal
I proved that I had nothing
to do with the whole thing.
The "Nazi"?
Nobody has ever called me that here.
I am a decent person.
People don't give a fuck what we do.
There are assholes too.
I don't want to be offended.
Then keep cool. Fuck it all.
You're right.
We don't give a fuck about you assholes.
He can't get away with it.
My uncle Marcel.
The ass will pee its pants.
Uncle Marcel.
You're going to rot in jail.
I saved everything here.
Class will resume
in five minutes.
All students go to the
classrooms in an orderly manner.
Punctuality shows respect
for teachers and classmates.
The phone.
Don't shave your hair!
We do what you say. As slaves.
We'll never misbehave again.
- Ending!
Immediately to class! - Thanks.
god exists.
We'll get away with it.
The Nazi doesn't shave us.
- Shut up!
I don't give a damn about our hair!
I lost the evidence that
can exonerate my mother.
For Aristotle, rhetoric is the art
of persuasion through speech.
"During the blood moon, the shadow
of planet Earth falls over the moon.
The phenomenon was feared
and revered by ancient peoples."
Remember: the public speaking exercise will
be graded at the end of the week. In order?
This legend right here says
that the blood moon awakens
devilish and criminal instincts in man.
That's why murders often
happen and people disappear.
Jeremías and Amaia knew that.
They wanted to prevent it together.
Do you think they had a plan?
Certainly. But what kind?
What do you think they were up to?
If we want to find Amaia
then we must think like them.
This is where they met.
Jeremías was responsible for the
wine and he wanted to meet us here too.
And now he's dead.
And Amaia is gone.
And this whole breakdown
has to do with the blood moon?
My head is about to explode.
Not bad.
I'll take a few bottles with me.
This is where they store the bottles.
What's up with them?
Bingo! The good ones.
"Holy Father,
I take Brother Salvador's trip
to the Vatican as an opportunity
To send you some
of our finest wines."
Signed by Brother Jeremias.
Well, that's fine.
Everyone gets one.
Fuck the Holy Father!
What the shit, dude?
- She was way too easy.
Adele Uribe.
What are you doing here?
I've been waiting for Elvira.
I wanted to ask her something.
You're not allowed in here.
And you know that.
Get out!
Will it be soon?
The dialed number
cannot be reached.
Please leave a message.
Dario, where are you?
Be so gracious and pick up the phone.
Answer the phone! I beg you.
These are pages from an ancient book.
Crap! This is the blood moon.
But why did Jeremías
hide that in a bottle?
And Salvador should
give it to the Pope.
What a delicious snack!
A human sacrifice. Perhaps
Jeremias wanted to tell the Pope
that this would happen.
That's crazy.
go! Hide, hide! go
What about you?
Nothing at all.
- I do not believe you.
Yes, I'm fine.
It's just that - What?
Nothing at all.
All of that here.
The drawings bring back memories.
Years ago my father had
open heart surgery and
That was a bad time.
Amaia and Jeremías wanted
to prevent human sacrifice.
And Brother Salvador
should help them with that.
Poor Brother Vicente.
He knew they would kill him,
but we couldn't protect him.
This bloodbath has to stop now.
Did you find anything in the book?
- I'm sorry.
I always wanted to help you.
But you
You're the one who has something
that can help us, ma chérie.
And I'm not talking about funds for beautiful
gardens like your grandma's, Alicia.
Share the secret of
Raven's Nest with the world.
you have to understand it
This formula is too important,
it must not disappear.
It is too important and
should not fall into your hands.
Consider it a tribute to your family.
To the raven's nest.
I would never betray the lodge.
I believe
that Leon
would be grateful for that.
Do you want to spend your
last hours without León?
Weren't you told?
You are not allowed in here.
Hail Mary, brother!
We wanted to
To Brother Salvador the one-armed.
Poor thing.
We can't find him, but
we need to talk to him.
He's our teacher, you know?
This is his office.
Sit down! He's coming.
He still had both arms then.
What shoud that?
I want to pass Latin.
I make a three out of a six.
Great, crack!
Then he throws us
out instead of helping.
Does the man not have a pen, or what?
What is?
Amaia's hearing aid.
- She wore these things.
That must not be.
That must not be.
I keep calling him. Vain!
He stays gone.
At some point we will have a problem.
At least me.
You don't need Darío Mendoza.
You are doing a very good job.
Listen Salvador.
Something is going on at this boarding
school and I don't know what to do.
And you
Since you've been my deputy,
you haven't had time for anything.
I had other options.
I counted on you
you can fire me Your decision.
We'll choke him until he
says where he's holding her!
Calm down!
We can't screw it up now.
We'll smack him in the face until he talks.
No, Man. We do this my way.
Because you say so?
- Yes, exactly!
What do you want here?
- It's unfair that we're failing.
Two sleepless nights with "rosa rosae"
and the Gallic Wars.
For free.
Please show us our exams.
But why the rush?
We'll go through them next hour.
Go to school. Come on!
My grandmother told me that
her grandmother once told her
her great-grandmother would have told her
that the secret is in the dragonfly.
Centuries ago
recognized the raven's nest
that the cycles of the dragonfly
are linked to the four elements:
and air.
Four elements conserved in
the glacier ice over the centuries.
My Raven's Nest ancestors
built a wall in the
forest in a secret place.
In a place with a warm floor,
where the glacial ice melts.
The secret wall
is the source.
Thanks to the dragonfly,
the raven's nest understood
that you can challenge death
and man the time
can stop.
tutoring, praying and
then he goes to dinner.
Then piss and sleep. How are we
ever going to find Amaia like this?
I knew it.
No no no!
Damned! - Crap!
I've been here umpteen times.
I didn't know there was a door.
- On three we push them open.
One, two - Wait, wait!
That looks like the executioner's medal.
- Salvador is one of the killers!
She's wrong. A negative print.
That's where the medal goes.
She is the key.
Crap. Hurry up.
- What are you doing?
I have to report this immediately.
- Then your way.
At the shrine of the saint are disciples!
This is just unreal! - Mara.
Crap! run! - No you!
What can't be true is the
decomposed mummy here.
I could throw up.
Did he say, "I could puke"?
You're a redneck, Villar.
What do you think of?
You'll stop throwing
up in the cold fridge.
And you?
what do you find so funny
Well, I'm not that much of a
mummies fan either, you know?
Get her out of here!
Are they still there? - Yes.
Not only the math teacher is dead.
Apparently ten or fifteen
monks have already died.
And the graves of the
monks were desecrated.
The skeletons of the dead were
probably lying around everywhere.
What are you talking about? You're crazy.
- Should I go?
OK. Now.
Mara urgently wants you in her office.
- Thanks.
OK. Come on!
Ishmael, I need your help.
The Nazi has the cell phone with the evidence.
What have you done?
But what have they done to
you that justifies killing them?
These monks murdered
our whole family.
We were children then.
We live with pain all our lives.
But when we heard
they were killing again
that they kill these girls
gouge them out, hang them up
that's when we realized
we had to stop them.
They should feel the same fear, the
same suffering and the same horror
as we do at the sight of the
dead bodies of our family.
These callous criminals
deserve nothing less.
will you betray us
I have it.
Now we just have to test it.
I need the address of the lab.
To send in.
No, we can't wait.
You have 400 students at your disposal.
pick someone
What if something goes wrong?
- What's going to go wrong?
You give a child eternal youth.
I can't get to work until tomorrow.
I had so much on my mind.
But I'll write them, I promise.
I'll write them again, I promise.
Can I drop them off later?
Ishmael, tonight you would have to give me
Uncle Marcel.
You're going to rot in jail.
I saved everything here.
Who are you?
Where is my daughter?
Where is Adele?
What's up?
No no no! Please do not!
Answer me please.
I don't want to die, Leon.
And you mustn't die either.
Can you forgive me?
I wouldn't have wanted to miss
these last few days with you.
Did you really reveal the
secret of the Raven's Nest?
The dose makes the poison.
My grandmother drilled that into us.
Where is Paul?
Do you think he made it?
What are you saying, Zoe?
are you listening to me
I've seen it all before.
- What then?
Those old drawings.
The pounding heart
and the words in Latin.
What words?
I've been here before, Manuel, as a kid.
Really now?
Yet again?
I was here and saw
something terrible.
The same as in the pictures
of the sides out of the bottle.
No, Zoe! Stop it!
Finally stop lying!
I read your file.
Your mother killed herself
and you don't know your father.
That sucks, I know. a big shit!
We're all messing around with something.
Someday I'll tell you about myself.
But please stop lying.
You will not believe.
But the grave the other day
Maria Cruz's
is that of my mother, Manuel.
This is my mother's grave.
amaia Amaia! Amaia
I'm here. I'm here.
Paul. Paul!
I'm with you. I'm with you now
It's nothing! It is good!
I'm with you now
Creative Supervisor: Tina Zoeld
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