The Convict (2021) s03e05 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 5

- Password-protected drive.
- Now what?
We'll deal with this later.
I'll gut you, you pimpette!
This bitch wanted to trade
Aluta's daughter.
Until the end of your days
you are my debtor.
Atropine. Large amounts of it
can cause cardiac arrest.
Here. An injection mark.
He was here with his lover 2 hours before
his death. His driver testified as much.
Wait. There.
Put it on the main one.
You are under arrest.
I know how to get the money.
There's agonies in the ward.
They have the cash.
You want to sell drugs?
You arrange the distribution,
I'll take care of the rest.
Bring in Kraszecki.
He can give us something on Hepner.
Drugs. Trafficking women.
Hepner is still doing it.
You can help put an end to it.
- Will you try?
- It's always worth trying.
Nobody told us anything.
What psychopath? Here?
You need to take care of someone else.
Pola Nawrot.
She knows too much
and talks to the police.
Guard! Guard!
Hey! On the floor! Now!
Calm down!
I will be busy at the ministry.
But should anything happen,
- please call.
- I can manage.
Pola Nawrot is to remain in her cell.
She has a ban on any outside contact
with fellow inmates.
- I'll see to it.
- And if any of them act up then
We'll pacify them, we know the drill.
Rest assured,
after all, I won't bring the prison
to ruin in one day.
Prior to this it took you five years
to make this facility hit rock bottom.
Either someone has leadership skills
or they don't.
In any case,
please represent me up to par.
And please get your feet off my desk.
Much obliged.
I would like to talk to you.
As far as that brawl
in the laundry room
I'm not interested in that fight.
What puzzles me is why you cancelled the
visit of the author of "Fetters of Love"
and invited Kraszecki?
Because I felt that a man who had gathered
himself up after a trauma
would have a much more positive impact
on the inmates than some
romantic bullshit.
Good idea.
But for the future,
I don't like surprises.
Of course. No surprises.
I'm glad we understand each other,
my friend.
One more thing. I'm talking to you,
acting penitentiary manager.
This is a violation of our rights,
because we should be guarded
in the bathhouse by a female officer.
We have staff shortages.
Excuse me, what?
Mr Penis in the ladies' locker room?
OK, shut your yaps.
Either go and wash yourselves now
or go back to your cell dirty.
I wouldn't recommend it.
Fine, the cash.
What is this! Are you kidding me?!
This address is worth more
and it's not a pharmacy.
One more thing.
Leave Shiv alone.
But she beat up your kid.
Leave her alone,
otherwise our deal is off.
Did she or did she not beat him?
Did she or didn't she?
Dorota, come here for a moment.
- What?
- Come on.
- Come on.
- But why?
We want to talk.
- About what?
- About what happened in the laundry.
I already told you.
Pola attacked me
and I just defended myself.
And why did she assault you?
Hepner gave the order.
Did Hepner bring in Pola Nawrot
to get rid of you specifically?
- He hates me.
- Why?
I know something about him.
- I can't, girls.
- Talk.
- Can anyone hear me?
- Talk.
Hepner is a guy with no balls.
Like in a metaphorical sense?
And he can't get it up either,
because there is nothing to get up.
I beg you, don't ask me how I know.
Say what? He has like a hole there?
I don't know.
Hi. I've finally managed to find out
where they are keeping Wiki.
- I'm on my way to her.
- Fine.
Tell her I'll get her out of it.
Listen, maybe it's better not to make her
unsubstantiated promises?
Don't fuck with me! Understood?
Don't piss me off!
Come up with something.
You don't know what you're talking about!
The girl is facing charges
for a previous offence:
participation in an organised
criminal group and pandering,
and now we have the murder cases!
What are you talking about, what murders?
Anyway, the police have nothing on her!
Our good friend, the pig,
doesn't intend to let up on her.
You know he won't let up.
He'll sniff around
until he finds something else.
Fine, he can snoop around until he fucking
dies, he still won't find anything.
I'm going to the minister now.
I'll meet you when I get back,
and you get down to business.
See you later, bye.
Piotr Serafin's neighbour testified
that a woman left his place
on the night of the lawyer's murder.
That wasn't me.
What, are you trying to set me up?
And you weren't at the hotel
with Rabczuk either?
You were the last person to be close
to him just before his death.
We have CCTV footage.
- Why did you kill him?
- I did not kill him!
You injected him with atropine,
he had a heart attack.
I liked him.
He was good to me.
Better than Hepner?
- I know you two are together.
- You know shit.
Then enlighten me.
What are you afraid of? Of your lover
knowing that you've been banging his mate?
Hepner arranged it all himself.
He gave me the contact.
Wait wait
Let me get this right. So
your partner is a pimp, who pimps you out
like he pimped others out?
He wanted me to have everything.
Even what
he could not give me.
This is so fucked up.
And you think it's all so romantic, eh?
Please come in.
Attorney Dmoch.
Good afternoon.
I represent Wiktoria Panek.
Excuse me, since when?
- From now on.
- You've just interrupted my questioning.
Really? In case it skipped your memory
Let me remind you
that a suspect has the right
to consult an attorney at any time
about his or her line of defence.
And my client requires
constant consultation,
which begins now.
I hate him.
Just like you.
I can help you, girls, if you want.
Us? With what?
I have my reasons.
Well, that's her.
Tell me more about her.
When Wójcik came to us,
she even seemed nice.
Then she took a liking to one girl.
They called her Tiny,
- because she was so, you know, petite.
- Yeah.
She followed her around. Like a shadow.
Wherever I would go, she would follow me.
She would fawn on me, give me presents.
I kept her at arms length
as much as I could,
but she was such a sweetie.
Such a sweetie
We became a couple.
God, how I loved her
It was all lovey-dovey between the ladies.
For a while.
Until Tiny's ex-boyfriend
started coming over for conjugals.
Wójcik lost it.
And when she found out Tiny was pregnant,
she showed how bad she can be.
- What did she do?
- She tormented Tiny at every turn.
Hepner very much dislikes
when someone is happy.
He couldn't bear to see me smile.
And he knew perfectly well what buttons
to press to make it really hurt.
I found her hanging in her cell.
Officially it was a suicide,
but the girls said she strangled her
and made it look like a suicide.
All right. And no one reacted?
Are you joking?
Everything was cleared.
Wójcik was a protégé
of the prison warden at that time.
Wait, the warden at the time? Who?
Bloody hell.
Why are you bawling for all to hear?
Because it hurts terribly!
It hurts so much!
- Are you OK?
- I'm in pain!
I want to talk to Hepner!
He's not at work today.
Then get him down here!
Calm down.
You put the toy down
and I'll see what can be done.
Don't come any closer,
or you'll have a bloodbath here!
You won't get to talk to him with your
throat cut.
Tell him to come here!
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- I was afraid you would not come back.
- Really?
I thought you were waiting for me.
All right. What do you want to know?
I'm interested in Hepner.
But maybe, first, tell me
about the five of you from the squad.
- Old times.
- Rabczuk is dead,
we know about Hepner, you are here,
another has PTSD,
I don't know who the fifth guy was.
My brother.
Marek. He went missing three years ago.
What do you mean missing?
All I know is that he was supposed
to leave with his fiancée,
but he didn't turn up
at her house that evening. He didn't call
and then his phone stopped answering.
It's as if Marek just
disappeared from the face of the earth.
Impossible. A person always
leaves some kind of trace.
I even hired a private investigator.
He found nothing.
Does the fiancée know nothing?
She knows as much as I do.
Lots of strange coincidences.
- Hepner.
- I mean
Support needed on P2!
Inmate Pola Nawrot has lost it!
My point is this
I hear you.
Attention: end of visitations!
Inmates against the wall!
But why?
- We ask the guests to leave!
- Well, yes
May I call you?
- Yes.
- No more visitations, please leave.
These are the rules. Please leave.
Inmates against the wall!
- Move!
- Thank you.
- Mazur! You need a special invitation?
- Coming.
Keep up!
Get me Hepner here
or I'll fuck her up dead!
Get them to their cells!
Calm down, please calm down.
To the cell I said!
Calm down.
Be quieter.
Calm down.
Get Hepner here
- or I'll kill her!
- Calm down, will you?
Call him!
- You are making your situation worse.
- Call him!
Call him!
Calm down.
I'll just go get the phone, okay?
You have to give me some time.
I'm going to get the phone.
It's in my office, okay?
Before long, if you don't screw
anything up, of course,
you will be, next to the chief of police,
one of the most important people
in the Polish uniformed services
in this country.
I am ready for it.
I did what needed to be done -
I got rid of the girl.
- I'm now in the clear.
- Yes, excellent.
But well, it's just one piece
of the puzzle in this game.
In life,
Sylwek, nothing is for free.
Do you want my virginity?
I want your eyes and ears.
You will report to me about
all those arrested
with any links to the opposition.
I want to know who visits them,
who they talk to and what they talk about.
Is that clear?
You will know what they are thinking
before their prefrontal lobe twitches.
I'm glad that we have an understanding.
Listen, turn that phone off.
Unless you carry around
a vibrator in your pocket.
- We have a crisis situation here.
- Put him on speakerphone!
Calm down!
Pola Nawrot took Officer Ziętarek hostage.
You were supposed
to have everything under control.
- I know, but she wants to talk to you.
- Hepner!
I can't talk right now.
I'm in a meeting at the ministry,
do you understand?
You have to deal with it.
I put her on speakerphone.
We need to talk!
Your soapy Miss Wójcik tried to kill me!
Wójcik? I don't know which one she is.
I don't know all of my inmates.
I was supposed to be protected!
I deserved it!
Let us not get carried away
by our emotions.
First and foremost,
please calm down, okay?
And let Officer Ziętarek go.
When I return,
I promise we'll calmly talk it out.
You are to come here right now
and look me in the eye!
Otherwise everyone will know
who Sylwester Hepner really is!
Calm down, calm down.
Put her in solitary confinement!
You'll be next!
Solitary confinement!
Milk for my baby boy
For my
baby boy
Has he grown?
His face got rounder. He sleeps well.
I always sang him a lullaby at night.
Not the one about the cats, but the one
The sunset
Before or after you beat him?
You know very well that I didn't beat him.
I would never hit him.
Basia, we have a problem
with an inmate in solitary confinement.
Take sedatives with you.
I can't take it any more.
I could use some help.
Get back to the your room.
And you close the infirmary.
Nobody will touch you
in the ward any more. I dealt with it.
I don't need fucking mercy!
- Not from you.
- Calm down. Calm down.
"Therefore, in my opinion,
multiple psychopathic traits
can be observed in the inmate Wójcik.
One notes a propensity for manipulation
and deception.
A complete lack of empathy and remorse,
accompanied by manifestations
of exceptional cruelty,
make the inmate extremely dangerous
to her fellow inmates.
Pathological lying also increases
her threat level to those around her."
Well, at least she didn't lie
with this lie.
But I knew it, Aluta. I felt that she was
an extremely insane person.
I told you that her eyes are so twisted
that you can see it from miles away.
We need to get rid of both
Hepner and Dorota ASAP.
If Hepner gets promoted,
he'll sweep everything under the carpet.
And with her
we may not survive in this cell.
Well, obviously.
Okay. So, what do we do?
I was wrong about Hepner.
He's a bad man.
We've known that for a while now.
Can you get me that furlough
he promised me?
Well, he didn't sign it.
It'll be difficult without a signature.
The situation is under control.
Pola Nawrot is in solitary isolation.
She has been given strong medication
I don't give a shit!
You're finished.
You're finished. I'll destroy you,
understood? You won't find a job anywhere!
But but no one was hurt.
You're fired!
I really need this job!
I have a small child.
You should have thought of that
before you messed us up.
When I come back, you'd better be gone.
I need something.
Wrong address. I don't work here any more.
He fired me.
What if you had the opportunity
to stay here
and even take him down a notch?
Don't worry,
in kindergarten if you don't want to,
you don't have to take a nap.
I'll tell auntie.
- I won't want to.
- Okay, I'll pass it on
You sure have grown up.
I remember you when you were so small.
Campina sent me.
It's all in the past.
We want to bring the past back.
A waste of time, screw.
That life is behind me.
Listen, you get the goods
and I'll take care of the rest.
Forget it.
Think it through.
Thank you very much.
Everything we've managed to retrieve
from the disk is in the folder.
Don't come here again.
See you.
- Hello?
- Listen, I'm out today.
Unfortunately, we need to see each other.
Wait for me outside Serafin's house.
I can't tell you what time I'll be there.
- Just wait.
- Sure. I'll be waiting.
- May I?
- No, one more call.
Yeah, what is it?
Good morning, Alicja Mazur.
I'm getting out on furlough today.
Maybe we could meet up?
- Sure.
- And finish our conversation.
Of course, let's meet up.
On your feet.
Your contact passed up on the offer.
What am I to say?
Maybe you were too snarky?
I'm starting to lose patience.
Everyone has a weak point. She does too.
What is it?
The kid.
- What, should I adopt him?
- No.
Borrow him.
You've gone ape shit crazy.
What? I have a furlough.
I'll see you tomorrow.
You were supposed
What are you doing? Letting Mazur out
on furlough as a farewell?
- You wrote it up.
- But for some reason I didn't sign it.
I didn't know there was a reason.
All right. Are you packed?
Are you packed? Go.
What? Don't know where the door is?
- Here.
- What is this?
Those are the real files
and the ones slightly trimmed down by you
of one Dorota Wójcik.
What do I have to do with it?
Obviously something.
Given I'll have a lot of time
on unemployment, I'll find out what.
There's always a trail to follow.
And the Head of Prisons
should be of good repute.
Are you blackmailing me?
I'm just telling it like it is.
And now
And now you tell me how it will be.
- Alicja, I
- No.
Let's deal with what we're here for.
These co-ordinates are the only things
that could be extracted from the disk.
Since Serafin marked it,
it must be important.
He never let anything fly.
Paweł, listen.
I want to talk to Hanka later.
I realise that any contact I have with her
puts her at risk.
Good that you realise that.
Is she safe?
I'm doing my best to make sure she is.
The less you know, Alicja, the better.
According to the map, we're here.
There is nothing here.
But at least we checked.
Has it been dug up here?
Boars. There are tracks everywhere.
No, there must be something here.
How do you feel?
All right, thank you.
If you need psychological care
or a day off, let me know.
I'll manage.
How is the inmate?
Did she say something?
She was talking nonsense.
She was accusing you of trafficking women,
some sort of illegal furloughs,
but now she's back on her medication,
she's calmer now.
- I would like to see her.
- Right.
Using someone else didn't work.
So what? You bothered to come here
in person.
You know what they say.
If you want something done right,
do it yourself.
After all,
I didn't turn you in.
I took on all the blame.
I know.
It's in your nature
I liked you.
I really did.
We are wasting our time here.
But Serafin didn't die for no reason.
He had to have learned something.
- There was nothing in the garage.
- And the recordings?
Hepner was blackmailing Rabczuk,
he must have had something on him.
There is nothing here either.
So, you barely left prison
and accidentally came across
human remains in the woods? Not bad.
Serafin gave me a map.
He marked this spot.
I've already told you.
Well, yes.
When will you hand over Witkowski to me?
When the time comes.
For now, I need him.
He's a killer.
He shot a police officer.
I'll get him. With or without your help.
Stop acting like Serafin.
Don't mess with someone's job.
When I find something out,
I'll let you know, okay?
And Serafin
He was a decent guy.
I know.
Get whoever killed him.
You owe it to him.
And so do I.
- Good evening.
- Hi.
I mean, hello. Come in.
Our final mission.
Would you believe that Hepner was
a totally different man in Afghanistan?
A great buddy.
You could always count on him.
Everything changed after the explosion.
What explosion?
He stepped on a landmine.
Did he return to Poland then?
Yes. He ended up
in hospital for several months.
Did you still stick together after that?
For a while.
Later on, he suddenly
got close with Rabczuk.
Rabczuk even got him a job
in the prison service.
Then they started dealing with each other.
In any case, they got very nervous.
Maybe they're afraid they would get caught
for importing drugs from Afghanistan?
You know a lot.
But not everything.
This is my brother.
Unfortunately, he was a junkie.
He started there.
I tried to get him off it, but
There was nothing I could do.
He was an adult and
he decided for himself.
And one day we had
such a strong argument that
he ran out furious, and the last words
he heard from me were
that as long as he is shooting up
he's dead to me.
Just because she herself was a victim
in a procuring scheme,
does not mean
that the court will be kind to her.
You were able
to repeal her arrest back then.
Do the same now. Can you?
Not with a crime of this calibre.
But she did nothing.
At the time,
the prosecutor in charge of the case felt
that since she had given an explanation,
identified Pola as the head of the gang,
there was no fear of a cover-up.
Now Wiktoria is likely to face
two murder charges.
But she didn't kill anyone.
Well, then offer them up the real killer.
That's the only way out.
I have no idea what it is.
All I know is that it's ugly.
- Well, then take it off.
- I can't.
I would have to repaint all the walls.
My ex-wife finished art school
and she endured two tours with me.
And when I went on the third one,
she left without a word
and left me with this.
And she left a note on the table
where she managed to reduce fifteen years
of our relationship to seven lines.
Attention. My turn.
My first husband died in an accident,
- leaving me with a small child.
- Oh, hardcore.
The second one framed me for murder,
put me in jail
and managed to seduce my daughter.
OK, you win this competition.
I won!
- Although I would prefer not to have won.
- But you did.
Noodles! Good doggie! Where are you?
Oh, hello. Do you remember me?
I've lost my doggie.
Did you see him? See.
See. Noodles is his name.
I haven't seen him.
- You haven't?
- No.
I think he went there.
Will you come with me?
- Will you help me look?
- Yes.
He jumped into the grass there.
- Into that grass?
- Yes.
Right. We'll look for him
in the grass, OK?
Natalia Dolecka.
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