The Equalizer (2021) s03e05 Episode Script


- Previously on The Equalizer
- Bishop!
I'm not asking for your trust.
I'm asking for your help.
The reason I left the CIA is because
I lost faith in the institution,
but not the mission.
Trust me, you don't want
to know everything.
- In fact, I do.
- Tell you what,
if it seems dangerous,
then I'll let you know.
Mom, if you really want to help,
- train me.
- ROBYN: When my dad died,
I had to grow up way faster
than I should've,
and I don't want that for you.
BIG BEN: We took that
money to level the playing field
and take care of our families.
DANTE: Was it really about the family,
Or was it just about you?
That money paid for your life.
CIA! Don't move!
- You heard him!
- Hey, yo!
Hands up now!
Hands behind your back.
- Hey.
- Hey, Mom.
What's all this?
Hello, it's for our dinner
with Mel and harry tonight.
- Mm-hmm.
- What? Is that tonight?
You know it's tonight.
Don't even try to get out of it.
I'm not. I'm actually
looking forward to it.
It's just that
It's a little weird.
You know,
I spent so many years keeping my family
and work separate.
I know how hard that's been on you.
It's time to put that burden down.
And the way Mel took care of us
when you were abducted
she's already family.
I can't wait to meet Harry.
Oh, my gosh, you're gonna
love his fits, Auntie.
And, um, that nice detective?
- Maybe we should invite him, too?
- Mm-mmm.
Okay, now you're just being messy.
Hey, uh, I got to run.
- I love y'all.
- Bye, baby.
- Love you, too.
- Bye. I love you.
Don't be late for dinner.
Have a good day.
I promise, I won't.
Same goes for you.
Oh, don't worry.
I have a little work thing,
but, uh, I'll be there.
Aunt Vi,
I haven't forgotten our agreement,
but this is classified,
and I won't be reachable today.
Well, that's convenient.
It's true, though.
So, you'll just have to
trust that I'll be okay,
and I'll make it home
in time for dinner.
You better be,
'cause my escovitch waits for no man
or woman.
- Is that what you're making?
Okay, I won'tbe late.
DANTE: Kyler, what's the difference
between a credit card and a debit card?
A debit card is money
from your bank account.
- A credit card is money you borrow.
- DANTE: Boom.
Stefon, define home equity.
The value of a property minus the debt.
what's the difference
between stocks and bonds?
Stocks give you ownership
in a corporation,
while bonds
Bonds, uh Help your brother out.
Bonds are a loan from you
to a company or government?
You asking me or telling me?
I'm telling you.
Then say it with your chest.
Bonds are a loan from you
to a company or government.
That's right. And why
do we need to know this?
BOTH: Because
responsibilities take no days off.
Good job. Let's eat.
Pass-pass the jam.
Yeah, I'll accept the charges.
Pop. This is a surprise.
Yeah. I'll be there.
It's just a simple A to B
transfer of a detainee
from here to a secure debriefing center.
Well, if it's so simple,
why do you need me?
Gonna ask you the same thing.
Look, I got orders to
move a priority capture
and that you were to
be part of the team.
Care to explain?
Well, apparently, I still
owe the Company a few favors.
Who's the cargo?
Smuggler named Ezra Ryback.
An on-again, off-again asset
who operates mainly in Europe.
Apparently, he's gonna be
debriefed by some
top-level brass named Colton Fisk.
Colton Fisk?
Yeah. You know him?
I've heard of him. And only in whispers.
I mean, he's somewhere between
a myth and a legend.
In fact, I don't know anyone
who's actually met him.
I used to think he was made-up,
you know?
Some kind of boogeyman to scare cadets.
Wait a minute,
I have heard about this guy.
He made his bones as a
spy hunter in the '90s, right?
Yeah, they say he single-handily
took down all the top levels
of FSB and MSS.
I know this: if Fisk
is doing the debrief,
this guy Ryback must be important.
WOMAN: Turn in your phones.
MAN: Say that again, see what happens.
- ROBYN: Is this our cargo?
- GRIFFIN: Yup. Real piece of work
from what I hear.
All right, well, let's make this quick.
I got plans tonight.
McCall, this is Agent Shaw,
Agent Sanford. They'll be on
the transport with us today.
Nice to meet you.
Hey, you. Million dollars
if you put a bullet
in each of their skulls right now.
Why don't you shut up, Ryback.
I'm happy to do it myself.
I'm happy for you to try it.
All right, let's get going.
Wait a second, is this really it?
No convoy? Just four boot camp
drop-outs with pea shooters?
Clearly, you do not know who I am.
Oh, we know. We're just
doing our best to forget.
Trust me sweetie,
you will never forget me.
Let's get him to the van.
BIG BEN: Marcus.
Thanks for coming.
Sure, Pop.
How you been?
I'm hanging in there.
Those boys behaving?
They're good.
Look, you wanted to see me. Here I am.
Before you hear it on the streets,
I thought you should hear it from me.
I cut a deal with the D.A.
to testify in a case.
- So, that means
- I could be getting out soon.
Like, in the next few weeks.
That's good, Pop. I'm happy for you.
Are you?
'Cause I know what happy looks like.
That ain't it.
It's just unexpected.
You've been offered deals
like this before,
you always turned them down.
Seems the people I've been
protecting are either gone
or locked up for things
I can't help them with.
So, what do you need from me?
Money? Job? Place to stay?
You think I called you for money?
I can take care of myself, boy.
Okay, so you don't
need anything from me.
Well, there is something.
I want to meet your boys.
My grandkids. Be a part of their lives.
Look, I know I wasn't the best father,
but I was doing what I thought was right
to prepare you for this world.
Being in here all these years
gave me the perspective to
think on all that.
The mistakes I made with you.
Also about the past and
how much future I got left.
I'm asking.
Will you give me the chance
to know my grandsons, Marcus?
That cash offer's still on the table.
Seriously, take these cuffs off
- and look the other way.
- Give it a rest, Ryback.
Who are you, anyway?
Clearly, you're not one of them.
Agency run out of pros,
start bringing in mall cops?
Was that a bus?
We're not taking main roads, are we?
What genius planned this route?
We're exposed on all sides to an attack.
An attack from who? Nobody even
knows you're in the country.
If you believe that you
are as stupid as you look.
What's he talking about?
- It's nothing important, I'm sure.
- RYBACK: Oh, yeah,
the Brigada-7 cartel is not important.
Why would the Brigada-7 be after you?
You got intel on them, don't you?
That's why the CIA
wants to talk to you so badly.
Or he's just making stuff up
to trade for his freedom.
RYBACK: I know this much:
the Brigada have eyes and ears
in a lot of places,
and from what I hear, that includes
the upper levels of the CIA.
A mole in the Agency brass?
You've said a lot
of stupid things, Ryback,
but that one tops 'em all.
MAN: Our inside man was right.
The van is on schedule.
So good in that ♪
- Hey, Mel. [LAUGHS]
- What?
Delilah, what are you doing here?
Hey, wait, the dinner
is still on tonight, yeah?
- Yes, yes, yes, of course. Um
- Okay. Mm.
I actually, I just wanted
to speak with you.
Um it's about my mom.
Well, me and my mom.
Sure. What's up?
I asked her to train me.
You know, how to fight,
protect myself.
And she said no.
She did.
- Mm-hmm.
- Which I understand.
She doesn't want me to grow up so fast.
And it's too late for that, isn't it?
- Right. [CHUCKLES]
See, look, this
I knew you would understand,
which is why I came here to ask
will you train me?
You want me to
go behind your mother's back?
I just want to be prepared.
Dee, that's
you were shaken up after the abduction,
- understandably so
- No, no, no, it's more than that.
Uh, what about the next time
something happens to Mom?
And-and-and what about
if we're there when she's home,
and-and they come after
Delilah, your mother
would never let that happen.
I mean, she never thought
that she'd be kidnapped
in front of us either.
I know that
both of you believe that
she can protect me, but
there are things that she can't control.
- Mel, I know that this is a big deal,
and I don't want you to do something
that you don't feel comfortable with,
so if you want to say no,
it's okay.
I appreciate that.
And, honey, unfortunately,
I have to take you up
on that offer and say no.
- Okay. I understand.
- Um
Where you going?
I respect your decision,
Mel, I got to look out for me, so
if you're not gonna train me,
I'll find someone who will.
How much longer's this gonna take?
You got someplaceto be?
Really worried about
the Brigada-7, aren't you?
Yes, and your complete inability
- to protect me from them.
- Relax, Ryback.
We'll get you where you're going.
There's a saying about people like you.
"The only thing more dangerous
"than deceiving others
is deceiving yourself."
Mall cop knows Arabic.
I'm impressed.
Where'd you hear that saying?
RYBACK: Another agent.
Except this guy was
actually good at his job.
The best.
What was his name?
He only went by one. Bishop.
You know him?
I'm familiar.
Where is he, anyway? I was certain
he'd be on this detail since it's me.
He's dead, isn't he?
Why are we stopping?
Don't worry.
It's a planned vehicle switch.
RYBACK: Don't worry?
You just don't get it.
Watch it, baby, it's hot.
Thanks for coming over, Mom.
I like your new place.
Honey, you sure you can afford this?
Even with the Gatling County settlement?
It was pretty substantial.
Yeah, it's not enough money in the world
to make up for what
they put you through.
So, what are you gonna do with it all?
Still trying to figure that out.
Just doesn't feel right.
Honey, I know it came from a dark place,
but it's a lot of good
you can do with it.
I'm sure you have mixed feelings
about your father being released.
I just hope you can
find it in your heart one day
to forgive him.
When I talked to him, Pop asked
about spending time with the boys.
Feels like it would give him
a second chance.
I see.
What did Vanessa say?
She's always believed
family is important.
Wants our boys
to know their grandfather,
as long as I'm okay with it.
Are you?
Should I be?
I don't know.
You know I want nothing
but happiness for that man,
but not at the expense of yours.
I mean, being in your life,
being in your children's lives
that's not a right, it's a privilege.
He needs to earn that.
Honey, I know he was hard on you.
At the end of the day,
it's a decision only you can make, baby.
Want more coffee, dear?
SANFORD: Let's go.
What do you make of
all this Brigada-7 talk?
Should we be worried?
I tangled with their
New York arm a while back,
and they're no joke.
Any chance Ryback is right?
About a mole?
I got to say, it would
explain a few things.
Past month alone, I had a
dead asset and an investigation
suddenly shut down from above.
Agent Johnson, it's time to switch.
- We're compromised.
Brigada must have found out
- we have Ryback.
We're pinned down.
Shooters at two o'clock.
- Get him to safety.
- Ryback, get in the van.
SHAW: Move!
Where's Ryback?
He's in the van.
How could Ryback just disappear?
ROBYN: He couldn't have gone far.
Everybody, spread out.
Check and see.
Ryback, it's me!
Never thought I'd say this, but
I'm actually happy to see you.
Hold still.
You're lucky, it's just grazed.
Easy. [GRUNTS]
The hell were you thinking,
running off like that?
- That I want to survive.
- And you think
you have a better shot on your own?
You disagree?
It's pretty clear your operation
was compromised.
Did you see who was
leading that hit squad?
Dimitri Muller.
The Bridgada's go-to assassin.
He's got 100% kill rate.
Well, I have a 100% survival rate,
so maybe you want
to stick with me next time.
He's okay.
- What the hell, Ryback?
- I told you there was a leak.
But would you listen? No.
"What the hell does he know
about the Brigada-7?"
Only enough that your boss
Colton Fisk wants to debrief me.
He's right about this one.
Someone knew our entire route.
Down to the location of the switch.
Which means they know
where we're headed.
GRIFFIN: Can't call in for backup.
Not if there's a mole waiting
to intercept the new plan.
We have to go off-grid.
Someplace no one will look for us.
I know a place.
MANNY: Put your hands up, Kevin.
Protect your face.
Jab. There you go.
Good, Dante. Let's go.
Oh, no. Keep-keep
keep the left hand up.
Higher! Higher! You got
to protect yourself.
BIG BEN: That the best you can do?
Somebody hits you, you hit them back
twice as hard.
You're an embarrassment, boy.
We're just sparring.
Hey, man, you all right?
My bad, man.
Hey, it's okay.
The hell is wrong with you?
Sorry, man. Guess I got carried away.
I'm just working through some stuff.
Everybody around here
is working through some stuff.
Listen to me. If you
need an ear to bend,
you know where to find me.
Hey, what about you?
Seem grumpier than usual.
Just trying to come to terms
with these numbers, brother.
What numbers?
Expenses are up, membership is down.
The math ain't mathing
the way it used to, you know?
Anything I can do?
I mean, you can enjoy it
while you still can.
I'm, uh,
probably gonna have to
close the doors soon.
Damn, Manny.
Your dad opened this place
when I was this high.
You know what this place means
to the neighborhood, how many
kids you kept out of trouble
by giving 'em somewhere to be?
Yeah, and I loved every minute of it.
That ain't gonna pay this mortgage.
What about a fundraiser?
And end up in the same spot
couple of months down the road?
Nah, I've, uh
I've made peace with it.
If that's what you want.
Wasn't my call. You know,
sometimes life just
lets you know
when it's time to move on.
Still a shame.
Gonna miss this place.
We all are.
MEL: You ready to go?
Yeah. What should we bring? A, uh,
a full-bodied red with silky tannins
or a buttery white sort of sexed-up
with a flinty nuance at the end?
- What's wrong?
- Nothing. I'm-I'm
No, no. Come on.
Don't want to do this dance.
What's going on?
Delilah? It's Delilah.
Was I wrong to say no?
I mean, Rob would definitely
find out, and she'd be pissed.
I would be pissed if I were her.
Oh, yeah. No, that would definitely
create some major drama.
But am I actually
letting Rob down?
Look, she's not ready to accept
that an incident like this
could happen again, but
No, I know. The kid's not wrong.
- It could definitely happen again.
- Yeah.
And she's determined.
She's gonna do it with or without me.
And I don't know where she's gonna go.
Remember when I was
stationed in Kandahar
and those recruits
came in for processing
and I could tell in two seconds
they were not ready?
And I begged Command to just
let me train them,
but I was told it was not
logistically feasible.
So they were trained by somebody else
with less experience, and then just
They weren't much older than Delilah.
They should have let me train them.
- Okay.
- 'Cause then
No. No, no. That was not your fault.
- Mm-hmm.
- That was not your fault.
- Okay?
- Okay.
But if Delilah is not ready
when the time comes
- that will be my fault.
- I don't know.
Uh, it's true, there's
nobody better qualified
to train her than you. I mean, that's
- So you think I should do it.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- I-I did not say that.
- So what are you saying?
I'm saying, you know
I'm glad I'm not you.
- Okay, all right, all right.
- Really?
- Look, look, look. Look
listening is-is my forte. Okay?
Good decision-making
that's always been your thing.
- Right? I mean, look, you chose me.
Look, it's a tough call, you know,
but whatever you decide
is going to be the right call.
All right? And I will
support it no matter what.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Now I just got to [GROANS]
figure out which one of these
Come on, we're gonna be late.
You just happen to have
an abandoned warehouse
lying around? Resourceful.
Who are you, anyway?
I'm the person who's saving your ass.
Okay, we're here, we're safe.
Now we need to call this in.
We've already been compromised once.
We go straight to the director.
What part of "you can't
trust anyone" don't you get?
I agree with Ryback.
He's been right more than you have.
Who you calling?
The only reinforcements I trust.
Bishop Security.
SHAW: Involving a civilian third party?
That's a violation of protocol.
CIA's protocol, not mine.
Bishop Security is the only
tactical fighting force
that we can be sure is not compromised.
Yeah, sorry, I can't let you do that.
GRIFFIN: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
What the hell are you doing, Sanford?
She's the outsider.
She's the one who left the CIA
for reasons no one seems to know.
Take it easy, okay?
We can talk this through.
Maybe you're the mole. Huh?
How do we know that
you haven't led us here
just to be sitting ducks?
Sanford, get away from the window!
- I said I'm done listening to you!
GRIFFIN: He's gone.
ROBYN: All right, everybody listen up.
That sniper means
the Brigada-7 kill squad
is either on the way
Or already here.
How the hell did they find us?
They must have followed us
from the garage.
Maybe you told them.
You think I'm the mole?
Hey, hey, hey, hey. Shut up, Ryback.
There's no time for
you nonsense right now.
So what the hell are we supposed to do,
stand around and get
picked off one by one?
We prepare.
There are two ways into this place:
the front and the rear.
We set up positions,
and when they breach,
we'll be waiting for them
with a surprise.
With what four handguns
and a few rounds of ammo?
RYBACK: You know,
I am really beginning to warm up to you.
Shaw and I will take the front.
Ryback, Griffin, the rear.
Are you sure that's a good idea?
We need all the help we can get.
You try something,
I'll shoot you myself.
I expect nothing less.
Ryback with a gun? I don't trust him.
Look, he's off the rails,
but he's not crazy.
He wants to live.
GRIFFIN: Let's go.
What's up?
All right, let's get in position
before our guests arrive.
- Hey. Hi!
- Hi. Hello.
- It's great to see you.
- You, too.
Okay, Aunt Vi, this is Harry.
I'm a hugger, I'm coming in.
- Okay, let's do it.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hello.
- Hello, hello. Hi.
Um, we brought this for you.
Oh. Excellent taste in wine.
[CHUCKLES] And you
you have excellent taste in spices.
Is that a Scotch bonnet pepper I detect?
What you know about
a Scotch bonnet pepper?
And I never divulge a family recipe
until I've had a few glasses
of this, anyway.
Well, what are we waiting for?
Let's get it flowing.
Come on. Oh, I like him already.
MEL: Good.
- Look, Dee, I'm just
- I shouldn't
Can we just forget about this?
- Yes. Yes.
- Okay.
Come on, let me show you around.
- Oh, I can't wait.
- Okay.
Your mom's not back yet?
Uh, no. I'm sure she's just
wrapping things up at work.
- Come on.
- Sure.
You really think someone on the inside
- is selling us out?
- I learned the hard way
not to rule anything out.
Especially with the CIA.
Shaw, your six!
- Shaw, do you hear me?
- All right, just keep pressure on it.
We need to help Griffin.
GRIFFIN: Cover me, Ryback!
Somebody in this room
led that hit squad directly to us.
And one of y'all better start talking.
Or I'll make sure and kill you both.
Guns down. Now!
Which one of y'all
led that Brigada team here?
Easy, McCall.
They must have followed
us from the garage.
I know when I'm being followed.
I wasn't.
How do you know
it wasn't Sanford or Shaw?
Because they're dead.
But you two are still alive.
Maybe you're not as good
as you think you are.
Roll up your sleeves.
Show me your arms.
Now you, Griffin.
This is ridiculous.
Just do it!
The other one.
What are we looking at?
A subcutaneous tracking device.
Don't do it. I'll shoot you right now.
It was you all the time.
You were the one
that gave me up to Quinn.
It was you who poisoned Delgado
so he wouldn't tell us
about that dirty bomb.
What happened?
You let Quinn grab your gun
on that rooftop.
You're the one who told Quinn
that Bishop was on that plane.
I didn't have a choice.
You always have a choice!
What could they possibly
have offered you?
It wasn't like that.
I got shot in a raid.
While I was recovering, I-I got hooked.
One night I got into it with a dealer.
I shot him.
He turned out to be L.E.O.
You killed an undercover cop? Back up!
Tried to cover it up.
But somehow
Brigada found out.
And once they get
their hooks into you
I didn't have a way out.
Yes, you did.
But you're a coward.
But you're gonna turn yourself in.
And spend the rest of my life in prison?
I can't do that.
I'm not leaving you a choice.
On three, I'm pulling this gun.
You better not miss, McCall.
'Cause I won't.
Two, three,
AGENT: Hands! Hands!
- CIA! No one move.
Watch him.
Agent Duffy.
McCall? Long time.
They said you might be here.
Who said? How did you know we were here?
Look, we heard about the garage.
Been searching for your team ever since.
That didn't answer my question.
I don't know what's going on,
but I'm gonna get some answers.
Colton Fisk has to debrief this one.
Don't worry, we'll get him there.
100% survival rate, indeed.
Not bad, mall cop.
Not bad.
Okay, these should
tide us over for a bit.
- Oh, wow.
- Wow
- Robyn should be here any minute.
- Thank you.
Should we try her again?
Hope everything's okay.
Well, she said that she'd be unreachable
for a bit, and so, uh,
we shouldn't worry.
That's exactly what we're gonna do.
Ah. Excuse me.
Hey, Auntie, I'm sorry.
I know I'm running late.
Are you?
We were having such a good time
we didn't even notice.
Well, I'll be there soon.
I just have one quick stop to make.
Hi yourself.
Come in.
Nice place.
Sorry I couldn't get here sooner.
Just one of those days.
So, what's going on?
Your text seemed important.
looks like my father
is getting released early.
As you know, we didn't
have the best relationship.
Now he wants a second chance.
He wants to
meet my kids.
Be a better grandfather to them
than he was a father to me.
How you feel about that?
Not gonna lie. I don't love the notion.
I came to the conclusion
that there's no sense
in dwelling on the past.
I can't change that.
No, you can't.
But I do have a say in the future.
My father had plenty of chances with me.
He blew every single one of them.
And I'm not gonna set my boys up
for that same disappointment.
Marcus, your father's had
a lot of time to think about
who he's been.
Isn't there any chance
he comes out a better man?
It's possible.
Well, you might want to find out.
And maybe sooner rather than later.
'Cause my dad was my best friend.
And he was there one day,
and the next
There's nothing I wouldn't give
to have one more day with him.
Sounds like a good man.
A great man.
Not perfect.
I got to go.
To be continued.
Thanks for stopping by.
Your dad must have
gotten something right.
Because he raised you
to be the man you are today.
HARRY: Okay, so Robyn said,
"Oh, yeah, no, I'm glad.
She's a good cook." I mean,
that's like saying Coltrane
could, like, play the sax. Yeah?
Oh, you flatterer. Try these.
Oh, yeah?
- That crust!
Good God, woman.
We're gonna need another
- bottle of wine.
- HARRY: Yeah.
What shall we have next, Harry?
Should it be a burgundy, pinot noir,
sauvignon, Sancerre?
Oh, Sancerre.
He wants Sancerre, right, babe?
- Mm.
- Excellent choice, Mel.
Would you help me with the glasses?
HARRY: Yeah, mm-hmm, of course.
I've never seen him happier
than this moment.
- You know what I mean?
- No, I [LAUGHS]
DELILAH: I'm so glad you guys are here.
- Yeah, yeah, me, too.
- Hey, Dee. Come here for a second.
Um, so, listen, the thing
you asked me about
Oh, no, please, just
forget that I asked.
No, I-I thought about it, and
as much as I might regret it,
I'd regret it more if I didn't, so
- You'll train me? Really?
- Yeah.
- Shh. Keep it down.
- Oh, my God, thank you!
Yeah, wait, wait, wait.
I've got two conditions.
The first is you have to do
everything I say
exactly as I say it, okay?
No pushback. We're not friends
while we're doing this.
If we're gonna do this,
we're gonna do it right.
Okay, you won't have to
repeat yourself, I promise.
Okay. Second
at some point I'm gonna
have to tell your mom,
and when I do, I'm gonna tell her
it was my idea and you're
gonna go along with it.
- Okay.
- Okay.
But why?
Because she's gonna be
pissed as hell, Dee.
And I'm not gonna let this drive
a wedge between the two of you.
So, do we have a deal?
Okay. You can hug me now.
- Okay.
Hey, hey.
MEL: Hey, what's good?
- She made it.
- Yay!
- What a beautiful home.
- We were about to start
- Welcome, welcome.
- We about to start without you.
- Uh-huh, take one.
- Thank you.
- Here you go, my dear.
- Ooh, I am hungry.
This is for you, my love.
HARRY: First, though, I would like
to make a toast.
To the family that you have
and the family that you choose.
We're all here together,
now, and that is because of you,
- so thank you.
- Thank you.
- Cheers.
Lay my belly on my woman ♪
Leave a damsel for Delilah ♪
Dagger for the damned,
the damned, the damned ♪
Fine wine and foie gras ♪
In my view ♪
Nothing's ever given away ♪
I believe to advance
then you must pay ♪
In my view ♪
what you doing?
Just looking at some old pics.
Who's that?
That's my father.
Your grandfather.
My grandfather? What's he like?
- He was tough on me.
But he was only trying to
prepare me for the world.
Because responsibilities
take no days off?
He taught me that.
Well, what else did he teach you?
Well, for one,
he was a cop, like me.
Say no more ♪
Animal, you're no longer vicious ♪
Say no more, please ♪
Just cradle, cradle ♪
You're no longer vicious ♪
Say no more, please, baby ♪
Just cradle, cradle ♪
In my view ♪
Nothing's ever given away ♪
Damned, the damned, the damned ♪
I believe to advance
then you must pay ♪
Say no more, please ♪
In my view,
love will never come my way ♪
Animal, rest in peace ♪
So when I leave ♪
You'll be dancing on my grave ♪
You'll be dancing on my grave. ♪
ROBYN: Here you are, still
making me meet you
in the middle of nowhere.
Just so I can talk
and you can not listen.
I miss you, Bishop.
Figured I'd see you again, Fisk.
You are Colton Fisk,
aren't you?
And you're everything
Bishop always said you were.
- When'd you know?
- I had my suspicions.
The way you moved.
The way you handled your weapon.
Reminded me of Bishop.
- He did train you, didn't he?
- He did.
What I don't understand is
why the prisoner act?
Just to flush out a mole?
I knew posing a serious
threat to the Brigada
Would force their inside man
to contact them.
Why go through all of that?
Why put all of our lives in danger?
You could have called the CIA tac team
anytime you wanted.
How far were you willing
to play this out?
As far as it took to get answers.
You must've known about Griffin.
It was you who put him on the team.
But there was someone else
I was worried about.
- You thought I was a mole?
- You and Griffin
worked closely together
on a number of things.
I needed to find out.
I knew you were clean
when you didn't kill Griffin.
If he would have exposed me,
I would have had to silence him.
I'm glad you understand.
I understand the logic.
Doesn't mean I agree with it.
You don't have to.
You just have to answer
the phone when I call.
Your arrangement with the Agency,
the one Bishop negotiated
for you it's under
my supervision now. You work for me.
First of all, I don't work for anyone.
Especially not someone
as reckless as you.
Your little playacting
got two good agents killed.
Sanford and Shaw
were as guilty as Griffin.
They were as dirty. Not Brigada moles,
but they'd sold out their
country to other bad actors.
Truth is, everyone on that team
was guilty of something.
You put my life in danger.
What was I guilty of?
Of getting Bishop killed.
He never should have been on that plane.
He was supposed to be looking
into something for me that day.
Instead he disregarded his own safety
in a reckless pursuit of Mason Quinn,
all because of you
and your selfish obsession.
If not for you, McCall
Bishop is still alive today.
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