The Unit s03e05 Episode Script

Inside Out

Previously on The Unit Charlotte, how are you doing? License and registration, please.
- My license? - Yes, ma'am.
Are you out of your mind? You signed the ticket? That's correct.
- Why? - For the colonel's wife.
I sentence you to 200 hours of community service, 3 years probation.
- What are the children supposed to do? - Who do they go to? - Their teachers.
- Did you sign the divorce petition yet? I thought we could actually save our marriage.
That's fine, but I don't care.
The MPs were called to a domestic disturbance in your home.
Sergeant Gerhardt, you will move, until further notice, into the bachelors' NCO quarters.
Yes, sir.
- Tom, what's going on? - We're done here.
But what about us? What about London? Can't stand the rain, baby.
Feeling better? Tummy calmed down? - Nausea? - Knocked up again.
- Can't you give the poor woman a rest? - Not with that face.
Call-in show, army families? Exactly.
It's the single biggest local demographic.
- Who runs the show? - Me.
Thank you.
Get out! Hey! Where is it? - Ah, you're Jennifer's husband, oui? - Where is it? Look, it was never love between us two, just money.
Shut up.
Look, she is my Tuesday afternoon.
That's all.
She may call it love, but I'm telling you, it's not Hey! Help me! I'm being mugged! A mugger only wants your wallet.
We're here for something else.
Where is it? Who are you? - We're here for the chip.
- Where is it?! - No one knows about the chip.
- Where is it? Where is it? They are desperate men, ok? They forced me to do it.
I am innocent.
They will kill me.
You should have thought about that before you cashed the check.
The info on that chip's gonna save innocent lives.
Give us an option, 'cause after the strip search, we induce vomiting.
Look, I don't have the chip, but I can take you to it.
Take us to it? Yes, yes.
In Paris.
Oh, what? You were going to get on that plane empty-handed? I don't think so.
Where's the chip? Please! - Scar's fresh.
- Too small for the chip? No.
They have men here, ok, in the airport.
They are watching me, ok? If I don't get on that plane right now, they will kill me.
Please! How many men? What do they look like? Like that.
Let's go! Please! Let me go.
I'll give you the money they paid me.
You got the package? We've just got to unwrap it.
All right.
Why did I just do that? Because we're training for the real fight.
You encounter a person of interest in a busy street in Baghdad, you're going to use your rifle? No.
Why? They go "bang.
" They kill.
When this man wakes up, he can still be questioned.
- Hey, are you all right? - Sergeant? - It's your wife.
- Thank you.
Kim? Ok.
Here's your book, extra pillows, the remote, here, if you need it.
Baby, the baby and I are fine.
The doctor said so.
Exhaustion's a big word for needing an afternoon off.
Well, I am ordering you on Are you a doctor now? Where are you going? You're gonna lie there, and I am going back to work.
What about the kids? Where are they? Daycare.
I'll draw you a map.
No, I know where daycare is, ok? You relax.
I have a shift at the station later today.
Well, change it.
I won't.
I can't.
Look, I will feed and water the boy, I will keep the girl away from drugs and alcohol, ok? I'm on the air today.
It's the first day of my call-in show.
We've been running a lot of ads.
Look, I don't want you to exert yourself.
I'm not moving pianos, Bob.
Just postpone the show for a couple of days.
All right? You're still going to be here.
I love you.
See you.
This will be over quick.
Get me a good light and a bucket.
- No, no, no.
Don't! - Why not? The device is to ensure I arrive.
It must be removed by their surgeon in Tunisia.
If not, it will tear my artery at the heart.
I'll die.
The chip, inside you or not, is going with us.
To where? To America? - Where needn't concern you.
- No, no.
How do you know we're not Canadian? 'cause we didn't say please.
You should be more discerning next time who you rent your body out to.
Boss, we're burned.
They tracked us.
That was fast.
No way they tracked us.
We switched cars.
How'd they track us? Take the car.
We're going to give them something for the newsletter.
Save me! Don't move! Aah! Is that the last of them? Am I safe? Get to the van.
Come here.
Son of a bitch.
We're good for the moment, but moments pass.
The package has a tracker.
Anybody with the software and an access code knows where this guy wanders off to.
if they're close, until the signal gets us more company.
Can you get it out in 5? Look, you kill me, you won't know who hired me.
We're listening.
- Not until I'm safe.
- Who hired you? It's the only thing keeping you from killing me.
If you get it out of my body, keep me alive, I'll give them up.
I speak English.
My friend here swallowed a small animal.
Is there an x-ray? Who are you are men? He swallowed drugs, eh? He swallowed something.
We need to know exactly where it is.
I want 3,000 euros.
For your undivided attention.
We're rather busy.
Hey! You don't need to do this! Let's get on it.
Please! It's natural.
I'm not ready to die.
It shouldn't come to that.
No, no.
You can't.
You're not - He's a medical doctor.
- He's a doctor? - Yes, he is.
- There.
He could tear an artery.
Depends on how deep it is.
Or fire a pulse to trigger tachycardia.
If it's C4, we'll lose a few fingers getting it out.
Either way, a drive-through of the man's chest could be fatal.
We're running short on time.
We may have more time than we think.
The smock's blocking the signal.
Makes a man believe in Santa Claus.
Hush, hush, hush! There you go.
Shh! Shh! Quiet! Quiet! Good.
Good boys.
The collars.
GPS? Yeah.
Finds lost pets.
The interference will give us a few more minutes.
It's in there pretty good.
It's gonna take a little longer, but they're still gonna to get here.
Like picking out a voice in a crowd.
Keep back.
- May I? - After you.
No torn artery.
At least they didn't wire him to kill him.
Can't trust anyone.
I need 2 minutes.
All right.
Glue him up.
Let's get out of here.
File photos.
This guy, this guy, this guy, they're ours.
They're on the inside of the network.
And the chip? Gonna flush them out, get 'em killed.
Who hired you? I don't know.
The men in danger They're our early warning system.
They're the phone call that keeps an attempted bombing from becoming the latest disaster.
The man that sent the chip knows their names.
We need his.
There were no names.
It was just cash and middlemen.
Kill him.
No, no.
Wait! You don't know nothing, what good are you to us? I know.
Ok? I can show you the man who put the chip inside me.
Stand down.
He's going to need a medic.
Brown get home all right? She's fine.
I'll tell her you asked.
Why don't you go see her? Sir? Take the weekend.
Are you relieving me, sir? Well, I'd be justified, sergeant.
Combative training requires a measure of safety, and I believe you're distracted.
Yes, sir.
Think of it as R&R.
Get your house in order.
Yes, sir.
Sir, I, uh The next word out of your mouth's gonna be an excuse.
You fixin' to give me an excuse, soldier? No, sir.
Get out of here and leave it off the field.
Fired? I've been warning you for months about the rollback.
There are 3 other teachers with less experience than I, lower than mine.
How would you know that? Well, I do, Jerry.
Are they being dismissed, too? All I can say is, the decision is made.
So this is about me.
This is about the DUl arrest, which was a one-time Even if it weren't, the regulations are I got community service, Jerry, and I served the hell out of it.
Now let me guess Someone complained? Just give me their names.
Tiffy, I'm not gonna give you names.
I need this job, jerry.
I'm getting divorced and I need this job.
I know.
I know.
For my girls.
This is gonna cost me everything.
Your situation can't weigh into the superintendent's decision.
Well, I'll appeal as high as I have to.
Are you gonna argue with the DOD? Jerry, this is not right.
It isn't fair.
Jerry, please.
I can type 90 words a minute.
I've got my teacher's certificate.
There's got to be something on base I can do.
Colonel? the application process because of one question.
Can you guess what that question is? The question is, "have you been convicted of a felony?" That's a question they ask on employment forms.
All right.
And I have to check yes.
Now, I did that for Charlotte.
I did that for your wife, and so by extension, tom, I did it for you.
Well, I agree.
I owe you a favor.
So let's talk turkey.
There's nothing I can do, Tiffy.
How can that be? Because we have the same forms and you have to check the same box.
Well, what about Charlotte? She knows everybody.
She can get me a phone to answer.
Charlotte's off the board.
I don't know what that means.
Because she's in London? Charlotte's gone.
Put her out of your mind.
Tom, do you know what can happen to my house if I divorce a soldier? Yes, ma'am.
Tom, I could lose the girls.
Please, you're my last chance on earth.
Can I help you otherwise? How? I got some money.
What? I can get a few thousand dollars, in time.
If it'll help and you'll accept it.
Your wife is gone, and you're offering me money that I didn't earn.
Are you saying something different? I'm not.
It's just I I know what it costs to get divorced.
No, thanks.
It's in this neighborhood.
We're gonna need more than that.
I arrived at night.
I was carried out after the surgery.
Why don't you pick one and get lucky? Which house is the doctor's? Double the money.
All right.
We'll double their money.
Third door back.
We're here for a cleaning.
Reneau is a cardiologist.
Is he in? You'll have to wait Dr.
Reneau? What will you do with me when I'm done? You'll be free to go.
Go where? I'm sure you can ply your trade in pastures new.
Do you think that's what I want with my life, to bed other men's wives? If that's what I wanted, I wouldn't have risked this surgery for the money.
Aren't you going to ask me why I needed the money? I'm sure it's a sad story.
What's your vice, huh? Greed? Lust? What kind of man are you? The kind of man that beats a guy like you into whipped butter for not shutting up.
What will you do with me when I'm no longer useful? You're going to kill me, aren't you? The good doctor would rather kill himself than answer some questions.
Tear it up.
Snake Doc, we got a problem.
What kind of a problem? The automatic weapons kind.
They've found me.
The tracker's secure.
They're not gonna know you're here unless they hear you.
Snake Doc, this is Dirt Diver.
We got 3 Tangos.
Inbound to who? That's TBD.
Get me out of here.
Pal, you're safe.
Snake Doc, there are 3 tangos inbound to your position.
You got 20 seconds, and our guy just went all rabbit.
Get him back.
Snake Doc, the tangos are inbound to you.
I can be Negative.
Retrieve that man.
It's all over now.
Right here.
You and me.
Right here.
The doctor had an after-hours surgical appointment with a good-looking fellow last week.
Another one scheduled in a couple of days.
Yes or no.
Who hired the doctor to do it? I don't know.
How many after-hours appointments did the doctor perform? He was the only one.
That's good.
That's good.
Hey! No.
No, please wait! Hi, baby.
I want mommy.
I know.
But mommy needs her sleep right now, ok? I want mommy! You put too much relish on your hot dog and now you got a tummyache, huh? - Yes.
All right, I'll get you some ginger ale.
No, I want how mommy does it.
Bob, wait.
Not ginger ale.
Kim Honey, I got this covered, all right? Stay right there.
He'll cry himself out in a minute.
Honey, would you please go back to bed? Better, punkin'? No, no, no, this I definitely got.
All right? Here we go.
I heard you got fired at school.
It's so embarrassing, mom.
I'm sorry you had to find out that way, honey.
Kids can be cruel.
It's all anybody talks about.
What does this mean? It means there's gonna be some changes, sweetie.
What changes? No, Christmas, no Hey, hey.
Nobody's saying no Christmas.
Santa always rewards good little girls, Jen.
So, Lissy, be one and stop scaring your sister.
In the meantime, we're gonna Have to go without some things.
Oh, my god, like? Horseback-riding.
- For the time being - Mom, I hardly even started.
I know.
I'm sorry.
And, Jen, we're gonna have to put off miss Ferguson's viola lessons.
What about Halloween? Halloween is legislated begging, Jen.
Every day is gonna be halloween.
Can't daddy help? Your dad's doing the best he can.
But the rest is gonna be up to us.
We stand on our own now.
That's right.
This is your idea of "handling it"? What am I supposed to be doing? I was calling for you, Bob, but you didn't hear me.
All right.
What do you need? Why is this damn car so important? Hey, what do you need? Serena has a fever.
See if you can find your way to getting us some children's aspirin.
Kim, I'll do whatever you need.
What are you doing? I'm working on the car.
What are you doing on the car? I'm changing the oil.
Give me the wrench and go take care of the kids.
Look, Kim, I thought you were asleep.
Give me the wrench and go take care of the kids.
Kim, I'm Does it require a genius to change the oil in your car? Or am I disbarred from knowing of it because of my gender? Am I? No.
Then take care of the kids.
What do you say? Well, do you remember how to wait tables? They change which end of the glass the beer goes in? No.
Then I should be all right.
You know, this place has come a long way since Lacey Lou's Kitty Kat Korner.
Upgraded lunch and dinner menu.
Gets a higher class of customer.
Tiffy! Annie, hey! Hey, when did you rotate out? Right after I figured out army medics don't get paid what regular doctors do.
Is that news? But I'm addressing it.
How? Physician's assistant school.
Landed here for a while to pay for it.
You joining the family? Yeah, if they'll have me.
So give me the bad news.
Where'd you get that scar? You a cutter? Stop picking on her.
She's good people.
What you doing here? Landing off a DUl.
But there's a twist.
Oh? What? You innocent? And there's the other thing.
Yeah, what's the other thing? I have 2 girls, so I'll need as many weekends off as possible.
You're gonna want a Friday shift and a Saturday shift I've gotta be there for the girls.
My husband Uh, we assumed that.
There's an extra grand in it Cash.
For you I'd guess more.
Extra grand for what? You can take out Lacey Lou, but you can't take Kitty out of the corner.
I don't dance.
Who does anymore? Look, I'll push the drinks, I'll make you a lot of money.
Meet, greet, and serve.
What do you say? Turn around.
Show her the place.
Come on.
Let's get you a paycheck.
Well, yes, actually.
What we've offered you still stands.
I nt my money and my freedom.
The men who hired you know you.
Know your value.
With the doctor nixed, you're the only mule that they can safely get into Tunisia.
I don't have the package anymore.
You don't have the package right this minute.
You gotta return to sender.
And then dynamite the sender.
And the man that hired you won't answer the door if the postman ain't you.
I won't let you put the chip back inside me.
- No.
- Knock him out.
Wait! A couple hours before he can move.
When he wakes up, he's gonna want protection.
No can do.
Return to sender.
He ain't gonna want to go out in the cold.
He ain't gonna want to, but he's going.
How do we cool him out? The mouse.
I found all the parts I needed.
I'll have it built by the time he wakes up.
Tell him we'll be with him every step of the way.
We won't let the tangos touch him.
And is that so? Not literally.
What's literally? Literally, we're gonna let the tangos sweep him up, see if we can catch the big fish.
They'll cut him open again.
Things are rough all over.
This is the mouse.
It'll hide here.
It'll let you hear me like we're going in together.
Your cover story is, Interpol picked you up but got nothing.
You escaped when the tangos showed up shooting.
You got that? You got scared, you tried to cut it out of you, but you failed.
Hence the bandage.
Nobody saw the chip.
The militants who hired me, they see me, they'll shoot me in the streets.
I wouldn't.
I'd need you to convince me my pipeline was still open.
They know I ran.
You disappeared.
And they're gonna ask you why.
Your employers are gonna want to take you someplace.
To the head man if we're lucky.
He's gonna want to look you in the eye.
Then they will kill me.
We won't let 'em.
Will you not question them? That's not our department.
We know what he has to say.
It's our job to stop him from saying it.
They're good.
They're human beings.
You shoot 'em, they die.
Ever since I found out my husband was coming home, I've been planning how to surprise him.
Don't leave us in suspense.
I've got my ruby stiletto heels, red stockings, cherry garter Caller, that's just gonna get you pregnant.
Kim! We're back in 60 on KTML.
Hey, I trusted you to stay at home, unsupervised.
Didn't we discuss this? It's just 4 hours, and I'm sitting.
I'm drinking plenty of water, my feet are elevated, the baby's fine, I'm fine.
And the bottom line I have to be here.
- All right, where are the kids? - Daycare, Bob.
All right, well, put in a tape, call a sub, and let's go home, ok? Ok.
When the show's over.
Hey That's all.
Garbage, Bob.
I'm supposed to relax.
And, baby, I was relaxed until about 30 seconds ago.
The punchline is, this isn't about me.
It's about you, and how, honey, you are just too macho to do housework.
I love this job.
So you can stomp around all you want and beat your chest back to the garage, but I am not leaving.
You're listening to KTML, and we're taking callers.
Peggy, you're on the air.
I don't need this from you.
What, honey? I said I need this job.
I've got 2 little girls and my husband.
I need this job.
Please, mister.
Give me a break.
Get more money and start dancing.
I've got a family.
At least it's better than "I got a trick knee.
" No, I'm too old and I've been too married.
It's like shaking your thing in a bikini.
It's not nude.
They even got a no-touch rule.
Do the guys obey it? Nobody touches these girls.
They're married to soldiers.
Look, anybody can see that this place doesn't fit your lifetime career goals.
But you're not gonna be here in 6 months.
- Neither am I.
- Amen.
Jump in the pool.
And make $1,400 in 2 nights.
That's a terrible example for my girls.
I don't see them here.
Have you done it? Does it matter? Yes.
The other side to The rest of this job isn't worth it.
Waitressing, you'll crack, or worse, you're just gonna end up here forever.
Well, that's not in the cards either.
Then pick the best bad situation.
Let me know which.
Anyway, I'm gonna help you out best I can.
What are you doin'? Oh, I remember.
This was yours when you were little.
The car smells funny.
It's called "new car smell.
" But this isn't a new car.
But this spray makes it smell like it's a new car.
Why? Well, because, uh, because it has meaning.
Like your book.
And the meaning is that everything is fine in the bear house until the new kid comes.
But at the end of the book, she goes away.
That's right.
That's right.
But in real life In real life, she stays.
You want to know the true thing? The true thing is that in any case everything is just fine.
Hey, you want to go for a ride? Yes.
Put your seatbelt on.
Oh, listen to that.
Hold on.
Postman's making contact.
Well, he's not dead yet.
Fish just pulled the bob down.
All right, pal, you're in good company.
Keep on keepin' calm.
Postman and package are in good condition.
Couple of candidates for head man, but no sure bets.
I'm blind down here.
Tell postman to beat the tall grass.
Roger, Snake Doc.
Well, you tell him whatever he needs to hear.
You get me? The head man feels safe, he sticks his head out, we knock down the complete set.
If you can hear me, put your right hand over your left.
Postman confirms.
Good man.
Yeah, we're here.
Stay cool, buddy.
Snake Doc, they found the mouse.
Postman's deaf.
The head man? No sign.
You think of a way the postman walks out of here alive? No.
Head man doesn't show, we blow the whole popsicle stand.
I've got our friend, the interrogator, and A couple fellows I don't recognize.
One of them could be the head man.
Not sure.
Head man? Negative.
Head man is not showing himself.
I got a couple choices, but once I start shooting, the whole board's gonna change.
Then let the package leave the building.
Say again.
They're about to chop it out of him, starting at the south end.
No choice, Dirt Diver.
The head man doesn't come to the chip we follow the chip to him.
Green, green, head man's here.
Using his guy as a human shield.
Head man is leaving the building.
You almost lost the target.
"Almost" won't get me court-martialed.
You all right? I'm hurt.
That means you're alive.
You helped save some people today.
Thank you.
And the money? My freedom? They're both yours as soon as we get the chip.
Cut it out of me.
Baby, you've been opened more often than Tallulah Bankhead.
Cut it out of me.
We will.
Ok, my friend.
I don't have anything for the pain.
I'll get the registration for you tomorrow.
Thanks, man.
You didn't just sell your car? Yeah, I had to.
Had to? We got a new baby coming.
Roger that.
Pipeline's dried up.
The identified agents? One stayed in place.
Even with the heat on.
Some folks don't know any better.
Our guy make it to Paris? as far as the train station, anyway.
Then he went to ground.
I kind of liked the guy.
Why? He was resilient.
That he was.
Give me a ride in your fast car, mister? Oh, I don't know.
I think you'd probably just get pregnant again.
Serena asleep? Teddy, too.
She's such a good girl.
Isn't she, though? What did your daddy pay for this car? Uh, about 3 grand.
And what did you get for it? Really? Yeah.
You know what that could give us? Yeah, a little extra child care, a little extra help around the house.
We had our second date in this car.
Remember? Oh, we had a lot of memorable dates in this car.
Doesn't it deserve one last drive? Sure.
It's a shame about the kids, though.
They'd probably notice that we were gone and sell our clothes and our electronics.
I think Teddy's planning his first kegger.
What'll we do? Well We could stay right here in the car.
Are you suggesting that we go parking? It's the american way.
I got it.
Gentlemen, put your hands together for Roxy! Roxy! Hold on to your seats, because Wish me whatever.
Where you goin', honey? What in hell are you doing? Doing what? Working.
What brings you by, stranger? Are you dancing? If I was? No, sir, you're not working in a place like this.
Well, it's none of your business.
- The hell it ain't.
- You gave it up.
I am not collecting hazard pay for my health.
No, you're blowing it all on strippers, otherwise, what are you doing here? I'm taking you home.
No! You know what? As long as you want to rent yourself out for your country, I'll rent myself out for our children.
Is that what I do, I rent myself out? Is that what I do? Mack Go home.
Hang on to your helmets, gentlemen.
Phase 2 is about ready to begin.
Please welcome to the stage for the first time, all the way from Reno, Nevada, for a very special engagement only, the French treat, Aubeline!
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