The Way Home (2023) s03e05 Episode Script
Reeling in the Years
KAT: Previously on The Way Home
Glad we're doing this.
You like someone,
you should just tell them.
- Your first date with Colton.
- You saw that?
I was watching with Evelyn.
- Who's Casey?
- Your sibling or
or at least
that's what they told me.
Sounds like someone was lying.
Why do you have this sweater?
This is my dad's from 1999.
I can't stop this feeling ♪
Deep inside of me ♪
Girl, you just don't realize
what you do to me ♪
When you hold me
in your arms so tight ♪
You let me know
everything's alright ♪
I'm hooked on a feeling ♪♪
Mom. What are you doing here?
- Did you find something on Casey?
- No. Turns out my intern's
references are just as fake
as their last name.
Yeah! Because they're
from the future.
Alice. Casey might not be
a Goodwin,
but there's still no
definitive proof
that they're a time traveler.
- Now, Dad, on the other hand.
- No. We've been over this.
Colton may have been raised
on stories of a magical pond,
but he's given zero hint that
he's ever time traveled himself.
Except for finding his sweater
that night at the pond
- when you were pushed.
- But it was Casey
I saw in the field.
Colton knew me in '99, Mom,
and if he was a time traveler,
he would have realized
I was his friend from '74.
But he didn't.
If you need definitive proof,
then that's it, right?
Please, if you're going to stay,
just lay low.
Ladies, please
Let the music soothe
your savage souls, huh?
A part of me just really
wanted to see him again.
Yeah. I understand.
That you're in love with me ♪
That you're in love with me ♪
That you're in love with me ♪
Hey. Do you want
to hang out after this?
Yeah. Definitely.
Thanks, gang. I'm gonna play
something a bit different next.
Won't you carry a part
of my broken heart ♪
As you slip from these
cold hands of mine ♪
For Fate has divined ♪
And a Smuggler and Sprite ♪
Are divided by
water and time ♪
So you drift in your world
while I wander mine ♪
Now I sing what
is too sad to tell ♪
Though we left, you and me ♪
We were never to be ♪
So fare thee,
fare thee well ♪♪
- Jasper.
- Hmm.
- What is this?
- Oh, you dig?
I taught it to Colton.
It's a folk song from
Port Haven's founding days.
A hymn to heartbreak
lost love.
Published it myself.
A book of old songs from
the area I've collected.
You really wanna know history?
You won't find it
in stuffy books.
It's in the art of the time.
- Mmh.
- Paintings, poems, songs
that's where the truth
of an era will always lie.
Hey. You good?
Yeah. Yeah, no
just reminds me of someone.
It's a past love.
Not surprised.
That's the beauty
of a great song.
Transcends time.
Colton Landry, everyone!
If you like that little ditty,
there's more in here.
All for the low price of $1.50.
But this one's on the house.
Thank you.
I'll take one, please.
Thank you.
Hi, there.
Hey, Fern.
Do you remember me?
I walked you home the other day.
Hey, do you do you remember
talking to me about the pond?
Because I spoke
with your friend, Jasper,
he told about how hard
you fought to keep it in 1965.
And I was just wondering if you
could tell me a little bit more
about that night.
Colton saved Evelyn
from drowning, but did
did anything else happen?
Okay um
Sorry, it's a bad time.
Potatoes and rye.
[SINGING:] Potatoes and rye.
Plant them soon,
or else yee'll die.
- Plant them soon or
- You really like
those old songs, huh?
Your grandson,
he plays them so well.
He so special.
I told you he isn't.
I was worried that he was.
And the brother.
But I'm not now.
There's enough to worry about
with Cole as it is.
He's a rule breaker.
- What rule did he break?
- Shh
Kitty Kat. Enough now. Hmm.
Welcome home!
There she is. Come here, you.
- Aw.
Do you have any idea
how much I missed you?
I have dinner plans
for us tonight.
Oh, music to my ears.
So no more pretending.
We can just be.
You know
I really did miss you.
- You sound surprised.
- I was a bit.
And that is the kind
of surprise I like.
Hmm. Well, I don't know
what you mean by that.
I mean, if you're planning
on giving me
a surprise birthday party,
you better think again.
- It's your birthday soon?
- You know it is,
and I hope you haven't
planned your return
with that in mind,
because I hate my birthday.
Always have, always will.
Now, now, Del.
Age is just a number.
It doesn't have anything
to do with age.
Well, whatever the reason,
I have no idea
what you're on about
with the surprise party talk.
Sam is a brave man.
Del is going to hate this.
Although, maybe the surprise
of seeing me
will avoid a full meltdown.
Well, seeing you is always
a surprise, Brady.
I think Del will be fine.
She had a big year,
lots to celebrate.
You're just not privy
to the day-to-day.
Privy? That's what
you're going with?
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Wow, Jacob.
Farm's looking great.
Ah, though, Kat told me
about a job offer
- from Goodwin Vineyards.
- Mm-hmm.
It's actually called
Goodwin's GoodWine.
Oh, really? That's terrible.
They should change that
Lewis Goodwin
offered you a job?
He did.
Consulting on his plans
for planting
the vineyard acreage.
Sounds like a great opportunity.
That's the first
I've heard of it.
I guess Kat
just tells me things
Because Kat and I are too busy
doing other stuff
to talk much these days
In my time,
men would duel for less.
He means his time,
like his generation.
Dig the new pad?
Yeah, I love it. But
what was wrong with
your old room downstairs?
Uh, I needed a change
and space from Delilah
The Snow Queen.
No one's lived
in this attic for ages.
There's this rumor
that an ancestor of mine
kept his wife up here.
Like the Lady of Shalott.
Locked away from the world.
And that's a story
that appeals?
I hope this room was haunted.
Wouldn't that be romantic?
Have you ever seen
The Ghost And Mrs. Muir?
It's this old movie
about a widow
who buys a house haunted
by a sea captain.
And then, he tries to scare her,
but they fall in love.
And there's like this
wild tension
between the two of them,
because they can't touch.
And they're from
separate worlds.
What do you that think
the wife's name was?
- Wasn't it Mrs. Muir?
- No.
The one that was locked up here.
We should call her Cassandra.
It's a family name,
and I've always loved it.
Uh, Del's just getting ready
for her date
and she said you moved up here.
Geez, Evie. Kind of creepy, huh?
You have just given me
the most magnificent idea.
Let's contact Cassandra.
After centuries
of being overlooked
It's time to pay her
some attention.
"A Smuggler and Sprite.
"Divided by water and time.
"Carry part of my broken heart
in yours
when the waves call you home"
Perhaps you'd allow me
to carry a part of your heart in mine?
"Though we loved, you and me,
we were never to be."
Fare thee well, Katherine.
"So fare thee well"
Doesn't this seem
kind of wrong, Evie?
I mean, with everything
that's happened this summer?
What happened to Rick.
No, this is different.
This is about love,
heartbreak, and tortured women
locked in attics.
If it gets weird,
we can just stop. Okay?
Okay. Put your fingers
on the pointer.
Spirit who may be Muir,
join our circle.
Make your presence known.
What the heck
are you guys doing?
Nothing. Look, Del,
we can just go.
No! I need Colton
for a little longer.
Maybe you can go downstairs?
This sort of thing
probably isn't your bag.
If you're doing it,
I'm doing it.
- Delilah Watson. And you are?
- This is Alice.
- Nice to meet you, Alice.
You, too, Delilah
Uh, let's
contact some ghosts, shall we?
Well, the case
of the time-travelling intern
and/or father remains
very much unsolved.
So no new discoveries
in 1974 then?
No, just a whole lot of nothing.
That's not true.
I did make one big discovery.
how good it feels
to come home to you.
I mean what we have
people people could
write songs about it? Right?
We welcome you
into our circle with love.
Will you join us?
- She's here.
EVELYN: Oh my gosh.
Who's Cassandra?
Evie thinks that this chick
named Cassandra
- used to live up here.
- She was a prisoner
back in Port Haven's early days.
She might know our
Founding Fathers, Cole.
- We should ask her.
- No!
Um no, because
someone's obviously
moving the pointer.
- Look, Del, we can just go.
- No.
You can't break the circle.
The spirit needs unified
energy to communicate.
Moving the pointer
takes a lot of effort.
Uh, okay. I guess
Cassandra has more energy
than most spirits.
Uh, Cassandra?
Um, sorry.
Who's with us right now?
Was there a fire at Lingermore?
No. Never.
Spirit. Were you involved
in a fire?
S T.
Too fast
Rick? What?
Alright, Evie, can we just stop?
I'm not doing anything, Cole.
Blame. Spirit?
Who do you blame?
- Alright, Evie.
- [loud thumping]
- [Del]: This can't be Rick.
- You took this too far!
Cole, I didn't do anything!
Hey, Cole, it's okay.
I really don't think
that was Evelyn.
- Well, who was it then?
- I don't know,
but like it or not,
we definitely
summoned someone
It's okay.
- Mmh.
[SIGHS] You stay
I'll get it
WOMAN: Oh, uh, does
Elliott Augustine still live here?
Uh yeah. Yeah, he does.
Sorry! My name is Emma. I'm
Kat This is my ex-wife.
Thank you.
I really am sorry
to just show up unannounced,
but my tour stop at Saint John
got suddenly extended.
Emma's with the Toronto York
Philharmonic, Kat.
- Second violin.
- Actually, it's first now.
- And I made concertmaster.
- Are you kidding me?
That's what you've always
wanted. Congratulations!
- Thanks.
- Congratulations.
Um, but you were saying about
showing up unannounced?
Oh, yeah. Honestly,
it was so spur of the moment.
I found myself with
a couple of days off.
But I realized I don't have
your number, Elliott,
just this address.
So I thought
- I'm just gonna go for it.
Uh, I also came because, um
Vic called.
Right. Of course he did.
Sorry, Vic calls you?
Yeah He mentioned
he was gonna come visit
and I know how complicated
it can be with you and your dad.
But you clearly
- are doing just fine.
- I am.
- I am.
- Aw.
And you seem good, too.
God, Emma. How long has it been?
- Five years?
Oh, well, that's dinner, so
And you are welcome to
join us.
Really? Thanks.
Did you see the way
that she comforted him?
I've never seen Colton
so vulnerable before.
Everything about
this summer is wrong!
I'm supposed to be in Morocco.
Cole should be here, missing me.
And Rick should be
playing hockey.
But look at me.
I'm just up in this attic
like Rochester's crazy
first wife
when I should be Jane Eyre.
I should be the one
being rescued!
I mean Colton used
to want to rescue me.
Even when we were little.
Did Colton rescue you?
When we were eight
I nearly drowned.
And Cole dove in to save me.
My parents separated us,
but we still figured out a way
to talk to each other.
Why did your parents
separate you?
Alice, look.
There's a hidden door.
Oh, my God.
I recognize her face.
I think her face seems
pretty generic.
Um listen. My mom
really needs me right now.
For dinner. I gotta go,
I'm sorry.
I love being allowed back
into your house again, Del, but
- where is everyone?
- Well,
I wasn't about to give you a
big old party
without a heads up.
- That would be cruel.
- Are you really
still on about that?
I know what's going on, Sam,
but I've decided
to go along with it,
'cause I got what we've
been waiting for
in the mail today.
Sam. It's good to see you
Well, it's very good
to be seen, Jacob.
- Especially here.
- Honey,
I was going to give this
to you later, but
I can't wait.
- What is this?
- Explain it, Sam.
Well, that is a letter
certifying your
legal resurrection.
The country and the law
have declared you alive again.
Sam and I have been working
on this for a while.
And I think it's just
the push that you need
to start your life here, now,
because you've got it back.
Oh, boy. We have
so much more to celebrate
at this party than my birthday.
Party what party?
Hey, uh, thank you Sam.
- Really. I appreciate it.
- Congratulations, Jacob.
- Aw, wait a minute.
- I want in on this.
It was 2015, right?
When you joined me
on the dark side?
Yep. Uh, when I switched
from teaching Toronto
public school to private.
EMMA: Where the students
are more confident,
and utterly obnoxious.
Hmm. Curse that privilege,
am I right?
I was in the Science Department.
And Emma was in Music.
We became friends,
and we started to date,
which went on for ages.
Kat definitely knows I've
always been slow on the uptake.
I kept wondering
if he'd ever be brave enough
to pop the question.
He'd set up these big,
romantic dates,
and then always chicken out.
Elliott and his
"perfect moment".
I know it very well.
Right? God, I was ready
to give up hope, but then
one night, something shifted.
Suddenly, you were
down on one knee.
Had to do it eventually, right?
Yeah, we were married in 2018,
and lasted until 2020.
Which is when Elliott came home,
and took over this
gorgeous house.
And it really is so beautiful,
El. It is just
It's so you.
Okay. I've gotta ask
about the balloon elephant
in the room.
- Oh.
- Otherwise, I'm gonna think
they're in honor of my surprise
appearance at your door.
No, your appearance was
entirely unexpected.
Uh the balloons
are for, uh,
- Kat's mom's birthday.
- Aw.
We're throwing her
this big party tomorrow and
You should totally come.
Really? I
I don't wanna overstep.
No, that's not overstepping.
Okay, then.
Yeah, I'll be there.
Great! It's gonna be great.
BRADY: How about a toast, huh?
To my beloved daughter
who's about the start
her senior year?
And the five-year plan starts
in T-minus 48 hours, right?
Yeah Right.
So, uh, how's Rachel?
Missing your favorite intern?
We're both missing you
a lot, actually.
- You left a pretty big void.
What are you doing here?
Oh, just
checking out my competition.
- Excuse me?
- Dad! What? No.
Uh, Noah owns a food truck.
Yeah, I do.
Uh, fish and chips.
Coffee and fritters.
That's very quaint.
Yeah, he took over
the family business
and totally expanded it.
He's even thinking about
getting a second truck.
Well, you gotta dream big.
Uh, sorry, uh, you are?
Oh! Sorry, um. Noah,
this is my dad.
- And Dad, this is Noah, my
- Boyfriend.
- Uh,
I mean, like
only if you want
- I do!
- I guess I never really asked
- because
- Of course I do, but really?
Uh, here,
why don't you join us? Um
- Oh, I can come
- It's okay. Here.
Meeting Emma
- was weird.
You know, I never really
thought about her existing
before tonight.
I You had this whole
other life out there
before me,
and Emma was a part of it.
And, she's great, El.
She was. Is.
Thought our marriage was futile,
since I always knew
where I'd wind up.
Since I always loved you.
So then why'd you go
through with it?
Why get married?
I had to believe in the signs
that were presented to me
at the time.
Yeah, I guess there always
is the one before the one, huh?
Hello, Mr. Goodwin.
It's Jacob.
Listen, I wanted
to let you know
that I've thought about it,
and I'd like
to accept your offer.
I can't wait to get started.
- And there it was.
- In this cupboard in the wall.
When Evelyn unrolled it,
I almost died.
But my portrait was
was hanging
when I found it
at the estate sale.
It was framed.
Like, right there in the open.
So? Sometime in
the last 40 years,
someone cared enough
to restore it.
You know, I never even
asked myself
why Susanna's painting wound up
in Goodwin territory
to begin with.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
You know, maybe we should
- Oh!
- Hey
Yeah. Hey, yourself.
Do you know that guy?
That's Max Goodwin.
That's Max?
Wait, are you sure he's
not messing with you
about not being Casey's brother?
Because he looks like
the type to mess.
And he's fully got Casey's eyes.
DEL: Okay, I would like
to make a toast.
As most of you know,
I hate my birthday,
so I would like to make this
about the people I love.
To my precious daughter.
And my sweet granddaughter
who's about to start
on a big year
that I know will lead
to a bright future.
And to my son!
Oh, honey,
this is more about you
this party, than me.
To Jacob,
who's been officially
brought back to life
and given a fresh start.
- To Jacob.
- To Jacob!
And I suppose
it starts today,
because I accepted the job
with Lewis Goodwin.
- Ooh!
- Nice.
Are you sure?
Well, to Jacob and new chapters!
- To new chapters!
- New chapters!
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Hey. What are you
doing up here?
I'm thinking about Alice
and this Noah kid.
You know, I I'm cool with you
moving in with Elliott,
I really am. And I know
why it had to happen now.
It's just, neither of us
are around as much
I'm right next door.
No, I know. I just
It's our job to make sure
that Alice
is sticking to her goals.
Listen. Alice knows
that if she ever needs me
or even if I just feel like
she does, then I'll come home.
This move in with Elliott
will be temporary.
- I promise.
DEL: Come on into
the living room, gang!
- Hmm
- Hmm
I've asked Emma
to give us a performance,
and she has very kindly agreed.
- Mm. Of course she has.
Be cool, Landry.
EMMA: Well, I hope
I live up to the hype, Del.
Um, does anyone
have any requests?
Or what's this?
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm sure you have, like
another go-to song that you
like to show off with.
To To play.
Oh, well. Nothing wrong
with a little East Coast flair.
- When in Rome
Gosh, old folk songs
are so beautiful.
Alice. Kat tells me
you're an incredible singer.
Would you join me?
In honor of Del's big day?
Uh, sure, yeah!
For you, Grandma,
to make you happy
on a day you hate.
- Aw
- Of course.
that's my daughter.
That's my daughter!
This is a tale
I'm sorry to tell ♪
But drawn near
and I will tell you ♪
Of when witches were hung
for stealing the sun ♪
And hung by the light
of the moon, my love ♪
And hung by the light
of the moon ♪
She was a healer
or so she had said ♪
My potions and tonics
are true ♪
But when fields went a-fallow
she was led to the gallows ♪
Are you hearing this?
That loomed by the light
of the moon, my love ♪
That loomed by the light
of the moon ♪
When her hanging rope
tightened ♪
The witch did not
look frightened ♪
For the night went
as dark as a tomb ♪
And when moonlight came back ♪
The noose just hung slack ♪
She was gone by the light
of the moon, my love ♪
She was gone by the light
of the moon ♪♪
Katherine! What are you doing?
Oh. God! I'm so sorry,
I thought we were all
just winding down.
This song. It says
it was written in 1816.
What does that mean?
"Stealing the sun?"
RITA: Wait, no, no, no. 1816?
That was the year of no summer!
I did research on it
for my ghost tour.
A lot of people died.
Very dark time but literally.
What happened?
Where did the sun go?
Well, a volcano erupted
somewhere in the world,
and sent a whack of dust
up into the air that blotted out
the sun all across the globe.
Not that anyone back then
knew that, though, right?
So, of course they
blamed it all on witches.
Port Haven was right in the eye
of this "no summer" storm.
The entire East Coast
of North America
lost the sun for all of 1816.
Suffering frigid cold,
famine, death
Without even understanding why.
The whole town must've thought
the world was ending.
I mean, the sun
disappearing on them!
And there were two
lunar eclipses.
1816's been skipped
entirely in here.
Susanna didn't include
any mention of that year.
What could that mean?
It's art.
Not the history books
that tell the truth of the time.
So we need to focus on the song,
the lyrics.
The witch hanged by the town
It's just hold on.
We know Elijah
and the rest of the Landry's
didn't die in 1816,
and neither did Susanna.
We've seen her grave!
- She had a long life.
- But what kind of life, El?
There's no way of knowing.
Right? But, but the song
- Is a song, Kat.
- Okay, but whoever wrote it,
they must've known something.
I mean, believe me,
the songs of that time.
They were incredibly,
eerily accurate.
I think we have to go back, Kat.
I think you're both
Or Susanna's in danger.
I figured you'd gone rogue.
It's time for cake!
I am sorry that my birthday
curse rubbed off on you.
I don't know why
your mother interrupted
your lovely performance
like that.
It's okay.
Emma's just kind of
throwing her for a loop.
Well, she's acting ridiculous.
I guess when you choose someone,
all of the other choices
just sort of
fade away, and you don't
think about them.
What is this all about?
What was Evelyn's life like?
I mean, before
she locked herself away?
Did she have a good marriage,
was she happy?
I really didn't get
to know Evelyn that well.
I tried, but she put up walls
when it came to me.
- Because she was hurt.
- By who? Me?
She was in love with Colton,
It broke her heart
when he chose you,
- but you really didn't see that?
- No.
That summer
was about me and Colton.
Well, there were
other people involved
that didn't get
a happily ever after.
What do you want me to feel,
Alice? Guilty?
No, no. It's just that there's
another side to this story.
The side that I'm seeing.
I feel for Evelyn.
- She was an amazing person.
- And what?
Colton would have been
better off with her?
- Is that what you think?
- No! No, Colton loved you
And what?
You think I just
only thought about myself
that summer?
Well, maybe I did.
And maybe I got
the happily ever after
for as long as I could.
- But isn't that allowed?
- Of course,
but Evelyn was so crushed.
Don't try to make me feel guilty
about what Colton and I had!
I didn't mean to, I, I just
Just stay out of my memories.
Saw you take off.
You okay?
Why didn't you tell me
you had a
I mean, what even is this?
My grandfather built it
for my mom and Elliott.
Seems very open-minded.
- It wasn't like that.
He just
wanted somewhere
for them to just be.
Get away from everything.
A safe haven.
That's what you're doing
right now?
You're safe with me, too,
you know?
And, look, I don't know
what happened
back at the house, but
I'm here. Okay?
If you need to talk or
If you just need me.
Come on.
It's the last day of the summer.
Just. Just let it go.
Don't think about anything else
except for right here.
Right now.
Don't go back
to school tomorrow.
Let's just
Let's just stay here. Forever.
I mean, we could.
As long as you don't
suffer from hay fever.
Nothing. I just, uh
I just remembered something
Max said
when he came by
the truck, today.
You're not really bringing
Max into this conversation.
Oh, come on.
He's a big fan of yours.
He even told me today
that I need to
that I need to "lock this down".
That you're "wife material".
Okay, that's degrading.
Like you said, let's just
focus on here and now.
Right now, I am your girlfriend,
and you are my boyfriend, and
this is perfect.
I I didn't think
anyone was out here.
It's okay. Kat told me
to give Alice space.
Besides, lurking
comes naturally.
Hey, congratulations on taking
the job at Goodwin GoodWine.
Still such a terrible name,
but I'm kind of in awe
of your bravery for
starting something new
as an adult.
Well I wanna
build something.
A job, a plan
That's not all it's about.
What do you mean?
Well, I'd like to find love,
Settle down, start a family
of my own.
You only have the one life.
Yeah We do.
Jacob, I'm
I'm so sorry
for what happened to yours.
It's my fault.
That day at the carnival.
I wanted Kat in a different
Ferris wheel car.
We were supposed
to be watching you.
That was our only job,
and I distracted Kat.
And, yeah
You were just
You were so little.
Brady, I never blamed you.
I swear.
Maybe we need a fresh start too.
Because we're good. Really.
What you said to Alice
on the porch.
What did you mean by that?
Telling her to stay out
of your memories?
- You heard that.
- Yeah.
You wanna know
why I hate my birthday?
Doesn't have anything to do
with age. It's memories.
I left Port Haven
on my birthday.
After the most perfect summer
in 1974,
and I said goodbye
to this town and Colton.
And I went back home
But everything had changed.
It was brutal and so lonely.
So, I
made a selfish choice.
A choice that
left other people
no choice at all.
What does that
have to do with Alice?
I'm worried
she'll think less of me.
No. Alice adores you,
and you two will mend
whatever just broke tonight.
- Mm.
- Mm-mmh ?
That song, El,
Susanna is in trouble.
I know it, Jacob knows it.
We have to make sure she's okay.
No. You're doing what you do.
Jumping to avoid things,
but I wanna get through
whatever weird things
have been happening
since Emma showed up.
- So, you think there's a thing?
- I do.
I wanna talk about it,
I wanna
I wanna talk about
why I proposed.
No, we don't have
to get into that.
I saw you, Kat.
That night.
You and Brady were at
the same restaurant.
Tables away from me.
And I don't know
what you were doing in Toronto,
it felt like a sign
that I had to move on.
You were happy.
That made me realize that
I had to try to be happy too.
I'm sorry that I'm late, babe.
Toronto traffic
is just getting
worse by the day. I
Oh, my god.
What are you doing?
Other people have told me a lot.
About how, and when,
and where to live my life,
but it's time I started telling
myself how I wanna live it.
Emma Baker, will you marry me?
Yes, yes.
Of course I will, Elliott.
Of course I will!
Oh right.
The journalism conference.
El, what you saw was
the furthest thing from happy.
Our marriage was just broken!
So Brady and I thought
that maybe a weekend
away from Alice would help.
Maybe it would, like,
rekindle something or
But it was already gone.
So that trip
You saw the beginning
of our end.
If I had known.
God, if I had seen you there.
Then I would have
run into your arms
and I would never have let go.
Don't go yet. Please, Kat.
- We need to
- Jacob wants to jump,
and I I can't
let him go alone.
Please understand.
I hate it. But I do.
Kat, are you ready?
ALICE: Be safe, okay?
I love you. I love you both.
We'll be back soon. I promise.
So, are you going to fabricate
any more siblings for me today?
Look, I'm only going to ask
you this one last time.
Are you sure that you don't have
relation named Casey?
No. I don't.
Casey is a family name.
Cassandra, actually.
So whoever your Casey is,
they did their Goodwin research.
Are you implying that Casey
is from the future?
It's a real possibility.
And he's fully got Casey's eyes.
He even told me today
that you're wife material.
Calm down, Nick
- Hey.
- I was on my usual morning walk
and um my feet took me here
to, uh apologize.
I think I offended Kat
last night.
I did kind of take things over.
Well, you did always
love the spotlight.
- Uh, Kat's not here, unfortunately.
Oh, uh
Okay, maybe I'll
come back
before I head to Saint John
this afternoon.
Hey, Em.
I have a couple spares
before you head back to school.
If you'd like a tea?
Yeah, I'd love that, actually.
Right on.
Are you sure?
Are we doing this?
We are.
For Susanna.
It's freezing!
The sky, Jacob.
What's What's happening?
Father, it's me!
No one's home.
Okay, it's fine.
Let's just get to town.
This isn't right.
Where is everyone?
What's going on, Jake?
KAT: Previously on The Way Home
Glad we're doing this.
You like someone,
you should just tell them.
- Your first date with Colton.
- You saw that?
I was watching with Evelyn.
- Who's Casey?
- Your sibling or
or at least
that's what they told me.
Sounds like someone was lying.
Why do you have this sweater?
This is my dad's from 1999.
I can't stop this feeling ♪
Deep inside of me ♪
Girl, you just don't realize
what you do to me ♪
When you hold me
in your arms so tight ♪
You let me know
everything's alright ♪
I'm hooked on a feeling ♪♪
Mom. What are you doing here?
- Did you find something on Casey?
- No. Turns out my intern's
references are just as fake
as their last name.
Yeah! Because they're
from the future.
Alice. Casey might not be
a Goodwin,
but there's still no
definitive proof
that they're a time traveler.
- Now, Dad, on the other hand.
- No. We've been over this.
Colton may have been raised
on stories of a magical pond,
but he's given zero hint that
he's ever time traveled himself.
Except for finding his sweater
that night at the pond
- when you were pushed.
- But it was Casey
I saw in the field.
Colton knew me in '99, Mom,
and if he was a time traveler,
he would have realized
I was his friend from '74.
But he didn't.
If you need definitive proof,
then that's it, right?
Please, if you're going to stay,
just lay low.
Ladies, please
Let the music soothe
your savage souls, huh?
A part of me just really
wanted to see him again.
Yeah. I understand.
That you're in love with me ♪
That you're in love with me ♪
That you're in love with me ♪
Hey. Do you want
to hang out after this?
Yeah. Definitely.
Thanks, gang. I'm gonna play
something a bit different next.
Won't you carry a part
of my broken heart ♪
As you slip from these
cold hands of mine ♪
For Fate has divined ♪
And a Smuggler and Sprite ♪
Are divided by
water and time ♪
So you drift in your world
while I wander mine ♪
Now I sing what
is too sad to tell ♪
Though we left, you and me ♪
We were never to be ♪
So fare thee,
fare thee well ♪♪
- Jasper.
- Hmm.
- What is this?
- Oh, you dig?
I taught it to Colton.
It's a folk song from
Port Haven's founding days.
A hymn to heartbreak
lost love.
Published it myself.
A book of old songs from
the area I've collected.
You really wanna know history?
You won't find it
in stuffy books.
It's in the art of the time.
- Mmh.
- Paintings, poems, songs
that's where the truth
of an era will always lie.
Hey. You good?
Yeah. Yeah, no
just reminds me of someone.
It's a past love.
Not surprised.
That's the beauty
of a great song.
Transcends time.
Colton Landry, everyone!
If you like that little ditty,
there's more in here.
All for the low price of $1.50.
But this one's on the house.
Thank you.
I'll take one, please.
Thank you.
Hi, there.
Hey, Fern.
Do you remember me?
I walked you home the other day.
Hey, do you do you remember
talking to me about the pond?
Because I spoke
with your friend, Jasper,
he told about how hard
you fought to keep it in 1965.
And I was just wondering if you
could tell me a little bit more
about that night.
Colton saved Evelyn
from drowning, but did
did anything else happen?
Okay um
Sorry, it's a bad time.
Potatoes and rye.
[SINGING:] Potatoes and rye.
Plant them soon,
or else yee'll die.
- Plant them soon or
- You really like
those old songs, huh?
Your grandson,
he plays them so well.
He so special.
I told you he isn't.
I was worried that he was.
And the brother.
But I'm not now.
There's enough to worry about
with Cole as it is.
He's a rule breaker.
- What rule did he break?
- Shh
Kitty Kat. Enough now. Hmm.
Welcome home!
There she is. Come here, you.
- Aw.
Do you have any idea
how much I missed you?
I have dinner plans
for us tonight.
Oh, music to my ears.
So no more pretending.
We can just be.
You know
I really did miss you.
- You sound surprised.
- I was a bit.
And that is the kind
of surprise I like.
Hmm. Well, I don't know
what you mean by that.
I mean, if you're planning
on giving me
a surprise birthday party,
you better think again.
- It's your birthday soon?
- You know it is,
and I hope you haven't
planned your return
with that in mind,
because I hate my birthday.
Always have, always will.
Now, now, Del.
Age is just a number.
It doesn't have anything
to do with age.
Well, whatever the reason,
I have no idea
what you're on about
with the surprise party talk.
Sam is a brave man.
Del is going to hate this.
Although, maybe the surprise
of seeing me
will avoid a full meltdown.
Well, seeing you is always
a surprise, Brady.
I think Del will be fine.
She had a big year,
lots to celebrate.
You're just not privy
to the day-to-day.
Privy? That's what
you're going with?
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Wow, Jacob.
Farm's looking great.
Ah, though, Kat told me
about a job offer
- from Goodwin Vineyards.
- Mm-hmm.
It's actually called
Goodwin's GoodWine.
Oh, really? That's terrible.
They should change that
Lewis Goodwin
offered you a job?
He did.
Consulting on his plans
for planting
the vineyard acreage.
Sounds like a great opportunity.
That's the first
I've heard of it.
I guess Kat
just tells me things
Because Kat and I are too busy
doing other stuff
to talk much these days
In my time,
men would duel for less.
He means his time,
like his generation.
Dig the new pad?
Yeah, I love it. But
what was wrong with
your old room downstairs?
Uh, I needed a change
and space from Delilah
The Snow Queen.
No one's lived
in this attic for ages.
There's this rumor
that an ancestor of mine
kept his wife up here.
Like the Lady of Shalott.
Locked away from the world.
And that's a story
that appeals?
I hope this room was haunted.
Wouldn't that be romantic?
Have you ever seen
The Ghost And Mrs. Muir?
It's this old movie
about a widow
who buys a house haunted
by a sea captain.
And then, he tries to scare her,
but they fall in love.
And there's like this
wild tension
between the two of them,
because they can't touch.
And they're from
separate worlds.
What do you that think
the wife's name was?
- Wasn't it Mrs. Muir?
- No.
The one that was locked up here.
We should call her Cassandra.
It's a family name,
and I've always loved it.
Uh, Del's just getting ready
for her date
and she said you moved up here.
Geez, Evie. Kind of creepy, huh?
You have just given me
the most magnificent idea.
Let's contact Cassandra.
After centuries
of being overlooked
It's time to pay her
some attention.
"A Smuggler and Sprite.
"Divided by water and time.
"Carry part of my broken heart
in yours
when the waves call you home"
Perhaps you'd allow me
to carry a part of your heart in mine?
"Though we loved, you and me,
we were never to be."
Fare thee well, Katherine.
"So fare thee well"
Doesn't this seem
kind of wrong, Evie?
I mean, with everything
that's happened this summer?
What happened to Rick.
No, this is different.
This is about love,
heartbreak, and tortured women
locked in attics.
If it gets weird,
we can just stop. Okay?
Okay. Put your fingers
on the pointer.
Spirit who may be Muir,
join our circle.
Make your presence known.
What the heck
are you guys doing?
Nothing. Look, Del,
we can just go.
No! I need Colton
for a little longer.
Maybe you can go downstairs?
This sort of thing
probably isn't your bag.
If you're doing it,
I'm doing it.
- Delilah Watson. And you are?
- This is Alice.
- Nice to meet you, Alice.
You, too, Delilah
Uh, let's
contact some ghosts, shall we?
Well, the case
of the time-travelling intern
and/or father remains
very much unsolved.
So no new discoveries
in 1974 then?
No, just a whole lot of nothing.
That's not true.
I did make one big discovery.
how good it feels
to come home to you.
I mean what we have
people people could
write songs about it? Right?
We welcome you
into our circle with love.
Will you join us?
- She's here.
EVELYN: Oh my gosh.
Who's Cassandra?
Evie thinks that this chick
named Cassandra
- used to live up here.
- She was a prisoner
back in Port Haven's early days.
She might know our
Founding Fathers, Cole.
- We should ask her.
- No!
Um no, because
someone's obviously
moving the pointer.
- Look, Del, we can just go.
- No.
You can't break the circle.
The spirit needs unified
energy to communicate.
Moving the pointer
takes a lot of effort.
Uh, okay. I guess
Cassandra has more energy
than most spirits.
Uh, Cassandra?
Um, sorry.
Who's with us right now?
Was there a fire at Lingermore?
No. Never.
Spirit. Were you involved
in a fire?
S T.
Too fast
Rick? What?
Alright, Evie, can we just stop?
I'm not doing anything, Cole.
Blame. Spirit?
Who do you blame?
- Alright, Evie.
- [loud thumping]
- [Del]: This can't be Rick.
- You took this too far!
Cole, I didn't do anything!
Hey, Cole, it's okay.
I really don't think
that was Evelyn.
- Well, who was it then?
- I don't know,
but like it or not,
we definitely
summoned someone
It's okay.
- Mmh.
[SIGHS] You stay
I'll get it
WOMAN: Oh, uh, does
Elliott Augustine still live here?
Uh yeah. Yeah, he does.
Sorry! My name is Emma. I'm
Kat This is my ex-wife.
Thank you.
I really am sorry
to just show up unannounced,
but my tour stop at Saint John
got suddenly extended.
Emma's with the Toronto York
Philharmonic, Kat.
- Second violin.
- Actually, it's first now.
- And I made concertmaster.
- Are you kidding me?
That's what you've always
wanted. Congratulations!
- Thanks.
- Congratulations.
Um, but you were saying about
showing up unannounced?
Oh, yeah. Honestly,
it was so spur of the moment.
I found myself with
a couple of days off.
But I realized I don't have
your number, Elliott,
just this address.
So I thought
- I'm just gonna go for it.
Uh, I also came because, um
Vic called.
Right. Of course he did.
Sorry, Vic calls you?
Yeah He mentioned
he was gonna come visit
and I know how complicated
it can be with you and your dad.
But you clearly
- are doing just fine.
- I am.
- I am.
- Aw.
And you seem good, too.
God, Emma. How long has it been?
- Five years?
Oh, well, that's dinner, so
And you are welcome to
join us.
Really? Thanks.
Did you see the way
that she comforted him?
I've never seen Colton
so vulnerable before.
Everything about
this summer is wrong!
I'm supposed to be in Morocco.
Cole should be here, missing me.
And Rick should be
playing hockey.
But look at me.
I'm just up in this attic
like Rochester's crazy
first wife
when I should be Jane Eyre.
I should be the one
being rescued!
I mean Colton used
to want to rescue me.
Even when we were little.
Did Colton rescue you?
When we were eight
I nearly drowned.
And Cole dove in to save me.
My parents separated us,
but we still figured out a way
to talk to each other.
Why did your parents
separate you?
Alice, look.
There's a hidden door.
Oh, my God.
I recognize her face.
I think her face seems
pretty generic.
Um listen. My mom
really needs me right now.
For dinner. I gotta go,
I'm sorry.
I love being allowed back
into your house again, Del, but
- where is everyone?
- Well,
I wasn't about to give you a
big old party
without a heads up.
- That would be cruel.
- Are you really
still on about that?
I know what's going on, Sam,
but I've decided
to go along with it,
'cause I got what we've
been waiting for
in the mail today.
Sam. It's good to see you
Well, it's very good
to be seen, Jacob.
- Especially here.
- Honey,
I was going to give this
to you later, but
I can't wait.
- What is this?
- Explain it, Sam.
Well, that is a letter
certifying your
legal resurrection.
The country and the law
have declared you alive again.
Sam and I have been working
on this for a while.
And I think it's just
the push that you need
to start your life here, now,
because you've got it back.
Oh, boy. We have
so much more to celebrate
at this party than my birthday.
Party what party?
Hey, uh, thank you Sam.
- Really. I appreciate it.
- Congratulations, Jacob.
- Aw, wait a minute.
- I want in on this.
It was 2015, right?
When you joined me
on the dark side?
Yep. Uh, when I switched
from teaching Toronto
public school to private.
EMMA: Where the students
are more confident,
and utterly obnoxious.
Hmm. Curse that privilege,
am I right?
I was in the Science Department.
And Emma was in Music.
We became friends,
and we started to date,
which went on for ages.
Kat definitely knows I've
always been slow on the uptake.
I kept wondering
if he'd ever be brave enough
to pop the question.
He'd set up these big,
romantic dates,
and then always chicken out.
Elliott and his
"perfect moment".
I know it very well.
Right? God, I was ready
to give up hope, but then
one night, something shifted.
Suddenly, you were
down on one knee.
Had to do it eventually, right?
Yeah, we were married in 2018,
and lasted until 2020.
Which is when Elliott came home,
and took over this
gorgeous house.
And it really is so beautiful,
El. It is just
It's so you.
Okay. I've gotta ask
about the balloon elephant
in the room.
- Oh.
- Otherwise, I'm gonna think
they're in honor of my surprise
appearance at your door.
No, your appearance was
entirely unexpected.
Uh the balloons
are for, uh,
- Kat's mom's birthday.
- Aw.
We're throwing her
this big party tomorrow and
You should totally come.
Really? I
I don't wanna overstep.
No, that's not overstepping.
Okay, then.
Yeah, I'll be there.
Great! It's gonna be great.
BRADY: How about a toast, huh?
To my beloved daughter
who's about the start
her senior year?
And the five-year plan starts
in T-minus 48 hours, right?
Yeah Right.
So, uh, how's Rachel?
Missing your favorite intern?
We're both missing you
a lot, actually.
- You left a pretty big void.
What are you doing here?
Oh, just
checking out my competition.
- Excuse me?
- Dad! What? No.
Uh, Noah owns a food truck.
Yeah, I do.
Uh, fish and chips.
Coffee and fritters.
That's very quaint.
Yeah, he took over
the family business
and totally expanded it.
He's even thinking about
getting a second truck.
Well, you gotta dream big.
Uh, sorry, uh, you are?
Oh! Sorry, um. Noah,
this is my dad.
- And Dad, this is Noah, my
- Boyfriend.
- Uh,
I mean, like
only if you want
- I do!
- I guess I never really asked
- because
- Of course I do, but really?
Uh, here,
why don't you join us? Um
- Oh, I can come
- It's okay. Here.
Meeting Emma
- was weird.
You know, I never really
thought about her existing
before tonight.
I You had this whole
other life out there
before me,
and Emma was a part of it.
And, she's great, El.
She was. Is.
Thought our marriage was futile,
since I always knew
where I'd wind up.
Since I always loved you.
So then why'd you go
through with it?
Why get married?
I had to believe in the signs
that were presented to me
at the time.
Yeah, I guess there always
is the one before the one, huh?
Hello, Mr. Goodwin.
It's Jacob.
Listen, I wanted
to let you know
that I've thought about it,
and I'd like
to accept your offer.
I can't wait to get started.
- And there it was.
- In this cupboard in the wall.
When Evelyn unrolled it,
I almost died.
But my portrait was
was hanging
when I found it
at the estate sale.
It was framed.
Like, right there in the open.
So? Sometime in
the last 40 years,
someone cared enough
to restore it.
You know, I never even
asked myself
why Susanna's painting wound up
in Goodwin territory
to begin with.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
You know, maybe we should
- Oh!
- Hey
Yeah. Hey, yourself.
Do you know that guy?
That's Max Goodwin.
That's Max?
Wait, are you sure he's
not messing with you
about not being Casey's brother?
Because he looks like
the type to mess.
And he's fully got Casey's eyes.
DEL: Okay, I would like
to make a toast.
As most of you know,
I hate my birthday,
so I would like to make this
about the people I love.
To my precious daughter.
And my sweet granddaughter
who's about to start
on a big year
that I know will lead
to a bright future.
And to my son!
Oh, honey,
this is more about you
this party, than me.
To Jacob,
who's been officially
brought back to life
and given a fresh start.
- To Jacob.
- To Jacob!
And I suppose
it starts today,
because I accepted the job
with Lewis Goodwin.
- Ooh!
- Nice.
Are you sure?
Well, to Jacob and new chapters!
- To new chapters!
- New chapters!
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Hey. What are you
doing up here?
I'm thinking about Alice
and this Noah kid.
You know, I I'm cool with you
moving in with Elliott,
I really am. And I know
why it had to happen now.
It's just, neither of us
are around as much
I'm right next door.
No, I know. I just
It's our job to make sure
that Alice
is sticking to her goals.
Listen. Alice knows
that if she ever needs me
or even if I just feel like
she does, then I'll come home.
This move in with Elliott
will be temporary.
- I promise.
DEL: Come on into
the living room, gang!
- Hmm
- Hmm
I've asked Emma
to give us a performance,
and she has very kindly agreed.
- Mm. Of course she has.
Be cool, Landry.
EMMA: Well, I hope
I live up to the hype, Del.
Um, does anyone
have any requests?
Or what's this?
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm sure you have, like
another go-to song that you
like to show off with.
To To play.
Oh, well. Nothing wrong
with a little East Coast flair.
- When in Rome
Gosh, old folk songs
are so beautiful.
Alice. Kat tells me
you're an incredible singer.
Would you join me?
In honor of Del's big day?
Uh, sure, yeah!
For you, Grandma,
to make you happy
on a day you hate.
- Aw
- Of course.
that's my daughter.
That's my daughter!
This is a tale
I'm sorry to tell ♪
But drawn near
and I will tell you ♪
Of when witches were hung
for stealing the sun ♪
And hung by the light
of the moon, my love ♪
And hung by the light
of the moon ♪
She was a healer
or so she had said ♪
My potions and tonics
are true ♪
But when fields went a-fallow
she was led to the gallows ♪
Are you hearing this?
That loomed by the light
of the moon, my love ♪
That loomed by the light
of the moon ♪
When her hanging rope
tightened ♪
The witch did not
look frightened ♪
For the night went
as dark as a tomb ♪
And when moonlight came back ♪
The noose just hung slack ♪
She was gone by the light
of the moon, my love ♪
She was gone by the light
of the moon ♪♪
Katherine! What are you doing?
Oh. God! I'm so sorry,
I thought we were all
just winding down.
This song. It says
it was written in 1816.
What does that mean?
"Stealing the sun?"
RITA: Wait, no, no, no. 1816?
That was the year of no summer!
I did research on it
for my ghost tour.
A lot of people died.
Very dark time but literally.
What happened?
Where did the sun go?
Well, a volcano erupted
somewhere in the world,
and sent a whack of dust
up into the air that blotted out
the sun all across the globe.
Not that anyone back then
knew that, though, right?
So, of course they
blamed it all on witches.
Port Haven was right in the eye
of this "no summer" storm.
The entire East Coast
of North America
lost the sun for all of 1816.
Suffering frigid cold,
famine, death
Without even understanding why.
The whole town must've thought
the world was ending.
I mean, the sun
disappearing on them!
And there were two
lunar eclipses.
1816's been skipped
entirely in here.
Susanna didn't include
any mention of that year.
What could that mean?
It's art.
Not the history books
that tell the truth of the time.
So we need to focus on the song,
the lyrics.
The witch hanged by the town
It's just hold on.
We know Elijah
and the rest of the Landry's
didn't die in 1816,
and neither did Susanna.
We've seen her grave!
- She had a long life.
- But what kind of life, El?
There's no way of knowing.
Right? But, but the song
- Is a song, Kat.
- Okay, but whoever wrote it,
they must've known something.
I mean, believe me,
the songs of that time.
They were incredibly,
eerily accurate.
I think we have to go back, Kat.
I think you're both
Or Susanna's in danger.
I figured you'd gone rogue.
It's time for cake!
I am sorry that my birthday
curse rubbed off on you.
I don't know why
your mother interrupted
your lovely performance
like that.
It's okay.
Emma's just kind of
throwing her for a loop.
Well, she's acting ridiculous.
I guess when you choose someone,
all of the other choices
just sort of
fade away, and you don't
think about them.
What is this all about?
What was Evelyn's life like?
I mean, before
she locked herself away?
Did she have a good marriage,
was she happy?
I really didn't get
to know Evelyn that well.
I tried, but she put up walls
when it came to me.
- Because she was hurt.
- By who? Me?
She was in love with Colton,
It broke her heart
when he chose you,
- but you really didn't see that?
- No.
That summer
was about me and Colton.
Well, there were
other people involved
that didn't get
a happily ever after.
What do you want me to feel,
Alice? Guilty?
No, no. It's just that there's
another side to this story.
The side that I'm seeing.
I feel for Evelyn.
- She was an amazing person.
- And what?
Colton would have been
better off with her?
- Is that what you think?
- No! No, Colton loved you
And what?
You think I just
only thought about myself
that summer?
Well, maybe I did.
And maybe I got
the happily ever after
for as long as I could.
- But isn't that allowed?
- Of course,
but Evelyn was so crushed.
Don't try to make me feel guilty
about what Colton and I had!
I didn't mean to, I, I just
Just stay out of my memories.
Saw you take off.
You okay?
Why didn't you tell me
you had a
I mean, what even is this?
My grandfather built it
for my mom and Elliott.
Seems very open-minded.
- It wasn't like that.
He just
wanted somewhere
for them to just be.
Get away from everything.
A safe haven.
That's what you're doing
right now?
You're safe with me, too,
you know?
And, look, I don't know
what happened
back at the house, but
I'm here. Okay?
If you need to talk or
If you just need me.
Come on.
It's the last day of the summer.
Just. Just let it go.
Don't think about anything else
except for right here.
Right now.
Don't go back
to school tomorrow.
Let's just
Let's just stay here. Forever.
I mean, we could.
As long as you don't
suffer from hay fever.
Nothing. I just, uh
I just remembered something
Max said
when he came by
the truck, today.
You're not really bringing
Max into this conversation.
Oh, come on.
He's a big fan of yours.
He even told me today
that I need to
that I need to "lock this down".
That you're "wife material".
Okay, that's degrading.
Like you said, let's just
focus on here and now.
Right now, I am your girlfriend,
and you are my boyfriend, and
this is perfect.
I I didn't think
anyone was out here.
It's okay. Kat told me
to give Alice space.
Besides, lurking
comes naturally.
Hey, congratulations on taking
the job at Goodwin GoodWine.
Still such a terrible name,
but I'm kind of in awe
of your bravery for
starting something new
as an adult.
Well I wanna
build something.
A job, a plan
That's not all it's about.
What do you mean?
Well, I'd like to find love,
Settle down, start a family
of my own.
You only have the one life.
Yeah We do.
Jacob, I'm
I'm so sorry
for what happened to yours.
It's my fault.
That day at the carnival.
I wanted Kat in a different
Ferris wheel car.
We were supposed
to be watching you.
That was our only job,
and I distracted Kat.
And, yeah
You were just
You were so little.
Brady, I never blamed you.
I swear.
Maybe we need a fresh start too.
Because we're good. Really.
What you said to Alice
on the porch.
What did you mean by that?
Telling her to stay out
of your memories?
- You heard that.
- Yeah.
You wanna know
why I hate my birthday?
Doesn't have anything to do
with age. It's memories.
I left Port Haven
on my birthday.
After the most perfect summer
in 1974,
and I said goodbye
to this town and Colton.
And I went back home
But everything had changed.
It was brutal and so lonely.
So, I
made a selfish choice.
A choice that
left other people
no choice at all.
What does that
have to do with Alice?
I'm worried
she'll think less of me.
No. Alice adores you,
and you two will mend
whatever just broke tonight.
- Mm.
- Mm-mmh ?
That song, El,
Susanna is in trouble.
I know it, Jacob knows it.
We have to make sure she's okay.
No. You're doing what you do.
Jumping to avoid things,
but I wanna get through
whatever weird things
have been happening
since Emma showed up.
- So, you think there's a thing?
- I do.
I wanna talk about it,
I wanna
I wanna talk about
why I proposed.
No, we don't have
to get into that.
I saw you, Kat.
That night.
You and Brady were at
the same restaurant.
Tables away from me.
And I don't know
what you were doing in Toronto,
it felt like a sign
that I had to move on.
You were happy.
That made me realize that
I had to try to be happy too.
I'm sorry that I'm late, babe.
Toronto traffic
is just getting
worse by the day. I
Oh, my god.
What are you doing?
Other people have told me a lot.
About how, and when,
and where to live my life,
but it's time I started telling
myself how I wanna live it.
Emma Baker, will you marry me?
Yes, yes.
Of course I will, Elliott.
Of course I will!
Oh right.
The journalism conference.
El, what you saw was
the furthest thing from happy.
Our marriage was just broken!
So Brady and I thought
that maybe a weekend
away from Alice would help.
Maybe it would, like,
rekindle something or
But it was already gone.
So that trip
You saw the beginning
of our end.
If I had known.
God, if I had seen you there.
Then I would have
run into your arms
and I would never have let go.
Don't go yet. Please, Kat.
- We need to
- Jacob wants to jump,
and I I can't
let him go alone.
Please understand.
I hate it. But I do.
Kat, are you ready?
ALICE: Be safe, okay?
I love you. I love you both.
We'll be back soon. I promise.
So, are you going to fabricate
any more siblings for me today?
Look, I'm only going to ask
you this one last time.
Are you sure that you don't have
relation named Casey?
No. I don't.
Casey is a family name.
Cassandra, actually.
So whoever your Casey is,
they did their Goodwin research.
Are you implying that Casey
is from the future?
It's a real possibility.
And he's fully got Casey's eyes.
He even told me today
that you're wife material.
Calm down, Nick
- Hey.
- I was on my usual morning walk
and um my feet took me here
to, uh apologize.
I think I offended Kat
last night.
I did kind of take things over.
Well, you did always
love the spotlight.
- Uh, Kat's not here, unfortunately.
Oh, uh
Okay, maybe I'll
come back
before I head to Saint John
this afternoon.
Hey, Em.
I have a couple spares
before you head back to school.
If you'd like a tea?
Yeah, I'd love that, actually.
Right on.
Are you sure?
Are we doing this?
We are.
For Susanna.
It's freezing!
The sky, Jacob.
What's What's happening?
Father, it's me!
No one's home.
Okay, it's fine.
Let's just get to town.
This isn't right.
Where is everyone?
What's going on, Jake?