Xiaolin Showdown (2003) s03e05 Episode Script

Treasure of the Blind Swordsman

Xiaolin Showdown
Xiaolin Showdown
You are to begin a new quest
and follow this map
to the Treasure
of the Blind Swordsman.
Looks more like
half a map to me.
The rest will reveal itself
along the way
as will your new Wudai Weapons.
Always wanted
my very own Wudai Weapon.
Upon completing your journey
you will learn
how to use your weapon.
But remember,
you will not pick it
rather it will pick you.
I am most certain
I will be the first pick.
I usually am.
- 'Wait!'
- Eew!
I'm so over this!
Whoa, this place is rank!
Smells like wet coyote.
Yep, ain't it somethin'?
How's it going back there,
Little Mary?
I think I swallowed a bug!
Or a bird.
The first Wudai Weapon
will be found
at Rattlesnake Ridge.
Sounds like a nice,
friendly place.
You know what's good
about being a disembodied head?
No saddle sores.
I'm surprised Chase
even let you come along.
Chase doesn't tell me
what to do.
A-anyway, he thinks
I went to a sleepover
with some evil friends.
Come on, we gotta
keep moving if we're
gonna get to the treasure first.
Right, evil posse?
A boy and his toys,
how amusing.
No reason to take a risk
when you have a fool
who'll gladly do it for you.
crackle crackle crackle
Dojo-licious. He-he. Soup's on.
Those are my favorite words.
I call it,
Dojo's Little Brown Surprise.
I believe we may have found
Rattlesnake Ridge.
'Wudai Weapon at 10 o'clock!'
My Wudai Weapon has chosen me!
Days like this,
I'm glad I don't have feet.
'Come to papa.'
Looks like we've got a winner.
Crouching Cougar!
Shen Gong Wu Pai!
Sorry, Omi. Maybe next time.
'Well, dudes,
the next Wudai Weapon's'
supposed to be here, at--
The Last Breath Cantina.
Kinda takes your breath away.
Catchy little tune.
Look over there!
My Wudai Weapon
is calling for me!
If you're looking
for trouble, cowpoke
you sure enough found it.
Step aside,
and I will spare you
the humiliation of defeat.
Looks like I'm gonna have to
teach y'all some manners.
Yuck! Ancient spit!
Sorry, Omi.
'Next stop, Cactus Creek.'
The nearest I can tell
this is Cactus Creek..
or Cleveland.
Tough call.
Finally! My Wudai Weapon!
Easy there, partner.
Or you're gonna wind up
with more needles
than Siamese porcupine.
Come here, my Wudai Weapon.
Here, boy! Here!
Come here, boy!
Yes! It has heard me!
Looks like
we've got company.
It's time to show these weeds
who's top of the food chain.
Omi, are you okay?
I have a thousand needles
in my backside!
What do you think?
Wudai Crater Earth!
Come on, Omi. Time to make hay.
My Wudai Weapon!
rattle rattle rattle
Sorry, partner,
but I-I think it's sweet on me.
All aboard!
Next stop, anywhere but here!
I'd say they can't be more than
a half-day's ride ahead.
Dojo, you don't look too good.
It's Dojo's Little
Brown Surprise.
I feel it backing up on me.
I think we've found
your Wudai Weapon.
No! This cannot be!
My Wudai Weapon
is a pitiful stick!
And guarded bynothing.
I am sorry.
I-I did not mean
to hurt your feelings.
crack crack crack
Where are we?
My guess, another creepy cave.
Looks like we hit pay dirt.
The Treasure
of the Blind Swordsman!
Who dares to enter?
Yo, blind dude,
we're over here.
We're on a quest to find
the Treasure
of the Blind Swordsman?
You must be the Xiaolin Warriors
who I've heard so much about.
And you must be
the Blind Swordsman.
No. I am the guardian
of the Treasure
protector of its magic
'keeper of all its glory.'
Um, blind and chatty.
Who said that! Who?
How about we take a look inside
your treasure chest, partner?
According to quest rules
your bravest must defeat me
in battle in five moves.
Then the chest is yours.
But I cannot fight you.
You're old and blind.
And I fight dirty!
You have four moves left.
You fight very well
for not knowing where you are.
Who are you? I thought
I was fighting the cowboy!
He is standing behind you.
What? Where?
The oldest trick
in the book.
Master Fung has taught
you well, young warrior.
You have earned the right
to take a look
and behold all its glory.
What up? It's empty!
Sometimes one must look closely
to find what one
is truly looking for.
I'm afraid we came
a long way for nothing.
At least we still have
our cool Wudai Weapons.
Anybody wish to trade?
I-I will do your chores.
Hey guys, can we go?
I think I now know the surprise
in Dojo's Little Brown Surprise.
What about the blind old man?
We cannot just leave him here
in this cave.
What? I live in a cave?
Cave, cave, cave..
Outlaw bots, attack!
Well, howdy!
Jack, you stand
no chance against
our most powerful Wudai Weapons.
Shimo Staff!
What do you do?
Big Bang Meteorang!
Blade of the Nebula!
Arrow Sparrow!
boom boom boom
Perhaps the magical weapons
need batteries.
Excellent work, Jack.
With much dumb luck
and assistance from the monks
you somehow managed to win.
And now, to count my booty.
Hey! Where's my booty?
Anybody got some antacid..
or a bucket?
Okay, eagle eye.
Where is it?
Where's the treasure?
We'll just take pops with us.
We have ways of making
blind swordsmen talk.
Evil ways!
No! You cannot take him!
Sorry, cheeseball. Just did!
Outlaw bots, saddle up!
Hey! Who is that? Where am I?
I need to use a bathroom!
What about the treasure chest?
What? That's disgusting!
Youyou were talking to me?
Forget the chest! It's empty!
We got a train to catch.
Once again Jack Spicer rocks.
Time to take
this evil on the road!
Didn't blind dude say
something about looking close
to see what
you'relooking to see?
Yes, but I do not think
looking is one of his strengths.
But what if he was talking
like the Fung-Meister?
When you're looking
but not really looking.
Maybe if we concentrate
and picture
what we're looking for, ready?
You have summoned the spirit
of the Blind Swordsman
loyal to whoever possesses
the treasure chest.
So, how about showing us
how to use our new weapons?
Open your mind and trust that
'your weapon will
show you the way.'
Shimo Staff!
Hah! Hah!
My weapon and I
are most magnificent!
Big Bang Meteorang,
do your stuff!
crumble crumble
Whoo! Well, I'll be
a three-legged centipede!
Arrow Sparrow!
sizzle sizzle sizzle
Burn, baby, burn!
Blade of the Nebula!
I got the power
I got the power
Come, Dojo, we must rescue
the blind old man at once!
Bad news, gang.
Looks like Dojo's got a dose
of whatever was in the surprise!
I'm afraid I'm grounded!
Man, that just is not right!
Hey! Hey, ghostly dude.
We could really use some help.
Got any ideas?
Look to the treasure chest.
Whoa! Wow!
Whoa! Nice steeds.
What about the chest?
It'll just slow us down.
We'll grab it on the way back.
What's a four-letter word
for idiot?
- Jack.
- Perfect.
I believe this is your stop.
Outlaw bots, attack!
Big Bang Meteorang,
do your stuff!
crackle crackle crackle
Shimo Staff!
Blade of the Nebula!
bang bang bang
Arrow Sparrow!
Jack, grab the Wu
and let's ride!
First you have to get by me.
I challenge you
to a Xiaolin Showdown Trio.
Come on, let's take 'em!
No. We cannot
dishonor his challenge.
Our Thorn of Thunderbolt
and Silk Spinner
against your Mantis Flip Coin
and the Treasure
of the Blind Swordsman!
The game
is Emperor Of The Train.
Last man standing wins.
Let's go!
Xiaolin Showdown!
Gong Yi Tan Pai!
Thorn of Thunderbolt!
crackle crackle crackle
Silk Spinner!
No way! How'd you do that?
There are other ways to see
than just with your eyes!
Perhaps you'd like
to surrender now?
Perhaps you'd like to keep your
disses to yourself, four-eyes!
- He's blind!
- Even better!
Time to double-team,
Mr. No-Eyes!!
Jack's on an evil rant now!
Thorn of Thunderbolt!
Silk Spinner!
Mantis Flip Coin!
Way to kick butt!
Especially when you
can't see butt.
I do not understand.
How can someone
without sight fight so well?
Again with the questions.
It is quite simple.
I use my mind to see
rather than my eyes.
Didn't you hear me before?
That is the secret
to the treasure chest.
The answers to all your
questions lie inside.
You just have to look.
The treasure chest!
We left it back on the trail!
You left it
back on the trail.
Now, if you'll excuse me
I really must find the bathroom.
I believe
it's the other way, partner.
'The Treasure
of the Blind Swordsman is gone!'
This is all my fault
for leaving it behind.
What no good hombre
could have taken it?
I have a pretty good idea.
'With the Treasure
of the Blind Swordsman mine'
soon, the rest of the world
will follow.
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