Yellowjackets (2021) s03e05 Episode Script

Did Thai Do That?

Previously on Yellowjackets
The People vs. Benjamin Scott,
on charges of arson
and multiple counts
of attempted murder.
Why did you leave us?
[BEN] I was scared.
I left you and I shouldn't have.
And I am so fucking sorry.
But I didn't try to kill you.
Anyone who finds him guilty,
raise your fucking hand.
[NATALIE] By majority decision,
we find you,
Coach Scott, guilty of attempted murder.
You tell anybody about this,
I will fucking kill you.
Once again, your "friends"
Stop air-quoting my friendships!
Get out, go.
Someone's trying to hurt you
for what you did, Shauna.
- Brakes aren't working.
- Well, try harder.
- What is happening?
[SHAUNA] I'm locked in the
freezer. Let me out.
Please, come in. Take a load off.
You have to try this. It's so good.
- Where did you get that?
- I gave it to her.
Get the fuck out of my house!
You're connecting with It,
that's what's important.
[TRAVIS] Someone here
is already closer to It.
We were searching Coach's cave,
and when I blacked out, I had
some kind of twisted dream.
This who you were looking for?
[MISTY] Yes, this is her.
Did she have any, uh, personal effects?
Yeah, but I'm really only
supposed to give those to
next of kin. You know, family.
Well, she's a sister to me
in all the ways that matter.
Like, legally?
Well, what if her personal
effects were to go missing?
I hear that happens here all the time.
Like, uh, with the Bellamy case
a year ago?
His family never got his vintage watch,
but it made a killing on eBay, huh?
I wouldn't know anything about that.
Oh, Fred. As a fellow citizen detective,
you should know that
I wouldn't even bring it up
if I didn't have concrete evidence.
Fuck. Fine. Just don't tell anyone.
Any of it.
Ah. Thanks, Fred.
I owe you one.
Tai, Van
Thank you all for coming.
There's really no easy way to say this.
It's about Lottie.
She's dead.
What? No.
Oh, my God.
No, I I just saw her the other day.
Are you sure? I mean, she
can't be, she's Lottie.
It happened yesterday.
I confirmed it myself at the morgue.
The coroner ruled it accidental.
They think she fell down the stairs.
it feels fishy.
- "Fishy"?
- Mm-hmm.
Where were you yesterday, Misty?
Excuse me?
Should be a pretty easy answer
if the truth's isn't
"pushing Lottie down the stairs."
So you think that I murdered Lottie
and then held a meeting here
to discuss it?
Something about that
does feel on-brand, but
[SHAUNA] Look, it's a good way
to make yourself look less guilty.
It definitely doesn't mean
that you didn't do this.
I was at work that day,
and you know that
because you saw me there.
Yeah, and you left early
and no one knew where you went.
But not before putting me
on tapioca duty
where I happened to get locked
in a freezer and left for dead.
If anyone had reason
to be angry at Lottie, it's you.
[SHAUNA] None of that stuff with Natalie
wouldn't have happened
if it weren't for her.
I had nothing to do with any of this.
And you are not my friends
if you think that I did.
I'm gonna find out
what happened to Lottie.
Not for you guys, for Lottie.
And for Natalie, because that's
what she would've done.
Real jerks.
Did Misty just storm out
of her own house?
Okay, yeah, you need to leave.
It was cool, nothing fire ♪
Nothing broke ♪
Keep simple ♪
Nothing tired, nothing old ♪
Same as you ♪
Same as you ♪
Oh, so cute, so revival ♪
So alone ♪
Birthday suit, just a smile ♪
No one home ♪
Same as you ♪
Same as you ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
- [AKILAH] It's okay.
Is, uh, is-is his mother
the one you found dead yesterday?
Looks pretty young.
Probably hasn't even been weaned yet.
It's gonna need special feeding.
My mom used to foster kittens.
She was good with animals, too.
Any idea what they're planning
to do with me?
I don't know anything.
Hey, Fred, it's Misty.
Um, Charlotte Matthews' cell phone
isn't in her bag of personal effects.
It wasn't?
Okay. Uh, thanks.
There's got to be another way.
[TAI] Nothing else makes sense.
We can't just keep him
in the animal pen forever.
Travis drew this during the trial.
I think it might be what It wants.
[SHAUNA] My God, even if
we keep talking around it,
he's still gonna die.
It'll just be of old age.
We found him guilty. It's simple.
I say if Ben wanted
to play with fire, then
we give him fire.
It's a fitting death.
You want to burn him at the stake
like an old-timey witch?
That's not justice. That's torture.
It's what he wanted for us.
Firing squad.
It'll be quick.
Who's going to shoot him?
Nat, you're the best shot.
Maybe it should be you.
It'll be at close range.
Anyone can do it.
We'll do a draw.
Just like with everything else.
Whoever gets the
King of Hearts.
That's the suicide king.
What the fuck?
Fuck this.
Okay, what the f
Hello, Shauna.
It appears my cover is blown.
Yeah, you literally hit my car.
I admit, I was probably too aggressive.
Tailing is a lesser-used skill of mine.
Why are you doing it now?
I've appointed myself
chief citizen detective,
for the murder of Lottie Matthews.
Hmm. That's strange,
but nice of you to help, I guess.
So then why were you following me?
Oh. No.
You think that I killed Lottie?
[CHUCKLES] Don't act
so surprised, Shauna.
May I remind you of the liberty
you took with another life?
One Adam Martin?
Logic follows that a confirmed murderer
would likely murder again.
First of all, that was not murder.
Per se.
Also, it's not like the tally
is exactly one/zero here.
You and Misty both have a body count,
which is why I was following her,
until you made me lose her.
Well, I have an idea where she's going.
But this wasn't Misty's work.
Well, how do you know?
'Cause you killed Lottie?
You're very intuitive.
Oh, my God, okay,
so you're saying I'm right?
I'm not.
But you're asking the right questions.
Maybe this presents an interesting
symbiotic opportunity for us.
All right, on the count
of three, look at your card
and then show it to the group.
One, two
Do you want to just order
a bunch of things and split them?
Oh! I kind of want to try everything.
Are you good?
It's just so weird that she's gone.
After everything we
got through,
everything she went through.
For her to just
die like that?
What sense does that make?
Nothing we've been through makes sense.
It just seems
Thank you.
Where did you go?
When we were in the city.
What do you mean?
That hour,
before we met in Columbus Circle.
It was, like,
a 15-minute train ride, tops.
Well, I had to scope it out.
Grab some cash.
Hire a horse and carriage,
have them ready.
And it's New York, you know.
It's chaos.
That was it?
What, do you think I killed Lottie
and then ran over to meet you
at a pretzel cart?
No, that's not what I'm saying.
Then what are you saying?
Oh, fuck.
[MISTY SIGHS] It's such a shock.
We've been dear friends
since high school.
It's hard to even say
out loud that Lottie's
[SIGHS] gone.
Gone but not forgotten, dear.
Oh, never.
Did you happen to see her yesterday?
Mike was on duty,
but he said she seemed normal.
Happy, even.
Thanks for nothing, Cliff.
You know what tough days call for?
I'd sneak them to Lottie
when she was a munchkin.
Lottie-pops, we called them.
Wait, you knew Lottie
when she was a kid?
Of course. The Matthews moved
into the penthouse in, oh,
'78, '79?
Lottie lived here till the divorce.
After that, she went off
to Jersey with her mama.
Mr. Matthews lived
in the penthouse ever since.
A real Wall Street titan in his time.
Now, with his health and now this
Did Lottie see her dad the day she died?
I imagine so.
She's been living with him for weeks.
Okay, good, good.
Hold it.
- Shit.
- You had it!
Whatever. It's a stupid tree.
It's not our coach.
[VAN] I think it looks just like him.
Okay, I'm sorry, I'm just
trying to get us through this.
- No, me.
- Trust me,
I wish I could've told you
to pick a different card.
What if I miss and, like
blow his other leg off?
Well, then he'll really want to die.
Oh, that's helpful. Thank you.
You're not gonna miss.
You'll be, like, five feet
away from him.
Front row seats to his death
isn't making me feel better.
He tried to murder us in our sleep, Tai.
I guess.
You still think he's guilty, right?
But it's one thing
to say someone should die,
and it's another to, like
do it.
Maybe you won't have to.
I pulled the card, Van.
No, hear me out.
You remember
when you were sleepwalking,
and this other
side of you would sort of
take over?
What if we
get her
to come out and shoot Ben?
Have you gotten into the 'shrooms
- or something?
- No, I'm serious.
[SIGHS] You know what it's like?
It's like on Family Matters
when Steve Urkel
turns into Stefan Urquelle.
- What are you talking about?
- You know what I'm talking about.
Urkel drinks the cool juice,
and then he transforms
into suave and sophisticated Stefan.
It's still Steve
but just, like, a more
fearless version of himself.
So let me get this straight.
You're saying the other Tai is cool.
And normal me is Steve Urkel.
[SCOFFS] Okay. It's good to know.
- Thank you.
- But you know what I'm saying.
It can't hurt
to at least try and summon her.
Not really looking for company.
Made this for you.
Why do you even like me?
You say that
like there's nothing to like.
And sure, I get it.
Jackie kind of treated you like shit.
Jeff acted like you were a dirty secret.
And you totally let them.
But now
you've changed out here.
And I like that you're not afraid
of the bad parts of yourself anymore.
I actually needed one of these.
[BEN] Holy shit. No
- no funky organ meat.
And some greens?
Well, what did I do to deserve this?
They're coming at dusk.
The firing squad.
so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I did everything that I could,
I really did.
It's okay, Misty.
I know you did.
Wow, so this is it, huh?
Shot in the woods.
Remembered as some
crazy, rogue monster
who burned down a cabin
to kill a bunch of teenage girls.
Of course, out in the real world,
I'll hardly be remembered at all, so
You were decent.
You were my first boyfriend
and amputation. [CHUCKLES]
[CRYING] And I'm really gonna miss you.
Goodbye, Ben.
Bye, Misty.
[LOTTIE] Are you ready to go
back to the caves?
- Right now?
- I have this feeling
that we need to go, that it's time.
That it has more to say to you.
You wanted to go to the caves.
You knew that it was right.
Don't doubt it now.
Okay? I'll be right there with you.
Travis, too.
Okay. Let's do it.
Hi. Is Mr. Matthews at home?
He's resting.
[MR. MATTHEWS] Who is it?
Are they here for the meeting already?
You're confused, sir.
I can answer my own door.
What do you want?
[MISTY] Hi, Mr. Matthews.
I'm Mary from the fifth floor.
I just heard about
your daughter's tragic passing,
and I wanted to offer my condolences.
Here. It's chocolate rugelach.
I've never seen you before.
Oh, Marty, you're such a card.
Sure. Right.
Thank you.
Oh. I hate to bother you with this.
I know it's not the best time,
but Lottie had mentioned
that a package was delivered
here for me by accident.
Would you mind if I came in
and took a look,
just see if it's here?
I've got a meeting soon, and I'm kind of
in the middle of something.
It'll only take a second.
I-I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.
Fine. But be quick.
You said this would only take a second.
Oh, I run warm.
[SIGHS] It really is so sad.
Did you see Lottie yesterday?
- Who?
- Lottie.
Your daughter?
I know who my daughter is.
- Of course.
- Of course she was here.
I thought I saw her
in the lobby with someone.
Yeah. Probably one of those cult nutsos.
Maybe one of those nutsos
pushed her down the stairs.
No. No.
This was an accident, plain and simple.
And Artie down at the station
knows his foundation won't see a dime
if he says otherwise.
[WALTER] Mr. Matthews, is this a Klimt?
It's exquisite.
I'm more of a postmodern man myself,
but I've always admired his work.
Oh. Hello.
- You?
- [MR. MATTHEWS] Did these guys
fix your Internet, too?
[SHAUNA] Yeah.
Yeah, weren't you the one with all those
- porn viruses?
- Mm.
[NORA] Mr. Matthews, it's almost one.
- Not now, Nora.
My meeting with Bear Stearns
is in an hour.
If this is Jimmy canceling,
I'm gonna kill him.
[MISTY] Of all the people in the world,
you chose Shauna as your rebound?
- Oh no.
- What? No, that's
This is a strictly
professional relationship.
Right. Whatever it is, it's disgusting.
You both need to leave.
We have just as much a right
to be here as you, neighbor.
Yeah, there's a new
sheriff citizen in town.
It's "citizen detective," idiot.
And this is my case.
Oh. I see you're trying to hack
Lottie's Internet history.
It figures you'd take the easy route.
Well, we'll happily share
our findings with you
if you'd like to join forces,
Agent Grey.
I'd rather jump out the window.
Well, then let the best
citizen detective win.
[TAISSA] So, what's the plan?
[VAN] Uh, we could
listen to the trees?
- Before
- Mm-hmm.
I would go to bed.
Then bam, I'm in the woods
following the dude with no eyes.
But you haven't sleepwalked in months.
You know what's also worked?
Bow chicka wow wow. [LAUGHS]
[CHUCKLES] I'm the nerd?
Tell me this isn't all just an excuse
- to get in my pants.
- Oh, it is.
- Everything is.
Isn't this kind of dumb?
I mean, we're just getting high
off gas and seeing things.
Doesn't mean it's true.
I think the gas is a conduit.
Like the Oracle of Delphi.
The gas opened her up to the truth,
like Travis and the mushrooms.
They allowed him to hear and see things
that he wouldn't have
been open to otherwise.
You can do this, Akilah.
It will protect you.
I just need a minute.
[WHISPERING] You can do this.
[EXHALES] You can do this.
- [TRAVIS] Maybe we call it off.
- [LOTTIE] Why?
You saw her in your vision, didn't you?
Yeah, yeah.
Then reassure her.
I get it's scary.
But I promise, I'll be there
the second you pass out.
Travis, you're probably the only person
that I can actually trust.
[MR. MATTHEWS] Where are you going?
Oh. I still have to get my package
- from Lottie's bedroom.
- Why the bedroom?
Well, I've looked everywhere
else, and it's not here
- [WALTER] Mr. Matthews!
- [SHAUNA] Where are you going?
Lottie's phone is on the Wi-Fi.
Uh, my partner and I need
to set up some network wiring
in those back rooms.
Could we please clear the area?
I'd hate to put this lovely lady
in danger.
[LAUGHS SOFTLY] I-I'll just be a sec.
You should come back another time.
You know, when I had Internet issues,
the tech told me
that nothing could be done
from inside the apartment.
Prewar concrete walls and all.
They had to run the wire
from the outside in.
Sounds hollow to me.
Well, you heard her.
Get outside and run those wires.
On it.

Thank you for this.
Wasn't up to me.
He's been asking for you.
Go ahead.
So you're her, huh?
- [TAISSA] Sammy.
To access Lottie's phone,
I have to tackle this firewall.
I have to say, I'm impressed.
He named it Theodosian.
[SCOFFS] Cheeky, sir.
Uh, you see, the Theodosian Walls are
- I don't care.
Someone's coming.
None of this is adding up.
I can show you
how I'm penetrating the system.
Ew, please don't use that word.
- Why wouldn't Lottie come here,
to her dad's, after she was
released from psychiatric hold?
I mean, why come to my house
and lie and say
that she had nowhere else to go?
Maybe she needed a friend.
No, it
it's a lot more complicated than that.
Is it?
I mean, you're either
a friend or you're not.
Like with Misty.
I would put you squarely
in the "not friend" category.
Y-You are literally sabotaging
her investigation.
If you think that this is
how you're gonna win her back,
then you have lost it
more than Mr. Matthews.
I know what makes her toes curl.
- And that is,
and has always been,
a challenge,
which is what I'm now giving her.
Honestly, if it turns out
that you did kill Lottie
just to get Misty's toes off,
I would not be at all surprised.
A proposal.
I will give you my hair as DNA evidence
that I did not kill Lottie
if you will give me the same.
- No.
- If you're right,
and there is someone
after the Yellowjackets,
having your DNA will make it easier
to identify your remains
and locate your killer.
I am not giving you my hair.
Then, are you hiding something?
Mutually assured destruction
can be devastatingly effective.
[GASPS] What the ?
Oh, my God.
What is wrong with you?
[WALTER] Well, I
Where's the gun?
So I can blow my brains out
'cause this isn't working.
- You're such an asshole.
Let's just
let's just head back.
Aw, look.
The Wilderness brought us dinner.
[VAN] The other thing
we know the Wilderness wants.
So, I just kill it?
Yeah, but
try to be
present with it, right?
Like Lottie taught us.
I see
its fear.
I feel its breath.
I smell its blood.
I feel its heartbeat slowing.
It's calmer now.
It's still me.
Too tight?
No, no, it's fine.
How far in do I have to go?
Wherever you went to
the last time you had the vision.
When the rope stops, we'll know
that's when to come get you.
It's okay. I got you.
[LOTTIE] Come on, it's okay.
Listen to what's happening around you.
[TRAVIS] This doesn't feel right.
The Wilderness told you it was her.
Or don't you trust it?
I'm gonna go get her.
The rope stopped.
[TRAVIS] Come on.
Get the rope.
Come on. Come on.
Hey, hey.
- [COUGHING] Holy shit.
- Are you okay?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, Akilah, wake up.
Give her a second.
[WALTER] Checkmate.
Oh, don't worry, I cloned her phone
before resetting it.
I'd be happy to share its contents.
You just have to ask me for them.
Why are you doing this?
[SCOFFS] We're having fun, aren't we?
I can't believe I let
someone as despicable as you
give Caligula a bath.
See you around, Agent Grey.
You two deserve each other.
It wants us to.
Lottie, I told you to clean your room.
I know.
- I will.
- [MR. MATTHEWS] Too bad I'm not
one of those crazy voices in your head.
Maybe you'd listen.
Yeah, okay.
I I hate it
when you don't listen to me.
I'm sorry, all right?
I'm trying my best here, Lottie.
Are you?
It's not easy.
You any of this.
And it is for me?
I know.
I just
I don't get it.
I wish I did.
But I don't.
Sometimes it's hard
to show love the way we want to.
What if we get food from that, uh,
Chinese place you like?
Maybe watch the new Scorsese?
Okay. Good.
I'll get the menu.
[TAISSA] What is it, Sammy?
What's wrong?
Are you not my mommy anymore?
I'll always be your mommy,
no matter what.
[VAN] Hey.
Sorry today didn't go
the way you wanted it to.
How would you feel
about a change of scenery?
I think I need to leave this house.
Bring her back to us,
bring her back to us,
bring her back to us, bring her
back to us, bring her back
[INHALES] Bring her back to us,
bring her back to us,
bring her back to us.
I told you that this
was a fucking bad idea.
Her eyes. Her eyes.
- Hey, hey, it's okay,
- you're safe.
- Hey. Hey. Thank God.
It's okay, it's okay, you're safe.
I, I saw something.
I was on a cliff,
and I, I couldn't see
anything below me.
But then I saw something
in front of me.
So I stepped out,
and it was Coach Scott.
Or his-his body, I guess.
It was like he was suspended in air,
but I could feel him breathing.
He kept me from falling
so that I could get to the other side.
Could you see beyond him?
[AKILAH] It was just darkness.
How did you feel?
It was weird 'cause I-I thought
that I should feel scared, but I didn't.
I just felt
I felt hope.
Come home to me, Ben.
[ROBIN] I'm sorry.
[BEN] Fuck.
[WHISPERS] Natalie.
You don't have to do this.
I'm sorry, Coach.
Hey, hey, you don't
What the fuck are you guys doing?
Y-You cannot possibly want to do this.
You can't even look at me.
It's me.
It's Coach Scott.
Fuck, you know me. Look where we are.
None of this is who we are, okay?
Listen to me, this is not who you are.
This is not who you are
No, no! Get the fuck away from me!
If you're gonna do this,
you are gonna look me in the eye.
You don't deserve that.
[BEN] My God.
Please. What kind of monsters
have you all become?
Fuck you!
You guys?
[CRYING] Okay.
Okay, please.
Okay, okay.
Okay, please.
It'll be all right.
[TRAVIS] Hey, hey, hey.
What the fuck, Lottie?
We can't kill him. Not yet. [PANTING]
He has a purpose.
He has a purpose. Akilah saw it.
- He's, he's our bridge home.
- [GIRL] Home?
He's the bridge. He's the bridge.
He's the bridge.
Y-You heard Lottie.
You can't hurt me.
You do it.
No, I-I can't.
You shouldn't be scared
of the bad parts of you, either.
Lick my legs of desire ♪
I'll tie your legs ♪
[BEN] What are you doing?
What the
what the fuck are you doing?
No, you stay the fuck away from me.
Fuck off. [GRUNTING]
Oh, you're not rid of me ♪
Fucking stop. No!
Help! God, no! Melissa, please don't!
Help! Please, God, no.
Oh, my God. Melissa, please, just
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
- I bet you ♪
- My darling ♪
- Fuck!
Don't leave me ♪
He won't be going anywhere.
You don't have to enjoy it this much.
And you don't have to act
like such a fucking saint.
Above everything ♪
[BEN] Fuck!
Above every day ♪
I'm gonna twist
your head off, see? ♪
Till you say,
don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Don't you, don't you wish you ♪
Never, never met her? ♪
Lick my legs, I'm on fire ♪
Lick my legs of desire ♪
Lick my legs, I'm on fire ♪
Lick my legs of desire ♪
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