Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s03e06 Episode Script

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It must be something serious
to be drinking whiskey this early.
I lied.
About what?
So I could win the court case,
Mariana and I
lied about being in love.
I could tell, I could tell!
I knew you were lying to me!
That's messed up, Mom. I can't believe
that you would put all of us through this.
I knew it couldn't have been true.
Not my little girl.
I had a feeling the whole time
something was fishy,
but I was too happy for them
to say anything.
But what about last night, Mom?
I thought I heard you crying with Mariana.
I fell in love.
- Hmm?
- And she doesn't feel the same.
She loves Ferrán.
And now
I'm alone and unemployed
because the shareholders
found out that we lied to them.
Now no app.
Ana, I didn't know that.
I'm sorry.
And so
Mariana's no longer a lesbian
because she's seeing Ferrán,
but you still are.
Grandma, it doesn't work like that.
Oh, Mom, I don't know what Mariana is,
and I don't even know what I am.
That just that just sounds
like your father now.
I did all I could
so you wouldn't end up like him.
I wouldn't know since I never
had the chance to get to know him
because of you.
What? Grandpa was gay?
Cecilia, it's not polite
to speak ill of the dead.
Grandpa's dead?
Uh, since we're being honest,
I'll take the opportunity to tell you
I'm in love now.
And I want you all to meet her.
I'm happy for you, Dad, really.
Well, great. Since we're all doing
these confessions to each other
Oh no, no.
This has been enough for one day.
I don't need to know if you're pregnant.
How could you think that I'm pregnant?
We use condoms, you know?
Ceci, what are you trying to tell us?
I dropped out of college the other day.
- What?
- Yes. I can keep secrets too.
No, you are going back to school.
Um, no.
Mom, seriously.
I'm not even sure what I want to do.
I probably get it from you,
so you shouldn't be mad at me.
You should blame yourself.
Who am I supposed to look up to? You?
Ceci, don't you ever talk
to your mother like that.
How are you going to defend her?
You know what? I'm getting out of here.
Why me? Why
I could really go for that whiskey.
So you pretended to be in a relationship?
And then it totally backfired.
- And now I'm out Konene and a job.
- I can't believe it.
Why didn't you tell us, Mariana?
How could you not trust your own mother?
Mom, you weren't the only one
we couldn't tell. It was everyone.
The risk was too high.
- This whole thing has been a disaster.
- Hmm.
Regi and you can stay here
as long as you want. We're family.
This is your house.
- Thanks, Grandma.
- Mm-hmm.
Say, "Thank you, great grandma."
- Ah, kidding.
- I'm not old.
I'm sorry.
I feel terrible.
What we did to you was horrible.
I didn't want to lose my daughters.
Both of us did messed up things.
I'm not any better than you.
And we both lost.
You lost the lawsuit,
and I lost my family's trust.
I lost myself too.
What's up?
You okay?
You need to know I had sex with Ana.
We didn't plan it.
We were drinking one night,
and it happened
during that time we were on a break.
At one point, I was in love with Ana,
but I promise
that was a long time ago, and
I guess I was confused.
Do you want to be with me,
or do you want to be with Ana?
I want to be with you.
How does that make you feel?
I really don't know how to feel now.
I don't want you to be ashamed of me.
Because I'm actually really proud
of who I've become.
- Hey.
- Hello.
Mariana isn't here.
No, I didn't come to see Mariana.
I came to see you.
Thank you.
I followed your advice, and
it did not go well.
It was bad.
Oh no, I'm so sorry.
I need your help to
figure out who I am.
What's that mean?
I guess
I don't know if I'm gay or straight,
flexible or, uh
I don't know. I'm just really confused,
and I don't know what to do anymore.
This is not rocket science.
You just fell in love with Mariana.
There's obviously
something special between you two.
What I really need to figure out is
did I fall in love with her for being her
or because I like women?
Why don't we figure it out?
don't you go falling
in love with me, all right?
I love you, Mariana.
And if you still want to move in together,
you still can.
I know. As long as you know
that I come with baggage.
Sorry, correction.
I meant to say Regina
and this beautiful woman
who is right in front of me.
I'll have to ask her, but I think
we do want to move in with you.
The possibilities are endless.
Apps for the gays, apps for the MILFS,
sugar babies looking for sugar daddies,
sugar mommies. It's all there.
That's a lot.
You'll get the hang of it eventually.
Take a look here.
I'm gonna make you a profile
on the most popular one of them all.
You can find whatever you want. Look.
Isn't that Pablo's friend?
Yep. It is.
No. You know what?
I don't really think this is for me.
No. No, thank you.
How about you introduce me to a friend?
There's no way.
You're not even their type.
I won't set my friend up
with a confused cishet.
Why don't you just go to a gay club?
You can meet new people there.
Gina and I are actually
going to one tomorrow.
Wanna go?
Hmm. All right.
So, where's your special lady, Dad?
Is that her over there?
- Her?
- Dad doesn't like redheads.
He likes blonde women, like Mom.
- Maybe that's her.
- No way, Ro.
First of all,
she's way too young to be with dad.
Hey, what are you saying?
- I'm not that old.
- Sorry.
See? I knew she wasn't blonde.
Okay, keep it chill, okay?
Fernanda, Rodrigo, Ceci.
- And this sweet girl is Valentina.
- Oh, hi there, beautiful.
Wow. I just love your outfit.
If you ever wanna borrow it,
just let me know.
- Yeah? I would love that.
- Sure.
Anyone wanna go get some food?
I haven't eaten all day.
- Let's go.
- Sounds great.
I have good news and bad news.
Okay, give me the good news first.
We have a lot of users
playing Cucara Crush.
It's doing really great.
- Oh fuck, yeah! That'so cool!
- Mm-hmm.
And the bad news?
You have gonorrhea.
- Come again?
- Well, I have gonorrhea.
But since it's transmitted sexually,
I'm positive that you have it too.
No way. There's no way
that I could have gonorrhea.
It's not that big a deal.
I have no symptoms. I feel fine.
I had a sore throat,
so I went to the doctor to get checked.
Oh shit, you have throat gonorrhea?
What the hell were you doing?
Pablo, don't be so stupid.
A sore throat is just a symptom.
You might've given it to me.
You need to get tested.
And we both need to tell everyone
that we've had sex with recently.
So, who do you need to warn, then?
If you tell me, I'll tell you.
No! No.
And what do you do?
Just study a lot.
Rodrigo's great at the flute.
Oh, I'd love to hear you play sometime.
- No, trust me, you wouldn't.
- Ceci!
And you, Ceci?
What are you going to college for?
Hmm, well,
I was studying a bit
of International Relations,
but as I got into it,
I realized I didn't like it.
So, after I realized I was only doing it
for my mom's sake,
I I decided I'm gonna take a gap year
until I figure it all out.
I think everyone
needs to take a sabbatical.
I took mine in Puerto Escondido
with my ex-boyfriend.
Wait, hear that, Dad?
You guys see that dog over there?
So beautiful.
Oh, it's a Border Collie!
Can we pet him, please? Can we pet him?
Of course.
Hi, cutie!
- Hey.
- Hey, puppy.
She's beautiful.
What's the plan?
Did you get what you needed?
I think that we bought
everything in the store.
Even these.
For protection, right?
- Yeah.
- Ah.
Hey, do you think
we can set up Regis' playpen?
Maybe it can go in this corner over here
instead of these chairs.
We can move them
because they aren't comfortable anyways.
No, no, I bought these chairs in Nepal.
They're over 200 years old.
They belonged to an old Buddhist.
They're made specifically
for the practice of meditation.
And, uh, isn't the point of meditation
that you can practice it
anywhere in the house?
Um, where did you have in mind?
No, Regi!
Everything has to be babyproofed, okay?
Mariana, help!
No, no, no, no, no,
don't don't touch that.
I had to grab this piece from her.
It's important. It was given as a gift.
Baby, come here.
I'm really sorry about that. I'll find
something else for her to play with.
It looks like the meditation room
is the only place left for me.
You have to watch Regina.
Relax and enjoy, okay?
You're looking good, Ana.
No, I think I look like a lady
who's looking for her daughter in here.
- You two look so hot.
- Hey, my love. Mmm!
Hey, hey, hey, yeah, yeah! I'm right here.
- I can't believe it. It's you again.
- Mm-hmm, it is.
But if you don't want me here,
I can just go home and let you two be.
No, no, this is great.
Hey, boss, get me some tequila.
Make it three?
- Mm-hmm, make it three.
- Doubles.
Ready? Regina is asleep.
She might wake up.
You hear that?
Let me see.
No, she's okay.
Hurry up.
I don't think I can do it
in front of Regina.
I believe in you.
She's about to fall asleep.
It's okay. She'll be just fine.
Tomorrow I have a very important meeting
with clients.
- It's important. I need to get some sleep.
- So that's it?
It used to not be a problem. Even if
you had a meeting with the president.
Shh! Okay.
You good? Okay? Yeah?
Come here.
I think she's up.
Check, check, check.
I'm so glad I stayed out tonight!
More shots!
Hey there.
- Hello.
- How's it going? Buy you a drink?
I'm all right.
Do you wanna dance with me?
I'm really I'm fine.
If you aren't here to give the goods,
you should've stayed in your closet.
I'm just not into you.
Your loss.
Good luck finding a driver.
Already canceled three.
Are you kidding?
And I gave my driver the night off.
Your name's Ana.
From Konene.
You're the one that did the thing
with the flag in the school's courtyard.
Yes, the one and only.
My name's Tamara.
My little boy Francisco
goes to the same school.
Oh, wow.
How come I've never seen you?
I mean, I would've remembered you.
Here alone?
- I'm here with some friends of mine.
- Oh.
Are you here with your girlfriend?
No, we broke up.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Would you want to get some tacos?
As long as we have to wait for a taxi.
Sure, tacos and taxis.
Let's go.
I can't believe we both went
to ITAM and never saw each other.
So, do you go to the club often?
The bill, please.
Not often, but I have.
- Mmm.
- You?
No, it was my first time.
It's a small world.
You should really come over to my place.
For dinner and drinks, of course.
I wanna get to know you better.
Do you want to come over tomorrow
for dinner?
It's no pressure if not.
Oh hi.
Pablo's not here.
Don't worry about me.
I just need to grab
something from Pablo's room.
Hey, ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch!
If he finds out you were in his room,
he'll kill me.
Okay, then.
Just tell me who he's been dating.
I don't see how that's
any of your business.
What's going on with you two?
You're like a bad romantic comedy.
We have gonorrhea.
Too much information.
I was looking forward to eating that.
You wanted to know.
What are you doing?
She wants to know who you've been boning.
Who you gave gonorrhea to.
You told him.
Oh, Cynthia, why?
This is real serious.
I'm taking handfuls of antibiotics.
Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm never gonna eat again ever.
Don't make it a big deal.
It's just bacteria.
Bacteria that you transmit
when two people make love.
How's this?
I think the two of you should say
who you're sleeping with and be done.
Then leave me alone.
No, I'm not going to do that.
Me neither.
You should host a dinner.
Invite the people you're sleeping with.
Kill two birds with one stone.
See who each other is fucking,
let them know that they're infected,
and then we'll never speak again.
Lower your voice.
Regina's asleep in the bedroom.
I'm about to lose it!
I'm sorry, I didn't see that one.
I thought I picked them all up.
How did your meeting go?
Kept dozing off
'cause I couldn't get any sleep at all.
Yeah, me too. I didn't get any either.
Maybe we move the crib
into the meditation room.
No, no, no, no, that's not an option.
Ferrán, one thing I've learned is,
with children, quiet time doesn't exit.
And I get where you're coming from,
but I can't make Regina be quiet.
No, no, it's not Regina.
I really love you two.
But it feels like you don't want us here.
I'm so sorry about this, babe.
I'm doing my best,
but neither one of us is enjoying this.
Maybe we rushed this.
Well, then,
I guess I'll find a new apartment
for Regina and I to move into.
For now, we'll just go to my grandma's.
We have a few things in common.
We know some of the same people.
Her ex is a businessman too.
Ana, I don't think I can help you.
I fell in love with my best friend
when I was 12.
Gina came out of the closet at 20.
Mariana's been bisexual forever.
Yeah, yeah, that's great,
but what are you trying to say?
I'm saying that you
have to be honest with yourself.
The only way.
I wanted to give it a chance.
I love him.
I don't know. I just thought the next step
was to move in together.
But it's not working.
And now I have nowhere to live,
and I'm unemployed.
Mariana, you have a place to stay.
This is your house here.
Grandma, thank you very much,
but I'm tired of moving all the time
and having no place to call my own.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do now.
Because if I stay with Ferrán,
then the next step is to move in.
What do you mean, "If I stay with Ferrán"?
For real?
I feel like Ferrán
is not built for living with a baby.
I don't blame him.
But if he doesn't have his own space,
his quiet room,
or he doesn't have things
organized a certain way
I don't want him
to start resenting Regina.
Hey, Mariana, be patient.
This is a new situation for him.
I just think
you should give him time to adapt.
- You think?
- You have to let him miss you.
Welcome to game night,
my darling.
You should have told me, babe.
I only brought two donuts.
Oh, relax, Fer.
Ah, relax, you're our guest.
Come here and have a seat.
Here, the rules for the game tonight
are super easy.
Basically, all we have to do
is watch them play
while you and I talk about what you did
on your sabbatical. Let's go.
Oh, hi!
I guess we can just split
the donuts between us.
- You can have Ro's.
- Yes.
Isn't that right?
- Sure.
- Thanks.
You know that Regina
hates sleeping without this.
Well, be seeing you.
Can we talk from ex to boyfriend?
Maybe ex to ex?
No problem. What's going on?
You know, you know how she, uh
I guess how Mariana likes
men and women.
Look, man, at the beginning,
I didn't know how to deal with the fact
that I had to share with Elena.
Competing with a man is one thing,
but not but not with a woman, you know?
I mean, I don't know what's going on.
I'm so confused.
It's called insecurity.
I've never been good at relationships,
but with Mariana
it's the hardest one I've had.
But it's worth it.
You love her, and she loves you.
What else is there to know?
You're looking at a winner!
All of you get down on your knees
and bow down to me.
Ro, you don't need to be
such a little asshole.
Wanna give it another go?
No, it's cool. He can have it this time.
- I was pretty easy on him.
- Okay
- Take this.
- Huh? Oh!
It's my turn.
Oh, wait a minute. Something smells bad.
Uh, get the diaper bag.
What do you mean?
You know I've never changed a baby.
Here, come with me.
I can help you change her.
Hey there, I'm Jade.
And you must be the Aguilar-Garzas?
Yeah, this is the Aguilar residence,
but no Garza
since Fernanda isn't our actual mom.
Ah, well they told me this furry guy's mom
is named Fernanda Garza,
and the dad's name is Juan Carlos Aguilar,
and that his siblings are
Ceci, Rodrigo, and Valentina.
Is this the place?
You're here for us.
Just a little bit earlier.
This is the surprise I have for you.
Well, then, I present to you
- Gimme, gimme, gimme. So cute.
- your new member of the family.
As his new parents, take good care of him.
- Aw!
- Bye.
Thank you.
Oh, Dad, I love him! He's beautiful!
Let's take a selfie.
Wait, hold on. So explain this to me.
What's with the Aguilar-Garza situation
and the dog? I don't get it.
We should all take a picture.
Say "Hi."
Mmm, looks good.
I wanted to make dinner
as good as I could for our guests.
In case they end up hating us.
Hey there.
Hey, Dora.
Hey, come on in.
I'll get some drinks for us.
Shall we?
So when did you realize
that you liked women?
One day I was at a party,
and a friend kissed me.
And I loved it.
From that moment on,
a fire was lit inside of me
and I never looked back.
But the important thing to remember is
we don't choose who we love.
I think that it has to do with the vision
of the world through the female eye
and how it taught me to be more relaxed
and understand more
about how things really work.
Come here.
Today was great!
Both of you with Fer
and the new puppy.
So much fun.
Hey, thanks, guys.
- We'll have to do it again.
- Yeah, definitely.
Yeah, but some things
should be kept in our family.
Between us.
Dad, Fer is just incredible.
I already think of her
as part of the family.
So don't listen to Ro.
I wish I could be like her.
When she was telling me
about her gap year,
I thought, "This is a keeper." You know?
Uh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You're not going anywhere.
Yeah, and Mom
would put your head on a stake.
But Fer went to go live with her boyfriend
at exactly my age. Come on, I'm 18!
Ok, no, no, no, no. Not you, Cecilia.
On one side, there's you.
On the other side is Fernanda.
Yeah, but that's why
you're in love with her
because she is so independent.
Don't you think it's different
how she did it with no help from anyone,
when you depend on everyone around you
or your mom and me?
Your mom and me?
You want us to treat you
like a mature woman?
Act like you have some common sense.
You're not taking a gap year.
Okay. Then, I guess
we'll see how that goes.
I told you.
I no longer want to be with men
like society expects me to be.
It has nothing to do
with what my husband was or wasn't doing.
It's just, no matter what,
I wasn't attracted
to him or any other man.
I'm attracted to women.
I have always been attracted to men.
As far as women, I was never interested.
Until I met Mariana and fell in love.
And now?
I really don't know.
Everyone always says
they're done with their exes,
but I say once a fire dies down,
- embers still smoke.
- Pfft!
You're so smart. So smart.
You want more wine?
No, thanks.
Hey, how come neither of you
are drinking with us?
Are you doing a detox? Hmm?
Pablo and I are both taking antibiotics.
Whoa, whoa!
I hope what they have isn't contagious
because I can't afford
to catch anything now.
Oh, no. It's too late for all of that.
- That's actually why we called you.
- But it's seriously nothing.
Nothing that can't be cured
with antibiotics.
Wait, what's that? What do you
Thing is, Pablo and I have the clap.
- What is this?
- What are you
I mean, what
Is this a joke or what?
No, I'm afraid not.
Okay, stop.
Enough with these stupid games.
It's not funny.
It's gonorrhea.
No, I know it sounds horrible,
but it's curable.
We didn't know how to tell you guys,
so we thought a little dinner action to
start thinking about who to call.
I can't fucking believe you!
Why wouldn't you tell me
before sleeping with me, then?
I swear I didn't know then.
Oh, I swear you're a fucking idiot!
You two mother
There is a cure.
Sorry. I'm sorry.
It's not you.
You are unbelievably amazing.
I'm not
Uh, I don't know
I don't know why I can't do it.
You're unbelievable.
I'm sure Manolo
is the one who gave it to you.
And you don't even know Dora.
She's a good person. But Manolo? Come on.
Manolo apologized to me.
And I wanted to see
if he'd really changed.
Manolo's an asshole.
Both of them are assholes.
They left without trying my cake.
It will mess with the medicine.
It's the end of the bottle, it'll be fine.
You know,
I didn't want to know who you'd been with
because I was a little jealous.
It was the opposite for me.
Jealousy made me want to know
who you were dating more than anything.
What if we give us another chance?
As long as we don't screw it up.
I just got these shoes. Ah!
Look, there's another one.
And another over there.
You can't keep a puppy locked up
all day in your apartment, you know.
Ah, damn it!
What's going on?
Ceci says she wants to take a gap year
just like you.
Oh, that's pretty cool.
No, that's not cool. She's not ready.
I'm getting the feeling that you're taking
your anger against her out on me.
Well, the stories you told her
got her all excited.
Oh, so now I'm the one getting blamed
for all the decisions your daughter makes?
Just watch what you say to the kids.
What you say to them and what you don't
say to them can really make an impact.
Are you really going to blame me
for problems that started
with you and Ana?
No, no. I don't know how what happens
to your daughter is my responsibility.
Just let me explain to you. It's
Do you want to know what I think?
You're looking for a substitute for Ana.
I'm sorry, but I can't be that.
No, I know that's not your job.
Please forgive me.
I do forgive you.
The truth is I just think that
I think we have different paths.
I don't want to have any kids,
I don't want a dog,
I don't want a family.
But I do want to have a
I do want a family.
You already have a family.
I think you need to do whatever
makes you feel happy,
even if it's a different path.
You have a lot of things
that you need to work on, Juan Carlos.
You can't hold everyone responsible
for your own happiness.
So I guess this is over?
Come here, you.
Maybe you should
think this through.
If Mariana isn't answering,
I would just give her her space.
I'm sure she's with her mom.
Yeah, that's all it is.
I just need to relax.
And you need to think about
what you're gonna say when she finds you.
Fine, could you please cancel
all of my appointments?
Can I see you later tonight?
I think I've got
the perfect apartment for you.
It was a mistake.
Yes, she is amazing, good-looking,
very sweet, very funny.
We had a great time, but I don't know
But what?
It was just
I don't think I like women.
I just like Mariana.
- Now you get it.
- What would you call that?
A woman who doesn't like women.
Who only likes men,
but is in love with one woman.
Honestly, I have no idea.
I'm so confused.
And it makes me sad.
Well, I guess
if you want to figure it out,
you must confront it head-on.
With all your doubts
and all your repression.
But you have some work to do.
Get to it.
- Wait until you see this place.
- What?
Come on.
What are you
I don't understand what's happening.
Let me show you something. Please.
This is Regina's play place.
And there's more.
Here, come look at this.
I promise that I'm not gonna cry.
Ferrán, are you sure about this?
I can't uproot Regina every two days.
It's not fair to her.
I promise you that won't happen.
It was never Regina.
It was just me.
You really think? You?
Yeah, I was just too afraid
that I couldn't give you
what a woman can give you.
The most important thing
is that we want to be with each other.
We should enjoy every moment we have.
And take it day by day.
You couldn't find
a better place?
This is a perfect place
for the two of us to have a chit-chat.
I mean, this is where I'd bring
any of my friends for a drink.
Okay, you've talked me into it.
One drink.
What'll it be?
I'll just have a margarita.
Just a martini for me.
I need to talk to you
about something, but
as if we were friends.
I'm not gonna call you Mom,
and I don't want you to judge me.
Well, friends can be judgmental.
In fact, some of your best friends
can be incredibly critical so
Go on.
So, tell me, tell me.
Well, I feel like I put up a lot of walls.
And I realize now
that I have to deal with all this pain
from my childhood.
Look, mothers are not responsible
for everything their kids go through.
- Oh, come on, Mom.
- Anyways
Aren't we supposed to be just friends?
I need to know about my dad.
Ana, what is it that you have to know
about him after all these years
when he didn't even care to know anything
about what was going on in your life?
- Let it go, Ana.
- Not this time.
He had an identity crisis,
and then he just became a different person
from the one that I married.
I knew it.
I did.
That's why I want to talk to him.
Maybe he'll tell me something
I don't know, maybe what's wrong with me.
If it means so much to you
to see him again,
the man that's a complete monster
who once called himself your father
Because now,
and possibly more than ever,
that's me.
I don't know who I am.
Well, then
Since you absolutely
just have to see him again
Romelia, all this time?
You'll find him at this address.
Why did you tell me
you didn't know where he was?
When you get to meet him,
you'll know exactly why.
Let's drink now.
I really think
that we should do this more often.
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